Search results for: construction and geological engineering
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 6961

Search results for: construction and geological engineering

2311 A Classical Method of Optimizing Manufacturing Systems Using a Number of Industrial Engineering Techniques

Authors: John M. Ikome, Martha E. Ikome, Therese Van Wyk


Productivity optimization of a company can significantly increase the company’s output and productivity which can be in the form of corrective actions of ineffective activities, process simplification, and reduction of variations, responsiveness, and reduction of set-up-time which are all under the classification of waste within the manufacturing environment. Deriving a means to eliminate a number of these issues has a key importance for manufacturing organization. This paper focused on a number of industrial engineering techniques which include a cause and effect diagram, to identify and optimize the method or systems being used. Based on our results, it shows that there are a number of variations within the production processes that can significantly disrupt the expected output.

Keywords: optimization, fishbone, diagram, productivity

Procedia PDF Downloads 312
2310 Improving Mathematics and Engineering Interest through Programming

Authors: Geoffrey A. Wright


In an attempt to address shortcomings revealed in international assessments and lamented in legislation, many schools are reducing or eliminating elective courses, applying the rationale that replacing "non-essential" subjects with core subjects, such as mathematics and language arts, will better position students in the global market. However, there is evidence that systematically pairing a core subject with another complementary subject may lead to greater overall learning in both subjects. In this paper, we outline the methods and preliminary findings from a study we conducted analyzing the influence learning programming has on student mathematical comprehension and ability. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate in what ways two subjects might complement each other, and to better understand the principles and conditions that encourage what we call lateral transfer, the synergistic effect that occurs when a learner studies two complementary subjects.

Keywords: programming, engineering, technology, complementary subjects

Procedia PDF Downloads 357
2309 Quality Based Approach for Efficient Biologics Manufacturing

Authors: Takashi Kaminagayoshi, Shigeyuki Haruyama


To improve the manufacturing efficiency of biologics, such as antibody drugs, a quality engineering framework was designed. Within this framework, critical steps and parameters in the manufacturing process were studied. Identification of these critical steps and critical parameters allows a deeper understanding of manufacturing capabilities, and suggests to process development department process control standards based on actual manufacturing capabilities as part of a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle. This cycle can be applied to each manufacturing process so that it can be standardized, reducing the time needed to establish each new process.

Keywords: antibody drugs, biologics, manufacturing efficiency, PDCA cycle, quality engineering

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2308 Training Undergraduate Engineering Students in Robotics and Automation through Model-Based Design Training: A Case Study at Assumption University of Thailand

Authors: Sajed A. Habib


Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that originated in the medical field and has also been used extensively in other knowledge disciplines with recognized advantages and limitations. PBL has been used in various undergraduate engineering programs with mixed outcomes. The current fourth industrial revolution (digital era or Industry 4.0) has made it essential for many science and engineering students to receive effective training in advanced courses such as industrial automation and robotics. This paper presents a case study at Assumption University of Thailand, where a PBL-like approach was used to teach some aspects of automation and robotics to selected groups of undergraduate engineering students. These students were given some basic level training in automation prior to participating in a subsequent training session in order to solve technical problems with increased complexity. The participating students’ evaluation of the training sessions in terms of learning effectiveness, skills enhancement, and incremental knowledge following the problem-solving session was captured through a follow-up survey consisting of 14 questions and a 5-point scoring system. From the most recent training event, an overall 70% of the respondents indicated that their skill levels were enhanced to a much greater level than they had had before the training, whereas 60.4% of the respondents from the same event indicated that their incremental knowledge following the session was much greater than what they had prior to the training. The instructor-facilitator involved in the training events suggested that this method of learning was more suitable for senior/advanced level students than those at the freshmen level as certain skills to effectively participate in such problem-solving sessions are acquired over a period of time, and not instantly.

Keywords: automation, industry 4.0, model-based design training, problem-based learning

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2307 Development of a Vacuum System for Orthopedic Drilling Processes and Determination of Optimal Processing Parameters for Temperature Control

Authors: Kadir Gök


In this study, a vacuum system was developed for orthopedic drilling processes, and the most efficient processing parameters were determined using statistical analysis of temperature rise. A reverse engineering technique was used to obtain a 3D model of the chip vacuum system, and the obtained point cloud data was transferred to Solidworks software in STL format. An experimental design method was performed by selecting different parameters and their levels, such as RPM, feed rate, and drill bit diameter, to determine the most efficient processing parameters in temperature rise using ANOVA. Additionally, the bone chip-vacuum device was developed and performed successfully to collect the whole chips and fragments in the bone drilling experimental tests, and the chip-collecting device was found to be useful in removing overheating from the drilling zone. The effects of processing parameters on the temperature levels during the chip-vacuuming were determined, and it was found that bone chips and fractures can be used as autograft and allograft for tissue engineering. Overall, this study provides significant insights into the development of a vacuum system for orthopedic drilling processes and the use of bone chips and fractures in tissue engineering applications.

Keywords: vacuum system, orthopedic drilling, temperature rise, bone chips

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2306 Teaching English to Rural Students: A Case Study of a Select Batch at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai

Authors: Martha Karunakar


There exists a wide divide between the urban and the rural students in a vast country like India. This dichotomy is seen in the resources available to them, like the learning facilities, the infra-structure, the learning ambience and meeting of their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. This paper discusses the effect of English language teaching as a Bridge course on a select batch of rural students at an Engineering college in Chennai, one of the four Metros of India. The study aims to understand how the teacher input and the teacher- peer-student interaction facilitates the acquisition of the basic structures of the English language to a group that is minimally exposed to the language. The objective in conducting the Bridge Course is to integrate these rural students into the mainstream and empower them in terms of English speaking ability; to enable them to comprehend their respective engineering classes where the medium of instruction is English and also to be able to interact with their urban peers. This program is conducted prior to the start of a regular academic session to equip them face the rigors of engineering education. The study is placed within the framework of Interaction theory in second language acquisition. The study evaluates the impact of linking theory and practice by implementing meaningful interaction not only within classrooms but also in the common areas. By providing intensive comprehensible input, it is anticipated that participant’s level of English language improves. The teaching methods and classroom activities included individual and group participation, encompassing all the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW). The diagnostic tests that were administered before the commencement of the course and the exit test after the completion were used to record the impact of the training.

Keywords: comprehensible input, interaction, rural students, teaching English

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2305 Optimizing SCADA/RTU Control System Alarms for Gas Wells

Authors: Mohammed Ali Faqeeh


SCADA System Alarms Optimization Process has been introduced recently and applied accordingly in different implemented stages. First, MODBUS communication protocols between RTU/SCADA were improved at the level of I/O points scanning intervals. Then, some of the technical issues related to manufacturing limitations were resolved. Afterward, another approach was followed to take a decision on the configured alarms database. So, a couple of meetings and workshops were held among all system stakeholders, which resulted in an agreement of disabling unnecessary (Diagnostic) alarms. Moreover, a leap forward step was taken to segregate the SCADA Operator Graphics in a way to show only process-related alarms while some other graphics will ensure the availability of field alarms related to maintenance and engineering purposes. This overall system management and optimization have resulted in a huge effective impact on all operations, maintenance, and engineering. It has reduced unneeded open tickets for maintenance crews which led to reduce the driven mileages accordingly. Also, this practice has shown a good impression on the operation reactions and response to the emergency situations as the SCADA operators can be staying much vigilant on the real alarms rather than gets distracted by noisy ones. SCADA System Alarms Optimization process has been executed utilizing all applicable in-house resources among engineering, maintenance, and operations crews. The methodology of the entire enhanced scopes is performed through various stages.

Keywords: SCADA, RTU Communication, alarm management system, SCADA alarms, Modbus, DNP protocol

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2304 Sustainability Modelling and Sustainability Evaluation of a Mechanical System in a Concurrent Engineering Environment: A Digraph and Matrix Approach

Authors: Anand Ankush, Wani Mohammed Farooq


A procedure based on digraph and matrix method is developed for modelling and evaluation of sustainability of Mechanical System in a concurrent engineering environment.The sustainability parameters of a Mechanical System are identified and are called sustainability attributes. Consideration of attributes and their interrelations is rudiment in modeling and evaluation of sustainability index. Sustainability attributes of a Mechanical System are modelled in termsof sustainability digraph. The graph is represented by a one-to-one matrix for sustainability expression which is based on sustainability attributes. A variable sustainability relationship permanent matrix is defined to develop sustainability expression(VPF-t) which is also useful in comparing two systems in a concurrent environment. The sustainability index of Mechanical System is obtained from permanent of matrix by substituting the numerical values of attributes and their interrelations. A higher value of index implies better sustainability of system.The ideal value of index is obtained from matrix expression which is useful in assessing relative sustainability of a Mechanical System in a concurrent engineering environment. The procedure is not only useful for evaluation of sustainability of a Mechanical System at conceptual design stage but can also be used for design and development of systems at system design stage. A step-by-step procedure for evaluation of sustainability index is also suggested and is illustrated by means of an example.

Keywords: digraph, matrix method, mechanical system, sustainability

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2303 Engineering Ligand-Free Biodegradable-Based Nanoparticles for Cell Attachment and Growth

Authors: Simone F. Medeiros, Isabela F. Santos, Rodolfo M. Moraes, Jaspreet K. Kular, Marcus A. Johns, Ram Sharma, Amilton M. Santos


Tissue engineering aims to develop alternatives to treat damaged tissues by promoting their regeneration. Its basic principle is to place cells on a scaffold capable of promoting cell functions, and for this purpose, polymeric nanoparticles have been successfully used due to the ability of some macro chains to mimic the extracellular matrix and influence cell functions. In general, nanoparticles require surface chemical modification to achieve cell adhesion, and recent advances in their synthesis include methods for modifying the ligand density and distribution onto nanoparticles surface. However, this work reports the development of biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles capable of promoting cellular adhesion without any surface chemical modification by ligands. Biocompatible and biodegradable nanoparticles based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBHV) were synthesized by solvent evaporation method. The produced nanoparticles were small in size (85 and 125 nm) and colloidally stable against time in aqueous solution. Morphology evaluation showed their spherical shape with small polydispersity. Human osteoblast-like cells (MG63) were cultured in the presence of PHBHV nanoparticles, and growth kinetics were compared to those grown on tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS). Cell attachment on non-tissue culture polystyrene (non-TCPS) pre-coated with nanoparticles was assessed and compared to attachment on TCPS. These findings reveal the potential of PHBHV nanoparticles for cell adhesion and growth, without requiring a matrix ligand to support cells, to be used as scaffolds, in tissue engineering applications.

Keywords: tissue engineering, PHBHV, stem cells, cellular attachment

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2302 Requirement Engineering for Intrusion Detection Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors: Afnan Al-Romi, Iman Al-Momani


The urge of applying the Software Engineering (SE) processes is both of vital importance and a key feature in critical, complex large-scale systems, for example, safety systems, security service systems, and network systems. Inevitably, associated with this are risks, such as system vulnerabilities and security threats. The probability of those risks increases in unsecured environments, such as wireless networks in general and in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in particular. WSN is a self-organizing network of sensor nodes connected by wireless links. WSNs consist of hundreds to thousands of low-power, low-cost, multi-function sensor nodes that are small in size and communicate over short-ranges. The distribution of sensor nodes in an open environment that could be unattended in addition to the resource constraints in terms of processing, storage and power, make such networks in stringent limitations such as lifetime (i.e. period of operation) and security. The importance of WSN applications that could be found in many militaries and civilian aspects has drawn the attention of many researchers to consider its security. To address this important issue and overcome one of the main challenges of WSNs, security solution systems have been developed by researchers. Those solutions are software-based network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). However, it has been witnessed, that those developed IDSs are neither secure enough nor accurate to detect all malicious behaviours of attacks. Thus, the problem is the lack of coverage of all malicious behaviours in proposed IDSs, leading to unpleasant results, such as delays in the detection process, low detection accuracy, or even worse, leading to detection failure, as illustrated in the previous studies. Also, another problem is energy consumption in WSNs caused by IDS. So, in other words, not all requirements are implemented then traced. Moreover, neither all requirements are identified nor satisfied, as for some requirements have been compromised. The drawbacks in the current IDS are due to not following structured software development processes by researches and developers when developing IDS. Consequently, they resulted in inadequate requirement management, process, validation, and verification of requirements quality. Unfortunately, WSN and SE research communities have been mostly impermeable to each other. Integrating SE and WSNs is a real subject that will be expanded as technology evolves and spreads in industrial applications. Therefore, this paper will study the importance of Requirement Engineering when developing IDSs. Also, it will study a set of existed IDSs and illustrate the absence of Requirement Engineering and its effect. Then conclusions are drawn in regard of applying requirement engineering to systems to deliver the required functionalities, with respect to operational constraints, within an acceptable level of performance, accuracy and reliability.

Keywords: software engineering, requirement engineering, Intrusion Detection System, IDS, Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN

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2301 A Measuring Industrial Resiliency by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

Authors: Ida Bagus Made Putra Jandhana, Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, Rahmat Nurchayo


Having several crises that affect industrial sector performance in the past decades, decision makers should utilize measurement application that enables them to measure industrial resiliency more precisely. It provides not only a framework for the development of resilience measurement application, but also several theories for the concept building blocks, such as performance measurement management, and resilience engineering in real world environment. This research is a continuation of previously published paper on performance measurement in the industrial sector. Finally, this paper contributes an alternative performance measurement method in industrial sector based on resilience concept. Moreover, this research demonstrates how applicable the concept of resilience engineering is and its method of measurement.

Keywords: industrial, measurement, resilience, sector

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2300 Learning Compression Techniques on Smart Phone

Authors: Farouk Lawan Gambo, Hamada Mohammad


Data compression shrinks files into fewer bits than their original presentation. It has more advantage on the internet because the smaller a file, the faster it can be transferred but learning most of the concepts in data compression are abstract in nature, therefore, making them difficult to digest by some students (engineers in particular). This paper studies the learning preference of engineering students who tend to have strong, active, sensing, visual and sequential learning preferences, the paper also studies the three shift of technology-aided that learning has experienced, which mobile learning has been considered to be the feature of learning that will integrate other form of the education process. Lastly, we propose a design and implementation of mobile learning application using software engineering methodology that will enhance the traditional teaching and learning of data compression techniques.

Keywords: data compression, learning preference, mobile learning, multimedia

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2299 The Role of Knowledge Management in Global Software Engineering

Authors: Samina Khalid, Tehmina Khalil, Smeea Arshad


Knowledge management is essential ingredient of successful coordination in globally distributed software engineering. Various frameworks, KMSs, and tools have been proposed to foster coordination and communication between virtual teams but practical implementation of these solutions has not been found. Organizations have to face challenges to implement knowledge management system. For this purpose at first, a literature review is arranged to investigate about challenges that restrict organizations to implement KMS and then by taking in account these challenges a problem of need of integrated solution in the form of standardized KMS that can easily store tacit and explicit knowledge, has traced down to facilitate coordination and collaboration among virtual teams. Literature review has been already shown that knowledge is a complex perception with profound meanings, and one of the most important resources that contributes to the competitive advantage of an organization. In order to meet the different challenges caused by not properly managing knowledge related to projects among virtual teams in GSE, we suggest making use of the cloud computing model. In this research a distributed architecture to support KM storage is proposed called conceptual framework of KM as a service in cloud. Framework presented is enhanced and conceptual framework of KM is embedded into that framework to store projects related knowledge for future use.

Keywords: management, Globsl software development, global software engineering

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2298 Scrum Challenges and Mitigation Practices in Global Software Development of an Integrated Learning Environment: Case Study of Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the Young

Authors: Evgeniia Surkova, Manal Assaad, Hleb Makeyeu, Juho Makio


The main objective of STIMEY (Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the Young) project is the delivery of a hybrid learning environment that combines multi-level components such as social media concepts, robotic artefacts, and radio, among others. It is based on a well-researched pedagogical framework to attract European youths to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education and careers. To develop and integrate these various components, STIMEY is executed in iterative research cycles leading to progressive improvements. Scrum was the development methodology of choice in the project, as studies indicated its benefits as an agile methodology in global software development, especially of e-learning and integrated learning projects. This paper describes the project partners’ experience with the Scrum framework, discussing the challenges faced in its implementation and the mitigation practices employed. The authors conclude with exploring user experience tools and principles for future research, as a novel direction in supporting the Scrum development team.

Keywords: e-learning, global software development, scrum, STEM education

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2297 Preparation and Characterisation of Electrospun Extracted β-Chitosan/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Blend Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering

Authors: E. Roshan Ara Begum, K. Bhavani, K. Subachitra, C. Kirthika, R. Shenbagarathai


In recent years, there has been a growing concern for the production of chitosan blend nanofibrous scaffold for its favorable physicochemical properties which mimic the native extracellular matrix (ECM) both morphologically and chemically. Therefore, this study focused on production of β-chitosan(β-Cts) and Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) blend nanofibrous scaffold by electrospinning. β-Cts was extracted from the squid pen waste of locally available squid variety Loligo duvauceli (Indian Squid). To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on nanofibers preparation from the extracted β-Cts. Both the β-Cts and PVA polymers were mixed in two different proportions (30:70 and 40:60 respectively. The electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds were characterized by SEM, swelling property, in vitro enzymatic degradation, and hemo, biocompatibility properties. β-Cts/PVA nanofibers scaffolds had an average fiber diameter of 120 to 550nm.Among the two different β-Cts/PVA blends nanofibers the β-Cts/PVA (40:60) blend fibers demonstrated favourable tissue engineering properties. The β-Cts/PVA (40:60) blend nanofibers exhibited a swelling ratio of 36 ± 2.5% with mass loss percentage of 20 ± 2.71% after 4 weeks of degradation. It has exhibited good hemocompatible properties. HEK-293(Human Embryonic Kidney) cells lines were able to adhere and proliferate well in the β-Cts/PVA blends nanofibers. All these results indicated that electrospun β-Cts/PVA blends nanofibers are a suitable scaffold to be used for tissue engineering purposes.

Keywords: β-chitosan, electrospinning, nanofibers, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)

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2296 Saudi Human Awareness Needs: A Survey in How Human Causes Errors and Mistakes Leads to Leak Confidential Data with Proposed Solutions in Saudi Arabia

Authors: Amal Hussain Alkhaiwani, Ghadah Abdullah Almalki


Recently human errors have increasingly become a very high factor in security breaches that may affect confidential data, and most of the cyber data breaches are caused by human errors. With one individual mistake, the attacker will gain access to the entire network and bypass the implemented access controls without any immediate detection. Unaware employees will be vulnerable to any social engineering cyber-attacks. Providing security awareness to People is part of the company protection process; the cyber risks cannot be reduced by just implementing technology; the human awareness of security will significantly reduce the risks, which encourage changes in staff cyber-awareness. In this paper, we will focus on Human Awareness, human needs to continue the required security education level; we will review human errors and introduce a proposed solution to avoid the breach from occurring again. Recently Saudi Arabia faced many attacks with different methods of social engineering. As Saudi Arabia has become a target to many countries and individuals, we needed to initiate a defense mechanism that begins with awareness to keep our privacy and protect the confidential data against possible intended attacks.

Keywords: cybersecurity, human aspects, human errors, human mistakes, security awareness, Saudi Arabia, security program, security education, social engineering

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2295 Cybersecurity Engineering BS Degree Curricula Design Framework and Assessment

Authors: Atma Sahu


After 9/11, there will only be cyberwars. The cyberwars increase in intensity the country's cybersecurity workforce's hiring and retention issues. Currently, many organizations have unfilled cybersecurity positions, and to a lesser degree, their cybersecurity teams are understaffed. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop a new program to help meet the market demand for cybersecurity engineers (CYSE) and personnel. Coppin State University in the United States was responsible for developing a cybersecurity engineering BS degree program. The CYSE curriculum design methodology consisted of three parts. First, the ACM Cross-Cutting Concepts standard's pervasive framework helped curriculum designers and students explore connections among the core courses' knowledge areas and reinforce the security mindset conveyed in them. Second, the core course context was created to assist students in resolving security issues in authentic cyber situations involving cyber security systems in various aspects of industrial work while adhering to the NIST standards framework. The last part of the CYSE curriculum design aspect was the institutional student learning outcomes (SLOs) integrated and aligned in content courses, representing more detailed outcomes and emphasizing what learners can do over merely what they know. The CYSE program's core courses express competencies and learning outcomes using action verbs from Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. This aspect of the CYSE BS degree program's design is based on these three pillars: the ACM, NIST, and SLO standards, which all CYSE curriculum designers should know. This unique CYSE curriculum design methodology will address how students and the CYSE program will be assessed and evaluated. It is also critical that educators, program managers, and students understand the importance of staying current in this fast-paced CYSE field.

Keywords: cyber security, cybersecurity engineering, systems engineering, NIST standards, physical systems

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2294 Critical Factors for Successful Adoption of Land Value Capture Mechanisms – An Exploratory Study Applied to Indian Metro Rail Context

Authors: Anjula Negi, Sanjay Gupta


Paradigms studied inform inadequacies of financial resources, be it to finance metro rails for construction or to meet operational revenues or to derive profits in the long term. Funding sustainability is far and wide for much-needed public transport modes, like urban rail or metro rails, to be successfully operated. India embarks upon a sustainable transport journey and has proposed metro rail systems countrywide. As an emerging economic leader, its fiscal constraints are paramount, and the land value capture (LVC) mechanism provides necessary support and innovation toward development. India’s metro rail policy promotes multiple methods of financing, including private-sector investments and public-private-partnership. The critical question that remains to be addressed is what factors can make such mechanisms work. Globally, urban rail is a revolution noted by many researchers as future mobility. Researchers in this study deep dive by way of literature review and empirical assessments into factors that can lead to the adoption of LVC mechanisms. It is understood that the adoption of LVC methods is in the nascent stages in India. Research posits numerous challenges being faced by metro rail agencies in raising funding and for incremental value capture. A few issues pertaining to land-based financing, inter alia: are long-term financing, inter-institutional coordination, economic/ market suitability, dedicated metro funds, land ownership issues, piecemeal approach to real estate development, property development legal frameworks, etc. The question under probe is what are the parameters that can lead to success in the adoption of land value capture (LVC) as a financing mechanism. This research provides insights into key parameters crucial to the adoption of LVC in the context of Indian metro rails. Researchers have studied current forms of LVC mechanisms at various metro rails of the country. This study is significant as little research is available on the adoption of LVC, which is applicable to the Indian context. Transit agencies, State Government, Urban Local Bodies, Policy makers and think tanks, Academia, Developers, Funders, Researchers and Multi-lateral agencies may benefit from this research to take ahead LVC mechanisms in practice. The study deems it imperative to explore and understand key parameters that impact the adoption of LVC. Extensive literature review and ratification by experts working in the metro rails arena were undertaken to arrive at parameters for the study. Stakeholder consultations in the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) process were undertaken for principal component extraction. 43 seasoned and specialized experts participated in a semi-structured questionnaire to scale the maximum likelihood on each parameter, represented by various types of stakeholders. Empirical data was collected on chosen eighteen parameters, and significant correlation was extracted for output descriptives and inferential statistics. Study findings reveal these principal components as institutional governance framework, spatial planning features, legal frameworks, funding sustainability features and fiscal policy measures. In particular, funding sustainability features highlight sub-variables of beneficiaries to pay and use of multiple revenue options towards success in LVC adoption. Researchers recommend incorporation of these variables during early stage in design and project structuring for success in adoption of LVC. In turn leading to improvements in revenue sustainability of a public transport asset and help in undertaking informed transport policy decisions.

Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis, land value capture mechanism, financing metro rails, revenue sustainability, transport policy

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2293 Developing Problem Solving Skills through a Project-Based Course as Part of a Lifelong Learning for Engineering Students

Authors: Robin Lok Wang Ma


The purpose of this paper is to investigate how engineering students’ motivation and interests are maintained in their journeys. In recent years, different pedagogies of teaching, including entrepreneurship, experiential and lifelong learning, as well as dream builder, etc., have been widely used for education purposes. University advocates hands-on practice, learning by experiencing and experimenting throughout different courses. Students are not limited to gaining knowledge via traditional lectures, laboratory demonstrations, tutorials, and so on. The capability to identify both complex problems and their corresponding solutions in daily life are one of the criteria/skill sets required for graduates to obtain their careers at professional organizations and companies. A project-based course, namely Mechatronic Design and Prototyping, was developed for students to design and build a physical prototype for solving existing problems in their daily lives, thereby encouraging them as an entrepreneur to explore further possibilities to commercialize their designed prototypes and launch them to the market. Feedbacks from students show that they are keen to propose their own ideas freely with guidance from the instructor instead of using either suggested or assigned topics. Proposed ideas of the prototypes reflect that if students’ interests are maintained, they acquire the knowledge and skills they need, including essential communication, logical thinking, and, more importantly, problem solving for their lifelong learning journey.

Keywords: problem solving, lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, engineering

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2292 Engineering Thermal-Hydraulic Simulator Based on Complex Simulation Suite “Virtual Unit of Nuclear Power Plant”

Authors: Evgeny Obraztsov, Ilya Kremnev, Vitaly Sokolov, Maksim Gavrilov, Evgeny Tretyakov, Vladimir Kukhtevich, Vladimir Bezlepkin


Over the last decade, a specific set of connected software tools and calculation codes has been gradually developed. It allows simulating I&C systems, thermal-hydraulic, neutron-physical and electrical processes in elements and systems at the Unit of NPP (initially with WWER (pressurized water reactor)). In 2012 it was called a complex simulation suite “Virtual Unit of NPP” (or CSS “VEB” for short). Proper application of this complex tool should result in a complex coupled mathematical computational model. And for a specific design of NPP, it is called the Virtual Power Unit (or VPU for short). VPU can be used for comprehensive modelling of a power unit operation, checking operator's functions on a virtual main control room, and modelling complicated scenarios for normal modes and accidents. In addition, CSS “VEB” contains a combination of thermal hydraulic codes: the best-estimate (two-liquid) calculation codes KORSAR and CORTES and a homogenous calculation code TPP. So to analyze a specific technological system one can build thermal-hydraulic simulation models with different detalization levels up to a nodalization scheme with real geometry. And the result at some points is similar to the notion “engineering/testing simulator” described by the European utility requirements (EUR) for LWR nuclear power plants. The paper is dedicated to description of the tools mentioned above and an example of the application of the engineering thermal-hydraulic simulator in analysis of the boron acid concentration in the primary coolant (changed by the make-up and boron control system).

Keywords: best-estimate code, complex simulation suite, engineering simulator, power plant, thermal hydraulic, VEB, virtual power unit

Procedia PDF Downloads 381
2291 Virtual Engineers on Wheels: Transitioning from Mobile to Online Outreach

Authors: Kauser Jahan, Jason Halvorsen, Kara Banks, Kara Natoli, Elizabeth McWeeney, Brittany LeMasney, Nicole Caramanna, Justin Hillman, Christopher Hauske, Meghan Sparks


The Virtual Engineers on Wheels (ViEW) is a revised version of our established mobile K-12 outreach program Engineers on Wheels in order to address the pandemic. The Virtual Engineers on Wheels' (VIEW) goal has stayed the same as in prior years: to provide K-12 students and educators with the necessary resources to peak interest in the expanding fields of engineering. With these trying times, the Virtual Engineers on Wheels outreach has adapted its medium of instruction to be more seamless with the online approach to teaching and outreach. In the midst of COVID-19, providing a safe transfer of information has become a constraint for research. The focus has become how to uphold a level of quality instruction without diminishing the safety of those involved by promoting proper health practices and giving hope to students as well as their families. Furthermore, ViEW has created resources on effective strategies that minimize risk factors of COVID-19 and inform families that there is still a promising future ahead. To obtain these goals while still maintaining true to the hands-on learning that is so crucial to young minds, the approach is online video lectures followed by experiments within different engineering disciplines. ViEW has created a comprehensive website that students can leverage to explore the different fields of study. One of the experiments entails teaching about drone usage and how it might play a factor in the future of unmanned deliveries. Some of the other experiments focus on the differences in mask materials and their effectiveness, as well as their environmental outlook. Having students perform from home enables them a safe environment to learn at their own pace while still providing quality instruction that would normally be achieved in the classroom. Contact information is readily available on the website to provide interested parties with a means to ask their inquiries. As it currently stands, the interest in engineering/STEM-related fields is underrepresented from women and certain minority groups. So alongside the desire to grow interest, helping balance the scales is one of the main priorities of VIEW. In previous years, VIEW surveyed students before and after instruction to see if their perception of engineering has changed. In general, it is the understanding that being exposed to engineering/STEM at a young age increases the chances that it will be pursued later in life.

Keywords: STEM, engineering outreach, teaching pedagogy, pandemic

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2290 Levels of Reflection in Engineers EFL Learners: The Path to Content and Language Integrated Learning Implementation in Chilean Higher Education

Authors: Sebastián Olivares Lizana, Marianna Oyanedel González


This study takes part of a major project based on implementing a CLIL program (Content and Language Integrated Learning) at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, a leading Chilean tertiary Institution. It aims at examining the relationship between the development of Reflective Processes (RP) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) in weekly learning logs written by faculty members, participants of an initial professional development online course on English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Such course was designed with a genre-based approach, and consists of multiple tasks directed to academic writing proficiency. The results of this analysis will be described and classified in a scale of key indicators that represent both the Reflective Processes and the advances in CALP, and that also consider linguistic proficiency and task progression. Such indicators will evidence affordances and constrains of using a genre-based approach in an EFL Engineering CLIL program implementation at tertiary level in Chile, and will serve as the starting point to the design of a professional development course directed to teaching methodologies in a CLIL EFL environment in Engineering education at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

Keywords: EFL, EAL, genre, CLIL, engineering

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2289 Y-Y’ Calculus in Physical Sciences and Engineering with Particular Reference to Fundamentals of Soil Consolidation

Authors: Sudhir Kumar Tewatia, Kanishck Tewatia, Anttriksh Tewatia


Advancements in soil consolidation are discussed, and further improvements are proposed with particular reference to Tewatia’s Y-Y’ Approach, which is called the Settlement versus Rate of Settlement Approach in consolidation. A branch of calculus named Y-Y' (or y versus dy/dx) is suggested (as compared to the common X-Y', x versus dy/dx, dy/dx versus x or Newton-Leibniz branch) that solves some complicated/unsolved theoretical and practical problems in physical sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and allied sciences) and engineering in an amazingly simple and short manner, particularly when independent variable X is unknown and X-Y' Approach can’t be used. Complicated theoretical and practical problems in 1D, 2D, 3D Primary and Secondary consolidations with non-uniform gradual loading and irregularly shaped clays are solved with elementary school level Y-Y' Approach, and it is interesting to note that in X-Y' Approach, equations become more difficult while we move from one to three dimensions, but in Y-Y' Approach even 2D/3D equations are very simple to derive, solve, and use; rather easier sometimes. This branch of calculus will have a far-reaching impact on understanding and solving the problems in different fields of physical sciences and engineering that were hitherto unsolved or difficult to be solved by normal calculus/numerical/computer methods. Some particular cases from soil consolidation that basically creeps and diffusion equations in isolation and in combination with each other are taken for comparison with heat transfer. The Y-Y’ Approach can similarly be applied in wave equations and other fields wherever normal calculus works or fails. Soil mechanics uses mathematical analogies from other fields of physical sciences and engineering to solve theoretical and practical problems; for example, consolidation theory is a replica of the heat equation from thermodynamics with the addition of the effective stress principle. An attempt is made to give them mathematical analogies.

Keywords: calculus, clay, consolidation, creep, diffusion, heat, settlement

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2288 Remote Building: An Integrated Approach to Domestic Rainwater Harvesting System Implementation in a Rural Village in Himachal Pradesh, India

Authors: Medha Iyer, Anshul Paul, Aunnesha Bhowmick, Anahita Banerjee, Sana Prasad, Anoushka Singal, Lauren Sinopoli, Pooja Bapat, Shivi Jain


In Himachal Pradesh, India, a majority of the population lives in rural villages spread throughout its hilly regions; many of these households rely on subsistence farming as their main source of livelihood. The student-run non-profit organization affiliated with this study, Project RISHI (Rural India Social and Health Improvement), works to promote sustainable development practices in Bharog Baneri, a gram panchayat, or union, of villages in Himachal Pradesh. In 2017, an established rainwater harvesting (RWH) project group within Project RISHI had surveyed many families, finding that the most common issue regarding food and water access was a lack of accessible water sources for agricultural use in the dry season. After a prototype build in 2018, the group built 6 systems for eligible residents that demonstrated need in 2019. Subsequently, the project went through an evaluation period, including self-evaluation of project goals and post-impact surveying of system recipients. The group used the social impact assessment model to optimize the implementation of domestic RWH systems in Bharog Baneri. Assessing implementation after in-person builds produced three pillars of focus — system design, equitable recipient selection, and community involvement. After two years of remote involvement during COVID-19, the group prepared to visit Bharog Baneri to build 10 new systems in the Summer 2022. First, the group created a more durable and cost-effective design that could withstand debris and heavy rains to prevent gutter failure. The domestic system design is a rooftop RWH catchment system with two tanks attached, an overflow pipe, debris filtration, and a spigot for accessibility. The group also developed a needs-based eligibility methodology with assistance from village leaders and surveying in Bharog Baneri and set up the groundwork for a future community board. COVID-19 has strengthened remote work, telecommunications, and other organizational support systems. As sustainable development evolves to encompass these practices in a post-pandemic world, the potential for new RWH system design and implementation processes has emerged as well. This raises the question: how can a social impact assessment of rural RWH projects inform an integrated approach to post-pandemic RWH system practices? The objective of this exploratory study is to investigate and evaluate a novel remote build infrastructure that brings access to reliable and sustainable sources of water for agricultural use. To construct the remote build approach, the group identified and assigned a point of contact who was experienced with previous RWH system builds. The recipients were selected based on demonstrated need and ease of building. The contact visited each of the houses and coordinated supplier relations and transportation of the materials in accordance with the participatory approach to sustainable development. Over the course of two months, the group completed four system builds with the resulting infrastructure. The infrastructure adhered to the social impact assessment model by centering supplier relations, material transportation, and construction logistics within the community. The conclusion of this exploration is that post-pandemic rural RWH practices should be rooted in strengthening villager communication and utilizing local assets. Through this, non-profit organizations can incorporate remote build strategies into their long-term goals.

Keywords: capturing run-off from rooftops, domestic rainwater harvesting, Implementation approaches and strategies, rainwater harvesting and management in rural sectors

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2287 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy for Assessment in Engineering Education

Authors: K. Sindhu, V. Shubha Rao


The goal of every faculty is to guide students to learn fundamental concepts and also improve thinking skills. Curriculum questionnaires must be framed, which would facilitate students to improve their thinking skills. Improving thinking skill is a difficult task and one of the ways to achieve this is to frame questionnaires using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy helps the faculty to assess the students in a systematic approach which involves students performing successfully at each level in a systematic manner. In this paper, we have discussed on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and how to frame our questions based on the taxonomy for assessment. We have also presented mapping the questions with the taxonomy table which shows the mapping of the questions in knowledge and cognitive domain.

Keywords: bloom’s taxonomy, assessment, questions, engineering education

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2286 An Exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Competition from the Perspective of Arts

Authors: Qiao Mao


There is a growing number of studies concerning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). However, the research is little on STEAM competitions from Arts' perspective. This study takes the annual PowerTech STEAM competition in Taiwan as an example. In this activity, students are asked to make wooden bionic mechanical beasts on the spot and participate in a model and speed competition. This study aims to explore how Arts influences STEM after it involves in the making of mechanical beasts. A case study method is adopted. Through expert sampling, five prize winners in the PowerTech Youth Science and Technology Creation Competition and their supervisors are taken as the research subjects. Relevant data which are collected, sorted out, analyzed and interpreted afterwards, derive from observations, interview and document analyses, etc. The results of the study show that in the PowerTech Youth Science and Technology Creation Competition, when Arts involves in STEM, (1) it has an impact on the athletic performance, balance, stability and symmetry of mechanical beasts; (2) students become more interested and more creative in making STEAM mechanical beasts, which can promote students' learning of STEM; (3) students encounter more difficulties and problems when making STEAM mechanical beasts, and need to have more systematic thinking and design thinking to solve problems.

Keywords: PowerTech, STEAM contest, mechanical beast, arts' role

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2285 Teaching English to Engineers: Between English Language Teaching and Psychology

Authors: Irina-Ana Drobot


Teaching English to Engineers is part of English for Specific Purposes, a domain which is under the attention of English students especially under the current conditions of finding jobs and establishing partnerships outside Romania. The paper will analyse the existing textbooks together with the teaching strategies they adopt. Teaching English to Engineering students can intersect with domains such as psychology and cultural studies in order to teach them efficiently. Textbooks for students of ESP, ranging from those at the Faculty of Economics to those at the Faculty of Engineers, have shifted away from using specialized vocabulary, drills for grammar and reading comprehension questions and toward communicative methods and the practical use of language. At present, in Romania, grammar is neglected in favour of communicative methods. The current interest in translation studies may indicate a return to this type of method, since only translation specialists can distinguish among specialized terms and determine which are most suitable in a translation. Engineers are currently encouraged to learn English in order to do their own translations in their own field. This paper will analyse the issue of the extent to which it is useful to teach Engineering students to do translations in their field using cognitive psychology applied to language teaching, including issues such as motivation and social psychology. Teaching general English to engineering students can result in lack of interest, but they can be motivated by practical aspects which will help them in their field. This is why this paper needs to take into account an interdisciplinary approach to teaching English to Engineers.

Keywords: cognition, ESP, motivation, psychology

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2284 Preparation of Bead-On-String Alginate/Soy Protein Isolated Nanofibers via Water-Based Electrospinning and Its Application for Drug Loading

Authors: Patcharakamon Nooeaid, Piyachat Chuysrinuan


Electrospun natural polymers-based nanofibers are one of the most interesting materials used in tissue engineering and drug delivery applications. Bead-on-string nanofibers have gained considerable interest for sustained drug release. Vancomycin was used as the model drug and sodium alginate (SA)/soy protein isolated (SPI) as the polymer blend to fabricate the bead-on-string nanofibers by aqueous-based electrospinning. The bead-on-string SA/SPI nanofibers were successfully fabricated by the addition of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a co-blending polymer. SA-PEO with mass ratio of 70/30 showed the best spinnability with continuous nanofibers without the occurrence of beads. Bead structure formed with the addition of SPI and bead number increased with increasing SPI content. The electrospinning of 80/20 SA-PEO/SPI was obtained as a great promising bead-on-string nanofibers for drug loading, while the solution of 50/50 was not able to obtain continuous fibers. In vitro release tests showed that a more sustainable release profile up to 14 days with less initial burst release on day 1 could be obtained from the bead-on-string fibers than from smooth fibers with uniform diameter. In addition, vancomycin-loaded beaded fibers inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria. Therefore, the SA-PEO/SPI nanofibers showed the potential to be used as biomaterials for tissue engineering and drug delivery.

Keywords: bead-on-string fibers, electrospinning, drug delivery, tissue engineering

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2283 Effective Stiffness, Permeability, and Reduced Wall Shear Stress of Highly Porous Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

Authors: Hassan Mohammadi Khujin


Tissue engineering is the science of tissues and complex organs creation using scaffolds, cells and biologically active components. Most cells require scaffolds to grow and proliferate. These temporary support structures for tissue regeneration are later replaced with extracellular matrix produced inside the body. Recent advances in additive manufacturing methods allow production of highly porous, complex three dimensional scaffolds suitable for cell growth and proliferation. The current paper investigates the mechanical properties, including elastic modulus and compressive strength, as well as fluid flow dynamics, including permeability and flow-induced shear stress of scaffolds with four triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) configurations, namely the Schwarz primitive, the Schwarz diamond, the gyroid, and the Neovius structures. Higher porosity in all scaffold types resulted in lower mechanical properties. The permeability of the scaffolds was determined using Darcy's law with reference to geometrical parameters and the pressure drop derived from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. Higher porosity enhanced permeability and reduced wall shear stress in all scaffold designs.

Keywords: highly porous scaffolds, tissue engineering, finite elements analysis, CFD analysis

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2282 Kiira EV Project Transition from Student to Professional Team through Project-Based Skills Development

Authors: Doreen Orishaba, Paul Isaac Musasizi, Richard Madanda, Sandy Stevens Tickodri-Togboa


The world of academia tends to be a very insular place. Consequently, scholars who successfully completed their undergraduate and graduate studies are unpleasantly surprised at how challenging the transition to corporate life can get. This is a global trend even as the students who juggle work with attending some of the most demanding and best graduate programs may not easily adjust to and confirm to the professionalism required for corporate management of the industry. This paper explores the trends in the transition of Kiira EV Project from a predominantly student team to a professional team of a national pride program through mentorship and apprenticeship. The core disciplines within the Kiira EV Project include Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Design.

Keywords: mentorship, apprenticeship, professional, development

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