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1243 Woody Carbon Stock Potentials and Factor Affecting Their Storage in Munessa Forest, Southern Ethiopia
Authors: Mojo Mengistu Gelasso
The tropical forest is considered the most important forest ecosystem for mitigating climate change by sequestering a high amount of carbon. The potential carbon stock of the forest can be influenced by many factors. Therefore, studying these factors is crucial for understanding the determinants that affect the potential for woody carbon storage in the forest. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential for woody carbon stock and how it varies based on plant community types, as well as along altitudinal, slope, and aspect gradients in the Munessa dry Afromontane forest. Vegetation data was collected using systematic sampling. Five line transects were established at 100 m intervals along the altitudinal gradient between two consecutive transect lines. On each transect, 10 quadrats (20 x 20 m), separated by 200 m, were established. The woody carbon was estimated using an appropriate allometric equation formulated for tropical forests. The data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA in R software. The results showed that the total woody carbon stock of the Munessa forest was 210.43 ton/ha. The analysis of variance revealed that woody carbon density varied significantly based on environmental factors, while community types had no significant effect. The highest mean carbon stock was found at middle altitudes (2367-2533 m.a.s.l), lower slopes (0-13%), and west-facing aspects. The Podocarpus falcatus-Croton macrostachyus community type also contributed a higher woody carbon stock, as larger tree size classes and older trees dominated it. Overall, the potential for woody carbon sequestration in this study was strongly associated with environmental variables. Additionally, the uneven distribution of species with larger diameter at breast height (DBH) in the study area might be linked to anthropogenic factors, as the current forest growth indicates characteristics of a secondary forest. Therefore, our study suggests that the development and implementation of a sustainable forest management plan is necessary to increase the carbon sequestration potential of this forest and mitigate climate change.Keywords: munessa forest, woody carbon stock, environmental factors, climate mitigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 801242 Woody Carbon Stock Potentials and Factor Affecting Their Storage in Munessa Forest, Southern Ethiopia
Authors: Mengistu Gelasso Mojo
The tropical forest is considered the most important forest ecosystem for mitigating climate change by sequestering a high amount of carbon. The potential carbon stock of the forest can be influenced by many factors. Therefore, studying these factors is crucial for understanding the determinants that affect the potential for woody carbon storage in the forest. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential for woody carbon stock and how it varies based on plant community types, as well as along altitudinal, slope, and aspect gradients in the Munessa dry Afromontane forest. Vegetation data was collected using systematic sampling. Five line transects were established at 100 m intervals along the altitudinal gradient between two consecutive transect lines. On each transect, 10 quadrats (20 x 20 m), separated by 200 m, were established. The woody carbon was estimated using an appropriate allometric equation formulated for tropical forests. The data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA in R software. The results showed that the total woody carbon stock of the Munessa forest was 210.43 ton/ha. The analysis of variance revealed that woody carbon density varied significantly based on environmental factors, while community types had no significant effect. The highest mean carbon stock was found at middle altitudes (2367-2533 m.a.s.l), lower slopes (0-13%), and west-facing aspects. The Podocarpus falcatus-Croton macrostachyus community type also contributed a higher woody carbon stock, as larger tree size classes and older trees dominated it. Overall, the potential for woody carbon sequestration in this study was strongly associated with environmental variables. Additionally, the uneven distribution of species with larger diameter at breast height (DBH) in the study area might be linked to anthropogenic factors, as the current forest growth indicates characteristics of a secondary forest. Therefore, our study suggests that the development and implementation of a sustainable forest management plan is necessary to increase the carbon sequestration potential of this forest and mitigate climate change.Keywords: munessa forest, woody carbon stock, environmental factors, climate mitigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 831241 Foamability and Foam Stability of Gelatine-Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Solutions
Authors: Virginia Martin Torrejon, Song Hang
Gelatine foams are widely explored materials due to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, and availability. They exhibit outstanding properties and are currently subject to increasing scientific research due to their potential use in different applications, such as biocompatible cellular materials for biomedical products or biofoams as an alternative to fossil-fuel-derived packaging. Gelatine is a highly surface-active polymer, and its concentrated solutions usually do not require surfactants to achieve low surface tension. Still, anionic surfactants like sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) strongly interact with gelatine, impacting its viscosity and rheological properties and, in turn, their foaming behaviour. Foaming behaviour is a key parameter for cellular solids produced by mechanical foaming as it has a significant effect on the processing and properties of cellular materials. Foamability mainly impacts the density and the mechanical properties of the foams, while foam stability is crucial to achieving foams with low shrinkage and desirable pore morphology. This work aimed to investigate the influence of SDS on the foaming behaviour of concentrated gelatine foams by using a dynamic foam analyser. The study of maximum foam height created, foam formation behaviour, drainage behaviour, and foam structure with regard to bubble size and distribution were carried out in 10 wt% gelatine solutions prepared at different SDS/gelatine concentration ratios. Comparative rheological and viscometry measurements provided a good correlation with the data from the dynamic foam analyser measurements. SDS incorporation at optimum dosages and gelatine gelation led to highly stable foams at high expansion ratios. The viscosity increase of the hydrogel solution at SDS content increased was a key parameter for foam stabilization. In addition, the impact of SDS content on gelling time and gel strength also considerably impacted the foams' stability and pore structure.Keywords: dynamic foam analyser, gelatine foams stability and foamability, gelatine-surfactant foams, gelatine-SDS rheology, gelatine-SDS viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531240 Financial Markets Performance: From COVID-19 Crisis to Hopes of Recovery with the Containment Polices
Authors: Engy Eissa, Dina M. Yousri
COVID-19 has hit massively the world economy, financial markets and even societies’ livelihood. The infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus was claimed responsible for a shrink in the global economy by 4.4% in 2020. Shortly after the first case in Wuhan was identified, a quick surge in the number of confirmed cases in China was evident and a vast spread worldwide is recorded with cases surpassing the 500,000 cases. Irrespective of the disease’s trajectory in each country, a call for immediate action and prompt government intervention was needed. Given that there is no one-size-fits-all approach across the world, a number of containment and adoption policies were embraced. It was starting by enforcing complete lockdown like China to even stricter policies targeted containing the spread of the virus, augmenting the efficiency of health systems, and controlling the economic outcomes arising from this crisis. Hence, this paper has three folds; first, it examines the impact of containment policies taken by governments on controlling the number of cases and deaths in the given countries. Second, to assess the ramifications of COVID-19 on financial markets measured by stock returns. Third, to study the impact of containment policies measured by the government response index, the stringency index, the containment health index, and the economic support index on financial markets performance. Using a sample of daily data covering the period 31st of January 2020 to 15th of April 2021 for the 10 most hit countries in wave one by COVID-19 namely; Brazil, India, Turkey, Russia, UK, USA, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. The aforementioned relationships were tested using Panel VAR Regression. The preliminary results showed that the number of daily deaths had an impact on the stock returns; moreover, the health containment policies and the economic support provided by the governments had a significant effect on lowering the impact of COVID-19 on stock returns.Keywords: COVID-19, government policies, stock returns, VAR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811239 Protein-Enrichment of Oilseed Meals by Triboelectrostatic Separation
Authors: Javier Perez-Vaquero, Katryn Junker, Volker Lammers, Petra Foerst
There is increasing importance to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems by including environmentally friendly technologies. Our work focuses on protein enrichment and fractionation of agricultural side streams by dry triboelectrostatic separation technology. Materials are fed in particulate form into a system dispersed in a highly turbulent gas stream, whereby the high collision rate of particles against surfaces and other particles greatly enhances the electrostatic charge build-up over the particle surface. A subsequent step takes the charged particles to a delimited zone in the system where there is a highly uniform, intense electric field applied. Because the charge polarity acquired by a particle is influenced by its chemical composition, morphology, and structure, the protein-rich and fiber-rich particles of the starting material get opposite charge polarities, thus following different paths as they move through the region where the electric field is present. The output is two material fractions, which differ in their respective protein content. One is a fiber-rich, low-protein fraction, while the other is a high-protein, low-fiber composition. Prior to testing, materials undergo a milling process, and some samples are stored under controlled humidity conditions. In this way, the influence of both particle size and humidity content was established. We used two oilseed meals: lupine and rapeseed. In addition to a lab-scale separator to perform the experiments, the triboelectric separation process could be successfully scaled up to a mid-scale belt separator, increasing the mass feed from g/sec to kg/hour. The triboelectrostatic separation technology opens a huge potential for the exploitation of so far underutilized alternative protein sources. Agricultural side-streams from cereal and oil production, which are generated in high volumes by the industries, can further be valorized by this process.Keywords: bench-scale processing, dry separation, protein-enrichment, triboelectrostatic separation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1901238 Effect of Steel Slag on Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mix
Authors: Amol Rakhunde, Namdeo Hedaoo
Cold bituminous emulsion mixes (CBEM) are preferred due to their low cost for the construction of low volume roads in India. Due to the low strength of CBEM’s, the strength is generally increased by the addition of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and hydrated lime. To improve the performance of CBEM’s, the use of industrial waste material is also an alternative. Steel slag is by product of steel industry which is sustainable construction material. Due to limited modes of practice of utilization steel slag, huge amount of steel slag dumped in yards of each steel industry and engaging of important agricultural land and gave pollution to whole environment. The effective use of steel slag as additives in CBEM’s has ultimate benefits such improvement in strength of CBEM’s, waste disposal steel slag, saving natural aggregate and lowering cost of roadways. Studies carried out in the past have shown a significant improvement in the strength of CBEM’s prepared with the replacement of natural aggregate with industrial waste materials such as fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag. In this study, effect of modified mix which is mixes prepared with steel slag compared with the control mix and the mixes prepared with OPC. Experimental work was carried out on the sample of control mix, OPC mix, and modified mix. For modified mix, aggregate was replaced with steel slag by 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of weight of aggregate of same size as of steel slag in aggregate gradation. For OPC mix, filler was replaced by 1%, 2% and 3% of weight of total aggregate with OPC. Optimum emulsion content of each mix obtained by using Marshall stability test and comparison of stability values were carried out. Marshall stability, indirect tensile strength test, and retained stability tests are performed on control mixes, OPC mixes and modified mixes. Significant improvement in Marshall stability retained stability and indirect tensile strength of modified mix compared to control mix and OPC mix.Keywords: CBEM, indirect tensile strength test, Marshall stability test, OPC, optimum emulsion content, retained stability test, steel slag
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551237 Formulation of Hybrid Nanopowder-Molecular Ink for Fabricating Critical Material-Free Cu₂ZnSnS₄ Thin Film Solar Absorber
Authors: Anies Mutiari, Neha Bansal, Martin Artner, Veronika Mayer, Juergen Roth, Mathias Weil, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo
Cu₂ZnSnS₄ (CZTS) compound (mineral name kesterite) has attracted considerable interests for photovoltaic application owing to its optoelectrical properties. Moreover, its elemental abundance in Earth’s crust offers a comparative advantage for envisaged large-scale photovoltaic deployment without any material shortage issues. In this contribution, we present an innovative route to prepare CZTS solar absorber layer for photovoltaic application from low-cost and up-scalable process. CZTS layers were spin coated on the Molybdenum-coated glass from two inks composed of different solvents; dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and ultrapure water. Into each solvent; 0.57M CuCl₂, 0.39M ZnCl₂, 0.53M SnCl₂, and 1.85M Thiourea or Na₂S₂O₃, as well as pre-synthesized CZTS nanopowder, were added as sources of Cu, Zn, Sn and S in the ink. The crystallisation of ink into CZTS dense layers was carried out by firstly annealing the as-deposited CZTS layer in open air at 300°C for 1 minute, followed by sulfurisation at 560–620°C under atmospheric pressure for 120 minutes. Complementary electron microscopy, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy investigations suggest that both solvents can be used for preparing high quality and device relevant CZTS solar absorber layers. The sulphurisation crystallizes the as-deposited CZTS into highly polycrystalline CZTS layer with tetragonal structure demonstrated by the presence of tetrahedrally-shaped grains with the size of 1 µm. An advancement of the CZTS layer preparation was made by gradual substitution of volatile organic compound solvent of DMSO with ultrapure water. It is revealed that by using similar air annealing and sulphurisation process, dense and compact CZTS layers can also be fabricated from an ink with reduced volatile organic compound content.Keywords: kesterite, solar ink, spin coating, photovoltaics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711236 Beer Brand Commercials and Gender Representation in Nigeria: Contextualization's of Selected Television and YouTube Visuals of the 2010s and 2020s
Authors: Theresa Belema Chris-Biriowu
The change in trends in relation to gender representation in beer brand commercials was the thrust of the study. The study investigated how beer brand commercials reflect societal realities in their portrayals of gender roles within the span of a decade. The major objective of the study was to find out how gender was contextualized in selected beer brand commercials that both air on Nigerian television and stream on YouTube. The study was anchored on the muted group theory. The population of the study was in two streams: the total number of beer beverages that are produced by the eleven breweries in Nigeria and the registered advertising agencies in Lagos, Nigeria. The sample size was also two-pronged: the purposive selection of beer brands that have their commercials on television and YouTube and the purposive selection of an ad agency that has produced running commercials for beer brands within the period between 2010s and 2020s. They adopted visual framing analysis and narrative analysis research techniques. The study qualitatively analyzed the contents of beer brand commercials and conducted an interview with the management of the ad agency for data collection. The data was presented in images and words. The findings showed that females are underrepresented and misrepresented in the beer brand commercials and that the beer brands are not producing commercials that adequately reflect the realities of present times. It was also found that very little has changed in the ad industry between the periods studied, and commercial screenplays are not written with a specific aim to either target the female demographics or give them equal opportunities to thrive in the beer economy. The study concluded that the gender gap in beer commercials subsists and translates to gender discrimination, especially since it is established that females are also stakeholders in the beer economy. The study recommends that beer brands should produce commercials that appeal to their audience irrespective of gender, reflect contemporary realities, and give all genders equal opportunities to thrive in the increasingly competitive industry.Keywords: beer brands, commercials, gender representation, visuals, television, YouTube
Procedia PDF Downloads 361235 The Impact of Insider Trading on Open Market Share Repurchase: A Study in Indian Context
Authors: Sarthak Kumar Jena, Chandra Sekhar Mishra, Prabina Rajib
Purpose: This paper aims to derive undervaluation signal from the insiders trading of Indian companies where the ownership is complex and concentrated, investors protection is weak, and the insider rules and regulations are not stringent like developed country. This study examines the relationship between insider trading with short term and long term abnormal return. The study also examines the relationship between insider trading and the actual share repurchase by the firm. Methodology: A sample of 78 companies over the period 2008-2013 are analyzed in the study due to not availability of insider data in Indian context. For preliminary analysis T-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test is used to find the difference between the insider trading before and after the share repurchase announcement. Tobit model is used to find out whether insider trading influence shares repurchase decisions or not. Return on the basis of market model and buy hold are calculated in the previous year and the following year of share repurchase announcement. Findings: The paper finds that insider trading around share repurchase is more than control firms and there is positive and significant difference in insider buying between the previous year of share buyback announcement and the following year of buyback announcement. Insider buying before share repurchase announcement has a positive influence on share repurchase decisions. We find insider buying has a positive and significant relationship with announcement return, whereas insider selling has a negative significant relationship with announcement return. Actual share repurchase and program completion also depend on insider trading before share repurchase. Research limitation: The study is constrained by the small sample size, so the results should be viewed by keeping this limitation in mind. Originality: The paper is to our best knowledge the first study based on Indian context to extend the insider trading literature to share repurchase event and examine insider trading to find out undervaluation signal associated with insider buying.Keywords: insider trading, buyback, open market share repurchase, signalling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991234 Studies on Organic and Inorganic Micro/Nano Particle Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Authors: Daniel Karthik, Vijay Baheti, Jiri Militky, Sundaramurthy Palanisamy
Fibre based nano particles are presently considered as one of the potential filler materials for the improvement of mechanical and physical properties of polymer composites. Due to high matrix-filler interfacial area there will be uniform and homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles. In micro/nano filler reinforced composites, resin material is usually tailored by organic or inorganic nanoparticles to have improved matrix properties. The objective of this study was to compare the potential of reinforcement of different organic and inorganic micro/nano fillers in epoxy composites. Industrial and agricultural waste of fibres like Agave Americana, cornhusk, jute, basalt, carbon, glass and fly ash was utilized to prepare micro/nano particles. Micro/nano particles were obtained using high energy planetary ball milling process in dry condition. Milling time and ball size were kept constant throughout the ball milling process. Composites were fabricated by hand lay method. Particle loading was kept constant to 3% wt. for all composites. In present study, loading of fillers was selected as 3 wt. % for all composites. Dynamic mechanical properties of the nanocomposite films were performed in three-point bending mode with gauge length and sample width of 50 mm and 10 mm respectively. The samples were subjected to an oscillating frequency of 1 Hz, 5 Hz and 10 Hz and 100 % oscillating amplitude in the temperature ranges of 30°C to 150°C at the heating rate of 3°C/min. Damping was found to be higher with the jute composites. Amongst organic fillers lowest damping factor was observed with Agave Americana particles, this means that Agave americana fibre particles have betters interface adhesion with epoxy resin. Basalt, fly ash and glass particles have almost similar damping factors confirming better interface adhesion with epoxy.Keywords: ball milling, damping factor, matrix-filler interface, particle reinforcements
Procedia PDF Downloads 2641233 Determining Factors for Opening Accounts, Customers’ Perception and Their Satisfaction Level Towards the First Security Islamic Bank of Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Akiz Uddin
This research attempted to identify the determining factors that extensively persuaded customers of the First Security Islamic Bank Limited (FSIBL) to open accounts and their perception and satisfaction level towards it. Initially, a theoretical model was established based on existing literature reviews. After that, a self-administered structured questionnaire was developed, and data were collected from 180 customers of the FSIBL of Bangladesh using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were later analyzed through a statistical software. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to verify the model of the study and test the hypotheses. The study particularly examined the determinants of opening accounts, customers’ perception and their satisfaction level towards the bank on several factors like the bank’s compliance with Shariah law, use of modern technology, assurance, reliability, empathy, profitability, and responsiveness. To examine the impact of religious belief on being FSIBL clients, the study also investigates non-Muslim clients’ perception about FSIBL. The study focused on FSIBL customers only from five branches of Dhaka city. The study found that the religious beliefs is the most significant factors for Muslim customers for considering FSIBL to open an account, and they are satisfied with the services, too. However, for non-Muslim customers, other benefits like E-banking, various user-friendly services are the most significant factors for choosing FSIBL. Their satisfaction level is also statistically significant. Furthermore, even if the non- Muslim customers didn’t consider religious beliefs as determinant factors for choosing FSIBL, the respondents informed that they have trust that people who believe in shariah law are more reliable to keep money with them. These findings open up the avenue for future researchers to conduct more study in this area through employing a larger sample size and more branches and extending the current model by incorporating new variables. The study will be an important addition to the potentials of Islamic banking system, literature of service quality and customer satisfaction level, particularly in the success of Islamic banking system in Bangladesh.Keywords: islamic banking, customers’ satisfaction, customers’ perception, shariah law
Procedia PDF Downloads 761232 Inhalable Lipid-Coated-Chitosan Nano-Embedded Microdroplets of an Antifungal Drug for Deep Lung Delivery
Authors: Ranjot Kaur, Om P. Katare, Anupama Sharma, Sarah R. Dennison, Kamalinder K. Singh, Bhupinder Singh
Respiratory microbial infections being among the top leading cause of death worldwide are difficult to treat as the microbes reside deep inside the airways, where only a small fraction of drug can access after traditional oral or parenteral routes. As a result, high doses of drugs are required to maintain drug levels above minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) at the infection site, unfortunately leading to severe systemic side-effects. Therefore, delivering antimicrobials directly to the respiratory tract provides an attractive way out in such situations. In this context, current study embarks on the systematic development of lung lia pid-modified chitosan nanoparticles for inhalation of voriconazole. Following the principles of quality by design, the chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation method and further coated with major lung lipid by precipitation method. The factor screening studies were performed by fractional factorial design, followed by optimization of the nanoparticles by Box-Behnken Design. The optimized formulation has a particle size range of 170-180nm, PDI 0.3-0.4, zeta potential 14-17, entrapment efficiency 45-50% and drug loading of 3-5%. The presence of a lipid coating was confirmed by FESEM, FTIR, and X-RD. Furthermore, the nanoparticles were found to be safe upto 40µg/ml on A549 and Calu-3 cell lines. The quantitative and qualitative uptake studies also revealed the uptake of nanoparticles in lung epithelial cells. Moreover, the data from Spraytec and next-generation impactor studies confirmed the deposition of nanoparticles in lower airways. Also, the interaction of nanoparticles with DPPC monolayers signifies its biocompatibility with lungs. Overall, the study describes the methodology and potential of lipid-coated chitosan nanoparticles in futuristic inhalation nanomedicine for the management of pulmonary aspergillosis.Keywords: dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, nebulization, DPPC monolayers, quality-by-design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431231 Microstructure of Virgin and Aged Asphalts by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
Authors: Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao
The study of the microstructure of asphalt is of great importance for the analysis of its macroscopic properties. However, the peculiarities of the chemical composition of the asphalt itself and the limitations of existing direct imaging techniques have caused researchers to face many obstacles in studying the microstructure of asphalt. The advantage of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is that it allows quantitative determination of the internal structure of opaque materials and is suitable for analyzing the microstructure of materials. Therefore, the SAXS technique was used to study the evolution of microstructures on the nanoscale during asphalt aging. And the reasons for the change in scattering contrast during asphalt aging were also explained with the help of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). SAXS experimental results show that the SAXS curves of asphalt are similar to the scattering curves of scattering objects with two-level structures. The Porod curve for asphalt shows that there is no obvious interface between the micelles and the surrounding mediums, and there is only a fluctuation of the hot electron density between the two. The Beaucage model fit SAXS patterns shows that the scattering coefficient P of the asphaltene clusters as well as the size of the micelles, gradually increase with the aging of the asphalt. Furthermore, aggregation exists between the micelles of asphalt and becomes more pronounced with increasing aging. During asphalt aging, the electron density difference between the micelles and the surrounding mediums gradually increases, leading to an increase in the scattering contrast of the asphalt. Under long-term aging conditions due to the gradual transition from maltenes to asphaltenes, the electron density difference between the micelles and the surrounding mediums decreases, resulting in a decrease in the scattering contrast of asphalt SAXS. Finally, this paper correlates the macroscopic properties of asphalt with microstructural parameters, and the results show that the high-temperature rutting resistance of asphalt is enhanced and the low-temperature cracking resistance decreases due to the aggregation of micelles and the generation of new micelles. These results are useful for understanding the relationship between changes in microstructure and changes in properties during asphalt aging and provide theoretical guidance for the regeneration of aged asphalt.Keywords: asphalt, Beaucage model, microstructure, SAXS
Procedia PDF Downloads 801230 Optimizing the Design Parameters of Acoustic Power Transfer Model to Achieve High Power Intensity and Compact System
Authors: Ariba Siddiqui, Amber Khan
The need for bio-implantable devices in the field of medical sciences has been increasing day by day; however, the charging of these devices is a major issue. Batteries, a very common method of powering the implants, have a limited lifetime and bulky nature. Therefore, as a replacement of batteries, acoustic power transfer (APT) technology is being accepted as the most suitable technique to wirelessly power the medical implants in the present scenario. The basic model of APT consists of piezoelectric transducers that work on the principle of converse piezoelectric effect at the transmitting end and direct piezoelectric effect at the receiving end. This paper provides mechanistic insight into the parameters affecting the design and efficient working of acoustic power transfer systems. The optimum design considerations have been presented that will help to compress the size of the device and augment the intensity of the pressure wave. A COMSOL model of the PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) transducer was developed. The model was simulated and analyzed on a frequency spectrum. The simulation results displayed that the efficiency of these devices is strongly dependent on the frequency of operation, and a wrong choice of the operating frequency leads to the high absorption of acoustic field inside the tissue (medium), poor power strength, and heavy transducers, which in effect influence the overall configuration of the acoustic systems. Considering all the tradeoffs, the simulations were performed again by determining an optimum frequency (900 kHz) that resulted in the reduction of the transducer's thickness to 1.96 mm and augmented the power strength with an intensity of 432 W/m². Thus, the results obtained after the second simulation contribute to lesser attenuation, lightweight systems, high power intensity, and also comply with safety limits provided by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It was also found that the chosen operating frequency enhances the directivity of the acoustic wave at the receiver side.Keywords: acoustic power, bio-implantable, COMSOL, Lead Zirconate Titanate, piezoelectric, transducer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741229 Open Innovation in SMEs: A Multiple Case Study of Collaboration between Start-ups and Craft Enterprises
Authors: Carl-Philipp Valentin Beichert, Marcel Seger
Digital transformation and climate change require small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to rethink their way of doing business. Inter-firm collaboration is recognized as helpful means of promoting innovation and competitiveness. In this context, collaborations with start-ups offer valuable opportunities through their innovative products, services, and business models. SMEs, and in particular German craft enterprises, play an important role in the country’s society and economy. Companies in this heterogeneous economic sector have unique characteristics and are limited in their ability to innovate due to their small size and lack of resources. Collaborating with start-ups could help to overcome these shortcomings. To investigate how collaborations emerge and what factors are decisive to successfully drive collaboration, we apply an explorative, qualitative research design. A sample of ten case studies was selected, with the collaboration between a start-up and a craft enterprise forming the unit of analysis. Semi-structured interviews with 20 company representatives allow for a two-sided perspective on the respective collaboration. The interview data is enriched by publicly available data and three expert interviews. As a result, objectives, initiation practices, applied collaboration types, barriers, as well as key success factors could be identified. The results indicate a three-phase collaboration process comprising an initiation, concept, and partner phase (ICP). The ICP framework proposed accordingly highlights the success factors (personal fit, communication, expertise, structure, network) for craft enterprises and start-ups for each collaboration phase. The role of a mediator in the start-up company, with strong expertise in the respective craft sector, is considered an important lever for overcoming barriers such as cultural and communication differences. The ICP framework thus provides promising directions for further research and can help practitioners establish successful collaborations.Keywords: open innovation, SME, craft businesses, startup collaboration, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 931228 Tri/Tetra-Block Copolymeric Nanocarriers as a Potential Ocular Delivery System of Lornoxicam: Experimental Design-Based Preparation, in-vitro Characterization and in-vivo Estimation of Transcorneal Permeation
Authors: Alaa Hamed Salama, Rehab Nabil Shamma
Introduction: Polymeric micelles that can deliver drug to intended sites of the eye have attracted much scientific attention recently. The aim of this study was to review the aqueous-based formulation of drug-loaded polymeric micelles that hold significant promise for ophthalmic drug delivery. This study investigated the synergistic performance of mixed polymeric micelles made of linear and branched poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide) for the more effective encapsulation of Lornoxicam (LX) as a hydrophobic model drug. Methods: The co-micellization process of 10% binary systems combining different weight ratios of the highly hydrophilic poloxamers; Synperonic® PE/P84, and Synperonic® PE/F127 and the hydrophobic poloxamine counterpart (Tetronic® T701) was investigated by means of photon correlation spectroscopy and cloud point. The drug-loaded micelles were tested for their solubilizing capacity towards LX. Results: Results showed a sharp solubility increase from 0.46 mg/ml up to more than 4.34 mg/ml, representing about 136-fold increase. Optimized formulation was selected to achieve maximum drug solubilizing power and clarity with lowest possible particle size. The optimized formulation was characterized by 1HNMR analysis which revealed complete encapsulation of the drug within the micelles. Further investigations by histopathological and confocal laser studies revealed the non-irritant nature and good corneal penetrating power of the proposed nano-formulation. Conclusion: LX-loaded polymeric nanomicellar formulation was fabricated allowing easy application of the drug in the form of clear eye drops that do not cause blurred vision or discomfort, thus achieving high patient compliance.Keywords: confocal laser scanning microscopy, Histopathological studies, Lornoxicam, micellar solubilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4491227 The Impact of Smart Educational Aids in Learning Listening Among Pupils with Attention and Listening Problems
Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Muhammad Alkhunayn, Aayah Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari, Fatehi Eissa
The recent rise of smart educational aids and the move away from traditional listening aids are leading to a fundamental shift in the way in which individuals with attention and listening problems (ALP) manipulate listening inputs and/or act appropriately to the spoken information presented to them. A total sample of twenty-six ALP pupils (m=20 and f=6) between 7-12 years old was selected from different strata based on gender, region and school. In the sample size, thirteen (10 males and 3 females) received the treatment in terms of smart classes provided with smart educational aids in a listening course that lasted for four month-semester while others did not (they studied the same course by the same instructor but in ordinary class). A pretest was administered to assess participants’ levels, and a posttest was given to evaluate their attention and listening comprehension performance, namely in phonetic and phonological tests with sociolinguistic themes that have been designed for this purpose. Test results were analyzed both psychoneurolinguistically and statistically. Results reveal a remarkable change in pupils’ behavioral listening where scores witnessed a significant difference in the performance of the experimental ALP group in the pretest compared to the posttest (Pupils performed better at the pretest-posttest on phonetics than at the two tests on phonology). It is concluded that smart educational aids designed for listening skills help not only increase the listening command of pupils with ALP to understand what they listen to but also develop their interactive listening capability and, at the same rate, are responsible for increasing concentrated and in-depth listening capacity. Plus, ALP pupils become able to grasp the audio content of text recordings, including educational audio recordings, news, oral stories and tales, views, spiritual/religious text and general knowledge. However, the pupils have not experienced individual smart audio-visual aids that connect listening to other language receptive and productive skills, which could be the future area of research.Keywords: language skills, implementing, listening skill, attention, smart aids
Procedia PDF Downloads 431226 Compact 3-D Co-Planar Waveguide Fed Dual-Port Ultrawideband-Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Antenna with WLAN Band-Notched Characteristics
Authors: Asim Quddus
A miniaturized three dimensional co-planar waveguide (CPW) two-port MIMO antenna, exhibiting high isolation and WLAN band-notched characteristics is presented in this paper for ultrawideband (UWB) communication applications. The microstrip patch antenna operates as a single UWB antenna element. The proposed design is a cuboid-shaped structure having compact size of 35 x 27 x 45 mm³. Radiating as well as decoupling structure is placed around cuboidal polystyrene sheet. The radiators are 27 mm apart, placed Face-to-Face in vertical direction. Decoupling structure is placed on the side walls of polystyrene. The proposed antenna consists of an oval shaped radiating patch. A rectangular structure with fillet edges is placed on ground plan to enhance the bandwidth. The proposed antenna exhibits a good impedance match (S11 ≤ -10 dB) over frequency band of 2 GHz – 10.6 GHz. A circular slotted structure is employed as a decoupling structure on substrate, and it is placed on the side walls of polystyrene to enhance the isolation between antenna elements. Moreover, to achieve immunity from WLAN band distortion, a modified, inverted crescent shaped slotted structure is etched on radiating patches to achieve band-rejection characteristics at WLAN frequency band 4.8 GHz – 5.2 GHz. The suggested decoupling structure provides isolation better than 15 dB over the desired UWB spectrum. The envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) and gain for the MIMO antenna are analyzed as well. Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations are carried out in Ansys High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS) for the proposed design. The antenna is realized on a Rogers RT/duroid 5880 with thickness 1 mm, relative permittivity ɛr = 2.2. The proposed antenna achieves a stable omni-directional radiation patterns as well, while providing rejection at desired WLAN band. The S-parameters as well as MIMO parameters like ECC are analyzed and the results show conclusively that the design is suitable for portable MIMO-UWB applications.Keywords: 3-D antenna, band-notch, MIMO, UWB
Procedia PDF Downloads 2961225 Investigation of Supercapacitor Properties of Nanocomposites Obtained from Acid and Base-functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) and Polypyrrole (PPy)
Authors: Feridun Demir, Pelin Okdem
Polymers are versatile materials with many unique properties, such as low density, reasonable strength, flexibility, and easy processability. However, the mechanical properties of these materials are insufficient for many engineering applications. Therefore, there is a continuous search for new polymeric materials with improved properties. Polymeric nanocomposites are an advanced class of composite materials that have attracted great attention in both academic and industrial fields. Since nano-reinforcement materials are very small in size, they provide ultra-large interfacial area per volume between the nano-element and the polymer matrix. This allows the nano-reinforcement composites to exhibit enhanced toughness without compromising hardness or optical clarity. PPy and MWCNT/PPy nanocomposites were synthesized by the chemical oxidative polymerization method and the supercapacitor properties of the obtained nanocomposites were investigated. In addition, pure MWCNT was functionalized with acid (H₂SO₄/H₂O₂) and base (NH₄OH/H₂O₂) solutions at a ratio of 3:1 and a-MWCNT/d-PPy, and b-MWCNT/d-PPy nanocomposites were obtained. The homogeneous distribution of MWCNTs in the polypyrrole matrix and shell-core type morphological structures of the nanocomposites was observed with SEM images. It was observed with SEM, FTIR and XRD analyses that the functional groups formed by the functionalization of MWCNTs caused the MWCNTs to come together and partially agglomerate. It was found that the conductivity of the nanocomposites consisting of MWCNT and d-PPy was higher than that of pure d-PPy. CV, GCD and EIS results show that the use of a-MWCNT and b-MWCNTs in nanocomposites with low particle content positively affects the supercapacitor properties of the materials but negatively at high particle content. It was revealed that the functional MWCNT particles combined in nanocomposites with high particle content cause a decrease in the conductivity and distribution of ions in the electrodes and, thus, a decrease in their energy storage capacity.Keywords: polypyrrole, multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), conducting polymer, chemical oxidative polymerization, nanocomposite, supercapacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 211224 Field Trial of Resin-Based Composite Materials for the Treatment of Surface Collapses Associated with Former Shallow Coal Mining
Authors: Philip T. Broughton, Mark P. Bettney, Isla L. Smail
Effective treatment of ground instability is essential when managing the impacts associated with historic mining. A field trial was undertaken by the Coal Authority to investigate the geotechnical performance and potential use of composite materials comprising resin and fill or stone to safely treat surface collapses, such as crown-holes, associated with shallow mining. Test pits were loosely filled with various granular fill materials. The fill material was injected with commercially available silicate and polyurethane resin foam products. In situ and laboratory testing was undertaken to assess the geotechnical properties of the resultant composite materials. The test pits were subsequently excavated to assess resin permeation. Drilling and resin injection was easiest through clean limestone fill materials. Recycled building waste fill material proved difficult to inject with resin; this material is thus considered unsuitable for use in resin composites. Incomplete resin permeation in several of the test pits created irregular ‘blocks’ of composite. Injected resin foams significantly improve the stiffness and resistance (strength) of the un-compacted fill material. The stiffness of the treated fill material appears to be a function of the stone particle size, its associated compaction characteristics (under loose tipping) and the proportion of resin foam matrix. The type of fill material is more critical than the type of resin to the geotechnical properties of the composite materials. Resin composites can effectively support typical design imposed loads. Compared to other traditional treatment options, such as cement grouting, the use of resin composites is potentially less disruptive, particularly for sites with limited access, and thus likely to achieve significant reinstatement cost savings. The use of resin composites is considered a suitable option for the future treatment of shallow mining collapses.Keywords: composite material, ground improvement, mining legacy, resin
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551223 Postharvest Studies Beyond Fresh Market Eating Quality: Phytochemical Changes in Peach Fruit During Ripening and Advanced Senescence
Authors: Mukesh Singh Mer, Brij Lal Attri, Raj Narayan, Anil Kumar
Postharvest studies were conducted under the concept that fruit do not qualify for the fresh market may be used as a source of bioactive compounds. One peach (Prunus persica cvs Red June) were evaluated for their photochemical content and antioxidant capacity during the ripening and over ripening periods (advanced senescence) for 12 and 15 d, respectively. Firmness decreased rapidly during this period from an initial pre –ripe stage of 5.85 lb/in2 for peach until the fruit reached the fully ripe stage of lb/in2. In this study we evaluate the varietal performance in respect of the quality beyond fresh market eating and nutrition levels. The varieties are (T-1 F-16-23), (T-2 Florda king), (T-3 Nectarine), (T-4 Red June). The result pertaining are there the highest fruit length (68.50 mm), fruit breadth (71.38 mm), fruit weight (186.11 g) found in T4 Red June and fruit firmness (8.74 lb/in 2) found in T3-Nectarine. The acidity (1.66 %), ascorbic acid (440 mg/100 g), reducing sugar (19.77 %) and total sugar (51.73 %) found in T4- Red June, T-2 Florda King, T-3 Nectarine at harvesting time but decrease in fruit length ( 60.81 mm), fruit breadth (51.84 mm), fruit weight (143.03 g) found in T4 Red June and fruit firmness (6.29 lb/in 2) found in T3-Nectarine. The acidity (0.80 %), ascorbic acid (329.50 mg/100 g), reducing sugar (34.03 %) and total sugar (26.97 %) found in T1- F-16-23, T-2 Florda King, T-1 F-16-23 and T-3 Nectarine after 15 days in freeze conditions when will have been since reached beyond market. The study reveals that the size and yield good in Red June and the nutritional value higher in Florda King and Nectarine peach. Fruit firmness remained unchanged afterwards. In addition, total soluble solids in peach were basically similar during the ripening and over ripening periods. Further research on secondary metabolism regulation during ripening and advanced senescence is needed to obtain fruit as enriched dietary sources of bioactive compounds or for its use in alternative high value health markets including dietary supplements, functional foods cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.Keywords: metabolism, acidity, ascorbic acid, pharmaceuticals
Procedia PDF Downloads 5611222 Early and Mid-Term Results of Anesthetic Management of Minimal Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Using One Lung Ventilation
Authors: Devendra Gupta, S. P. Ambesh, P. K Singh
Introduction: Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting (MICABG) is a less invasive method of performing surgical revascularization. Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) provides many anesthetic challenges including one lung ventilation (OLV), managing myocardial ischemia, and pain. We present an early and midterm result of the use of this technique with OLV. Method: We enrolled 62 patients for analysis operated between 2008 and 2012. Patients were anesthetized and left endobronchial tube was placed. During the procedure left lung was isolated and one lung ventilation was maintained through right lung. Operation was performed utilizing off pump technique of coronary artery bypass grafting through a minimal invasive incision. Left internal mammary artery graft was done for single vessel disease and radial artery was utilized for other grafts if required. Postoperative ventilation was done with single lumen endotracheal tube. Median follow-up is 2.5 years (6 months to 4 years). Results: Median age was 58.5 years (41-77) and all were male. Single vessel disease was present in 36, double vessel in 24 and triple vessel disease in 2 patients. All the patients had normal left ventricular size and function. In 2 cases difficulty were encounter in placement of endobronchial tube. In 1 case cuff of endobronchial tube was ruptured during intubation. High airway pressure was developed on OLV in 1 case and surgery was accomplished with two lung anesthesia with low tidal volume. Mean postoperative ventilation time was 14.4 hour (11-22). There was no perioperative and 30 day mortality. Conversion to median sternotomy to complete the operation was done in 3.23% (2 out of 62 patients). One patient had acute myocardial infarction postoperatively and there were no deaths during follow-up. Conclusion: MICABG is a safe and effective method of revascularization with OLV in low risk candidates for coronary artery bypass grafting.Keywords: MIDCABG, one lung ventilation, coronary artery bypass grafting, endobronchial tube
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251221 Tobacco Taxation and the Heterogeneity of Smokers' Responses to Price Increases
Authors: Simone Tedeschi, Francesco Crespi, Paolo Liberati, Massimo Paradiso, Antonio Sciala
This paper aims at contributing to the understanding of smokers’ responses to cigarette prices increases with a focus on heterogeneity, both across individuals and price levels. To do this, a stated preference quasi-experimental design grounded in a random utility framework is proposed to evaluate the effect on smokers’ utility of the price level and variation, along with social conditioning and health impact perception. The analysis is based on individual-level data drawn from a unique survey gathering very detailed information on Italian smokers’ habits. In particular, qualitative information on the individual reactions triggered by changes in prices of different magnitude and composition are exploited. The main findings stemming from the analysis are the following; the average price elasticity of cigarette consumption is comparable with previous estimates for advanced economies (-.32). However, the decomposition of this result across five latent-classes of smokers, reveals extreme heterogeneity in terms of price responsiveness, implying a potential price elasticity that ranges between 0.05 to almost 1. Such heterogeneity is in part explained by observable characteristics such as age, income, gender, education as well as (current and lagged) smoking intensity. Moreover, price responsiveness is far from being independent from the size of the prospected price increase. Finally, by comparing even and uneven price variations, it is shown that uniform across-brand price increases are able to limit the scope of product substitutions and downgrade. Estimated price-response heterogeneity has significant implications for tax policy. Among them, first, it provides evidence and a rationale for why the aggregate price elasticity is likely to follow a strictly increasing pattern as a function of the experienced price variation. This information is crucial for forecasting the effect of a given tax-driven price change on tax revenue. Second, it provides some guidance on how to design excise tax reforms to balance public health and revenue goals.Keywords: smoking behaviour, preference heterogeneity, price responsiveness, cigarette taxation, random utility models
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621220 Transmission Dynamics of Lumpy Skin Disease in Ethiopia
Authors: Wassie Molla, Klaas Frankena, Mart De Jong
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a severe viral disease of cattle, which often occurs in epidemic form. It is caused by lumpy skin disease virus of the genus capripoxvirus of family poxviridae. Mathematical models play important role in the study of infectious diseases epidemiology. They help to explain the dynamics and understand the transmission of an infectious disease within a population. Understanding the transmission dynamics of lumpy skin disease between animals is important for the implementation of effective prevention and control measures against the disease. This study was carried out in central and north-western part of Ethiopia with the objectives to understand LSD outbreak dynamics, quantify the transmission between animals and herds, and estimate the disease reproduction ratio in dominantly crop-livestock mixed and commercial herd types. Field observation and follow-up study were undertaken, and the transmission parameters were estimated based on a SIR epidemic model in which individuals are susceptible (S), infected and infectious (I), and recovered and immune or dead (R) using the final size and generalized linear model methods. The result showed that a higher morbidity was recorded in infected crop-livestock (24.1%) mixed production system herds than infected commercial production (17.5%) system herds whereas mortality was higher in intensive (4.0%) than crop-livestock (1.5%) system and the differences were statistically significant. The transmission rate among animals and between herds were 0.75 and 0.68 per week, respectively in dominantly crop-livestock production system. The transmission study undertaken in dominantly crop-livestock production system highlighted the presence of statistically significant seasonal difference in LSD transmission among animals. The reproduction numbers of LSD in dominantly crop-livestock production system were 1.06 among animals and 1.28 between herds whereas it varies from 1.03 to 1.31 among animals in commercial production system. Though the R estimated for LSD in different production systems at different localities is greater than 1, its magnitude is low implying that the disease can be easily controlled by implementing the appropriate control measures.Keywords: commercial, crop-livestock, Ethiopia, LSD, reproduction number, transmission
Procedia PDF Downloads 2981219 Voluntary Water Intake of Flavored Water in Euhydrated Horses
Authors: Brianna M. Soule, Jesslyn A. Bryk-Lucy, Linda M. Ritchie
Colic, defined as abdominal pain in the horse, has several known predisposing factors. Decreased water intake has been shown to predispose equines to impaction colic. The objective of this study was to determine if offering flavored water (sweet feed or banana extract) would increase voluntary water intake in horses to serve as an assessable, noninvasive method for farm managers, veterinarians, or owners to decrease the risk of impaction colic. An a priori power analysis, which was conducted using G*Power version, indicated that the minimum sample size required to achieve 80% power for detecting a large effect at a significance level of α = .05 was 19 horses for a one-way repeated measures ANOVA with three treatment levels and assuming a non-sphericity correction of ε=0.5. After a three-day control period, 21 horses were randomly divided into two sequences and offered either banana or sweet feed flavored water. Horses always had a bucket of unflavored water available. A repeated measure study design was used to measure water consumption of each horse over a 62-hour period. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine whether there were statistically significant differences among the means for the three-day average water intake (ml/kg). Although not statistically significant (F(2, 38) = 1.28, p = .290, partial η2 = .063), the three-day average water intake was largest for banana flavored water (M = 53.51, SD = 9.25 ml/kg), followed by sweet feed (M = 52.93, SD = 11.99 ml/kg), and, finally, unflavored water (M = 50.40, SD = 10.82 ml/kg). Paired-samples t-tests were used to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between the three-day average water intake (ml/kg) for flavored versus unflavored water. The average unflavored water intake (M = 29.3 ml/kg, SD = 8.9) over the measurement period was greater than the banana flavored water (M = 27.7 ml/kg, SD = 9.8), but the average consumption of the sweet feed flavored water (M = 30.4 ml/kg, SD = 14.6) was greater than unflavored water (M = 24.3 ml/kg, SD = 11.4). None of these differences in average intake were statistically significant (p > .244). Future research is warranted to determine if other flavors significantly increase voluntary water intake in horses.Keywords: colic, equine, equine science, water intake, flavored water, horses, equine management, equine health, horse health, horse health care management, colic prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481218 Nanoparticles of Hyaluronic Acid for Radiation Induced Lung Damages
Authors: Anna Lierova, Jitka Kasparova, Marcela Jelicova, Lucie Korecka, Zuzana Bilkova, Zuzana Sinkorova
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a simple linear, unbranched polysaccharide with a lot of exceptional physiological and chemical properties such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability, strong hydration and viscoelasticity that depend on the size of the molecule. It plays the important role in a variety of molecular events as tissue hydration, mechanical protection of tissues and as well as during inflammation, leukocyte migration, and extracellular matrix remodeling. Also, HA-based biomaterials, including HA scaffolds, hydrogels, thin membranes, matrix grafts or nanoparticles are widely use in various biomedical applications. Our goal is to determine the radioprotective effect of hyaluronic acid nanoparticles (HA NPs). We are investigating effect of ionizing radiation on stability of HA NPs, in vitro relative toxicity of nanoscale as well as effect on cell lines and specific surface receptors and their response to ionizing radiation. An exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) can irreversibly damage various cell types and may thus have implications for the level of the whole tissue. Characteristic manifestations are formation of over-granulated tissue, remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM) and abortive wound healing. Damages are caused by either direct interaction with DNA and IR proteins or indirectly by radicals formed during radiolysis of water Accumulation and turnover of ECM are a hallmark of radiation induces lung injury, characterized by inflammation, repair or remodeling health pulmonary tissue. HA is a major component of ECM in lung and plays an important role in regulating tissue injury, accelerating tissue repair, and controlling disease outcomes. Due to that, HA NPs were applied to in vivo model (C57Bl/6J mice) before total body or partial thorax irradiation. This part of our research is targeting on effect of exogenous HA on the development and/or mitigating acute radiation syndrome and radiation induced lung injuries.Keywords: hyaluronic acid, ionizing radiation, nanoparticles, radiation induces lung damages
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671217 The Optimal Irrigation in the Mitidja Plain
Authors: Gherbi Khadidja
In the Mediterranean region, water resources are limited and very unevenly distributed in space and time. The main objective of this project is the development of a wireless network for the management of water resources in northern Algeria, the Mitidja plain, which helps farmers to irrigate in the most optimized way and solve the problem of water shortage in the region. Therefore, we will develop an aid tool that can modernize and replace some traditional techniques, according to the real needs of the crops and according to the soil conditions as well as the climatic conditions (soil moisture, precipitation, characteristics of the unsaturated zone), These data are collected in real-time by sensors and analyzed by an algorithm and displayed on a mobile application and the website. The results are essential information and alerts with recommendations for action to farmers to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural sector under water shortage conditions. In the first part: We want to set up a wireless sensor network, for precise management of water resources, by presenting another type of equipment that allows us to measure the water content of the soil, such as the Watermark probe connected to the sensor via the acquisition card and an Arduino Uno, which allows collecting the captured data and then program them transmitted via a GSM module that will send these data to a web site and store them in a database for a later study. In a second part: We want to display the results on a website or a mobile application using the database to remotely manage our smart irrigation system, which allows the farmer to use this technology and offers the possibility to the growers to access remotely via wireless communication to see the field conditions and the irrigation operation, at home or at the office. The tool to be developed will be based on satellite imagery as regards land use and soil moisture. These tools will make it possible to follow the evolution of the needs of the cultures in time, but also to time, and also to predict the impact on water resources. According to the references consulted, if such a tool is used, it can reduce irrigation volumes by up to up to 40%, which represents more than 100 million m3 of savings per year for the Mitidja. This volume is equivalent to a medium-size dam.Keywords: optimal irrigation, soil moisture, smart irrigation, water management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1091216 FEM Simulation of Tool Wear and Edge Radius Effects on Residual Stress in High Speed Machining of Inconel718
Authors: Yang Liu, Mathias Agmell, Aylin Ahadi, Jan-Eric Stahl, Jinming Zhou
Tool wear and tool geometry have significant effects on the residual stresses in the component produced by high-speed machining. In this paper, Coupled Eulerian and Lagrangian (CEL) model is adopted to investigate the residual stress in high-speed machining of Inconel718 with a CBN170 cutting tool. The result shows that the mesh with the smallest size of 5 um yields cutting forces and chip morphology in close agreement with the experimental data. The analysis of thermal loading and mechanical loading are performed to study the effect of segmented chip morphology on the machined surface topography and residual stress distribution. The effects of cutting edge radius and flank wear on residual stresses formation and distribution on the workpiece were also investigated. It is found that the temperature within 100um depth of the machined surface increases drastically due to the more friction heat generation with the contact area of tool and workpiece increasing when a larger edge radius and flank wear are used. With the depth further increasing, the temperature drops rapidly for all cases due to the low conductivity of Inconel718. Consequently, higher and deeper tensile residual stress is generated on the superficial. Furthermore, an increased depth of plastic deformation and compressive residual stress is noticed in the subsurface, which is attributed to the reduction of the yield strength under the thermal effect. Besides, the ploughing effect produced by a larger tool edge radius contributes more than flank wear. The magnitude variation of the compressive residual stress caused by various edge radius and flank wear have a totally opposite trend, which depends on the magnitude of the ploughing and friction pressure acting on the machined surface.Keywords: Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian, segmented chip, residual stress, tool wear, edge radius, Inconel718
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461215 Priority Sites for Deforested and Degraded Mountain Restoration Projects in North Korea
Authors: Koo Ja-Choon, Seok Hyun-Deok, Park So-Hee
Even though developed countries have supported aid projects for restoring degraded and deforested mountain, recent North Korean authorities announced that North Korean forest is still very serious. Last 12 years, more than 16 thousand ha of forest were destroyed. Most of previous researches concluded that food and fuel problems should be solved for preventing people from deforesting and degrading forest in North Korea. It means that mountain restoration projects such as A/R(afforestation/reforestation) and REDD(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project should be implemented with the agroforestry and the forest tending project. Because agroforestry and the forest tending can provide people in the project area with foods and fuels, respectively. Especially, Agroforestry has been operated well with the support of Swiss agency of Development and cooperation since 2003. This paper aims to find the priority sites for mountain restoration project where all types of projects including agroforesty can be implemented simultaneously. We tried to find the primary counties where the areas of these activities were distributed widely and evenly. Recent spatial data of 186 counties representing altitude, gradient and crown density were collected from World Forest Watch. These 3 attributes were used to determine the type of activities; A/R, REDD, Agroforestry and forest tending project. Finally, we calculated the size of 4 activities in 186 counties by using GIS technique. Result shows that Chongjin in Hamgyeongbuk-do, Hoeryong in Hamgyeongbuk-do and Tongchang in Pyeonganbuk-do are on the highest priority of counties. Most of feasible counties whose value of richness and uniformity were greater than the average were located near the eastern coast of North Korea. South Korean government has not supported any aid projects in North Korea since 2010. Recently, South Korea is trying to continue the aid projects for North Korea. Forest project which is not affected by the political situation between North- and South- Korea can be considered as a priority activities. This result can be used when South Korean government determine the priority sites for North Korean mountain restoration project in near future.Keywords: agroforestry, forest restoration project, GIS, North Korea, priority
Procedia PDF Downloads 3191214 Viewers’ Reactions to Excessive Ritual Themes in Nigerian Home Videos: A Portharcourt City Survey
Authors: Godwin Bassey Okon
The need to streamline viewers’ disposition towards the predominant portrayal of rituals, in most Nigerian home videos, as a way of life in the southern part of Nigeria necessitated this study. The focus however was on ascertaining if such portrayals dovetail within the framework of construction of social reality or misconstruction of social reality. In other words, do the people of the southern part of Nigeria engage in rituals as a means of acquiring wealth or do they merely have proclivity for diabolism, as frequently portrayed in home videos subsumed in their socio-cultural settings? The method of study was survey with the questionnaire as the predominant instrument. The questionnaire was used to elicit responses from Portharcourt city residents on their views and reactions in the light of ritual themes in Nigerian home videos. The choice of Portharcourt was informed by the fact that it is a foremost cosmopolitan city in the south. A Sample size of 400 was drawn from a population of 1,382,392 using Taro Yamane’s formula. Actual respondents were reached using a multi-stage cluster sampling technique. The reliability of the instrument as ascertained through Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation stood at 0.89. Findings however revealed that ritual themes, as used in Nigerian home videos, did not significantly reflect the cultural heritage of the people of southern Nigeria. Findings further showed that their excessive use in Nigerian home videos served only to create frills and thrills in plots. A synthesis of the foregoing, however, revealed that viewers are not favourably disposed towards the excessive use of ritual themes since they inadvertently portray the cultural heritage of the people of the south in the negative. To this end, it was recommended that producers of Nigerian home videos should focus more on themes that serve to construct social reality while projecting favorably the rich cultural heritage of the people. In terms of contribution to knowledge, the findings of this study tend to reinforce the notion of film as a conveyor belt in cognitive constructs.Keywords: disposition, home videos, ritual, social reality, themes
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