Search results for: Song Wang
1284 The Establishment of RELAP5/SNAP Model for Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: C. Shih, J. R. Wang, H. C. Chang, S. W. Chen, S. C. Chiang, T. Y. Yu
After the measurement uncertainty recapture (MUR) power uprates, Kuosheng nuclear power plant (NPP) was uprated the power from 2894 MWt to 2943 MWt. For power upgrade, several codes (e.g., TRACE, RELAP5, etc.) were applied to assess the safety of Kuosheng NPP. Hence, the main work of this research is to establish a RELAP5/MOD3.3 model of Kuosheng NPP with SNAP interface. The establishment of RELAP5/SNAP model was referred to the FSAR, training documents, and TRACE model which has been developed and verified before. After completing the model establishment, the startup test scenarios would be applied to the RELAP5/SNAP model. With comparing the startup test data and TRACE analysis results, the applicability of RELAP5/SNAP model would be assessed.Keywords: RELAP5, TRACE, SNAP, BWR
Procedia PDF Downloads 4311283 The SBO/LOCA Analysis of TRACE/SNAP for Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: J. R. Wang, H. T. Lin, Y. Chiang, H. C. Chen, C. Shih
Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is located on the northern coast of Taiwan. Its nuclear steam supply system is a type of BWR/6 designed and built by General Electric on a twin unit concept. First, the methodology of Kuosheng NPP SPU (Stretch Power Uprate) safety analysis TRACE/SNAP model was developed in this research. Then, in order to estimate the safety of Kuosheng NPP under the more severe condition, the SBO (Station Blackout) + LOCA (Loss-of-Coolant Accident) transient analysis of Kuosheng NPP SPU TRACE/SNAP model was performed. Besides, the animation model of Kuosheng NPP was presented using the animation function of SNAP with TRACE/SNAP analysis results.Keywords: TRACE, safety analysis, BWR/6, severe accident
Procedia PDF Downloads 7151282 Phase-Averaged Analysis of Three-Dimensional Vorticity in the Wake of Two Yawed Side-By-Side Circular Cylinders
Authors: T. Zhou, S. F. Mohd Razali, Y. Zhou, H. Wang, L. Cheng
The wake flow behind two yawed side-by-side circular cylinders is investigated using a three-dimensional vorticity probe. Four yaw angles (α), namely, 0°, 15°, 30° and 45° and two cylinder spacing ratios T* of 1.7 and 3.0 were tested. For T* = 3.0, there exist two vortex streets and the cylinders behave as independent and isolated ones. The maximum contour value of the coherent stream-wise vorticity is only about 10% of that of the spanwise vorticity. With the increase of α, increases whereas decreases. At α = 45°, is about 67% of. For T* = 1.7, only a single peak is detected in the energy spectrum. The span-wise vorticity contours have an organized pattern only at α = 0°. The maximum coherent vorticity contours of and for T* = 1.7 are about 30% and 7% of those for T* = 3.0. The independence principle (IP) in terms of Strouhal numbers is applicable in both wakes when α< 40°.Keywords: circular cylinder wake, vorticity, vortex shedding, side-by-side
Procedia PDF Downloads 3371281 Review for Identifying Online Opinion Leaders
Authors: Yu Wang
Nowadays, Internet enables its users to share the information online and to interact with others. Facing with numerous information, these Internet users are confused and begin to rely on the opinion leaders’ recommendations. The online opinion leaders are the individuals who have professional knowledge, who utilize the online channels to spread word-of-mouth information and who can affect the attitudes or even the behavior of their followers to some degree. Because utilizing the online opinion leaders is seen as an important approach to affect the potential consumers, how to identify them has become one of the hottest topics in the related field. Hence, in this article, the concepts and characteristics are introduced, and the researches related to identifying opinion leaders are collected and divided into three categories. Finally, the implications for future studies are provided.Keywords: online opinion leaders, user attributes analysis, text mining analysis, network structure analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2231280 Experimental Investigation for the Overtopping Wave Force of the Vertical Breakwater
Authors: Jin Song Gui, Han Li, Rui Jin Zhang, Heng Jiang Cai
There is a large deviation between the measured wave power at the vertical breast wall and the calculated one according to current specification in the case of overtopping. In order to investigate the reasons for the deviation, the wave forces of vertical breast wall under overtopping conditions have been measured through physical model experiment and compared with the calculated results. The effect of water depth, period and the wave height on the wave forces of the vertical breast wall have been also investigated. The distribution of wave pressure under different wave actions was tested based on the force sensor which is installed in the vertical breakwater. By comparing and analyzing the measured values and norms calculated values, the applicability of the existing norms recommended method were discussed and a reference for the design of vertical breakwater was provided. Experiment results show that with the decrease of the water depth, the gap is growing between the actual wave forces and the specification values, and there are no obvious regulations between these two values with the variation of period while wave force greatly reduces with the overtopping reducing. The amount of water depth and wave overtopping has a significant impact on the wave force of overtopping section while the period has no obvious influence on the wave force. Finally, some favorable recommendations for the overtopping wave force design of the vertical breakwater according to the model experiment results are provided.Keywords: overtopping wave, physical model experiment, vertical breakwater, wave forces
Procedia PDF Downloads 3031279 The Establishment of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Analysis Methodology for Dry Storage Concrete Casks Using SAPHIRE 8
Authors: J. R. Wang, W. Y. Cheng, J. S. Yeh, S. W. Chen, Y. M. Ferng, J. H. Yang, W. S. Hsu, C. Shih
To understand the risk for dry storage concrete casks in the cask loading, transfer, and storage phase, the purpose of this research is to establish the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) analysis methodology for dry storage concrete casks by using SAPHIRE 8 code. This analysis methodology is used to perform the study of Taiwan nuclear power plants (NPPs) dry storage system. The process of research has three steps. First, the data of the concrete casks and Taiwan NPPs are collected. Second, the PRA analysis methodology is developed by using SAPHIRE 8. Third, the PRA analysis is performed by using this methodology. According to the analysis results, the maximum risk is the multipurpose canister (MPC) drop case.Keywords: PRA, dry storage, concrete cask, SAPHIRE
Procedia PDF Downloads 2161278 Using “Debate” in Enhancing Advanced Chinese Language Classrooms and Learning
Authors: ShuPei Wang, Yina Patterson
This article outlines strategies for improving oral expression to advance proficiency in speaking and listening skills through structured argumentation. The objective is to empower students to effectively use the target language to express opinions and construct compelling arguments. This empowerment is achieved by honing learners' debating and questioning skills, which involves increasing their familiarity with vocabulary and phrases relevant to debates and deepening their understanding of the cultural context surrounding pertinent issues. Through this approach, students can enhance their ability to articulate complex concepts and discern critical points, surpassing superficial comprehension and enabling them to engage in the target language actively and competently.Keywords: debate, teaching and materials design, spoken expression, listening proficiency, critical thinking
Procedia PDF Downloads 731277 The Impact of Grammatical Differences on English-Mandarin Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting
Authors: Miao Sabrina Wang
This paper examines the impact of grammatical differences on simultaneous interpreting from English into Mandarin Chinese by drawing upon an empirical study of professional and student interpreters. The research focuses on the effects of three grammatical categories including passives, adverbial components and noun phrases on simultaneous interpreting. For each category, interpretations of instances in which the grammatical structures are the same across the two languages are compared with interpretations of instances in which the grammatical structures differ across the two languages in terms of content accuracy and delivery appropriateness. The results indicate that grammatical differences have a significant impact on the interpreting performance of both professionals and students.Keywords: content accuracy, delivery appropriateness, grammatical differences, simultaneous interpreting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5421276 Using RASCAL Code to Analyze the Postulated UF6 Fire Accident
Authors: J. R. Wang, Y. Chiang, W. S. Hsu, S. H. Chen, J. H. Yang, S. W. Chen, C. Shih, Y. F. Chang, Y. H. Huang, B. R. Shen
In this research, the RASCAL code was used to simulate and analyze the postulated UF6 fire accident which may occur in the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER). There are four main steps in this research. In the first step, the UF6 data of INER were collected. In the second step, the RASCAL analysis methodology and model was established by using these data. Third, this RASCAL model was used to perform the simulation and analysis of the postulated UF6 fire accident. Three cases were simulated and analyzed in this step. Finally, the analysis results of RASCAL were compared with the hazardous levels of the chemicals. According to the compared results of three cases, Case 3 has the maximum danger in human health.Keywords: RASCAL, UF₆, safety, hydrogen fluoride
Procedia PDF Downloads 2231275 Mathematical Modeling of the Operating Process and a Method to Determine the Design Parameters in an Electromagnetic Hammer Using Solenoid Electromagnets
Authors: Song Hyok Choe
This study presented a method to determine the optimum design parameters based on a mathematical model of the operating process in a manual electromagnetic hammer using solenoid electromagnets. The operating process of the electromagnetic hammer depends on the circuit scheme of the power controller. Mathematical modeling of the operating process was carried out by considering the energy transfer process in the forward and reverse windings and the electromagnetic force acting on the impact and brake pistons. Using the developed mathematical model, the initial design data of a manual electromagnetic hammer proposed in this paper are encoded and analyzed in Matlab. On the other hand, a measuring experiment was carried out by using a measurement device to check the accuracy of the developed mathematical model. The relative errors of the analytical results for measured stroke distance of the impact piston, peak value of forward stroke current and peak value of reverse stroke current were −4.65%, 9.08% and 9.35%, respectively. Finally, it was shown that the mathematical model of the operating process of an electromagnetic hammer is relatively accurate, and it can be used to determine the design parameters of the electromagnetic hammer. Therefore, the design parameters that can provide the required impact energy in the manual electromagnetic hammer were determined using a mathematical model developed. The proposed method will be used for the further design and development of the various types of percussion rock drills.Keywords: solenoid electromagnet, electromagnetic hammer, stone processing, mathematical modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 481274 A Review of Gas Hydrate Rock Physics Models
Authors: Hemin Yuan, Yun Wang, Xiangchun Wang
Gas hydrate is drawing attention due to the fact that it has an enormous amount all over the world, which is almost twice the conventional hydrocarbon reserves, making it a potential alternative source of energy. It is widely distributed in permafrost and continental ocean shelves, and many countries have launched national programs for investigating the gas hydrate. Gas hydrate is mainly explored through seismic methods, which include bottom simulating reflectors (BSR), amplitude blanking, and polarity reverse. These seismic methods are effective at finding the gas hydrate formations but usually contain large uncertainties when applying to invert the micro-scale petrophysical properties of the formations due to lack of constraints. Rock physics modeling links the micro-scale structures of the rocks to the macro-scale elastic properties and can work as effective constraints for the seismic methods. A number of rock physics models have been proposed for gas hydrate modeling, which addresses different mechanisms and applications. However, these models are generally not well classified, and it is confusing to determine the appropriate model for a specific study. Moreover, since the modeling usually involves multiple models and steps, it is difficult to determine the source of uncertainties. To solve these problems, we summarize the developed models/methods and make four classifications of the models according to the hydrate micro-scale morphology in sediments, the purpose of reservoir characterization, the stage of gas hydrate generation, and the lithology type of hosting sediments. Some sub-categories may overlap each other, but they have different priorities. Besides, we also analyze the priorities of different models, bring up the shortcomings, and explain the appropriate application scenarios. Moreover, by comparing the models, we summarize a general workflow of the modeling procedure, which includes rock matrix forming, dry rock frame generating, pore fluids mixing, and final fluid substitution in the rock frame. These procedures have been widely used in various gas hydrate modeling and have been confirmed to be effective. We also analyze the potential sources of uncertainties in each modeling step, which enables us to clearly recognize the potential uncertainties in the modeling. In the end, we explicate the general problems of the current models, including the influences of pressure and temperature, pore geometry, hydrate morphology, and rock structure change during gas hydrate dissociation and re-generation. We also point out that attenuation is also severely affected by gas hydrate in sediments and may work as an indicator to map gas hydrate concentration. Our work classifies rock physics models of gas hydrate into different categories, generalizes the modeling workflow, analyzes the modeling uncertainties and potential problems, which can facilitate the rock physics characterization of gas hydrate bearding sediments and provide hints for future studies.Keywords: gas hydrate, rock physics model, modeling classification, hydrate morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591273 Electricity Demand Modeling and Forecasting in Singapore
Authors: Xian Li, Qing-Guo Wang, Jiangshuai Huang, Jidong Liu, Ming Yu, Tan Kok Poh
In power industry, accurate electricity demand forecasting for a certain leading time is important for system operation and control, etc. In this paper, we investigate the modeling and forecasting of Singapore’s electricity demand. Several standard models, such as HWT exponential smoothing model, the ARMA model and the ANNs model have been proposed based on historical demand data. We applied them to Singapore electricity market and proposed three refinements based on simulation to improve the modeling accuracy. Compared with existing models, our refined model can produce better forecasting accuracy. It is demonstrated in the simulation that by adding forecasting error into the forecasting equation, the modeling accuracy could be improved greatly.Keywords: power industry, electricity demand, modeling, forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 6411272 A Comprehensive CFD Model for Sugar-Cane Bagasse Heterogeneous Combustion in a Grate Boiler System
Authors: Daniel José de Oliveira Ferreira, Juan Harold Sosa-Arnao, Bruno Cássio Moreira, Leonardo Paes Rangel, Song Won Park
The comprehensive CFD models have been used to represent and study the heterogeneous combustion of biomass. In the present work, the operation of a global flue gas circuit in the sugar-cane bagasse combustion, from wind boxes below primary air grate supply, passing by bagasse insertion in swirl burners and boiler furnace, to boiler bank outlet is simulated. It uses five different meshes representing each part of this system located in sequence: wind boxes and grate, boiler furnace, swirl burners, super heaters and boiler bank. The model considers turbulence using standard k-ε, combustion using EDM, radiation heat transfer using DTM with 16 ray directions and bagasse particle tracking represented by Schiller-Naumann model. The results showed good agreement with expected behavior found in literature and equipment design. The more detailed results view in separated parts of flue gas system allows to observe some flow behaviors that cannot be represented by usual simplifications like bagasse supply under homogeneous axial and rotational vectors and others that can be represented using new considerations like the representation of 26 thousand grate orifices by 144 rectangular inlets.Keywords: comprehensive CFD model, sugar-cane bagasse combustion, sugar-cane bagasse grate boiler, axial
Procedia PDF Downloads 4741271 An Online Priority-Configuration Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance of the Unmanned Air Vehicles Swarm
Authors: Lihua Zhu, Jianfeng Du, Yu Wang, Zhiqiang Wu
Collision avoidance problems of a swarm of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) flying in an obstacle-laden environment are investigated in this paper. Given that the UAV swarm needs to adapt to the obstacle distribution in dynamic operation, a priority configuration is designed to guide the UAVs to pass through the obstacles in turn. Based on the collision cone approach and the prediction of the collision time, a collision evaluation model is established to judge the urgency of the imminent collision of each UAV, and the evaluation result is used to assign the priority of each UAV to further instruct them going through the obstacles in descending order. At last, the simulation results provide the promising validation in terms of the efficiency and scalability of the proposed approach.Keywords: UAV swarm, collision avoidance, complex environment, online priority design
Procedia PDF Downloads 2151270 The Contribution Study of Multi-component Thermal Fluid Enhancement in Offshore Medium and Deep Heavy Oilfields
Authors: Tao Lin, Hongzhi Song, Zhongtao Yuan, Shanshan Lin, Chunyue Tong
Offshore heavy oil in the production of thick oil fields, old wells of low production and low efficiency are mainly caused by plugging, heavy oil, insufficient stratigraphic energy, etc., the use of heat - gas - chemical and other composite production enhancement role, can be better to achieve the purpose of unblocking and increase the efficiency of the production. Through indoor physical simulation experiments, comprehensive grey correlation analysis, combined with theoretical methods to analyze the composite production enhancement effect of heat-gas-chemical and other factors was in the order of heat>gas>chemical agent; and quantitative analysis of the data shows that the contribution of heat is the highest in the range of 68.5%-82.8%, the gas role in the range of 9.3%-11.3%, and the contribution of the chemical agent in the range of 6.0%-22.2%. Combined with indoor physical simulation experiments and reservoir engineering calculations, it shows that the production capacity is restored and increased by about 50%, and numerical simulation calculations show that the cumulative increase in production by using thermal-gas-chemical decongestion process measures can be up to 40%. Through the optimization of this kind of compound production enhancement technology, it can meet the requirements of original production string operation, and this technology has the advantages of short, flat and fast operation and has good application prospects.Keywords: MCTF, old heavy oil wells, low production and low efficiency, immobile tubular column, composite production increase
Procedia PDF Downloads 101269 Nanofibrous Ion Exchangers
Authors: Jaromír Marek, Jakub Wiener, Yan Wang
The main goal of this study was to find simple and industrially applicable production of ion exchangers based on nanofibrous polystyrene matrix and characterization of prepared material. Starting polystyrene nanofibers were sulfonated and crosslinked under appropriate conditions at the same time by sulfuric acid. Strongly acidic cation exchanger was obtained in such a way. The polymer matrix was made from polystyrene nanofibers prepared by Nanospider technology. Various types postpolymerization reactions and other methods of crosslinking were studied. Greatly different behavior between nano and microsize materials was observed. The final nanofibrous material was characterized and compared to common granular ion exchangers and available microfibrous ion exchangers. The sorption properties of nanofibrous ion exchangers were compared with the granular ion exchangers. For nanofibrous ion exchangers of comparable ion exchange capacity was observed considerably faster adsorption kinetics.Keywords: electrospinning, ion exchangers, nanofibers, polystyrene
Procedia PDF Downloads 2571268 Effects of the SNPS on rs855791 and rs3811647 on the Levels of SF and sTFR in the Group of 8-14
Authors: Piao Wei, Sun Jing, Huang Jian, Wang Lijuan, Tang Yanbin, Li Jin, Huo Junsheng
Objective: To investigate effects on the levels of SF and sTfR by the SNPs of rs855791on TMPRSS6 and rs3811647 on TF in adolescent. Methods: DNA was extracted from venous blood which were drawn from 50 subjects, and then the two SNPs of each sample were identified by Sequenom MassArray. T test and chi-square test were selected to identify the relationship between the levels of SF and sTfR in each allele carriers, and then the effects of each SNP on the levels of SF and sTfR would be assessed. Results: The level of SF of A allele carriers on rs855791 (54±28.2 ng/ml) was higher than GG carriers (33.1±20.2 ng/ml) (P<0.05), and the discrimination of the level of sTfR between each allele carrier was not observed (P>0.05); the discriminations of the different levels of SF and sTfR among each SNP on rs3811647 were not observed (P>0.05). Conclusions: The level of SF may be affected by the SNP of rs855791on TMPRSS6, and the effect of rs3811647 on TF may be weakened by the former one.Keywords: SNP, SF, sTfR, adolescent
Procedia PDF Downloads 5771267 Image Segmentation of Visual Markers in Robotic Tracking System Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm with Connected-Component Labeling
Authors: Shu-Yu Hsu, Chen-Chien Hsu, Wei-Yen Wang
Color segmentation is a basic and simple way for recognizing the visual markers in a robotic tracking system. In this paper, we propose a new method for color segmentation by incorporating differential evolution algorithm and connected component labeling to autonomously preset the HSV threshold of visual markers. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a ROBOTIS OP2 humanoid robot is used to conduct the experiment, where five most commonly used color including red, purple, blue, yellow, and green in visual markers are given for comparisons.Keywords: color segmentation, differential evolution, connected component labeling, humanoid robot
Procedia PDF Downloads 6061266 Thermoplastic Composites with Reduced Discoloration and Enhanced Fire-Retardant Property
Authors: Peng Cheng, Liqing Wei, Hongyu Chen, Ruomiao Wang
This paper discusses a light-weight reinforced thermoplastic (LWRT) composite with superior fire retardancy. This porous LWRT composite is manufactured using polyolefin, fiberglass, and fire retardant additives via a wet-lay process. However, discoloration of the LWRT can be induced by various mechanisms, which may be a concern in the building and construction industry. It is commonly understood that discoloration is strongly associated with the presence of phenolic antioxidant(s) and NOx. The over-oxidation of phenolic antioxidant(s) is probably the root-cause of the discoloration (pinking/yellowing). Hanwha Azdel, Inc. developed a LWRT with fire-retardant property of ASTM E84-Class A specification, as well as negligible discoloration even under harsh conditions. In addition, this thermoplastic material is suitable for secondary processing (e.g. compression molding) if necessary.Keywords: discoloration, fire-retardant, thermoplastic composites, wet-lay process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291265 Defect Localization and Interaction on Surfaces with Projection Mapping and Gesture Recognition
Authors: Qiang Wang, Hongyang Yu, MingRong Lai, Miao Luo
This paper presents a method for accurately localizing and interacting with known surface defects by overlaying patterns onto real-world surfaces using a projection system. Given the world coordinates of the defects, we project corresponding patterns onto the surfaces, providing an intuitive visualization of the specific defect locations. To enable users to interact with and retrieve more information about individual defects, we implement a gesture recognition system based on a pruned and optimized version of YOLOv6. This lightweight model achieves an accuracy of 82.8% and is suitable for deployment on low-performance devices. Our approach demonstrates the potential for enhancing defect identification, inspection processes, and user interaction in various applications.Keywords: defect localization, projection mapping, gesture recognition, YOLOv6
Procedia PDF Downloads 901264 Factors Influencing Family Resilience and Quality of Life in Pediatric Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers: A Cluster Analysis
Authors: Li Wang, Dan Shu, Shiguang Pang, Lixiu Wang, Bing Xiang Yang, Qian Liu
Background: Cancer is one of the most severe diseases in childhood; long-term treatment and its side effects significantly impact the patient's physical, psychological, social functioning and quality of life while also placing substantial physical and psychological burdens on caregivers and families. Family resilience is crucial for children with cancer, helping them cope better with the disease and supporting the family in facing challenges together. As a family-level variable, family resilience requires information from multiple family members. However, to our best knowledge, there is currently no research investigating family resilience from both the perspectives of pediatric cancer patients and their caregivers. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the family resilience and quality of life of pediatric cancer patients from a patient–caregiver dyadic perspective. Methods: A total of 149 dyads of patients diagnosed with pediatric cancer patients and their principal caregivers were recruited from oncology departments of 4 tertiary hospitals in Wuhan and Taiyuan, China. All participants completed questionnaires that identified their demographic and clinical characteristics as well as assessed their family resilience and quality of life for both the patients and their caregivers. K-means cluster analysis was used to identify different clusters of family resilience based on the reports from patients and caregivers. Multivariate logistic regression and linear regression are used to analyze the factors influencing family resilience and quality of life, as well as the relationship between the two. Results: Three clusters of family resilience were identified: a cluster of high family resilience (HR), a cluster of low family resilience (LR), and a cluster of discrepant family resilience (DR). Most (67.1%) families fell into the cluster with low resilience. Characteristics such as the types of caregivers perceived social support of the patient were different among the three clusters. Compared to the LR group, families where the mother is the caregiver and where the patient has high social support are more likely to be assigned to the HR. The quality of life for caregivers was consistently highest in the HR cluster and lowest in the LR cluster. The patient's quality of life is not related to family resilience. In the linear regression analysis of the patient's quality of life, patients who are the first-born have higher quality of life, while those living with their parents have lower quality of life. The participants' characteristics were not associated with the quality of life for caregivers. Conclusions: In most families, family resilience was low. Families with maternal caregivers and patients receiving high levels of social support are more inclined to be higher levels of family resilience. Family resilience was linked to the quality of life of caregivers of pediatric cancer patients. The clinical implications of this findings suggest that healthcare and social support organizations should prioritize and support the participation of mothers in caregiving responsibilities. Furthermore, they should assist families in accessing social support to enhance family resilience. This study also emphasizes the importance of promoting family resilience for enhancing family health and happiness, as well as improving the quality of life for caregivers.Keywords: pediatric cancer, cluster analysis, family resilience, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 391263 Selection of Rayleigh Damping Coefficients for Seismic Response Analysis of Soil Layers
Authors: Huai-Feng Wang, Meng-Lin Lou, Ru-Lin Zhang
One good analysis method in seismic response analysis is direct time integration, which widely adopts Rayleigh damping. An approach is presented for selection of Rayleigh damping coefficients to be used in seismic analyses to produce a response that is consistent with Modal damping response. In the presented approach, the expression of the error of peak response, acquired through complete quadratic combination method, and Rayleigh damping coefficients was set up and then the coefficients were produced by minimizing the error. Two finite element modes of soil layers, excited by 28 seismic waves, were used to demonstrate the feasibility and validity.Keywords: Rayleigh damping, modal damping, damping coefficients, seismic response analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4381262 Tax Evasion and Macroeconomic (In)stability
Authors: Wei-Neng Wang, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, Jhy-Hwa Chen, Juin-Jen Chang
This paper incorporate tax evasion into a one-sector real business cycle (RBC) model to explores the quantitative interrelations between income tax rate and equilibrium (in)determinacy, and income tax rate is endogenously determined in order to balance the government budget. We find that the level of the effective income tax rate is key factor for equilibrium (in)determinacy, instead of the level of income tax rate in a tax evasion economy. Under an economy with tax evasion, the higher income tax rate is not sufficiently to lead to equilibrium indeterminate, it must combine with a necessary condition which is the lower fraction of tax evasion and that can result in agents' optimistic expectations to become self-fulfilling and sunspot fluctuation more likely to occur. On the other hand, an economy with tax evasion can see its macroeconomy become more stabilize, and a higher fraction of income tax evasion may has a stronger stabilizing effect.Keywords: tax evasion, balanced-budget rule, equlibirium (in)determinacy, effective income tax rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 641261 Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Gas-Particle Flow in Shock-Induced Fluidization of Particles Bed
In this paper, a unified-gas kinetic scheme (UGKS) for the gas-particle flow is constructed. UGKS is a direct modeling method for both continuum and rarefied flow computations. The dynamics of particle and gas are described as rarefied and continuum flow, respectively. Therefore, we use the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) equation for the particle distribution function. For the gas phase, the gas kinetic scheme for Navier-Stokes equation is solved. The momentum transfer between gas and particle is achieved by the acceleration term added to the BGK equation. The new scheme is tested by a 2cm-in-thickness dense bed comprised of glass particles with 1.5mm in diameter, and reasonable agreement is achieved.Keywords: gas-particle flow, unified gas-kinetic scheme, momentum transfer, shock-induced fluidization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2621260 Simulation Studies of High-Intensity, Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields Induced Dynamic Membrane Electroporation
Authors: Jiahui Song
The application of an electric field can cause poration at cell membranes. This includes the outer plasma membrane, as well as the membranes of intracellular organelles. In order to analyze and predict such electroporation effects, it becomes necessary to first evaluate the electric fields and the transmembrane voltages. This information can then be used to assess changes in the pore formation energy that finally yields the pore distributions and their radii based on the Smolchowski equation. The dynamic pore model can be achieved by including a dynamic aspect and a dependence on the pore population density into the pore formation energy equation. These changes make the pore formation energy E(r) self-adjusting in response to pore formation without causing uncontrolled growth and expansion. By using dynamic membrane tension, membrane electroporation in response to a 180kV/cm trapezoidal pulse with a 10 ns on time and 1.5 ns rise- and fall-times is discussed. Poration is predicted to occur at times beyond the peak at around 9.2 ns. Modeling also yields time-dependent distributions of the membrane pore population after multiple pulses. It shows that the pore distribution shifts to larger values of the radius with multiple pulsing. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are also carried out for a fixed field of 0.5 V/nm to demonstrate nanopore formation from a microscopic point of view. The result shows that the pore is predicted to be about 0.9 nm in diameter and somewhat narrower at the central point.Keywords: high-intensity, nanosecond, dynamics, electroporation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641259 A Privacy Protection Scheme Supporting Fuzzy Search for NDN Routing Cache Data Name
Authors: Feng Tao, Ma Jing, Guo Xian, Wang Jing
Named Data Networking (NDN) replaces IP address of traditional network with data name, and adopts dynamic cache mechanism. In the existing mechanism, however, only one-to-one search can be achieved because every data has a unique name corresponding to it. There is a certain mapping relationship between data content and data name, so if the data name is intercepted by an adversary, the privacy of the data content and user’s interest can hardly be guaranteed. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a one-to-many fuzzy search scheme based on order-preserving encryption to reduce the query overhead by optimizing the caching strategy. In this scheme, we use hash value to ensure the user’s query safe from each node in the process of search, so does the privacy of the requiring data content.Keywords: NDN, order-preserving encryption, fuzzy search, privacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4871258 Performance Evaluations of Lap Spliced Joint of Decked Bulb-Tee Type Modular Bridge
Authors: Sang-Yoon Lee, Jae-Joon Song
Precast decked bulb-tee girder or precast deck generally adopts in-situ connections of loop joints. Loop joint could be an effective method to connect precast concrete members where the width of joint is not wide sufficiently to allow the lap splice length of reinforcing bars. However, the regulation for the minimum bend diameter of looped rebar gives limitation not to reduce the thickness of precast concrete member; thus, in-situ connection adopting loop joint place a constraint on improving the structural efficiency of precast concrete member. Ultra high strength concrete (UHSC) is effective on reduce the development and lap splice length of reinforcing bar. In-situ connection with UHSC gives a merit to reduce connection width. This study intends to investigate the details of the longitudinal joint to be applied in the precast modular bridge using decked bulb-tee girder that has been recently developed in Korea. This paper presents the details applying UHSC and lap splices of straight reinforcement and results of tests. Several tests were performed on flexural specimens with longitudinal joints to verify the length of the lap splices and amount of transverse reinforcement, and to examine the flexural strength of the longitudinal joint.Keywords: precast structure, decked bulb-tee girder, in-situ connection, UHSC, modular bridge
Procedia PDF Downloads 4621257 Social Media Use’s Influence on Self-Perception
Authors: Bob Wang
This study investigates the impact of social media usage on Chinese adolescents’ appearance anxiety. A total of 366 respondents were surveyed online about their self-perception regarding appearance and their social media usage. Each individual participant was asked about the type and frequency of social media usage as well as their opinion on statements regarding appearance anxiety. Participants were also asked to give short answers about their coping mechanism with appearance anxiety. Social media usage had a complex relationship with appearance anxiety, as most individuals acknowledged the appearance-related pressure generated by social media but also showed resilience towards appearance anxiety. Results suggest a wide impact of appearance anxiety on Chinese adolescents and highlight the person-specific resilience mechanisms adopted by those youths.Keywords: appearance anxiety, self-perception, social media, coping mechanisms
Procedia PDF Downloads 681256 Reconstruction of Alveolar Bone Defects Using Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 Mediated Rabbit Dental Pulp Stem Cells Seeded on Nano-Hydroxyapatite/Collagen/Poly(L-Lactide)
Authors: Ling-Ling E., Hong-Chen Liu, Dong-Sheng Wang, Fang Su, Xia Wu, Zhan-Ping Shi, Yan Lv, Jia-Zhu Wang
Objective: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the capacity of a tissue-engineered bone complex of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2) mediated dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen/poly(L-lactide)(nHAC/PLA) to reconstruct critical-size alveolar bone defects in New Zealand rabbit. Methods: Autologous DPSCs were isolated from rabbit dental pulp tissue and expanded ex vivo to enrich DPSCs numbers, and then their attachment and differentiation capability were evaluated when cultured on the culture plate or nHAC/PLA. The alveolar bone defects were treated with nHAC/PLA, nHAC/PLA+rhBMP-2, nHAC/PLA+DPSCs, nHAC/PLA+DPSCs+rhBMP-2, and autogenous bone (AB) obtained from iliac bone or were left untreated as a control. X-ray and a polychrome sequential fluorescent labeling were performed post-operatively and the animals were sacrificed 12 weeks after operation for histological observation and histomorphometric analysis. Results: Our results showed that DPSCs expressed STRO-1 and vementin, and favoured osteogenesis and adipogenesis in conditioned media. DPSCs attached and spread well, and retained their osteogenic phenotypes on nHAC/PLA. The rhBMP-2 could significantly increase protein content, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity/protein, osteocalcin (OCN) content, and mineral formation of DPSCs cultured on nHAC/PLA. The X-ray graph, the fluorescent, histological observation and histomorphometric analysis showed that the nHAC/PLA+DPSCs+rhBMP-2 tissue-engineered bone complex had an earlier mineralization and more bone formation inside the scaffold than nHAC/PLA, nHAC/PLA+rhBMP-2 and nHAC/PLA+DPSCs, or even autologous bone. Implanted DPSCs contribution to new bone were detected through transfected eGFP genes. Conclutions: Our findings indicated that stem cells existed in adult rabbit dental pulp tissue. The rhBMP-2 promoted osteogenic capability of DPSCs as a potential cell source for periodontal bone regeneration. The nHAC/PLA could serve as a good scaffold for autologous DPSCs seeding, proliferation and differentiation. The tissue-engineered bone complex with nHAC/PLA, rhBMP-2, and autologous DPSCs might be a better alternative to autologous bone for the clinical reconstruction of periodontal bone defects.Keywords: nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen/poly (L-lactide), dental pulp stem cell, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein, bone tissue engineering, alveolar bone
Procedia PDF Downloads 4021255 Production of Recombinant VP2 Protein of Canine Parvovirus Type 2c Using Baculovirus Expression System
Authors: Jae Young Song, In-Ohk Ouh, Seyeon Park, Byeong Sul Kang, Soo Dong Cho, In-Soo Cho
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a major pathogen of diarrhea disease in dogs. CPV type 2 has three of antigenic variants such as 2a, 2b, and 2c. CPV constructs a small non-enveloped, icosahedral capsid that contains single-stranded DNA. It has capsids that two largely overlapping virion proteins (VP), VP1 (82 kDa), and VP2 (65 kDa). Baculoviruses are insect pathogens that regulate insect populations in nature and are being successfully used to control insect pests. The proteins produced in the baculovirus-expression system are used for instance for functional studies, vaccine preparations, or diagnostics. The vaccines produced by baculovirus-expression system showed elicitation of antibodies. The recombinant baculovirus infected SF9 cells showed broken shape. The recombinant VP2 proteins from cell pellet or supernatant were confirmed by western blotting. The result showed that the recombinant VP2 protein bands were appeared at 65 kDa molecular weight in both cell pellet and supernatant of infected SF9 cell. These results indicated that the recombinant baculovirus infected SF9 cell express the recombinant VP2 protein successfully. In addition, the expressed recombinant VP2 protein is secreted from cell to supernatant. The baculovirus expression system can be used to produce the VP2 protein of CPV 2c. In addition, the secretion property of the expression of VP2 protein may decrease the cost of production, because it can be skipped the cell breaking step. The produced VP2 protein could be used for vaccine and the agent of diagnostic tests. This study provides the foundation of the production of CPV 2c vaccine and the diagnostic agent.Keywords: baculovirus, canine parvovirus 2c, dog, Korea
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