Search results for: customer friendly washing machine
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 5521

Search results for: customer friendly washing machine

1261 A Simulation-Optimization Approach to Control Production, Subcontracting and Maintenance Decisions for a Deteriorating Production System

Authors: Héctor Rivera-Gómez, Eva Selene Hernández-Gress, Oscar Montaño-Arango, Jose Ramon Corona-Armenta


This research studies the joint production, maintenance and subcontracting control policy for an unreliable deteriorating manufacturing system. Production activities are controlled by a derivation of the Hedging Point Policy, and given that the system is subject to deterioration, it reduces progressively its capacity to satisfy product demand. Multiple deterioration effects are considered, reflected mainly in the quality of the parts produced and the reliability of the machine. Subcontracting is available as support to satisfy product demand; also overhaul maintenance can be conducted to reduce the effects of deterioration. The main objective of the research is to determine simultaneously the production, maintenance and subcontracting rate which minimize the total incurred cost. A stochastic dynamic programming model is developed and solved through a simulation-based approach composed of statistical analysis and optimization with the response surface methodology. The obtained results highlight the strong interactions between production, deterioration and quality which justify the development of an integrated model. A numerical example and a sensitivity analysis are presented to validate our results.

Keywords: subcontracting, optimal control, deterioration, simulation, production planning

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1260 AI and the Future of Misinformation: Opportunities and Challenges

Authors: Noor Azwa Azreen Binti Abd. Aziz, Muhamad Zaim Bin Mohd Rozi


Moving towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is now more popular than ever. This subject is gaining significance every day and is continually expanding, often merging with other fields. Instead of merely being passive observers, there are benefits to understanding modern technology by delving into its inner workings. However, in a world teeming with digital information, the impact of AI on the spread of disinformation has garnered significant attention. The dissemination of inaccurate or misleading information is referred to as misinformation, posing a serious threat to democratic society, public debate, and individual decision-making. This article delves deep into the connection between AI and the dissemination of false information, exploring its potential, risks, and ethical issues as AI technology advances. The rise of AI has ushered in a new era in the dissemination of misinformation as AI-driven technologies are increasingly responsible for curating, recommending, and amplifying information on online platforms. While AI holds the potential to enhance the detection and mitigation of misinformation through natural language processing and machine learning, it also raises concerns about the amplification and propagation of false information. AI-powered deepfake technology, for instance, can generate hyper-realistic videos and audio recordings, making it increasingly challenging to discern fact from fiction.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital information, disinformation, ethical issues, misinformation

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1259 Correlation Analysis to Quantify Learning Outcomes for Different Teaching Pedagogies

Authors: Kanika Sood, Sijie Shang


A fundamental goal of education includes preparing students to become a part of the global workforce by making beneficial contributions to society. In this paper, we analyze student performance for multiple courses that involve different teaching pedagogies: a cooperative learning technique and an inquiry-based learning strategy. Student performance includes student engagement, grades, and attendance records. We perform this study in the Computer Science department for online and in-person courses for 450 students. We will perform correlation analysis to study the relationship between student scores and other parameters such as gender, mode of learning. We use natural language processing and machine learning to analyze student feedback data and performance data. We assess the learning outcomes of two teaching pedagogies for undergraduate and graduate courses to showcase the impact of pedagogical adoption and learning outcome as determinants of academic achievement. Early findings suggest that when using the specified pedagogies, students become experts on their topics and illustrate enhanced engagement with peers.

Keywords: bag-of-words, cooperative learning, education, inquiry-based learning, in-person learning, natural language processing, online learning, sentiment analysis, teaching pedagogy

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1258 Familiarity with Engineering Project Management And Their Duties In Projects

Authors: Mokhtar Nikgoo


Today's industrial world has undergone tremendous changes in certain periods. These changes are called environmental changes. And they have a direct impact on organizations and bodies. Therefore, the importance of knowing these changes is clear. This importance has caused the manufacturing organizations to move towards multiple products and constantly change and expand their system. This research tries to show how the organization moves in this category by defining the basic steps of implementing a project. One of the most important features of a hard-to-order production organization is the definition of different production projects from different customers. Therefore, the lack of sufficient understanding of the type of work causes the project to be defined for the organization in question, and the managers of the organization (in every organizational level) are constantly involved with different projects. In the implementation of the production project of the aforementioned organizations, directing the facilities and people of the organization towards the implementation of the project is of particular importance. Therefore, it is felt necessary to define the project manager and his basic duties. Considering the importance of this topic, the project chapter deals with project management and its importance and examines all the different issues in that category from the perspective of implementation. A project includes certain activities of the organization that require the use of different resources and all the activities of the organization in order to implement the project with defined facilities and at the designated times. Project management is planning, organizing and controlling the organization's resources for a short-term goal that has been created for short-term and medium-term goals and objectives. Project management has the important task of centering and integrating (coordinating) task and line managers. In other words, project management requires having a strong and appropriate relationship with the internal people of the system to carry out the assigned activities and must have a general and technical knowledge related to various activities in the project environment. It seems that everything with project management in It is communication. One of the characteristics of production organizations under the order is the relationship between the customer (customers) and the organization until the completion of the defined project. Due to the nature of the work, it is necessary for a person to establish this relationship between the client and the organization's people and to establish this relationship in such a way that it does not cause a lack of coordination in the organization's activities. Therefore, project management has a very important role at this stage, because the relationship between the client and his organization will be any problems and problems and points of view that the client has, he must inform the management so that he can implement the cases with its analysis and special processes. To be transferred to other departments and line managers.

Keywords: project management, crisis management, project delays bill, project duration

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1257 Performance of On-site Earthquake Early Warning Systems for Different Sensor Locations

Authors: Ting-Yu Hsu, Shyu-Yu Wu, Shieh-Kung Huang, Hung-Wei Chiang, Kung-Chun Lu, Pei-Yang Lin, Kuo-Liang Wen


Regional earthquake early warning (EEW) systems are not suitable for Taiwan, as most destructive seismic hazards arise due to in-land earthquakes. These likely cause the lead-time provided by regional EEW systems before a destructive earthquake wave arrives to become null. On the other hand, an on-site EEW system can provide more lead-time at a region closer to an epicenter, since only seismic information of the target site is required. Instead of leveraging the information of several stations, the on-site system extracts some P-wave features from the first few seconds of vertical ground acceleration of a single station and performs a prediction of the oncoming earthquake intensity at the same station according to these features. Since seismometers could be triggered by non-earthquake events such as a passing of a truck or other human activities, to reduce the likelihood of false alarms, a seismometer was installed at three different locations on the same site and the performance of the EEW system for these three sensor locations were discussed. The results show that the location on the ground of the first floor of a school building maybe a good choice, since the false alarms could be reduced and the cost for installation and maintenance is the lowest.

Keywords: earthquake early warning, on-site, seismometer location, support vector machine

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1256 Children with Migration Backgrounds in Russian Elementary Schools: Teachers Attitudes and Practices

Authors: Chulpan Gromova, Rezeda Khairutdinova, Dina Birman


One of the most significant issues that schools all over the world face today is the ways teachers respond to increasing diversity. The study was informed by the tripartite model of multicultural competence, with awareness of personal biases a necessary component, together with knowledge of different cultures, and skills to work with students from diverse backgrounds. The paper presents the results of qualitative descriptive studies that help to understand how school teachers in Russia treat migrant children, how they solve the problems of adaptation of migrant children. The purpose of this study was to determine: a) educational practices used by primary school teachers when working with migrant children; b) relationship between practices and attitudes of teachers. Empirical data were collected through interviews. The participants were informed that a conversation was being recorded. They were also warned that the study was voluntary, absolutely anonymous, no personal data was disclosed. Consent was received from 20 teachers. The findings were analyzed using directive content analysis (Graneheim and Lundman, 2004). The analysis was deductive according to the categories of practices and attitudes identified in the literature review and enriched inductively to identify variation within these categories. Studying practices is an essential part of preparing future teachers for working in a multicultural classroom. For language and academic support, teachers mostly use individual work. In order to create a friendly classroom climate and environment teachers have productive conversations with students, organize multicultural events for the whole school or just for an individual class. The majority of teachers have positive attitudes toward migrant children. In most cases, positive attitudes lead to high expectations for their academic achievements. Conceptual orientation of teacher attitudes toward cultural diversity is mostly pluralistic. Positive attitudes, high academic expectations and conceptual orientation toward pluralism are favorably reflected in teachers’ practice.

Keywords: intercultural education, migrant children schooling, teachers attitudes, teaching practices

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1255 Application of Latent Class Analysis and Self-Organizing Maps for the Prediction of Treatment Outcomes for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Authors: Ben Clapperton, Daniel Stahl, Kimberley Goldsmith, Trudie Chalder


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition characterised by chronic disabling fatigue and other symptoms that currently can't be explained by any underlying medical condition. Although clinical trials support the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), the success rate for individual patients is modest. Patients vary in their response and little is known which factors predict or moderate treatment outcomes. The aim of the project is to develop a prediction model from baseline characteristics of patients, such as demographics, clinical and psychological variables, which may predict likely treatment outcome and provide guidance for clinical decision making and help clinicians to recommend the best treatment. The project is aimed at identifying subgroups of patients with similar baseline characteristics that are predictive of treatment effects using modern cluster analyses and data mining machine learning algorithms. The characteristics of these groups will then be used to inform the types of individuals who benefit from a specific treatment. In addition, results will provide a better understanding of for whom the treatment works. The suitability of different clustering methods to identify subgroups and their response to different treatments of CFS patients is compared.

Keywords: chronic fatigue syndrome, latent class analysis, prediction modelling, self-organizing maps

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1254 A Step Towards Circular Economy: Assessing the Efficacy of Ion Exchange Resins in the Recycling of Automotive Engine Coolants

Authors: George Madalin Danila, Mihaiella Cretu, Cristian Puscasu


The recycling of used antifreeze/coolant is a widely discussed and intricate issue. Complying with government regulations for the proper disposal of hazardous waste poses a significant challenge for today's automotive and industrial industries. In recent years, global focus has shifted toward Earth's fragile ecology, emphasizing the need to restore and preserve the natural environment. The business and industrial sectors have undergone substantial changes to adapt and offer products tailored to these evolving markets. The global antifreeze market size was evaluated at US 5.4 billion in 2020 to reach USD 5,9 billion by 2025 due to the increased number of vehicles worldwide, but also to the growth of HVAC systems. This study presents the evaluation of an ion exchange resin-based installation designed for the recycling of engine coolants, specifically ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG). The recycling process aims to restore the coolant to meet the stringent ASTM standards for both new and recycled coolants. A combination of physical-chemical methods, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was employed to analyze and validate the purity and performance of the recycled product. The experimental setup included performance tests, namely corrosion to glassware and the tendency to foaming of coolant, to assess the efficacy of the recycled coolants in comparison to new coolant standards. The results demonstrate that the recycled EG coolants exhibit comparable quality to new coolants, with all critical parameters falling within the acceptable ASTM limits. This indicates that the ion exchange resin method is a viable and efficient solution for the recycling of engine coolants, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to the disposal of used coolants while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Keywords: engine coolant, glycols, recycling, ion exchange resin, circular economy

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1253 Correlation of Material Mechanical Characteristics Obtained by Means of Standardized and Miniature Test Specimens

Authors: Vaclav Mentl, P. Zlabek, J. Volak


New methods of mechanical testing were developed recently that are based on making use of miniature test specimens (e.g. Small Punch Test). The most important advantage of these method is the nearly non-destructive withdrawal of test material and small size of test specimen what is interesting in cases of remaining lifetime assessment when a sufficient volume of the representative material cannot be withdrawn of the component in question. In opposite, the most important disadvantage of such methods stems from the necessity to correlate test results with the results of standardised test procedures and to build up a database of material data in service. The correlations among the miniature test specimen data and the results of standardised tests are necessary. The paper describes the results of fatigue tests performed on miniature tests specimens in comparison with traditional fatigue tests for several steels applied in power producing industry. Special miniature test specimens fixtures were designed and manufactured for the purposes of fatigue testing at the Zwick/Roell 10HPF5100 testing machine. The miniature test specimens were produced of the traditional test specimens. Seven different steels were fatigue loaded (R = 0.1) at room temperature.

Keywords: mechanical properties, miniature test specimens, correlations, small punch test, micro-tensile test, mini-charpy impact test

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1252 Capacity for Care: A Management Model for Increasing Animal Live Release Rates, Reducing Animal Intake and Euthanasia Rates in an Australian Open Admission Animal Shelter

Authors: Ann Enright


More than ever, animal shelters need to identify ways to reduce the number of animals entering shelter facilities and the incidence of euthanasia. Managing animal overpopulation using euthanasia can have detrimental health and emotional consequences for the shelter staff involved. There are also community expectations with moral and financial implications to consider. To achieve the goals of reducing animal intake and the incidence of euthanasia, shelter best practice involves combining programs, procedures and partnerships to increase live release rates (LRR), reduce the incidence of disease, length of stay (LOS) and shelter intake whilst overall remaining financially viable. Analysing daily processes, tracking outcomes and implementing simple strategies enabled shelter staff to more effectively focus their efforts and achieve amazing results. The objective of this retrospective study was to assess the effect of implementing the capacity for care (C4C) management model. Data focusing on the average daily number of animals on site for a two year period (2016 – 2017) was exported from a shelter management system, Customer Logic (CL) Vet to Excel for manipulation and comparison. Following the implementation of C4C practices the average daily number of animals on site was reduced by >50%, (2016 average 103 compared to 2017 average 49), average LOS reduced by 50% from 8 weeks to 4 weeks and incidence of disease reduced from ≥ 70% to less than 2% of the cats on site at the completion of the study. The total number of stray cats entering the shelter due to council contracts reduced by 50% (486 to 248). Improved cat outcomes were attributed to strategies that increased adoptions and reduced euthanasia of poorly socialized cats, including foster programs. To continue to achieve improvements in LRR and LOS, strategies to decrease intake further would be beneficial, for example, targeted sterilisation programs. In conclusion, the study highlighted the benefits of using C4C as a management tool, delivering a significant reduction in animal intake and euthanasia with positive emotional, financial and community outcomes.

Keywords: animal welfare, capacity for care, cat, euthanasia, length of stay, managed intake, shelter

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1251 Application of Response Surface Methodology in Optimizing Chitosan-Argan Nutshell Beads for Radioactive Wastewater Treatment

Authors: F. F. Zahra, E. G. Touria, Y. Samia, M. Ahmed, H. Hasna, B. M. Latifa


The presence of radioactive contaminants in wastewater poses a significant environmental and health risk, necessitating effective treatment solutions. This study investigates the optimization of chitosan-Argan nutshell beads for the removal of radioactive elements from wastewater, utilizing Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to enhance the treatment efficiency. Chitosan, known for its biocompatibility and adsorption properties, was combined with Argan nutshell powder to form composite beads. These beads were then evaluated for their capacity to remove radioactive contaminants from synthetic wastewater. The Box-Behnken design (BBD) under RSM was employed to analyze the influence of key operational parameters, including initial contaminant concentration, pH, bead dosage, and contact time, on the removal efficiency. Experimental results indicated that all tested parameters significantly affected the removal efficiency, with initial contaminant concentration and pH showing the most substantial impact. The optimized conditions, as determined by RSM, were found to be an initial contaminant concentration of 50 mg/L, a pH of 6, a bead dosage of 0.5 g/L, and a contact time of 120 minutes. Under these conditions, the removal efficiency reached up to 95%, demonstrating the potential of chitosan-Argan nutshell beads as a viable solution for radioactive wastewater treatment. Furthermore, the adsorption process was characterized by fitting the experimental data to various isotherm and kinetic models. The adsorption isotherms conformed well to the Langmuir model, indicating monolayer adsorption, while the kinetic data were best described by the pseudo-second-order model, suggesting chemisorption as the primary mechanism. This study highlights the efficacy of chitosan-Argan nutshell beads in removing radioactive contaminants from wastewater and underscores the importance of optimizing treatment parameters using RSM. The findings provide a foundation for developing cost-effective and environmentally friendly treatment technologies for radioactive wastewater.

Keywords: adsorption, argan nutshell, beads, chitosan, mechanism, optimization, radioactive wastewater, response surface methodology

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1250 The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy and Integration on Supply Chain Performance: Supply Chain Vulnerability as a Moderator

Authors: Yi-Chun Kuo, Jo-Chieh Lin


The objective of a supply chain strategy is to reduce waste and increase efficiency to attain cost benefits, and to guarantee supply chain flexibility when facing the ever-changing market environment in order to meet customer requirements. Strategy implementation aims to fulfill common goals and attain benefits by integrating upstream and downstream enterprises, sharing information, conducting common planning, and taking part in decision making, so as to enhance the overall performance of the supply chain. With the rise of outsourcing and globalization, the increasing dependence on suppliers and customers and the rapid development of information technology, the complexity and uncertainty of the supply chain have intensified, and supply chain vulnerability has surged, resulting in adverse effects on supply chain performance. Thus, this study aims to use supply chain vulnerability as a moderating variable and apply structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the relationships among supply chain strategy, supply chain integration, and supply chain performance, as well as the moderating effect of supply chain vulnerability on supply chain performance. The data investigation of this study was questionnaires which were collected from the management level of enterprises in Taiwan and China, 149 questionnaires were received. The result of confirmatory factor analysis shows that the path coefficients of supply chain strategy on supply chain integration and supply chain performance are positive (0.497, t= 4.914; 0.748, t= 5.919), having a significantly positive effect. Supply chain integration is also significantly positively correlated to supply chain performance (0.192, t = 2.273). The moderating effects of supply chain vulnerability on supply chain strategy and supply chain integration to supply chain performance are significant (7.407; 4.687). In Taiwan, 97.73% of enterprises are small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) focusing on receiving original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and original design manufacturer (ODM) orders. In order to meet the needs of customers and to respond to market changes, these enterprises especially focus on supply chain flexibility and their integration with the upstream and downstream enterprises. According to the observation of this research, the effect of supply chain vulnerability on supply chain performance is significant, and so enterprises need to attach great importance to the management of supply chain risk and conduct risk analysis on their suppliers in order to formulate response strategies when facing emergency situations. At the same time, risk management is incorporated into the supply chain so as to reduce the effect of supply chain vulnerability on the overall supply chain performance.

Keywords: supply chain integration, supply chain performance, supply chain vulnerability, structural equation modeling

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1249 Managing the Magnetic Protection of Workers in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Authors: Safoin Aktaou, Aya Al Masri, Kamel Guerchouche, Malorie Martin, Fouad Maaloul


Introduction: In the ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)’ department, all workers involved in preparing the patient, setting it up, tunnel cleaning, etc. are likely to be exposed to ‘ElectroMagnetic fields (EMF)’ emitted by the MRI device. Exposure to EMF can cause adverse radio-biological effects to workers. The purpose of this study is to propose an organizational process to manage and control EMF risks. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at seven MRI departments using machines with 1.5 and 3 Tesla magnetic fields. We assessed the exposure of each one by measuring the two electromagnetic fields (static and dynamic) at different distances from the MRI machine both inside and around the examination room. Measurement values were compared with British and American references (those of the UK's ‘Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)’ and the ‘American Radiology Society (ACR)’). Results: Following the results of EMF measurements and their comparison with the recommendations of learned societies, a zoning system that adapts to needs of different MRI services across the country has been proposed. In effect, three risk areas have been identified within the MRI services. This has led to the development of a good practice guide related to the magnetic protection of MRI workers. Conclusion: The guide established by our study is a standard that allows MRI workers to protect themselves against the risk of electromagnetic fields.

Keywords: comparison with international references, measurement of electromagnetic fields, magnetic protection of workers, magnetic resonance imaging

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1248 Fuzzy Neuro Approach for Integrated Water Management System

Authors: Stuti Modi, Aditi Kambli


This paper addresses the need for intelligent water management and distribution system in smart cities to ensure optimal consumption and distribution of water for drinking and sanitation purposes. Water being a limited resource in cities require an effective system for collection, storage and distribution. In this paper, applications of two mostly widely used particular types of data-driven models, namely artificial neural networks (ANN) and fuzzy logic-based models, to modelling in the water resources management field are considered. The objective of this paper is to review the principles of various types and architectures of neural network and fuzzy adaptive systems and their applications to integrated water resources management. Final goal of the review is to expose and formulate progressive direction of their applicability and further research of the AI-related and data-driven techniques application and to demonstrate applicability of the neural networks, fuzzy systems and other machine learning techniques in the practical issues of the regional water management. Apart from this the paper will deal with water storage, using ANN to find optimum reservoir level and predicting peak daily demands.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, peak daily demand prediction, water management and distribution

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1247 Microstructure of Ti – AlN Composite Produced by Selective Laser Melting

Authors: Jaroslaw Mizera, Pawel Wisniewski, Ryszard Sitek


Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is an advanced additive manufacturing technique used for producing parts made of wide range of materials such as: austenitic steel, titanium, nickel etc. In the our experiment we produced a Ti-AlN composite from a mixture of titanium and aluminum nitride respectively 70% at. and 30% at. using SLM technique. In order to define the size of powder particles, laser diffraction tests were performed on HORIBA LA-950 device. The microstructure and chemical composition of the composite was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The chemical composition in micro areas of the obtained samples was determined by of EDS. The phase composition was analyzed by X-ray phase analysis (XRD). Microhardness Vickers tests were performed using Zwick/Roell microhardness machine under the load of 0.2kG (HV0.2). Hardness measurements were made along the building (xy) and along the plane of the lateral side of the cuboid (xz). The powder used for manufacturing of the samples had a mean particle size of 41μm. It was homogenous with a spherical shape. The specimens were built chiefly from Ti, TiN and AlN. The dendritic microstructure was porous and fine-grained. Some of the aluminum nitride remained unmelted but no porosity was observed in the interface. The formed material was characterized by high hardness exceeding 700 HV0.2 over the entire cross-section.

Keywords: Selective Laser Melting, Composite, SEM, microhardness

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1246 Estimation of Transition and Emission Probabilities

Authors: Aakansha Gupta, Neha Vadnere, Tapasvi Soni, M. Anbarsi


Protein secondary structure prediction is one of the most important goals pursued by bioinformatics and theoretical chemistry; it is highly important in medicine and biotechnology. Some aspects of protein functions and genome analysis can be predicted by secondary structure prediction. This is used to help annotate sequences, classify proteins, identify domains, and recognize functional motifs. In this paper, we represent protein secondary structure as a mathematical model. To extract and predict the protein secondary structure from the primary structure, we require a set of parameters. Any constants appearing in the model are specified by these parameters, which also provide a mechanism for efficient and accurate use of data. To estimate these model parameters there are many algorithms out of which the most popular one is the EM algorithm or called the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. These model parameters are estimated with the use of protein datasets like RS126 by using the Bayesian Probabilistic method (data set being categorical). This paper can then be extended into comparing the efficiency of EM algorithm to the other algorithms for estimating the model parameters, which will in turn lead to an efficient component for the Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. Further this paper provides a scope to use these parameters for predicting secondary structure of proteins using machine learning techniques like neural networks and fuzzy logic. The ultimate objective will be to obtain greater accuracy better than the previously achieved.

Keywords: model parameters, expectation maximization algorithm, protein secondary structure prediction, bioinformatics

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1245 Adapting Grain Crop Cleaning Equipment for Sesame and Other Emerging Spice Crops

Authors: Ramadas Narayanan, Surya Bhattrai, Vu Hoan


Threshing and cleaning are crucial post-harvest procedures that are carried out to separate the grain or seed from the harvested plant and eliminate any potential contaminants or foreign debris. After harvesting, threshing and cleaning are necessary for the clean seeds to guarantee high quality and acceptable for consumption or further processing. For mechanised production, threshing can be conducted in a thresher. Afterwards, the seeds are to be cleaned in dedicated seed-cleaning facilities. This research investigates the effectiveness of Kimseed cleaning equipment MK3, designed for grain crops for processing new crops such as sesame, fennel and kalonji. Subsequently, systematic trials were conducted to adapt the equipment to the applications in sesame and spice crops. It was done to develop methods for mechanising harvest and post-harvest operations. For sesame, it is recommended to have t a two-step process in the cleaning machine to remove large and small contaminants. The first step is to remove the large contaminants, and the second is to remove the smaller ones. The optimal parameters for cleaning fennel are a shaker frequency of 6.0 to 6.5 Hz and an airflow of 1.0 to 1.5 m/s. The optimal parameters for cleaning kalonji are a shaker frequency of 5.5Hz to 6.0 Hz and airflow of 1.0 to under 1.5m/s.

Keywords: sustainable mechanisation, sead cleaning process, optimal setting, shaker frequency

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1244 Design of EV Steering Unit Using AI Based on Estimate and Control Model

Authors: Seong Jun Yoon, Jasurbek Doliev, Sang Min Oh, Rodi Hartono, Kyoojae Shin


Electric power steering (EPS), which is commonly used in electric vehicles recently, is an electric-driven steering device for vehicles. Compared to hydraulic systems, EPS offers advantages such as simple system components, easy maintenance, and improved steering performance. However, because the EPS system is a nonlinear model, difficult problems arise in controller design. To address these, various machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches, notably artificial neural networks (ANN), have been applied. ANN can effectively determine relationships between inputs and outputs in a data-driven manner. This research explores two main areas: designing an EPS identifier using an ANN-based backpropagation (BP) algorithm and enhancing the EPS system controller with an ANN-based Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The proposed ANN-based BP algorithm shows superior performance and accuracy compared to linear transfer function estimators, while the LM algorithm offers better input angle reference tracking and faster response times than traditional PID controllers. Overall, the proposed ANN methods demonstrate significant promise in improving EPS system performance.

Keywords: ANN backpropagation modelling, electric power steering, transfer function estimator, electrical vehicle driving system

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1243 Producing Sustained Renewable Energy and Removing Organic Pollutants from Distillery Wastewater using Consortium of Sludge Microbes

Authors: Anubha Kaushik, Raman Preet


Distillery wastewater in the form of spent wash is a complex and strong industrial effluent, with high load of organic pollutants that may deplete dissolved oxygen on being discharged into aquatic systems and contaminate groundwater by leaching of pollutants, while untreated spent wash disposed on land acidifies the soil. Stringent legislative measures have therefore been framed in different countries for discharge standards of distillery effluent. Utilising the organic pollutants present in various types of wastes as food by mixed microbial populations is emerging as an eco-friendly approach in the recent years, in which complex organic matter is converted into simpler forms, and simultaneously useful gases are produced as renewable and clean energy sources. In the present study, wastewater from a rice bran based distillery has been used as the substrate in a dark fermenter, and native microbial consortium from the digester sludge has been used as the inoculum to treat the wastewater and produce hydrogen. After optimising the operational conditions in batch reactors, sequential batch mode and continuous flow stirred tank reactors were used to study the best operational conditions for enhanced and sustained hydrogen production and removal of pollutants. Since the rate of hydrogen production by the microbial consortium during dark fermentation is influenced by concentration of organic matter, pH and temperature, these operational conditions were optimised in batch mode studies. Maximum hydrogen production rate (347.87ml/L/d) was attained in 32h dark fermentation while a good proportion of COD also got removed from the wastewater. Slightly acidic initial pH seemed to favor biohydrogen production. In continuous stirred tank reactor, high H2 production from distillery wastewater was obtained from a relatively shorter substrate retention time (SRT) of 48h and a moderate organic loading rate (OLR) of 172 g/l/d COD.

Keywords: distillery wastewater, hydrogen, microbial consortium, organic pollution, sludge

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1242 Tourism Development and Planning in Rwanda

Authors: Ntachobazi bosco


Tourism Development and Planning in Rwanda: Rwanda, a small landlocked country located in the heart of Africa, has experienced significant growth in its tourism industry in recent years. The country’s stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality have made it an attractive destination for travelers from around the world. However, to ensure sustainable tourism development and planning, the Rwandan government has implemented various strategies and policies to promote responsible tourism practices. Infrastructure Development: To support the growth of the tourism industry, the Rwandan government has invested heavily in infrastructure development. This includes the construction of new hotels, resorts, and lodges, as well as the upgrading of existing facilities. The government has also improved the country’s transportation network, including the construction of new airports and the upgrading of existing ones. Conservation Efforts: Rwanda is home to several national parks and reserves, including the famous Volcanoes National Park, which is known for its mountain gorilla populations. To protect these natural wonders, the Rwandan government has implemented conservation efforts, such as the establishment of protected areas and the development of sustainable tourism practices. Community-Based Tourism: Community-based tourism is a key component of Rwanda’s tourism development strategy. The government has established several community-based tourism programs, which aim to involve local communities in the tourism industry and provide them with economic benefits. These programs include homestays, village tours, and cultural performances. Sustainable Tourism Practices: To promote sustainable tourism practices, the Rwandan government has implemented several initiatives, such as the use of eco-friendly accommodations and the promotion of responsible wildlife viewing practices. The government has also established the Rwanda Tourism Board, which is responsible for promoting and regulating the tourism industry. Challenges and Opportunities: Despite the growth of the tourism industry in Rwanda, several challenges need to be addressed, such as the lack of skilled labor and the need for more infrastructure development. However, there are also several opportunities for the industry, such as the potential for ecotourism and the growth of the meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) market.

Keywords: tourism, in rwanda, developent, in africa

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1241 Performants: Making the Organization of Concerts Easier

Authors: Ioannis Andrianakis, Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos, Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou, Dimitrios Tampakis, Manolis Falelakis


Live music, whether performed in organized venues, restaurants, hotels or any other spots, creates value chains that support and develop local economies and tourism development. In this paper, we describe PerformAnts, a platform that increases the mobility of musicians and their accessibility to remotely located venues by rationalizing the cost of live acts. By analyzing the event history and taking into account their potential availability, the platform provides bespoke recommendations to both bands and venues while also facilitating the organization of tours and helping rationalize transportation expenses by realizing an innovative mechanism called “chain booking”. Moreover, the platform provides an environment where complicated tasks such as technical and financial negotiations, concert promotion or copyrights are easily manipulated by users using best practices. The proposed solution provides important benefits to the whole spectrum of small/medium size concert organizers, as the complexity and the cost of the production are rationalized. The environment is also very beneficial for local talent, musicians that are very mobile, venues located away from large urban areas or in touristic destinations, and managers who will be in a position to coordinate a larger number of musicians without extra effort.

Keywords: machine learning, music industry, creative industries, web applications

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1240 Development of Biodegradable Plastic as Mango Fruit Bag

Authors: Andres M. Tuates Jr., Ofero A. Caparino


Plastics have achieved a dominant position in agriculture because of their transparency, lightness in weight, impermeability to water and their resistance to microbial attack. However, this generates a higher quantity of wastes that are difficult to dispose of by farmers. To address these problems, the project aim to develop and evaluate the biodegradable film for mango fruit bag during development. The PBS and starch were melt-blended in a twin-screw extruder and then blown into film extrusion machine. The physic-chemical-mechanical properties of biodegradable fruit bag were done following standard methods of test. Field testing of fruit bag was also conducted to evaluate its durability and efficiency field condition. The PHilMech-FiC fruit bag is made of biodegradable material measuring 6 x 8 inches with a thickness of 150 microns. The tensile strength is within the range of LDPE while the elongation is within the range of HDPE. It is projected that after thirty-six (36) weeks, the film will be totally degraded. Results of field testing show that the quality of harvested fruits using PHilMech-FiC biodegradable fruit bag in terms of percent marketable, non-marketable and export, peel color at the ripe stage, flesh color, TSS, oBrix, percent edible portion is comparable with the existing bagging materials such as Chinese brown paper bag and old newspaper.

Keywords: cassava starch, PBS, biodegradable, chemical, mechanical properties

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1239 Convergence and Stability in Federated Learning with Adaptive Differential Privacy Preservation

Authors: Rizwan Rizwan


This paper provides an overview of Federated Learning (FL) and its application in enhancing data security, privacy, and efficiency. FL utilizes three distinct architectures to ensure privacy is never compromised. It involves training individual edge devices and aggregating their models on a server without sharing raw data. This approach not only provides secure models without data sharing but also offers a highly efficient privacy--preserving solution with improved security and data access. Also we discusses various frameworks used in FL and its integration with machine learning, deep learning, and data mining. In order to address the challenges of multi--party collaborative modeling scenarios, a brief review FL scheme combined with an adaptive gradient descent strategy and differential privacy mechanism. The adaptive learning rate algorithm adjusts the gradient descent process to avoid issues such as model overfitting and fluctuations, thereby enhancing modeling efficiency and performance in multi-party computation scenarios. Additionally, to cater to ultra-large-scale distributed secure computing, the research introduces a differential privacy mechanism that defends against various background knowledge attacks.

Keywords: federated learning, differential privacy, gradient descent strategy, convergence, stability, threats

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1238 Developing a Green Information Technology Model in Australian Higher-Educational Institutions

Authors: Mahnaz Jafari, Parisa Izadpanahi, Francesco Mancini, Muhammad Qureshi


The advancement in Information Technology (IT) has been an intrinsic element in the developments of the 21st century bringing benefits such as increased economic productivity. However, its widespread application has also been associated with inadvertent negative impacts on society and the environment necessitating selective interventions to mitigate these impacts. This study responded to this need by developing a Green IT Rating Tool (GIRT) for higher education institutions (HEI) in Australia to evaluate the sustainability of IT-related practices from an environmental, social, and economic perspective. Each dimension must be considered equally to achieve sustainability. The development of the GIRT was informed by the views of interviewed IT professionals whose opinions formed the basis of a framework listing Green IT initiatives in order of their importance as perceived by the interviewed professionals. This framework formed the base of the GIRT, which identified Green IT initiatives (such as videoconferencing as a substitute for long-distance travel) and the associated weighting of each practice. The proposed sustainable Green IT model could be integrated into existing IT systems, leading to significant reductions in carbon emissions and e-waste and improvements in energy efficiency. The development of the GIRT and the findings of this study have the potential to inspire other organizations to adopt sustainable IT practices, positively impact the environment, and be used as a reference by IT professionals and decision-makers to evaluate IT-related sustainability practices. The GIRT could also serve as a benchmark for HEIs to compare their performance with other institutions and to track their progress over time. Additionally, the study's results suggest that virtual and cloud-based technologies could reduce e-waste and energy consumption in the higher education sector. Overall, this study highlights the importance of incorporating Green IT practices into the IT systems of HEI to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Keywords: green information technology, international higher-educational institution, sustainable solutions, environmentally friendly IT systems

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1237 Understanding the Interplay between Consumer Knowledge, Trust and Relationship Satisfaction in Financial Services

Authors: Torben Hansen, Lars Gronholdt, Alexander Josiassen, Anne Martensen


Consumers often exhibit a bias in their knowledge; they often think that they know more or less than they do. The concept of 'knowledge over/underconfidence' (O/U) has in previous studies been used to investigate such knowledge bias. O/U appears as a combination of subjective and objective knowledge. Subjective knowledge relates to consumers’ perception of their knowledge, while objective knowledge relates to consumers’ absolute knowledge measured by objective standards. This separation leads to three scenarios: The consumer can either be knowledge calibrated (subjective and objective knowledge are similar), overconfident (subjective knowledge exceeds objective knowledge) or underconfident (objective knowledge exceeds subjective knowledge). Knowledge O/U is a highly useful concept in understanding consumer choice behavior. For example, knowledge overconfident individuals are likely to exaggerate their ability to make right choices, are more likely to opt out of necessary information search, spend less time to carry out a specific task than less knowledge confident consumers, and are more likely to show high financial trading volumes. Through the use of financial services as a case study, this study contributes to previous research by examining how consumer knowledge O/U affects two types of trust (broad-scope trust and narrow-scope trust) and consumer relationship satisfaction. Trust does not only concern consumer trust in individual companies (i.e., narrow.-scope confidence NST), but also concerns consumer confidence in the broader business context in which consumers plan and implement their behavior (i.e., broad scope trust, BST). NST is defined as "the expectation that the service provider can be relied on to deliver on its promises’, while BST is defined as ‘the expectation that companies within a particular business type can generally be relied on to deliver on their promises.’ This study expands our understanding of the interplay between consumer knowledge bias, consumer trust, and relationship marketing in two main ways: First, it is demonstrated that the more knowledge O/U a consumer becomes, the higher/lower NST and levels of relationship satisfaction will be. Second, it is demonstrated that BST has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between knowledge O/U and satisfaction, such that knowledge O/U has a higher positive/negative effect on relationship satisfaction when BST is low vs. high. The data for this study comprises 756 mutual fund investors. Trust is particularly important in consumers’ mutual fund behavior because mutual funds have important responsibilities in providing financial advice and in managing consumers’ funds.

Keywords: knowledge, cognitive bias, trust, customer-seller relationships, financial services

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1236 Using The Flight Heritage From >150 Electric Propulsion Systems To Design The Next Generation Field Emission Electric Propulsion Thrusters

Authors: David Krejci, Tony Schönherr, Quirin Koch, Valentin Hugonnaud, Lou Grimaud, Alexander Reissner, Bernhard Seifert


In 2018 the NANO thruster became the first Field Emission Electric Propulsion (FEEP) system ever to be verified in space in an In-Orbit Demonstration mission conducted together with Fotec. Since then, 160 additional ENPULSION NANO propulsion systems have been deployed in orbit on 73 different spacecraft across multiple customers and missions. These missions included a variety of different satellite bus sizes ranging from 3U Cubesats to >100kg buses, and different orbits in Low Earth Orbit and Geostationary Earth orbit, providing an abundance of on orbit data for statistical analysis. This large-scale industrialization and flight heritage allows for a holistic way of gathering data from testing, integration and operational phases, deriving lessons learnt over a variety of different mission types, operator approaches, use cases and environments. Based on these lessons learnt a new generation of propulsion systems is developed, addressing key findings from the large NANO heritage and adding new capabilities, including increased resilience, thrust vector steering and increased power and thrust level. Some of these successor products have already been validated in orbit, including the MICRO R3 and the NANO AR3. While the MICRO R3 features increased power and thrust level, the NANO AR3 is a successor of the heritage NANO thruster with added thrust vectoring capability. 5 NANO AR3 have been launched to date on two different spacecraft. This work presents flight telemetry data of ENPULSION NANO systems and onorbit statistical data of the ENPULSION NANO as well as lessons learnt during onorbit operations, customer assembly, integration and testing support and ground test campaigns conducted at different facilities. We discuss how transfer of lessons learnt and operational improvement across independent missions across customers has been accomplished. Building on these learnings and exhaustive heritage, we present the design of the new generation of propulsion systems that increase the power and thrust level of FEEP systems to address larger spacecraft buses.

Keywords: FEEP, field emission electric propulsion, electric propulsion, flight heritage

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1235 Development of Solid Electrolytes Based on Networked Cellulose

Authors: Boor Singh Lalia, Yarjan Abdul Samad, Raed Hashaikeh


Three different kinds of solid polymer electrolytes were prepared using polyethylene oxide (PEO) as a base polymer, networked cellulose (NC) as a physical support and LiClO4 as a conductive salt for the electrolytes. Networked cellulose, a modified form of cellulose, is a biodegradable and environmentally friendly additive which provides a strong fibrous networked support for structural stability of the electrolytes. Although the PEO/NC/LiClO4 electrolyte retains its structural integrity and mechanical properties at 100oC as compared to pristine PEO-based polymer electrolytes, it suffers from poor ionic conductivity. To improve the room temperature conductivity of the electrolyte, PEO is replaced by the polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is a liquid phase that provides high mobility for Li+ ions transport in the electrolyte. PEG/NC/LiClO4 shows improvement in ionic conductivity compared to PEO/NC/LiClO4 at room temperature, but it is brittle and tends to form cracks during processing. An advanced solid polymer electrolyte with optimum ionic conductivity and mechanical properties is developed by using a ternary system: TEGDME/PEO/NC+LiClO4. At room temperature, this electrolyte exhibits an ionic conductivity to the order of 10-5 S/cm, which is very high compared to that of the PEO/LiClO4 electrolyte. Pristine PEO electrolytes start melting at 65 °C and completely lose its mechanical strength. Dynamic mechanical analysis of TEGDME: PEO: NC (70:20:10 wt%) showed an improvement of storage modulus as compared to the pristine PEO in the 60–120 °C temperature range. Also, with an addition of NC, the electrolyte retains its mechanical integrity at 100 oC which is beneficial for Li-ion battery operation at high temperatures. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetry analysis (TGA) studies revealed that the ternary polymer electrolyte is thermally stable in the lithium ion battery operational temperature range. As-prepared polymer electrolyte was used to assemble LiFePO4/ TEGDME/PEO/NC+LiClO4/Li half cells and their electrochemical performance was studied via cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge cycling.

Keywords: solid polymer electrolyte, ionic conductivity, mechanical properties, lithium ion batteries, cyclic voltammetry

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1234 Tensile Force Estimation for Real-Size Pre-Stressed Concrete Girder using Embedded Elasto-Magnetic Sensor

Authors: Junkyeong Kim, Jooyoung Park, Aoqi Zhang, Seunghee Park


The tensile force of Pre-Stressed Concrete (PSC) girder is the most important factor for evaluating the performance of PSC girder bridges. To measure the tensile force of PSC girder, several NDT methods were studied. However, conventional NDT method cannot be applied to the real-size PSC girder because the PS tendons could not be approached. To measure the tensile force of real-size PSC girder, this study proposed embedded EM sensor based tensile force estimation method. The embedded EM sensor could be installed inside of PSC girder as a sheath joint before the concrete casting. After curing process, the PS tendons were installed, and the tensile force was induced step by step using hydraulic jacking machine. The B-H loop was measured using embedded EM sensor at each tensile force steps and to compare with actual tensile force, the load cell was installed at each end of girder. The magnetization energy loss, that is the closed area of B-H loop, was decreased according to the increase of tensile force with regular pattern. Thus, the tensile force could be estimated by the tracking the change of magnetization energy loss of PS tendons. Through the experimental result, the proposed method can be used to estimate the tensile force of the in-situ real-size PSC girder bridge.

Keywords: tensile force estimation, embedded EM sensor, magnetization energy loss, PSC girder

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1233 Synthesis and Optimization of Bio Metal-Organic Framework with Permanent Porosity

Authors: Tia Kristian Tajnšek, Matjaž Mazaj, Nataša Zabukovec Logar


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with their specific properties and the possibility of tuning the structure represent excellent candidates for use in the biomedical field. Their advantage lies in large pore surfaces and volumes, as well as the possibility of using bio-friendly or bioactive constituents. So-called bioMOFs are representatives of MOFs, which are constructed from at least one biomolecule (metal, a small bioactive molecule in metal clusters and/or linker) and are intended for bio-application (usually in the field of medicine; most commonly drug delivery). When designing a bioMOF for biomedical applications, we should adhere to some guidelines for an improved toxicological profile of the material. Such as (i) choosing an endogenous/nontoxic metal, (ii) GRAS (generally recognized as safe) linker, and (iii) nontoxic solvents. Design and synthesis of bioNICS-1 (bioMOF of National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia – 1) consider all these guidelines. Zinc (Zn) was chosen as an endogenous metal with an agreeable recommended daily intake (RDI) and LD50 value, and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) was chosen as a GRAS and active linker. With these building blocks, we have synthesized a bioNICS-1 material. The synthesis was done in ethanol using a solvothermal method. The synthesis protocol was further optimized in three separate ways. Optimization of (i) synthesis parameters to improve the yield of the synthesis, (ii) input reactant ratio and addition of specific modulators for production of larger crystals, and (iii) differing of the heating source (conventional, microwave and ultrasound) to produce nano-crystals. With optimization strategies, the synthesis yield was increased. Larger crystals were prepared for structural analysis with the use of a proper species and amount of modulator. Synthesis protocol was adjusted to different heating sources, resulting in the production of nano-crystals of bioNICS-1 material. BioNICS-1 was further activated in ethanol and structurally characterized, resolving the crystal structure of new material.

Keywords: ascorbic acid, bioMOF, MOF, optimization, synthesis, zinc ascorbate

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1232 The Potential of Sentiment Analysis to Categorize Social Media Comments Using German Libraries

Authors: Felix Boehnisch, Alexander Lutz


Based on the number of users and the amount of content posted daily, Facebook is considered the largest social network in the world. This content includes images or text posts from companies but also private persons, which are also commented on by other users. However, it can sometimes be difficult for companies to keep track of all the posts and the reactions to them, especially when there are several posts a day that contain hundreds to thousands of comments. To facilitate this, the following paper deals with the possible applications of sentiment analysis to social media comments in order to be able to support the work in social media marketing. In a first step, post comments were divided into positive and negative by a subjective rating, then the same comments were checked for their polarity value by the two german python libraries TextBlobDE and SentiWS and also grouped into positive, negative, or even neutral. As a control, the subjective classifications were compared with the machine-generated ones by a confusion matrix, and relevant quality criteria were determined. The accuracy of both libraries was not really meaningful, with 60% to 66%. However, many words or sentences were not evaluated at all, so there seems to be room for optimization to possibly get more accurate results. In future studies, the use of these specific German libraries can be optimized to gain better insights by either applying them to stricter cleaned data or by adding a sentiment value to emojis, which have been removed from the comments in advance, as they are not contained in the libraries.

Keywords: Facebook, German libraries, polarity, sentiment analysis, social media comments

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