Search results for: mass movement
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 5193

Search results for: mass movement

963 Health Counseling in the Republic of Estonia through Magazines (1930 – 1940): Striving for a European Lifestyle

Authors: Merle Talvik, Taimi Tulva, Kristi Puusepp, Ulle Ernits


Background data. This is a study in the field of health humanities. The 1930s were years of rapid cultural and economic development in Europe and in Estonia. The urban way of life the glamorous lifestyle gained popularity, although the society of Estonia in the 1930s had traditionally been agrarian. People's free time increased, which needed to be filled with activities either at home or outside the home. Therefore, the number of popular magazines aimed at housewives increased. More than 200 magazines and bulletins were published in the Republic of Estonia before the Second World War (in 1934, the population of Estonia was 1,126,000). In the 1930s, the Republic of Estonia faced several challenges in healthcare. Infectious diseases, alcoholism, prostitution and child mortality had to be dealt with. Healers without medical education operated in the villages. For the average person, medical care was quite expensive, and despite efforts, by 1940, only 20% of the population was covered by health insurance. Advice published in popular family magazines provided help in solving, understanding and preventing health problems. Aim. The aim of the study is to analyze the health counseling through magazines during the Republic of Estonia (1930-1940) in historical and cultural context. Method. In total, 420 magazine issues were processed. An extensive textual analysis, as well as an analysis of photographs and illustrations from the aspect of health advice was carried out to achieve the research objective. Results. Health counseling was written by well-known doctors of the time, leaders of the abstinence movement and others. There was advice in various areas: prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases and their treatment with simple methods, first aid, combating sexually transmitted diseases, women's and children's health, mental health, folk medicine techniques, abstinence, healthy eating, skin care, hygiene, introducing pharmacy products. Advice was offered in both written and visual form. Photos and illustrations helped to empower the health advice. Folk heritage and health knowledge of the time were relied upon, and a scientific point of view was popularized. Aspirations towards a European lifestyle were reflected in articles and illustrations. Contribution. The article has an ethnological attitude, and its impact comes down to understanding the history of health care in its socio-cultural context. The health counseling topics of the 1930s are also applicable in today's health education and research. Health counseling builds on the legacy of the past, and it helps to understand that the past is in the future and the main principles of health counseling arise from our history and background.

Keywords: estonian republic, health counseling, lifestyle, magazines, media

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962 The Effects of Irregular Immigration Originating from Syria on Turkey's Security Issues

Authors: Muzaffer Topgul, Hasan Atac


After the September 11 attacks, fight against terrorism has risen to higher levels in security concepts of the countries. The following reactions of some nation states have led to the formation of unstable areas in different parts of the World. Especially, in Iraq and Syria, the influences of radical groups have risen with the weakening of the central governments. Turkey (with the geographical proximity to the current crisis) has become a stop on the movement of people who were displaced because of terrorism. In the process, the policies of the Syrian regime resulted in a civil war which is still going on since 2011, and remain as an unresolved crisis. With the extension of the problem, changes occurred in foreign policies of the World Powers; moreover, the ongoing effects of the riots, conflicts of interests of foreign powers, conflicts in the region because of the activities of radical groups increased instability within the country. This case continues to affect the security of Turkey, particularly illegal immigration. It has exceeded the number of two million Syrians who took refuge in Turkey due to the civil war, while continuing uncertainty about the legal status of asylum seekers, besides the security problems of asylum-seekers themselves, there are problems in education, health and communication (language) as well. In this study, we will evaluate the term of immigration through the eyes of national and international law, place the disorganized and illegal immigration in security sphere, and define the elements/components of irregular migration within the changing security concept. Ultimately, this article will assess the effects of the Syrian refuges to Turkey’s short-term, mid-term, and long-term security in the light of the national and international data flows and solutions will be presented to the ongoing problem. While explaining the security problems the data and the donnees obtained from the nation and international corporations will be examined thorough the human security dimensions such as living conditions of the immigrants, the ratio of the genders, especially birth rate occasions, the education circumstances of the immigrant children, the effects of the illegal passing on the public order. In addition, the demographic change caused by the immigrants will be analyzed, the changing economical conditions where the immigrants mostly accumulate, and their participation in public life will be worked on and the economical obstacles sourcing due to irregular immigration will be clarified. By the entire datum gathered from the educational, cultural, social, economic, demographical extents, the regional factors affecting the migration and the role of irregular migration in Turkey’s future security will be revealed by implication to current knowledge sources.

Keywords: displaced people, human security, irregular migration, refugees

Procedia PDF Downloads 310
961 Investigation of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria on Seed Germination and Seed to Seedling Transmission in Tomato

Authors: H. Mayton, X. Yan, A. G. Taylor


Infested tomato seeds were used to investigate the influence of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria on germination and seed to seedling transmission in a controlled environment and greenhouse assays in an effort to develop effective seed treatments and characterize seed borne transmission of bacterial leaf spot of tomato. Bacterial leaf spot of tomato, caused by four distinct Xanthomonas species, X. euvesicatoria, X. gardneri, X. perforans, and X. vesicatoria, is a serious disease worldwide. In the United States, disease prevention is expensive for commercial growers in warm, humid regions of the country, and crop losses can be devastating. In this study, four different infested tomato seed lots were extracted from tomato fruits infected with bacterial leaf spot from a field in New York State in 2017 that had been inoculated with X. euvesicatoria. In addition, vacuum infiltration at 61 kilopascals for 1, 5, 10, and 15 minutes and seed soaking for 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes with different bacterial concentrations were used to artificially infest seed in the laboratory. For controlled environment assays, infested tomato seeds from the field and laboratory were placed othe n moistened blue blotter in square plastic boxes (10 cm x 10 cm) and incubated at 20/30 ˚C with an 8/16 hour light cycle, respectively. Infested tomato seeds from the field and laboratory were also planted in small plastic trays in soil (peat-lite medium) and placed in the greenhouse with 24/18 ˚C day and night temperatures, respectively, with a 14-hour photoperiod. Seed germination was assessed after eight days in the laboratory and 14 days in the greenhouse. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the hrpB7 primers (RST65 [5’- GTCGTCGTTACGGCAAGGTGGTG-3’] and RST69 [5’-TCGCCCAGCGTCATCAGGCCATC-3’]) was performed to confirm presence or absence of the bacterial pathogen in seed lots collected from the field and in germinating seedlings in all experiments. For infested seed lots from the field, germination was lowest (84%) in the seed lot with the highest level of bacterial infestation (55%) and ranged from 84-98%. No adverse effect on germination was observed from artificially infested seeds for any bacterial concentration and method of infiltration when compared to a non-infested control. Germination in laboratory assays for artificially infested seeds ranged from 82-100%. In controlled environment assays, 2.5 % were PCR positive for the pathogen, and in the greenhouse assays, no infected seedlings were detected. From these experiments, X. euvesicatoria does not appear to adversely influence germination. The lowest rate of germination from field collected seed may be due to contamination with multiple pathogens and saprophytic organisms as no effect of artificial bacterial seed infestation in the laboratory on germination was observed. No evidence of systemic movement from seed to seedling was observed in the greenhouse assays; however, in the controlled environment assays, some seedlings were PCR positive. Additional experiments are underway with green fluorescent protein-expressing isolates to further characterize seed to seedling transmission of the bacterial leaf spot pathogen in tomato.

Keywords: bacterial leaf spot, seed germination, tomato, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria

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960 Respiratory Bioaerosol Dynamics: Impact of Salinity on Evaporation

Authors: Akhil Teja Kambhampati, Mark A. Hoffman


In the realm of infectious disease research, airborne viral transmission stands as a paramount concern due to its pivotal role in propagating pathogens within densely populated regions. However, amidst this landscape, the phenomenon of hygroscopic growth within respiratory bioaerosols remains relatively underexplored. Unlike pure water aerosols, the unique composition of respiratory bioaerosols leads to varied evaporation rates and hygroscopic growth patterns, influenced by factors such as ambient humidity, temperature, and airflow. This study addresses this gap by focusing on the behaviors of single respiratory bioaerosol utilizing salinity to induce saliva-like hygroscopic behavior. By employing mass, momentum, and energy equations, the study unveils the intricate interplay between evaporation and hygroscopic growth over time. The numerical model enables temporal analysis of bioaerosol characteristics, including size, temperature, and trajectory. The analysis reveals that due to evaporation, there is a reduction in initial size, which shortens the lifetime and distance traveled. However, when hygroscopic growth begins to influence the bioaerosol size, the rate of size reduction slows significantly. The interplay between evaporation and hygroscopic growth results in bioaerosol size within the inhalation range of humans and prolongs the traveling distance. Findings procured from the analysis are crucial for understanding the spread of infectious diseases, especially in high-risk environments such as healthcare facilities and public transportation systems. By elucidating the nuanced behaviors of respiratory bioaerosols, this study seeks to inform the development of more effective preventative strategies against pathogens propagation in the air, thereby contributing to public health efforts on a global scale.

Keywords: airborne viral transmission, high-risk environments, hygroscopic growth, evaporation, numerical modeling, pathogen propagation, preventative strategies, public health, respiratory bioaerosols

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959 Promising Anti-Displacement Practices for High Cost Cities

Authors: Leslie M. Mullins


In the face of dramatically shifting demographic trends and macroeconomic pressures on affordable housing in high-cost cities, municipalities and developers have been forced to develop new models of sustainable development that integrates elements of substantial rehabilitation and new construction while controlling for relocation and mass displacement. Community development partners in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California are starting to prioritize anti-displacement strategies when rehabilitating severely neglected public housing developments. This study explored the community-driven efforts to transform four dilapidated public housing sites (N=2,600 households) into thriving mixed-income housing communities. Eight interviews were conducted with frontline workers (property managers and service providers), who directly worked with residents throughout critical stages of the relocation and leasing process. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed by a systematic procedure for qualitative analysis to identify key themes on the topics of interest. Also, an extensive literature analysis was conducted to determine promising practices throughout the industry. This study highlighted that resident’s emotional attachment to their homes (regardless of the deteriorating conditions of their unit) could both a) impede the relocation process and substantially impact the budget and timeline, while b) simultaneously providing a basis for an enhanced sense of belonging and community cohesion. This phenomenon often includes the welcoming of new residents and cultures. Resident centered workshops, healing centered rituals, and extensive 'hands-on' guidance was highlighted as promising practices that resulted in residential retention rates that were two to three times the national average and positively impacted the overall project’s budget and timeline.

Keywords: anti-displacement strategies, community based practices, community cohesion, cultural preservation, healing-centered, public housing, relocation, trauma-informed

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958 Determinants of Quality of Life in Patients with Atypical Prarkinsonian Syndromes: 1-Year Follow-Up Study

Authors: Tatjana Pekmezovic, Milica Jecmenica-Lukic, Igor Petrovic, Vladimir Kostic


Background: A group of atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS) includes a variety of rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by reduced life expectancy, increasing disability, and considerable impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Aim: In this study we wanted to answer two questions: a) which demographic and clinical factors are main contributors of HRQoL in our cohort of patients with APS, and b) how does quality of life of these patients change over 1-year follow-up period. Patients and Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study in hospital settings. The initial study comprised all consecutive patients who were referred to the Department of Movement Disorders, Clinic of Neurology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (Serbia), from January 31, 2000 to July 31, 2013, with the initial diagnoses of ‘Parkinson’s disease’, ‘parkinsonism’, ‘atypical parkinsonism’ and ‘parkinsonism plus’ during the first 8 months from the appearance of first symptom(s). The patients were afterwards regularly followed in 4-6 month intervals and eventually the diagnoses were established for 46 patients fulfilling the criteria for clinically probable progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and 36 patients for probable multiple system atrophy (MSA). The health-related quality of life was assessed by using the SF-36 questionnaire (Serbian translation). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify predictors of composite scores of SF-36. The importance of changes in quality of life scores of patients with APS between baseline and follow-up time-point were quantified using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The magnitude of any differences for the quality of life changes was calculated as an effect size (ES). Results: The final models of hierarchical regression analysis showed that apathy measured by the Apathy evaluation scale (AES) score accounted for 59% of the variance in the Physical Health Composite Score of SF-36 and 14% of the variance in the Mental Health Composite Score of SF-36 (p<0.01). The changes in HRQoL were assessed in 52 patients with APS who completed 1-year follow-up period. The analysis of magnitude for changes in HRQoL during one-year follow-up period have shown sustained medium ES (0.50-0.79) for both Physical and Mental health composite scores, total quality of life as well as for the Physical Health, Vitality, Role Emotional and Social Functioning. Conclusion: This study provides insight into new potential predictors of HRQoL and its changes over time in patients with APS. Additionally, identification of both prognostic markers of a poor HRQoL and magnitude of its changes should be considered when developing comprehensive treatment-related strategies and health care programs aimed at improving HRQoL and well-being in patients with APS.

Keywords: atypical parkinsonian syndromes, follow-up study, quality of life, APS

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957 TLR4 Gene Polymorphism and Biochemical Markers as a Tool to Identify Risk of Osteoporosis in Women from Karachi

Authors: Rozeena Baig, R. Rehana Rehman, Rifat Ahmed


Background: Osteoporosis, characterized by low bone mineral density, poses a global health concern. Diagnosis increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, a multifactorial disorder marked by low bone mass, elevating the risk of fractures in the lumbar spine, femoral neck, hip, vertebras, and distal forearm, particularly in postmenopausal women due to bone loss influenced by various pathophysiological factors. Objectives: The aim is to investigate the association of serum cytokine, bone turnover marker, bone mineral density and TLR4 gene polymorphism in pre and post-menopausal women and to find if any of these can be the potential predictor of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: The study participants consisted of Group A (n=91) healthy pre-menopausal women and Group B (n=102) healthy postmenopausal women having ≥ 5 years’ history of menopause. ELISA was performed for cytokine (TNFα) and bone turnover markers (carboxytelopeptides), respectively. Bone Mineral Density (BMD)was measured through a dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. Toll-like Receptors 4 (TLR4) gene polymorphisms (A896G; Asp299Gly) and (C1196T; Thr399Ile) were investigated by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Results: Statistical analysis reveals a positive correlation of age and BMI with T scores in the premenopausal group, whereas in post-menopausal group found a significant negative correlation between age and T-score at hip (r = - 0.352**), spine (r = - .306**), and femoral neck (r = - 0.344**) and a significant negative correlation of BMI with TNF-α (- 0.316**). No association and significant differences were observed for TLR4 genotype and allele frequencies among studied groups However, both SNPs exhibited significant association with each other. Conclusions: This study concludes that BMI, BMD and TNF-α are the potential predictors of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. However, CTX and TLR4 gene polymorphism did not appear as potential predictors of bone loss in this study and apparently cannot help in predicting bone loss in post-menopausal women.

Keywords: osteoporosis, post-menopausal, pre-menopausal woemn, genetics mutaiont, TLR4 genepolymorphsum

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956 Body Composition Analysis of University Students by Anthropometry and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Authors: Vinti Davar


Background: Worldwide, at least 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being overweight or obese, and 35.8 million (2.3%) of global DALYs are caused by overweight or obesity. Obesity is acknowledged as one of the burning public health problems reducing life expectancy and quality of life. The body composition analysis of the university population is essential in assessing the nutritional status, as well as the risk of developing diseases associated with abnormal body fat content so as to make nutritional recommendations. Objectives: The main aim was to determine the prevalence of obesity and overweight in University students using Anthropometric analysis and BIA methods Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 283 university students participated. The body composition analysis was undertaken by using mainly: i) Anthropometric Measurement: Height, Weight, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference and skin fold thickness, ii) Bio-electrical impedance was used for analysis of body fat mass, fat percent and visceral fat which was measured by Tanita SC-330P Professional Body Composition Analyzer. The data so collected were compiled in MS Excel and analyzed for males and females using SPSS 16.Results and Discussion: The mean age of the male (n= 153) studied subjects was 25.37 ±2.39 year and females (n=130) was 22.53 ±2.31. The data of BIA revealed very high mean fat per cent of the female subjects i.e. 30.3±6.5 per cent whereas mean fat per cent of the male subjects was 15.60±6.02 per cent indicating a normal body fat range. The findings showed high visceral fat of both males (12.92±3.02) and females (16.86±4.98). BMI, BF% and WHR were higher among females, and BMI was higher among males. The most evident correlation was verified between BF% and WHR for female students (r=0.902; p<0.001). The correlation of BFM and BF% with thickness of triceps, sub scapular and abdominal skin folds and BMI was significant (P<0.001). Conclusion: The studied data made it obvious that there is a need to initiate lifestyle changing strategies especially for adult females and encourage them to improve their dietary intake to prevent incidence of non communicable diseases due to obesity and high fat percentage.

Keywords: anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance, body fat percentage, obesity

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955 Modal Approach for Decoupling Damage Cost Dependencies in Building Stories

Authors: Haj Najafi Leila, Tehranizadeh Mohsen


Dependencies between diverse factors involved in probabilistic seismic loss evaluation are recognized to be an imperative issue in acquiring accurate loss estimates. Dependencies among component damage costs could be taken into account considering two partial distinct states of independent or perfectly-dependent for component damage states; however, in our best knowledge, there is no available procedure to take account of loss dependencies in story level. This paper attempts to present a method called "modal cost superposition method" for decoupling story damage costs subjected to earthquake ground motions dealt with closed form differential equations between damage cost and engineering demand parameters which should be solved in complex system considering all stories' cost equations by the means of the introduced "substituted matrixes of mass and stiffness". Costs are treated as probabilistic variables with definite statistic factors of median and standard deviation amounts and a presumed probability distribution. To supplement the proposed procedure and also to display straightforwardness of its application, one benchmark study has been conducted. Acceptable compatibility has been proven for the estimated damage costs evaluated by the new proposed modal and also frequently used stochastic approaches for entire building; however, in story level, insufficiency of employing modification factor for incorporating occurrence probability dependencies between stories has been revealed due to discrepant amounts of dependency between damage costs of different stories. Also, more dependency contribution in occurrence probability of loss could be concluded regarding more compatibility of loss results in higher stories than the lower ones, whereas reduction in incorporation portion of cost modes provides acceptable level of accuracy and gets away from time consuming calculations including some limited number of cost modes in high mode situation.

Keywords: dependency, story-cost, cost modes, engineering demand parameter

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954 Musical Notation Reading versus Alphabet Reading-Comparison and Implications for Teaching Music Reading to Students with Dyslexia

Authors: Ora Geiger


Reading is a cognitive process of deciphering visual signs to produce meaning. During the reading process, written information of symbols and signs is received in the person’s eye and processed in the brain. This definition is relevant to both the reading of letters and the reading of musical notation. But while the letters of the alphabet are signs determined arbitrarily, notes are recorded systematically on a staff, with the location of each note on the staff indicating its relative pitch. In this paper, the researcher specifies the characteristics of alphabet reading in comparison to musical notation reading, and discusses the question whether a person diagnosed with dyslexia will necessarily have difficulty in reading musical notes. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that makes it difficult to acquire alphabet-reading skills due to difficulties expressed in the identification of letters, spelling, and other language deciphering skills. In order to read, one must be able to connect a symbol with a sound and to join the sounds into words. A person who has dyslexia finds it difficult to translate a graphic symbol into the sound that it represents. When teaching reading to children diagnosed with dyslexia, the multi-sensory approach, supporting the activation and involvement of most of the senses in the learning process, has been found to be particularly effective. According to this approach, when most senses participate in the reading learning process, it becomes more effective. During years of experience, the researcher, who is a music specialist, has been following the music reading learning process of elementary school age students, some of them diagnosed with Dyslexia, while studying to play soprano (descant) recorder. She argues that learning music reading while studying to play a musical instrument is a multi-sensory experience by its nature. The senses involved are: sight, hearing, touch, and the kinesthetic sense (motion), which provides the brain with information on the relative positions of the body. In this way, the learner experiences simultaneously visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic impressions. The researcher concludes that there should be no contra-indication for teaching standard music reading to children with dyslexia if an appropriate process is offered. This conclusion is based on two main characteristics of music reading: (1) musical notation system is a systematic, logical, relative set of symbols written on a staff; and (2) music reading learning connected with playing a musical instrument is by its nature a multi-sensory activity since it combines sight, hearing, touch, and movement. This paper describes music reading teaching procedures and provides unique teaching methods that have been found to be effective for students who were diagnosed with Dyslexia. It provides theoretical explanations in addition to guidelines for music education practices.

Keywords: alphabet reading, dyslexia, multisensory teaching method, music reading, recorder playing

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953 A Future Urban Street Design in Baltimore, Maryland Based on a Hierarchy of Functional Needs and the Context of Autonomous Vehicles, Green Infrastructure, and Evolving Street Typologies

Authors: Samuel Quick


The purpose of this paper is to examine future urban street design in the context of developing technologies, evolving street typologies, and projected transportation trends. The goal was to envision a future urban street in the year 2060 that addresses the advent and implementation of autonomous vehicles, the promotion of new street typologies, and the projection of current transportation trends. Using a hierarchy of functional needs for urban streets, the future street was designed and evaluated based on the functions the street provides to the surrounding community. The site chosen for the future street design is an eight-block section of West North Avenue in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Three different conceptual designs were initially completed and evaluated leading to a master plan for West North Avenue as well as street designs for connecting streets that represent different existing street types. Final designs were compared with the existing street design and evaluated with the adapted ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ theory. The review of the literature and the results from this paper indicate that urban streets will have to become increasingly multi-functional to meet the competing needs of the environment and community. Future streets will have to accommodate multimodal transit which will include mass transit, walking, and biking. Furthermore, a comprehensive implementation of green infrastructure within the urban street will provide access to nature for urban communities and essential stormwater management. With these developments, the future of an urban street will move closer to a greenway typology. Findings from this study indicate that urban street design will have to be policy-driven to promote and implement autonomous bus-rapid-transit in order to conserve street space for other functions. With this conservation of space, urban streets can then provide more functions to the surrounding community, taking a holistic approach to urban street design.

Keywords: autonomous vehicle, greenway, green infrastructure, multi-modality, street typology

Procedia PDF Downloads 184
952 Experimental Investigation on the Role of Thermoacoustics on Soot Formation

Authors: Sambit Supriya Dash, Rahul Ravi R, Vikram Ramanan, Vinayak Malhotra


Combustion in itself is a complex phenomenon that involves the interaction and interplay of multiple phenomena, the combined effect of which gives rise to the common flame that we see and use in our daily life applications from cooking to propelling our vehicles to space. The most important thing that goes unnoticed about these flames is the effect of the various phenomena from its surrounding environment that affects its behavior and properties. These phenomena cause a variety of energy interactions that lead to various types of energy transformations which in turn affect the flame behavior. This paper focuses on experimentally investigating the effect of one such phenomenon, which is the acoustics or sound energy on diffusion flames. The subject in itself is extensively studied upon as thermo-acoustics globally, whereas the current work focuses on studying its effect on soot formation on diffusion flames. The said effect is studied in this research work by the use of a butane as fuel, fitted with a nozzle that houses 3 arrays consisting of 4 holes each that are placed equidistant to each other and the resulting flame impinged with sound from two independent and similar sound sources that are placed equidistant from the centre of the flame. The entire process is systematically video graphed using a 60 fps regular CCD and analysed for variation in flame heights and flickering frequencies where the fuel mass flow rate is maintained constant and the configuration of entrainment holes and frequency of sound are varied, whilst maintaining constant ambient atmospheric conditions. The current work establishes significant outcomes on the effect of acoustics on soot formation; it is noteworthy that soot formation is the main cause of pollution and a major cause of inefficiency of current propulsion systems. This work is one of its kinds, and its outcomes are widely applicable to commercial and domestic appliances that utilize combustion for energy generation or propulsion and help us understand them better, so that we can increase their efficiency and decrease pollution.

Keywords: thermoacoustics, entrainment, propulsion system, efficiency, pollution

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951 Invisible Feminists: An Autonomist Marxist Perspective of Digital Labour and Resistance Within the Online Sex Industry

Authors: Josie West


This paper focuses on the conflicts and utility of Marxist Feminist frames for sex work research, drawing on findings uncovered through in-depth interviews with online sex workers, alongside critical discourse analysis of media and political commentary. It brings the critical perspective of women into digital workerism and gig economy dialogue who, despite their significant presence within online work, have been overlooked. The autonomist Marxist concept of class composition is adopted to unpack the social, technical and political composition of this often-invisible segment of the service sector. Autonomism makes visible the perspective of workers engaged in processes of mobilization and demobilizaiton. This allows researchers to find everyday forms of resistance which occur within and outside trade unions. On the other hand, Marxist feminist arguments about invisibility politics can generate unhelpful allegories about sex work as domestic labour within the reproductive sphere. Nick Srnicek’s development of Marx’s notion of infrastructure rents helps theorize experiences of unpaid labour within online sex work. Moreover, debates about anti-work politics can cause conflict among sex workers fighting for the labour movement and those rejecting the capitalist work ethic. This illuminates’ tensions caused by white privilege and differing experiences of sex work. The monopolistic and competitive nature of sex work platforms within platform capitalism, and the vulnerable position of marginalised workers within stigmatized/criminalised markets, complicates anti-work politics further. This paper is situated within the feminist sex wars and the intensely divisive question of whether sex workers are victims of the patriarchy or symbols of feminist resistance. Camgirls are shown to engage in radical tactics of resistance against their technical composition on popular sex work platforms. They also engage in creative acts of resistance through performance art, in an attempt to draw attention to stigma and anti-criminalization politics. This sector offers a fascinating window onto grassroots class-action, alongside education about ‘whorephobia.’ A case study of resistance against Only Fans, and a small workers co-operative which emerged during the pandemic, showcases how workers engage in socialist and political acts without the aid of unions. Workers are victims of neoliberalism and simultaneous adopters of neoliberal strategies of survival. The complex dynamics within unions are explored, including tensions with grass-roots resistance, financial pressures and intersecting complications of class, gender and race.

Keywords: autonomist marxism, digital labor, feminism, neoliberalism, sex work, platform capitalism

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950 Chemotrophic Signal Exchange between the Host Plant Helianthemum sessiliflorum and Terfezia boudieri

Authors: S. Ben-Shabat, T. Turgeman, O. Leubinski, N. Roth-Bejerano, V. Kagan-Zur, Y. Sitrit


The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) desert truffle Terfezia boudieri produces edible fruit bodies and forms symbiosis with its host plant Helianthemum sessiliflorum (Cistaceae) in the Negev desert of Israel. The symbiosis is vital for both partners' survival under desert conditions. Under desert habitat conditions, ECMs must form symbiosis before entering the dry season. To secure a successful encounter, in the course of evolution, both partners have responded by evolving special signals exchange that facilitates recognition. Members of the Cistaceae family serve as host plants for many important truffles. Conceivably, during evolution a common molecule present in Cistaceae plants was recruited to facilitate successful encounter with ectomycorrhizas. Arbuscular vesicular fungi (AM) are promiscuous in host preferences, in contrast, ECM fungi show specificity to host plants. Accordingly, we hypothesize that H. sessiliflorum secretes a chemotrophic-signaling, which is common to plants hosting ECM fungi belonging to the Pezizales. However, thus far no signaling molecules have been identified in ECM fungi. We developed a bioassay for chemotrophic activity. Fractionation of root exudates revealed a substance with chemotrophic activity and molecular mass of 534. Following the above concept, screening the transcriptome of Terfezia, grown under chemoattraction, discovered genes showing high homology to G proteins-coupled receptors of plant pathogens involved in positive chemotaxis and chemotaxis suppression. This study aimed to identify the active molecule using analytical methods (LC-MS, NMR etc.). This should contribute to our understanding of how ECM fungi communicate with their hosts in the rhizosphere. In line with the ability of Terfezia to form also endomycorrhizal symbiosis like AM fungi, analysis of the mechanisms may likewise be applicable to AM fungi. Developing methods to manipulate fungal growth by the chemoattractant can open new ways to improve inoculation of plants.

Keywords: chemotrophic signal, Helianthemum sessiliflorum, Terfezia boudieri, ECM

Procedia PDF Downloads 409
949 Development of Boro-Tellurite Glasses Enhanced with HfO2 for Radiation Shielding: Examination of Optical and Physical Characteristics

Authors: Sleman Yahya Rasul


Due to their transparency, various types of glass are utilized in numerous applications where clear visibility is essential. One such application involves environments where radiography, radiotherapy, and X-ray devices are used, all of which involve exposure to radiation. As is well-known, radiation can be lethal to humans. Consequently, there is a need for glass that can absorb and block these harmful rays in such settings. Effective protection from radiation typically requires materials with high atomic numbers and densities. Currently, lead oxide-infused glasses are commonly used for this purpose, but due to the toxicity of lead oxide, there is a demand for safer alternatives. HfO2 has been selected as an additive for boro-tellurite (M1-M2-M3) glasses intended for radiation shielding because it has a high atomic number, high density, and is non-toxic. In this study, new glasses will be developed as alternatives to leaded glasses by incorporating x mol% HfO2 into the boro-tellurite glass structure. The glass compositions will be melted and quenched using the traditional method in an alumina crucible at temperatures between 900–1100°C. The resulting glasses will be evaluated for their elastic properties (including elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, and Poisson ratio), density, hardness, and fracture toughness. X-ray diffraction (XRD) will be used to examine the amorphous nature of the glasses, while Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) will provide thermal analysis. Optical properties will be assessed through UV-Vis and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy, and structural properties will be studied using Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. Additionally, the radiation shielding capabilities will be investigated by measuring parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, half-value thickness, mean free path, effective atomic number (Z_eff), and effective electron density (N_e). The aim of this study is to develop new, lead-free glasses with excellent optical properties and high mechanical strength to replace the leaded glasses currently used for radiation shielding.

Keywords: boro-tellurite glasses, hfo2, radiation shielding, mechanical properties, elastic properties, optical properties

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948 Enzyme Involvement in the Biosynthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles by Geobacillus wiegelii Strain GWE1 Isolated from a Drying Oven

Authors: Daniela N. Correa-Llantén, Sebastián A. Muñoz-Ibacache, Mathilde Maire, Jenny M. Blamey


The biosynthesis of nanoparticles by microorganisms, on the contrary to chemical synthesis, is an environmentally-friendly process which has low energy requirements. In this investigation, we used the microorganism Geobacillus wiegelii, strain GWE1, an aerobic thermophile belonging to genus Geobacillus, isolated from a drying oven. This microorganism has the ability to reduce selenite evidenced by the change of color from colorless to red in the culture. Elemental analysis and composition of the particles were verified using transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The nanoparticles have a defined spherical shape and a selenium elemental state. Previous experiments showed that the presence of the whole microorganism for the reduction of selenite was not necessary. The results strongly suggested that an intracellular NADPH/NADH-dependent reductase mediates selenium nanoparticles synthesis under aerobic conditions. The enzyme was purified and identified by mass spectroscopy MALDI-TOF TOF technique. The enzyme is a 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase. Histograms of nanoparticles sizes were obtained. Size distribution ranged from 40-160 nm, where 70% of nanoparticles have less than 100 nm in size. Spectroscopic analysis showed that the nanoparticles are composed of elemental selenium. To analyse the effect of pH in size and morphology of nanoparticles, the synthesis of them was carried out at different pHs (4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0). For thermostability studies samples were incubated at different temperatures (60, 80 and 100 ºC) for 1 h and 3 h. The size of all nanoparticles was less than 100 nm at pH 4.0; over 50% of nanoparticles have less than 100 nm at pH 5.0; at pH 6.0 and 8.0 over 90% of nanoparticles have less than 100 nm in size. At neutral pH (7.0) nanoparticles reach a size around 120 nm and only 20% of them were less than 100 nm. When looking at temperature effect, nanoparticles did not show a significant difference in size when they were incubated between 0 and 3 h at 60 ºC. Meanwhile at 80 °C the nanoparticles suspension lost its homogeneity. A change in size was observed from 0 h of incubation at 80ºC, observing a size range between 40-160 nm, with 20% of them over 100 nm. Meanwhile after 3 h of incubation at size range changed to 60-180 nm with 50% of them over 100 nm. At 100 °C the nanoparticles aggregate forming nanorod structures. In conclusion, these results indicate that is possible to modulate size and shape of biologically synthesized nanoparticles by modulating pH and temperature.

Keywords: genus Geobacillus, NADPH/NADH-dependent reductase, selenium nanoparticles, biosynthesis

Procedia PDF Downloads 316
947 Isolation and Characterization of the First Known Inhibitor Cystine Knot Peptide in Sea Anemone: Inhibitory Activity on Acid-Sensing Ion Channels

Authors: Armando A. Rodríguez, Emilio Salceda, Anoland Garateix, André J. Zaharenko, Steve Peigneur, Omar López, Tirso Pons, Michael Richardson, Maylín Díaz, Yasnay Hernández, Ludger Ständker, Jan Tytgat, Enrique Soto


Acid-sensing ion channels are cation (Na+) channels activated by a pH drop. These proteins belong to the ENaC/degenerin superfamily of sodium channels. ASICs are involved in sensory perception, synaptic plasticity, learning, memory formation, cell migration and proliferation, nociception, and neurodegenerative disorders, among other processes; therefore those molecules that specifically target these channels are of growing pharmacological and biomedical interest. Sea anemones produce a large variety of ion channels peptide toxins; however, those acting on ligand-gated ion channels, such as Glu-gated, Ach-gated ion channels, and acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), remain barely explored. The peptide PhcrTx1 is the first compound characterized from the sea anemone Phymanthus crucifer, and it constitutes a novel ASIC inhibitor. This peptide was purified by chromatographic techniques and pharmacologically characterized on acid-sensing ion channels of mammalian neurons using patch-clamp techniques. PhcrTx1 inhibited ASIC currents with an IC50 of 100 nM. Edman degradation yielded a sequence of 32 amino acids residues, with a molecular mass of 3477 Da by MALDI-TOF. No similarity to known sea anemone peptides was found in protein databases. The computational analysis of Cys-pattern and secondary structure arrangement suggested that this is a structurally ICK (Inhibitor Cystine Knot)-type peptide, a scaffold that had not been found in sea anemones but in other venomous organisms. These results show that PhcrTx1 represents the first member of a new structural group of sea anemones toxins acting on ASICs. Also, this peptide constitutes a novel template for the development of drugs against pathologies related to ASICs function.

Keywords: animal toxin, inhibitor cystine knot, ion channel, sea anemone

Procedia PDF Downloads 310
946 The Four Elements of Zoroastrianism and Sustainable Ecosystems with an Ecological Approach

Authors: Esmat Momeni, Shabnam Basari, Mohammad Beheshtinia


The purpose of this study is to provide a symbolic explanation of the four elements in Zoroastrianism and sustainable ecosystems with an ecological approach. The research method is fundamental and deductive content analysis. Data collection has been done through library and documentary methods and through reading books and related articles. The population and sample of the present study are Yazd city and Iran country after discovering symbolic concepts derived from the theoretical foundations of Zoroastrianism in four elements of water, air, soil, fire and conformity with Iranian architecture with the ecological approach in Yazd city, the sustainable ecosystem it is explained by the system of nature. The validity and reliability of the results are based on the trust and confidence of the research literature. Research findings show that Yazd was one of the bases of Zoroastrianism in Iran. Many believe that the first person to discuss the elements of nature and respect Zoroastrians is the Prophet of this religion. Keeping the environment clean and pure by paying attention to and respecting these four elements. The water element is a symbol of existence in Zoroastrianism, so the people of Yazd used the aqueduct and designed a pool in front of the building. The soil element is a symbol of the raw material of human creation in the Zoroastrian religion, the most readily available material in the desert areas of Yazd, used as bricks and adobes, creating one of the most magnificent roof coverings is the dome. The wind element represents the invisible force of the soul in Creation in Zoroastrianism, the most important application of wind in the windy, which is a highly efficient cooling system. The element of fire, which is always a symbol of purity in Zoroastrianism, is located in a special place in Yazd's Ataskadeh (altar/ temple), where the most important religious prayers are held in and against the fire. Consequently, indigenous knowledge and attention to indigenous architecture is a part of the national capital of each nation that encompasses their beliefs, values, methods, and knowledge. According to studies on the four elements of Zoroastrianism, the link between these four elements are that due to the hot and dry fire at the beginning, it is the fire that begins to follow the nature of the movement in the stillness of the earth, and arises from the heat of the fire and because of vigor and its decreases, cold (wind) emerges, and from cold, humidity and wetness. And by examining books and resources on Yazd's architectural design with an ecological approach to the values of the four elements Zoroastrianism has been inspired, it can be concluded that in order to have environmentally friendly architecture, it is essential to use sustainable architectural principles, to link religious and sacrament culture and ecology through architecture.

Keywords: ecology, architecture, quadruple elements of air, soil, water, fire, Zoroastrian religion, sustainable ecosystem, Iran, Yazd city

Procedia PDF Downloads 117
945 Branched Chain Amino Acid Kinesio PVP Gel Tape from Extract of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Based on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Technology

Authors: Doni Dermawan


Modern sports competition as a consequence of the increase in the value of the business and entertainment in the field of sport has been demanding athletes to always have excellent physical endurance performance. Physical exercise is done in a long time, and intensive may pose a risk of muscle tissue damage caused by the increase of the enzyme creatine kinase. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) is an essential amino acid that is composed of leucine, isoleucine, and valine which serves to maintain muscle tissue, keeping the immune system, and prevent further loss of coordination and muscle pain. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a kind of leguminous plants that are rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) where every one gram of protein pea contains 82.7 mg of leucine; 56.3 mg isoleucine; and 56.0 mg of valine. This research aims to develop Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) from pea extract is applied in dosage forms Gel PVP Kinesio Tape technology using Ultrasound-assisted Extraction. The method used in the writing of this paper is the Cochrane Collaboration Review that includes literature studies, testing the quality of the study, the characteristics of the data collection, analysis, interpretation of results, and clinical trials as well as recommendations for further research. Extraction of BCAA in pea done using ultrasound-assisted extraction technology with optimization variables includes the type of solvent extraction (NaOH 0.1%), temperature (20-250C), time (15-30 minutes) power (80 watt) and ultrasonic frequency (35 KHz). The advantages of this extraction method are the level of penetration of the solvent into the membrane of the cell is high and can increase the transfer period so that the BCAA substance separation process more efficient. BCAA extraction results are then applied to the polymer PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) Gel powder composed of PVP K30 and K100 HPMC dissolved in 10 mL of water-methanol (1: 1) v / v. Preparations Kinesio Tape Gel PVP is the BCAA in the gel are absorbed into the muscle tissue, and joints through tensile force then provides stimulation to the muscle circulation with variable pressure so that the muscle can increase the biomechanical movement and prevent damage to the muscle enzyme creatine kinase. Analysis and evaluation of test preparation include interaction, thickness, weight uniformity, humidity, water vapor permeability, the levels of the active substance, content uniformity, percentage elongation, stability testing, release profile, permeation in vitro and in vivo skin irritation testing.

Keywords: branched chain amino acid, BCAA, Kinesio tape, pea, PVP gel, ultrasound-assisted extraction

Procedia PDF Downloads 289
944 The Youth Employment Peculiarities in Post-Soviet Georgia

Authors: M. Lobzhanidze, N. Damenia


The article analyzes the current structural changes in the economy of Georgia, liberalization and integration processes of the economy. In accordance with this analysis, the peculiarities and the problems of youth employment are revealed. In the paper, the Georgian labor market and its contradictions are studied. Based on the analysis of materials, the socio-economic losses caused by the long-term and mass unemployment of young people are revealed, the objective and subjective circumstances of getting higher education are studied. The youth employment and unemployment rates are analyzed. Based on the research, the factors that increase unemployment are identified. According to the analysis of the youth employment, it has appeared that the unemployment share in the number of economically active population has increased in the younger age group. It demonstrates the high requirements of the labour market in terms of the quality of the workforce. Also, it is highlighted that young people are exposed to a highly paid job. The following research methods are applied in the presented paper: statistical (selection, grouping, observation, trend, etc.) and qualitative research (in-depth interview), as well as analysis, induction and comparison methods. The article presents the data by the National Statistics Office of Georgia and the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, policy documents of the Parliament of Georgia, scientific papers by Georgian and foreign scientists, analytical reports, publications and EU research materials on similar issues. The work estimates the students and graduates employment problems existing in the state development strategy and priorities. The measures to overcome the challenges are defined. The article describes the mechanisms of state regulation of youth employment and the ways of improving this regulatory base. As for major findings, it should be highlighted that the main problems are: lack of experience and incompatibility of youth qualification with the requirements of the labor market. Accordingly, it is concluded that the unemployment rate of young people in Georgia is increasing.

Keywords: migration of youth, youth employment, migration management, youth employment and unemployment

Procedia PDF Downloads 149
943 Dietary Exposure of Heavy Metals through Cereals Commonly Consumed by Dhaka City Residents

Authors: A. Md. Bayejid Hosen, B. M Zakir Hossain Howlader, C. Yearul Kabir


Contamination of soil and agricultural products by heavy metals resulting from rapid industrial development has caused major concern. Dietary exposure to heavy metals has been associated with toxic and adverse health effects. The main threats to human health from heavy metals are associated with exposure to Pb, Cd and Hg. The aim of this study was to monitor the presence of heavy metals in cereals collected from different wholesale markets of Dhaka City. One hundred and sixty cereal samples were collected and analyzed for determination of heavy metals. Heavy metals were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A total of six heavy metals– lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and antimony were estimated. The average concentrations of heavy metals in cereals fall within the safe limit established by regulatory organizations except for Pb (152.4 μg/100g) and Hg (15.13 μg/100g) which exceeded the safe limits. BARI gom-26 was the highest source of Pb (304.1 μg/100g) whereas Haski-29 rice variety contained the highest amount of Hg (60.85 μg/100g). Though all the cereal varieties contained approximately same amount of Cr the naizer sail varieties contained huge amount of Cr (171.8 μg/100g). Among all the cereal samples miniket rice varieties contained the least amount of heavy metals. The concentration of Cr (63.24 μg/100g), Cd (5.54 μg/100g) and As (3.26 μg/100g) in all cereals were below the safe limits. The daily intake of heavy metals was determined using the total weight of cereals consumed each day multiplied by the concentrations of heavy metals in cereals. The daily intake was compared with provisional maximum tolerable daily intake set by different regulatory organizations. The daily intake of Cd (23.0 μg), Hg (63.0 μg) and as (13.6 μg) through cereals were below the risk level except for Pb (634.0 μg) and Cr (263.1 μg). As the main meal of average Bangladeshi people is boiled rice served with some sorts of vegetables, our findings indicate that the residents of Dhaka City are at risk from Pb and Cr contamination. Potential health risks from exposure to heavy metals in self-planted cereals need more attention.

Keywords: contamination, dietary exposure, heavy metals, human health, ICP-MS

Procedia PDF Downloads 450
942 Multiple Intelligences to Improve Pronunciation

Authors: Jean Pierre Ribeiro Daquila


This paper aims to analyze the use of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as a tool to facilitate students’ learning. This theory, proposed by the American psychologist and educator Howard Gardner, was first established in 1983 and advocates that human beings possess eight intelligence and not only one, as defended by psychologists prior to his theory. These intelligence are bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. This paper will focus on bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences are sensed by athletes, dancers, and others who use their bodies in ways that exceed normal abilities. These are intelligences that are closely related. A quarterback or a ballet dancer needs to have both an awareness of body motions and abilities as well as a sense of the space involved in the action. Nevertheless, there are many reasons which make classical ballet dance more integrated with other intelligences. Ballet dancers make it look effortless as they move across the stage, from the lifts to the toe points; therefore, there is acting both in the performance of the repertoire and in hiding the pain or physical stress. The ballet dancer has to have great mathematical intelligence to perform a fast allegro; for instance, each movement has to be executed in a specific millisecond. Flamenco dancers need to rely as well on their mathematic abilities, as the footwork requires the ability to make half, two, three, four or even six movements in just one beat. However, the precision of the arm movements is freer than in ballet dance; for this reason, ballet dancers need to be more holistically aware of their movements; therefore, our experiment will test whether this greater attention required by ballet dancers makes them acquire better results in the training sessions when compared to flamenco dancers. An experiment will be carried out in this study by training ballet dancers through dance (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 1); a group of flamenco dancers (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 2). Both experimental groups will be trained in two different domains – phonetics and chemistry – to examine whether there is a significant improvement in these areas compared to the control group (a group of regular students who will receive the same training through a traditional method). However, this paper will focus on phonetic training. Experimental group 1 will be trained with the aid of classical music plus bodily work. Experimental group 2 will be trained with flamenco rhythm and kinesthetic work. We would like to highlight that this study takes dance as an example of a possible area of strength; nonetheless, other types of arts can and should be used to support students, such as drama, creative writing, music and others. The main aim of this work is to suggest that other intelligences, in the case of this study, bodily-kinesthetic, can be used to help improve pronunciation.

Keywords: multiple intelligences, pronunciation, effective pronunciation trainings, short drills, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Procedia PDF Downloads 97
941 Exploring the Potential of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline (rGo/PANI) Nanocomposites for High-Performance Supercapacitor Application

Authors: Ahmad Umar, Ahmed A. Ibrahim, Mohsen A. Alhamami


This study introduces a facile synthesis method for synthesizing reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheets with surface decoration of polyaniline (PANI). The resultant rGO@PANI nanocomposite (NC) exhibit substantial potential as advanced electrode materials for high-performance supercapacitors. The strategic integration of PANI onto the rGO surface serves dual purposes, effectively mitigating the agglomeration of rGO films and augmenting their utility in supercapacitor applications. The PANI coating manifests a highly porous and nanosized morphology, fostering increased surface area and optimized mass transport by reducing diffusion kinetics. The nanosized structure of PANI contributes to the maximization of active sites, thereby bolstering the efficacy of the nanocomposites for diverse applications. The inherent conductive nature of the rGO surface significantly expedites electron transport, thereby amplifying the overall electrochemical performance of the nanocomposites. To systematically evaluate the influence of PANI concentration on the electrode performance, varying concentrations of PANI were incorporated. Notably, an elevated PANI concentration was found to enhance the response owing to the unique morphology of PANI. Remarkably, the 5% rGO@PANI NC emerged as the most promising candidate, demonstrating exceptional response characteristics with a specific capacitance of 314.2 F/g at a current density of 1 A/g. Furthermore, this catalyst exhibits outstanding long-term stability, retaining approximately 92% of its capacitance even after enduring 4000 cycles. This research underscores the significance of the synergistic integration of rGO and PANI in the design of high-performance supercapacitors. The elucidation of the underlying mechanisms governing the improved electrochemical properties contributes to the fundamental understanding of nanocomposite behavior, thereby paving the way for the rational design of next-generation energy storage materials.

Keywords: reduced graphene oxide, polyaniline, nanocomposites, supercapacitors, energy storage

Procedia PDF Downloads 60
940 Effects of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Early Age Thermal Properties of Cement Paste

Authors: Maryam Ghareh Chaei, Masuzyo Chilwesa, Ali Akbarnezhad, Arnaud Castel, Redmond Lloyd, Stephen Foster


Cement hydration is an exothermic chemical reaction generally leading to a rise in concrete’s temperature. This internal heating of concrete may, in turn, lead to a temperature difference between the hotter interior and the cooler exterior of concrete and thus differential thermal stresses in early ages which could be particularly significant in mass concrete. Such differential thermal stresses result in early age thermal cracking of concrete when exceeding the concrete’s tensile strength. The extent of temperature rise and thus early age differential thermal stresses is generally a function of hydration heat intensity, thermal properties of concrete and size of the concrete element. Both hydration heat intensity and thermal properties of concrete may vary considerably with variations in the type cementitious materials and other constituents. With this in mind, partial replacement of cement with supplementary cementitious materials including fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag has been investigated widely as an effective strategy to moderate the heat generation rate and thus reduce the risk of early age thermal cracking of concrete. However, there is currently a lack of adequate literature on effect of partial replacement of cement with fly ash and/or ground granulated blast furnace slag on the thermal properties of concrete. This paper presents the results of an experimental conducted to evaluate the effect of addition of varying percentages of fly ash (up to 60%) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (up to 50%) on the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of early age cement paste. The water to cementitious materials ratio is kept 0.45 for all the paste samples. The results of the experimental studies were used in a numerical analysis performed using Comsol Multiphysics to highlight the effects of variations in the thermal properties of concrete, due to variations in the type of aggregate and content of supplemenraty cementitious materials, on the risk of early age cracking of a concrete raft.

Keywords: thermal diffusivity, early age thermal cracking, concrete, supplementary cementitious materials

Procedia PDF Downloads 253
939 Collaboration between Dietician and Occupational Therapist, Promotes Independent Functional Eating in Tube Weaning Process of Mechanical Ventilated Patients

Authors: Inbal Zuriely, Yonit Weiss, Hilla Zaharoni, Hadas Lewkowicz, Tatiana Vander, Tarif Bader


early active movement, along with adjusting optimal nutrition, prevents aggravation of muscle degeneracy and functional decline. Eating is a basic activity of daily life, which reflects the patient's independence. When eating and feeding are experienced successfully, they lead to a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. However, when they are experienced as a difficulty, they might evoke feelings of helplessness and frustration. This stresses the essential process of gradual weaning off the enteral feeding tube. the work describes the collaboration of a dietitian, determining the nutritional needs of patients undergoing enteral tube weaning as part of the rehabilitation process, with the suited treatment of an occupational therapist. Occupational therapy intervention regarding eating capabilities focuses on improving the required motor and cognitive components, along with environmental adjustments and aids, imparting eating strategies and training to patients and their families. The project was conducted in the long-term, ventilated patients’ department at the Herzfeld Rehabilitation Geriatric Medical Center on patients undergoing enteral tube weaning with the staff’s assistance. Establishing continuous collaboration between the dietician and the occupational therapist, starting from the beginning of the feeding-tube weaning process: 1.The dietician updates the occupational therapist about the start of the process and the approved diet. 2.The occupational therapist performs cognitive, motor, and functional assessments and treatments regarding the patient’s eating capabilities and recommends the required adjustments for independent eating according to the FIM (Functional Independence Measure) scale. 3.The occupational therapist closely follows up on the patient’s degree of independence in eating and provides a repeated update to the dietician. 4.The dietician accordingly guides the ward staff on whether and how to feed the patient or allow independent eating. The project aimed to promote patients toward independent feeding, which leads to a sense of empowerment, enjoyment of the eating experience, and progress of functional ability, along with performing active movements that will motivate mobilization. From the beginning of 2022, 26 patients participated in the project. 79% of all patients who started the weaning process from tube feeding achieved different levels of independence in feeding (independence levels ranged from supervision (FIM-5) to complete independence (FIM-7). The integration of occupational therapy and dietary treatment is based on a patient-centered approach while considering the patient’s personal needs, preferences, and goals. This interdisciplinary partnership is essential for meeting the complex needs of prolonged mechanically ventilated patients and promotes independent functioning and quality of life.

Keywords: dietary, mechanical ventilation, occupational therapy, tube feeding weaning

Procedia PDF Downloads 79
938 Mapping the Pain Trajectory of Breast Cancer Survivors: Results from a Retrospective Chart Review

Authors: Wilfred Elliam


Background: Pain is a prevalent and debilitating symptom among breast cancer patients, impacting their quality of life and overall well-being. The experience of pain in this population is multifaceted, influenced by a combination of disease-related factors, treatment side effects, and individual characteristics. Despite advancements in cancer treatment and pain management, many breast cancer patients continue to suffer from chronic pain, which can persist long after the completion of treatment. Understanding the progression of pain in breast cancer patients over time and identifying its correlates is crucial for effective pain management and supportive care strategies. The purpose of this research is to understand the patterns and progression of pain experienced by breast cancer survivors over time. Methods: Data were collected from breast cancer patients at Hartford Hospital at four time points: baseline, 3, 6 and 12 weeks. Key variables measured include pain, body mass index (BMI), fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, and demographic variables (age, employment status, cancer stage, and ethnicity). Binomial generalized linear mixed models were used to examine changes in pain and symptoms over time. Results: A total of 100 breast cancer patients aged  18 years old were included in the analysis. We found that the effect of time on pain (p = 0.024), musculoskeletal pain (p= <0.001), fatigue (p= <0.001), and sleep disturbance (p-value = 0.013) were statistically significant with pain progression in breast cancer patients. Patients using aromatase inhibitors have worse fatigue (<0.05) and musculoskeletal pain (<0.001) compared to patients with Tamoxifen. Patients who are obese (<0.001) and overweight (<0.001) are more likely to report pain compared to patients with normal weight. Conclusion: This study revealed the complex interplay between various factors such as time, pain, sleep disturbance in breast cancer patient. Specifically, pain, musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue exhibited significant changes across the measured time points, indicating a dynamic pain progression in these patients. The findings provide a foundation for future research and targeted interventions aimed at improving pain in breast cancer patient outcomes.

Keywords: breast cancer, chronic pain, pain management, quality of life

Procedia PDF Downloads 33
937 Public Participation in Political Transformation: From the Coup D’etat in 2014 to the Events Leading up to the Proposed Election in 2018 in Thailand

Authors: Pataramon Satalak, Sakrit Isariyanon, Teerapong Puripanik


This article uses the recent events in Thailand as a case study for examining why democratic transition is necessary during political upheaval to ensure that the people’s power remains unaffected. After seizing power in May 2014, the military, backed by anti-government protestors, selected and established their own system to govern the country. They set up the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) which established a People’s Assembly, aiming to reach a compromise between the conflicting opinions of former, pro-government and anti-government protesters. It plans to achieve this through political reform before returning sovereign power to the people via an election in 2018. If a governmental authority is not representative of the people (e.g. a military government) it does not count as a legitimate government. During the last four years of military government, from May 2014 to January 2018, their rule of Thailand has been widely controversial, specifically regarding their commitment to democracy, human rights violations and their manipulation of the rule of law. Democratic legitimacy relies not only on established mechanisms for public participation (like referendums or elections) but also public participation based on accessible and educational reform (often via NGOs) to ensure that the free and fair will of the people can be expressed. Through their actions over the last three years, the Thai military government has damaged both of these components, impacting future public participation in politics. The authors make some observations about the specific actions the military government has taken to erode the democratic legitimacy of future public participation: the increasing dominance of military courts over civil courts; civil society’s limited involvement in political activities; the drafting of a new constitution and their attempt to master support through referenda and its consequence for delaying organic law-making process; the structure of the legislative powers (Senate and the members of parliament); and the control of people’s basic freedoms of expression, movement and assembly in political activities. One clear consequence of the military government’s specific actions over the last three years is the increased uncertainty amongst Thai people that their fundamental freedoms and political rights will be respected in the future. This will directly affect their participation in future democratic processes. The military government’s actions (e.g. their response to the UN representatives) will also have influenced potential international engagement in Thai civil society to help educate disadvantaged people about their rights, and their participation in the political arena. These actions challenge the democratic idea that there should be a checking and balancing of power between people and government. These examples provide evidence that a democratic transition is crucial during any process of political transformation.

Keywords: political tranformation, public participation, Thailand coup d'etat 2014, election 2018

Procedia PDF Downloads 149
936 Clinical Use of Opioid Analgesics in China: An Adequacy of Consumption Measure

Authors: Mengjia Zhi, Xingmei Wei, Xiang Gao, Shiyang Liu, Zhiran Huang, Li Yang, Jing Sun


Background: To understand the consumption trend of opioid analgesics and the consumption adequacy of opioid analgesic treatment for moderate to severe pain in China, as well as the pain control level of China with international perspective. Importance: To author’s best knowledge, this is the first study in China to measure the adequacy of opioid analgesic treatment for moderate to severe pain considering disease pattern and with the standardized pain treatment guideline. Methods: A retrospective analysis was carried out to show the consumption frequency (daily defined doses, DDDs) of opioid analgesics and its trend in China from 2006 to 2016. Adequacy of consumption measure (ACM) was used to measure the number of needed morphine equivalents and the overall adequacy of opioid analgesic treatment of moderate to severe pain in China, and compared with international data. Results: The consumption frequency of opioid analgesics (DDDs) in China increased from 13,200,000 DDDs in 2006 to 44,200,000 DDDs in 2016, and showed an increasing trend. The growth rate was faster at first, especially in 2013, then slowed down, decreased slightly in 2015. The ACM of China increased from 0.0032 in 2006 to 0.0074 in 2016, with an overall trend of growth. The ACM level of China has been always a very poor level during 2006-2016. Conclusion: The consumption of opioid analgesics for the treatment of moderate to severe pain in China has always been inadequate. There is a huge gap between China and the international level. There are many reasons behind this problem, which lie in different aspects, including medical staff, patients and the public, health systems and social & cultural aspects. It is necessary to strengthen the training and education of medical staff and the patients, to use mass media to disseminate scientific knowledge of pain management, to encourage communications between doctors and patients, to improve regulatory system for the controlled medicines and the overall health systems, and to balance the regulatory goal for avoidance of abuse, and the social goal of meeting the increasing needs of the people for better life.

Keywords: opioid analgesics, adequate consumption measure, pain control, China

Procedia PDF Downloads 211
935 A Simple Chemical Precipitation Method of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone as a Capping Agent and Their Characterization

Authors: V. P. Muhamed Shajudheen, K. Viswanathan, K. Anitha Rani, A. Uma Maheswari, S. Saravana Kumar


In this paper, a simple chemical precipitation route for the preparation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, synthesized by using titanium tetra isopropoxide as a precursor and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as a capping agent, is reported. The Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) of the samples were recorded and the phase transformation temperature of titanium hydroxide, Ti(OH)4 to titanium oxide, TiO2 was investigated. The as-prepared Ti(OH)4 precipitate was annealed at 800°C to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles. The thermal, structural, morphological and textural characterizations of the TiO2 nanoparticle samples were carried out by different techniques such as DSC-TGA, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR), Micro Raman spectroscopy, UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and Field Effect Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) techniques. The as-prepared precipitate was characterized using DSC-TGA and confirmed the mass loss of around 30%. XRD results exhibited no diffraction peaks attributable to anatase phase, for the reaction products, after the solvent removal. The results indicate that the product is purely rutile. The vibrational frequencies of two main absorption bands of prepared samples are discussed from the results of the FTIR analysis. The formation of nanosphere of diameter of the order of 10 nm, has been confirmed by FESEM. The optical band gap was found by using UV-Visible spectrum. From photoluminescence spectra, a strong emission was observed. The obtained results suggest that this method provides a simple, efficient and versatile technique for preparing TiO2 nanoparticles and it has the potential to be applied to other systems for photocatalytic activity.

Keywords: TiO2 nanoparticles, chemical precipitation route, phase transition, Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR), micro-Raman spectroscopy, UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL) and Field Effect Scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)

Procedia PDF Downloads 324
934 Effects of Nano-Coating on the Mechanical Behavior of Nanoporous Metals

Authors: Yunus Onur Yildiz, Mesut Kirca


In this study, mechanical properties of a nanoporous metal coated with a different metallic material are studied through a new atomistic modelling technique and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This new atomistic modelling technique is based on the Voronoi tessellation method for the purpose of geometric representation of the ligaments. With the proposed technique, atomistic models of nanoporous metals which have randomly oriented ligaments with non-uniform mass distribution along the ligament axis can be generated by enabling researchers to control both ligament length and diameter. Furthermore, by the utilization of this technique, atomistic models of coated nanoporous materials can be numerically obtained for further mechanical or thermal characterization. In general, this study consists of two stages. At the first stage, we use algorithms developed for generating atomic coordinates of the coated nanoporous material. In this regard, coordinates of randomly distributed points are determined in a controlled way to be employed in the establishment of the Voronoi tessellation, which results in randomly oriented and intersected line segments. Then, line segment representation of the Voronoi tessellation is transformed to atomic structure by a special process. This special process includes generation of non-uniform volumetric core region in which atoms can be generated based on a specific crystal structure. As an extension, this technique can be used for coating of nanoporous structures by creating another volumetric region encapsulating the core region in which atoms for the coating material are generated. The ultimate goal of the study at this stage is to generate atomic coordinates that can be employed in the MD simulations of randomly organized coated nanoporous structures. At the second stage of the study, mechanical behavior of the coated nanoporous models is investigated by examining deformation mechanisms through MD simulations. In this way, the effect of coating on the mechanical behavior of the selected material couple is investigated.

Keywords: atomistic modelling, molecular dynamic, nanoporous metals, voronoi tessellation

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