Search results for: therapeutic culture
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 4990

Search results for: therapeutic culture

1270 Single Protoplast of Murraya paniculata L. Jack Regenerated Into Plantlets

Authors: Hasan Basri Jumin, Danil Endriand Basri


Isolated protoplast from embryogenic callus of orange Jessamine (Murraya paniculata L. (Jack) cultured and maintained under growth chamber at the temperature +25oC. The parameter observed are the plating efficiency, the number of spherical embryos, heard-shaped embryos-like structure, shoot formation, and plantlets obtained. Treatment was arranged with 0.0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 or 1.0 mg 1-1 Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), and 0, 300, 500 mg 1/l malt extract (ME) and 0.M sorbitol in the medium with 2.5 % sucrose. Interaction between 0.001 mg/l NAA and 500 mg/l was observed the higher percentage of planting efficiency. For embryo development from callus, the media was added to 0.0 mg/l, 0.001 mg/l, 0.01 ,mg/l, 0.1 mg/l, 1.0 mg/l NAA, and 1.0 %, 2.0 %, 3.0 %, 4.0 % sucrose. Media supplemented with 0.01mg/l NAA, and 1.0% sucrose was found to be a suitable medium for the development of spherical somatic embryos. A combination of 0.1 mg/ indole acetic acid (IAA) and 0.1 mg/l zeatin constituted the spherical somatic embryo became heart-shaped embryos-like structure. A combination between GA3 0.1 mg 1/l GA3 and 0.1 mg 1-1 zeatin is looking high, growing the heart-shaped embryos-like structure to form a shoot. Cells were developed into spherical embryos and grew into heart-shaped embryos, and then spherical somatic embryos developed into shoot formation. Sequence from single protoplast to plantlets was obtained by using a low concentration of plant growth regulator and sucrose; This recovery of single protoplast to be completed plantlets is a new technology in plant cell culture, and this could be used in genetic engineering in citrus.

Keywords: heart-shaped-embryos-like-structure, Muraya-paniculata, plant-growth-regulator, spherical- somatic-embryo, single protoplast, glucose

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1269 Co-Culture of Neonate Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells with Sertoli Cells: Inductive Role of Melatonin following Transplantation: Adult Azoospermia Mouse Model

Authors: Mehdi Abbasi, Shadan Navid, Mohammad Pourahmadi, M. Majidi Zolbin


We have recently reported that melatonin as antioxidant enhances the efficacy of colonization of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). Melatonin as an antioxidant plays a vital role in the development of SSCs in vitro. This study aimed to investigate evaluation of sertoli cells and melatonin simultaneously on SSC proliferation following transplantation to testis of adult mouse busulfan-treated azoospermia model. SSCs and sertoli cells were isolated from the testes of three to six-day old male mice.To determine the purity, Flow cytometry technique using PLZF antibody were evaluated. Isolated testicular cells were cultured in αMEM medium in the absence (control group) or presence (experimental group) of sertoli cells and melatonin extract for 2 weeks. We then transplanted SSCs by injection into the azoospermia mice model. Higher viability, proliferation, and Id4, Plzf, expression were observed in the presence of simultaneous sertoli cells and melatonin in vitro. Moreover, immunocytochemistry results showed higher Oct4 expression in this group. Eight weeks after transplantation, injected cells were localized at the base of seminiferous tubules in the recipient testes. The number of spermatogonia and the weight of testis were higher in the experimental group relative to control group. The results of our study suggest that this new protocol can increase the transplantation of these cells can be useful in the treatment of male infertility.

Keywords: colonization, melatonin, spermatogonial stem cell, transplantation

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1268 Language Effects on the Prestige and Product Image of Advertised Smartphone in Consumer Purchases in Indonesia

Authors: Vidyarini Dwita, Rebecca Fanany


This study will discuss the growth of the market for smartphone technology in Indonesia. This country, with the world’s fourth largest population, has a reputation as the social media capital of the world, and this reputation is largely justified. The penetration of social media is high in Indonesia which has one of the largest global markets. Most Indonesian users of Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms access the sites from their mobile phones. Indonesia is expected to continue to be a major market for digital mobile devices, such as smartphone and tablets that can access the internet. The aim of this study to describe the way responses of Indonesian consumers to smartphone advertising using English and Indonesian will impact on their perceptions of the prestige and product image of the advertised items and thus influence consumer intention to purchase the item. Advertising for smartphones and similar products is intense and dynamic and often draws on the social attitudes of Indonesians with respect to linguistic and cultural content and especially appeals to their desire to be part of global mainstream culture. The study uses a qualitative method based on in-depth interviews with 30 participants. Content analysis is employed to analyse the responses of Indonesian consumers to smartphone advertising that uses English and Indonesian text. Its findings indicate that consumers’ impressions of English and Indonesian slogans influence their attitudes toward smartphones, suggesting that linguistic context plays a role in influencing consumer purchases.

Keywords: consumer purchases, marketing communication, product image, smartphone advertising, sociolinguistic

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1267 Dietary Habit and Anthropometric Status in Hypertensive Patients Compared to Normotensive Participants in the North of Iran

Authors: Marjan Mahdavi-Roshan, Arsalan Salari, Mahbobeh Gholipour


Hypertension is one of the important reasons of morbidity and mortality in countries, including Iran. It has been shown that hypertension is a consequence of the interaction of genetics and environment. Nutrients have important roles in the controlling of blood pressure. We assessed dietary habit and anthropometric status in patients with hypertension in the north of Iran, and that have special dietary habit and according to their culture. This study was conducted on 127 patients with newly recognized hypertension and the 120 normotensive participants. Anthropometric status was measured and demographic characteristics, and medical condition were collected by valid questionnaires and dietary habit assessment was assessed with 3-day food recall (two weekdays and one weekend). The mean age of participants was 58 ± 6.7 years. The mean level of energy intake, saturated fat, vitamin D, potassium, zinc, dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, copper and magnesium was significantly lower in the hypertensive group compared to the control (p < 0.05). After adjusting for energy intake, positive association was observe between hypertension and some dietary nutrients including; Cholesterol [OR: 1.1, P: 0.001, B: 0.06], fiber [OR: 1.6, P: 0.001, B: 1.8], vitamin D [OR: 2.6, P: 0.006, B: 0.9] and zinc [OR: 1.4, P: 0.006, B: 0.3] intake. Logistic regression analysis showed that there was not significant association between hypertension, weight and waist circumference. In our study, the mean intake of some nutrients was lower in the hypertensive individuals compared to the normotensive individual. Health training about suitable dietary habits and easier access to vitamin D supplementation in patients with hypertension are cost-effective tools to improve outcomes in Iran.

Keywords: hypertension, north of Iran, dietary intake, weight

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1266 Genetic Diversity of Cord Blood of the National Center of Blood Transfusion, Mexico (NCBT)

Authors: J. Manuel Bello-López, Julieta Rojo-Medina


Introduction: The transplant of Umbilical Cord Blood Units (UCBU) are a therapeutic possibility for patients with oncohaematological disorders, especially in children. In Mexico, 48.5% of oncological diseases in children 1-4 years old are leukemias; whereas in patients 5-14 and 15-24 years old, lymphomas and leukemias represent the second and third cause of death in these groups respectively. Therefore it is necessary to have more registries of UCBU in order to ensure genetic diversity in the country; the above because the search for appropriate a UCBU is increasingly difficult for patients of mixed ethnicity. Objective: To estimate the genetic diversity (polymorphisms) of Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) Class I (A, B) and Class II (DRB1) in UCBU cryopreserved for transplant at Cord Blood Bank of the NCBT. Material and Methods: HLA typing of 533 UCBU for transplant was performed from 2003-2012 at the Histocompatibility Laboratory from the Research Department (evaluated by Los Angeles Ca. Immunogenetics Center) of the NCBT. Class I HLA-A, HLA-B and Class II HLA-DRB1 typing was performed using medium resolution Sequence-Specific Primer (SSP). In cases of an ambiguity detected by SSP; Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotide (SSO) method was carried out. A strict analysis of populations genetic parameters were done in 5 representative UCBU populations. Results: 46.5% of UCBU were collected from Mexico City, State of Mexico (30.95%), Puebla (8.06%), Morelos (6.37%) and Veracruz (3.37%). The remaining UCBU (4.75%) are represented by other states. The identified genotypes correspond to Amerindian origins (HLA-A*02, 31; HLA-B*39, 15, 48), Caucasian (HLA-A*02, 68, 01, 30, 31; HLA-B*35, 15, 40, 44, 07 y HLA-DRB1*04, 08, 07, 15, 03, 14), Oriental (HLA-A*02, 30, 01, 31; HLA-B* 35, 39, 15, 40, 44, 07,48 y HLA-DRB1*04, 07,15, 03) and African (HLA-A*30 y HLA-DRB1*03). The genetic distances obtained by Cavalli-Sforza analysis of the five states showed significant genetic differences by comparing genetic frequencies. The shortest genetic distance exists between Mexico City and the state of Puebla (0.0039) and the largest between Veracruz and Morelos (0.0084). In order to identify significant differences between this states, the ANOVA test was performed. This demonstrates that UCBU is significantly different according to their origin (P <0.05). This is shown by the divergence between arms at the Dendogram of Neighbor-Joining. Conclusions: The NCBT provides UCBU in patients with oncohaematological disorders in all the country. There is a group of patients for which not compatible UCBU can be find due to the mixed ethnic origin. For example, the population of northern Mexico is mostly Caucasian. Most of the NCBT donors are of various ethnic origins, predominantly Amerindians and Caucasians; although some ethnic minorities like Oriental, African and pure Indian ethnics are not represented. The NCBT is, therefore, establishing agreements with different states of Mexico to promote the altruistic donation of Umbilical Cord Blood in order to enrich the genetic diversity in its files.

Keywords: cord blood, genetic diversity, human leucocyte antigen, transplant

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1265 Physiological Normoxia and Cellular Adhesion of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Primary Cells: Real-Time PCR and Immunohistochemistry Study

Authors: Kamila Duś-Szachniewicz, Kinga M. Walaszek, Paweł Skiba, Paweł Kołodziej, Piotr Ziółkowski


Cell adhesion is of fundamental importance in the cell communication, signaling, and motility, and its dysfunction occurs prevalently during cancer progression. The knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes involved in abnormalities in cancer cells adhesion has greatly increased, and it has been focused mainly on cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) and tumor microenvironment. Unfortunately, most of the data regarding CAMs expression relates to study on cells maintained in standard oxygen condition of 21%, while the emerging evidence suggests that culturing cells in ambient air is far from physiological. In fact, oxygen in human tissues ranges from 1 to 11%. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of physiological lymph node normoxia (5% O2), and hyperoxia (21% O2) on the expression of cellular adhesion molecules of primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cells (DLBCL) isolated from 10 lymphoma patients. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to confirm the differential expression of several CAMs, including ICAM, CD83, CD81, CD44, depending on the level of oxygen. Our findings also suggest that DLBCL cells maintained at ambient O2 (21%) exhibit reduced growth rate and migration ability compared to the cells growing in normoxia conditions. Taking into account all the observations, we emphasize the need to identify the optimal human cell culture conditions mimicking the physiological aspects of tumor growth and differentiation.

Keywords: adhesion molecules, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, physiological normoxia, quantitative RT-PCR

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1264 Human Quality Treatment and Organizational Growth: The Principle of Respect at Nestle Nigeria

Authors: Rose Ogbechie, Nicholas Anakwue


In recent times, research has centered, in the area of Business Ethics, on the issue of human quality treatment (HQT), regarding the way people are dealt with, in organizations, taking into cognizance, respect for the dignity of the human person, as well as, the rights and responsibilities of the corporate individual. As such, the principle of respect is an essential ethical principle that should govern professional relationships in the workplace. There is a prevailing myth in the Nigerian business space, that to drive business success, business leadership must coerce and drive people, oftentimes, beyond comfort to meet work expectations. This has, most times, necessitated abuses and insults on subordinates in the workplace, and instituted a rigid hierarchy of management in business relationships. Nestlé Nigeria, one of the largest foods and beverage companies in Africa, provides a contrast to this myth in their success heuristic. Over the years in Nigeria, the company has registered significant successes in the Nigerian Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Market, with stellar performances year-on-year, and a high-penetration rate of its products in the Nigerian consumer space. At the heart of the FMCG giant’s success and culture is the principle of respect—respect for stakeholders, respect for all peoples, respect for cultures, respect for the environment. Utilizing qualitative research methods, through interviews and focus group discussions with Nestlé’s stakeholders, this paper explores the ethical principle of respect, and how, through it, human quality treatment influences positively organizational growth.

Keywords: human quality treatment, respect, Nestlé Nigeria, FMCG, organizational growth

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1263 Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Children under 5 Years of Age before Introduction of Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV 10) in Urban and Rural Sindh

Authors: Muhammad Imran Nisar, Fyezah Jehan, Tauseef Akhund, Sadia Shakoor, Kanwal Nayani, Furqan Kabir, Asad Ali, Anita Zaidi


Pneumococcal Vaccine -10 (PCV 10) was included in the Expanded Program of immunization (EPI) in Sindh, Pakistan in February 2013. This study was carried out immediately before the introduction of PCV 10 to establish baseline pneumococcal carriage and prevalent serotypes in naso-pharynx of children 3-11 months of age in an urban and rural community in Sindh, Pakistan. An additional sample of children aged 12 to 59 months was drawn from the urban community. Nasopharyngeal specimens were collected from a random sample of children. Samples were processed in a central laboratory in Karachi. Pneumococci were cultured on 5% Sheep Blood Agar and serotyping was performed using CDC standardized sequential multiplex PCR assay on bacterial colonies. Serotypes were then categorized into vaccine (PCV-10 and PCV-13) type and non-vaccine types. A total of 670 children were enrolled. Carriage rate for pneumococcus based on culture positivity was 74% and 79.5 % in the infant group in Karachi and Matiari respectively. Carriage rate was 78.2% for children aged 12 to 59 months in Karachi. Proportion of PCV 10 serotypes in infants was 38.8% and 33.5% in Karachi and Matiari respectively. In the older age group in Karachi, the proportion was 30.6%. Most common serotypes were 6A, 6B, 23F, 19A and 18C. This survey establishes vaccine and non-vaccine serotype carriage rate in a vaccine-naïve pediatric population among rural and urban communities in Sindh province. Annually planned surveys in the same communities will inform change in carriage rate after the introduction and uptake of PCV 10 in these communities.

Keywords: Naso-Pharyngeal carriage, Pakistan, PCV10, Pneumococcus

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1262 The Digital Library and Its Influential Role in Developing the Establishment of the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Haitham Magdy Hamad, Mohamed Ahmed Madkour


The essential role of the digital library in developing museum display methods, recording ancient Egyptian antiquities, facilitating scientific research, and storing antiquities in the Grand Egyptian Museum, which helped and saved a lot of time and money spent to equip the Grand Egyptian Museum. The technology of digital libraries, linking it to ancient Egyptian antiquities and the latest results, which scientific research has reached in the field of libraries and its impact on many areas of tourism and antiquities. The research also aims to show the main role of the digital library and the Arab countries emulating European countries in digitizing libraries and recent developments in Egyptian libraries and their role in many areas of life and linking them to Egyptology. The research will also explain how the museum display methods will be developed in the Grand Egyptian Museum, and the recording of ancient Egyptian antiquities in order to facilitate the process of scientific research and methods of storing antiquities will also work to save time and effort for researchers. The research will also deal with lighting and its prominent role in the display in the interior design and coordination of the Grand Egyptian Museum, through which the unique artifacts and artifacts displayed can be displayed, and they can be used in a strong or simple form. Depending on the condition of the piece to be displayed. The research will also go to show the role of the digital library in how the Grand Egyptian Museum contains gathering areas and how to distribute spaces, guidance, information, reception, libraries, lecture halls, restaurants, cafeterias, shops, permanent and temporary galleries, and bathrooms.

Keywords: knowledge, library, culture, archaeology, grand Egyptian museum, numbering

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1261 Cytotoxicity and Androgenic Potential of Antifungal Drug Substances on MDA-KB2 Cells

Authors: Benchouala Amira, Bojic Clement, Poupin Pascal, Cossu Leguille-carole


The objective of this study is to evaluate in vitro the cytotoxic and androgenic potential of several antifungal molecules (amphotericin B, econazole, ketoconazole and miconazole) on MDA-Kb2 cell lines. This biological model is an effective tool for the detection of endocrine disruptors because it responds well to the main agonist of the androgen receptor (testosterone) and also to an antagonist: flutamide. The cytotoxicity of each chemical compound tested was measured using an MTT assay (tetrazolium salt, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) which measures the activity of the reductase function of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase enzymes of cultured cells. This complementary cytotoxicity test is essential to ensure that the effects of reduction in luminescence intensity observed during androgenic tests are only attributable to the anti-androgenic action of the compounds tested and not to their possible cytotoxic properties. Tests of the androgenic activity of antifungals show that these compounds do not have the capacity to induce transcription of the luciferase gene. These compounds do not exert an androgenic effect on MDA-Kb2 cells in culture for the environmental concentrations tested. The addition of flutamide for the same tested concentrations of antifungal molecules reduces the luminescence induced by amphotericin B, econazole and miconazole, which is explained by a strong interaction of these molecules with flutamide which may have a greater toxic effect than when tested alone. The cytotoxicity test shows that econazole and ketoconazole can cause cell death at certain concentrations tested. This cell mortality is perhaps induced by a direct or indirect action on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA) or proteins necessary for cell division.

Keywords: cytotoxicity, androgenic potential, antifungals, MDA-Kb2

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1260 Socio-Motor Experience between Affectivity and Movement from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings

Authors: Manuela Gamba, Niki Mandolesi


Teenagers today have little knowledge about how to move or play together. The adults who are part of sports culture must find an effective way to foster this essential ability. Our research in Italy uses a 'holistic model' based on fantasy literature to explore the relationships between the game identities and self-identities of young people and the achievement of psycho-motor, emotional and social well-being in the realms of sport and education. Physical activity projects were carried out in schools and extra-curricular associations in Rome, combining outdoor activities and distance learning. This holistic and malleable game model is inspired by fantasy accounts of the journeys taken in The Lord of Rings and Harry Potter books. We know that many have a lot of resistance to the idea of using fantasy and play as a pedagogical tool, but the results obtained in this experience are surprising. Our interventions and investigations focused on promoting self-esteem, awareness, a sense of belonging, social integration, cooperation, well-being, and informed decision making: a basis for healthy and effective citizenship. For teenagers, creative thinking is the right stimulus to involve and compare the story of characters to their own journey through social and self-reflective identity analysis. We observed how important it is to engage students emotionally as well as cognitively and that enabling them to play with identity through relationships with peers. There is a need today for a multidisciplinary synthesis of analog and digital values, especially in response to recent distance-living experiences. There is a need for a global reconceptualization of free time and nature in the human experience.

Keywords: awareness, creativity, identity, play

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1259 Reflection of Development of Production Relations in Museums: Case of Gobustan Museum

Authors: Fikrat Abdullayev, Narmin Huseynli


Archaeology is a science that learns ancient people’s life and household on the basis of samples of material culture. The key research object of this science is artefacts, which are acquired during archaeological excavations. These artefacts can be seen in museums. Museums are the main institutions that give impressions of daily life and household of people in ancient times. Therefore, systematization, exhibition and presentation of archaeological items in museums should be adapted to trace the development of productive forces and its reflection on the household of people. In Gobustan museum which was commissioned in 2011, you can get information about the life and household, as well as religious beliefs, of people at all stages of history from the end of the Upper Palaeolith to the Middle Ages through archaeological items, rock inscriptions and modern technologies. The main idea of museum exposition is to give an idea to visitors about the environment, society and production relations during the Stone and Metal Age. Stimulation of development of production factors and production relationships of environmental factors that are influenced by natural forces can be easily seen through exhibits of Gobustan Museum. At the same time, creating of new ideological attributes in the changing society and the process of transforming people into a dominant position in a belief system can be seen in the substitution of motives of rock carvings in the chronological context. The historical and cultural essence of rock carvings in Gobustan Museum is demonstrated through modern technological means and traditional museum concepts. In addition, Gobustan Preserve is one of the rare places where visitors can directly contact with rock carvings.

Keywords: Gobustan, rock art, museum, productive forces

Procedia PDF Downloads 508
1258 Therapeutic Challenges in Treatment of Adults Bacterial Meningitis Cases

Authors: Sadie Namani, Lindita Ajazaj, Arjeta Zogaj, Vera Berisha, Bahrije Halili, Luljeta Hasani, Ajete Aliu


Background: The outcome of bacterial meningitis is strongly related to the resistance of bacterial pathogens to the initial antimicrobial therapy. The objective of the study was to analyze the initial antimicrobial therapy, the resistance of meningeal pathogens and the outcome of adults bacterial meningitis cases. Materials/methods: This prospective study enrolled 46 adults older than 16 years of age, treated for bacterial meningitis during the years 2009 and 2010 at the infectious diseases clinic in Prishtinë. Patients are categorized into specific age groups: > 16-26 years of age (10 patients), > 26-60 years of age (25 patients) and > 60 years of age (11 patients). All p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Data were analyzed using Stata 7.1 and SPSS 13. Results: During the two year study period 46 patients (28 males) were treated for bacterial meningitis. 33 patients (72%) had a confirmed bacterial etiology; 13 meningococci, 11 pneumococci, 7 gram-negative bacilli (Ps. aeruginosa 2, Proteus sp. 2, Acinetobacter sp. 2 and Klebsiella sp. 1 case) and 2 staphylococci isolates were found. Neurological complications developed in 17 patients (37%) and the overall mortality rate was 13% (6 deaths). Neurological complications observed were: cerebral abscess (7/46; 15.2%), cerebral edema (4/46; 8.7%); haemiparesis (3/46; 6.5%); recurrent seizures (2/46; 4.3%), and single cases of thrombosis sinus cavernosus, facial nerve palsy and decerebration (1/46; 2.1%). The most common meningeal pathogens were meningococcus in the youngest age group, gram negative-bacilli in second age group and pneumococcus in eldery age group. Initial single-agent antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone) was used in 17 patients (37%): in 60% of patients in the youngest age group and in 44% of cases in the second age group. 29 patients (63%) were treated with initial dual-agent antibiotic therapy; ceftriaxone in combination with vancomycin or ampicillin. Ceftriaxone and ampicillin were the most commonly used antibiotics for the initial empirical therapy in adults > 50 years of age. All adults > 60 years of age were treated with the initial dual-agent antibiotic therapy as in this age group was recorded the highest mortality rate (M=27%) and adverse outcome (64%). Resistance of pathogens to antimicrobics was recorded in cases caused by gram-negative bacilli and was associated with greater risk for developing neurological complications (p=0.09). None of the gram-negative bacilli were resistant to carbapenems; all were resistant to ampicillin while 5/7 isolates were resistant to cefalosporins. Resistance of meningococci and pneumococci to beta-lactams was not recorded. There were no statistical differences in the occurrence of neurological complications (p > 0.05), resistance of meningeal pathogens to antimicrobics (p > 0.05) and the inital antimicrobial therapy (one vs. two antibiotics) concerning group-ages in adults. Conclusions: The initial antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone alone or in combination with vancomycin or ampicillin did not cover cases caused by gram-negative bacilli.

Keywords: adults, bacterial meningitis, outcomes, therapy

Procedia PDF Downloads 174
1257 Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process Model to Weight and Prioritize Challenges and Barriers to Strategic Approach

Authors: Mohammad Mehdi Mohebi, Nima Kazempour, Mohammad Naeim Kazempour


Strategic thinking enables managers to find out what factors are effective in achieving the desired goals and how these factors create value for the customer. Strategic thinking can be interpreted as a form of mental and inner strength in the manager, who by utilizing it, while considering the conditions of the environment and unstable global environment changes, takes decisions, and plans actions, and designs the strategy of his organization in today's changing and unsustainable business environment. Strategic thinking is very important in today’s business world, because without this thinking, the organization's efforts to achieve developed strategies will not be effective. In this study, through a detailed study of the challenges and barriers to strategic thinking that is carried out by various scholars and experts theoretically and experimentally, 7 major factors were identified. Then, based on these main factors of challenges and related elements, a tool in the form of a questionnaire was developed in order to determine their importance and priority from the perspective of strategic management experts. Using statistical tests the reliability and validity of this instrument, including its structural validity, has been examined and approved using factor analysis. These factors are weighted and prioritized using AHP techniques and the opinions of scholars and experts. Prioritization of barriers to strategic thinking include: lack of participatory management, lack of a systematic approach, difficulty in aligning the organization members, lack of incentive organizational culture, behavioural and internal barriers of managers, lack of key managers and lack of access to timely and accurate information.

Keywords: strategic thinking, challenges and barriers to strategic thinking, EN bank, AHP method

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1256 Disrupting Patriarchy: Transforming Gender Oppression through Dialogue between Women and Men at a South African University

Authors: S. van Schalkwyk


On international levels and across disciplines gender scholars have argued that patriarchal scripts of masculinity and femininity are harmful as they negatively impact constructions of selfhood and relations between women and men. Patriarchal ideologies serve as a scaffolding for dominance and subordination and fuel violence against women. Toxic masculinity—social discourses of men as violent, unemotional, and sexually dominant—are embedded in South African culture and are rooted in the high rates of gender violence occurring in the country. Finding strategies that can open up space for the interrogation of toxic masculinity is crucial in order to disrupt the destructive consequences of patriarchy in educational and social contexts. The University of the Free State (UFS) in South Africa in collaboration with the non-profit organization Gender Reconciliation International conducted a year-long series of workshops with male and female students. The aim of these workshops was to facilitate healing between men and women through collective dialogue processes. Drawing on a collective biography methodology outlined by feminist poststructuralists, this paper explores the impact of these workshops on gender relations. Findings show that the students experienced significant psychological connections with others during these dialogues, through which they began to interrogate their own gendered conditioning and harmful patriarchal assumptions and practices. This paper enhances insights into the possibilities for disrupting patriarchy in South African universities through feminist collective research efforts.

Keywords: collective biography methodology, South Africa, toxic masculinity, transforming gender oppression, violence against women

Procedia PDF Downloads 480
1255 A Short Study on the Effects of Public Service Advertisement on Gender Bias in Accessible and Non-Accessible Format

Authors: Amrin Moger, Sagar Bhalerao, Martin Mathew


Advertisements play a vital role in dissemination of information regarding products and services. Advertisements as Mass Media tool is not only a source of entertainment, but also a source of information, education and entertainment. It provides information about the outside world and exposes us to other ways of life and culture. Public service advertisements (PSA) are generally aimed at public well-being. Aim of PSA is not to make profit, but rather to change public opinion and raise awareness in the Society about a social issue.’ Start with the boys’ is one such PSA aims to create awareness about issue of ‘gender bias’ that is taught prevalent in the society. Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are also consumers of PSA in the society. The population of persons with disability in the society also faces gender bias and discrimination. It is a double discrimination. The advertisement selected for the study gives out a strong message on gender bias and therefore must be accessible to everyone including PWDs in the society. Accessibility of PSA in the digital format can be done with the help of Universal Design (UD) in digital media application. Features of UD inclusive in nature, and it focus on eliminating established barriers through initial designs. It considers the needs of diverse people, whether they are persons with or without disability. In this research two aspects of UD in digital media: captioning and Indian sign language (ISL) is used. Hence a short survey study was under taken to know the effects of a multimedia on gender bias, in accessible format on persons with and without disability. The result demonstrated a significant difference in the opinion, on the usage accessible and non-accessible format for persons with and without disability and their understanding of message in the PSA selected for the study.

Keywords: public service advertisements, gender, disability, accessibility

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1254 Impact of Acculturation Stress and Work-Family Conflict on the Health and Wellbeing of African Immigrants in the US: A Case Study of Ghanaian Immigrants

Authors: Rodlyn Remina Hines


Africans who migrate to the United States (U.S.) go through an acculturation period. When they join the U.S. workforce during the period they are still acquainting to the new geographic area and culture, they may experience work and family conflict in addition to the stressors of acculturation. This study investigated the impact of acculturation stress and work-family conflict on the health and wellbeing of African immigrants in the U.S. using a growing immigrant population. Ghanaian immigrants (n = 100, males= 43%; females= 56%) residing in New York and Massachusetts, United States (U.S.), were recruited via purposive sampling to investigate the role acculturation stress and work-family conflict play on the health and wellbeing of African immigrants in the U.S. Using the Sociocultural theory, three hypotheses were proposed: (1) High acculturation stress will lead to high work-family conflict, (2) High work-family conflict will result in poor health and wellbeing, and (3) Work-family conflict will mediate the relationship between acculturation stress and health and wellbeing. The results fully supported the first hypothesis and partially supported the second and third. High acculturation stress led to high work-family conflict. Although high work-family conflict resulted in poorer health and wellbeing, high family support mediated work-family conflict and health and wellbeing. Participants who reported poor health also reported a lack of family or other support and those who reported strong family or other support also reported excellent health and wellbeing even with high work-family conflict. The latter group did not expect their health and wellbeing to get worse. I draw on these findings to conclude that African immigrants in the U.S. experience significant acculturation stress and work-family conflict resulting in poor health and wellbeing during their acculturation period if there is a lack of family or other support. These findings have implications for practitioners and policymakers.

Keywords: acculturation stress, work-family conflict, Ghanaian immigrants, health and wellbeing

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1253 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Amna bibi, Hina Rana


In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.

Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society

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1252 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study”

Authors: Amna Bibi, Hina Rana


In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.

Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society

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1251 Availability of Safety Measures and Knowledge Towards Hazardous Waste Management among Workers in Scientific Laboratories of Two Universities in Lebanon

Authors: Inaam Nasrallah, Pascale Salameh, Abbas El-Outa, Assem Alkak, Rihab Nasr, Wafa Toufic Bawab


Background: Hazardous Waste Management(HWM). is critical to human health outcomes and environmental protection. This study evaluated the knowledge regarding safety measures to be applied when collecting and storing waste in scientific laboratories of two universities in Lebanon.Method: A survey-based observational study was conducted in scientific laboratories of the public university and that of a private university, where a total of 309 participants were recruited.Result: The mean total knowledge score on safety measures of HWM was 9.02±4.34 (maximum attainable score, 13). Significant association (p<0.05) was found between knowledge score and job function, years of experience, educational level, professional status, work schedule, and training on proper HWM. Participants had adequate perceptions regarding the impact of HWM on health and the environment. Linear regression modeling revealed that knowledge score was significantly higher among bachelor level lab workers compared to those with doctoral degrees (p=0.043), full-time schedule workers versus part-timers (p=0.03), and among public university participants as compared to those of the private university (p<0.001).Conclusion: This study showed good knowledge concerning HWM in the scientific laboratoriesof the studied universities in Lebanon and a good awareness of the HWM on health and the environment. It highlights the importance of culture, attitude, and practice on proper HWM in the academic scientific laboratory.

Keywords: hasardous waste, safety measures, waste management, knwoledge score, scientific laboratory workers

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1250 The Moment of Departure: Redefining Self and Space in Literacy Activism

Authors: Sofie Dewayani, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah


Literacy practice is situated within the identity enactment in a particular time and space. The literacy practices in public places, ranging from city parks, urban slums to city roads are meeting places of discursive practices produced by dynamic interactions, and sometimes contestations, of social powers and capitals. The present paper examines the ways the literacy activists construct their sense of space in attempts to develop possibilities for literacy programs as they are sent to work with marginalized communities far away from their hometowns in Indonesia. In particular, this paper analyzes the activists’ reflections of identity enactment - othering, familiarity, and sense of comfort - as they are trying to make meaning of the communities’ literacy capitals and practices in the process of adapting with the communities. Data collected for this paper were travel diaries - serving as literacy narratives - obtained from a literacy residency program sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The residency program itself involved 30 youths (18 to 30 years old) to work with marginalized communities in literacy activism programs. This paper analyzes the written narratives of four focal participants using Bakhtin’s chronotopes - the configurations of time and space - that figure into the youth’s meaning-making of literacy as well as their exercise of power and identity. Follow-up interviews were added to enrich the analysis. The analysis considers the youth’s ‘moment of departure’ a critical point in their reconstructions of self and space. This paper expands the discussions of literacy discourse and spatiality while lending its supports to literacy activism in highly diverse multicultural settings.

Keywords: chronotopes, discourse, identity, literacy activism

Procedia PDF Downloads 185
1249 A Diagnostic Study of Rape Culture in India

Authors: V. U. Ameera


Rape has become an epidemic in India. Rape becomes a repressive weapon, which used to make them silent or used sometimes as a mode of punishment. Even for marrying above their status or for caste violation through a marriage of their choice, women are sentenced for mass rape, and the retribution is done in the presence of her family and villagers. Dalit or lower class women are brutally raped in a process of chastisement carried out by the upper class to keep the former always under their feet. Even in police stations, women are raped so that, their wretched condition will compel them to blurt out the truth. In a patriarchal society, for every trespass of woman, she is retaliated with a trespass into her body, which they think is the finest fine she can pay, as they are still driven by Victorian morality and believe once ‘the jewel’ is stolen, it is stolen forever. Even when the reports of brutal rapes comes out, those who are in responsible position also take the girls to task for going out in inappropriate time. As it is elsewhere in the world, in India too rape is a destructive weapon used to destroy men folk morally and psychologically, as they deem their honor rest in their protecting the purity of their women. During the communal skirmishes, as it is evident from Gujarat and Muzzafar Nagar recently, women are subjected to mass rape so that they can terrorize their men. Even women writers are threatened with rape for criticizing the maneuvers and manipulations of political parties. This becomes possible because of the undue weight given to the chastity of women. This study intends to analyze the nature of rapes occurring in India, including its use as a tool to establish and perpetuate the dominant position of men in social power structures. The study reveals how society, media and literature have imbibed and spread the notion of this sacred glass bowl which is the proud possession of men, the breaking of which steals them of their honor.

Keywords: guardians of chastity, patriarchal mindset, power tool, punishment rape

Procedia PDF Downloads 217
1248 Effects of Microbial Biofertilization on Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation, and Yield of Lablab purpureus

Authors: Benselama Amel, Ounane S. Mohamed, Bekki Abdelkader


A collection of 20 isolates from fresh Nodules of the legume plant Lablab purpureus was isolated. These isolates have been authenticated by seedling inoculation grown in jars containing sand. The results obtained after two months of culture have revealed that the 20 isolates (100% of the isolates) are able to nodulate their host plants. The results obtained were analyzed statistically by ANOVA using the software statistica and had shown that the effect of the inoculation has significantly improved all the growth parameters (the height of the plant and the dry weight of the aerial parts and roots, and the number of nodules). We have evaluated the tolerance of all strains of the collection to the major stress factors as the salinity, pH and extreme temperature. The osmotolerance reached a concentration up to 1710mm of NaCl. The strains were also able to grow on a wide range of pH, ranging from 4.5 to 9.5, and temperature, between 4°C and 40°C. Also, we tested the effect of the acidity, aluminum and ferric deficit on the Lablab-rhizobia symbiosis. Lablab purpureus has not been affected by the presence of high concentrations of aluminum. On the other hand, iron deficiency has caused a net decrease in the dry biomass of the aerial part. The results of all the phenotypic characters have been treated by the statistical Minitab software, the numerical analysis had shown that these bacterial strains are divided into two distinct groups at a level of similarity of 86 %. The SDS-PAGE was carried out to determine the profile of the total protein of the strains. The coefficients of similarity of polypeptide bands between the isolates and strains reference (Bradyrhizobium, Mesorizobium sp.) confirm that our strain belongs to the groups of rhizobia.

Keywords: SDS-PAGE, rhizobia, symbiosis, phenotypic characterization, Lablab purpureus

Procedia PDF Downloads 306
1247 Evaluation of Antagonistic and Aggregation Property of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Bovine Milk

Authors: Alazar Nebyou, Sujata Pandit


Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are essential ingredients in probiotic foods, intestinal microflora, and dairy products that are capable of coping up with harsh gastrointestinal tract conditions and are available in a variety of environments. The objective of this study is to evaluate the probiotic property of LAB isolated from bovine milk. Milk samples were collected from local dairy farms. Samples were obtained using sterile test tubes and transported to a laboratory in the icebox for further biochemical characterization. Preliminary physiological and biochemical identification of LAB isolates was conducted by growing on MRS agar after ten-fold serial dilution. Seven of the best isolates were selected for the evaluation of the probiotic property. The LAB isolates were checked for resistance to antibiotics and their antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion assay and agar well diffusion assay respectively. Bile salt hydrolase activity of isolates was studied by growing isolates in a BSH medium with bile salt. Cell surface property of isolates was assayed by studying their autoaggregation and coaggregation percentage with S. aerues. All isolates were found BSH positive. In addition, BCM2 and BGM1 were susceptible to all antibiotic disks except BBM1 which was resistant to all antibiotic disks. BCM1 and BGM1 had the highest autoaggregation and coaggregation potential respectively. Since all LAB isolates showed gastrointestinal tolerance and good cell surface property they could be considered as good potential probiotic candidates for treatment and probiotic starter culture preparation.

Keywords: probiotic, aggregation, lactic acid bacteria, antimicrobial activity

Procedia PDF Downloads 215
1246 Effects of Turkish Classical Music on Cognitive Function, Depression and Quality of Life in Elderly

Authors: Rukiye Pinar Boluktas


According to 2015 statistics, in Turkey, 46% of older people live alone in their homes, 55% have poor health perceptions, 18% face poverty, and 43% are unhappy. Prevalence of depression is between 14% and 20%. In 2013, rate of suicide was 6.5. However, the most of older people prefer to live in their community although they are lonely, they face poverty, and face limitations as a result of chronic diseases and disabilities. Community based care for older people is also encouraged by Ministry of Health as it is more cost-effective. Music therapy is a simple, effective, safe, and nonpharmacologic intervention that may be used to decrease depression and to improve cognition, and health related quality of life (HRQOL). In Turkish culture, music is typically described as ‘food for soul’. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Turkish classical music songs in 32 community dwelling older people. Participants were received interventions two or three times per week, 50-60 min per session, for 8 weeks at a day health center. Each intervention session started listening music for 15-20 min to get remember songs, then followed singing songs as a group. Participants were assessed at baseline (week 0), and two follow-up at month 1 and month 2. Compared to baseline, at two follow-up, we observed that cognition improved, depression decreased, and SF-36 scores, including 8 domains and two summary scores increased. We conclude that an intervention comprising listening and singing Turkish classical music improve cognition, depression and HRQOL in older people.

Keywords: cognitive function, depression, elderly, quality of life, Turkish classical music

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1245 A Study of Gender Awareness among College Students in Delhi

Authors: Shailly Kumar


Gender is a social construction resulting in defining roles and responsibilities to carried out according to masculine and feminine traits. The main aim of the study was to explore gender awareness among college going students of Delhi. The objectives of studies were to find out (i) the understanding of term gender and roles and responsibilities associated with male and female as masculine and feminine traits in our society. (ii)Gender images representing the attributes and characteristics attached to particular gender. (iii) Gender discrimination prevailing among girls and boys in our society. (iv)Gender stereotypes resulting in gendering with respect to religion, culture, family and media. The sample of study consisted of 100 undergraduate college girl students. The findings of study stated that the students had this understanding that sex is a natural phenomenon and gender is socially constructed. Gender defines the roles and responsibilities among two sexes. On a gender image students concluded that males are represented as a powerful members of society showing physical strength and violence, force and society gave the power to men oppress and subjugate women in society that's why women are treated inferior and given secondary position in society. On gender discrimination, girl students stated that they faced discrimination at all level such as family, media ,education, workplace etc .There is strong prevailing gender stereotypes among girls and boys with respect to religious practices, choice of career ,preference of child etc. This study concluded that students were aware of gendered practices in various domains of life. The study helped to interpret the notions and perceptions of students towards gendering of social spaces and in their lives.

Keywords: gender, gender awareness, gender role, masculinity and feminity

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1244 The Influence of Cultural Perceptions in the Preference and Choice of STEM Programs

Authors: Priscilla Adoley Moffat


This study explored perceptions rooted in and acquired from the cultures of many developing countries and how they impact applicants’ preferences and choices of STEM programs. The context of developing countries was chosen for this study because gender role socialization continues to maintain an important place in most of these cultures. This study’s relevance rests in the fact that, as the world takes steps to encourage and promote the choice and study of STEM programs, especially among females, there is a need for efforts towards understanding various cultural perceptions towards some programs of study, particularly STEM programs, which have diverse gender attributions in many developing cultures. Also, as the world strives to achieve gender equity in education, such a study comes in handy, as it provides a useful understanding of the underlying cultural factors that affect study program preferences of applicants, particularly in developing countries like Ghana as well as others in Africa. The study analyzed the admission application data of five public universities in Ghana. 1600 randomly-sampled final-year students of 32 randomly-selected senior high schools from the 16 regions of Ghana were interviewed. Since parents and teachers often guide and influence the study program choices of applicants, the study examined the perceptions of 180 teachers and 360 parents. The study found, among other things, that STEM programs are commonly perceived to pose much more difficulty to females than they do to males. As a result, many female applicants are discouraged from choosing these programs. While nursing programs are perceived more as programs for females, with the justification that females are better caregivers, males are perceived to be better medical doctors, engineers, and computer technicians. Thus, many females are less encouraged to choose Technology and Engineering programs.

Keywords: culture, perceptions, STEM, choice, preference

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1243 The Use of Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Liver Metastases: A Systematic Review

Authors: Mateusz Bilski, Jakub Klas, Emilia Kowalczyk, Sylwia Koziej, Katarzyna Kulszo, Ludmiła Grzybowska- Szatkowska


Background: Liver metastases are a common complication of primary solid tumors and sig-nificantly reduce patient survival. In the era of increasing diagnosis of oligometastatic disease and oligoprogression, methods of local treatment of metastases, i.e. MDT, are becoming more important. Implementation of such treatment can be considered for liver metastases, which are a common complication of primary solid tumors and significantly reduce patient survival. To date, the mainstay of treatment for oligometastatic disease has been surgical resection, but not all patients qualify for the procedure. As an alternative to surgical resection, radiotherapy techniques have become available, including stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) or high-dose interstitial brachytherapy (iBT). iBT is an invasive method that emits very high doses of radiation from the inside of the tumor to the outside. This technique provides better tumor coverage than SBRT while having little impact on surrounding healthy tissue and elim-inates some concerns involving respiratory motion. Methods: We conducted a systematic re-view of the scientific literature on the use of brachytherapy in the treatment of liver metasta-ses from 2018 - 2023 using PubMed and ResearchGate browsers according to PRISMA rules. Results: From 111 articles, 18 publications containing information on 729 patients with liver metastases were selected. iBT has been shown to provide high rates of tumor control. Among 14 patients with 54 unresectable RCC liver metastases, after iBT LTC was 92.6% during a median follow-up of 10.2 months, PFS was 3.4 months. In analysis of 167 patients after treatment with a single fractional dose of 15-25 Gy with brachytherapy at 6- and 12-month follow-up, LRFS rates of 88,4-88.7% and 70.7 - 71,5%, PFS of 78.1 and 53.8%, and OS of 92.3 - 96.7% and 76,3% - 79.6%, respectively, were achieved. No serious complications were observed in all patients. Distant intrahepatic progression occurred later in patients with unre-sectable liver metastases after brachytherapy (PFS: 19.80 months) than in HCC patients (PFS: 13.50 months). A significant difference in LRFS between CRC patients (84.1% vs. 50.6%) and other histologies (92.4% vs. 92.4%) was noted, suggesting a higher treatment dose is necessary for CRC patients. The average target dose for metastatic colorectal cancer was 40 - 60 Gy (compared to 100 - 250 Gy for HCC). To better assess sensitivity to therapy and pre-dict side effects, it has been suggested that humoral mediators be evaluated. It was also shown that baseline levels of TNF-α, MCP-1 and VEGF, as well as NGF and CX3CL corre-lated with both tumor volume and radiation-induced liver damage, one of the most serious complications of iBT, indicating their potential role as biomarkers of therapy outcome. Con-clusions: The use of brachytherapy methods in the treatment of liver metastases of various cancers appears to be an interesting and relatively safe therapeutic method alternative to sur-gery. An important challenge remains the selection of an appropriate brachytherapy method and radiation dose for the corresponding initial tumor type from which the metastasis origi-nated.

Keywords: liver metastases, brachytherapy, CT-HDRBT, iBT

Procedia PDF Downloads 115
1242 Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Spontaneously Occurring Canine Melanoma

Authors: Simona Perga, Chiara Beltramo, Floriana Fruscione, Isabella Martini, Federica Cavallo, Federica Riccardo, Paolo Buracco, Selina Iussich, Elisabetta Razzuoli, Katia Varello, Lorella Maniscalco, Elena Bozzetta, Angelo Ferrari, Paola Modesto


Introduction: Human and canine melanoma have common clinical, histologic characteristics making dogs a good model for comparative oncology. The identification of specific genes and a better understanding of the genetic landscape, signaling pathways, and tumor–microenvironmental interactions involved in the cancer onset and progression is essential for the development of therapeutic strategies against this tumor in both species. In the present study, the differential expression of genes in spontaneously occurring canine melanoma and in paired normal tissue was investigated by targeted RNAseq. Material and Methods: Total RNA was extracted from 17 canine malignant melanoma (CMM) samples and from five paired normal tissues stored in RNA-later. In order to capture the greater genetic variability, gene expression analysis was carried out using two panels (Qiagen): Human Immuno-Oncology (HIO) and Mouse-Immuno-Oncology (MIO) and the miSeq platform (Illumina). These kits allow the detection of the expression profile of 990 genes involved in the immune response against tumors in humans and mice. The data were analyzed through the CLCbio Genomics Workbench (Qiagen) software using the Canis lupus familiaris genome as a reference. Data analysis were carried out both comparing the biologic group (tumoral vs. healthy tissues) and comparing neoplastic tissue vs. paired healthy tissue; a Fold Change greater than two and a p-value less than 0.05 were set as the threshold to select interesting genes. Results and Discussion: Using HIO 63, down-regulated genes were detected; 13 of those were also down-regulated comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Eighteen genes were up-regulated, 14 of those were also down-regulated comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Using the MIO, 35 down regulated-genes were detected; only four of these were down-regulated, also comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Twelve genes were up-regulated in both types of analysis. Considering the two kits, the greatest variation in Fold Change was in up-regulated genes. Dogs displayed a greater genetic homology with humans than mice; moreover, the results have shown that the two kits are able to detect different genes. Most of these genes have specific cellular functions or belong to some enzymatic categories; some have already been described to be correlated to human melanoma and confirm the validity of the dog as a model for the study of molecular aspects of human melanoma.

Keywords: animal model, canine melanoma, gene expression, spontaneous tumors, targeted RNAseq

Procedia PDF Downloads 200
1241 Cultural Disposition and Implicit Dehumanization of Sexualized Females by Women

Authors: Hong Im Shin


Previous research demonstrated that self-objectification (women view themselves as objects for use) is related to system-justification. Three studies investigated whether cultural disposition as its system-justifying function could have an impact on self-objectification and dehumanization of sexualized women and men. Study 1 (N = 91) employed a survey methodology to examine the relationship between cultural disposition (collectivism vs. individualism), trait of system-justification, and self-objectification. The results showed that the higher tendency of collectivism was related to stronger system-justification and self-objectification. Study 2 (N = 60 females) introduced a single category implicit association task (SC-IAT) to assess the extent to which sexually objectified women were associated with uniquely human attributes (i.e., culture) compared to animal-related attributes (i.e., nature). According to results, female participants associated sexually objectified female targets less with human attributes compared to animal-related attributes. Study 3 (N = 46) investigated whether priming to individualism or collectivism was associated to system justification and sexual objectification of men and women with the use of a recognition task involving upright and inverted pictures of sexualized women and men. The results indicated that the female participants primed to individualism showed an inversion effect for sexualized women and men (person-like recognition), whereas there was no inversion effect for sexualized women in the priming condition of collectivism (object-like recognition). This implies that cultural disposition plays a mediating role for rationalizing the gender status, implicit dehumanization of sexualized females and self-objectification. Future research directions are discussed.

Keywords: cultural disposition, dehumanization, implicit test, self-objectification

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