Search results for: post mortem interval
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Search results for: post mortem interval

1389 Constructing the Cult of the Self: On White, Working-Class Males and the Neoliberalisation of Identities: An Autoethnographic Study

Authors: Dane B. Norris


This paper offers a reflective and reflexive examination of the lived reality of a group of young white, working-class males engaging in secondary education in England at a time when this population is widely recognised as the lowest attaining ethnic group within British schools. The focus of the paper is an exploration of the development of identities and aspirations alongside contemporary demographic shifts in the British population within the intersection of neoliberal education policies and the emerging ideological conflict between identity conservatism and liberalism. The construction and performance of intersecting social-class, gender, ethnic and national identities are considered, as well as the process through which socially constructed narratives inform identities and aspirations. Evocative autoethnography is then employed to offer reflections on working-class habitus and, in particular, classed and gendered codes that underpin expectations of manhood in post-industrial culture within an education system which seemingly requires the abandonment of aspects of a working-class background, affiliation, and identity. Findings from the study identify the emergence of a culture of hyper-individualisation amongst white, working-class males in schools and a belief in the meritocratic ideologies of the New Right. In particular, the breakdown of the social contract, including notions of political and civic responsibility, coupled with the symbolic violence perpetrated against working-class culture and solidarity in British schools, have all informed the construction of working-class masculinity which values the individual entrepreneur over the collective and depoliticizes students to an extent where a focus on the spectacle and performance of success has replaced individual and collective investment in community.

Keywords: education, identity, masculinity, neoliberalism, working-class

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1388 Association between Substance Use Disorder, PTSD and the Effectiveness of Collaborative Care for Depression in Primary Care: A Systematic Literature Search and Narrative Review

Authors: J. Raub, H. Schillok, L. Kaupe, C. Jung-Sievers, G. Pitschel-Walz, M. Bühner, J. Gensichen, F. D. Pokal-Gruppe


Introduction: In Germany, depression ranks among the top ten diseases with the highest disease burden and often occurs with comorbidities. Collaborative Care (CC), a concept developed in the United States for the primary care management of chronic diseases, has been identified as an efficient model for the treatment of depression in general medicine. A recent meta-analysis highlights research gaps regarding CC in patients with psychiatric multimorbidity. The highest prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities in depression is observed in anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders. Methods: We conducted a literature search following the PRISMA guidelines with three components: Collaborative Care, Depression and randomized controlled trial on the common databases. We focused on the examination of psychiatric comorbidities in depression, specifically Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Results: During the screening process, we identified nine relevant articles related to PTSD, the number of articles related to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) was ten. We examined a total of 8,634 individuals. Our literature review did not reveal any overall significant superiority of the Collaborative Care model compared to Usual Care in patients with depression with comorbid Substance Use Disorder (SUD) or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Discussion: Five studies demonstrate a faster and statistically significant improvement in depression outcomes among patients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Currently, several randomized controlled trials on the topic of Collaborative Care in depression with psychiatric comorbidity are ongoing, such as miCare, Claro and COMET.

Keywords: Depression, primary care, collaborative care, PTSD, Substance use Disorder

Procedia PDF Downloads 84
1387 Parsonage Turner Syndrome PTS, Case Report

Authors: A. M. Bumbea, A. Musetescu, P. Ciurea, A. Bighea


Objectives: The authors present a Parsonage Turner syndrome, a rare disease characterized by onset in apparently healthy person with shoulder and/or arm pain, sensory deficit, motor deficit. The causes are not established, could be determinate by vaccination, postoperative, immunologic disease, post traumatic etc. Methods: The authors present a woman case, 32 years old, (in 2006), no medical history, with arm pain and no other symptom. The onset was sudden with pain at very high level quantified as 10 to a 0 to 10 scale, with no response to classical analgesic and corticoids. The only drugs which can reduce the intensity of pain were oxycodone hydrochloride, 60 mg daily and pregabalinum150 mg daily. After two weeks the intensity of pain was reduced to 5. The patient started a rehabilitation program. After 6 weeks the patient associated sensory and motor deficit. We performed electromyography for upper limb that showed incomplete denervation with reduced neural transmission speed. The patient receives neurotrophic drugs and painkillers for a long period and physical and kinetic therapy. After 6 months the pain was reduced to level 2 and the patient maintained only 150 mg pregabalinum for another 6 months. Then, the evaluation showed no pain but general amiotrophy in upper limb. Results: At the evaluation in 2009, the patient developed a rheumatoid syndrome with tender and swelling joints, but no positive inflammation test, no antibodies or rheumatoid factor. After two years, in 2011 the patient develops an increase of antinuclear antibodies. This context certifies the diagnosis of lupus and the patient receives the specific therapy. Conclusions: This case is not a typical case of onset of lupus with PTS, but the onset of PTS could include the onset of an immune disease.

Keywords: lupus, arm pain, patient, swelling

Procedia PDF Downloads 331
1386 Effect of Cerebellar High Frequency rTMS on the Balance of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Ataxia

Authors: Shereen Ismail Fawaz, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Nouran Mohamed Salah, Heba G. Saber, Ibrahim Mohamed Roushdi


Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, mainly demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, more common in young adults. Cerebellar involvement is one of the most disabling lesions in MS and is usually a sign of disease progression. It plays a major role in the planning, initiation, and organization of movement via its influence on the motor cortex and corticospinal outputs. Therefore, it contributes to controlling movement, motor adaptation, and motor learning, in addition to its vast connections with other major pathways controlling balance, such as the cerebellopropriospinal pathways and cerebellovestibular pathways. Hence, trying to stimulate the cerebellum by facilitatory protocols will add to our motor control and balance function. Non-invasive brain stimulation, both repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), has recently emerged as effective neuromodulators to influence motor and nonmotor functions of the brain. Anodal tDCS has been shown to improve motor skill learning and motor performance beyond the training period. Similarly, rTMS, when used at high frequency (>5 Hz), has a facilitatory effect on the motor cortex. Objective: Our aim was to determine the effect of high-frequency rTMS over the cerebellum in improving balance and functional ambulation of multiple sclerosis patients with Ataxia. Patients and methods: This was a randomized single-blinded placebo-controlled prospective trial on 40 patients. The active group (N=20) received real rTMS sessions, and the control group (N=20) received Sham rTMS using a placebo program designed for this treatment. Both groups received 12 sessions of high-frequency rTMS over the cerebellum, followed by an intensive exercise training program. Sessions were given three times per week for four weeks. The active group protocol had a frequency of 10 Hz rTMS over the cerebellar vermis, work period 5S, number of trains 25, and intertrain interval 25s. The total number of pulses was 1250 pulses per session. The control group received Sham rTMS using a placebo program designed for this treatment. Both groups of patients received an intensive exercise program, which included generalized strengthening exercises, endurance and aerobic training, trunk abdominal exercises, generalized balance training exercises, and task-oriented training such as Boxing. As a primary outcome measure the Modified ICARS was used. Static Posturography was done with: Patients were tested both with open and closed eyes. Secondary outcome measures included the expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and 8 Meter walk test (8MWT). Results: The active group showed significant improvements in all the functional scales, modified ICARS, EDSS, and 8-meter walk test, in addition to significant differences in static Posturography with open eyes, while the control group did not show such differences. Conclusion: Cerebellar high-frequency rTMS could be effective in the functional improvement of balance in MS patients with ataxia.

Keywords: brain neuromodulation, high frequency rTMS, cerebellar stimulation, multiple sclerosis, balance rehabilitation

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1385 Extraction of Dye from Coconut Husk and Its Application on Wool and Silk

Authors: Deepali Rastogi


Natural dyes are considered to be eco-friendly as they cause no pollution and are safe to use. With the growing interest in natural dyes, new sources of natural dyes are being explored. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is native to tropical eastern region. It is abundantly available in Asia, Africa and South America. While coconut has tremendous commercial value in food, oil, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, the most important use of coconut husk has been as coir which is used for making mats, ropes, etc. In the present study an attempt has been made to extract dye from the coconut husk and study its application on wool and silk. Dye was extracted from coconut husk in an aqueous medium at three different pH. The coconut husk fibres were boiled in water at different pH of 4, 7 and 9 for one hour. On visual inspection of the extracted dye solution, maximum colour was found to be extracted at pH 9. The solution was obtained in neutral medium whereas, no dye was extracted in acidic medium. Therefore, alkaline medium at pH 9 was selected for the extraction of dye from coconut husk. The extracted dye was applied on wool and silk at three different pH, viz., 4, 7 and 9. The effect of pre- and post- mordanting with alum and ferrous sulphate on the colour value of coconut husk dye was also studied. The L*a*b*/L*c*h* values were measured to see the effect of the mordants on the colour values of all the dyed and mordanted samples. Bright golden brown to dark brown colours were obtained at pH 4 on both wool and silk. The colour yield was not very good at pH 7 and 9. Mordanting with alum resulted in darker and brighter shades of brown, whereas mordanting with ferrous sulphate resulted in darker and duller shades. All the samples were tested for colourfastness to light, rubbing, washing and perspiration. Both wool and silk dyed with dye extracted from coconut husk exhibited good to excellent wash, rub and perspiration fastness. Fastness to light was moderate to good.

Keywords: coconut husk, wool, silk, natural dye, mordants

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1384 Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Methanol Extract of Rhizophora racemosa Leaf in Albino Rats

Authors: Angalabiri-Owei E. Bekekeme, Brambaifa Nelson


In view of the peculiar environment of the Niger Delta, access to modern health care is limited, hence the inhabitants especially those in the swampy areas resorts to sourcing for alternatives cure for their ailments using plants commonly found in this area without scientific evaluation. Rhizophora racemosa, G. F. Meyer (Rhizophoraceae) is the most abundant mangrove plant in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. The plant has been observed to be used for relief of a toothache and dysmenorrhoea among some Ijaw communities in the region. This work has revealed the likely potential of the plant in drug discovery and development. The crude methanol extract at doses of 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) were tested for analgesic effect using fresh egg albumin induced inflammatory pain and Randall–Sellito method to assess the pain threshold. The anti-inflammatory effect was also evaluated with the extract at doses of 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) using acute inflammatory model; fresh egg albumin induced paw oedema and assessed using Plethysmometer in rats. The methanol extracts 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg exhibited a significant (P < 0.001) and dose-dependent analgesic activity compared with the negative control and a standard drug diclofenac using ANOVA with Least Significant Difference post hoc test as evidenced by increased pain threshold. Also, the extract significantly (P < 0.001) reduced the rat paw oedema induced by the sub plantar injection of fresh egg albumin when compared with the negative control and a standard diclofenac using above statistical methods. This study revealed that the plant possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities hence provide scientific bases for use as medicine.

Keywords: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, plethysmometer, Rhizophora racemosa

Procedia PDF Downloads 358
1383 Lexical Features and Motivations of Product Reviews on Selected Philippine Online Shops

Authors: Jimmylen Tonio, Ali Anudin, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas


Alongside the progress of electronic-business websites, consumers have become more comfortable with online shopping. It has become customary for consumers that prior to purchasing a product or availing services, they consult online reviews info as bases in evaluating and deciding whether or not they should push thru with their procurement of the product or service. Subsequently, after purchasing, consumers tend to post their own comments of the product in the same e-business websites. Because of this, product reviews (PRS) have become an indispensable feature in online businesses equally beneficial for both business owners and consumers. This study explored the linguistic features and motivations of online product reviews on selected Philippine online shops, LAZADA and SHOPEE. Specifically, it looked into the lexical features of the PRs, the factors that motivated consumers to write the product reviews, and the difference of lexical preferences between male and female when they write the reviews. The findings revealed the following: 1. Formality of words in online product reviews primarily involves non-standard spelling, followed by abbreviated word forms, colloquial contractions and use of coined/novel words; 2. Paralinguistic features in online product reviews are dominated by the use of emoticons, capital letters and punctuations followed by the use of pictures/photos and lastly, by paralinguistic expressions; 3. The factors that motivate consumers to write product reviews varied. Online product reviewers are predominantly driven by venting negative feelings motivation, followed by helping the company, helping other consumers, positive self-enhancement, advice seeking and lastly, by social benefits; and 4. Gender affects the word frequencies of product online reviews, while negation words, personal pronouns, the formality of words, and paralinguistic features utilized by both male and female online product reviewers are not different.

Keywords: lexical choices, motivation, online shop, product reviews

Procedia PDF Downloads 152
1382 The Acute Effects of Higher Versus Lower Load Duration and Intensity on Morphological and Mechanical Properties of the Healthy Achilles Tendon: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Authors: Eman Merza, Stephen Pearson, Glen Lichtwark, Peter Malliaras


The Achilles tendon (AT) exhibits volume changes related to fluid flow under acute load which may be linked to changes in stiffness. Fluid flow provides a mechanical signal for cellular activity and may be one mechanism that facilitates tendon adaptation. This study aimed to investigate whether isometric intervention involving a high level of load duration and intensity could maximize the immediate reduction in AT volume and stiffness compared to interventions involving a lower level of load duration and intensity. Sixteen healthy participants (12 males, 4 females; age= 24.4 ± 9.4 years; body mass= 70.9 ± 16.1 kg; height= 1.7 ± 0.1 m) performed three isometric interventions of varying levels of load duration (2 s and 8 s) and intensity (35% and 75% maximal voluntary isometric contraction) over a 3 week period. Freehand 3D ultrasound was used to measure free AT volume (at rest) and length (at 35%, 55%, and 75% of maximum plantarflexion force) pre- and post-interventions. The slope of the force-elongation curve over these force levels represented individual stiffness (N/mm). Large reductions in free AT volume and stiffness resulted in response to long-duration high-intensity loading whilst less reduction was produced with a lower load intensity. In contrast, no change in free AT volume and a small increase in AT stiffness occurred with lower load duration. These findings suggest that the applied load on the AT must be heavy and sustained for a long duration to maximize immediate volume reduction, which might be an acute response that enables optimal long-term tendon adaptation via mechanotransduction pathways.

Keywords: Achilles tendon, volume, stiffness, free tendon, 3d ultrasound

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1381 When Your Change The Business Model ~ You Change The World

Authors: H. E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols


Over the years Ambassador Nichols observed that successful companies all have one thing in common - belief in people. His observations of people in many companies, industries, and countries have also concluded one thing - groups of achievers far exceed the expectations and timelines of their superiors. His experience with achieving this has brought forth a model for the 21st century that will not only exceed expectations of companies, but it will also set visions for the future of business globally. It is time for real discussion around the future of work and the business model that will set the example for the world. Methodologies: In-person observations over 40 years – Ambassador Nichols present during the observations. Audio-visual observations – TV, Cinema, social media (YouTube, etc.), various news outlet Reading the autobiography of some of successful leaders over the last 75 years that lead their companies from a distinct perspective your people are your commodity. Major findings: People who believe in the leader’s vision for the company so much so that they remain excited about the future of the company and want to do anything in their power to ethically achieve that vision. People who are achieving regularly in groups, division, companies, etcetera: Live more healthfully lowering both sick time off and on-the-job accidents. Cannot wait to physically get to work as much as they can to feed off the high energy present in these companies. They are fully respected and supported resulting in near zero attrition. Simply put – they do not “Burn Out”. Conclusion: To the author’s best knowledge, 20th century practices in business are no longer valid and people are not going to work in those environments any longer. The average worker in the post-covid world is better educated than 50 years ago and most importantly, they have real-time information about any subject and can stream injustices as they happen. The Consortium Model is just the model for the evolution of both humankind and business in the 21st century.

Keywords: business model, future of work, people, paradigm shift, business management

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1380 Profitability Analysis of Investment in Oil Palm Value Chain in Osun State, Nigeria

Authors: Moyosooore A. Babalola, Ayodeji S. Ogunleye


The main focus of the study was to determine the profitability of investment in the Oil Palm value chain of Osun State, Nigeria in 2015. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of Oil Palm investors (producers, processors and marketers), to determine the profitability of the investment to investors in the Oil Palm value chain, and to determine the factors affecting the profitability of the investment of the oil palm investors in Osun state. A sample of 100 respondents was selected in this cross-sectional survey. Multiple stage sampling procedure was used for data collection of producers and processors while purposive sampling was used for marketers. Data collected was analyzed using the following analytical tools: descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis and regression analysis. The results of the gross margin showed that the producers and processors were more profitable than the marketers in the oil palm value chain with their benefit-cost ratios as 1.93, 1.82 and 1.11 respectively. The multiple regression analysis showed that education and years of experience were significant among marketers and producers while age and years of experience had significant influence on the gross margin of processors. Based on these findings, improvement on the level of education of oil palm investors is recommended in order to address the relatively low access to post-primary education among the oil palm investors in Osun State. In addition to this, it is important that training be made available to oil palm investors. This will improve the quality of their years of experience, ensuring that it has a positive influence on their gross margin. Low access to credit among processors and producer could be corrected by making extension services available to them. Marketers would also greatly benefit from subsidized prices on oil palm products to increase their gross margin, as the huge percentage of their total cost comes from acquiring palm oil.

Keywords: oil palm, profitability analysis, regression analysis, value chain

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1379 Discussion on the Impact Issues in Urban by Earthquake Disaster Cases

Authors: M. C. Teng, M. C. Ke, C. Y. Yang, S. S. Ke


There are more than one thousand times a year of felt earthquakes in Taiwan. Because earthquakes are disaster threats to urban infrastructure, they often disrupt infrastructure services. For example, the highway system is very important to transportation infrastructure; however, it is vulnerable to earthquakes and typhoons in Taiwan. When a highway system is damaged by disaster, it will create a major impact on post-disaster communications and emergency relief and affect disaster relief works. In a study case on September 18th, 2022, the Taitung Chihshang earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale with a depth of 7 km, caused one death; 171 people were injured and had a significant urban infrastructure impact. Hualien and Taitung areas have a large number of surface ruptures, road disruptions due to the collapses, over ten cases of bridges failure or closed, partial railroad section service shutdown, building collapses, and casualties. Taitung Chihshang earthquake, the peak ground acceleration is 585 gal (cm/s²), and the seismic intensity is Level 6 Upper(6+)in Chishang, Taitung County. After the earthquakes, we conducted on-site disaster investigation works in the disaster area; the disaster investigation works included a public and private building survey, a transportation facility survey, a total of ten damaged bridges, and one railroad station damaged were investigated in this investigation. The results showed that the affected locations were mainly concentrated along the Chihshang fault and the Yuli fault in the Huatung Longitudinal Valley. We recorded and described the impact and assessed its influence region in terms of its susceptibility to and the consequences of earthquake attacks. In addition, a lesson is learned from this study regarding the key issues after the Taitung Chihshang earthquake.

Keywords: earthquake, infrastructure, disaster investigation, lesson learned

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1378 State of Emergency in Turkey (July 2016-July 2018): A Case of Utilization of Law as a Political Instrument

Authors: Neslihan Cetin


In this study, we will aim to analyze how the period of the state of emergency in Turkey lead to gaps in law and the formation of areas in which there was a complete lack of supervision. The state of emergency that was proclaimed following the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, continued until July 18, 2018, that is to say, 2 years, without taking into account whether the initial circumstances persisted. As part of this work, we claim that the state of emergency provided the executive power with important tools for governing, which it took constant use. We can highlight how the concern for security at the center of the basic considerations of the people in a city was exploited as a foundation by the military power in Turkey to interfere in the political, legal, and social spheres. The constitutions of 1924, 1961, and 1982 entrusted the army with the role of protector of the integrity of the state. This became an instrument at the hands of the military to legitimize their interventions in the name of public security. Its interventions in the political field are indeed politically motivated. The constitution, the legislative, and regulatory systems are modified and monopolized by the military power that dominates the legislative, regulatory, and judicial power, leading to a state of exception. With the political convulsions over a decade, the government was able to usurp the instrument called the state of exception. In particular, the decree-laws of the state of emergency, which the executive makes frequent and generally abusive use, became instruments in the hands of the government to take measures that it wishes to escape from the rules and the pre-established control mechanisms. Thus the struggle against the political opposition becomes more unbalanced and destructive. To this must also be added the ineffectiveness of ex-post controls and domestic remedies. This research allows us to stress how a legal concept, such as ‘the state of emergency’ can be politically exploited to make it a legal weapon that continues to produce victims.

Keywords: constitutional law, state of emergency, rule of law, instrumentalization of law

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1377 Anthropometric Measurements of Facial Proportions in Azerbaijan Population

Authors: Nigar Sultanova


Facial morphology is a constant topic of concern for clinicians. When anthropometric methods were introduced into clinical practice to quantify changes in the craniofacial framework, features distinguishing various ethnic group were discovered. Normative data of facial measurements are indispensable to precise determination of the degree of deviations from normal. Establish the reference range of facial proportions in Azerbaijan population by anthropometric measurements of craniofacial complex. The study group consisted of 350 healthy young subjects, 175 males and 175 females, 18 to 25 years of age, from 7 different regions of Azerbaijan. The anthropometric examination was performed according to L.Farkas's method with our modification. In order to determine the morphologic characteristics of seven regions of the craniofacial complex 42 anthropometric measurements were selected. The anthropometric examination. Included the usage of 33 anthropometric landmarks. The 80 indices of the facial proportions, suggested by Farkas and Munro, were calculated: head -10, face - 23, nose - 23, lips - 9, orbits - 11, ears - 4. The date base of the North American white population was used as a reference group. Anthropometric measurements of facial proportions in Azerbaijan population revealed a significant difference between mеn and womеn, according to sexual dimorphism. In comparison with North American whites, considerable differences of facial proportions were observed in the head, face, orbits, labio-oral, nose and ear region. However, in women of the Azerbaijani population, 29 out of 80 proportion indices were similar to the proportions of NAW women. In the men of the Azerbaijani population, 27 out of 80 proportion indices did not reveal a statistically significant difference from the proportions of NAW men. Estimation of the reference range of facial proportions in Azerbaijan population migth be helpful to formulate surgical plan in treatment of congenital or post-traumatic facial deformities successfully.

Keywords: facial morphology, anthropometry, indices of proportion, measurement

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1376 Probiotic Antibacterial Test of Pediococcus pentosaceus Isolated from Dadih in Inhibiting Periodontitis Bacteria: In Vitro Study on Bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Authors: Nurlaili Syafar Wulan, Almurdi, Suprianto Kosno


Introduction: Periodontitis defined as an inflammatory disease of teeth supporting tissue with irritation of specific pathogens as the main aetiology. Periodontitis can be cured by giving medical action accompanied by administration of an antibiotic, but the use of antibiotic has a side effect that can cause bacterial resistance. This side effect can be corrected by probiotic, which has antibiotic-like substance but do not have bacterial resistance effect; it makes probiotic became a promising future periodontitis medication. West Sumatran people has their own typical traditional food product made from fermented buffalo’s milk called dadih, and it contained probiotics. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the ability of probiotic Pediococcus pentosaceus isolated from dadih in inhibiting the growth of bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Material and Method: This was a true experimental study with post-test and control group design. This study was conducted on 36 samples of 2 treatment groups, the test group with probiotic Pediococcus pentosacesus isolated from dadih and the negative control group with sterile aquadest. The antibacterial effect was tested using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and calculated by measuring the zone of inhibition on MHA around paper disk using a sliding caliper with 0.5 mm accuracy. Result: The result of bivariate analysis using Independent t-test was p=0.00 where p < 0.05 means that there is a significant difference between the tested group and negative control group. Conclusion: Probiotic Pediococcus pentosaceus isolated from dadih are able to inhibit the growth of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.

Keywords: aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, antibacterial activities, periodontitis, probiotic Pediococcus pentosaceus

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1375 The Effectiveness of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation on Brain Wave Pattern and Blood Pressure in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Authors: Mahtab Baghaei, Seyed Mahmoud Tabatabaei


Aim & Background: Electrical stimulation of transcranial direct current is considered one of the treatment methods for mental disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transcranial electrical stimulation on the delta, theta, alpha, beta and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Materials and Methods: The present study was a double-blind intervention with a pre-test and post-test design on people with generalized anxiety disorder in Tabriz in 1400. In this study, 30 patients with generalized anxiety disorder were selected by purposive sampling method based on the criteria specified in DSM-5 and randomly divided into an experimental group (n = 15) and a control group (n = 15). The experimental group received two sessions of 30 minutes of electrical stimulation of transcranial direct current with an intensity of 2 mA in the area of the lateral dorsal prefrontal cortex, and the control group also received artificial stimulation. Results: The results showed that transcranial electrical stimulation reduces delta and theta waves and increases beta and alpha brain waves in the experimental group. On the other hand, this method also showed a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in these patients (p <0.01). Conclusion: The results show that transcranial electrical stimulation has a statistically significant effect on brain waves and blood pressure, and this non-invasive method can be used as one of the treatment methods in people with generalized anxiety disorder.

Keywords: transcranial direct current electrical stimulation, brain waves, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure

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1374 Informed Decision-Making in Classrooms among High School Students regarding Nuclear Power Use in India

Authors: Dinesh N. Kurup, Celine Perriera


The economic development of any country is based on the policies adopted by the government from time to time. If these policies are framed by the opinion of the people of the country, there is need for having strong knowledge base, right from the school level. There should be emphasis to provide in education, an ability to take informed decisions regarding socio-scientific issues. It would be better to adopt this practice in high school classrooms to build capacity among future citizens. This study is an attempt to provide a different approach of teaching and learning in classrooms at the high school level in Indian schools for providing opportunity for informed decision making regarding nuclear power use. A unit of work based on the 5E instructional model about the use of nuclear energy is used to build knowledge base and find out the effectiveness in terms of its influence for taking decisions as a future citizen. A sample of 120 students from three high schools using different curricula and teaching and learning methods were chosen for this study. This research used a design based research method. A pre and post questionnaire based on the theory of reasoned action, structured observations, focus group interviews and opportunity for decision making were used during the intervention. The data analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, and the qualitative data were coded into categories based on responses. The results of the study show that students were able to make informed decisions and could give reasons for their decisions. They were enthusiastic in formulating policy making based on their knowledge base and have strong held views and reasoning for their choice.

Keywords: informed decision making, socio-scientific issues, nuclear energy use, policy making

Procedia PDF Downloads 303
1373 Effect of Therapeutic Exercises with or without Positional Release Technique in Treatment of Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain Patients a Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors: Ghada M. R. Koura, Mohamed N. Mohamed, Ahmed M. F. El Shiwi


Chronic mechanical Low back dysfunction (CMLBD) is the most common problem of the working-age population in modern industrial sociaty; it causes a substantial economic burden due to the wide use of medical services and absence from work. Aim of work: the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of positional release technique on patients with chronic mechanical low back pain. Materials and Methods: Thirty two patients from both sexes were diagnosed with CMLBP, aged 20 to 45 years and were divided randomly into two equal groups; sixteen patients each; group A (control group) received therapeutic exercises that include (Stretch and Strength exercises for back and abdominal muscles). Group B (experimental group) received therapeutic exercises with positional release technique; treatment was applied 3 days/week for 4 weeks. Pain was measured by Visual Analogue Scale, Lumbar range of motion was measured by Inclinometer and Functional disability was measured by Oswestry disability scale. Measurements were taken at two intervals pre-treatment and post-treatment. Results: Data obtained was analyzed via paired and unpaired t-Test. There were statistical differences between the 2 groups, where the experimental group showed greater improvement than control group. Conclusion: Positional release technique is considered as an effective treatment for reducing pain, functional disability and increasing lumbar range of motion in individuals with chronic mechanical low back pain.

Keywords: chronic mechanical low back pain, traditional physical therapy program, positional release technique, randomized controlled trial

Procedia PDF Downloads 598
1372 Efficacy of Computer Mediated Power Point Presentations on Students' Learning Outcomes in Basic Science in Oyo State, Nigeria

Authors: Sunmaila Oyetunji Raimi, Olufemi Akinloye Bolaji, Abiodun Ezekiel Adesina


The lingering poor performance of students in basic science spells doom for a vibrant scientific and technological development which pivoted the economic, social and physical upliftment of any nation. This calls for identifying appropriate strategies for imparting basic science knowledge and attitudes to the teaming youths in secondary schools. This study, therefore, determined the impact of computer mediated power point presentations on students’ achievement in basic science in Oyo State, Nigeria. A pre-test, posttest, control group quazi-experimental design adopted for the study. Two hundred and five junior secondary two students selected using stratified random sampling technique participated in the study. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Two evaluative instruments – Students’ Basic Science Attitudes Scale (SBSAS, r = 0.91); Students’ Knowledge of Basic Science Test (SKBST, r = 0.82) were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of ANCOVA, scheffe post-hoc test were used to analyse the data. The results indicated significant main effect of treatment on students cognitive (F(1,200)= 171.680; p < 0.05) and attitudinal (F(1,200)= 34.466; p < 0.05) achievement in Basic science with the experimental group having higher mean gain than the control group. Gender has significant main effect (F(1,200)= 23.382; p < 0.05) on students cognitive outcomes but not significant for attitudinal achievement in Basic science. The study therefore recommended among others that computer mediated power point presentations should be incorporated into curriculum methodology of Basic science in secondary schools.

Keywords: basic science, computer mediated power point presentations, gender, students’ achievement

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1371 Disaster Recovery and Tourism Development: The Case of Diving Industry in Coron Island Palawan

Authors: Kimberly Joyce A. Roguis, Mica Lorraine L. Fernando, Alan Vito B. Macadangdang, Jennina Mari C. Mijares, Maria Carinnes A. Gonzalez


The paper showcases the vulnerability of the tourism industry especially the inevitable occurrence of natural disasters, implicating the necessity for post-disaster analysis on tourist attractions. This study discusses the aftermath of the super typhoon ‘Yolanda’ incident in the locality of Coron Island, Palawan, assessing its general effect on the community and its tourism livelihood through the analysis of responses from key role-players in the tourism industry of the area gathered through semi-structured interviews and direct observation. The local government’s instigation of recovery programs to their locality has been a pivotal factor in reviving the vitality of their tourism industry and the involvement of the community has been the determining condition that shifted the industry towards revival a year after the incidence. The study illuminates the disaster mitigation processes in the local tourism livelihood perspective, predominantly the diving industry. It did not suffer physical damage to a great extent but was affected because of the public imagery the disaster brought upon. Collaboration between the local government and the community is the highlight of the research for they maneuvered recovery revealing that cooperation between these two parties bridged the correlation of recovery to tourism development. The disaster paved way to a stance towards promoting progressive tourism outlooks, raising awareness among the public and private sectors and re-assessment of the tourism vitality in their locality. The mayhem and destruction proved to be a liberating creative process to give way to progression and was deemed to be of high significance in the over-all tourism system process despite its impediments in the case of the tourism industry in Coron, Palawan.

Keywords: disaster recovery, tourism development, diving, Palawan

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1370 Ecological Art in the Nuclear Anthropocene

Authors: Eve-Andree Laramee


The aesthetics and ethics of the Nuclear Anthropocene are explored through artists responses to the impact of radioactive materials on ecological systems, global issues, energy policies and ourselves. This presentation tracks and reveals the invisible traces of the nuclear weapons complex and the nuclear energy industry, in relation to environmental justice. Radioactive pollution transgresses international borders, boundaries between land and water, contaminating ecological systems. Radioactive waste is never disposed of; it is dispositioned, placed out of sight and out of mind. These materials leave behind an invisible toxic legacy lasting millions of years. As we are learning post-Fukushima, when climate change occurs and vulnerability spectrums shift, nuclear sites and the life forms surrounding them are at increased risk. By visualizing this contamination through art installations, videos, and social-sculpture interventions, information is shared with the public, raising awareness, and activating community participation in remediation and nonproliferation efforts. The emerging Ecological Art genre proposes paradigms sustainable with the life forms and resources of our planet. It is comprised of artists, scientists, philosophers and activists devoted to these. EcoArt is distinguished by a focus on systems and interrelationships within our environment: the ecological, geographic, political, biological and cultural. This presentation will cover artworks addressing the recent Fukushima meltdowns, weapons proliferation, climate change, radioactive waste disposal and environmental justice. Possibilities for art-and-science collaborations will be discussed as projects that sharpen our ethics and politics in our behaviors and social interactions. The presentation will consist of a PowerPoint talk (paper presentation) accompanied by images and video clips.

Keywords: art, ecology, environment, anthropocene, nuclear

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1369 Comparative Study in Treatment of Distal Humerus Fracture with Lateral Column Plate Percutaneous Medial Screw and Intercondylar Screw

Authors: Sameer Gupta, Prant Gupta


Context: Fractures in the distal humerus are complex and challenging injuries for orthopaedic surgeons that can be effectively treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Aims: The study analyses clinical outcomes in patients with intra-articular distal humerus fractures (AO type 13 C3 excluded) treated using a different method of fixation ( LCPMS). Subject and Methods: A study was performed, and the author's personal experiences were reported. Thirty patients were treated using an intercondylar screw with lateral column plating and percutaneous medial column screw fixation. Detailed analysis was done for functional outcomes (average arc of motion, union rate, and complications). Statistical Analysis Used: SPSS software version 22.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: In our study, at the end of 6 months, Overall good to excellent results were achieved in 28 patients out of 30 after analysis on the basis of MEP score. The majority of patients regained full arc of motion, achieved fracture union without any major complications, and were able to perform almost all activities of daily living (which required good elbow joint movements and functions). Conclusion: We concluded that this novel method provides adequate stability and anatomical reconstruction with an early union rate observed at the end of 6 months. Excellent functional outcome was observed in almost all the patients because of less operating time and initiation of early physiotherapy, as most of the patients experienced mild nature of pain post-surgery.

Keywords: intra arricular distal humerus fracture, percutaneous medial screw, lateral column plate, arc of motion

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1368 Yield and Yield Attributes of Rice as Affected by the Application of Three Selected Post Emergence Herbicides and Age of Seedling in Jega, Sudan Savana Nigeria

Authors: Musa Umar Tanimu, Adamu Muhammad, Ibrahim Umar Mohammed


Two field trials were conducted to study the performance of transplanted rice under the influence of weed management practice and the age of seedlings at the teaching and research farm of Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero located at Jega during 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 dry seasons. Treatments consisted of three seedlings age (10, 17, and 24 days old) and weed management practice (comprising of three selected postemergence herbicides, namely: (i) Bracer (0.025, 0.027, 0.030, and 0.032kg a.i.ha-1), (ii) Bracerplus at 0.021, 0.023, 0.025, and 0.027kg a.i.ha-1, and (iii) Nomineegold (0.020, 0.030, 0.040 and 0.050 kg a.i.ha-1, (iv) Farmers’ practice (hoe weeding at 4 and 8 weeks after transplanting) and (v) weedy check. The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in a split-plot arrangement with three replications. Results showed that the application of Bracerplus at 0.021 produced highest grain yield (4,448.85 kgha-1) and highest panicle weight (2.99g), while application of Bracer at 0.025 produced the highest 1000 grains weight (26.17), the application of Nomineegold produced the highest total number of grains per panicle (111.72), the younger (10-day-old) seedlings recorded higher grain yield over other seedlings (3488.25 kgha-1). In conclusion, the highest grain yield, 4,448.85kg ha-1 was 57.15% higher than the farmers' practice (weeding at 4 and 8 weeks after planting). Seedlings transplanted at 10-day old recorded the highest grain yield of 3,488.25kg ha-1; it was 21.43% higher than 24-day-old seedlings and 15.87% higher than 17-day-old seedlings. It is recommended that the application of Bracerplus at 0.021kg a.i. ha-1 should be used for higher grain yield, and seedlings at 10- days old should be used for transplanting from the nursery.

Keywords: bracerplus, nomineegold, rice, split-plot-arrangement, transplanted rice, yield components

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1367 Cyberstalking as an Online Sexual Harassment: Evidence from Experience from Female University Students in Tanzanian Institutions of Higher Learning

Authors: Angela Mathias Kavishe


Sexual harassment directed at women is reported in many societies, including in Tanzania. The advent of ICT technology, especially in universities, seems to aggravate the situation by extending harassment to cyberspace in various forms, including cyberstalking. Evidence shows that online violence is more dangerous than physical one due to the ability to access multiple private information, attack many victims, mask the perpetrator's identity, suspend the threat for a long time and spread over time and space. The study aimed to measure the magnitude of cyber harassment in Tanzanian higher learning institutions and to assess institutional sensitivity to ICT-mediated gender-based violence. It was carried out in 4 higher learning institutions in Tanzania: Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy and Institute of Finance Management in Dar es Salaam and SAUT, and the University of Dodoma, where a survey questionnaire was distributed to 400 students and 40 key informants were interviewed. It was found that in each institution, the majority of female students experienced online harassment on social media perpetrated by ex-partners, male students, and university male teaching staff. The perpetrators compelled the female students to post nude pictures, have sexual relations with them, or utilize the posted private photographs to force female students to practice online or offline sexual relations. These threats seem to emanate from social-cultural beliefs about the subordinate position of women in society and that women's bodies are perceived as sex objects. It is therefore concluded that cyberspace provides an alternative space for perpetrators to exercise violence towards women.

Keywords: cyberstalking, embodiment, gender-based violence, internet

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1366 Acute Cartilage Defects of the Knee Treated With Chondral Restoration Procedures and Patellofemoral Stabilisation

Authors: John Scanlon, Antony Raymond, Randeep Aujla, Peter D’Alessandro, Satyen Gohil


Background: The incidence of significant acute chondral injuries with patella dislocation is around 10-15%. It is accepted that chondral procedures should only be performed in the presence of joint stability Methods:Patients were identified from surgeon/hospital logs. Patient demographics, lesion size and location, surgical procedure, patient reported outcome measures, post-operative MR imaging, and complications were recorded. PROMs and patient satisfaction was obtained. Results:20 knees (18 patients) were included. Mean age was 18.6 years (range; 11-39), and the mean follow-up was 16.6 months (range; 2-70). The defect locations were the lateral femoral condyle (9/20; 45%), patella (9/20; 45%), medial femoral condyle (1/20; 5%) and the trochlea (1/20; 5%). The mean defect size was 2.6cm2. Twelve knees were treated with cartilage fixation, 5 with microfracture, and 3 with OATS. At follow up, the overall mean Lysholm score was 77.4 (± 17.1), with no chondral regenerative procedure being statistically superior. There was no difference in Lysholm scores between those patients having acute medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction versus medial soft tissue plication (p=0.59). Five (25%) knees required re-operation (one arthroscopic arthrolysis; one patella chondroplasty; two removal of loose bodies; one implant adjustment). Overall, 90% responded as being satisfied with surgery. Conclusion: Our aggressive pathway to identify and treat acute cartilage defects with early operative intervention and patella stabilisation has shown high rates of satisfaction and Lysholm scores. The full range of chondral restoration options should be considered by surgeons managing these patients.

Keywords: patella dislocation, chondral restoration, knee, patella stabilisation

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1365 Damage Identification in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Modal Parameters and Their Formulation

Authors: Ali Al-Ghalib, Fouad Mohammad


The identification of damage in reinforced concrete structures subjected to incremental cracking performance exploiting vibration data is recognized as a challenging topic in the published and heavily cited literature. Therefore, this paper attempts to shine light on the extent of dynamic methods when applied to reinforced concrete beams simulated with various scenarios of defects. For this purpose, three different reinforced concrete beams are tested through the course of the study. The three beams are loaded statically to failure in incremental successive load cycles and later rehabilitated. After each static load stage, the beams are tested under free-free support condition using experimental modal analysis. The beams were all of the same length and cross-sectional area (2.0x0.14x0.09)m, but they were different in concrete compressive strength and the type of damage presented. The experimental modal parameters as damage identification parameters were showed computationally expensive, time consuming and require substantial inputs and considerable expertise. Nonetheless, they were proved plausible for the condition monitoring of the current case study as well as structural changes in the course of progressive loads. It was accentuated that a satisfactory localization and quantification for structural changes (Level 2 and Level 3 of damage identification problem) can only be achieved reasonably through considering frequencies and mode shapes of a system in a proper analytical model. A convenient post analysis process for various datasets of vibration measurements for the three beams is conducted in order to extract, check and correlate the basic modal parameters; namely, natural frequency, modal damping and mode shapes. The results of the extracted modal parameters and their combination are utilized and discussed in this research as quantification parameters.

Keywords: experimental modal analysis, damage identification, structural health monitoring, reinforced concrete beam

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1364 Comparing the Educational Effectiveness of eHealth to Deliver Health Knowledge between Higher Literacy Users and Lower Literacy Users

Authors: Yah-Ling Hung


eHealth is undoubtedly emerging as a promising vehicle to provide information for individual self-care management. However, the accessing ability, reading strategies and navigating behavior between higher literacy users and lower literacy users are significantly different. Yet, ways to tailor audiences’ health literacy and develop appropriate eHealth to feed their need become a big challenge. The purpose of this study is to compare the educational effectiveness of eHealth to deliver health knowledge between higher literacy users and lower literacy users, thus establishing useful design strategies of eHealth for users with different level of health literacy. The study was implemented in four stages, the first of which developed a website as the testing media to introduce health care knowledge relating to children’s allergy. Secondly, a reliability and validity test was conducted to make sure that all of the questions in the questionnaire were good indicators. Thirdly, a pre-post knowledge test was conducted with 66 participants, 33 users with higher literacy and 33 users with lower literacy respectively. Finally, a usability evaluation survey was undertaken to explore the criteria used by users with different levels of health literacy to evaluate eHealth. The results demonstrated that the eHealth Intervention in both groups had a positive outcome. There was no significant difference between the effectiveness of eHealth intervention between users with higher literacy and users with lower literacy. However, the average mean of lower literacy group was marginally higher than the average mean of higher literacy group. The findings also showed that the criteria used to evaluate eHealth could be analyzed in terms of the quality of information, appearance, appeal and interaction, but the users with lower literacy have different evaluation criteria from those with higher literacy. This is an interdisciplinary research which proposes the sequential key steps that incorporate the planning, developing and accessing issues that need to be considered when designing eHealth for patients with varying degrees of health literacy.

Keywords: eHealth, health intervention, health literacy, usability evaluation

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1363 Assessment of the Knowledge and Practices of Healthcare Workers and Patients Regarding Prevention of Tuberculosis at a Tertiary Care Hospital of Southern Punjab

Authors: Muhammad Shahbaz Akhtar


Background; Tuberculosis remains a significant public health challenge in Pakistan, with high incidence and prevalence rates, particularly among vulnerable populations. Addressing the TB burden requires comprehensive efforts to improve healthcare infrastructure, increase access to quality diagnosis and treatment services, raise public awareness, and address socioeconomic determinants of health. Objective; To assess the knowledge and practices of healthcare workers and patients regarding prevention of tuberculosis at a tertiary care hospital of Southern Punjab.Material and methods; Data will be collected from 135 healthcare workers and 135 TB patients visiting Nishtar Hospital, Multan in this descriptive cross – sectional study using non – probability consecutive sampling technique. Proper approval will be taken from Hospital authorities to conduct this study. Study participants will be recruited after taking informed written consent, describing them objectives of this study. The study participants will be ensured of their confidentiality of the data and interviewed to assess their knowledge and practices regarding prevention of tuberculosis. Data Analysis Procedure; Data will be entered and analyzed by using SPSS version 25 to calculated mean and standard deviation for the numerical data such as age, duration of disease and duration of experience. Frequencies and percentages will be calculated for gender, age groups, level of knowledge, qualification, designation and practices. Impact of confounders like gender, age groups, duration of experience, disease duration, years of experience and designation will be assessed by stratification. Post stratification chi – square test will be applied at 0.05 level of significance at 95 % CI.

Keywords: tuberculosis, data analysis, HIV/AIDS, preventable

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1362 Family Firms Performance: Examining the Impact of Digital and Technological Capabilities using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Necessary Condition Analysis

Authors: Pedro Mota Veiga


This study comprehensively evaluates the repercussions of innovation, digital advancements, and technological capabilities on the operational performance of companies across fifteen European Union countries following the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing insights from longitudinal data sourced from the 2019 World Bank business surveys and subsequent 2020 World Bank COVID-19 follow-up business surveys, our extensive examination involves a diverse sample of 5763 family businesses. In exploring the relationships between these variables, we adopt a nuanced approach to assess the impact of innovation and digital and technological capabilities on performance. This analysis unfolds along two distinct perspectives: one rooted in necessity and the other insufficiency. The methodological framework employed integrates partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with condition analysis (NCA), providing a robust foundation for drawing meaningful conclusions. The findings of the study underscore a positive influence on the performance of family firms stemming from both technological capabilities and digital advancements. Furthermore, it is pertinent to highlight the indirect contribution of innovation to enhanced performance, operating through its impact on digital capabilities. This research contributes valuable insights to the broader understanding of how innovation, coupled with digital and technological capabilities, can serve as pivotal factors in shaping the post-COVID-19 landscape for businesses across the European Union. The intricate analysis of family businesses, in particular adds depth to the comprehension of the dynamics at play in diverse economic contexts within the European Union.

Keywords: digital capabilities, technological capabilities, family firms performance, innovation, NCA, PLS-SEM

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1361 Play-Based Intervention Training Program for Daycare Workers Attending to Children with Autism

Authors: Raymond E. Raguindin


Objective: This research studied the teaching improvement of daycare workers in imitation, joint attention, and language activities using the play-based early intervention training program in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. Methods: Focus group discussions were developed to explore the attitude, beliefs, and practices of daycare workers. Results: Findings of the study revealed that daycare workers have existing knowledge and experience in teaching children with autism. Their workshops on managing inappropriate behaviors of children with autism resulting in a general positive perception of accepting and teaching children with autism in daycare centers. Play based activities were modelled and participated in by daycare workers. These include demonstration, modelling, prompting and providing social reinforcers as reward. Five lectures and five training days were done to implement the training program. Daycare workers’ levels of skill in teaching imitation, joint attention and language were gathered before and after the participation in the training program. Findings suggest significant differences between pre-test and post test scores. They have shown significant improvement in facilitating imitation, joint attention, and language children with autism after the play-based early intervention training. They were able to initiate and sustain imitation, joint attention, and language activities with adequate knowledge and confidence. Conclusions: 1. Existing attitudes and beliefs greatly influenced the positive delivery mode of instruction. 2. Teacher-directed approach to improve attention, imitation, joint attention, and language of children with autism can be acquired by daycare workers. 3. Teaching skills and experience can be used as reference and basis for identifying future training needs.

Keywords: early intervention, imitation, joint attention, language

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1360 Advances of Image Processing in Precision Agriculture: Using Deep Learning Convolution Neural Network for Soil Nutrient Classification

Authors: Halimatu S. Abdullahi, Ray E. Sheriff, Fatima Mahieddine


Agriculture is essential to the continuous existence of human life as they directly depend on it for the production of food. The exponential rise in population calls for a rapid increase in food with the application of technology to reduce the laborious work and maximize production. Technology can aid/improve agriculture in several ways through pre-planning and post-harvest by the use of computer vision technology through image processing to determine the soil nutrient composition, right amount, right time, right place application of farm input resources like fertilizers, herbicides, water, weed detection, early detection of pest and diseases etc. This is precision agriculture which is thought to be solution required to achieve our goals. There has been significant improvement in the area of image processing and data processing which has being a major challenge. A database of images is collected through remote sensing, analyzed and a model is developed to determine the right treatment plans for different crop types and different regions. Features of images from vegetations need to be extracted, classified, segmented and finally fed into the model. Different techniques have been applied to the processes from the use of neural network, support vector machine, fuzzy logic approach and recently, the most effective approach generating excellent results using the deep learning approach of convolution neural network for image classifications. Deep Convolution neural network is used to determine soil nutrients required in a plantation for maximum production. The experimental results on the developed model yielded results with an average accuracy of 99.58%.

Keywords: convolution, feature extraction, image analysis, validation, precision agriculture

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