Search results for: electronic toll collection
1018 Retrospective Analysis Demonstrates No Difference in Percutaneous Native Renal Biopsy Adequacy Between Nephrologists and Radiologists in University Hospital Crosshouse
Authors: Nicole Harley, Mahmoud Eid, Abdurahman Tarmal, Vishal Dey
Histological sampling plays an integral role in the diagnostic process of renal diseases. Percutaneous native renal biopsy is typically performed under ultrasound guidance, with this service usually being provided by nephrologists. In some centers, there is a role for radiologists in performing renal biopsies. Previous comparative studies have demonstrated non-inferiority between outcomes of percutaneous native renal biopsies performed by nephrologists compared with radiologists. We sought to compare biopsy adequacy between nephrologists and radiologists in University Hospital Crosshouse. The online system SERPR (Scottish Electronic Renal Patient Record) contains information pertaining to patients who have undergone renal biopsies. An online search was performed to acquire a list of all patients who underwent renal biopsy between 2013 and 2020 in University Hospital Crosshouse. 355 native renal biopsies were performed in total across this 7-year period. A retrospective analysis was performed on these cases, with records and reports being assessed for: the total number of glomeruli obtained per biopsy, whether the number of glomeruli obtained was adequate for diagnosis, as per an internationally agreed standard, and whether a histological diagnosis was achieved. Nephrologists performed 43.9% of native renal biopsies (n=156) and radiologists performed 56.1% (n=199). The mean number of glomeruli obtained by nephrologists was 17.16+/-10.31. The mean number of glomeruli obtained by radiologists was 18.38+/-10.55. T-test demonstrated no statistically significant difference between specialties comparatively (p-value 0.277). Native renal biopsies are required to obtain at least 8 glomeruli to be diagnostic as per internationally agreed criteria. Nephrologists met these criteria in 88.5% of native renal biopsies (n=138) and radiologists met this criteria in 89.5% (n=178). T-test and Chi-squared analysis demonstrate there was no statistically significant difference between the specialties comparatively (p-value 0.663 and 0.922, respectively). Biopsies performed by nephrologists yielded tissue that was diagnostic in 91.0% (n=142) of sampling. Biopsies performed by radiologists yielded tissue that was diagnostic in 92.4% (n=184) of sampling. T-test and Chi-squared analysis demonstrate there was no statistically significant difference between the specialties comparatively (p-value 0.625 and 0.889, respectively). This project demonstrates that at University Hospital Crosshouse, there is no statistical difference between radiologists and nephrologists in terms of glomeruli acquisition or samples achieving a histological diagnosis. Given the non-inferiority between specialties demonstrated by previous studies and this project, this evidence could support the restructuring of services to allow more renal biopsies to be performed by renal services and allow reallocation of radiology department resources.Keywords: biopsy, medical imaging, nephrology, radiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 841017 Exploring the History of Chinese Music Acoustic Technology through Data Fluctuations
The study of extant musical sites can provide a side-by-side picture of historical ethnomusicological information. In their data collection on Chinese opera houses, researchers found that one Ming Dynasty opera house reached a width of nearly 18 meters, while all opera houses of the same period and after it was far from such a width, being significantly smaller than 18 meters. The historical transient fluctuations in the data dimension of width that caused Chinese theatres to fluctuate in the absence of construction scale constraints have piqued the interest of researchers as to why there is data variation in width. What factors have contributed to the lack of further expansion in the width of theatres? To address this question, this study used a comparative approach to conduct a venue experiment between this theater stage and another theater stage for non-heritage opera performances, collecting the subjective perceptions of performers and audiences at different theater stages, as well as combining BK Connect platform software to measure data such as echo and delay. From the subjective and objective results, it is inferred that the Chinese ancients discovered and understood the acoustical phenomenon of the Haas effect by exploring the effect of stage width on musical performance and appreciation of listening states during the Ming Dynasty and utilized this discovery to serve music in subsequent stage construction. This discovery marked a node of evolution in Chinese architectural acoustics technology driven by musical demands. It is also instructive to note that, in contrast to many of the world's "unsuccessful civilizations," China can use a combination of heritage and intangible cultural research to chart a clear, demand-driven course for the evolution of human music technology, and that the findings of such research will complete the course of human exploration of music acoustics. The findings of such research will complete the journey of human exploration of music acoustics, and this practical experience can be applied to the exploration and understanding of other musical heritage base data.Keywords: Haas effect, musical acoustics, history of acoustical technology, Chinese opera stage, structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1851016 A Retrospective Study - Demographical, Clinical and Pharmacological Correlate of Seclusion, Self-Discharge, Physical Aggression and Use of PRN Psychotropics Within The First 72 Hours Of Admission in The Acute Psychiatric Unit in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Asma AlAmri, Ahmed Hassab Errasoul
Background & Objectives: Psychiatric disorders are common, affecting approximately one of five adults (17.6%) of the population. While most patients can be successfully treated as outpatients, admission to psychiatric wards is required during relapses or as part of crisis intervention. The first 72h of admission could be particularly critical due to increased risk of physical violence, non-medical discharge and absconding. Many patients requiring interventions such as seclusion, physical restrain, PRN psychotropic medications. This study aims to investigate the relationship between demographical, clinical and pharmacological factors in one hand and certain outcomes (physical aggression, use of PRN medications, need for seclusions and non-medical discharges) within the first 72hours of admission to acute psychiatric wards in KKUH/Riyadh Methods: All admissions to psychiatric wards over a 20 month period, between (May 2015- January 2017) were included. Data was collected on demographics, diagnosis, psychotropic medications prescription, documented physical aggression, and seclusion, self-discharge and absconding. Results: 134 males and 171 females were admitted over the study period. Mean age was 34.2 years (SD 11.96).48.9% (n=149) were single and most patients (n=198) were either unemployed or in educations. Bipolar disorder was the most frequent diagnosis recorded on admission (39.3%, n=120); followed by Schizophrenia and related disorders (34.8%; n=106). Most patients (77.4%, n= 236) received regular psychotropic medications on admission. Vis a vis, 223 patients (73%) received PRN medications. Nominal regression model revealed positive relationship between “no psychotropics prescribed on admission” and self-discharge in women but not in men. No statistically significant relationship was found between age, gender, admission diagnosis and use of regular psychotropic medications on admission and need for seclusion, time spent in seclusion, documented physical aggression and use of PRN medications. Conclusion: Contrary to what is expected, our study does not show association between gender, physical aggression and need for seclusion. This could be due to poor documentation practices by nursing staff in male ward comparing with those in the female ward. Use of PRN psychotropics in the first 72 hours of admission was quite high possibly leading to a “ceiling effect”. A limitation of this study is the retrospective data collection.Keywords: discharge against medical advice, physical aggression, psychotropics, seclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301015 Relevance of Copyright and Trademark in the Gaming Industry
Authors: Deeksha Karunakar
The gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. Video games are interactive works of authorship that require the execution of a computer programme on specialized hardware but which also incorporate a wide variety of other artistic mediums, such as music, scripts, stories, video, paintings, and characters, into which the player takes an active role. Therefore, video games are not made as singular, simple works but rather as a collection of elements that, if they reach a certain level of originality and creativity, can each be copyrighted on their own. A video game is made up of a wide variety of parts, all of which combine to form the overall sensation that we, the players, have while playing. The entirety of the components is implemented in the form of software code, which is then translated into the game's user interface. Even while copyright protection is already in place for the coding of software, the work that is produced because of that coding can also be protected by copyright. This includes the game's storyline or narrative, its characters, and even elements of the code on their own. In each sector, there is a potential legal framework required, and the gaming industry also requires legal frameworks. This represents the importance of intellectual property laws in each sector. This paper will explore the beginnings of video games, the various aspects of game copyrights, and the approach of the courts, including examples of a few different instances. Although the creative arts have always been known to draw inspiration from and build upon the works of others, it has not always been simple to evaluate whether a game has been cloned. The video game business is experiencing growth as it has never seen before today. The majority of today's video games are both pieces of software and works of audio-visual art. Even though the existing legal framework does not have a clause specifically addressing video games, it is clear that there is a great many alternative means by which this protection can be granted. This paper will represent the importance of copyright and trademark laws in the gaming industry and its regulations with the help of relevant case laws via utilizing doctrinal methodology to support its findings. The aim of the paper is to make aware of the applicability of intellectual property laws in the gaming industry and how the justice system is evolving to adapt to such new industries. Furthermore, it will provide in-depth knowledge of their relationship with each other.Keywords: copyright, DMCA, gaming industry, trademark, WIPO
Procedia PDF Downloads 691014 The Role of Leisure in Older Adults Transitioning to New Homes
Authors: Kristin Prentice, Carri Hand
As the Canadian population ages and chronic health conditions continue to escalate, older adults will require various types of housing, such as long term care or retirement homes. Moving to a new home may require a change in leisure activities and social networks, which could be challenging to maintain identity and create a sense of home. Leisure has been known to help older adults maintain or increase their quality of life and life satisfaction and may help older adults in moving to new homes. Sense of home and identity within older adults' transitions to new homes are concepts that may also relate to leisure engagement. Literature is scant regarding the role of leisure in older adults moving to new homes and how the sense of home and identity inter-relate. This study aims to explore how leisure may play a role in older adults' transitioning to new homes, including how sense of home and identity inter-relate. An ethnographic approach will be used to understand the culture of older adults transitioning to new homes. This study will involve older adults who have recently relocated to a mid-sized city in Ontario, Canada. The study will focus on the older adult’s interactions with and connections to their home environment through leisure. Data collection will take place via video-conferencing and will include a narrative interview and two other interviews to discuss an activity diary of leisure engagement pre and post move and mental maps to capture spaces where participants engaged in leisure. Participants will be encouraged to share photographs of leisure engagement taken inside and outside their home to help understand the social spaces the participants refer to in their activity diaries and mental maps. Older adults attempt to adjust to their new homes by maintaining their identity, developing a sense of home through creating attachment to place, and maintaining social networks, all of which have been linked to engaging in leisure. This research will provide insight into the role of leisure in this transition process and the extent that the home and community can contribute to aiding their transition to the new home. This research will contribute to existing literature on the inter-relationships of leisure, sense of home, and identity and how they relate to older adults moving to new homes. This research also has potential for influencing policy and practice for meeting the housing needs of older adults.Keywords: leisure, older adults, transition, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221013 Socio Economic Deprivation, Institutional Outlay and the Intent of Mobile Snatching and Street Assaults in Pakistan
Authors: Asad Salahuddin
Crime rates seem to be severely augmenting over the past several years in Pakistan which has perpetuated concerns as to what, when and how this upsurge will be eradicated. State institutions are posed to be in utmost perplexity, given the enormity of worsening law and order situation, compelling government on the flip side to expend more resources in strengthening institutions to confront crime, whereas, the economy has been confronted with massive energy crisis, mass unemployment and considerable inflation which has rendered most of the people into articulate apprehension as to how to satisfy basic necessities. A framework to investigate the variability in the rising street crimes, as affected by social and institutional outcomes, has been established using a cross-sectional study. Questionnaire, entailing 7 sections incorporating numerous patterns of behavior and history of involvement in different crimes for potential street criminals was observed as data collection instrument. In order to specifically explicate the intent of street crimes on micro level, various motivational and de-motivational factors that stimulate people to resort to street crimes were scrutinized. Intent of mobile snatching and intent of street assault as potential dependent variables were examined using numerous variables that influence the occurrence and intent of these crimes using ordered probit along with ordered logit and tobit as competing models. Model Estimates asserts that intent of mobile snatching has been significantly enhanced owing to perceived judicial inefficiency and lower ability of police reforms to operate effectively, which signifies the inefficiency of institutions that are entitled to deliver justice and maintaining law and order respectively. Whereas, intent of street assaults, as an outcome, affirms that people with lack of self-stability and severe childhood punishments were more tempted to be involved in violent acts. Hence, it is imperative for government to render better resources in form of training, equipment and improved salaries to police and judiciary in order to enhance their abilities and potential to curb inflating crime.Keywords: deprivation, street assault, self control, police reform
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291012 Geographic Information System Cloud for Sustainable Digital Water Management: A Case Study
Authors: Mohamed H. Khalil
Water is one of the most crucial elements which influence human lives and development. Noteworthy, over the last few years, GIS plays a significant role in optimizing water management systems, especially after exponential developing in this sector. In this context, the Egyptian government initiated an advanced ‘GIS-Web Based System’. This system is efficiently designed to tangibly assist and optimize the complement and integration of data between departments of Call Center, Operation and Maintenance, and laboratory. The core of this system is a unified ‘Data Model’ for all the spatial and tabular data of the corresponding departments. The system is professionally built to provide advanced functionalities such as interactive data collection, dynamic monitoring, multi-user editing capabilities, enhancing data retrieval, integrated work-flow, different access levels, and correlative information record/track. Noteworthy, this cost-effective system contributes significantly not only in the completeness of the base-map (93%), the water network (87%) in high level of details GIS format, enhancement of the performance of the customer service, but also in reducing the operating costs/day-to-day operations (~ 5-10 %). In addition, the proposed system facilitates data exchange between different departments (Call Center, Operation and Maintenance, and laboratory), which allowed a better understanding/analyzing of complex situations. Furthermore, this system reflected tangibly on: (i) dynamic environmental monitor/water quality indicators (ammonia, turbidity, TDS, sulfate, iron, pH, etc.), (ii) improved effectiveness of the different water departments, (iii) efficient deep advanced analysis, (iv) advanced web-reporting tools (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually), (v) tangible planning synthesizing spatial and tabular data; and finally, (vi) scalable decision support system. It is worth to highlight that the proposed future plan (second phase) of this system encompasses scalability will extend to include integration with departments of Billing and SCADA. This scalability will comprise advanced functionalities in association with the existing one to allow further sustainable contributions.Keywords: GIS Web-Based, base-map, water network, decision support system
Procedia PDF Downloads 981011 A Study on The Relationship between Building Façade and Solar Energy Utilization Potential in Urban Residential Area in West China
Authors: T. Wen, Y. Liu, J. Wang, W. Zheng, T. Shao
Along with the increasing density of urban population, solar energy potential of building facade in high-density residential areas become a question that needs to be addressed. This paper studies how the solar energy utilization potential of building facades in different locations of a residential areas changes with different building layouts and orientations in Xining, a typical city in west China which possesses large solar radiation resource. Solar energy potential of three typical building layouts of residential areas, which are parallel determinant, gable misalignment, transverse misalignment, are discussed in detail. First of all, through the data collection and statistics of Xining new residential area, the most representative building parameters are extracted, including building layout, building height, building layers, and building shape. Secondly, according to the results of building parameters extraction, a general model is established and analyzed with rhinoceros 6.0 and its own plug-in grasshopper. Finally, results of the various simulations and data analyses are presented in a visualized way. The results show that there are great differences in the solar energy potential of building facades in different locations of residential areas under three typical building layouts. Generally speaking, the solar energy potential of the west peripheral location is the largest, followed by the East peripheral location, and the middle location is the smallest. When the deflection angle is the same, the solar energy potential shows the result that the West deflection is greater than the East deflection. In addition, the optimal building azimuth range under these three typical building layouts is obtained. Within this range, the solar energy potential of the residential area can always maintain a high level. Beyond this range, the solar energy potential drops sharply. Finally, it is found that when the solar energy potential is maximum, the deflection angle is not positive south, but 5 °or 15°south by west. The results of this study can provide decision analysis basis for residential design of Xining city to improve solar energy utilization potential and provide a reference for solar energy utilization design of urban residential buildings in other similar areas.Keywords: building facade, solar energy potential, solar radiation, urban residential area, visualization, Xining city
Procedia PDF Downloads 1791010 From Madrassah to Elite Schools; The Political Economy of Pluralistic Educational Systems in Pakistan
Authors: Ahmad Zia
This study problematizes the notion that the pluralistic educational system in Pakistan fosters equality. Instead, it argues that this system not only reflects but also sustains existing class divisions, with implications for the future economic and social mobility of children. The primary goal of this study is to explore unequal access to educational opportunities in Pakistan. By examining the intersection between education and socioeconomic status, it attempts to explore the implications of key disparities in different tiers of education systems in Pakistan like between madrassahs, public schools and private schools, with an emphasis on how these institutions contribute to the maintenance of class hierarchies. This is a primary data based case study and the most recent data has been directly gathered Qualitative methods have been used to collect data from the units of data collection (UDCs). it have used Bourdieu’s theory as a leading framework. Its application in the context of country like Pakistan is very productive. it choose the thematic analysis method to analyse the data. This process helped me to identify relevant main themes and subthemes emerging from my data, which could comprise my analysis. Findings reveal that the educational landscape in Pakistan is deeply divided having far-reaching implications for social mobility and access to opportunities. This study found profound disparities among various educational institutions with respect to widening socioeconomic divides. Every kind of educational institution operates in a distinct socio-cultural and economic environment. Therefore, access to quality education is highly stratified and remains a privilege for only those who can afford it. This widens the socioeconomic gap that already exists. There has not been an extensive investigation of the relationship between pluralistic educations with class stratification in the literature so far. This study adds to a multifaceted understanding of educational disparities in Pakistan by analysing the intersections between socioeconomic divisions and educational access. It offers valuable theoretical and practical insights into the subject. This study provides theoretical concepts and empirical data to enhance scholars' understanding of socioeconomic inequality, specifically in relation to education systems.Keywords: social inequality, pluralism, class divide, capitalism, globalisation, elitism, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 161009 Antecedents to Leaders’ Empowering Behavior: A Study of Team Leaders and Their Subordinates
Authors: Manjari Srivastsva, Ruta Vyas
The research in the area of self leadership advocates employee/team empowerment. It is well understood that empowered employees would contribute more and better to their organizational outcomes. This research is a part of an ongoing larger research in the area of empowering leadership behavior. The present research aims to understand some of the antecedents to empowering behavior of leaders such that the organizations can focus on the right elements and invest in the appropriate areas during their leadership development activities. The research is exploratory field study. Sampling is purposive, employing triadic design i.e. a manager and two of his/her subordinates are selected for data collection. The total no. of respondents is 240, with 80 managers and 160 of their direct reports. Initially focus group interview was done and based on the inputs from focus group, quantitative data was collected personally by the researchers using questionnaire. The sample is drawn from seven professionally run organization including those of Indian origin as well as multi-national companies. This study proposes to explore the constituents of empowering behavior both from leaders’ and their subordinates’ perspective and also see the relationship between some of the personal variables of leaders as an antecedent to empowering behavior. Similarly, the study aims to explore the subordinates’ perspectives as an antecedent to empowering behavior. The relationship between antecedent variables and empowering behavior is tested for moderation employing organization culture. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was done to establish the validity of the questionnaires. Further hierarchical regression analysis results revealed that organization based self-esteem and global self-esteem impact leaders’ empowering behavior and this relationship is further moderated by organization culture. Team members’ perspective showed higher importance for task characteristics and members' readiness from the point of view of empowerment. The relation between task characteristics and members’ readiness was not moderated by culture. The finding from this research may be utilized by professionals to guide organizations desiring rapid and sustainable growth, to develop leaders who empower their teams such that they act as leaders themselves and become stimulants for the growth of organizations.Keywords: empowering behavior, team leaders, subordinates, self-esteem, organization culture, task characteristics, team members readiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 4241008 A Comparative Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Academic Writing: Insights from Persian and Native English Writers in Applied Linguistics
Authors: Elham Shahrjooi Haghighi
This research explores how lexical bundles are utilized in writing in the field of linguistics by comparing professional Persian writers with native English writers using corpus-based studies and advanced computational techniques to examine the occurrence and characteristics of lexical bundles in academic writings. The review of literature emphasizes how important lexical bundles are, in organizing discussions and conveying opinions in both spoken and written language contexts across genres and proficiency levels in fields of study. Previous research has indicated that native English writers tend to employ an array and diversity of bundles than non-native writers do; these bundles are essential elements in academic writing. In this study’s methodology section, the research utilizes a corpus-based method to analyze a collection of writings such as research papers and advanced theses at the doctoral and masters’ levels. The examination uncovers variances in the utilization of groupings between writers who are native speakers of Persian and those who are native English speakers with the latter group displaying a greater occurrence and variety, in types of groupings. Furthermore, the research delves into how these groupings contribute to aspects classifying them into categories based on their relevance to research text structure and individuals as outlined in Hyland’s framework. The results show that Persian authors employ phrases and demonstrate distinct structural and functional tendencies in comparison to native English writers. This variation is linked to differing language skills, levels, disciplinary norms and cultural factors. The study also highlights the pedagogical implications of these findings, suggesting that targeted instruction on the use of lexical bundles could enhance the academic writing skills of non-native speakers. In conclusion, this research contributes to the understanding of lexical bundles in academic writing by providing a detailed comparative analysis of their use by Persian and native English writers. The insights from this study have important implications for language education and the development of effective writing strategies for non-native English speakers in academic contexts.Keywords: lexical bundles, academic writing, comparative analysis, computational techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 231007 Delay in Induction of Labour at Two Hospitals in Southeast Scotland: Outcomes
Authors: Bernard Ewuoso
Introduction: Induction of labor (IOL) usually involves the patient moving between antenatal, labor, and postnatal wards. Delay in IOL has been defined as delay in the time it takes a woman to wait for induction after her cervix is assessed to be favorable. Opinions vary on the acceptable time the patient is allowed to wait for once the cervix is adjudged ripe for induction. What has been considered a benchmark is a delay of up to 12 hours. There is evidence that delay in IOL is associated with adverse outcomes. Aim: To determine the number of women experiencing delay in induction of labor and their outcomes. Method: This audit was retrospective and observational. It included women who had induction of labor in the month of October 2023 in two hospitals. Clinical data was collected from electronic medical records into an Excel sheet for analysis. Women had cervical ripening as inpatient or outpatient. The primary objective was to determine the number of women experiencing delay in induction of labor, while the secondary objective was to outcome these women. Result: 136 women had IOL. The least percentage of data retrieved for any parameter was 80%. The mean gestational age at IOL was 278.26 days. The mean waiting time was 905.34mins. Seventy-five women had their IOL at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE), fifty-seven at St. John’s Hospital (SJH), and three women were transferred from RIE to SJH. The preferred method of cervical ripening was balloon closely followed by prostaglandin. Twenty-seven women did not require cervical ripening and had their process started with amniotomy. Prostaglandin was the method of choice of cervical ripening at RIE, while balloon was preferred in SJH. Of the thirty-five women found to be suitable for outpatient cervical ripening, thirteen had outpatient ripening. There was a significant increase in the number of women undergoing outpatient cervical ripening at RIE from 10.5% in April 2022 to 42.9%. The preferred method for outpatient cervical ripening at the RIE was balloon, while it was prostaglandin for SJH. These were contradictory to the preferred method of inpatient cervical ripening at both centers. The average waiting time for IOL at RIE, 1166.92mins, is more than double that of SJH, 442.93mins, and far exceed 12hours, which is the proposed benchmark. The waiting time tends to be shorter with prostaglandin. Out of the women that had outpatient cervical ripening 63.6% had to wait for more than 12hrs before being induced while it was 36.1% for women that had inpatient cervical ripening. Overall, 38.5% women waited for more than 12 hours before having their induction. A lesser proportion of the women who waited for more than 12 hours had caesarean section, assisted vaginal delivery, and postpartum hemorrhage, whereas a greater proportion had spontaneous vaginal delivery and intrapartum or postpartum infection. Conclusion: A significant number of the women included in the study experienced delay in their induction process, and this was associated with an increased occurrence of intrapartum or postpartum infection. Outpatient cervical ripening contributed to delay.Keywords: delay in induction of labor, inpatient, outpatient, intrapartum, postpartum, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 231006 Effectiveness of Mobile Health Augmented Cardiac Rehabilitation (MCard) on Health-Related Quality of Life among Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Aliya Hisam, Zia Ul Haq, Sohail Aziz, Patrick Doherty, Jill Pell
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of Mobile health augmented Cardiac rehabilitation (MCard) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among post-acute coronary syndrome(post-ACS) patients. Methodology: In a randomized controlled trial, post-ACS patients were randomly allocated (1:1) to an intervention group (received MCard; counseling, empowering with self-monitoring devices, short text messages, in addition to standard post-ACS care) or control group (standard post-ACS care). HRQoL was assessed by generic Short Form-12 and MacNew quality of life myocardial infarction (QLMI) tools. Participants were followed for 24 weeks with data collection and analysis at three-time points (baseline, 12 weeks and 24 weeks). Result: At baseline, 160 patients (80 in each group; mean age 52.66+8.46 years; 126 males, 78.75%) were recruited, of which 121(75.62%) continued and were analyzed at 12-weeks and 119(74.37%) at 24-weeks. The mean SF-12 physical component score significantly improved in the MCard group at 12 weeks follow-up (48.93 vs. control 43.87, p<.001) and 24 weeks (53.52 vs. 46.82 p<.001). The mean SF-12 mental component scores also improved significantly in the MCard group at 12 weeks follow-up (44.84 vs. control 41.40, p<.001) and 24 weeks follow-up (48.95 vs 40.12, p<.001). At 12-and 24-week follow-up, all domains of MacNew QLMI (social, emotional, physical and global) were also statistically significant (p<.001) improved in the MCard group, unlike the control group. Conclusion: MCard is feasible and effective at improving all domains of HRQoL. There was an improvement in physical, mental, social, emotional and global domains among the MCard group in comparison to the control group. The addition of MCard programs to post-ACS standard care may improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden on the health care setting.Keywords: acute coronary syndrome, mobile health augmented cardiac rehabilitation (MCard), cardiovascular diseases, cardiac rehabilitation, health-related quality of life, short form 12, MacNew QLMI
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681005 Stimulating Effects of Media in Improving Quality of Distance Education: A Literature Based Study
Authors: Tahzeeb Mahreen
Distance education refers to giving instruction in which students are remote from the institution and once in a while go to formal demonstration classes, and teaching sessions. Segments of media, for example, radio, TV, PC and Internet and so on are the assets and method for correspondence being utilized as a part of learning material by many open and distance learning institutions. Media has a great part in maximizing the learning opportunities thus enabling distance education, a mode of increased literacy rate of the country. This study goes for analyzing how media had affected distance education through its different mediums. The objectives of the study were (i) to determine the direct impact of media on distance education? (ii) To know how media effects distance education pedagogy (iii) To find out how media works to increase student’s achievement. Literature-based methodology was used, and books, peer-reviewed articles, press reports and internet-based materials were studied as a result. By using descriptive qualitative research analysis, the researcher has interpreted that distance education programs are progressively utilizing mixes of media to convey training that has a positive impact on learning along with a few challenges. In addition, the perception of the researcher varied depending on the programs of distance learning but generally believed that electronic media were moderately more supportive in enhancing the overall performance of the learners. It was concluded that the intellectual style, identity qualities, and self-expectations are the three primary enhanced areas in a student’s educational life in distance education programs. It was portrayed that a comprehension of how individual learners approach learning may make it workable for the distance educator to see an example of learning styles and arrange or modify course presentations through media. Moreover, it is noticed that teaching in distance education address the developing role of the instructor, the requirement for diminishing resistance as conventional teachers utilize remove conveyance frameworks lastly, staff state of mind toward the utilization of innovation. Furthermore, the results showed that media had assumed its part to make distance learning educators more dynamic, capable and concerned about their individual works. The study also indicated a high positive relationship between the media available at study centers and media used by the distance education. The challenge pointed out by the researcher was the clash of distance and time with communication as the life situations of every learner are varied. Recommendations included the realization of the duty of distance learning instructor to help students understand the effective use of media for their study lessons and also to develop online learning communities to be in instant connection with the students.Keywords: distance education, education, media, teaching and learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421004 Polypeptide Modified Carbon Nanotubes – Mediated GFP Gene Transfection for H1299 Cells and Toxicity Assessment
Authors: Pei-Ying Lo, Jing-Hao Ciou, Kai-Cheng Yang, Jia-Huei Zheng, Shih-Hsiang Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee, Er-Chieh Cho
As-produced CNTs are insoluble in all organic solvents and aqueous solutions have imposed limitations to the use of CNTs. Therefore, how to debundle carbon nanotubes and to modify them for further uses is an important issue. There are several methods for the dispersion of CNTs in water using covalent attachment of hydrophilic groups to the surface of tubes. These methods, however, alter the electronic structure of the nanotubes by disrupting the network of sp2 hybridized carbons. In order to keep the nanotubes’ intrinsic mechanical and electrical properties intact, non-covalent interactions are increasingly being explored as an alternative route for dispersion. Apart from conventional surfactants such as sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) or sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) which are highly effective in dispersing CNTs, biopolymers have received much attention as dispersing agents due to the anticipated biocompatibility of the dispersed CNTs. Also, The pyrenyl group is known to interact strongly with the basal plane of graphene via π-stacking. In this study, a highly re-dispersible biopolymer is reported for the synthesis of pyrene-modified poly-L-lysine (PBPL) and poly(D-Glu, D-Lys) (PGLP). To provide the evidence of the safety of the PBPL/CNT & PGLP/CNT materials we use in this study, H1299 and HCT116 cells were incubated with PBPL/CNT & PGLP/CNT materials for toxicity analysis, MTS assays. The results from MTS assays indicated that no significant cellular toxicity was shown in H1299 and HCT116 cells. Furthermore, the fluorescence marker fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) was added to PBPL & PGLP dispersions. From the fluorescent measurements showed that the chemical functionalisation of the PBPL/CNT & PGLP/CNT conjugates with the fluorescence marker were successful. The fluorescent PBPL/CNT & PGLP/CNT conjugates could find application in medical imaging. In the next step, the GFP gene is immobilized onto PBPL/CNT conjugates by introducing electrostatic interaction. GFP-transfected cells that emitted fluorescence were imaged and counted under a fluorescence microscope. Due to the unique biocompatibility of PBPL modified CNTs, the GFP gene could be transported into H1299 cells without using antibodies. The applicability of such soluble and chemically functionalised polypeptide/CNT conjugates in biomedicine is currently investigated. We expect that this polypeptide/CNT system will be a safe and multi-functional nanomedical delivery platform and contribute to future medical therapy.Keywords: carbon nanotube, nanotoxicology, GFP transfection, polypeptide/CNT hybrids
Procedia PDF Downloads 3421003 Deployment of Armed Soldiers in European Cities as a Source of Insecurity among Czech Population
Authors: Blanka Havlickova
In the last ten years, there are growing numbers of troops with machine guns serving on streets of European cities. We can see them around government buildings, major transport hubs, synagogues, galleries and main tourist landmarks. As the main purpose of armed soldier’s presence in European cities authorities declare the prevention of terrorist attacks and psychological support for tourists and domestic population. The main objective of the following study is to find out whether the deployment of armed soldiers in European cities has a calming and reassuring effect on Czech citizens (if the presence at armed soldiers make the Czech population feel more secure) or rather becomes a stress factor (the presence of soldiers standing guard in full military fatigues recalls serious criminality and terrorist attacks which are reflected in the fears and insecurity of Czech population). The initial hypothesis of this study is connected with the priming theory, the idea that when we are exposed to an image (armed soldier), it makes us unconsciously focus on a topic connected with this image (terrorism). This paper is based on a quantitative public survey, which was carried out in the form of electronic questioning among the citizens of the Czech Republic. Respondents answered 14 questions about two European cities – London and Paris. Besides general questions investigating the respondents' awareness of these cities, some of the questions focused on the fear that the respondents had when picturing themselves leaving next Monday for the given city (London or Paris). The questions asking about respondent´s travel fears and concerns were accompanied by different photos. When answering the question about fear some respondents have been presented with a photo of Westminster Palace and the Eiffel with ordinary citizens while other respondents have been presented with a picture of the Westminster Palace, the and Eiffel's tower not only with ordinary citizens, but also with one soldier holding a machine gun. The main goal of this paper is to analyse and compare data about concerns for these two groups of respondents (presented with different pictures) and find out if and how an armed soldier with a machine gun in front of the Westminster Palace or the Eiffel Tower affects the public's concerns about visiting the site. In other words, the aim of this paper is to confirm or rebut the hypothesis that the look at a soldier with a machine gun in front of the Eiffel Tower or the Westminster Palace automatically triggers the association with a terrorist attack leading to an increase in fear and insecurity among Czech population.Keywords: terrorism, security measures, priming, risk perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521002 Jordan, Towards Eliminating Preventable Maternal Deaths
Authors: Abdelmanie Suleimat, Nagham Abu Shaqra, Sawsan Majali, Issam Adawi, Heba Abo Shindi, Anas Al Mohtaseb
The Government of Jordan recognizes that maternal mortality constitutes a grave public health problem. Over the past two decades, there has been significant progress in improving the quality of maternal health services, resulting in improved maternal and child health outcomes. Despite these efforts, measurement and analysis of maternal mortality remained a challenge, with significant discrepancies from previous national surveys that inhibited accuracy. In response with support from USAID, the Jordan Maternal Mortality Surveillance Response (JMMSR) System was established to collect, analyze, and equip policymakers with data for decision-making guided by interdisciplinary multi-levelled advisory groups aiming to eliminate preventable maternal deaths, A 2016 Public Health Bylaw required the notification of deaths among women of reproductive age. The JMMSR system was launched in 2018 and continues annually, analyzing data received from health facilities, to guide policy to prevent avoidable deaths. To date, there have been four annual national maternal mortality reports (2018-2021). Data is collected, reviewed by advisory groups, and then consolidated in an annual report to inform and guide the Ministry of Health (MOH); JMMSR collects the necessary information to calculate an accurate maternal mortality ratio and assists in identifying leading causes and contributing factors for each maternal death. Based on this data, national response plans are created. A monitoring and evaluation plan was designed to define, track, and improve implementation through indicators. Over the past four years, one of these indicators, ‘percent of facilities notifying respective health directorates of all deaths of women of reproductive age,’ increased annually from 82.16%, 92.95%, and 92.50% to 97.02%, respectively. The Government of Jordan demonstrated commitment to the JMMSR system by designating the MOH to primarily host the system and lead the development and dissemination of policies and procedures to standardize implementation. The data was translated into practical and evidence-based recommendations. The successful impact of results deepened the understanding of maternal mortality in Jordan, which convinced the MOH to amend the Bylaw now mandating electronic reporting of all births and neonatal deaths from health facilities to empower the JMMSR system, by developing a stillbirths and neonatal mortality surveillance and response system.Keywords: maternal health, maternal mortality, preventable maternal deaths, maternal morbidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 401001 Microbial Pathogens Associated with Banded Sugar Ants (Camponotus consobrinus) in Calabar, Nigeria
Authors: Ofonime Ogba, Augustine Akpan
Objectives and Goals: The study was aimed at determining pathogenic microbial carriage on the external body parts of Camponotus consobrinus which is also known as the banded sugar ant because of its liking for sugar and sweet food. The level of pathogenic microbial carriage of Camponotus consobrinus in association to the environment in which they have been collected is not known. Methods: The ants were purposively collected from four locations including the kitchens, bedroom of various homes, food shops, and bakeries. The sample collection took place within the hours of 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm. The ants were trapped in transparent plastic containers of which sugar, pineapple peels, sugar cane and soft drinks were used as bait. The ants were removed with a sterile spatula and put in 10mls of peptone water in sterile universal bottles. The containers were vigorously shaken to wash the external surface of the ant. It was left overnight and transported to the Microbiology Laboratory, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital for analysis. The overnight peptone broths were inoculated on Chocolate agar, Blood agar, Cystine Lactose Electrolyte-Deficient agar (CLED) and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Incubation was done aerobically and in a carbon dioxide jar for 24 to 48 hours at 37°C. Isolates were identified based on colonial characteristics, Gram staining, and biochemical tests. Results: Out of the 250 Camponotus consobrinus caught for the study, 90(36.0%) were caught in the kitchen, 75(30.0%) in the bedrooms 40(16.0%) in the bakery while 45(18.0%) were caught in the shops. A total of 82.0% prevalence of different microbial isolates was associated with the ants. The kitchen had the highest number of isolates 75(36.6%) followed by the bedroom 55(26.8%) while the bakery recorded the lowest number of isolates 35(17.1%). The profile of micro-organisms associated with Camponotus consobrinus was Escherichia coli 73(30.0%), Morganella morganii 45(18.0%), Candida species 25(10.0%), Serratia marcescens 10(4.0%) and Citrobacter freundii 10(4.0%). Conclusion: Most of the Camponotus consobrinus examined in the four locations harboured potential pathogens. The presence of ants in homes and shops can facilitate the propagation and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the development of basic preventive measures and the control of ants must be taken seriously.Keywords: Camponotus consobrinus, potential pathogens, microbial isolates, spread
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681000 Girls, Justice, and Advocacy: Using Arts-Based Public Health Strategies to Challenge Gender Inequities in Juvenile Justice
Authors: Tasha L. Golden
Girls in the U.S. juvenile justice system are most often arrested for truancy, drug use, or running from home, all of which are symptoms of abuse. In fact, some have called this 'The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline.' Such abuse has consequences for girls' health, education, employment, and parenting, often resulting in significant health disparities. Yet when arrested, girls rarely encounter services designed to meet their unique needs. Instead, they are expected to cope with a system that was historically designed for males. In fact, even literature advocating for increased gender equity frequently fails to include girls’ voices and firsthand accounts. In response to these combined injustices, public health researchers launched a trauma-informed creative writing intervention in a southern juvenile detention facility. The program was designed to improve the health of detained girls, while also establishing innovative methods of both data collection and social justice advocacy. Girls’ poems and letters were collected and coded, adding rich qualitative data to traditional survey responses. In addition, as part of the intervention, these poems are regularly published by international literary publisher Sarabande Books—and distributed to judges, city leaders, attorneys, state representatives, and more. By utilizing a creative medium, girls generated substantial civic engagement with their concerns—thus expanding their influence and improving policy advocacy efforts. Researchers hypothesized that having access to their communities and policy makers would provide its own health benefits for incarcerated girls: cultivating self-esteem, locus of control, and a sense of leadership. This paper discusses the establishment of this intervention, examines findings from its evaluation, and includes several girls’ poems as exemplars. Grounded in social science regarding expressive writing, stigma, muted group theory, and health promotion, the paper theorizes about the application of arts-based advocacy efforts to other social justice endeavors.Keywords: advocacy, public health, social justice, women’s health
Procedia PDF Downloads 171999 Habitat Preference of Lepidoptera (Butterflies), Using Geospatial Analysis in Diyasaru Wetland Park, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Authors: Hiripurage Mallika Sandamali Dissanayaka
Butterflies are found everywhere on Earth, helping flowering plants reproduce through pollination. Wetlands perform many valuable functions such as providing wildlife habitat. Diyasaru Wetland Park was chosen as the study site. It is located in a highly urbanized area of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka. A distribution map was prepared to increase butterfly habitat in the urbanized area, and research was conducted to determine the most suitable sections for using it. As this wetland has footpaths for walking, line transect surveys were used to mark species within the sampling area, and directly observed species were recorded. All data collection was done from 0900 to 1200 hours and 1300 to 1600 hours and fieldwork was done from 11 February 2020 to 20 January 2021. ED binoculars (10.5x45), DSLR cameras (Canon EOS/EFS5 mm 3.5-5.6), and Garmin GPS (Etrex 10) were used to observe butterfly species, identify locations, and take photographs as evidence. Analyzing their habitats using GIS (ArcGIS Pro) to identify their distribution within the park premises, the distribution density of the known size of the population was calculated for each point by kernel density, and local similarity values were calculated for each pair of corresponding features through hotspot analysis, and cell values were determined by inverse distance weighting (IDW) using a linearly weighted combination of a set of sample points. According to the maps prepared to predict the distribution of butterflies in this park, the high level of distribution or favorable areas were near flower gardens and meadows, but some individual species prefer habitats that are more suitable for their life activities, so they live in other areas. Sixty-six (66) species belonging to six (6) families have been recorded in the premises. Sixty (60) species of least concern (LC), two (2) near threatened (NT), and four (4) vulnerable (VU) species have been recorded, and several new species, such as Plum Judy (Abisara echerius), were reported. The outcome of the study will form the basis for decision-making by the Sri Lanka Land Development (SLLD) Corporation for the future development and maintenance of the park.Keywords: wetland, Lepidoptera, habitat, urban, west
Procedia PDF Downloads 50998 Synthesis, Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Oxo-centered Carboxylate-Bridged Triiron Complexes and a Deca Ferric Wheel
Authors: K. V. Ramanaiah, R. Jagan, N. N. Murthy
Trinuclear oxo-centered carboxylate-bridged iron complexes, [Fe3(µ3-O)(µ2-O2CR)L¬3]+/0 (where R = alkyl or aryl; L = H2O, ROH, Py, solvent) have attracted tremendous attention because of their interesting structural and magnetic properties, exhibit mixed-valent trapped and de-trapped states, and have bioinorganic relevance. The presence of a trinuclear iron binding center has been implicated in the formation of both bacterial and human iron storage protein, Ft. They are used as precursors for the synthesis of models for the active-site structures of non-heme proteins, hemerythrin (Hr), methane monooxygenase (MMO) and polyiron storage protein, ferritin (Ft). Used as important building blocks for the design and synthesis of supramolecules this can exhibit single molecular magnetism (SMM). Such studies have often employed simple and compact carboxylate ligands and the use of bulky carboxylates is scarce. In the present study, we employed two different type of sterically hindered carboxylates and synthesized a series of novel oxo-centered, carboxylate-bridged triiron complexes of general formula [Fe3(O)(O2CCPh3)6L3]X (L = H2O, 1; py, 2; 4-NMe2py, 3; X = ClO4; L = CH3CN, 4; X = FeCl4) and [Fe3(O)(O2C-anth)6L3]X (L = H2O, 5; X = ClO4; L = CH3OH, 6; X = Cl). Along with complex [Fe(OMe)2(O2CCPh3)]10, 7 was prepared by the self-assemble of anhydrous FeCl3, sodium triphenylacetate and sodium methoxide at ratio of 1:1:2 in CH3OH. The Electronic absorption spectra of these complexes 1-6, in CH2Cl2 display weak bands at near FTIR region (970-1135 nm, ε > 15M-1cm-1). For complex 7, one broad band centered at ~670nm and also an additional intense charge transfer (L→M or O→M) bands between 300 to 550nm observed for all the complexes. Paramagnetic 1H NMR is introduced as a good probe for the characterization of trinuclear oxo - cantered iron compounds in solution when the L ligand coordinated to iron varies as: H2O, py, 4-NMe2py, and CH3OH. The solution state magnetic moment values calculated by using Evans method for all the complexes and also solid state magnetic moment value of complex, 7 was calculated by VSM method, which is comparable with solution state value. These all magnetic moment values indicate there is a spin exchange process through oxo and carboxylate bridges in between two irons (d5). The ESI-mass data complement the data obtained from single crystal X-ray structure. Further purity of the compounds was confirmed by elemental analysis. Finally, structural determination of complexes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were unambiguously conformed by single crystal x-ray studies.Keywords: decanuclear, paramagnetic NMR, trinuclear, uv-visible
Procedia PDF Downloads 348997 Assessment of Oral and Dental Health Status of Pregnant Women in Malaga, Spain
Authors: Nepton Kiani
Dental decay is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide and imposes significant costs annually on people and healthcare systems. Addressing this issue is among the important programs of the World Health Organization in the field of oral and dental disease prevention and health promotion. In this context, oral and dental health in vulnerable groups, especially pregnant women, is of greater importance due to the health maintenance of the mother and fetus. The aim of this study is to investigate the DMFT index and various factors affecting it in order to identify different factors influencing the process of dental decay and to take an effective step in reducing the progression of this disease, control, and prevention. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 120 pregnant women attending Nepton Policlinica clinic in Malaga, Spain, were evaluated for the DMFT index and oral and dental hygiene. In this regard, interviews, precise observations, and data collection were used. Subsequently, data analysis was performed using SPSS software and employing correlation tests, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests. The DMFT index for pregnant women in three age groups 22-26, 27- 31, and 32-36 years was respectively 2.8, 4.5, and 5.6. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that demographic variables (age, education, job, economic status) and the frequency of brushing and flossing lead to preventive behavior up to 49.58 percent (P<0.05). Generally, the results indicated that oral and dental care during pregnancy is poor. Only a small number of pregnant women regularly used toothbrush and dental floss or visited the dentist regularly. On the other hand, poor performance in adopting oral and dental care was more observed in pregnant women with lower economic and educational status. The present study showed that raising the level of awareness and education on oral and dental health in pregnant women is essential. In this field, it is necessary to focus on conducting educational-care courses at the level of healthcare centers for midwives, healthcare personnel, and at the community level for families, to prevent and perform dental treatments before the pregnancy periodKeywords: Malaga, oral and dental health, pregnant women, Spain
Procedia PDF Downloads 59996 Internet Protocol Television: A Research Study of Undergraduate Students Analyze the Effects
Authors: Sabri Serkan Gulluoglu
The study is aimed at examining the effects of internet marketing with IPTV on human beings. Internet marketing with IPTV is emerging as an integral part of business strategies in today’s technologically advanced world and the business activities all over the world are influences with the emergence of this modern marketing tool. As the population of the Internet and on-line users’ increases, new research issues have arisen concerning the demographics and psychographics of the on-line user and the opportunities for a product or service. In recent years, we have seen a tendency of various services converging to the ubiquitous Internet Protocol based networks. Besides traditional Internet applications such as web browsing, email, file transferring, and so forth, new applications have been developed to replace old communication networks. IPTV is one of the solutions. In the future, we expect a single network, the IP network, to provide services that have been carried by different networks today. For finding some important effects of a video based technology market web site on internet, we determine to apply a questionnaire on university students. Recently some researches shows that in Turkey the age of people 20 to 24 use internet when they buy some electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, etc. In questionnaire there are ten categorized questions to evaluate the effects of IPTV when shopping. There were selected 30 students who are filling the question form after watching an IPTV channel video for 10 minutes. This sample IPTV channel is “”, it look like an e-commerce site with an integrated IPTV channel on. The questionnaire for the survey is constructed by using the Likert scale that is a bipolar scaling method used to measure either positive or negative response to a statement (Likert, R) it is a common system that is used is the surveys. By following the Likert Scale “the respondents are asked to indicate their degree of agreement with the statement or any kind of subjective or objective evaluation of the statement. Traditionally a five-point scale is used under this methodology”. For this study also the five point scale system is used and the respondents were asked to express their opinions about the given statement by picking the answer from the given 5 options: “Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree Nor disagree, Agree and Strongly agree”. These points were also rates from 1-5 (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither disagree Nor agree, Agree, Strongly agree). On the basis of the data gathered from the questionnaire some results are drawn in order to get the figures and graphical representation of the study results that can demonstrate the outcomes of the research clearly.Keywords: IPTV, internet marketing, online, e-commerce, video based technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 241995 Solid Waste Generation, Composition and Potentiality of Waste to Resource Recovery in Narayanganj City Corporation
Authors: Md. Jisan Ahmed, M. A. Taher
One of the cities in Bangladesh that is developing the fastest is Narayanganj City Corporation. In 2011, the municipality of Narayanganj was transformed into a city corporation, with 27 wards combining Kadamrasul Municipality, Siddhirganj Municipality, and Narayanganj Town. It is also one of Bangladesh's most important industrial centers in Bangladesh. Narayanganj City Corporation (NCC), which has had high development growth, is also generating more solid waste on a high per-capita basis. Because of the increasing rate of population expansion, business activity, industrial development, and fast urbanization, NCC is today creating more waste than ever before. The enormous amount of solid garbage produced in NCC is currently causing air pollution, soil contamination, water pollution, drainage system blockages, and an unpleasant urban environment. The study aimed to find out the amount of solid waste produced per day in NCC by exploring the waste composition and potentiality of resource recovery from the produced solid waste. This study considered household surveys, polythene bag surveys, questionnaire surveys in commercial and industrial sectors, KIIs, FGDs, and lab tests to identify the total amount of waste generated in NCC with waste composition and potentiality for energy recovery from the generated waste. This study has explored that NCC is producing about 922 tons of solid waste per day from households, commercial activities, and industrial sectors where the existing waste collection rate by NCC authority is only about 50% of total generated waste. This study has also explored that about 75% of daily-produced solid waste is perishable with comparatively high moisture content whereas 18 % and 7% are non-perishable and hazardous. It is also explored that there is no resource recovery plant for solid waste management in NCC. On the other hand, this study has explored that the calorific value of the produced solid waste favors resource recovery like waste to electricity. The generated solid waste composition is also in favor of waste-to-biogas, and waste-to-compost fertilizer production. This study has advocated that initiatives need to develop a solid waste management plant in NCC for resource recovery from solid waste. This research may provide a quick overview of the rate of solid waste generation, its composition, and the potential for resource recovery from solid waste in Bangladesh's metropolitan regions. It can also provide information and knowledge to other trash departments in different cities and municipalities in Bangladesh.Keywords: solid waste, waste composition, waste management, resource recovery from solid waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 24994 PbLi Activation Due to Corrosion Products in WCLL BB (EU-DEMO) and Its Impact on Reactor Design and Recycling
Authors: Nicole Virgili, Marco Utili
The design of the Breeding Blanket in Tokamak fusion energy systems has to guarantee sufficient availability in addition to its functions, that are, tritium breeding self-sufficiency, power extraction and shielding (the magnets and the VV). All these function in the presence of extremely harsh operating conditions in terms of heat flux and neutron dose as well as chemical environment of the coolant and breeder that challenge structural materials (structural resistance and corrosion resistance). The movement and activation of fluids from the BB to the Ex-vessel components in a fusion power plant have an important radiological consideration because flowing material can carry radioactivity to safety-critical areas. This includes gamma-ray emission from activated fluid and activated corrosion products, and secondary activation resulting from neutron emission, with implication for the safety of maintenance personnel and damage to electrical and electronic equipment. In addition to the PbLi breeder activation, it is important to evaluate the contribution due to the activated corrosion products (ACPs) dissolved in the lead-lithium eutectic alloy, at different concentration levels. Therefore, the purpose of the study project is to evaluate the PbLi activity utilizing the FISPACT II inventory code. Emphasis is given on how the design of the EU-DEMO WCLL, and potential recycling of the breeder material will be impacted by the activation of PbLi and the associated active corrosion products (ACPs). For this scope the following Computational Tools, Data and Geometry have been considered: • Neutron source: EU-DEMO neutron flux < 1014/cm2/s • Neutron flux distribution in equatorial breeding blanket module (BBM) #13 in the WCLL BB outboard central zone, which is the most activated zone, with the aim to introduce a conservative component utilizing MNCP6. • The recommended geometry model: 2017 EU DEMO CAD model. • Blanket Module Material Specifications (Composition) • Activation calculations for different ACP concentration levels in the PbLi breeder, with a given chemistry in stationary equilibrium conditions, using FISPACT II code. Results suggest that there should be a waiting time of about 10 years from the shut-down (SD) to be able to safely manipulate the PbLi for recycling operations with simple shielding requirements. The dose rate is mainly given by the PbLi and the ACP concentration (x1 or x 100) does not shift the result. In conclusion, the results show that there is no impact on PbLi activation due to ACPs levels.Keywords: activation, corrosion products, recycling, WCLL BB., PbLi
Procedia PDF Downloads 132993 The Regionalism Paradox in the Fight against Human Trafficking: Indonesia and the Limits of Regional Cooperation in ASEAN
Authors: Nur Iman Subono, Meidi Kosandi
This paper examines the role of regional cooperation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the fight against human trafficking for Indonesia. Many among scholars suggest that regional cooperation is necessary for combating human trafficking for its transnational and organized character as a crime against humanity. ASEAN members have been collectively active in responding transnational security issues with series of talks and collaboration agreement since early 2000s. Lately in 2015, ASEAN agreed on ASEAN Convention against Trafficking in Persons, particularly Women and Children (ACTIP) that requires each member to collaborate in information sharing and providing effective safeguard and protection of victims. Yet, the frequency of human trafficking crime occurrence remains high and tend to increase in Indonesian in 2017-2018. The objective of this paper is to examine the effectiveness and success of ACTIP implementation in the fight against human trafficking in Indonesia. Based on two years of research (2017-2018) in three provinces with the largest number of victims in Indonesia, this paper shows the tendency of persisting crime despite the implementation of regional and national anti-trafficking policies. The research was conducted by archive study, literature study, discourse analysis, and depth interviews with local government officials, police, prosecutors, victims, and traffickers. This paper argues that the relative success of ASEAN in establishing convention at the high-level meetings has not been followed with the success in its implementation in the society. Three main factors have contributed to the ineffectiveness of the agreements, i.e. (1) ASEAN institutional arrangement as a collection of sovereign states instead of supranational organization with binding authority; (2) the lack of commitment of ASEAN sovereign member-states to the agreements; and (3) the complexity and variety of the nature of the crime in each member-state. In effect, these factors have contributed to generating the regionalism paradox in ASEAN where states tend to revert to national policies instead of seeking regional collective solution.Keywords: human trafficking, transnational security, regionalism, anti trafficking policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 167992 Work-Related Risk Factors and Preventive Measures among Nurses and Dentists at Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Authors: Marwa Mamdouh Shaban, Nagat Saied Habib, Shireen Ezz El-Din Taha, Eman Mahmoud Seif El-Naser
Background: Dental nurses and dentists were constantly exposed to a number of specific work related health risk factors which develop and intensify with years. Awareness regarding these work-related health risk factors and implementation of preventive health care measures could provide a safe work environment for all dental nurses and dentists. Aim of the study: to assess the work-related health risk factors among dental nurses and dentists and preventive health care measures applied among dental nurses and dentists. Research design: A descriptive design was utilized. Sample: Convenience sample of 50 dental nurses and 150 dentists were included in the current study. Setting: This study was conducted at the dental clinics at faculty of oral and dental medicine, Al-Kasr Al Ainy Hospital. Tools of data collection: Three tools were developed, tested for clarity, and feasibility: a-Socio-demographic data sheet, b-Work-related health risk factors questionnaire, and c-structured observational checklist. Results: The most common work risk factors prevailing among dental nurses were emotional exhaustion (82%), low back pain (76%) and latex allergy (62%) and the most common work risk factors prevailing among dentists were percutaneous exposure incident (100%), emotional exhaustion (100%) and low back pain (93.3%). Also, statistically significant negative correlation (r=-0.274, at p = 0.045) between the incidence of chemical health risk factors and application of chemical preventive measures among dental nurses. A statistically significant negative correlation (r=-0.177, at p = 0.030) between the incidences of mechanical health risk factors among dentists and application of mechanical preventive measures. Conclusion: The studied dental nurses and dentists exposed to many work related health risk factors as latex allergy, percutaneous exposure incidents, low back pain and emotional exhaustion related to inappropriate application of preventive health care measures. Recommendation: Raise awareness of dental nurses and dentists about work-related health risk factors, design and implement health education program for preventive health care measures.Keywords: work-related risk factors, preventive measures, nurses, dentists
Procedia PDF Downloads 402991 The Effect of Musical Mobile Usage on the Physiological Parameters and Pain Level During Intestinal Stomaterapy Procedure in Infants
Authors: Hilal Keskin, Gülzade Uysal
This study was conducted to determine the effect of bedside music mobile use on physiological parameters and pain level during intestinal stomaterapy in infants. The study was carried out with 66 babies (music mobile group: 33, Control group: 33) who were followed in the pediatric surgery and urology unit of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital between December 2018- October 2019. Data were collected using the “Data Collection Form” and “FLACC Pain Scale.” They were evaluated using the appropriate statistical methods in the SPSS 22.0 program. The difference between the descriptive features of music mobile and control group was not significant (p> 0.05) groups are distributed homogeneously. When the in-group results were examined; There was no significant change in the mean values of Hearth Peak Beat (HPB), SpO2 and blood pressure of the infants in the music mobile group during stomaterapy (p>0.05). Body temperature and Face, Leg, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Pain Scale scores were found to increase immediately after stomaterapy (p<0.05). It was found that the mean scores of KTA, body temperature and FLACC pain of the babies in the control group increased significantly after the stomaterapy and SpO2 value decreased (p <0,05). After 15 minutes from stomatherapy, KTA, blood pressure, body temperature and FLACC pain scores averaged; although SpO2 value increased, it was determined that it could not reach pre-stomaterapy value. Results between groups; KTA, SpO2, systolic/diastolic blood pressure, body temperature, and FLACC pain score mean values between groups were homogeneous before stomaterapy (p> 0.05). In the control group, a significant increase was found in the mean scores of KTA, body temperature and FLACC pain after stomaterapy compared to the bedside music mobile group, and a significant decrease in SpO2 values (p <0.05). In the control group, the mean body temperature and FLACC pain scores of the infants 15 minutes after stomaterapy were significantly increased and the SpO2 values were significantly lower than the bedside music group (p <0.05). According to the results of the research; The use of bedside music mobile during intestinal stomaterapy was found to be effective in decreasing the physiological parameters and pain level. It can be recommended for use in infants during painful interventions.Keywords: intestinal stomatherapy, infant, musical mobile, pain, physiological parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 187990 Thatsana Nataya Chatri Dance: A Creative Conservation Process of Cultural Performing Arts for Competition
Authors: Dusittorn Ngamying
The research on Thatsana Nataya Chatri Dance: A Creative Conservation Process of Cultural Performing Arts for Competition was aimed at 1) studying the creative conservation process of cultural performing arts; 2) creating conservation process of cultural performing arts of Thatsana Nataya Chatri dance; and 3) utilizing the created performing arts for the competition. The study was conducted using the qualitative research method in the Central region provinces of Thailand through documentary study and data from field observations, interviews and focus group meetings. Data were collected from 50 informants consisting of 10 experts on the subject, 30 practitioners and 10 general information providers. The data collection instruments consisted of participatory and non-participatory forms, structured and non-structured interview schedules and focus group note forms. The data were verified by the triangulation technique and presented using the descriptive analysis. The results of the study reveal that the creative conservation process of cultural performing arts should be initiated by those who have experienced using a prior knowledge in the pursuit of new knowledge. The new knowledge is combined to generate creative work with the conservation process in 9 aspects: acquiring the related knowledge, creating theme and inspiration, designing the music and melody, designing costumes, inventing dance postures, selecting dancers, transferring the dance postures, preparing the stage and performance equipment, planning the performance event. Inventing the conservation process of cultural performing arts Thatsana Nataya Chatri dance consists of 33 dance postures and 14 transformed patterns. The performance requires 6 dancers, 3 males and 3 females. Costume features both male and female classical and modified dancer’s costumes. The duration of the show takes 5 minutes. As for the application for the competition, this creative work has been selected by Dramatic Works Association (Thailand) to represent Thailand at the Lombok International Dance Sports Festival 2015 held at Lombok, Indonesia. The team has been awarded the Second Place in the Traditional Dance category.Keywords: creative conservation process, cultural performing arts, Thatsana Nataya Chatri dance, competition
Procedia PDF Downloads 223989 Sustainable Development in Orthodontics: Orthodontic Archwire Waste
Authors: Saarah Juman, Ilona Johnson, Stephen Richmond, Brett Duane, Sheelagh Rogers
Introduction: Researchers suggest that within 50 years or less, the available supply of a range of metals will be exhausted, potentially leading to increases in resource conflict and largescale production shortages. The healthcare, dental and orthodontic sectors will undoubtedly be affected as stainless steel instruments are generally heavily relied on. Although changing orthodontic archwires are unavoidable and necessary to allow orthodontic tooth movement through the progression of an archwire sequence with fixed appliances, they are thought to be manufactured in excess of what is needed. Furthermore, orthodontic archwires require trimming extraorally to allow safe intraoral insertion, thus contributing to unnecessary waste of natural resources. Currently, there is no evidence to support the optimisation of archwire length according to orthodontic fixed appliance stage. As such, this study aims to quantify archwire excess (extraoral archwire trimmings) for different stages of orthodontic fixed appliance treatment. Methodology: This prospective, observational, quantitative study observed trimmings made extraorally against pre-treatment study models by clinicians over a 3-month period. Archwires were categorised into one of three categories (initial aligning, sequence, working/finishing arcwhires) within the orthodontic fixed appliance archwire sequence. Data collection included archwire material composition and the corresponding length and weight of excess archwire. Data was entered using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and imported into statistical software to obtain simple descriptive statistics. Results: Measurements were obtained for a total of 144 archwires. Archwire materials included nickel titanium and stainless steel. All archwires observed required extraorally trimming to allow safe intraoral insertion. The manufactured lengths of orthodontic initial aligning, sequence, and working/finishing arcwhires were at least 31%, 26%, and 39% in excess, respectively. Conclusions: Orthodontic archwires are manufactured to be excessively long at all orthodontic archwire sequence stages. To conserve natural resources, this study’s findings support the optimisation of orthodontic archwire lengths by manufacturers according to the typical stages of an orthodontic archwire sequence.Keywords: archwire, orthodontics, sustainability, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 197