Search results for: online safety
2315 Optimal Evaluation of Weather Risk Insurance for Wheat
Authors: Slim Amami
A model is developed to prevent the risks related to climate conditions in the agricultural sector. It will determine the yearly optimum premium to be paid by a farmer in order to reach his required turnover. The model is mainly based on both climatic stability and 'soft' responses of usually grown species to average climate variations at the same place and inside a safety ball which can be determined from past meteorological data. This allows the use of linear regression expression for dependence of production result in terms of driving meteorological parameters, main ones of which are daily average sunlight, rainfall and temperature. By a simple best parameter fit from the expert table drawn with professionals, optimal representation of yearly production is deduced from records of previous years, and yearly payback is evaluated from minimum yearly produced turnover. Optimal premium is then deduced, and gives the producer a useful bound for negotiating an offer by insurance companies to effectively protect their harvest. The application to wheat production in the French Oise department illustrates the reliability of the present model with as low as 6% difference between predicted and real data. The model can be adapted to almost every agricultural field by changing state parameters and calibrating their associated coefficients.Keywords: agriculture, database, meteorological factors, production model, optimal price
Procedia PDF Downloads 2222314 Beliefs about the God of the Other in Intergroup Conflict: Experimental Results from Israel and Palestine
Authors: Crystal Shackleford, Michael Pasek, Allon Vishkin, Jeremy Ginges
In the Middle East, conflict is often viewed as religiously motivated. In this context, an important question is how we think the religion of the other drives their behavior. If people see conflicts as religious, they may expect the belief of the other to motivate intergroup bias. Beliefs about the motivations of the other impact how we engage with them. Conflict may result if actors believe the other’s religion promotes parochialism. To examine how actors on the ground in Israel-Palestine think about the God of the other as it relates to the other’s behavior towards them, we ran two studies in winter 2019 with an online sample of Jewish Israelis and fieldwork with Palestinians in the West Bank. We asked participants to predict the behavior of an outgroup member participating in an economic game task, dividing the money between themselves and another person, who is either an ingroup or outgroup member. Our experimental manipulation asks participants to predict the behavior of the other when the other is thinking of their God. Both Israelis and Palestinians believed outgroup members would show in-group favoritism, and that group members would give more to their in-group when thinking of their God. We also found that participants thought outgroup members would give more to their own ingroup when thinking of God. In other words, Palestinians predicted that Israelis would give more to fellow Israelis when thinking of God, but also more to Palestinians. Our results suggest that religious belief is seen to promote universal moral reasoning, even in a context with over 70 years of intense conflict. More broadly, this challenges the narrative that religion necessarily motivates intractable conflict.Keywords: conflict, psychology, religion, meta-cognition, morality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1402313 A Development of Portable Intrinsically Safe Explosion-Proof Type of Dual Gas Detector
Authors: Sangguk Ahn, Youngyu Kim, Jaheon Gu, Gyoutae Park
In this paper, we developed a dual gas leak instrument to detect Hydrocarbon (HC) and Monoxide (CO) gases. To two kinds of gases, it is necessary to design compact structure for sensors. And then it is important to draw sensing circuits such as measuring, amplifying and filtering. After that, it should be well programmed with robust, systematic and module coding methods. In center of them, improvement of accuracy and initial response time are a matter of vital importance. To manufacture distinguished gas leak detector, we applied intrinsically safe explosion-proof structure to lithium ion battery, main circuits, a pump with motor, color LCD interfaces and sensing circuits. On software, to enhance measuring accuracy we used numerical analysis such as Lagrange and Neville interpolation. Performance test result is conducted by using standard Methane with seven different concentrations with three other products. We want raise risk prevention and efficiency of gas safe management through distributing to the field of gas safety. Acknowledgment: This study was supported by Small and Medium Business Administration under the research theme of ‘Commercialized Development of a portable intrinsically safe explosion-proof type dual gas leak detector’, (task number S2456036).Keywords: gas leak, dual gas detector, intrinsically safe, explosion proof
Procedia PDF Downloads 2282312 Case Analysis of Bamboo Based Social Enterprises in India-Improving Profitability and Sustainability
Authors: Priyal Motwani
The current market for bamboo products in India is about Rs. 21000 crores and is highly unorganised and fragmented. In this study, we have closely analysed the structure and functions of a major bamboo craft based organisation in Kerela, India and elaborated about its value chain, product mix, pricing strategy and supply chain, collaborations and competitive landscape. We have identified six major bottlenecks that are prevalent in such organisations, based on the Indian context, in relation to their product mix, asset management, and supply chain- corresponding waste management and retail network. The study has identified that the target customers for the bamboo based products and alternative revenue streams (eco-tourism, microenterprises, training), by carrying out secondary and primary research (5000 sample space), that can boost the existing revenue by 150%. We have then recommended an optimum product mix-covering premium, medium and low valued processing, for medium sized bamboo based organisations, in accordance with their capacity to maximize their revenue potential. After studying such organisations and their counter parts, the study has established an optimum retail network, considering B2B, B2C physical and online retail, to maximize their sales to their target groups. On the basis of the results obtained from the analysis of the future and present trends, our study gives recommendations to improve the revenue potential of bamboo based organisation in India and promote sustainability.Keywords: bamboo, bottlenecks, optimization, product mix, retail network, value chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 2172311 Escape Room Pedagogy: Using Gamification to Promote Engagement, Encourage Connections, and Facilitate Skill Development in Undergraduate Students
Authors: Scott McCutcheon, Karen Schreder
Higher education is facing a new reality. Student connection with coursework, instructor, and peers competes with online gaming, screen time, and instant gratification. Pedagogical methods that align student connection and critical thinking in a content-rich environment are important in supporting student learning, a sense of community, and emotional health. This mixed methods study focuses on exploring how the use of educational escape rooms (EERs) can support student learning and learning retention while fostering engagement with each other, the instructor, and the coursework. EERs are content-specific, cooperative, team-based learning activities designed to be completed within a short segment of a typical class. Data for the study was collected over three semesters and includes results from the implementation of EERs in science-based and liberal studies courses taught by different instructors. Twenty-seven students were surveyed regarding their learning experiences with this pedagogy, and interviews with four student volunteers were conducted to add depth to the survey data. A key finding from this research indicates that students felt more connected to each other and the course content after participating in the escape room activity. Additional findings point to increased engagement and comprehension of the class material. Data indicates that the use of an EER pedagogy supports student engagement, well-being, subject comprehension, and student-student and student-instructor connection.Keywords: gamification, innovative pedagogy, student engagement, student emotional well being
Procedia PDF Downloads 712310 Determining Inventory Replenishment Policy for Major Component in Assembly-to-Order of Cooling System Manufacturing
Authors: Tippawan Nasawan
The objective of this study is to find the replenishment policy in Assembly-to-Order manufacturing (ATO) which some of the major components have lead-time longer than customer lead-time. The variety of products, independent component demand, and long component lead-time are the difficulty that has resulted in the overstock problem. In addition, the ordering cost is trivial when compared to the cost of material of the major component. A conceptual design of the Decision Supporting System (DSS) has introduced to assist the replenishment policy. Component replenishment by using the variable which calls Available to Promise (ATP) for making the decision is one of the keys. The Poisson distribution is adopted to realize demand patterns in order to calculate Safety Stock (SS) at the specified Customer Service Level (CSL). When distribution cannot identify, nonparametric will be applied instead. The test result after comparing the ending inventory between the new policy and the old policy, the overstock has significantly reduced by 46.9 percent or about 469,891.51 US-Dollars for the cost of the major component (material cost only). Besides, the number of the major component inventory is also reduced by about 41 percent which helps to mitigate the chance of damage and keeping stock.Keywords: Assembly-to-Order, Decision Supporting System, Component replenishment , Poisson distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282309 Restructuring the College Classroom: Scaffolding Student Learning and Engagement in Higher Education
Authors: Claire Griffin
Recent years have witnessed a surge in the use of innovative teaching approaches to support student engagement and higher-order learning within higher education. This paper seeks to explore the use of collaborative, interactive teaching and learning strategies to support student engagement in a final year undergraduate Developmental Psychology module. In particular, the use of the jigsaw method, in-class presentations and online discussion fora were adopted in a ‘lectorial’ style teaching approach, aimed at scaffolding learning, fostering social interdependence and supporting various levels of student engagement in higher education. Using the ‘Student Course Engagement Questionnaire’, the impact of such teaching strategies on students’ college classroom experience was measured, with additional qualitative student feedback gathered. Results illustrate the positive impact of the teaching methodologies on students’ levels of engagement, with positive implications emerging across the four engagement factors: skills engagement, emotional engagement, participation/interaction engagement and performance engagement. Thematic analysis on students’ qualitative comments also provided greater insight into the positive impact of the ‘lectorial’ teaching approach on students’ classroom experience within higher level education. Implications of the findings are presented in terms of informing effective teaching practices within higher education. Additional avenues for future research and strategy usage will also be discussed, in light of evolving practice and cutting edge literature within the field.Keywords: learning, higher education, scaffolding, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3792308 Rapid-Access Multispecialty Nurse-Led Tongue Tie Service: A Retrospective Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness
Authors: Jia Yin Tan, Daniel Rambei, Kate Mann, Samuel price, Ahmed Aboelela
Introduction: Breastfeeding is a complex process, influenced by various factors. Tongue-tie may lead to breastfeeding difficulties due to an inability to suck effectively, causing sore nipples and poor infant weight gain. In the UK, most frenotomies on infants are performed by doctors, nurses, health visitors or midwives. Objectives: Evaluation of safety and efficacy of a multispecialty nurse-led rapid access tongue-tie service at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, run jointly by the ENT and paediatric surgery departments. Methodology: A retrospective observational study, including all patients attending the ENT and paediatric surgery nurse-led tongue tie clinics between 1/10/2021 and 30/09/2022. Results: During the study period there were 1135 referrals for frenotomy, with a mean of 15 days between referral to clinic episode. 86.8% of referred patients underwent frenotomy, with a complication rate of 0.1% and revision rate of 5.4%. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that our rapid access nurse-led outpatient tongue tie service is safe and efficacious, with low complication and revision rates. This suggests a potential for developing a community-based service, allowing safe and effective care closer to home.Keywords: tongue tie, frenotomy, cost, nurse-led
Procedia PDF Downloads 1112307 Determining Fire Resistance of Wooden Construction Elements through Experimental Studies and Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Sakir Tasdemir, Mustafa Altin, Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan, Sadiye Didem Boztepe Erkis, Ismail Saritas, Selma Tasdemir
Artificial intelligence applications are commonly used in industry in many fields in parallel with the developments in the computer technology. In this study, a fire room was prepared for the resistance of wooden construction elements and with the mechanism here, the experiments of polished materials were carried out. By utilizing from the experimental data, an artificial neural network (ANN) was modeled in order to evaluate the final cross sections of the wooden samples remaining from the fire. In modelling, experimental data obtained from the fire room were used. In the system developed, the first weight of samples (ws-gr), preliminary cross-section (pcs-mm2), fire time (ft-minute), fire temperature (t-oC) as input parameters and final cross-section (fcs-mm2) as output parameter were taken. When the results obtained from ANN and experimental data are compared after making statistical analyses, the data of two groups are determined to be coherent and seen to have no meaning difference between them. As a result, it is seen that ANN can be safely used in determining cross sections of wooden materials after fire and it prevents many disadvantages.Keywords: artificial neural network, final cross-section, fire retardant polishes, fire safety, wood resistance.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3852306 Readiness of Thai Restaurant in Bangkok in Applying for Certification of Halal Food Services Standard for Tourism
Authors: Pongsiri Kingkan
This research aims to study the Readiness of Thai Restaurant in Bangkok in Applying for Certification of Halal Food Services Standard for Tourism. This research was conduct by using mix methodology; both quantitative and qualitative data were used. 420 questionnaires were used as tools to collected data from the samples, the restaurant employees. The results were divided into two parts, the demographic data and the Readiness of Thai Restaurant in Bangkok in Applying for Certification of Halal Food Services Standard for Tourism. The majority of samples are single female age between 18–30 years old, who earn about 282.40 US dollars a month. The result of Thai restaurant readiness study demonstrated that readiness in foods and restaurant operating processes were scored at the lowest level. Readiness in social responsibility, food contact persons and food materials were rated at the low level. The readiness of utensils and kitchen tools, waste management, environmental management, and the availability of space to implement the establishment of halal food were scored at the average level. Location readiness, foods service safety and the relationship with the local community were rated at high level. But interestingly there is none of them rated at the highest level.Keywords: availability, Bangkok, halal, Thai restaurant, readiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3172305 Counter-Terrorism Policies in the Wider Black Sea Region: Evaluating the Robustness of Constantza Port under Potential Terror Attacks
Authors: A. V. Popa, C. Barna, V. Mihalache
Being the largest port at the Black Sea and functioning as a civil and military nodal point between Europe and Asia, Constantza Port has become a potential target on the terrorist international agenda. The authors use qualitative research based on both face-to-face and online semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders (top decision-makers in the Romanian Naval Authority, Romanian Maritime Training Centre, National Company "Maritime Ports Administration" and military staff) in order to detect potential vulnerabilities which might be exploited by terrorists in the case of Constantza Port. Likewise, this will enable bringing together the experts’ opinions on potential mitigation measures. Subsequently, this paper formulates various counter-terrorism policies to enhance the robustness of Constantza Port under potential terror attacks and connects them with the attributions in the field of critical infrastructure protection conferred by the law to the lead national authority for preventing and countering terrorism, namely the Romanian Intelligence Service. Extending the national counterterrorism efforts to an international level, the authors propose the establishment – among the experts of the NATO member states of the Wider Black Sea Region – of a platform for the exchange of know-how and best practices in the field of critical infrastructure protection.Keywords: Constantza Port, counter-terrorism policies, critical infrastructure protection, security, Wider Black Sea Region
Procedia PDF Downloads 2952304 Saving Lives: Alternative Approaches to Reducing Gun Violence
Authors: Angie M. Wolf, DeVone Boggan
This paper highlights an innovative and nontraditional violence prevention program that is making a noticeable impact in what was once one of the country’s most violent communities. With unique and tailored strategies, the Operation Peacemaker Fellowship, established in Richmond, California, combines components of evidence-based practices with a community-oriented focus on relationships and mentoring to fill a gap in services and increase community safety. In an effort to highlight these unique strategies and provide a blueprint for other communities with violent crime problems, the authors of this paper hope to clearly delineate how one community is moving forward with vanguard approaches to invest in the lives of young men who once were labeled the communities’ most violent, even the most deadly, youth. The impact of this program is evidenced through the fellows’ own voices as they illuminate the experience of being in the Fellowship. In interviews, fellows’ describe how participating in this program has transformed their lives, and the lives of those they love. The authors of this article spent more than two years researching this Fellowship program in order to conduct an evaluation of it and, ultimately, to demonstrate how this program is a testament to the power of relationship and love combined with evidence-based practices, consequently enriching the lives of youth and the community that embraces them.Keywords: gun violence prevention, high risk youth, law, policing justice
Procedia PDF Downloads 4142303 Physico-Chemical Basis of Thermal Destruction of Benzo(a)Pyrene and Reducing Their Concentration in the Gas Phase
Authors: K. A. Kemelov, Z. K. Maymekov, D. A. Sambaeva, W. Frenzel
Benzo(a)pyrene is widespread carcinogenic and mutagenic environmental pollutant, which is formed in combustion processes of carbonaceous materials at high temperature and still health safety problem related benz(a)pyrene continues to remain actual. At the moment the mechanisms of formation of benzo(a)pyrene are not studied in detail, there is not concrete certain full scheme of synthesis of benzo(a)pyrene. Studies in this area are mainly dedicated to development of measuring tools and chemical reactions analyzes, or to obtain specific evidence of a large group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Consequently in this study we try to create physical and chemical model of oxidation and thermo destruction processes of benzo(a)pyrene, using critical thermodynamical parameters in order to estimate theoretical derivatives of benzo(a)pyrene and which conditions benzo(a)pyrene degraded into more harmful substances. According to this physical and chemical modeling of thermal destruction process of benzo(a)pyrene in wide ranges of change of temperature value were calculated. C20H12 - H2O-O2 system was taken for modeling of thermal destruction process of benzo(a)pyrene in order to establish distribution range of equilibrium structures and concentrations of molecules in a gas phase. Also technological ways of reduction of concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in a gas phase were supposed.Keywords: benzo(a)pyrene, emission, PAH, thermodynamic parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 2982302 Investigating a Modern Accident Analysis Model for Textile Building Fires through Numerical Reconstruction
Authors: Mohsin Ali Shaikh, Weiguo Song, Rehmat Karim, Muhammad Kashan Surahio, Muhammad Usman Shahid
Fire investigations face challenges due to the complexity of fire development, and real-world accidents lack repeatability, making it difficult to apply standardized approaches. The unpredictable nature of fires and the unique conditions of each incident contribute to the complexity, requiring innovative methods and tools for effective analysis and reconstruction. This study proposes to provide the modern accident analysis model through numerical reconstruction for fire investigation in textile buildings. This method employs computer simulation to enhance the overall effectiveness of textile-building investigations. The materials and evidence collected from past incidents reconstruct fire occurrences, progressions, and catastrophic processes. The approach is demonstrated through a case study involving a tragic textile factory fire in Karachi, Pakistan, which claimed 257 lives. The reconstruction method proves invaluable for determining fire origins, assessing losses, establishing accountability, and, significantly, providing preventive insights for complex fire incidents.Keywords: fire investigation, numerical simulation, fire safety, fire incident, textile building
Procedia PDF Downloads 652301 Physicochemical Characterization of Coastal Aerosols over the Mediterranean Comparison with Weather Research and Forecasting-Chem Simulations
Authors: Stephane Laussac, Jacques Piazzola, Gilles Tedeschi
Estimation of the impact of atmospheric aerosols on the climate evolution is an important scientific challenge. One of a major source of particles is constituted by the oceans through the generation of sea-spray aerosols. In coastal areas, marine aerosols can affect air quality through their ability to interact chemically and physically with other aerosol species and gases. The integration of accurate sea-spray emission terms in modeling studies is then required. However, it was found that sea-spray concentrations are not represented with the necessary accuracy in some situations, more particularly at short fetch. In this study, the WRF-Chem model was implemented on a North-Western Mediterranean coastal region. WRF-Chem is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model online-coupled with chemistry for investigation of regional-scale air quality which simulates the emission, transport, mixing, and chemical transformation of trace gases and aerosols simultaneously with the meteorology. One of the objectives was to test the ability of the WRF-Chem model to represent the fine details of the coastal geography to provide accurate predictions of sea spray evolution for different fetches and the anthropogenic aerosols. To assess the performance of the model, a comparison between the model predictions using a local emission inventory and the physicochemical analysis of aerosol concentrations measured for different wind direction on the island of Porquerolles located 10 km south of the French Riviera is proposed.Keywords: sea-spray aerosols, coastal areas, sea-spray concentrations, short fetch, WRF-Chem model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1962300 Studying on Pile Seismic Operation with Numerical Method by Using FLAC 3D Software
Authors: Hossein Motaghedi, Kaveh Arkani, Siavash Salamatpoor
Usually the piles are important tools for safety and economical design of high and heavy structures. For this aim the response of single pile under dynamic load is so effective. Also, the agents which have influence on single pile response are properties of pile geometrical, soil and subjected loads. In this study the finite difference numerical method and by using FLAC 3D software is used for evaluation of single pile behavior under peak ground acceleration (PGA) of El Centro earthquake record in California (1940). The results of this models compared by experimental results of other researchers and it will be seen that the results of this models are approximately coincide by experimental data's. For example the maximum moment and displacement in top of the pile is corresponding to the other experimental results of pervious researchers. Furthermore, in this paper is tried to evaluate the effective properties between soil and pile. The results is shown that by increasing the pile diagonal, the pile top displacement will be decreased. As well as, by increasing the length of pile, the top displacement will be increased. Also, by increasing the stiffness ratio of pile to soil, the produced moment in pile body will be increased and the taller piles have more interaction by soils and have high inertia. So, these results can help directly to optimization design of pile dimensions.Keywords: pile seismic response, interaction between soil and pile, numerical analysis, FLAC 3D
Procedia PDF Downloads 3902299 Facilitation of Digital Culture and Creativity through an Ideation Strategy: A Case Study with an Incumbent Automotive Manufacturer
Authors: K. Ö. Kartal, L. Maul, M. Hägele
With the development of new technologies come additional opportunities for the founding of companies and new markets to be created. The barriers to entry are lowered and technology makes old business models obsolete. Incumbent companies have to be adaptable to this quickly changing environment. They have to start the process of digital maturation and they have to be able to adapt quickly to new and drastic changes that might arise. One of the biggest barriers for organizations in order to do so is their culture. This paper shows the core elements of a corporate culture that supports the process of digital maturation in incumbent organizations. Furthermore, it is explored how ideation and innovation can be used in a strategy in order to facilitate these core elements of culture that promote digital maturity. Focus areas are identified for the design of ideation strategies, with the aim to make the facilitation and incitation process more effective, short to long term. Therefore, one in-depth case study is conducted with data collection from interviews, observation, document review and surveys. The findings indicate that digital maturity is connected to cultural shift and 11 relevant elements of digital culture are identified which have to be considered. Based on these 11 core elements, five focus areas that need to be regarded in the design of a strategy that uses ideation and innovation to facilitate the cultural shift are identified. These are: Focus topics, rewards and communication, structure and frequency, regions and new online formats.Keywords: digital transformation, innovation management, ideation strategy, creativity culture, change
Procedia PDF Downloads 1982298 Development of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Sub-Channel Code Available for Wire Spacer
Authors: Qi Lu, Jian Deng, Daishun Huang, Chao Guo
The lead cooled fast reactor is considered as one of the most potential Generation IV nuclear systems due to the low working pressure, the appreciable neutron economy, and the considerable passive characteristics. Meanwhile, the lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) has the related advantages of lead with the weaker corrosiveness, which has been paid much attention by recent decades. Moreover, the sub-channel code is a necessary analysis tool for the reactor thermal-hydraulic design and safety analysis, which has been developed combined with the accumulation of LBE experimental data and the understanding of physical phenomena. In this study, a sub-channel code available for LBE was developed, and the corresponding geometric characterization method of typical sub-channels was described in detail, especially for for the fuel assembly with wire spacer. As for this sub-channel code, the transversal thermal conduction through gap was taken into account. In addition, the physical properties, the heat transfer model, the flow resistance model and the turbulent mixing model were analyzed. Finally, the thermal-hydraulic experiments of LBE conducted on THEADES (THErmal-hydraulics and Ads DESign) were selected as the evaluation data of this sub-channel code, including 19 rods with wire spacer, and the calculated results were in good agreement with the experimental results.Keywords: lead bismuth eutectic, sub-channel code, wire spacer, transversal thermal conduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1322297 MiRNA Regulation of CXCL12β during Inflammation
Authors: Raju Ranjha, Surbhi Aggarwal
Background: Inflammation plays an important role in infectious and non-infectious diseases. MiRNA is also reported to play role in inflammation and associated cancers. Chemokine CXCL12 is also known to play role in inflammation and various cancers. CXCL12/CXCR4 chemokine axis was involved in pathogenesis of IBD specially UC. Supplementation of CXCL12 induces homing of dendritic cells to spleen and enhances control of plasmodium parasite in BALB/c mice. We looked at the regulation of CXCL12β by miRNA in UC colitis. Prolonged inflammation of colon in UC patient increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer. We looked at the expression differences of CXCl12β and its targeting miRNA in cancer susceptible area of colon of UC patients. Aim: Aim of this study was to find out the expression regulation of CXCL12β by miRNA in inflammation. Materials and Methods: Biopsy samples and blood samples were collected from UC patients and non-IBD controls. mRNA expression was analyzed using microarray and real-time PCR. CXCL12β targeting miRNA were looked by using online target prediction tools. Expression of CXCL12β in blood samples and cell line supernatant was analyzed using ELISA. miRNA target was validated using dual luciferase assay. Results and conclusion: We found miR-200a regulate the expression of CXCL12β in UC. Expression of CXCL12β was increased in cancer susceptible part of colon and expression of its targeting miRNA was decreased in the same part of colon. miR-200a regulate CXCL12β expression in inflammation and may be an important therapeutic target in inflammation associated cancer.Keywords: inflammation, miRNA, regulation, CXCL12
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782296 The Characteristics of the Graduates Based on Thailand Qualification Framework (TQF) of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Apinya Mungaomklang, Natakamol Lookkham
The purpose of this research is to study the characteristics of the graduates based on Thailand Qualification Framework (TQF) of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The population of the research was employers/entrepreneurs/supervisors of students who were doing Professional Experiences course in their respective organizations during semester 1/2012. Data were collected during the month of September 2012 from the total number of 100 people. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire developed by the research team. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation using a computer program. The results showed that most of the surveyed organizations were private companies. The program with most students doing Professional Experiences course was Safety Technology and Occupational Health. The nature of work that most students did was associated with the document. Employers/ entrepreneurs/employers’ opinions on the characteristics of the graduates based on TQF received high scores. Cognitive skills received the highest score, followed by interpersonal relationships and responsibilities, ethics and moral, numerical analysis skills, communication and information technology skills, and knowledge, respectively.Keywords: graduates characteristics, Thailand Qualification Framework, employers, entrepreneurs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3182295 Setting the Baseline for a Sentinel System for the Identification of Occupational Risk Factors in Africa
Authors: Menouni Aziza, Chbihi Kaoutar, Duca Radu Corneliu, Gilissen Liesbeth, Bounou Salim, Godderis Lode, El Jaafari Samir
In Africa, environmental and occupational health risks are mostly underreported. The aim of this research is to develop and implement a sentinel surveillance system comprising training and guidance of occupational physicians (OC) who will report new work-related diseases in African countries. A group of 30 OC are recruited and trained in each of the partner countries (Morocco, Benin and Ethiopia). Each committed OC is asked to recruit 50 workers during a consultation in a time-frame of 6 months (1500 workers per country). Workers are asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their health status and work conditions, including exposure to 20 chemicals. Urine and blood samples are then collected for human biomonitoring of common exposures. Some preliminary results showed that 92% of the employees surveyed are exposed to physical constraints, 44% to chemical agents, and 24% to biological agents. The most common physical constraints are manual handling of loads, noise pollution and thermal pollution. The most frequent chemical risks are exposure to pesticides and fuels. This project will allow a better understanding of effective sentinel systems as a promising method to gather high quality data, which can support policy-making in terms of preventing emerging work-related diseases.Keywords: sentinel system, occupational diseases, human biomonitoring, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 822294 3D Multiuser Virtual Environments in Language Teaching
Authors: Hana Maresova, Daniel Ecler
The paper focuses on the use of 3D multi-user virtual environments (MUVE) in language teaching and presents the results of four years of research at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). In the form of an experiment, mother tongue language teaching in the 3D virtual worlds Second Life and Kitely (experimental group) and parallel traditional teaching on identical topics representing teacher's interpretation using a textbook (control group) were implemented. The didactic test, which was presented to the experimental and control groups in an identical form before and after the instruction, verified the effect of the instruction in the experimental group by comparing the results obtained by both groups. Within the three components of mother-tongue teaching (vocabulary, literature, style and communication education), the students in the literature group achieved partially better results (statistically significant in the case of items devoted to the area of visualization of the learning topic), while in the case of grammar and style education the respondents of the control group achieved better results. On the basis of the results obtained, we can conclude that the most appropriate use of MUVE can be seen in the teaching of those topics that provide the possibility of dramatization, experiential learning and group involvement and cooperation, on the contrary, with regard to the need to divide students attention between the topic taught and the control of avatar and movement in virtual reality as less suitable for teaching in the area of memorization of the topic or concepts.Keywords: distance learning, 3D virtual environments, online teaching, language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1632293 The Long-Term Leaching Behaviour of 137Cs, 60Co and 152Eu Radionuclides Incorporated in Mortar Matrices Made from Natural Aggregates and Recycled Aggregates
Authors: R. Deju, M. Mincu, D. Gurau
During the interim storage or final disposal of low level waste, migration/diffusion of radionuclides can occur when the waste comes in contact with water. The long-term leaching behaviour into surrounding fluid (demineralized water) of 137Cs, 60Co and 152Eu radionuclides, artificially incorporated in mortar matrices made from natural aggregates (river sand) and recycled radioactive concrete was studied. Results presented in this work are obtained in two years of mortar testing and will be used for the safety increasing in the storage of low level radioactive waste. The study involved the influence of curing time, type and size distribution of the aggregates on leaching behaviour. The mortar samples were immersed in distilled water for 30 days. The leached activity of the mortar samples was measured on samples from the immersing water and analyzed through a gamma-ray spectrometry method using an HPGe detector with a GESPECOR code for efficiency evaluation. The long-term leaching behaviour of the radionuclides was evaluated from the leaching data calculating the apparent diffusion coefficient.Keywords: gamma spectrometry, leaching behavior, reuse and recycling of radioactive concrete, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2482292 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis With Web Based Application
Authors: Shreyansh Singh, Afroz Ahmed
Sentiment Analysis intends to naturally reveal the hidden mentality that we hold towards an entity. The total of this assumption over a populace addresses sentiment surveying and has various applications. Current text-based sentiment analysis depends on the development of word embeddings and Machine Learning models that take in conclusion from enormous text corpora. Sentiment Analysis from text is presently generally utilized for consumer loyalty appraisal and brand insight investigation. With the expansion of online media, multimodal assessment investigation is set to carry new freedoms with the appearance of integral information streams for improving and going past text-based feeling examination using the new transforms methods. Since supposition can be distinguished through compelling follows it leaves, like facial and vocal presentations, multimodal opinion investigation offers good roads for examining facial and vocal articulations notwithstanding the record or printed content. These methodologies use the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with the LSTM modes to increase their performance. In this study, we characterize feeling and the issue of multimodal assessment investigation and audit ongoing advancements in multimodal notion examination in various spaces, including spoken surveys, pictures, video websites, human-machine, and human-human connections. Difficulties and chances of this arising field are additionally examined, promoting our theory that multimodal feeling investigation holds critical undiscovered potential.Keywords: sentiment analysis, RNN, LSTM, word embeddings
Procedia PDF Downloads 1202291 Serviceability of Fabric-Formed Concrete Structures
Authors: Yadgar Tayfur, Antony Darby, Tim Ibell, Mark Evernden, John Orr
Fabric form-work is a technique to cast concrete structures with a great advantage of saving concrete material of up to 40%. This technique is particularly associated with the optimized concrete structures that usually have smaller cross-section dimensions than equivalent prismatic members. However, this can make the structural system produced from these members prone to smaller serviceability safety margins. Therefore, it is very important to understand the serviceability issue of non-prismatic concrete structures. In this paper, an analytical computer-based model to optimize concrete beams and to predict load-deflection behaviour of both prismatic and non-prismatic concrete beams is presented. The model was developed based on the method of sectional analysis and integration of curvatures. Results from the analytical model were compared to load-deflection behaviour of a number of beams with different geometric and material properties from other researchers. The results of the comparison show that the analytical program can accurately predict the load-deflection response of concrete beams with medium reinforcement ratios. However, it over-estimates deflection values for lightly reinforced specimens. Finally, the analytical program acceptably predicted load-deflection behaviour of on-prismatic concrete beams.Keywords: fabric-formed concrete, continuous beams, optimisation, serviceability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3722290 Viability of Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation in Agronomic and Vegetable Crops Production
Authors: Ali Montazar
This study aims to assess the viability of sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) using several ongoing and conducted researches in the low desert region of California. The experiments were carried out in the University of California Desert Research and Extension Center (UC DREC) and ten commercial fields at alfalfa, sugar beets, dehydrated onions, and spinach crops. The results demonstrated greater yields, actual crop water consumption, and water productivity of SDI as compared with conventional irrigation practices (border, furrow, and sprinkler irrigation) with an average increase of 21%, 7%, and 15%, respectively. The severity of plant disease, particularly root rot in sugar beet, and downy mildew in onions and spinach, were significantly lower in SDI than furrow and sprinkler irrigation (an average of 3-5 times). While utilizing this irrigation technology may have ability to achieve higher yields, conserve water, improve the efficiency of water and nutrient use, and manage food safety risks and plant disease, further work is required to better understand the impact of management practices and strategies on the viability of SDI application, and maintain its profitability in various agricultural production systems as water, labor costs, and environmental concerns increase.Keywords: alfalfa, onions, spinach, sugar beets, subsurface drip irrigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282289 Predictive Modelling Approaches in Food Processing and Safety
Authors: Amandeep Sharma, Digvaijay Verma, Ruplal Choudhary
Food processing is an activity across the globe that help in better handling of agricultural produce, including dairy, meat, and fish. The operations carried out in the food industry includes raw material quality authenticity; sorting and grading; processing into various products using thermal treatments – heating, freezing, and chilling; packaging; and storage at the appropriate temperature to maximize the shelf life of the products. All this is done to safeguard the food products and to ensure the distribution up to the consumer. The approaches to develop predictive models based on mathematical or statistical tools or empirical models’ development has been reported for various milk processing activities, including plant maintenance and wastage. Recently AI is the key factor for the fourth industrial revolution. AI plays a vital role in the food industry, not only in quality and food security but also in different areas such as manufacturing, packaging, and cleaning. A new conceptual model was developed, which shows that smaller sample size as only spectra would be required to predict the other values hence leads to saving on raw materials and chemicals otherwise used for experimentation during the research and new product development activity. It would be a futuristic approach if these tools can be further clubbed with the mobile phones through some software development for their real time application in the field for quality check and traceability of the product.Keywords: predictive modlleing, ann, ai, food
Procedia PDF Downloads 822288 A Hybrid Data Mining Algorithm Based System for Intelligent Defence Mission Readiness and Maintenance Scheduling
Authors: Shivam Dwivedi, Sumit Prakash Gupta, Durga Toshniwal
It is a challenging task in today’s date to keep defence forces in the highest state of combat readiness with budgetary constraints. A huge amount of time and money is squandered in the unnecessary and expensive traditional maintenance activities. To overcome this limitation Defence Intelligent Mission Readiness and Maintenance Scheduling System has been proposed, which ameliorates the maintenance system by diagnosing the condition and predicting the maintenance requirements. Based on new data mining algorithms, this system intelligently optimises mission readiness for imminent operations and maintenance scheduling in repair echelons. With modified data mining algorithms such as Weighted Feature Ranking Genetic Algorithm and SVM-Random Forest Linear ensemble, it improves the reliability, availability and safety, alongside reducing maintenance cost and Equipment Out of Action (EOA) time. The results clearly conclude that the introduced algorithms have an edge over the conventional data mining algorithms. The system utilizing the intelligent condition-based maintenance approach improves the operational and maintenance decision strategy of the defence force.Keywords: condition based maintenance, data mining, defence maintenance, ensemble, genetic algorithms, maintenance scheduling, mission capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2972287 Application of Medium High Hydrostatic Pressure in Preserving Textural Quality and Safety of Pineapple Compote
Authors: Nazim Uddin, Yohiko Nakaura, Kazutaka Yamamoto
Compote (fruit in syrup) of pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merrill) is expected to have a high market potential as one of convenient ready-to-eat (RTE) foods worldwide. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) in combination with low temperature (LT) was applied to the processing of pineapple compote as well as medium HHP (MHHP) in combination with medium-high temperature (MHT) since both processes can enhance liquid impregnation and inactivate microbes. MHHP+MHT (55 or 65 °C) process, as well as the HHP+LT process, has successfully inactivated the microbes in the compote to a non-detectable level. Although the compotes processed by MHHP+MHT or HHP+LT have lost the fresh texture as in a similar manner as those processed solely by heat, it was indicated that the texture degradations by heat were suppressed under MHHP. Degassing process reduced the hardness, while calcium (Ca) contributed to be retained hardness in MHT and MHHP+MHT processes. Electrical impedance measurement supported the damage due to degassing and heat. The color, Brix, and appearance were not affected by the processing methods significantly. MHHP+MHT and HHP+LT processes may be applicable to produce high-quality, safe RTE pineapple compotes. Further studies on the optimization of packaging and storage condition will be indispensable for commercialization.Keywords: compote of pineapple, RTE, medium high hydrostatic pressure, postharvest loss, texture
Procedia PDF Downloads 1372286 In vitro Investigation of Genotoxic and Antigenotoxic Properties of Gunnera perpensa Roots Extracts
Authors: P. H. Mfengwana, S. S. Mashele, L. Verschaeve, R. Anthonissen, I. T. Manduna
Gunnera perpensa is traditionally used mostly by women for the treatment of different gynaecological related conditions due to its proven uterine contractility effects. The uses of this plant include menstrual pain relief, treatment of infertility and promotion of easy labour. However, even though this plant species has been reported to possess numerous medicinal properties, to author’s best knowledge, its safety has not been investigated. Thus, this study was aimed at investigating the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of Gunnera perpensa aqueous, methanol and dichloromethane extracts. The in vitro toxicity of the plant extracts was assessed with the neutral red uptake (NRU) test. Genotoxic and antigenotoxic properties of Gunnera perpensa were investigated using high-throughput assays: bacterial Vitotox test and the alkaline comet assay with and without S9 activation on human C3A cells. Ethyl Methanesulfonate (EMS) and 4-nitroquinoline-oxide (4-NQO) were used as positive controls, respectively. All extracts showed toxicity in a dose-dependent manner; however, that does not mean they were all genotoxic. Methanol extract did show genotoxicity with S9 (metabolism) only at the highest concentration of 500 µg/ml due to increased DNA damage observed, however, no genotoxicity was observed from other concentrations. Therefore, the results show that Gunnera perpensa extracts are genotoxic and not safe for human use.Keywords: antigenotoxicity, comet test, genotoxicity, Gunnera perpensa, vitotox assay
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