Search results for: home network
2484 Assessment of Cafe Design Criteria in a Consumerist Society: An Approach on Place Attachment
Authors: Azadeh Razzagh Shoar, Hassan Sadeghi Naeini
There is little doubt that concepts such as space and place have become more common considering that human beings have grown more apart and more than having contact with each other, they are in contact with objects, spaces, and places. Cafés, as a third place which is neither home nor workplace, have attracted these authors’ interests, who are industrial and interior designers. There has been much research on providing suitable cafés, customer behavior, and criteria for spatial sense. However, little research has been carried out on consumerism, desire for variety, and their relationship with changing places, and specifically cafes in term of interior design. In fact, customer’s sense of place has mostly been overlooked. In this case study, authors conducted to challenge the desire for variety and consumerism as well as investigating the addictive factors in cafés. From the designers’ point of view and by collecting data through observing and interviewing café managers, this study investigates and analyzes the customers in two cafes located in a commercial building in northern Tehran (a part of city with above average economic conditions). Since these two cafés are at the same level in terms of interior and spatial design, the question is raised as to why customers patronize the newly built café despite their loyalty to the older café. This study aims to investigate and find the criteria based on the sense of space (café) in a consumerist society, a world where consumption is a myth. Going to cafés in a larger scale than a product can show a selection and finally who you are, where you go, which brand of coffee you prefer, and what time of the day you would like to have your coffee. The results show that since people spend time in cafés more than any other third place, the interaction they have with their environment is more than anything else, and they are consumers of time and place more than coffee or any other product. Also, if there is a sense of consumerism and variety, it is mostly for the place rather than coffee and other products. To satisfy this sense, individuals go to a new place (the new café). It can be easily observed that this sense overshadows the sense of efficiency, design, facilities and all important factor for a café.Keywords: place, cafe, consumerist society, consumerism, desire for variety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1682483 The Effect of Technology on Legal Securities and Privacy Issues
Authors: Nancy Samuel Reyad Farhan
even though international crook law has grown considerably inside the ultimate decades, it still remains fragmented and lacks doctrinal cohesiveness. Its idea is defined within the doctrine as pretty disputable. there is no concrete definition of the term. in the home doctrine, the hassle of crook law troubles that rise up within the worldwide setting, and international troubles that get up in the national crook regulation, is underdeveloped each theoretically and nearly. To the exceptional of writer’s know-how, there aren't any studies describing worldwide elements of crook law in a complete way, taking a more expansive view of the difficulty. This paper provides consequences of a part of the doctoral studies, assignment a theoretical framework of the worldwide crook law. It ambitions at checking out the present terminology on international components of criminal law. It demonstrates differences among the notions of global crook regulation, criminal regulation international and law worldwide crook. It confronts the belief of crook regulation with associated disciplines and indicates their interplay. It specifies the scope of international criminal regulation. It diagnoses the contemporary criminal framework of global components of criminal regulation, referring to each crook law issues that rise up inside the international setting, and international problems that rise up within the context of national criminal law. ultimately, de lege lata postulates had been formulated and route of modifications in global criminal law turned into proposed. The followed studies hypothesis assumed that the belief of international criminal regulation became inconsistent, not understood uniformly, and there has been no conformity as to its location inside the system of regulation, objective and subjective scopes, while the domestic doctrine did not correspond with international requirements and differed from the global doctrine. applied research strategies covered inter alia a dogmatic and legal technique, an analytical technique, a comparative approach, in addition to desk studies.Keywords: social networks privacy issues, social networks security issues, social networks privacy precautions measures, social networks security precautions measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 362482 Empirical and Indian Automotive Equity Portfolio Decision Support
Authors: P. Sankar, P. James Daniel Paul, Siddhant Sahu
A brief review of the empirical studies on the methodology of the stock market decision support would indicate that they are at a threshold of validating the accuracy of the traditional and the fuzzy, artificial neural network and the decision trees. Many researchers have been attempting to compare these models using various data sets worldwide. However, the research community is on the way to the conclusive confidence in the emerged models. This paper attempts to use the automotive sector stock prices from National Stock Exchange (NSE), India and analyze them for the intra-sectorial support for stock market decisions. The study identifies the significant variables and their lags which affect the price of the stocks using OLS analysis and decision tree classifiers.Keywords: Indian automotive sector, stock market decisions, equity portfolio analysis, decision tree classifiers, statistical data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4882481 Analysis of Maternal Death Surveillance and Response: Causes and Contributing Factors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022
Authors: Sisay Tiroro Salato
Background: Ethiopia has been implementing the maternal death surveillance and response system to provide real-time actionable information, including causes of death and contributing factors. Analysis of maternal mortality surveillance data was conducted to identify the causes and underlying factors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods: We carried out a retrospective surveillance data analysis of 324 maternal deaths reported in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 2017 to 2021. The data were extracted from the national maternal death surveillance and response database, including information from case investigation, verbal autopsy, and facility extraction forms. The data were analyzed by computing frequency and presented in numbers, proportions, and ratios. Results: Of 324 maternal deaths, 92% died in the health facilities, 6.2% in transit, and 1.5% at home. The mean age at death was 28 years, ranging from 17 to 45. The maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births was 77for the five years, ranging from 126 in 2017 to 21 in 2021. The direct and indirect causes of death were responsible for 87% and 13%, respectively. The direct causes included obstetric haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, puerperal sepsis, embolism, obstructed labour, and abortion. The third delay (delay in receiving care after reaching health facilities) accounted for 57% of deaths, while the first delay (delay in deciding to seek health care) and the second delay (delay in reaching health facilities) and accounted for 34% and 24%, respectively. Late arrival to the referral facility, delayed management after admission, andnon-recognition of danger signs were underlying factors. Conclusion: Over 86% of maternal deaths were attributed by avoidable direct causes. The majority of women do try to reach health services when an emergency occurs, but the third delays present a major problem. Improving the quality of care at the healthcare facility level will help to reduce maternal death.Keywords: maternal death, surveillance, delays, factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1152480 ANFIS Approach for Locating Faults in Underground Cables
Authors: Magdy B. Eteiba, Wael Ismael Wahba, Shimaa Barakat
This paper presents a fault identification, classification and fault location estimation method based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Adaptive Network Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for medium voltage cable in the distribution system. Different faults and locations are simulated by ATP/EMTP, and then certain selected features of the wavelet transformed signals are used as an input for a training process on the ANFIS. Then an accurate fault classifier and locator algorithm was designed, trained and tested using current samples only. The results obtained from ANFIS output were compared with the real output. From the results, it was found that the percentage error between ANFIS output and real output is less than three percent. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed technique is able to offer high accuracy in both of the fault classification and fault location.Keywords: ANFIS, fault location, underground cable, wavelet transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 5172479 Deep-Learning Based Approach to Facial Emotion Recognition through Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Nouha Khediri, Mohammed Ben Ammar, Monji Kherallah
Recently, facial emotion recognition (FER) has become increasingly essential to understand the state of the human mind. Accurately classifying emotion from the face is a challenging task. In this paper, we present a facial emotion recognition approach named CV-FER, benefiting from deep learning, especially CNN and VGG16. First, the data is pre-processed with data cleaning and data rotation. Then, we augment the data and proceed to our FER model, which contains five convolutions layers and five pooling layers. Finally, a softmax classifier is used in the output layer to recognize emotions. Based on the above contents, this paper reviews the works of facial emotion recognition based on deep learning. Experiments show that our model outperforms the other methods using the same FER2013 database and yields a recognition rate of 92%. We also put forward some suggestions for future work.Keywords: CNN, deep-learning, facial emotion recognition, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 972478 The Bioequivalent: A Medical Drug Search Tool Based on a Collaborative Database
Authors: Rosa L. Figueroa, Joselyn A. Hernández
During the last couple of years, the Ministry of Health have been developing new health policies in order to regulate and improve in benefit of the patient the pharmaceutical system in our country. However, there are still some deficiencies in how medicines have been accessed, distributed, and sold. Therefore, it is necessary to empower the patient by offering new instances to improve access to drug information. This work introduces ‘the bioequivalent’ a medical drug search tool created to increase both diffusion and getting information about the therapeutic equivalence of medicines for the patient. The development of the search tool started with a study on the availability of sources of drug information accessible to the patient where advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. The information obtained was used to feed the functional design of the new tool. The design of the new tool shows an external interface that includes a header, body, sidebar and footer. The header has a menu containing ‘Home,’ ‘Who we are,’ and ‘Mission and vision.’ The Body contains the medical drug search tool, and the Sidebar is for the user logging in. It could be anonym, registered user, as well as, administrator. Anonym user could only use the tool. Registered users could add some information on existing medicines in the database; however, adding information will be restricted and limited to specific items and subject to administrator approval because the information added must be endorsed by the Chilean Public Health Institute. On the other hand, the administrator will have all the privileges, including creating or deleting drugs or information about them. The Bioequivalent was tested on different mobile devices, and no fails have been found. Moreover, a small survey was answered by ten people who tested the tool, and all of them agree that the tool was useful to get information about bioequivalent drugs, and they would recommend the tool to others. Nevertheless, an 80% of people who tested the tool says it was easy to use, and a 70% indicates that additional help is not required. These results are evidence that ‘the Bioequivalent’ may contribute to the knowledge about the therapeutic bioequivalence and bioequivalent drugs existing in Chile. As future work, the tool will be developed to make it available to the public for a first testing stage in a more massive scenario.Keywords: collaborative database, bioequivalent drugs, search tool, web platform
Procedia PDF Downloads 2362477 Probabilistic Approach to Contrast Theoretical Predictions from a Public Corruption Game Using Bayesian Networks
Authors: Jaime E. Fernandez, Pablo J. Valverde
This paper presents a methodological approach that aims to contrast/validate theoretical results from a corruption network game through probabilistic analysis of simulated microdata using Bayesian Networks (BNs). The research develops a public corruption model in a game theory framework. Theoretical results suggest a series of 'optimal settings' of model's exogenous parameters that boost the emergence of corruption. The paper contrasts these outcomes with probabilistic inference results based on BNs adjusted over simulated microdata. Principal findings indicate that probabilistic reasoning based on BNs significantly improves parameter specification and causal analysis in a public corruption game.Keywords: Bayesian networks, probabilistic reasoning, public corruption, theoretical games
Procedia PDF Downloads 2122476 Brilliant Candy Consists of Centella asiatica Extract and Soy Milk to Safe Nutrition Child of Indonesia
Authors: Hesti Ghassani, Tessa Septiadi
In the world we live on today, young generation highly influences the future of a nation. We have to concern that the condition of the country in 20 years later depending by the character of young adults these days. Therefore, it is important that we have to support and control the teenagers especially in one of developing countries in which I live in: Indonesia. Indonesia is a home to 240 million people. It diverse in languages, cultures, as well as attitudes. The differences among each individual lead us to think that there is something we have to take care of. It is necessary to pay attention to the nutrition consumed by the nation. We initiate to control the food consumed by young generation as early as a primary students. Nutrition affects the immune of the body, neuron system, and, most importantly brain. One of the nutrition that has to be fulfilled is milk. However, most of the population in Indonesia isn’t aware of the importance of consuming milk as their daily basis. We’ve formed an innovation called the Brilliant Candy which is affordable and rich in nutrition. So that is why the paper made by literature study to solve the problem with effective ways using available resources, practice and cheap. Brilliant Candy consists of Centella asiatica extract mixed with Soy milk. Centella asiatica contains of alkaloid which give the energy to brain and circulate oxygen. Based on the research of Sathya and Ganga, Centella asiatica can increase the intelligence. Indeed, Centella asiatica can relieve stress, and help us in staying focus. Soy milk is a kind of milk which come from extracted soybean. Soybean is rich in flafonoid. It has various advantages for our body. Which can also support child nutrition consumed. Soybean boosts immune system, helps digestive system, and in terms of food, soy bean exists as a source of nutrition. A method to get extraction of Centella asiatica is namely maserasi using ethanol. While making soybean milk with got the pollen of soybean. Both materials get mixed processed into hard candy with congelation of.Keywords: Indonesia, Centella asiatica, Soy milk, alkaloid, flafonoid
Procedia PDF Downloads 3022475 Food Supply Chain Optimization: Achieving Cost Effectiveness Using Predictive Analytics
Authors: Jayant Kumar, Aarcha Jayachandran Sasikala, Barry Adrian Shepherd
Public Distribution System is a flagship welfare programme of the Government of India with both historical and political significance. Targeted at lower sections of society,it is one of the largest supply chain networks in the world. There has been several studies by academics and planning commission about the effectiveness of the system. Our study focuses on applying predictive analytics to aid the central body to keep track of the problem of breach of service level agreement between the two echelons of food supply chain. Each shop breach is leading to a potential additional inventory carrying cost. Thus, through this study, we aim to show that aided with such analytics, the network can be made more cost effective. The methods we illustrate in this study are applicable to other commercial supply chains as well.Keywords: PDS, analytics, cost effectiveness, Karnataka, inventory cost, service level JEL classification: C53
Procedia PDF Downloads 5362474 FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Clock Recovery for TDMoIP Systems
Authors: Semih Demir, Anil Celebi
Circuit switched networks widely used until the end of the 20th century have been transformed into packages switched networks. Time Division Multiplexing over Internet Protocol (TDMoIP) is a system that enables Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) traffic to be carried over packet switched networks (PSN). In TDMoIP systems, devices that send TDM data to the PSN and receive it from the network must operate with the same clock frequency. In this study, it was aimed to implement clock synchronization process in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips using time information attached to the packages received from PSN. The designed hardware is verified using the datasets obtained for the different carrier types and comparing the results with the software model. Field tests are also performed by using the real time TDMoIP system.Keywords: clock recovery on TDMoIP, FPGA, MATLAB reference model, clock synchronization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2812473 Volunteers’ Preparedness for Natural Disasters and EVANDE Project
Authors: A. Kourou, A. Ioakeimidou, E. Bafa, C. Fassoulas, M. Panoutsopoulou
The role of volunteers in disaster management is of decisive importance and the need of their involvement is well recognized, both for prevention measures and for disaster management. During major catastrophes, whereas professional personnel are outsourced, the role of volunteers is crucial. In Greece experience has shown that various groups operating in the civil protection mechanism like local administration staff or volunteers, in many cases do not have the necessary knowledge and information on best practices to act against natural disasters. One of the major problems is the lack of volunteers’ education and training. In the above given framework, this paper presents the results of a survey aimed to identify the level of education and preparedness of civil protection volunteers in Greece. Furthermore, the implementation of earthquake protection measures at individual, family and working level, are explored. More specifically, the survey questionnaire investigates issues regarding pre-earthquake protection actions, appropriate attitudes and behaviors during an earthquake and existence of contingency plans in the workplace. The questionnaires were administered to citizens from different regions of the country and who attend the civil protection training program: “Protect Myself and Others”. A closed-form questionnaire was developed for the survey, which contained questions regarding the following: a) knowledge of self-protective actions; b) existence of emergency planning at home; c) existence of emergency planning at workplace (hazard mitigation actions, evacuation plan, and performance of drills); and, d) respondents` perception about their level of earthquake preparedness. The results revealed a serious lack of knowledge and preparedness among respondents. Taking into consideration the aforementioned gap and in order to raise awareness and improve preparedness and effective response of volunteers acting in civil protection, the EVANDE project was submitted and approved by the European Commission (EC). The aim of that project is to educate and train civil protection volunteers on the most serious natural disasters, such as forest fires, floods, and earthquakes, and thus, increase their performance.Keywords: civil protection, earthquake, preparedness, volunteers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2442472 Transformable Lightweight Structures for Short-term Stay
Authors: Anna Daskalaki, Andreas Ashikalis
This is a conceptual project that suggests an alternative type of summer camp in the forest of Rouvas in the island of Crete. Taking into account some feasts that are organised by the locals or mountaineering clubs near the church of St. John, we created a network of lightweight timber structures that serve the needs of the visitor. These structures are transformable and satisfy the need for rest, food, and sleep – this means a seat, a table and a tent are embodied in each structure. These structures blend in with the environment as they are being installed according to the following parameters: (a) the local relief, (b) the clusters of trees, and (c) the existing paths. Each timber structure could be considered as a module that could be totally independent or part of a bigger construction. The design showcases the advantages of a timber structure as it can be quite adaptive to the needs of the project, but also it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly material that can be recycled. Finally, it is important to note that the basic goal of this project is the minimum alteration of the natural environment.Keywords: lightweight structures, timber, transformable, tent
Procedia PDF Downloads 1732471 Recent Advances in Research on Carotenoids: From Agrofood Production to Health Outcomes
Authors: Antonio J. Melendez-Martinez
Beyond their role as natural colorants, some carotenoids are provitamins A and may be involved in health-promoting biological actions and contribute to reducing the risk of developing non-communicable diseases, including several types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, eye conditions, skin disorders or metabolic disorders. Given the versatility of carotenoids, the COST-funded European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN) is aimed at promoting health through the diet and increasing well-being by means. Stakeholders from 38 countries participate in this network, and one of its main objectives is to promote research on little-studied carotenoids. In this contribution, recent advances of our research group and collaborators in the study of two such understudied carotenoids, namely phytoene and phytofluene, the colorless carotenoids, are outlined. The study of these carotenoids is important as they have been largely neglected despite they are present in our diets, fluids, and tissues, and evidence is accumulating that they may be involved in health-promoting actions. More specifically, studies on their levels in diverse tomato and orange varieties were carried out as well as on their potential bioavailability from different dietary sources. Furthermore, the potential effect of these carotenoids on an animal model subjected to oxidative stress was evaluated. The tomatoes were grown in research greenhouses, and some of them were subjected to regulated deficit irrigation, a sustainable agronomic practice. The citrus samples were obtained from an experimental field. The levels of carotenoids were assessed using HPLC according to routine methodologies followed in our lab. Regarding the potential bioavailability (bioaccessibility) studies, different products containing colorless carotenoids, like fruits, juices, were subjected to simulated in vitro digestions, and their incorporation into mixed micelles was assessed. The effect of the carotenoids on oxidative stress was evaluated on the Caenorhabditis elegans model. For that purpose, the worms were subjected to oxidative stress by means of a hydrogen peroxide challenge. In relation to the presence of colorless carotenoids in tomatoes and orange varieties, it was observed that they are widespread in such products and that there are mutants with very high quantities of them, for instance, the Cara Cara or Pinalate mutant oranges. The studies on their bioaccessibility revealed that, in general, phytoene and phytofluene are more bioaccessible than other common dietary carotenoids, probably due to their distinctive chemical structure. About the in vivo antioxidant capacity of phytoene and phytofluene, it was observed that they both exerted antioxidant effects at certain doses. In conclusion, evidence on the importance of phytoene and phytofluene as dietary easily bioavailable and antioxidant carotenoids has been obtained in recent studies from our group, which can be important shortly to innovate in health-promotion through the development of functional foods and related products.Keywords: carotenoids, health, functional foods, nutrition, phytoene, phytofluene
Procedia PDF Downloads 1042470 Story of Per-: The Radial Network of One Lithuanian Prefix
Authors: Samanta Kietytė
The object of this study is the verbal derivatives stemming from the Lithuanian prefix per-. The prefix under examination can be classified as prepositional, having descended from the preposition per, thereby sharing the same prototypical meaning – denoting movement OVER. These frequently co-occur within sentences (1). The aim of this paper is to conduct a semantic analysis of the prefix per- and to propose a possible radial network of its meanings. In essence, the aim is to identify the interrelationships existing between its meanings. 1) Jis peršoko per tvorą/ 3SG.NOM.M jump.PST.3 over fence.ACC.SG. /ʻHe jumped over the fenceʼ. The foundation of this work lies in the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics. The prototypical meaning of prefixes consistently embodies spatial dimensions that can be described through image schemas. This entails the identification of the trajectory, the landmark, and the relation between them in the situation described by the prefixed verb. The meanings of linguistic units are not perceived as arbitrary, but rather, they are interconnected through semantic motivation. According to this perspective, a singular meaning within linguistic units is considered as prototypical, while additional meanings are descended (not necessarily directly) from it. For example, one of the per- meanings TRANSFER (2) is derived from the prototypical meaning OVER. 2) Prašau persiųsti vadovo laišką man./ Ask.PRS.1 forward.INF manager.GEN.SG email.ACC.SG 1.SG.DAT/ ʻPlease forward the manager‘s email to meʼ. Certain semantic relations are explained by the conceptual metaphor and metonymy theory. For instances, when prefixed verb has a meaning WIN (3) it is related to the prototypical meaning. In this case, the prefixed verb describes situations of winning in various ways. In the prototypical meaning, the trajector moves higher than the landmark, and winning is metaphorically perceived as being higher. 3) Sūnus peraugo tėvą./ Son.NOM.SG outgrow.PST.3 father.ACC.SG/ ʻThe son has outgrown the fatherʼ. The data utilized for this study was collected from the 2014 grammatically annotated text "Lithuanian Web (LithuanianWaC v2)", consisting of 63,645,700 words. Given that the corpus is grammatically lemmatized, the list of the 793 items was obtained using the wordlist function and specifying that verbs starting with per were searched. The list included not only prefixed verbs but also other verbs whose roots have the same letter sequences as prefixes. Also, words with misspellings, without diacritical marks, and words listed for lemmatization errors were rejected, and a total of 475 derivatives were left for further analysis. The semantic analysis revealed that there are 12 distinct meanings of the prefix per-. The spatial meanings were extracted by determining what a trajector is, what a landmark is, and what the relation between them is. The connection between non-spatial meanings and spatial ones occurs through semantic motivation established by identifying elements that correspond to the trajector and landmark. The analysis reveals that there are no strict boundaries among these meanings, instead showing a continuum that encompasses a central core and a peripheral association with their internal structure, i.e., some derivatives are more prototypical of a particular meaning than others.Keywords: word-formation, cognitive semantics, metaphor, radial networks, prototype theory, prefix
Procedia PDF Downloads 782469 The Application of Internet of Things in Healthcare: Building an Interconnected Health Environment
Authors: Quinn Au, Amedeo Carmine, Tauheed Khan Mohd
The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a new development in information technology in recent years, with the potential to improve convenience and efficiency in life. Following the rise of IoT, the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) is another new development in which the benefits of connectivity and user-friendliness from social network services (SNS) are its main features. With the introduction of IoT, the world will be much more modernized, convenient, and industrialized. This paper will discuss the applications of IoT in different sectors such as healthcare services, education, and lifestyle. The privacy challenges that IoT still poses to user data will also be discussed. Finally, an empirical study to evaluate the number of active installed IoT connections in recent years demonstrates the increase in usage of IoT regardless of the privacy challenges. The study also examines some types of IoT devices that are being preferred in the market and predictions from researchers about IoT in the upcoming years.Keywords: IoT, health care, robotics, social Internet of Things
Procedia PDF Downloads 1542468 Rewritten Oedipus Complex: Huo Datong’s Complex of Generation
Authors: Xinyu Chen
This article reviews Chinese psychoanalytic theorist, Dr. Huo Datong’s notion, the complex of generation, around which Huo conceptualizes a localized set to recapitulate the unconscious structure of Chinese people. Psychoanalysis underwent constant localization influenced by the socio-cultural milieu and endeavored by scholars receiving training backgrounds from different psychoanalytic schools. Dr. Huo Datong is one of the representatives with a Sino-French background of psychoanalytic training, whose enterprise has demonstrated psychoanalysis's cultural and ideological accommodability. Insufficient academic attention has been paid to this concept as the core of Huo’s re-framework. This notion is put forward by sharing a western psychoanalytic reading of Chinese mythologies to contour Chinese unconsciousness. Regarding Huo’s interpretation of the Chinese kinship network as the basis to propose an omnipotent symbolic mother rather than an Oedipal father, this article intends to review this notion in terms of its mythological root to evaluate the theoretical practicality.Keywords: psychoanalysis, China, Huo Datong, mythology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2542467 Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
Authors: T. Damak, O. Kriaa, A. Baccar, M. A. Ben Ayed, N. Masmoudi
In the last few years, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems have become widely used in the safety, the security, and the commercial aspects. Forethought, several methods and techniques are computing to achieve the better levels in terms of accuracy and real time execution. This paper proposed a computer vision algorithm of Number Plate Localization (NPL) and Characters Segmentation (CS). In addition, it proposed an improved method in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based on Deep Learning (DL) techniques. In order to identify the number of detected plate after NPL and CS steps, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm is proposed. A DL model is developed using four convolution layers, two layers of Maxpooling, and six layers of fully connected. The model was trained by number image database on the Jetson TX2 NVIDIA target. The accuracy result has achieved 95.84%.Keywords: ANPR, CS, CNN, deep learning, NPL
Procedia PDF Downloads 3072466 Trend of Foot and Mouth Disease and Adopted Control Measures in Limpopo Province during the Period 2014 to 2020
Authors: Temosho Promise Chuene, T. Chitura
Background: Foot and mouth disease is a real challenge in South Africa. The disease is a serious threat to the viability of livestock farming initiatives and affects local and international livestock trade. In Limpopo Province, the Kruger National Park and other game reserves are home to the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), a notorious reservoir of the picornavirus, which causes foot and mouth disease. Out of the virus’s seven (7) distinct serotypes, Southern African Territories (SAT) 1, 2, and 3 are commonly endemic in South Africa. The broad objective of the study was to establish the trend of foot and mouth disease in Limpopo Province over a seven-year period (2014-2020), as well as the adoption and comprehensive reporting of the measures that are taken to contain disease outbreaks in the study area. Methods: The study used secondary data from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) on reported cases of foot and mouth disease in South Africa. Descriptive analysis (frequencies and percentages) and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to present and analyse the data. Result: The year 2020 had the highest prevalence of foot and mouth disease (3.72%), while 2016 had the lowest prevalence (0.05%). Serotype SAT 2 was the most endemic, followed by SAT 1. Findings from the study demonstrated the seasonal nature of foot and mouth disease in the study area, as most disease cases were reported in the summer seasons. Slaughter of diseased and at-risk animals was the only documented disease control strategy, and information was missing for some of the years. Conclusion: The study identified serious underreporting of the adopted control strategies following disease outbreaks. Adoption of comprehensive disease control strategies coupled with thorough reporting can help to reduce outbreaks of foot and mouth disease and prevent losses to the livestock farming sector of South Africa and Limpopo Province in particular.Keywords: livestock farming, African buffalo, prevalence, serotype, slaughter
Procedia PDF Downloads 682465 Integrating High-Performance Transport Modes into Transport Networks: A Multidimensional Impact Analysis
Authors: Sarah Pfoser, Lisa-Maria Putz, Thomas Berger
In the EU, the transport sector accounts for roughly one fourth of the total greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the transport sector is one of the main contributors of greenhouse gas emissions. Climate protection targets aim to reduce the negative effects of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. climate change, global warming) worldwide. Achieving a modal shift to foster environmentally friendly modes of transport such as rail and inland waterways is an important strategy to fulfill the climate protection targets. The present paper goes beyond these conventional transport modes and reflects upon currently emerging high-performance transport modes that yield the potential of complementing future transport systems in an efficient way. It will be defined which properties describe high-performance transport modes, which types of technology are included and what is their potential to contribute to a sustainable future transport network. The first step of this paper is to compile state-of-the-art information about high-performance transport modes to find out which technologies are currently emerging. A multidimensional impact analysis will be conducted afterwards to evaluate which of the technologies is most promising. This analysis will be performed from a spatial, social, economic and environmental perspective. Frequently used instruments such as cost-benefit analysis and SWOT analysis will be applied for the multidimensional assessment. The estimations for the analysis will be derived based on desktop research and discussions in an interdisciplinary team of researchers. For the purpose of this work, high-performance transport modes are characterized as transport modes with very fast and very high throughput connections that could act as efficient extension to the existing transport network. The recently proposed hyperloop system represents a potential high-performance transport mode which might be an innovative supplement for the current transport networks. The idea of hyperloops is that persons and freight are shipped in a tube at more than airline speed. Another innovative technology consists in drones for freight transport. Amazon already tests drones for their parcel shipments, they aim for delivery times of 30 minutes. Drones can, therefore, be considered as high-performance transport modes as well. The Trans-European Transport Networks program (TEN-T) addresses the expansion of transport grids in Europe and also includes high speed rail connections to better connect important European cities. These services should increase competitiveness of rail and are intended to replace aviation, which is known to be a polluting transport mode. In this sense, the integration of high-performance transport modes as described above facilitates the objectives of the TEN-T program. The results of the multidimensional impact analysis will reveal potential future effects of the integration of high-performance modes into transport networks. Building on that, a recommendation on the following (research) steps can be given which are necessary to ensure the most efficient implementation and integration processes.Keywords: drones, future transport networks, high performance transport modes, hyperloops, impact analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3332464 Correlates of Modes of Transportation to Work among Working Adults in Ernakulam District, Kerala
Authors: Anjaly Joseph, Elezebeth Mathews
Transportation and urban planning is the least recognised area for physical activity promotion in India, unlike developed regions. Identifying the preferred transportation modalities and factors associated with it is essential to address these lacunae. The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of modes of transportation to work, and its correlates among working adults in Ernakulam District, Kerala. A cross sectional study was conducted among 350 working individuals in the age group of 18-60 years, selected through multi-staged stratified random sampling in Ernakulam district of Kerala. The inclusion criteria were working individuals 18-60 years, workplace at a distance of more than 1 km from the home and who worked five or more days a week. Pregnant women/women on maternity leave and drivers (taxi drivers, autorickshaw drivers, and lorry drivers) were excluded. An interview schedule was used to capture the modes of transportation namely, public, private and active transportation, socio demographic details, travel behaviour, anthropometric measurements and health status. Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of them used private transportation to work, while active commuters were only 6.6 percent. The correlates identified for active commuting compared to other modes were low socio-economic status (OR=0.22, CI=0.5-0.85) and presence of a driving license (OR=4.95, CI= 1.59-15.45). The correlates identified for public transportation compared to private transportation were female gender (OR= 17.79, CI= 6.26-50.31), low income (OR=0.33, CI= 0.11-0.93), being unmarried (OR=5.19, CI=1.46-8.37), presence of no or only one private vehicle in the house (OR=4.23, CI=1.24-20.54) and presence of convenient public transportation facility to workplace (OR=3.97, CI= 1.66-9.47). The association between body mass index (BMI) and public transportation were explored and found that public transport users had lesser BMI than private commuters (OR=2.30, CI=1.23-4.29). Policies that encourage active and public transportation needs to be introduced such as discouraging private vehicle through taxes, introduction of convenient and safe public transportation facility, walking/cycling paths, and paid parking facility.Keywords: active transportation, correlates, India, public transportation, transportation modes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1672463 Load Balancing Algorithms for SIP Server Clusters in Cloud Computing
Authors: Tanmay Raj, Vedika Gupta
For its groundbreaking and substantial power, cloud computing is today’s most popular breakthrough. It is a sort of Internet-based computing that allows users to request and receive numerous services in a cost-effective manner. Virtualization, grid computing, and utility computing are the most widely employed emerging technologies in cloud computing, making it the most powerful. However, cloud computing still has a number of key challenges, such as security, load balancing, and non-critical failure adaption, to name a few. The massive growth of cloud computing will put an undue strain on servers. As a result, network performance will deteriorate. A good load balancing adjustment can make cloud computing more productive and in- crease client fulfillment execution. Load balancing is an important part of cloud computing because it prevents certain nodes from being overwhelmed while others are idle or have little work to perform. Response time, cost, throughput, performance, and resource usage are all parameters that may be improved using load balancing.Keywords: cloud computing, load balancing, computing, SIP server clusters
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282462 A Hybrid MAC Protocol for Delay Constrained Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Hanefi Cinar, Musa Cibuk, Ismail Erturk, Fikri Aggun, Munip Geylani
Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSNs) carry heterogeneous data traffic with different urgency and quality of service (QoS) requirements. There are a lot of studies made on energy efficiency, bandwidth, and communication methods in literature. But delay, high throughput, utility parameters are not well considered. Increasing demand for real-time data transfer makes these parameters more important. In this paper we design new MAC protocol which is delay constrained and targets for improving delay, utility, and throughput performance of the network and finding solutions on collision and interference problems. Protocol improving QoS requirements by using TDMA, FDM, and OFDMA hybrid communication methods with multi-channel communication.Keywords: MWSN, delay, hybrid MAC, TDMA, FDM, OFDMA
Procedia PDF Downloads 4822461 Feasibility Assessment of High-Temperature Superconducting AC Cable Lines Implementation in Megacities
Authors: Andrey Kashcheev, Victor Sytnikov, Mikhail Dubinin, Elena Filipeva, Dmitriy Sorokin
Various variants of technical solutions aimed at improving the reliability of power supply to consumers of 110 kV substation are considered. For each technical solution, the results of calculation and analysis of electrical modes and short-circuit currents in the electrical network are presented. The estimation of electric energy consumption for losses within the boundaries of substation reconstruction was carried out in accordance with the methodology for determining the standards of technological losses of electricity during its transmission through electric networks. The assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of the use of HTS CL compared with the complex reconstruction of the 110 kV substation was carried out. It is shown that the use of high-temperature superconducting AC cable lines is a possible alternative to traditional technical solutions used in the reconstruction of substations.Keywords: superconductivity, cable lines, superconducting cable, AC cable, feasibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 1002460 Timely Screening for Palliative Needs in Ambulatory Oncology
Authors: Jaci Mastrandrea
Background: The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recommends that healthcare institutions have established processes for integrating palliative care (PC) into cancer treatment and that all cancer patients be screened for PC needs upon initial diagnosis as well as throughout the entire continuum of care (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2021). Early PC screening is directly correlated with improved patient outcomes. The Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment Center (SLCTC) is an institution that has access to PC services yet does not have protocols in place for identifying patients with palliative needs or a standardized referral process. The aim of this quality improvement project is to improve early access to PC services by establishing a standardized screening and referral process for outpatient oncology patients. Method: The sample population included all adult patients with an oncology diagnosis who presented to the SLCTC for treatment during the project timeline from March 15th, 2022, to April 29th, 2022. The “Palliative and Supportive Needs Assessment'' (PSNA) screening tool was developed from validated and evidence-based PC referral criteria. The tool was initially implemented using paper forms and later was integrated into the Epic-Beacon EHR system. Patients were screened by registered nurses on the SLCTC treatment team. Nurses responsible for screening patients received an educational inservice prior to implementation. Patients with a PSNA score of three or higher were considered to be a positive screen. Scores of five or higher triggered a PC referral order in the patient’s EHR for the oncologist to review and approve. All patients with a positive screen received an educational handout on the topic of PC, and the EHR was flagged for follow-up. Results: Prior to implementation of the PSCNA screening tool, the SLCTC had zero referrals to PC in the past year, excluding referrals to hospice. Data was collected from the first 100 patient screenings completed within the eight-week data collection period. Seventy-three percent of patients met criteria for PC referral with a score greater than or equal to three. Of those patients who met referral criteria, 53.4% (39 patients) were referred for a palliative and supportive care consultation. Patients that were not referred to PC upon meeting the criteria were flagged in the EHR for re-screening within one to three months. Patients with lung cancer, chronic hematologic malignancies, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal malignancy most frequently met criteria for PC referral and scored highest overall on the scale of 0-12. Conclusion: The implementation of a standardized PC screening tool at the SLCTC significantly increased awareness of PC needs among cancer patients in the outpatient setting. Additionally, data derived from this quality improvement project supports the national recommendation for PC to be an integral component of cancer treatment across the entire continuum of care.Keywords: oncology, palliative care, symptom management, symptom screening, ambulatory oncology, cancer, supportive care
Procedia PDF Downloads 772459 Investigation of Different Control Stratgies for UPFC Decoupled Model and the Impact of Location on Control Parameters
Authors: S. A. Al-Qallaf, S. A. Al-Mawsawi, A. Haider
In order to evaluate the performance of a unified power flow controller (UPFC), mathematical models for steady state and dynamic analysis are to be developed. The steady state model is mainly concerned with the incorporation of the UPFC in load flow studies. Several load flow models for UPFC have been introduced in literature, and one of the most reliable models is the decoupled UPFC model. In spite of UPFC decoupled load flow model simplicity, it is more robust compared to other UPFC load flow models and it contains unique capabilities. Some shortcoming such as additional set of nonlinear equations are to be solved separately after the load flow solution is obtained. The aim of this study is to investigate the different control strategies that can be realized in the decoupled load flow model (individual control and combined control), and the impact of the location of the UPFC in the network on its control parameters.Keywords: UPFC, decoupled model, load flow, control parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 5572458 IACOP - Route Optimization in Wireless Networks Using Improved Ant Colony Optimization Protocol
Authors: S. Vasundra, D. Venkatesh
Wireless networks have gone through an extraordinary growth in the past few years, and will keep on playing a crucial role in future data communication. The present wireless networks aim to make communication possible anywhere and anytime. With the converging of mobile and wireless communications with Internet services, the boundary between mobile personal telecommunications and wireless computer networks is disappearing. Wireless networks of the next generation need the support of all the advances on new architectures, standards, and protocols. Since an ad hoc network may consist of a large number of mobile hosts, this imposes a significant challenge on the design of an effective and efficient routing protocol that can work well in an environment with frequent topological changes. This paper proposes improved ant colony optimization (IACO) technique. It also maintains load balancing in wireless networks. The simulation results show that the proposed IACO performs better than existing routing techniques.Keywords: wireless networks, ant colony optimization, load balancing, architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4262457 Application of Deep Learning in Top Pair and Single Top Quark Production at the Large Hadron Collider
Authors: Ijaz Ahmed, Anwar Zada, Muhammad Waqas, M. U. Ashraf
We demonstrate the performance of a very efficient tagger applies on hadronically decaying top quark pairs as signal based on deep neural network algorithms and compares with the QCD multi-jet background events. A significant enhancement of performance in boosted top quark events is observed with our limited computing resources. We also compare modern machine learning approaches and perform a multivariate analysis of boosted top-pair as well as single top quark production through weak interaction at √s = 14 TeV proton-proton Collider. The most relevant known background processes are incorporated. Through the techniques of Boosted Decision Tree (BDT), likelihood and Multlayer Perceptron (MLP) the analysis is trained to observe the performance in comparison with the conventional cut based and count approachKeywords: top tagger, multivariate, deep learning, LHC, single top
Procedia PDF Downloads 1132456 Conviviality as a Principle in Natural and Social Realms
Authors: Xiao Wen Xu
There exists a challenge of accommodating/integrating people at risk and those from various backgrounds in urban areas. The success of interdependence as a tool for survival largely rests on the mutually beneficial relationships amongst individuals within a given society. One approach to meeting this challenge has been written by Ivan Illich in his book, Tools for Conviviality, where he defines 'conviviality' as interactions that help individuals. With the goal of helping the community and applying conviviality as a principle to actors in both natural and social realms of Moss Park in Toronto, the proposal involves redesigning the park and buildings as a series of different health care, extended learning, employment support, armoury, and recreation facilities that integrate the exterior landscape as treatment, teaching, military, and recreation areas; in other words, the proposal links services with access to park space. While buildings are traditionally known to physically provide shelter, parks embody shelter and act as service, as people often find comfort and relief from being in nature, and Moss Park, in particular, is home to many people at risk. This landscape is not only an important space for the homeless community but also the rest of the neighborhood. The thesis proposes that the federal government rebuilds the current armoury, as it is an obsolete building while acknowledging the extensive future developments proposed by developers and its impact on public space. The neighbourhood is an underserved area, and the new design develops not just a new armoury, but also a complex of interrelated services, which are completely integrated into the park. The armoury is redesigned as an integral component of the community that not only serves as training facilities for reservists but also serves as an emergency shelter in sub-zero temperatures for the homeless community. This paper proposes a new design for Moss Park through examining how 'park buildings', interconnected buildings and parks, can foster empowering relationships that create a supportive public realm.Keywords: conviviality, natural, social, Ivan Illich
Procedia PDF Downloads 4052455 Unleashing Potential in Pedagogical Innovation for STEM Education: Applying Knowledge Transfer Technology to Guide a Co-Creation Learning Mechanism for the Lingering Effects Amid COVID-19
Authors: Lan Cheng, Harry Qin, Yang Wang
Background: COVID-19 has induced the largest digital learning experiment in history. There is also emerging research evidence that students have paid a high cost of learning loss from virtual learning. University-wide survey results demonstrate that digital learning remains difficult for students who struggle with learning challenges, isolation, or a lack of resources. Large-scale efforts are therefore increasingly utilized for digital education. To better prepare students in higher education for this grand scientific and technological transformation, STEM education has been prioritized and promoted as a strategic imperative in the ongoing curriculum reform essential for unfinished learning needs and whole-person development. Building upon five key elements identified in the STEM education literature: Problem-based Learning, Community and Belonging, Technology Skills, Personalization of Learning, Connection to the External Community, this case study explores the potential of pedagogical innovation that integrates computational and experimental methodologies to support, enrich, and navigate STEM education. Objectives: The goal of this case study is to create a high-fidelity prototype design for STEM education with knowledge transfer technology that contains a Cooperative Multi-Agent System (CMAS), which has the objectives of (1) conduct assessment to reveal a virtual learning mechanism and establish strategies to facilitate scientific learning engagement, accessibility, and connection within and beyond university setting, (2) explore and validate an interactional co-creation approach embedded in project-based learning activities under the STEM learning context, which is being transformed by both digital technology and student behavior change,(3) formulate and implement the STEM-oriented campaign to guide learning network mapping, mitigate the loss of learning, enhance the learning experience, scale-up inclusive participation. Methods: This study applied a case study strategy and a methodology informed by Social Network Analysis Theory within a cross-disciplinary communication paradigm (students, peers, educators). Knowledge transfer technology is introduced to address learning challenges and to increase the efficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. A co-creation learning framework was identified and investigated in a context-specific way with a learning analytic tool designed in this study. Findings: The result shows that (1) CMAS-empowered learning support reduced students’ confusion, difficulties, and gaps during problem-solving scenarios while increasing learner capacity empowerment, (2) The co-creation learning phenomenon have examined through the lens of the campaign and reveals that an interactive virtual learning environment fosters students to navigate scientific challenge independently and collaboratively, (3) The deliverables brought from the STEM educational campaign provide a methodological framework both within the context of the curriculum design and external community engagement application. Conclusion: This study brings a holistic and coherent pedagogy to cultivates students’ interest in STEM and develop them a knowledge base to integrate and apply knowledge across different STEM disciplines. Through the co-designing and cross-disciplinary educational content and campaign promotion, findings suggest factors to empower evidence-based learning practice while also piloting and tracking the impact of the scholastic value of co-creation under the dynamic learning environment. The data nested under the knowledge transfer technology situates learners’ scientific journey and could pave the way for theoretical advancement and broader scientific enervators within larger datasets, projects, and communities.Keywords: co-creation, cross-disciplinary, knowledge transfer, STEM education, social network analysis
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