Search results for: teaching phases
977 Factors Controlling Marine Shale Porosity: A Case Study between Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian of Upper Yangtze Area, South China
Authors: Xin Li, Zhenxue Jiang, Zhuo Li
Generally, shale gas is trapped within shale systems with low porosity and ultralow permeability as free and adsorbing states. Its production is controlled by properties, in terms of occurrence phases, gas contents, and percolation characteristics. These properties are all influenced by porous features. In this paper, porosity differences of marine shales were explored between Lower Cambrian shale and Lower Silurian shale of Sichuan Basin, South China. Both the two shales were marine shales with abundant oil-prone kerogen and rich siliceous minerals. Whereas Lower Cambrian shale (3.56% Ro) possessed a higher thermal degree than that of Lower Silurian shale (2.31% Ro). Samples were measured by a combination of organic-chemistry geology measurement, organic matter (OM) isolation, X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption, and focused ion beam milling and scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). Lower Cambrian shale presented relatively low pore properties, with averaging 0.008ml/g pore volume (PV), averaging 7.99m²/g pore surface area (PSA) and averaging 5.94nm average pore diameter (APD). Lower Silurian shale showed as relatively high pore properties, with averaging 0.015ml/g PV, averaging 10.53m²/g PSA and averaging 18.60nm APD. Additionally, fractal analysis indicated that the two shales presented discrepant pore morphologies, mainly caused by differences in the combination of pore types between the two shales. More specifically, OM-hosted pores with pin-hole shape and dissolved pores with dead-end openings were the main types in Lower Cambrian shale, while OM-hosted pore with a cellular structure was the main type in Lower Silurian shale. Moreover, porous characteristics of isolated OM suggested that OM of Lower Silurian shale was more capable than that of Lower Cambrian shale in the aspect of pore contribution. PV of isolated OM in Lower Silurian shale was almost 6.6 times higher than that in Lower Cambrian shale, and PSA of isolated OM in Lower Silurian shale was almost 4.3 times higher than that in Lower Cambrian shale. However, no apparent differences existed among samples with various matrix compositions. At late diagenetic or metamorphic epoch, extensive diagenesis overprints the effects of minerals on pore properties and OM plays the dominant role in pore developments. Hence, differences of porous features between the two marine shales highlight the effect of diagenetic degree on OM-hosted pore development. Consequently, distinctive pore characteristics may be caused by the different degrees of diagenetic evolution, even with similar matrix basics.Keywords: marine shale, lower Cambrian, lower Silurian, om isolation, pore properties, om-hosted pore
Procedia PDF Downloads 134976 Investigation on Scattered Dose Rate and Exposure Parameters during Diagnostic Examination Done with an Overcouch X-Ray Tube in Nigerian Teaching Hospital
Authors: Gbenga Martins, Christopher J. Olowookere, Lateef Bamidele, Kehinde O. Olatunji
The aims of this research are to measure the scattered dose rate during an X-ray examination in an X-ray room, compare the scattered dose rate with exposure parameters based on the body region examined, and examine the X-ray examination done with an over couch tube. The research was carried out using Gamma Scout software installation on the computer system (Laptop) to record the radiation counts, pulse rate, and dose rate. The measurement was employed by placing the detector at 900 to the incident X-ray. Proforma was used for the collection of patients’ data such as age, sex, examination type, and initial diagnosis. Data such as focus skin distance (FSD), body mass index (BMI), body thickness of the patients, the beam output (kVp) were collected at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Western Nigeria. Total number of 136 patients was considered during this research. Dose rate range between 14.21 and 86.78 µSv/h for the plain abdominal region, 85.70 and 2.86 µSv/h for the lumbosacral region,1.3 µSv/yr and 3.6 µSv/yr in the pelvis region, 2.71 µSv/yr and 28.88 µSv/yr for leg region, 3.06 µSv/yr and 29.98 µSv/yr in hand region. The results of this study were compared with those of other studies carried out in other countries. The findings of this study indicated that the number of exposure parameters selected for each diagnostic examination contributed to the dose rate recorded. Therefore, these results call for a quality assurance program (QAP) in diagnostic X-ray units in Nigerian hospitals.Keywords: X-radiation, exposure parameters, dose rate, pulse rate, number of counts, tube current, tube potential, diagnostic examination, scattered radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 117975 Social Imagination and History Teaching: Critical Thinking's Possibilities in the Australian Curriculum
Authors: Howard Prosser
This paper examines how critical thinking is framed, especially for primary-school students, in the recently established Australian Curriculum: History. Critical thinking is one of the curriculum’s 'general capabilities.' History provides numerous opportunities for critical thinking’s application in everyday life. The so-called 'history wars' that took place just prior to the curriculum’s introduction in 2014 sought to bring to light the limits of a singular historical narrative and reveal that which had been repressed. Consequently, the Australian history curriculum reflects this shifting mindset. Teachers are presented with opportunities to treat history in the classroom as a repository of social possibility, especially related to democratic potential, beyond hackneyed and jingoistic tales of Australian nationhood. Yet such opportunities are not explicit within the document and are up against pre-existing pedagogic practices. Drawing on political thinker Cornelius Castoriadis’s rendering of the 'social-historical' and 'paidea,' as well as his mobilisation of psychoanalysis, the study outlines how the curriculum’s critical-thinking component opens up possibilities for students and teachers to revise assumptions about how history is understood. This ontological shift is ultimately creative: the teachers’ imaginations connect the students’ imaginations, and vice versa, to the analysis that is at the heart of historical thinking. The implications of this social imagination add to the current discussions about historical consciousness among scholars like Peter Seixas. But, importantly, it has practical application in the primary-school classroom where history becomes creative acts, like play, that is indeterminate and social rather than fixed and individual.Keywords: Australia, Castoriadis, critical thinking, history, imagination
Procedia PDF Downloads 305974 A Qualitative Study of a Workplace International Employee Health Program
Authors: Jennifer Bradley
With opportunities to live and work abroad on the rise, effective preparation and support for international employees needs to be addressed within the work-site. International employees must build new habits, routines and social networks in an unfamiliar culture. Culture shock typically occurs within the first year and can affect both physical and psychological health. Employers have the opportunity to support staff through the adaptation process and foster healthy habits and routines. Cross-cultural training that includes a combination of instructional teaching, cultural experiences, and practice, is shown to increase the international employee adaptation process. However, little evidence demonstrates that organizations provide all of these aspects for international employees. The occupational therapy practitioner (OTP) offers a unique perspective focusing on the employee transactional relationship and engagement of meaningful occupations to enhance and enable participation in roles, habits and routines within new cultural contexts. This paper examines one such program developed and implemented by an OTP at the New England Center for Children, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The effectiveness of the program was assessed via participant feedback and concluded that an international employee support program that focuses on a variety of meaningful experiences and knowledge can empower employees to navigate healthy practices, develop habits and routines, and foster positive inter-cultural relationships in the organization and community.Keywords: occupational therapy practitioner, cross cultural training, international employee health, international employee support
Procedia PDF Downloads 161973 The Applications of Four Fingers Theory: The Proof of 66 Acupoints under the Human Elbow and Knee
Authors: Chih-I. Tsai, Yu-Chien. Lin
Through experiences of clinical practices, it is discovered that locations on the body at a level of four fingerbreadth above and below the joints are the points at which muscles connect to tendons, and since the muscles and tendons possess opposite characteristics, muscles are full of blood but lack qi, while tendons are full of qi but lack blood, these points on our body become easily blocked. It is proposed that through doing acupuncture or creating localized pressure to the areas four fingerbreadths above and below our joints, with an elastic bandage, we could help the energy, also known as qi, to flow smoothly in our body and further improve our health. Based on the Four Fingers Theory, we understand that human height is 22 four fingerbreadths. In addition, qi and blood travel through 24 meridians, 50 times each day, and they flow through 6 cun with every human breath. We can also understand the average number of human heartbeats is 75 times per minute. And the function of qi-blood circulation system in Traditional Chinese Medicine is the same as the blood circulation in Western Medical Science. Informed by Four Fingers Theory, this study further examined its applications in acupuncture practices. The research question is how Four Fingers Theory proves what has been mentioned in Nei Jing that there are 66 acupoints under a human’s elbow and knee. In responding to the research question, there are 66 acupoints under a human’s elbow and knee. Four Fingers Theory facilitated the creation of the acupuncture naming and teaching system. It is expected to serve as an approachable and effective way to deliver knowledge of acupuncture to the public worldwide.Keywords: four fingers theory, meridians circulation, 66 acupoints under human elbow and knee, acupuncture
Procedia PDF Downloads 298972 The Impact of Cooperative Learning on EFL Learners Oral Performance
Authors: Narimen Hamdini
The mastery of a foreign language often implies adequate speaking competency and communication. However, it has been marked that the Algerian students’ oral performance is affected by the lack of language practice opportunities. The present study aims at investigating the impact of cooperative learning strategies on the learners’ oral performance through integrating some learning strategies in oral expression classes. Thus, a quasi-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design was conducted. A convenience sample of 27 second-year students from the University of Jijel, Algeria, was taught during three consecutive weeks through cooperative learning activities in conjunction with regular language instruction in oral expression classes. Regarding data collection, the study makes use of students’ questionnaire, a semi-structured interview with the teachers of oral expression, and orally scored pre-posttest. While the students’ questionnaire aims at exploring the learners ‘speaking difficulties and attitudes towards the implementation of the strategy, the semi-structured interview aims at revealing the teachers’ instructional practices and attitudes toward the integration of CL activities. Finally, the oral tests were conducted before and after the intervention to measure the effect of the strategy on the learners’ oral production. The findings showed that the experimental group scored higher in the posttest. Cooperative learning promotes not only the learner’s oral performances, but also motivation and social skills. Consequently, its implementation in the oral expression classes is validated and recommended.Keywords: cooperative learning, learning, oral performance, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 130971 The Relevance of the U-Shaped Learning Model to the Acquisition of the Difference between C'est and Il Est in the English Learners of French Context
Authors: Pooja Booluck
A U-shaped learning curve entails a three-step process: a good performance followed by a bad performance followed by a good performance again. U-shaped curves have been observed not only in language acquisition but also in various fields such as temperature face recognition object permanence to name a few. Building on previous studies of the curve child language acquisition and Second Language Acquisition this empirical study seeks to investigate the relevance of the U-shaped learning model to the acquisition of the difference between cest and il est in the English Learners of French context. The present study was developed to assess whether older learners of French in the ELF context follow the same acquisition pattern. The empirical study was conducted on 15 English learners of French which lasted six weeks. Compositions and questionnaires were collected from each subject at three time intervals (after one week after three weeks after six weeks) after which students work were graded as being either correct or incorrect. The data indicates that there is evidence of a U-shaped learning curve in the acquisition of cest and il est and students did follow the same acquisition pattern as children in regards to rote-learned terms and subject clitics. This paper also discusses the need to introduce modules on U-shaped learning curve in teaching curriculum as many teachers are unaware of the trajectory learners undertake while acquiring core components in grammar. In addition this study also addresses the need to conduct more research on the acquisition of rote-learned terms and subject clitics in SLA.Keywords: child language acquisition, rote-learning, subject clitics, u-shaped learning model
Procedia PDF Downloads 293970 The Romero-System Clarinet: A Milestone in the 19th Century Clarinet Manufacture
Authors: Pedro Rubio
Antonio Romero y Andía, was one of the most active and interesting figures in 19th century Spanish music. He was not only an exceptional clarinetist, he was also a publisher, a brilliant oboist, a music critic, and he revitalized Madrid’s musical scene by promoting orchestras and a national opera. In 1849, Romero was appointed Professor of Clarinet at the Conservatory of Madrid. Shortly after, Romero introduced to Spain the Boehm-System clarinet recently appeared in France. However, when initial interest in that system waned, he conceived his own system in 1853. The clarinet was manufactured in Paris by Lefêvre, who registered its first patent in 1862. In 1867 a second version was patented, and a year earlier, in 1866, the Romero clarinet was adopted as an official instrument for teaching the clarinet at the Conservatory of Madrid. The Romero-System clarinet mechanism has incorporated numerous additional devices and several extra keys, its skillful combination in a single instrument represents not only one of the pinnacles in the manufacture of musical instruments of the 19th century, but also an authentic synthesis of knowledge and practice in an era in which woodwind instruments were shaped as we know them today. Through the description and analysis of the data related to the aforementioned historical period, this lecture will try to show a crucial time in the history of all woodwind instruments, a period of technological effervescence in which the Romero-System clarinet emerged. The different stages of conception of the clarinet will be described, as well as its manufacturing and marketing process. Romero played with his clarinet system over twenty-five years. The research has identified the repertoire associated with this instrument whose conclusions will be presented in its case in the Congress.Keywords: Antonio Romero, clarinet, keywork, 19th century
Procedia PDF Downloads 127969 Peers' Alterity in Inverted Inclusion: A Case Study
Authors: Johanna Sagner, María José Sandoval
At the early stages of adolescence, young people, regardless of a disability or not, start to establish closer friendship ties. Unlike previous developmental phases, these ties are rather reciprocal, more committed, and require more time. Friendship ties during adolescence allow the development of social and personal skills, specifically the skills to start constructing identity. In an inclusive context that incorporates young people with a disability, friendship among peers also takes place. Nonetheless, the relation is shaped, among others, by the alterity construction about the other with disability. Research about peers’ relation between young people with and without disability in an inclusive context has shown that the relation tends to become a helper-helpee relation, where those with a disability are seen as people in need. Prejudices about the others’ condition or distancing from the other because of his/hers disability are common. In this sense, the helper-helpee relation, as a non-reciprocal and protective relation, will not promote friendship between classmates, but a rather asymmetric alterity. Our research is an explorative case study that wants to know how the relation between peers is shaped within a different inclusive program, were also the integrated group has special educational needs. Therefore, we analyze from a qualitative and quantitative approach the data of an inverted inclusive program. This is a unique case of a special public school for visual disability in Germany that includes young people from a mainstream school who had learning difficulties. For the research, we analyze data from interviews, focal interviews and open-ended questions with an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach. The questionnaires include a five point Likert scale, for which we calculate the acceptance rate. The findings show that the alterity relation between pupils is less asymmetrical and represents a rather horizontal alterity. The helper-helpee relation is marked by exchange, since both groups have special educational needs and therefore, those with visual disability and those with learning difficulties help each other indistinctly. Friendship is more present among classmates. The horizontal alterity peers’ relation is influenced by a sort of tie, where none of the groups need more or less help than other groups. Both groups identify that they themselves and the other have special needs. The axiological axe of alterity is not of superiority or inferiority, recognizing each other’s differences and otherness. Another influential factor relates with the amount of time they spend together, since the program does not have a resource room or a teacher who teaches parallel lessons. Two probable causes for that rather equal peer relation might be the constellation of fewer pupils per classroom and the differentiated lessons taught by teachers with a special educational formation.Keywords: alterity, disability, inverted inclusion, peers’ relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 316968 Energetics of Photosynthesis with Respect to the Environment and Recently Reported New Balanced Chemical Equation
Authors: Suprit Pradhan, Sushil Pradhan
Photosynthesis is a physiological process where green plants prepare their food from carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water being absorbed from the soil in presence of sun light and chlorophyll. From this definition it is clear that four reactants (Carbon Dioxide, Water, Light and Chlorophyll) are essential for the process to proceed and the product is a sugar or carbohydrate ultimately stored as starch. The entire process has “Light Reaction” (Photochemical) and “Dark Reaction” (Biochemical). Biochemical reactions are very much complicated being catalysed by various enzymes and the path of carbon is known as “Calvin Cycle” according to the name of its discover. The overall reaction which is now universally accepted can be explained like this. Six molecules of carbon dioxide react with twelve molecules of water in presence of chlorophyll and sun light to give only one molecule of sugar (Carbohydrate) six molecules of water and six molecules of oxygen is being evolved in gaseous form. This is the accepted equation and also chemically balanced. However while teaching the subject the author came across a new balanced equation from among the students who happened to be the daughter of the author. In the new balanced equation in place of twelve water molecules in the reactant side seven molecules can be expressed and accordingly in place of six molecules of water in the product side only one molecule of water is produced. The energetics of the photosynthesis as related to the environment and the newly reported balanced chemical equation has been discussed in detail in the present research paper presentation in this international conference on energy, environmental and chemical engineering.Keywords: biochemistry, enzyme , isotope, photosynthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 511967 Raising Linguistic Awareness through Metalinguistic Written Corrective Feedback
Authors: Orit Zeevy-Solovey
Grammar has traditionally been taught for its own sake, emphasizing rules and drills. However, in recent years, more emphasis is given to communicative competence. Current research suggests that form-focused instruction is notably efficient when incorporated in a meaningful communicative context. It is maintained that writing tasks related to the students’ academic fields will encourage them to express themselves openly in topics that are close to their hearts, without feeling too uneasy about grammatical forms. The teacher can further reduce students’ apprehension of grammar by announcing that credit will be given for merely doing the task and that grammar mistakes will not affect the grade. Students’ linguistic errors can then be corrected by giving metalinguistic feedback which involves providing learners with some kind of explicit remark about the nature of the errors they have made. Research has also shown that learners’ developmental readiness is an important factor influencing the effectiveness of written corrective feedback. Larger effect sizes appear as the proficiency level is higher. The purposes of this paper are to demonstrate how grammar can be taught indirectly through writing tasks, and more specifically, how the use of metalinguistic written corrective feedback given to advanced English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students can raise their linguistic awareness. Since errors are not directly corrected, the students have to work out the corrections needed through exploring grammar books and websites. Longitudinal studies of metalinguistic written corrective feedback comparing the number of errors in students’ first and fourth compositions have shown a decrease in errors.Keywords: EFL, linguistic awareness, metalinguistic corrective feedback, teaching grammar through writing
Procedia PDF Downloads 135966 The Impact of the Mastering My Mental Fitness™-Nurses Workshops on Practical Nursing Students’ Perceived Burnout and Psychological Capital: An Embedded Mixed Methods Study
Authors: Linda Frost, Lindsay Anderson, Jana Borras, Ariel Dysangco, Vimabayi Makwaira
The academic environment in which nursing students are immersed in comes with many demands and expectations. Course load, clinical placements, and financial expenses are examples of the pressures facing students each semester. These pressures contribute to student stress and impact their overall well-being and mental fitness. Students' ability to cope with stress and bounce back from adversity is enhanced when we build their mental fitness. Building mental fitness has the benefit of improving physical health, relationships, self-esteem, resilience, work productivity, and overall contentment, happiness and life satisfaction. While self-care is encouraged to avoid burnout, there is a gap in literature on programs to help build nursing students’ mental health and ability to engage in self-care. There is an opportunity and a need to design programs and implement actions aimed at reducing stress and its adverse effects on nursing students. Nursing students require the support of people who understand the complexities of the nursing profession, multifaceted work environments in which they operate, and the impact these environments have on their mental fitness. Nursing academia is in the best position to ensure that tools are in place to support the next generation of nurses who face a career with significant emotional and physical demands. This is a mixed-method study using an embedded design. We utilized a pretest-posttest design to compare the difference in psychological capital (PsyCap) and burnout in students who have received the Mastering My Mental Fitness-Nurses™ (MMMF-N™) workshops (n=8) and the control group (n=9) who have not. Semi structured interviews were conducted with the eight nursing students in the intervention group, along with data from feedback forms to explore the impact of the workshops on student’s burnout and PsyCap and determine how to improve the workshops for future students. The quantitative and qualitative data will be merged using a side-by-side comparison. This will be in a discussion format that allows for the comparison of the results from both phases. The findings will be available January 2025. We anticipate that students in the control and intervention group will report similar levels of burnout. As well, students in the intervention group will indicate the benefits of the MMMF-N™ workshops through qualitative interviews and workshop feedback forms.Keywords: burnout, mental fitness, nursing students, psychological capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 31965 Assessment of the Illustrated Language Activities of the Portage Guide to Early Education
Authors: Ofelia A. Damag
The study was focused on the development and assessment of the illustrated language activities of the 1996 Edition of the Portage Guide to Early Education. It determined the extent of appropriateness, applicability, time efficiency and aesthetics of the illustrated language activities to be used as instructional material not only by teachers, but parents and caregivers as well. The eclectic research design was applied in this study using qualitative and quantitative methods. To determine the applicability and time efficiency of the study, a try out was done. Since the eclectic research design was used, it made use of a researcher-made survey questionnaire and focus group discussion. Analysis of the data was done through weighted mean and ANOVA. The respondents of the study were representatives of Special Education (SPED) teachers, caregivers and parents of a special-needs child, particularly with difficulties in learning basic language skills. The results of the study show that a large number of respondents are SPED teachers and caregivers and are mostly college graduates. Many of them have earned units towards Master’s studies. Moreover, a majority of the respondents have not attended seminars or in-service training in early intervention for them to be more competent in the area of specialization. It is concluded that the illustrated language activities under review in this study are appropriate, applicable, time efficient and aesthetic for use as a tool in teaching. The recommendations are focused on the advocacy for SPED teachers, caregivers and parents of special-needs children to be more consistent in the implementation of the new instructional materials as an aid in an intervention program.Keywords: illustrated language activities, inclusion, portage guide to early education, special educational needs
Procedia PDF Downloads 159964 Analysis of Delays during Initial Phase of Construction Projects and Mitigation Measures
Authors: Sunaitan Al Mutairi
A perfect start is a key factor for project completion on time. The study examined the effects of delayed mobilization of resources during the initial phases of the project. This paper mainly highlights the identification and categorization of all delays during the initial construction phase and their root cause analysis with corrective/control measures for the Kuwait Oil Company oil and gas projects. A relatively good percentage of the delays identified during the project execution (Contract award to end of defects liability period) attributed to mobilization/preliminary activity delays. Data analysis demonstrated significant increase in average project delay during the last five years compared to the previous period. Contractors had delays/issues during the initial phase, which resulted in slippages and progressively increased, resulting in time and cost overrun. Delays/issues not mitigated on time during the initial phase had very high impact on project completion. Data analysis of the delays for the past five years was carried out using trend chart, scatter plot, process map, box plot, relative importance index and Pareto chart. Construction of any project inside the Gathering Centers involves complex management skills related to work force, materials, plant, machineries, new technologies etc. Delay affects completion of projects and compromises quality, schedule and budget of project deliverables. Works executed as per plan during the initial phase and start-up duration of the project construction activities resulted in minor slippages/delays in project completion. In addition, there was a good working environment between client and contractor resulting in better project execution and management. Mainly, the contractor was on the front foot in the execution of projects, which had minimum/no delays during the initial and construction period. Hence, having a perfect start during the initial construction phase shall have a positive influence on the project success. Our research paper studies each type of delay with some real example supported by statistic results and suggests mitigation measures. Detailed analysis carried out with all stakeholders based on impact and occurrence of delays to have a practical and effective outcome to mitigate the delays. The key to improvement is to have proper control measures and periodic evaluation/audit to ensure implementation of the mitigation measures. The focus of this research is to reduce the delays encountered during the initial construction phase of the project life cycle.Keywords: construction activities delays, delay analysis for construction projects, mobilization delays, oil & gas projects delays
Procedia PDF Downloads 318963 Experiential Learning: Roles and Attributes of an Optometry Educator Recommended by a Millennial Generation
Authors: E. Kempen, M. J. Labuschagne, M. P. Jama
There is evidence that experiential learning is truly influential and favored by the millennial generation. However, little is known about the role and attributes an educator has to adopt during the experiential learning cycle, especially when applied in optometry education. This study aimed to identify the roles and attributes of an optometry educator during the different modes of the experiential learning cycle. Methods: A qualitative case study design was used. Data was collected using an open-ended questionnaire survey, following the application of nine different teaching-learning methods based on the experimental learning cycle. The total sample population of 68 undergraduate students from the Department of Optometry at the University of the Free State, South Africa were invited to participate. Focus group interviews (n=15) added additional data that contributed to the interpretation and confirmation of the data obtained from the questionnaire surveys. Results: The perceptions and experiences of the students identified a variety of roles and attributes as well as recommendations on the effective adoption of these roles and attributes. These roles and attributes included being knowledgeable, creating an interest, providing guidance, being approachable, building confidence, implementing ground rules, leading by example, and acting as a mediator. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the actions of an educator have the most substantial impact on students’ perception of a learning experience. Not only are the recommendations based on the views of a millennial generation, but the implementation of the personalized recommendations may also transform a learning environment. This may lead an optometry student to a deeper understanding of knowledge.Keywords: experiences and perceptions, experiential learning, millennial generation, recommendation for optometry education
Procedia PDF Downloads 117962 Developing Reading Methods of Industrial Education Students at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Authors: Rattana Sangchan, Pattaraporn Thampradit
Teaching students to use a variety of reading methods in developing reading is essential for Thai university students. However, there haven’t been a lot of studies concerned about developing reading methods that are used by Thai students in the industrial education field. Therefore, this study was carried out not only to investigate the developing reading methods of Industrial Education students at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, but also to determine if the developing reading strategies differ among the students’ reading abilities and differ gender: male and female. The research instrument used in collecting the data consisted of fourteen statements which include either metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies or social / affective strategies. Results of this study revealed that students could develop their reading methods in moderate level (mean=3.13). Furthermore, high reading ability students had different levels of using reading methods to develop their reading from those of mid reading ability students. In addition, high reading ability students could use either metacognitive reading methods or cognitive reading methods to develop their reading much better than mid reading ability students. Interestingly, male students could develop their reading methods in great levels while female students could develop their reading methods only in moderate level. Last but not least, male students could use either metacognitive reading methods or cognitive reading methods to develop their reading much better than female students. Thus, the results of this study could indicate that most students need to apply much more reading strategies to develop their reading. At the same time, suggestions on how to motivate and train their students to apply much more appropriate effective reading strategies to better comprehend their reading were also provided.Keywords: developing reading methods, industrial education, reading abilities, reading method classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 285961 Language Learning Strategies to Improve English Speaking Skills among High School Students: A Case Study at Vo Minh Duc High School in Binh Duong Province, Viet Nam
Authors: Du T. Tran, Quyen T. L. Hoang
The role of language learning strategies in second language acquisition has received increased attention across several disciplines in recent years. Language learning strategies have been shown to occur in many studies over the passing years with the aim of improving the efficiency of language learning. Following previous studies, this study endeavors to scrutinize language learning strategies employed by the students at Vo Minh Duc high school and the effect of motivation on students’ learning strategy choices. The responses are examined quantitatively and qualitatively to enhance their validity and reliability. Data are collected from 342 students’ responses to the questionnaire, interviews with ten teachers and fifteen students, and classroom observations. The findings reveal that students’ motivation has an enormous impact on the choice of language learning strategies. The results simultaneously show that students use many language learning strategies to enhance their communicative competence, but the most frequently used ones are cognitive and affective ones. Significant correlations among types of learning strategies and the influence of motivation on the choices of language learning strategies were consistent with previous studies. The study’s results are expected to be beneficial to teachers of English and students in terms of narrowing the gap between the students' language learning strategies and their teaching methodologies preferences and sketching out the best strategies to enhance students’ speaking skills. The implications of these findings and the importance of viewing learners holistically are discussed, and recommendations are made for ongoing research.Keywords: learning strategies, speaking skills, memorization strategies, cognitive strategies, affective strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 105960 Story of Alex: Sociology of Gender
Authors: Karen V. Lee
The significance of this study involves autoethnographic research about a music teacher learning about the socialization of gender issues in teaching. Mentorship involving intervention helps with the consequences influencing a transgendered music teacher. Basic storytelling methodology involves the qualitative method of research as a theoretical framework where the author provides a storied reflection about political issues surrounding teachers and the sociology of gender. Sub-themes involve counseling, adult education to ensure students and teachers receive social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and educational resources that evoke visceral, emotional responses from the audience. Major findings share how stories are helpful resources for others who struggle with the socialization of gender. It is hoped the research dramatizes an episodic yet incomplete story that highlights the circumstances surrounding the protagonist having his sex reassignment surgery during his undergraduate education degree. In conclusion, the research is a reflexive storied framework that embraces a positive outlook about a transgendered teacher during his masectomy. The sensory experience seeks verisimilitude by evoking lifelike and believable feelings from others. Thus, the scholarly importance of the sociology of gender and society provides transformative aspects that contributes to social change. Overall, the surgery surrounding the story about transgendered issues are not uncommon in society. Thus, continued education supports the moral mission to help teachers overcome and understand issues of gender that can socially impacts their professional lives as teachers.Keywords: sociology of gender, transgender, music teachers, story, autoethnography as research, ideology
Procedia PDF Downloads 307959 The Implications of the Lacanian Concept of 'Lalangue' for Lacanian Theory and Clinical Practice
Authors: Dries Dulsster
This research we want to discuss the implications of the concept of ‘lalangue’ and illustrate its importance for lacanian psychoanalysis and its clinical practice. We will look at this concept through an in depth reading of Lacan’s later seminars, his lectures at the North-American universities and his study on James Joyce. We will illustrate the importance of this concept with a case study from a clinical practice. We will argue that the introduction of ‘lalangue’ has several theoretical and clinical implications that will radically change Lacans teachings. We will illustrate the distinction between language and lalangue. Language serves communication, but this is not the case with lalangue. We will claim that there is jouissance in language and will approach this by introducing the concept of ‘lalangue’. We will ask ourselves what the effect will be of this distinction and how we can use this in clinical practice. The concept of ‘lalangue’ will introduce a new way of thinking about the unconscious. It will force us to no longer view the unconscious as Symbolic, but as Imaginary or Real. Another implication will be the approach on the symptom, no longer approaching it as a formation of the unconscious. It will be renamed as ‘sinthome’, as function of the real. Last of all it will force us to rethink the lacanian interpretation and how we direct the treatment. The implications on a clinical level will be how we think about the lacanian interpretation and the direction of the treatment. We will no longer focus on language and meaning, but focus on jouissance and the ways in which the subject deals with this. We will illustrate this importance with a clinical case study. To summarize, the concept of lalangue forces us to radically rethink lacanian psychoanalysis, with major implications on a theoretical and clinical level. It introduces new concepts such as the real unconscious and the sinthome. It will also make us rethink the way we work as lacanian psychoanalysts.Keywords: Lacan's later teaching, language, Lalangue, the unconscious
Procedia PDF Downloads 229958 Improving the Utilization of Telfairia occidentalis Leaf Meal with Cellulase-Glucanase-Xylanase Combination and Selected Probiotic in Broiler Diets
Authors: Ayodeji Fasuyi
Telfairia occidentalis is a leafy vegetable commonly grown in the tropics for nutritional benefits. The use of enzymes and probiotics is becoming prominent due to the ban on antibiotics as growth promoters in many parts of the world. It is conceived that with enzymes and probiotics additives, fibrous leafy vegetables can be incorporated into poultry feeds as protein source. However, certain antinutrients were also found in the leaves of Telfairia occidentalis. Four broiler starter and finisher diets were formulated for the two phases of the broiler experiments. A mixture of fiber degrading enzymes, Roxazyme G2 (combination of cellulase, glucanase and xylanase) and probiotics (Turbotox), a growth promoter, were used in broiler diets at 1:1. The Roxazyme G2/Turbotox mixtures were used in diets containing four varying levels of Telfairia occidentalis leaf meal (TOLM) at 0, 10, 20 and 30%. Diets 1 were standard broiler diets without TOLM and Roxazyme G2 and Turbotox additives. Diets 2, 3 and 4 had enzymes and probiotics additives. Certain mineral elements such as Ca, P, K, Na, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn were found in notable quantities viz. 2.6 g/100 g, 1.2 g/100 g, 6.2 g/100 g, 5.1 g/100 g, 4.7 g/100 g, 5875 ppm, 182 ppm, 136 ppm and 1036 ppm, respectively. Phytin, phytin-P, oxalate, tannin and HCN were also found in ample quantities viz. 189.2 mg/100 g, 120.1 mg/100 g, 80.7 mg/100 g, 43.1 mg/100 g and 61.2 mg/100 g, respectively. The average weight gain was highest at 46.3 g/bird/day for birds on 10% TOLM diet but similar (P > 0.05) to 46.2 g/bird/day for birds on 20% TOLM. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 2.27 was the lowest and optimum for birds on 10% TOLM although similar (P > 0.05) to 2.29 obtained for birds on 20% TOLM. FCR of 2.61 was the highest at 2.61 for birds on 30% TOLM diet. The lowest FCR of 2.27 was obtained for birds on 10% TOLM diet although similar (P > 0.05) to 2.29 for birds on 20% TOLM diet. Most carcass characteristics and organ weights were similar (P > 0.05) for the experimental birds on the different diets except for kidney, gizzard and intestinal length. The values for kidney, gizzard and intestinal length were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for birds on the TOLM diets. The nitrogen retention had the highest value of 72.37 ± 0.10% for birds on 10% TOLM diet although similar (P > 0.05) to 71.54 ± 1.89 obtained for birds on the control diet without TOLM and enzymes/probiotics mixture. There was evidence of a better utilization of TOLM as a plant protein source. The carcass characteristics and organ weights all showed evidence of uniform tissue buildup and muscles development particularly in diets containing 10% of TOLM level. There was also better nitrogen utilization in birds on the 10% TOLM diet. Considering the cheap cost of TOLM, it is envisaged that its introduction into poultry feeds as a plant protein source will ultimately reduce the cost of poultry feeds.Keywords: Telfairia occidentalis leaf meal, enzymes, probiotics, additives
Procedia PDF Downloads 139957 Basics for Corruption Reduction and Fraud Prevention in Industrial/Humanitarian Organizations through Supplier Management in Supply Chain Systems
Authors: Ibrahim Burki
Unfortunately, all organizations (Industrial and Humanitarian/ Non-governmental organizations) are prone to fraud and corruption in their supply chain management routines. The reputational and financial fallout can be disastrous. With the growing number of companies using suppliers based in the local market has certainly increased the threat of fraud as well as corruption. There are various potential threats like, poor or non-existent record keeping, purchasing of lower quality goods at higher price, excessive entertainment of staff by suppliers, deviations in communications between procurement staff and suppliers, such as calls or text messaging to mobile phones, staff demanding extended periods of notice before they allow an audit to take place, inexperienced buyers and more. But despite all the above-mentioned threats, this research paper emphasize upon the effectiveness of well-maintained vendor/s records and sorting/filtration of vendor/s to cut down the possible threats of corruption and fraud. This exercise is applied in a humanitarian organization of Pakistan but it is applicable to whole South Asia region due to the similarity of culture and contexts. In that firm, there were more than 550 (five hundred and fifty) registered vendors. As during the disasters or emergency phases requirements are met on urgent basis thus, providing golden opportunities for the fake companies or for the brother/sister companies of the already registered companies to be involved in the tendering process without declaration or even under some different (new) company’s name. Therefore, a list of required documents (along with checklist) was developed and sent to all of the vendor(s) in the current database and based upon the receipt of the requested documents vendors were sorted out. Furthermore, these vendors were divided into active (meeting the entire set criterion) and non-active groups. This initial filtration stage allowed the firm to continue its work without a complete shutdown that is only vendors falling in the active group shall be allowed to participate in the tenders by the time whole process is completed. Likewise only those companies or firms meeting the set criterion (active category) shall be allowed to get registered in the future along with a dedicated filing system (soft and hard shall be maintained), and all of the companies/firms in the active group shall be physically verified (visited) by the Committee comprising of senior members of at least Finance department, Supply Chain (other than procurement) and Security department.Keywords: corruption reduction, fraud prevention, supplier management, industrial/humanitarian organizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 540956 The Attitudes towards English Relative to Other Languages in Indonesia: Discrepancies between Policy and Usage
Authors: Rani Silvia
English has surpassed other languages to become the most widely taught and studied foreign language in Indonesia. This reflects the tendency of the Indonesian public to participate in global mainstream culture, which is longstanding but has been greatly facilitated by the widespread availability of television, the traditional media, and more recently the Internet and social media. However, despite increasing exposure and a history of teaching and study, mastery of English remains low, even as interest and perceived importance continue to increase. This along with Indonesia’s extremely complex linguistic environment has increased the status and value associated with the use of English and is changing the dynamic of language use nationwide. This study investigates the use of English in public settings in Indonesia as well as the attitudes of Indonesian speakers towards English. A case study was developed to explicate this phenomenon in a major Indonesian city. Fifty individuals, including both professionals and lay people, were interviewed about their language preferences as well as their perceptions about English as compared to other languages, such as the local language, Indonesian as the national language, and other foreign languages. Observations on the use of language in the public environment in advertising, signs, and other forms of public expression were analyzed to identify language preferences at this level and their relationship to current language policy. This study has three major findings. First, Indonesian speakers have more positive attitudes towards English than other languages; second, English has encroached on domains in which Indonesian should be used; and third, perceived awareness of the importance of Indonesian as an introduced national language seems to be declining to suggest a failure of policy. The study includes several recommendations for the future development of language planning in determining and directing language use in a public context in Indonesia.Keywords: English, Indonesia, language attitudes, language policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 117955 An Analysis of L1 Effects on the Learning of EFL: A Case Study of Undergraduate EFL Learners at Universities in Pakistan
Authors: Nadir Ali Mugheri, Shaukat Ali Lohar
In a multilingual society like Pakistan, code switching is commonly observed in different contexts. Mostly people use L1 (Native Languages) and L2 for common communications and L3 (i.e. English, Urdu, Sindhi) in formal contexts and for academic writings. Such a frequent code switching does affect EFL learners' acquisition of grammar and lexis of the target language which in the long run result in different types of errors in their writings. The current study is to investigate and identify common elements of L1 and L2 (spoken by students of the Universities in Pakistan) which create hindrances for EFL learners. Case study method was used for this research. Formal writings of 400 EFL learners (as participants from various Universities of the country) were observed. Among 400 participants, 200 were female and 200 were male EFL learners having different academic backgrounds. Errors found were categorized into different types according to grammatical items, the difference in meanings, structure of sentences and identifiers of tenses of L1 or L2 in comparison with those of the target language. The findings showed that EFL learners in Pakistani varsities have serious problems in their writings and they committed serious errors related to the grammar and meanings of the target language. After analysis of the committed errors, the results were found in the affirmation of the hypothesis that L1 or L2 does affect EFL learners. The research suggests in the end to adopt natural ways in pedagogy like task-based learning or communicative methods using contextualized material so as to avoid impediments of L1 or L2 in acquisition the target language.Keywords: multilingualism, L2 acquisition, code switching, language acquisition, communicative language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 291954 Roles Currently Played by Educational Middle Leaders
Authors: Elaine Marta Pereira Aaltonen
Effective school leadership materialised in educational settings through the high standard professional performance of senior and middle leaders, has increasingly become an education policy priority around the world due to a wide recognition that schools need knowledgeable, skilled, and committed leaders, along with great teachers, in order to ensure outstanding education at all levels of schooling. The scope of this paper is the work of middle leaders, whose direct influence on teachers and classroom teaching, thus, on student learning outcomes, is a key component for successful school systems. It particularly aims at sharing some of the findings obtained through an academic study recently carried out by the same researcher, which was focused on enhancing understanding about aspects related to the professional performance of educational middle leaders, applied to the context of the lower elementary school division of a private mainstream school located in Brazil. The master´s dissertation findings included identifying the roles performed by a team of educational middle leaders throughout the year of 2021, as well as gaining insights on their perceptions about the roles performed, both through an electronic questionnaire and individual face-to-face interviews. Not only the roles of the middle leaders who participated in the research have been identified through the qualitative case study undertaken, but additional research finding lying within the sphere of the categorisation of such roles, based upon coherent domains of practice, has possibly been made. Hence, the main purpose of this paper is to outline the findings concerning the current roles played by educational middle leaders.Keywords: roles, middle leaders, educational leadership, school leadership, and management
Procedia PDF Downloads 105953 Combating Contraflow to Creativity Amongst Preservice Teachers in Teacher Arts Education
Authors: Michael Flannery, Annie ó Breacháin
Teaching the creative arts in preservice teacher education can be challenging. Some students find artistic self-expression and its related creative processes overwhelming. Low creative self-efficacy levels and creative habits of mind can impede their levels of motivation, engagement and persistence. For some, creative arts engagement can induce a state of anxiety and distress as opposed to flow. Flow theory posits that learners are happiest when they are learning in a state of flow. During the flow state, students feel, think and perform their best. They become so involved in the learning experience that nothing else seems to matter. The creative flow state is a crucial conduit of artistic processes to enable learners to explore and produce their best work. Despite the research conducted on flow state across several contexts, the phenomenon of personal flow state remains quite elusive. While some research has examined flow in relation to characteristics, conditions and personality traits, no research has investigated individuals' personal experiences of flow in a visual and tangible manner nor explored a relationship between flow state and teachers’ artistic development. This explorative case study explores preservice teachers’ impressions of flow using an arts-based approach. It identifies, categorizes and discusses patterns of commonality and difference. Grounded by theory concerning flow, self-efficacy and creative habits, this study ponders how emerging findings regarding flow impressions might aid teacher arts educators in helping preservice teachers who struggle with creative self-expression.Keywords: creative arts, flow theory, presence, self-efficacy, teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 29952 A Machine Learning Approach for Performance Prediction Based on User Behavioral Factors in E-Learning Environments
Authors: Naduni Ranasinghe
E-learning environments are getting more popular than any other due to the impact of COVID19. Even though e-learning is one of the best solutions for the teaching-learning process in the academic process, it’s not without major challenges. Nowadays, machine learning approaches are utilized in the analysis of how behavioral factors lead to better adoption and how they related to better performance of the students in eLearning environments. During the pandemic, we realized the academic process in the eLearning approach had a major issue, especially for the performance of the students. Therefore, an approach that investigates student behaviors in eLearning environments using a data-intensive machine learning approach is appreciated. A hybrid approach was used to understand how each previously told variables are related to the other. A more quantitative approach was used referred to literature to understand the weights of each factor for adoption and in terms of performance. The data set was collected from previously done research to help the training and testing process in ML. Special attention was made to incorporating different dimensionality of the data to understand the dependency levels of each. Five independent variables out of twelve variables were chosen based on their impact on the dependent variable, and by considering the descriptive statistics, out of three models developed (Random Forest classifier, SVM, and Decision tree classifier), random forest Classifier (Accuracy – 0.8542) gave the highest value for accuracy. Overall, this work met its goals of improving student performance by identifying students who are at-risk and dropout, emphasizing the necessity of using both static and dynamic data.Keywords: academic performance prediction, e learning, learning analytics, machine learning, predictive model
Procedia PDF Downloads 157951 Virtual Reality and Other Real-Time Visualization Technologies for Architecture Energy Certifications
Authors: Román Rodríguez Echegoyen, Fernando Carlos López Hernández, José Manuel López Ujaque
Interactive management of energy certification ratings has remained on the sidelines of the evolution of virtual reality (VR) despite related advances in architecture in other areas such as BIM and real-time working programs. This research studies to what extent VR software can help the stakeholders to better understand energy efficiency parameters in order to obtain reliable ratings assigned to the parts of the building. To evaluate this hypothesis, the methodology has included the construction of a software prototype. Current energy certification systems do not follow an intuitive data entry system; neither do they provide a simple or visual verification of the technical values included in the certification by manufacturers or other users. This software, by means of real-time visualization and a graphical user interface, proposes different improvements to the current energy certification systems that ease the understanding of how the certification parameters work in a building. Furthermore, the difficulty of using current interfaces, which are not friendly or intuitive for the user, means that untrained users usually get a poor idea of the grounds for certification and how the program works. In addition, the proposed software allows users to add further information, such as financial and CO₂ savings, energy efficiency, and an explanatory analysis of results for the least efficient areas of the building through a new visual mode. The software also helps the user to evaluate whether or not an investment to improve the materials of an installation is worth the cost of the different energy certification parameters. The evaluated prototype (named VEE-IS) shows promising results when it comes to representing in a more intuitive and simple manner the energy rating of the different elements of the building. Users can also personalize all the inputs necessary to create a correct certification, such as floor materials, walls, installations, or other important parameters. Working in real-time through VR allows for efficiently comparing, analyzing, and improving the rated elements, as well as the parameters that we must enter to calculate the final certification. The prototype also allows for visualizing the building in efficiency mode, which lets us move over the building to analyze thermal bridges or other energy efficiency data. This research also finds that the visual representation of energy efficiency certifications makes it easy for the stakeholders to examine improvements progressively, which adds value to the different phases of design and sale.Keywords: energetic certification, virtual reality, augmented reality, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 188950 Prevalence of Anaemia Amongst Antenatal Clinic Attendees at Booking: A Nigerian Study
Authors: S Eli, DGB Kalio, BOA Altraide, P Kua, DA MacPepple, FE Okonofua
Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is worrisome morbidity encountered by obstetricians and gynaecologist in the developing countries of the world. It is an indirect cause of maternal mortality and also a cause of perinatal mortality. Aim: The study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of anaemia amongst antenatal clinic (ANC) attendees at booking at The Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH), Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Method: The method was a cross-sectional study of ANC attendees at booking at RSUTH. The cut-off for anaemia by the WHO used for this study was packed cell volume (PCV) less than 33%. Simple randomized sampling method was used. Information was analyzed using SPSS version 25. Result: A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and 488 questionnaires retrieved. The mean age was of the ANC attendees was 31.44 years, and the modal parity was 0. Three hundred and fifty-seven (73.2%) of the respondents had a tertiary level of education, 126(25.8%) had a secondary level of education while 5 (1%) of the respondents had a primary level of education. Five (1%) of the respondents did not volunteer their educational status. The modal packed cell volume was 32%. Three hundred and eighty-two (78.3%) of the ANC attendees had PCV level less than 33% compared to 106 (21.7%) who had PCV equal or greater than 33%. Conclusion: The study revealed that the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy amongst ANC attendees at the RSUTH was high, representing 73.3% of the subjects. Anaemia was common amongst multiparas (38.5%). Malaria prophylaxis, as well as encouraging pregnant women to be compliant with their routine antenatal drugs as well as counseling on the right diet, cannot be overemphasized during pregnancy. In addition, women should use family planning for child spacing for them to recover from previous pregnancies.Keywords: anaemia, ANC attendees, Nigeria, prevalence
Procedia PDF Downloads 120949 Miniaturized PVC Sensors for Determination of Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ in Buffalo-Cows’ Cervical Mucus Samples
Authors: Ahmed S. Fayed, Umima M. Mansour
Three polyvinyl chloride membrane sensors were developed for the electrochemical evaluation of ferrous, manganese and zinc ions. The sensors were used for assaying metal ions in cervical mucus (CM) of Egyptian river buffalo-cows (Bubalus bubalis) as their levels vary dependent on cyclical hormone variation during different phases of estrus cycle. The presented sensors are based on using ionophores, β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and sulfocalix-4-arene (SCAL) for sensors 1, 2 and 3 for Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+, respectively. Dioctyl phthalate (DOP) was used as the plasticizer in a polymeric matrix of polyvinylchloride (PVC). For increasing the selectivity and sensitivity of the sensors, each sensor was enriched with a suitable complexing agent, which enhanced the sensor’s response. For sensor 1, β-CD was mixed with bathophenanthroline; for sensor 2, porphyrin was incorporated with HP-β-CD; while for sensor 3, oxine was the used complexing agent with SCAL. Linear responses of 10-7-10-2 M with cationic slopes of 53.46, 45.01 and 50.96 over pH range 4-8 were obtained using coated graphite sensors for ferrous, manganese and zinc ionic solutions, respectively. The three sensors were validated, according to the IUPAC guidelines. The obtained results by the presented potentiometric procedures were statistically analyzed and compared with those obtained by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method (AAS). No significant differences for either accuracy or precision were observed between the two techniques. Successful application for the determination of the three studied cations in CM, for the purpose to determine the proper time for artificial insemination (AI) was achieved. The results were compared with those obtained upon analyzing the samples by AAS. Proper detection of estrus and correct time of AI was necessary to maximize the production of buffaloes. In this experiment, 30 multi-parous buffalo-cows were in second to third lactation and weighting 415-530 kg, and were synchronized with OVSynch protocol. Samples were taken in three times around ovulation, on day 8 of OVSynch protocol, on day 9 (20 h before AI) and on day 10 (1 h before AI). Beside analysis of trace elements (Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) in CM using the three sensors, the samples were analyzed for the three cations and also Cu2+ by AAS in the CM samples and blood samples. The results obtained were correlated with hormonal analysis of serum samples and ultrasonography for the purpose of determining of the optimum time of AI. The results showed significant differences and powerful correlation with Zn2+ composition of CM during heat phase and the ovulation time, indicating that the parameter could be used as a tool to decide optimal time of AI in buffalo-cows.Keywords: PVC Sensors, buffalo-cows, cyclodextrins, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, artificial insemination, OVSynch protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 219948 Generation of Medical Waste in Hospitals in Interior of São Paulo, Brazil
Authors: Silvia Carla Da Silva André, Angela Maria Magosso Takayanagui
Introduction: The Medical Waste (MW) are responsible per 2% of total waste generated for a city and has merited attention due the risks that offers to the public health and environment, representing an important aspect in waste management. In Brazil, the Resolution 306/04 of the National Health Surveillance Agency classifies the MW into 5 groups as follows: Group A (GA) biological, Group B (GB) chemical, Group C (GC) radioactive waste, Group D (GD) common, and Group E (GE) sharps. Objective: This study aimed to determine the amount of waste generated in hospitals of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Material and Methods: This is a field research, exploratory, using quantitative variables. The survey was conducted in 11 hospitals in Ribeirão Preto, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. It is noted that the study sample included general hospitals, skilled, university, maternity, and psychiatric; public, private, and philanthropic; and large, medium, and small. To quantify the MW, the weighing of the waste was held for six days, following methodology adapted from PAHO. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, determining the average global generation of MW and for each group. This research was carried out after approval by the Ethics in Research of the University of São Paulo. Thus, in order to comply with the ethical principles of research, to present the results hospitals were numbered from 1 to 11. Results: The data revealed a greater generation of biological waste among teaching hospitals, which can be justified by the use of materials for the realization of techniques.Keywords: environmental health, management of medical waste, medical waste, public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 371