Search results for: rock and soil investigations
1127 Salt Stress Affects Growth, Nutrition and Anatomy of Stipa lagascae: A Psammophile Grass in Southern Tunisia
Authors: Raoudha Abdellaoui, Faycal Boughalleb, Zohra Chebil
In arid and semi-arid regions, salinity represents a major constraint towards plants’ growth. Stipa lagascae, a psammophile grass, is a promised species since its economic and ecological interests. Our study aims to explore the effects of different salt concentrations (0; 100; 200; 300 and 400 mM) on physiological, biochemical and anatomic parameters. Salt stress was applied on S. lagascae plants cultivated under controlled conditions. Results show that salinity reduces biomass production especially when plants are subjected to severe stress (>200 mM NaCl). Concerning the nutritional level, the fact of enriching soil with NaCl, leads to an accumulation of Na+ against other nutritional elements (K+, Ca2+). To maintain tissues hydration, S. lagascae established osmotic adaptation by accumulation of proline and soluble sugars. Salt stress affected significantly root and foliar anatomy. Indeed, plants increased their vessels’ diameter and mesophyll surface. S. lagascae plants reduced also the surface of the belluforme cells to defeat dehydration. According to our results, S. lagascae seems to be a tolerant plant at acceptable concentrations that do not exceed 6g/l.Keywords: anatomical adaptations, mineral nutrition, plant growth, salt stress, stipa lagascae
Procedia PDF Downloads 2661126 Methodology for the Integration of Object Identification Processes in Handling and Logistic Systems
Authors: L. Kiefer, C. Richter, G. Reinhart
The uprising complexity in production systems due to an increasing amount of variants up to customer innovated products leads to requirements that hierarchical control systems are not able to fulfil. Therefore, factory planners can install autonomous manufacturing systems. The fundamental requirement for an autonomous control is the identification of objects within production systems. In this approach an attribute-based identification is focused for avoiding dose-dependent identification costs. Instead of using an identification mark (ID) like a radio frequency identification (RFID)-Tag, an object type is directly identified by its attributes. To facilitate that it’s recommended to include the identification and the corresponding sensors within handling processes, which connect all manufacturing processes and therefore ensure a high identification rate and reduce blind spots. The presented methodology reduces the individual effort to integrate identification processes in handling systems. First, suitable object attributes and sensor systems for object identification in a production environment are defined. By categorising these sensor systems as well as handling systems, it is possible to match them universal within a compatibility matrix. Based on that compatibility further requirements like identification time are analysed, which decide whether the combination of handling and sensor system is well suited for parallel handling and identification within an autonomous control. By analysing a list of more than thousand possible attributes, first investigations have shown, that five main characteristics (weight, form, colour, amount, and position of subattributes as drillings) are sufficient for an integrable identification. This knowledge limits the variety of identification systems and leads to a manageable complexity within the selection process. Besides the procedure, several tools, as an example a sensor pool are presented. These tools include the generated specific expert knowledge and simplify the selection. The primary tool is a pool of preconfigured identification processes depending on the chosen combination of sensor and handling device. By following the defined procedure and using the created tools, even laypeople out of other scientific fields can choose an appropriate combination of handling devices and sensors which enable parallel handling and identification.Keywords: agent systems, autonomous control, handling systems, identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1771125 Polymer-Layered Gold Nanoparticles: Preparation, Properties and Uses of a New Class of Materials
Authors: S. M. Chabane sari S. Zargou, A.R. Senoudi, F. Benmouna
Immobilization of nano particles (NPs) is the subject of numerous studies pertaining to the design of polymer nano composites, supported catalysts, bioactive colloidal crystals, inverse opals for novel optical materials, latex templated-hollow inorganic capsules, immunodiagnostic assays; “Pickering” emulsion polymerization for making latex particles and film-forming composites or Janus particles; chemo- and biosensors, tunable plasmonic nano structures, hybrid porous monoliths for separation science and technology, biocidal polymer/metal nano particle composite coatings, and so on. Particularly, in the recent years, the literature has witnessed an impressive progress of investigations on polymer coatings, grafts and particles as supports for anchoring nano particles. This is actually due to several factors: polymer chains are flexible and may contain a variety of functional groups that are able to efficiently immobilize nano particles and their precursors by dispersive or van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen or covalent bonds. We review methods to prepare polymer-immobilized nano particles through a plethora of strategies in view of developing systems for separation, sensing, extraction and catalysis. The emphasis is on methods to provide (i) polymer brushes and grafts; (ii) monoliths and porous polymer systems; (iii) natural polymers and (iv) conjugated polymers as platforms for anchoring nano particles. The latter range from soft bio macromolecular species (proteins, DNA) to metallic, C60, semiconductor and oxide nano particles; they can be attached through electrostatic interactions or covalent bonding. It is very clear that physicochemical properties of polymers (e.g. sensing and separation) are enhanced by anchored nano particles, while polymers provide excellent platforms for dispersing nano particles for e.g. high catalytic performances. We thus anticipate that the synergetic role of polymeric supports and anchored particles will increasingly be exploited in view of designing unique hybrid systems with unprecedented properties.Keywords: gold, layer, polymer, macromolecular
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921124 Performance Analysis of Three Absorption Heat Pump Cycles, Full and Partial Loads Operations
Authors: B. Dehghan, T. Toppi, M. Aprile, M. Motta
The environmental concerns related to global warming and ozone layer depletion along with the growing worldwide demand for heating and cooling have brought an increasing attention toward ecological and efficient Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Furthermore, since space heating accounts for a considerable part of the European primary/final energy use, it has been identified as one of the sectors with the most challenging targets in energy use reduction. Heat pumps are commonly considered as a technology able to contribute to the achievement of the targets. Current research focuses on the full load operation and seasonal performance assessment of three gas-driven absorption heat pump cycles. To do this, investigations of the gas-driven air-source ammonia-water absorption heat pump systems for small-scale space heating applications are presented. For each of the presented cycles, both full-load under various temperature conditions and seasonal performances are predicted by means of numerical simulations. It has been considered that small capacity appliances are usually equipped with fixed geometry restrictors, meaning that the solution mass flow rate is driven by the pressure difference across the associated restrictor valve. Results show that gas utilization efficiency (GUE) of the cycles varies between 1.2 and 1.7 for both full and partial loads and vapor exchange (VX) cycle is found to achieve the highest efficiency. It is noticed that, for typical space heating applications, heat pumps operate over a wide range of capacities and thermal lifts. Thus, partially, the novelty introduced in the paper is the investigation based on a seasonal performance approach, following the method prescribed in a recent European standard (EN 12309). The overall result is a modest variation in the seasonal performance for analyzed cycles, from 1.427 (single-effect) to 1.493 (vapor-exchange).Keywords: absorption cycles, gas utilization efficiency, heat pump, seasonal performance, vapor exchange cycle
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111123 High-Throughput Mechanized Microfluidic Test Groundwork for Precise Microbial Genomics
Authors: Pouya Karimi, Ramin Gasemi Shayan, Parsa Sheykhzade
Ease shotgun DNA sequencing is changing the microbial sciences. Sequencing instruments are compelling to the point that example planning is currently the key constraining element. Here, we present a microfluidic test readiness stage that incorporates the key strides in cells to grouping library test groundwork for up to 96 examples and decreases DNA input prerequisites 100-overlay while keeping up or improving information quality. The universally useful microarchitecture we show bolsters work processes with subjective quantities of response and tidy up or catch steps. By decreasing the example amount necessities, we empowered low-input (∼10,000 cells) entire genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and soil miniaturized scale settlements with prevalent outcomes. We additionally utilized the upgraded throughput to succession ∼400 clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa libraries and exhibit magnificent single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery execution that clarified phenotypically watched anti-toxin opposition. Completely coordinated lab-on-chip test arrangement beats specialized boundaries to empower more extensive organization of genomics across numerous fundamental research and translational applications.Keywords: clinical microbiology, DNA, microbiology, microbial genomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231122 Response Evaluation of Electronic Nose with Polymer-Composite and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor towards Microbiological Quality of Rapeseed
Authors: Marcin Tadla, Robert Rusinek, Jolanta Wawrzyniak, Marzena Gawrysiak-Witulska, Agnieszka Nawrocka, Marek Gancarz
Rapeseeds were evaluated and classified by the static-headspace sampling method using electronic noses during the 25 days spoilage period. The Cyranose 320 comprising 32 polymer-composite sensors and VCA (Volatile Compound Analyzer - made in Institute of Agrophysics) built of 8 metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensors were used to obtain sensor response (∆R/R). Each sample of spoiled material was divided into three parts and the degree of spoilage was measured four ways: determination of ergosterol content (ERG), colony forming units (CFU) and measurement with both e-noses. The study showed that both devices responsive to changes in the fungal microflora. Cyranose and VCA registered the change of domination microflora of fungi. After 7 days of storage, typical fungi for soil disappeared and appeared typical for storeroom was observed. In both cases, response ∆R/R decreased to the end of experiment, while ERG and JTK increased. The research was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), Grant No. PBS2/A8/22/2013.Keywords: electronic nose, fungal microflora, metal-oxide sensor, polymer-composite sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 3031121 Risk Indicators of Massive Removal Phenomena According to the Mora - Vahrson Method, Applied in Pitalito and Campoalegre Municipalities
Authors: Laura Fernanda Pedreros Araque, Sebastian Rivera Pardo
The massive removal phenomena have been one of the most frequent natural disasters in the world, causing thousands of deaths, victims, damage to homes and diseases. In Pitalito, and Campoalegre department of Huila municipalities - Colombia, disasters have occurred due to various events such as high rainfall, earthquakes; it has caused landslides, floods, among others, affected the economy, the community, and transportation. For this reason, a study was carried out on the area’s most prone to suffer these phenomena to take preventive measures in favor of the protection of the population, the resources of management, and the planning of civil works. For the proposed object, the Mora-Varshon method was used, which allows classifying the degree of susceptibility to landslides in which the areas are found. Also, various factors or parameters were evaluated such as the soil moisture, lithology, slope, seismicity, and rain, each of these indicators were obtained using information from IDEAM, Servicio Geologico Colombiano (SGC) and using geographic information for geoprocessing in the Arcgis software to realize a mapping to indicate the susceptibility to landslides, classifying the areas of the municipalities such as very low, low, medium, moderate, high or very high.Keywords: geographic information system, landslide, mass removal phenomena, Mora-Varshon method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441120 NMR-Based Metabolomic Study of Antimalarial Plant Species Used Traditionally by Vha-Venda People in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Authors: Johanna Bapela, Heino Heyman, Marion Meyer
Regardless of the significant advances accomplished in reducing the burden of malaria and other tropical diseases in recent years, malaria remains a major cause of mortality in endemic countries. This is especially the case in sub-Saharan Africa where 99% of the estimated global malaria deaths occurs on an annual basis. The emergence of resistant Plasmodium species and the lack of diversified chemotherapeutic agents provide the rationale for bioprospecting for antiplasmodial scaffolds. Crude extracts from twenty indigenous antimalarial plant species were screened for antimalarial activity and then subjected to 1H NMR-based metabolomic analysis. Ten plant extracts exhibited significant in vitro antiplasmodial activity (IC50 ≤ 5 µg/ml). The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the acquired 1H NMR spectra could not separate the analyzed plant extracts according to the detected antiplasmodial bioactivity. Application of supervised Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures–Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) to the 1H NMR profiles resulted in a discrimination pattern that could be correlated to bioactivity. A contribution plot generated from the OPLS-DA scoring plot illustrated the classes of compounds responsible for the observed grouping. Given the preliminary in vitro results, Tabernaemontana elegans Stapf. (Apocynaceae) and Vangueria infausta Burch. subsp. infausta (Rubiaceae) were subjected to further phytochemical investigations. Two indole alkaloids, dregamine and tabernaemontanine possessing antiplasmodial activity were isolated from T. elegans. Two compounds were isolated from V. infausta subsp. infausta and identified as friedelin (IC50 = 3.01 µg/ml) and morindolide (IC50 = 18.5 µg/ml). While these compounds have been previously identified, this is the first account of their occurrence in the genus Vangueria and their antiplasmodial activity. Based on the results of the study, metabolomics can be used to globally identify classes of plant secondary metabolites that are responsible for antiplasmodial activity.Keywords: ethnopharmacology, Malaria, medicinal plants, metabolomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3411119 Application of Groundwater Model for Optimization of Denitrification Strategies to Minimize Public Health Risk
Authors: Mukesh A. Modi
High-nitrate concentration in groundwater of unconfined aquifers has been a serious issue for public health risk at a global scale. Various anthropogenic activities in agricultural land and urban land of alluvial soil have been observed to be responsible for the increment of nitrate in groundwater. The present study was designed to identify suitable denitrification strategies to minimize the effects of high nitrate in groundwater near the Mahi River of Vadodara block, Gujarat. There were 11 wells of Jal Jeevan Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti, along with 3 observation wells of Gujarat Water Resources Development Corporation have been used for the duration of 21 years. MODFLOW and MT3DMS codes have been used to simulate solute transport phenomena along with attempted effectively for optimization. Current research is one step ahead by optimizing various denitrification strategies with the simulation of the model. The in-situ and ex-situ denitrification strategies viz. NAS (No Action Scenario), CAS (Crop Alternation Scenario), PS (Phytoremediation Scenario), and CAS + PS (Crop Alternation Scenario + Phytoremediation Scenario) have been selected for the optimization. The groundwater model simulates the most suitable denitrification strategy considering the hydrogeological characteristics at the targeted well.Keywords: groundwater, high nitrate, MODFLOW, MT3DMS, optimization, denitrification strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 331118 A Review on the Mechanism Removal of Pesticides and Heavy Metal from Agricultural Runoff in Treatment Train
Authors: N. A. Ahmad Zubairi, H. Takaijudin, K. W. Yusof
Pesticides have been used widely over the world in agriculture to protect from pests and reduce crop losses. However, it affects the environment with toxic chemicals. Exceed of toxic constituents in the ecosystem will result in bad side effects. The hydrological cycle is related to the existence of pesticides and heavy metal which it can penetrate through varieties of sources into the soil or water bodies, especially runoff. Therefore, proper mechanisms of pesticide and heavy metal removal should be studied to improve the quality of ecosystem free or reduce from unwanted substances. This paper reviews the use of treatment train and its mechanisms to minimize pesticides and heavy metal from agricultural runoff. Organochlorine (OCL) is a common pesticide that was found in the agricultural runoff. OCL is one of the toxic chemicals that can disturb the ecosystem such as inhibiting plants' growth and harm human health by having symptoms as asthma, active cancer cell, vomit, diarrhea, etc. Thus, this unwanted contaminant gives disadvantages to the environment and needs treatment system. Hence, treatment train by bioretention system is suitable because removal efficiency achieves until 90% of pesticide removal with selected vegetated plant and additive.Keywords: pesticides, heavy metal, agricultural runoff, bioretention, mechanism removal, treatment train
Procedia PDF Downloads 1611117 Change Detection of Vegetative Areas Using Land Use Land Cover Derived from NDVI of Desert Encroached Areas
Authors: T. Garba, T. O. Quddus, Y. Y. Babanyara, M. A. Modibbo
Desertification is define as the changing of productive land into a desert as the result of ruination of land by man-induced soil erosion, which forces famers in the affected areas to move migrate or encourage into reserved areas in search of a fertile land for their farming activities. This study therefore used remote sensing imageries to determine the level of changes in the vegetative areas. To achieve that Normalized Difference of the Vegetative Index (NDVI), classified imageries and image slicing derived from landsat TM 1986, land sat ETM 1999 and Nigeria sat 1 2007 were used to determine changes in vegetations. From the Classified imageries it was discovered that there a more natural vegetation in classified images of 1986 than that of 1999 and 2007. This finding is also future in the three NDVI imageries, it was discovered that there is increased in high positive pixel value from 0.04 in 1986 to 0.22 in 1999 and to 0.32 in 2007. The figures in the three histogram also indicted that there is increased in vegetative areas from 29.15 Km2 in 1986, to 60.58 Km2 in 1999 and then to 109 Km2 in 2007. The study recommends among other things that there is need to restore natural vegetation through discouraging of farming activities in and around the natural vegetation in the study area.Keywords: vegetative index, classified imageries, change detection, landsat, vegetation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3601116 A New Co(II) Metal Complex Template with 4-dimethylaminopyridine Organic Cation: Structural, Hirshfeld Surface, Phase Transition, Electrical Study and Dielectric Behavior
Authors: Mohamed dammak
Great attention has been paid to the design and synthesis of novel organic-inorganic compounds in recent decades because of their structural variety and the large diversity of atomic arrangements. In this work, the structure for the novel dimethyl aminopyridine tetrachlorocobaltate (C₇H₁₁N₂)₂CoCl₄ prepared by the slow evaporation method at room temperature has been successfully discussed. The X-ray diffraction results indicate that the hybrid material has a triclinic structure with a P space group and features a 0D structure containing isolated distorted [CoCl₄]2- tetrahedra interposed between [C7H11N²⁻]+ cations forming planes perpendicular to the c axis at z = 0 and z = ½. The effect of the synthesis conditions and the reactants used, the interactions between the cationic planes, and the isolated [CoCl4]2- tetrahedra are employing N-H...Cl and C-H…Cl hydrogen bonding contacts. The inspection of the Hirshfeld surface analysis helps to discuss the strength of hydrogen bonds and to quantify the inter-contacts. A phase transition was discovered by thermal analysis at 390 K, and comprehensive dielectric research was reported, showing a good agreement with thermal data. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were used to study the electrical and dielectric characteristics over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures, 40 Hz–10 MHz and 313–483 K, respectively. The Nyquist plot (Z" versus Z') from the complex impedance spectrum revealed semicircular arcs described by a Cole-Cole model. An electrical circuit consisting of a link of grain and grain boundary elements is employed. The real and imaginary parts of dielectric permittivity, as well as tg(δ) of (C₇H₁₁N₂)₂CoCl₄ at different frequencies, reveal a distribution of relaxation times. The presence of grain and grain boundaries is confirmed by the modulus investigations. Electric and dielectric analyses highlight the good protonic conduction of this material.Keywords: organic-inorganic, phase transitions, complex impedance, protonic conduction, dielectric analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 851115 Estimating Future Solar Potential in Evolving High-Density Urban Areas for the Mid-Latitude City of Mendoza, Argentina
Authors: Mariela Edith Arboit
The main goal of the project is to explore the evolution possibilities of the morphological indicators of the built environment, including those resulting from progressive soil occupation, due to the relentless growth of the city’s population and subsequent increase in building density and solar access reduction per built unit. Two alternative normative proposals, Conventional Proposal (CP) and Alternative Proposal (AP), are compared. In addition, temporal scenarios of the city’s evolution process are analyzed, starting from the reference situation of existing, high-density built-up areas, and simulating their possible morphological outcomes on theoretical medium (30 yr.) and long (60 yr.) terms, as a result of the massive implementation of either regulation in the long run. The results obtained demonstrate that the Alternative Proposal (AP) presents higher mean values of predicted solar potential expressed by the Volumetric Insolation Factor total (VIFtot) for both time periods and services. Regarding environmental aspects, the different impacts of either alternative on the urban landscape quality seem to favor the AP proposal. Its deserved detailed assessment is also presently being developed through a quanti-qualitative methodology.Keywords: building morphology, environmental quality, solar energy, urban sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571114 News Reading Practices: Traditional Media versus New Media
Authors: Nuran Öze
People always want to be aware of what is happening around them. The nature of man constantly triggers the need for gathering information because of curiosity. The media has emerged to save people the need for information. It is known that the media has changed with the technological developments over time, diversified and, people's information needs are provided in different ways. Today, the Internet has become an integral part of everyday life. The invasion of the Internet into everyday life practices at this level affects every aspect of life. These effects cause people to change their life practices. Technological developments have always influenced of people, the way they reach information. Looking at the history of the media, the breaking point about the dissemination of information is seen as the invention of the machine of the printing press. This adventure that started with written media has now become a multi-dimensional structure. Written, audio, visual media has now changed shape with new technologies. Especially emerging of the internet to everyday life, of course, has effects on media field. 'New media' has appeared which contains most of traditional media features in its'. While in the one hand this transformation enables captures a harmony between traditional and new media, on the other hand, new media and traditional media are rivaling each other. The purpose of this study is to examine the problematic relationship between traditional media and new media through the news reading practices of individuals. This study can be evaluated as a kind of media sociology. To reach this aim, two different field researches will be done besides literature review. The research will be conducted in Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus Northern Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea. North Cyprus is a country which is not recognized by any country except Turkey. Despite this, takes its share from all technological developments take place in the world. One of the field researches will consist of the questionnaires to be applied on media readers' news reading practices. This survey will be conducted in a social media environment. The second field survey will be conducted in the form of interviews with general editorials or news directors in traditional media. In the second field survey, in-depth interview method will be applied. As a result of these investigations, supporting sides between the new media and the traditional media and directions which contrast with each other will be revealed. In addition to that, it will try to understand the attitudes and perceptions of readers about the traditional media and the new media in this study.Keywords: new media, news, North Cyprus, traditional media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2301113 Coping with Climate Change in Agriculture: Perception of Farmers in Oman
Authors: B. S. Choudri
Introduction: Climate change is a major threat to rural livelihoods and to food security in the developing world, including Oman. The aim of this study is to provide a basis for policymakers and researchers in order to understand the impacts of climate change on agriculture and developing adaptation strategies in Oman. Methodology: The data was collected from different agricultural areas across the country with the help of a questionnaire survey among farmers, discussion with community, and observations at the field level. Results: The analysis of data collected from different areas within the country shows a shift in the sowing period of major crops and increased temperatures over recent years. Farmer community is adopting through diversification of crops, use of heat-tolerant species, and improved measures of soil and water conservation. Agriculture has been the main livelihood for most of the farmer communities in rural areas in the country. Conclusions: In order to reduce the effects of climate change at the local and farmer communities, risk reduction would be important along with an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability. Therefore, capacity building of local farmers and providing them with scientific knowledge, mainstreaming adaptation into development activities would be essential with additional funding and subsidies.Keywords: agriculture, climate change, vulnerability, adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241112 A Review of Material and Methods Used in Liner Layers in Various Landfills
Authors: S. Taghvamanesh
Modern landfills are highly engineered containment systems that are designed to reduce the environmental and human health impacts of solid waste (trash). In modern landfills, waste is contained by a liner system. The primary goal of the liner system is to isolate the landfill contents from the environment, thereby protecting the soil and groundwater from pollution caused by the leachate of a landfill. Landfill leachate is the most serious threat to groundwater. Therefore, it is necessary to design a system that prevents the penetration of this dangerous substance into the environment. These layers are made up of two basic elements: clay and geosynthetics. Hydraulic conductivity and flexibility are two desirable properties of these materials. There are three different types of liner systems that will be discussed in this paper. According to available data, the current article analyzed materials and methods for constructing liner layers made of distinct leachates, including various harmful components and heavy metals from all around the world. Also, this study attempted to gather data on leachates for each of the sites discussed. In conclusion, every landfill requires a specific type of liner, which depends on the type of leachate that it produces daily. It should also be emphasized that, based on available data, this article focused on the number of landfills that each country or continent possesses.Keywords: landfill, liner layer, impervious layer, barrier layer
Procedia PDF Downloads 811111 Seed Germination, Seedling Emergence and Response to Herbicides of Papaver Species (Papaver rhoeas and P. dubium)
Authors: Faezeh Zaefarian1, Sajedeh Golmohammadzadeh, Mohammad Rezvani
Weed management decisions for weed species can be derived from knowledge of seed germination biology. Experiments were conducted in laboratory and greenhouse to determine the effects of light, temperature, salt and water stress, seed burial depth on seed germination and seedling emergence of Papaver rhoeas and P.dubium and to assay the response of these species to commonly available POST herbicides. Germination of the Papaver seeds was influenced by the tested temperatures (day/night temperatures of 20 and 25 °C) and light. The concentrations of sodium chloride, ranging from 0 to 80 mM, influence germination of seeds. The osmotic potential required for 50% inhibition of maximum germination of P. rhoeas was -0.27 MPa and for P. dubium species was 0.25 MPa. Seedling emergence was greatest for the seeds placed at 1 cm and emergence declined with increased burial depth in the soil. No seedlings emerged from a burial depth of 6 cm. The herbicide 2,4-D at 400 g ai ha-1 provided excellent control of both species when applied at the four-leaf and six-leaf stages. However, at the six-leaf stage, percent control was reduced. The information gained from this study could contribute to developing components of integrated weed management strategies for Papaver species.Keywords: germination, papaver species, planting depth, POST herbicides
Procedia PDF Downloads 2451110 Engineering Seismological Studies in and around Zagazig City, Sharkia, Egypt
Authors: M. El-Eraki, A. A. Mohamed, A. A. El-Kenawy, M. S. Toni, S. I. Mustafa
The aim of this paper is to study the ground vibrations using Nakamura technique to evaluate the relation between the ground conditions and the earthquake characteristics. Microtremor measurements were carried out at 55 sites in and around Zagazig city. The signals were processed using horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique to estimate the fundamental frequencies of the soil deposits and its corresponding H/V amplitude. Seismic measurements were acquired at nine sites for recording the surface waves. The recorded waveforms were processed using the multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method to infer the shear wave velocity profile. The obtained fundamental frequencies were found to be ranging from 0.7 to 1.7 Hz and the maximum H/V amplitude reached 6.4. These results together with the average shear wave velocity in the surface layers were used for the estimation of the thickness of the upper most soft cover layers (depth to bedrock). The sediment thickness generally increases at the northeastern and southwestern parts of the area, which is in good agreement with the local geological structure. The results of this work showed the zones of higher potential damage in the event of an earthquake in the study area.Keywords: ambient vibrations, fundamental frequency, surface waves, zagazig
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831109 Speciation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soils
Authors: Bulent Topcuoglu
Repeated amendments of organic matter and intensive use of fertilizers, metal-enriched chemicals and biocides may cause soil and environmental pollution in greenhouses. Specially, the impact of heavy metal pollution of soils on food metal content and underground water quality has become a public concern. Due to potential toxicity of heavy metals to human life and environment, determining the chemical form of heavy metals in greenhouse soils is an important approach of chemical characterization and can provide useful information on its mobility and bioavailability. A sequential extraction procedure was used to estimate the availability of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Cr) in greenhouse soils of Antalya Aksu. Zn was predominantly associated with Fe-Mn oxide fraction, major portion of Cd associated with carbonate and organic matter fraction, a major portion of (>65 %) Ni and Cr were largely associated with Fe-Mn oxide and residual fractions and Pb was largely associated with organic matter and Fe-Mn oxide fractions. Results of the present study suggest that the mobility and bioavailability of metals probably increase in the following order: Cr < Pb < Ni < Cd < Zn. Among the elements studied, Zn and Cd appeared to be the most readily soluble and potentially bioavailable metals and these metals may carry a potential risk for metal transfer in food chain and contamination to ground water.Keywords: metal speciation, metal mobility, greenhouse soils, biosystems engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4181108 Evolving Urban Landscapes: Smart Cities and Sustainable Futures
Authors: Mehrzad Soltani, Pegah Rezaei
In response to the escalating challenges posed by resource scarcity, urban congestion, and the dearth of green spaces, contemporary urban areas have undergone a remarkable transformation into smart cities. This evolution necessitates a strategic and forward-thinking approach to urban development, with the primary objective of diminishing and eventually eradicating dependence on non-renewable energy sources. This steadfast commitment to sustainable development is geared toward the continual enhancement of our global urban milieu, ensuring a healthier and more prosperous environment for forthcoming generations. This transformative vision has been meticulously shaped by an extensive research framework, incorporating in-depth field studies and investigations conducted at both neighborhood and city levels. Our holistic strategy extends its purview to encompass major cities and states, advocating for the realization of exceptional development firmly rooted in the principles of sustainable intelligence. At its core, this approach places a paramount emphasis on stringent pollution control measures, concurrently safeguarding ecological equilibrium and regional cohesion. Central to the realization of this vision is the widespread adoption of environmentally friendly materials and components, championing the cultivation of plant life and harmonious green spaces, and the seamless integration of intelligent lighting and irrigation systems. These systems, including solar panels and solar energy utilization, are deployed wherever feasible, effectively meeting the essential lighting and irrigation needs of these dynamic urban ecosystems. Overall, the transformation of urban areas into smart cities necessitates a holistic and innovative approach to urban development. By actively embracing sustainable intelligence and adhering to strict environmental standards, these cities pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future, one that is marked by resilient, thriving, and eco-conscious urban communities.Keywords: smart city, green urban, sustainability, urban management
Procedia PDF Downloads 731107 Psycho-Social Consequences of Gynecological Health Disparities among Immigrant Women in the USA: An Integrative Review
Authors: Khadiza Akter, Tammy Greer, Raegan Bishop
An in-depth study of the psycho-social effects of gynecological health disparities among immigrant women in the USA is the goal of this integrative review paper. Immigrant women frequently encounter unique obstacles that have severe psycho-social repercussions when it comes to receiving high-quality gynecological treatment. The review investigates the interaction of psychological, sociological, and health factors that affect the psycho-social effects that immigrant women experience in recognition of the significance of addressing these imbalances. The difficulties that immigrant women face in providing high-quality gynecological treatment in the USA are examined in this study. These difficulties are caused by a variety of psychological issues, including acculturation stress and stigma, as well as by social problems like prejudice, language hurdles, and cultural norms. Additionally, variations in healthcare access and affordability have a role. This study highlights the particular challenges that immigrant women have in receiving high-quality gynecological treatment in the United States. These difficulties are caused by both social problems like language obstacles, cultural norms, and biases, as well as psychological ones like acculturation stress and stigma. Additionally, variations in gynecological care for immigrant women are greatly influenced by variances in healthcare availability and price. To find pertinent research looking at the psychological effects of gynecological health disparities among immigrant women in the USA, a thorough search of numerous databases was done. Numerous approaches, including mixed, quantitative, and qualitative ones, were used in the studies. The important findings from various investigations were extracted and synthesized after they underwent a careful evaluation. In order to lessen these discrepancies and enhance the overall well-being of immigrant women, healthcare professionals, legislators, and researchers must collaborate to create specialized treatments, regulations, and health system reforms.Keywords: cultural barriers, gynecological health disparities, health care access, immigrant women, mental health, psycho-social consequences, social stigma
Procedia PDF Downloads 811106 Urbanization Effects on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus within Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration in China
Authors: Ke Yang, QiHan, Bauke de Veirs
This study addresses the need for coordinated management of natural resources in urban agglomeration. Using ecosystem services theory, The study explore the relationship between land use in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (B-T-H) region and the Food-Water-Energy (F-W-E) nexus from 2000 to 2030. We assess ecosystem services using the InVEST: Habitat Quality (HQ), Water Yield (WY), Carbon Sequestration (CS), Soil Retention (SDR), and Food Production (FP). The study find an annual expansion of construction land alongside a significant decline in cultivated land. Additionally, HQ, CS, and per capita FP decline annually until 2020 and are expected to persist through 2030. In contrast, WY and SDR grow annually but may decline by 2030. Spearman coefficient analysis reveals synergies between HQ and CS, SDR and CS, and SDR and HQ, with trade-offs between CS and WY and HQ and WY. Utilizing the K-means clustering analysis method, we introduce county-based spatial planning for the F-W-E system, offering valuable insights and recommendations for sustainable resource management.Keywords: food-water-energy (F-W-E), ecosystem services, trade-offs and synergies, ecosystem service bundle, county-based
Procedia PDF Downloads 631105 Biochemical and Molecular Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus Various Isolates from Different Places
Authors: Kiran Fatima, Kashif Ali
Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human as well as animal pathogen that causes a variety of diseases. A total of 70 staphylococci isolates were obtained from soil, water, yogurt, and clinical samples. The likely staphylococci clinical isolates were identified phenotypically by different biochemical tests. Molecular identification was done by PCR using species-specific 16S rRNA primer pairs, and finally, 50 isolates were found to be positive as Staphylococcus aureus, sciuri, xylous and cohnii. Screened isolates were further analyzed by several microbiological diagnostics tests, including gram staining, coagulase, capsule, hemolysis, fermentation of glucose, lactose, maltose, and sucrose tests enzymatic reactions. It was found that 78%, 81%, and 51% of isolates were positive for gelatin hydrolysis, protease, and lipase activities, respectively. Antibiogram analysis of isolated Staphylococcus aureus strains with respect to different antimicrobial agents revealed resistance patterns ranging from 57 to 96%. Our study also shows 70% of strains to be MRSA, 54.3% as VRSA, and 54.3% as both MRSA and VRSA. All the identified isolates were subjected to detection of mecA, nuc, and hlb genes, and 70%, 84%, and 40% were found to harbour mecA, nuc, and hlb genes, respectively. The current investigation is highly important and informative for the high-level multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections inclusive also of methicillin and vancomycin.Keywords: MRSA, VRSA, mecA, MSSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321104 Abridging Pharmaceutical Analysis and Drug Discovery via LC-MS-TOF, NMR, in-silico Toxicity-Bioactivity Profiling for Therapeutic Purposing Zileuton Impurities: Need of Hour
Authors: Saurabh B. Ganorkar, Atul A. Shirkhedkar
The need for investigations protecting against toxic impurities though seems to be a primary requirement; the impurities which may prove non - toxic can be explored for their therapeutic potential if any to assist advanced drug discovery. The essential role of pharmaceutical analysis can thus be extended effectively to achieve it. The present study successfully achieved these objectives with characterization of major degradation products as impurities for Zileuton which has been used for to treat asthma since years. The forced degradation studies were performed to identify the potential degradation products using Ultra-fine Liquid-chromatography. Liquid-chromatography-Mass spectrometry (Time of Flight) and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies were utilized effectively to characterize the drug along with five major oxidative and hydrolytic degradation products (DP’s). The mass fragments were identified for Zileuton and path for the degradation was investigated. The characterized DP’s were subjected to In-Silico studies as XP Molecular Docking to compare the gain or loss in binding affinity with 5-Lipooxygenase enzyme. One of the impurity of was found to have the binding affinity more than the drug itself indicating for its potential to be more bioactive as better Antiasthmatic. The close structural resemblance has the ability to potentiate or reduce bioactivity and or toxicity. The chances of being active biologically at other sites cannot be denied and the same is achieved to some extent by predictions for probability of being active with Prediction of Activity Spectrum for Substances (PASS) The impurities found to be bio-active as Antineoplastic, Antiallergic, and inhibitors of Complement Factor D. The toxicological abilities as Ames-Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity, Developmental Toxicity and Skin Irritancy were evaluated using Toxicity Prediction by Komputer Assisted Technology (TOPKAT). Two of the impurities were found to be non-toxic as compared to original drug Zileuton. As the drugs are purposed and repurposed effectively the impurities can also be; as they can have more binding affinity; less toxicity and better ability to be bio-active at other biological targets.Keywords: UFLC, LC-MS-TOF, NMR, Zileuton, impurities, toxicity, bio-activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951103 Deconstruction of the Term 'Shaman' in the Metaphorical Pair 'Artist as a Shaman'
Authors: Ilona Ivova Anachkova
The analogy between the artist and the shaman as both being practitioners that more easily recognize and explore spiritual matters, and thus contribute to the society in a unique way has been implied in both Modernity and Postmodernity. The Romantic conception of the shaman as a great artist who helps common men see and understand messages of a higher consciousness has been employed throughout Modernity and is active even now. This paper deconstructs the term ‘shaman’ in the metaphorical analogy ‘artist – shaman’ that was developed more fully in Modernity in different artistic and scientific discourses. The shaman is a figure that to a certain extent adequately reflects the late modern and postmodern holistic views on the world. Such views aim at distancing from traditional religious and overly rationalistic discourses. However, the term ‘shaman’ can be well substituted by other concepts such as the priest, for example. The concept ‘shaman’ is based on modern ethnographic and historical investigations. Its later philosophical, psychological and artistic appropriations designate the role of the artist as a spiritual and cultural leader. However, the artist and the shaman are not fully interchangeable terms. The figure of the shaman in ‘primitive’ societies has performed many social functions that are now delegated to different institutions and positions. The shaman incorporates the functions of a judge, a healer. He is a link to divine entities. He is the creative, aspiring human being that has heightened sensitivity to the world in both its spiritual and material aspects. Building the metaphorical analogy between the shaman and the artist comes in many ways. Both are seen as healers of the society, having propensity towards connection to spiritual entities, or being more inclined to creativity than others. The ‘shaman’ however is a fashionable word for a spiritual person used perhaps because of the anti-traditionalist religious modern and postmodern views. The figure of the priest is associated with a too rational, theoretical and detached attitude towards spiritual matters, while the practices of the shaman and the artist are considered engaged with spirituality on a deeper existential level. The term ‘shaman’ however does not have priority of other words/figures that can explore and deploy spiritual aspects of reality. Having substituted the term ‘shaman’ in the pair ‘artist as a shaman’ with ‘the priest’ or literally ‘anybody,' we witness destruction of spiritual hierarchies and come to the view that everybody is responsible for their own spiritual and creative evolution.Keywords: artist as a shaman, creativity, extended theory of art, functions of art, priest as an artist
Procedia PDF Downloads 2301102 The Ecosystem of Food Allergy Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review
Authors: Eimar Yadir Quintero Tapias
Background: Science is not generally self-correcting; many clinical studies end with the same conclusion "more research is needed." This study hypothesizes that first, we need a better appraisal of the available (and unavailable) evidence instead of creating more of the same false inquiries. Methods: Systematic review of study records using the following Boolean operators: (food OR nut OR milk OR egg OR shellfish OR wheat OR peanuts) AND (allergy OR allergies OR hypersensitivity OR hypersensitivities). Variables included the status of the study (e g., active and completed), availability of results, sponsor type, sample size, among others. To determine the rates of non-publication in journals indexed by PubMed, an advanced search query using the specific Number of Clinical Trials (e.g., NCT000001 OR NCT000002 OR...) was performed. As a prophylactic measure to prevent P-hacking, data analyses only included descriptive statistics and not inferential approaches. Results: A total of 2092 study records matched the search query described above (date: September 13, 2019). Most studies were interventional (n = 1770; 84.6%) and the remainder observational (n = 322; 15.4%). Universities, hospitals, and research centers sponsored over half of these investigations (n = 1208; 57.7%), 308 studies (14.7%) were industry-funded, and 147 received NIH grants; the remaining studies got mixed sponsorship. Regarding completed studies (n = 1156; 55.2%), 248 (21.5%) have results available at the registry site, and 417 (36.1%) matched NCT numbers of journal papers indexed by PubMed. Conclusions: The internal and external validity of human research is critical for the appraisal of medical evidence. It is imperative to analyze the entire dataset of clinical studies, preferably at a patient-level anonymized raw data, before rushing to conclusions with insufficient and inadequate information. Publication bias and non-registration of clinical trials limit the evaluation of the evidence concerning therapeutic interventions for food allergy, such as oral and sublingual immunotherapy, as well as any other medical condition. Over half of the food allergy human research remains unpublished.Keywords: allergy, clinical trials, immunology, systematic reviews
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381101 Parameters Adjustment of the Modified UBCSand Constitutive Model for the Potentially Liquefiable Sands of Santiago de Cali-Colombia
Authors: Daniel Rosero, Johan S. Arana, Sebastian Arango, Alejandro Cruz, Isabel Gomez-Gutierrez, Peter Thomson
Santiago de Cali is located in the southwestern Colombia in a high seismic hazard zone. About 50% of the city is on the banks of the Cauca River, which is the second most important hydric affluent in the country and whose alluvial deposits contain potentially liquefiable sands. Among the methods used to study a site's liquefaction potential is the finite elements method which use constitutive models to simulate the soil response for different load types. Among the different constitutive models, the Modified UBCSand stands out to study the seismic behavior of sands, and especially the liquefaction phenomenon. In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a potentially liquefiable sand of Santiago de Cali is studied by cyclic triaxial and CPTu tests. Subsequently, the behavior of the sand is simulated using the Modified UBCSand constitutive model, whose parameters are calibrated using the results of cyclic triaxial and CPTu tests. The above with the aim of analyze the constitutive model applicability for studying the geotechnical problems associated to liquefaction in the city.Keywords: constitutive model, cyclic triaxial test, dynamic behavior, liquefiable sand, modified ubcsand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731100 Linking the Built Environment, Activities and Well-Being: Examining the Stories among Older Adults during Ageing-in-Place
Authors: Wenquan Gan, Peiyu Zhao, Xinyu Zhao
Under the background of the rapid development of China’s ageing population, ageing-in-place has become a primary strategy to cope with this problem promoted by the Chinese government. However, most older adults currently living in old residential communities are insufficient to support their ageing-in-place. Therefore, exploring how to retrofit existing communities towards ageing-friendly standards to support older adults is essential for healthy ageing. To better cope with this issue, this study aims to shed light on the inter-relationship among the built environment, daily activities, and well-being of older adults in urban China. Using mixed research methods including GPS tracking, structured observation, and in-depth interview to examine: (a) what specific places or facilities are most commonly used by the elderly in the ageing-in-place process; (b) what specific built environment characteristics attract older adults in these frequently used places; (c) how has the use of these spaces impacted the well-being of older adults. Specifically, structured observation and GPS are used to record and map the older residents’ behaviour and movement in Suzhou, China, a city with a highly aged population and suitable as a research case. Subsequently, a follow-up interview is conducted to explore what impact of activities and the built environment on their well-being. Results showed that for the elderly with good functional ability, the facilities promoted by the Chinese government to support ageing-in-place, such as community nursing homes for the aged, day-care centre, and activity centres for the aged, are rarely used by older adults. Additionally, older adults have their preferred activities and built environment characteristics that contribute to their well-being. Our findings indicate that a complex interrelationship between the built environment and activities can influence the well-being of the elderly. Further investigations are needed to understand how to support healthy ageing-in-place, especially in addition to providing permanent elder-ly-care facilities, but to attend to the design interventions that can enhance these particularly built environment characteristics to facilitate a healthy lifestyle in later life.Keywords: older adults, built environment, spatial behavior, community activity, healthy ageing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071099 Impact of Environmental Stressors on Microbial Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning: Implications for Bioremediation and Restoration Strategies
Authors: Nazanin Nikanmajd
Microorganisms are essential for influencing environmental processes, such as nutrient cycling, pollutant breakdown, and ecosystem well-being. Recent developments in high-throughput sequencing technologies and metagenomic methods have given us fresh understandings about the range and capabilities of microorganisms in different settings. This research examines how environmental stressors like climate change, pollution, and habitat degradation affect the composition and roles of microbial communities in soil and water ecosystems. We show that human-caused disruptions change the makeup of microbial communities, causing changes in important metabolic pathways for biogeochemical processes. More precisely, we pinpoint important microbial groups that show resistance or susceptibility to certain stress factors, emphasizing their possible uses in bioremediation and ecosystem rehabilitation. The results highlight the importance of adopting a holistic approach to comprehend microbial changes in evolving environments, impacting sustainable environmental conservation and management strategies. This research helps develop new solutions to reduce the impacts of environmental degradation on microbial ecosystem services by understanding the intricate relationships between microorganisms and their surroundings.Keywords: environmental microbiology, microbial communities, climate change, pollution, bioremediation, metagenomics, ecosystem services, ecosystem restoration
Procedia PDF Downloads 121098 Bodily Liberation and Spiritual Redemption of Black Women in Beloved: From the Perspective of Ecofeminism
Authors: Wang Huiwen
Since its release, Toni Morrison's novel Beloved has garnered significant international recognition, and its adaptation of a historical account has profoundly affected readers and scholars, evoking a visceral understanding of the suffering endured by black slaves. The ecofeminist approach has garnered more attention in recent times. The emergence of ecofeminism may be attributed to the feminist movement, which has subsequently evolved into several branches, including cultural ecofeminism, social ecofeminism, and socialist ecofeminism, each of which is developing its own specific characteristics. The many branches hold differing perspectives, yet they all converge on a key principle: the interconnectedness between the subjugation of women and the exploitation of nature can be traced back to a common underlying cognitive framework. Scholarly investigations into the novel Beloved have primarily centered on the cultural interpretations around the emancipation of African American women, with a predominant lens rooted in cultural ecofeminism. This thesis aims to analyze Morrison's feminist beliefs in the novel Beloved by integrating socialist and cultural ecofeminist perspectives, which seeks to challenge the limitations of essentialism within ecofeminism while also proposing a strategy to address exploitation and dismantle oppressive structures depicted in Beloved. This thesis examines the white patriarchal oppression system underlying the relationships between men and women, blacks and whites, and man and nature as shown in the novel. What the black women have been deprived of compared with the black men, white women and white men is a main clue of this research, while nature is a key complement of each chapter for their loss. The attainment of spiritual redemption and ultimate freedom is contingent upon the social revolution that enables bodily emancipation, both of which are indispensable for black women. The weighty historical pains, traumatic recollections, and compromised sense of self prompted African slaves to embark on a quest for personal redemption. The restoration of the bond between black men and women, as well as the relationship between black individuals and nature, is a clear and undeniable pathway towards the final freedom of black women in the novel Beloved.Keywords: beloved, ecofeminism, black women, nature, essentialism
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