Search results for: European security
922 Identifying Large-Scale Photovoltaic and Concentrated Solar Power Hot Spots: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework
Authors: Ayat-Allah Bouramdane
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) do not burn fossil fuels and, therefore, could meet the world's needs for low-carbon power generation as they do not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as they generate electricity. The power output of the solar PV module and CSP collector is proportional to the temperature and the amount of solar radiation received by their surface. Hence, the determination of the most convenient locations of PV and CSP systems is crucial to maximizing their output power. This study aims to provide a hands-on and plausible approach to the multi-criteria evaluation of site suitability of PV and CSP plants using a combination of Geographic Referenced Information (GRI) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Applying the GRI-based AHP approach is meant to specify the criteria and sub-criteria, to identify the unsuitable areas, the low-, moderate-, high- and very high suitable areas for each layer of GRI, to perform the pairwise comparison matrix at each level of the hierarchy structure based on experts' knowledge, and calculate the weights using AHP to create the final map of solar PV and CSP plants suitability in Morocco with a particular focus on the Dakhla city. The results recognize that solar irradiation is the main decision factor for the integration of these technologies on energy policy goals of Morocco but explicitly account for other factors that cannot only limit the potential of certain locations but can even exclude the Dakhla city classified as unsuitable area. We discuss the sensitivity of the PV and CSP site suitability to different aspects, such as the methodology, the climate conditions, and the technology used in each source, and provide the final recommendations to the Moroccan energy strategy by analyzing if actual Morocco's PV and CSP installations are located within areas deemed suitable and by discussing several cases to provide mutual benefits across the Food-Energy-Water nexus. The adapted methodology and conducted suitability map could be used by researchers or engineers to provide helpful information for decision-makers in terms of sites selection, design, and planning of future solar plants, especially in areas suffering from energy shortages, such as the Dakhla city, which is now one of Africa's most promising investment hubs and it is especially attractive to investors looking to root their operations in Africa and import to European markets.Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, concentrated solar power, dakhla, geographic referenced information, Morocco, multi-criteria decision-making, photovoltaic, site suitability
Procedia PDF Downloads 180921 Multicollinearity and MRA in Sustainability: Application of the Raise Regression
Authors: Claudia García-García, Catalina B. García-García, Román Salmerón-Gómez
Much economic-environmental research includes the analysis of possible interactions by using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), which is a specific application of multiple linear regression analysis. This methodology allows analyzing how the effect of one of the independent variables is moderated by a second independent variable by adding a cross-product term between them as an additional explanatory variable. Due to the very specification of the methodology, the moderated factor is often highly correlated with the constitutive terms. Thus, great multicollinearity problems arise. The appearance of strong multicollinearity in a model has important consequences. Inflated variances of the estimators may appear, there is a tendency to consider non-significant regressors that they probably are together with a very high coefficient of determination, incorrect signs of our coefficients may appear and also the high sensibility of the results to small changes in the dataset. Finally, the high relationship among explanatory variables implies difficulties in fixing the individual effects of each one on the model under study. These consequences shifted to the moderated analysis may imply that it is not worth including an interaction term that may be distorting the model. Thus, it is important to manage the problem with some methodology that allows for obtaining reliable results. After a review of those works that applied the MRA among the ten top journals of the field, it is clear that multicollinearity is mostly disregarded. Less than 15% of the reviewed works take into account potential multicollinearity problems. To overcome the issue, this work studies the possible application of recent methodologies to MRA. Particularly, the raised regression is analyzed. This methodology mitigates collinearity from a geometrical point of view: the collinearity problem arises because the variables under study are very close geometrically, so by separating both variables, the problem can be mitigated. Raise regression maintains the available information and modifies the problematic variables instead of deleting variables, for example. Furthermore, the global characteristics of the initial model are also maintained (sum of squared residuals, estimated variance, coefficient of determination, global significance test and prediction). The proposal is implemented to data from countries of the European Union during the last year available regarding greenhouse gas emissions, per capita GDP and a dummy variable that represents the topography of the country. The use of a dummy variable as the moderator is a special variant of MRA, sometimes called “subgroup regression analysis.” The main conclusion of this work is that applying new techniques to the field can improve in a substantial way the results of the analysis. Particularly, the use of raised regression mitigates great multicollinearity problems, so the researcher is able to rely on the interaction term when interpreting the results of a particular study.Keywords: multicollinearity, MRA, interaction, raise
Procedia PDF Downloads 107920 Predictive Analytics in Oil and Gas Industry
Authors: Suchitra Chnadrashekhar
Earlier looked as a support function in an organization information technology has now become a critical utility to manage their daily operations. Organizations are processing huge amount of data which was unimaginable few decades before. This has opened the opportunity for IT sector to help industries across domains to handle the data in the most intelligent manner. Presence of IT has been a leverage for the Oil & Gas industry to store, manage and process the data in most efficient way possible thus deriving the economic value in their day-to-day operations. Proper synchronization between Operational data system and Information Technology system is the need of the hour. Predictive analytics supports oil and gas companies by addressing the challenge of critical equipment performance, life cycle, integrity, security, and increase their utilization. Predictive analytics go beyond early warning by providing insights into the roots of problems. To reach their full potential, oil and gas companies need to take a holistic or systems approach towards asset optimization and thus have the functional information at all levels of the organization in order to make the right decisions. This paper discusses how the use of predictive analysis in oil and gas industry is redefining the dynamics of this sector. Also, the paper will be supported by real time data and evaluation of the data for a given oil production asset on an application tool, SAS. The reason for using SAS as an application for our analysis is that SAS provides an analytics-based framework to improve uptimes, performance and availability of crucial assets while reducing the amount of unscheduled maintenance, thus minimizing maintenance-related costs and operation disruptions. With state-of-the-art analytics and reporting, we can predict maintenance problems before they happen and determine root causes in order to update processes for future prevention.Keywords: hydrocarbon, information technology, SAS, predictive analytics
Procedia PDF Downloads 361919 Climate Change and Sustainable Development among Agricultural Communities in Tanzania; An Analysis of Southern Highland Rural Communities
Authors: Paschal Arsein Mugabe
This paper examines sustainable development planning in the context of environmental concerns in rural areas of the Tanzania. It challenges mainstream approaches to development, focusing instead upon transformative action for environmental justice. The goal is to help shape future sustainable development agendas in local government, international agencies and civil society organisations. Research methods: The approach of the study is geographical, but also involves various Trans-disciplinary elements, particularly from development studies, sociology and anthropology, management, geography, agriculture and environmental science. The research methods included thematic and questionnaire interviews, participatory tools such as focus group discussion, participatory research appraisal and expert interviews for primary data. Secondary data were gathered through the analysis of land use/cover data and official documents on climate, agriculture, marketing and health. Also several earlier studies that were made in the area provided an important reference base. Findings: The findings show that, agricultural sustainability in Tanzania appears likely to deteriorate as a consequence of climate change. Noteworthy differences in impacts across households are also present both by district and by income category. Also food security cannot be explained by climate as the only influencing factor. A combination of economic, political and socio-cultural context of the community are crucial. Conclusively, it is worthy knowing that people understand their relationship between climate change and their livelihood.Keywords: agriculture, climate change, environment, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 325918 Triticum Aestivum Yield Enhanced with Irrigation Scheduling Strategy under Salinity
Authors: Taramani Yadav, Gajender Kumar, R. K. Yadav, H. S. Jat
Soil Salinity and irrigation water salinity is critical threat to enhance agricultural food production to full fill the demand of billion plus people worldwide. Salt affected soils covers 6.73 Mha in India and ~1000 Mha area around the world. Irrigation scheduling of saline water is the way to ensure food security in salt affected areas. Research experiment was conducted at ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Experimental Farm, Nain, Haryana, India with 36 treatment combinations in double split plot design. Three sets of treatments consisted of (i) three regimes of irrigation viz., 60, 80 and 100% (I1, I2 and I3, respectively) of crop ETc (crop evapotranspiration at identified respective stages) in main plot; (ii) four levels of irrigation water salinity (sub plot treatments) viz., 2, 4, 8 and 12 dS m-1 (iii) applications of two PBRs along with control (without PBRs) i.e. salicylic acid (G1; 1 mM) and thiourea (G2; 500 ppm) as sub-sub plot treatments. Grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) was increased with less amount of high salt loaded irrigation water at the same level of salinity (2 dS m-1), the trend was I3>I2>I1 at 2 dS m-1 with 8.10 and 17.07% increase at 80 and 100% ETc, respectively compared to 60% ETc. But contrary results were obtained by increasing amount of irrigation water at same level of highest salinity (12 dS m-1) showing following trend; I1>I2>I3 at 12 dS m-1 with 9.35 and 12.26% increase at 80 and 60% ETc compared to 100% ETc. Enhancement in grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) is not need to increase amount of irrigation water under saline condition, with salty irrigation water less amount of irrigation water gave the maximum wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain yield.Keywords: Irrigation Scheduling, Saline Environment, Triticum aestivum, Yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 145917 Investigation of Fluid-Structure-Seabed Interaction of Gravity Anchor under Liquefaction and Scour
Authors: Vinay Kumar Vanjakula, Frank Adam, Nils Goseberg, Christian Windt
When a structure is installed on a seabed, the presence of the structure will influence the flow field around it. The changes in the flow field include, formation of vortices, turbulence generation, waves or currents flow breaking and pressure differentials around the seabed sediment. These changes allow the local seabed sediment to be carried off and results in Scour (erosion). These are a threat to the structure's stability. In recent decades, rapid developments of research work and the knowledge of scour On fixed structures (bridges and Monopiles) in rivers and oceans has been carried out, and very limited research work on scour and liquefaction for gravity anchors, particularly for floating Tension Leg Platform (TLP) substructures. Due to its importance and need for enhancement of knowledge in scour and liquefaction around marine structures, the MarTERA funded a three-year (2020-2023) research program called NuLIMAS (Numerical Modeling of Liquefaction Around Marine Structures). It’s a group consists of European institutions (Universities, laboratories, and consulting companies). The objective of this study is to build a numerical model that replicates the reality, which indeed helps to simulate (predict) underwater flow conditions and to study different marine scour and Liquefication situations. It helps to design a heavyweight anchor for the TLP substructure and to minimize the time and expenditure on experiments. And also, the achieved results and the numerical model will be a basis for the development of other design and concepts For marine structures. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical model will build in OpenFOAM. A conceptual design of heavyweight anchor for TLP substructure is designed through taking considerations of available state-of-the-art knowledge on scour and Liquefication concepts and references to Previous existing designs. These conceptual designs are validated with the available similar experimental benchmark data and also with the CFD numerical benchmark standards (CFD quality assurance study). CFD optimization model/tool is designed as to minimize the effect of fluid flow, scour, and Liquefication. A parameterized model is also developed to automate the calculation process to reduce user interactions. The parameters such as anchor Lowering Process, flow optimized outer contours, seabed interaction study, and FSSI (Fluid-Structure-Seabed Interactions) are investigated and used to carve the model as to build an optimized anchor.Keywords: gravity anchor, liquefaction, scour, computational fluid dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 144916 Smart Campus Digital Twin: Basic Framework - Current State, Trends and Challenges
Authors: Enido Fabiano de Ramos, Ieda Kanashiro Makiya, Francisco I. Giocondo Cesar
This study presents an analysis of the Digital Twin concept applied to the academic environment, focusing on the development of a Digital Twin Smart Campus Framework. Using bibliometric analysis methodologies and literature review, the research investigates the evolution and applications of the Digital Twin in educational contexts, comparing these findings with the advances of Industry 4.0. It was identified gaps in the existing literature and highlighted the need to adapt Digital Twin principles to meet the specific demands of a smart campus. By integrating Industry 4.0 concepts such as automation, Internet of Things, and real-time data analytics, we propose an innovative framework for the successful implementation of the Digital Twin in academic settings. The results of this study provide valuable insights for university campus managers, allowing for a better understanding of the potential applications of the Digital Twin for operations, security, and user experience optimization. In addition, our framework offers practical guidance for transitioning from a digital campus to a digital twin smart campus, promoting innovation and efficiency in the educational environment. This work contributes to the growing literature on Digital Twins and Industry 4.0, while offering a specific and tailored approach to transforming university campuses into smart and connected spaces, high demanded by Society 5.0 trends. It is hoped that this framework will serve as a basis for future research and practical implementations in the field of higher education and educational technology.Keywords: smart campus, digital twin, industry 4.0, education trends, society 5.0
Procedia PDF Downloads 59915 The Exploration of Persuasive Skills and Participants Characteristics in Pyramid-Sale: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Xing Yan Fan, Xing Lin Xu, Man Yuan Chen, Pei Tzu Lee, Yu Ting Wang, Yi Xiao Cao, Rui Yao
Pyramid sales have been a widespread issue in China. Victims who are defrauded not only lose money but damage interpersonal relationship. A deeper understanding of pyramid-sale models can be beneficial to prevent potential victims from fraud and improve the property security. The goals of this study were to detect psychological characteristics of pyramid-sale sellers, and analyse persuasive skills in pyramid organizations. A qualitative study was conducted in this study. Participants (n=6) recruited by 'snowball' sampling from present pyramid-sale sellers (n=3) and imprisoned pyramid-sale sellers (n=3). All participants accepted semi-structured interview for collecting data. Content analysis was adopted for data coding and analysis. The results indicate that pyramid organizations are used to utilize their appearance packaging and celebrity effect to strengthen the positions in participants’ mind. The status gap between pyramid-sale sellers in same organization, as well as rewards to increase reputation, are used to motivate participants in pyramid. The most significant common characteristics among all participants are that they tend to possess a high sense of belongingness within the firm. Moreover, the expression of pyramid-sale sellers on gambling mentality is expected to growth as constantly losing money. Findings suggest that the psychological characteristics of pyramid-sale sellers in accordance with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, persuasive skills of pyramid organization confront to 'attitude-behaviour change model'. These findings have implication on 'immune education' that providing guidance for victims out of stuck and protecting ordinary people from the jeopardizing of pyramid sales.Keywords: pyramid sales, characteristics, persuasive skills, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 257914 The Role Played by Awareness and Complexity through the Use of a Logistic Regression Analysis
Authors: Yari Vecchio, Margherita Masi, Jorgelina Di Pasquale
Adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) is involved in a multidimensional and complex scenario. The process of adopting innovations is complex and social inherently, influenced by other producers, change agents, social norms and organizational pressure. Complexity depends on factors that interact and influence the decision to adopt. Farm and operator characteristics, as well as organizational, informational and agro-ecological context directly affect adoption. This influence has been studied to measure drivers and to clarify 'bottlenecks' of the adoption of agricultural innovation. Making decision process involves a multistage procedure, in which individual passes from first hearing about the technology to final adoption. Awareness is the initial stage and represents the moment in which an individual learns about the existence of the technology. 'Static' concept of adoption has been overcome. Awareness is a precondition to adoption. This condition leads to not encountering some erroneous evaluations, arose from having carried out analysis on a population that is only in part aware of technologies. In support of this, the present study puts forward an empirical analysis among Italian farmers, considering awareness as a prerequisite for adoption. The purpose of the present work is to analyze both factors that affect the probability to adopt and determinants that drive an aware individual to not adopt. Data were collected through a questionnaire submitted in November 2017. A preliminary descriptive analysis has shown that high levels of adoption have been found among younger farmers, better educated, with high intensity of information, with large farm size and high labor-intensive, and whose perception of the complexity of adoption process is lower. The use of a logit model permits to appreciate the weight played by the intensity of labor and complexity perceived by the potential adopter in PA adoption process. All these findings suggest important policy implications: measures dedicated to promoting innovation will need to be more specific for each phase of this adoption process. Specifically, they should increase awareness of PA tools and foster dissemination of information to reduce the degree of perceived complexity of the adoption process. These implications are particularly important in Europe where is pre-announced the reform of Common Agricultural Policy, oriented to innovation. In this context, these implications suggest to the measures supporting innovation to consider the relationship between various organizational and structural dimensions of European agriculture and innovation approaches.Keywords: adoption, awareness, complexity, precision agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 138913 Object Recognition System Operating from Different Type Vehicles Using Raspberry and OpenCV
Authors: Maria Pavlova
In our days, it is possible to put the camera on different vehicles like quadcopter, train, airplane and etc. The camera also can be the input sensor in many different systems. That means the object recognition like non separate part of monitoring control can be key part of the most intelligent systems. The aim of this paper is to focus of the object recognition process during vehicles movement. During the vehicle’s movement the camera takes pictures from the environment without storage in Data Base. In case the camera detects a special object (for example human or animal), the system saves the picture and sends it to the work station in real time. This functionality will be very useful in emergency or security situations where is necessary to find a specific object. In another application, the camera can be mounted on crossroad where do not have many people and if one or more persons come on the road, the traffic lights became the green and they can cross the road. In this papers is presented the system has solved the aforementioned problems. It is presented architecture of the object recognition system includes the camera, Raspberry platform, GPS system, neural network, software and Data Base. The camera in the system takes the pictures. The object recognition is done in real time using the OpenCV library and Raspberry microcontroller. An additional feature of this library is the ability to display the GPS coordinates of the captured objects position. The results from this processes will be sent to remote station. So, in this case, we can know the location of the specific object. By neural network, we can learn the module to solve the problems using incoming data and to be part in bigger intelligent system. The present paper focuses on the design and integration of the image recognition like a part of smart systems.Keywords: camera, object recognition, OpenCV, Raspberry
Procedia PDF Downloads 219912 Code Embedding for Software Vulnerability Discovery Based on Semantic Information
Authors: Joseph Gear, Yue Xu, Ernest Foo, Praveen Gauravaran, Zahra Jadidi, Leonie Simpson
Deep learning methods have been seeing an increasing application to the long-standing security research goal of automatic vulnerability detection for source code. Attention, however, must still be paid to the task of producing vector representations for source code (code embeddings) as input for these deep learning models. Graphical representations of code, most predominantly Abstract Syntax Trees and Code Property Graphs, have received some use in this task of late; however, for very large graphs representing very large code snip- pets, learning becomes prohibitively computationally expensive. This expense may be reduced by intelligently pruning this input to only vulnerability-relevant information; however, little research in this area has been performed. Additionally, most existing work comprehends code based solely on the structure of the graph at the expense of the information contained by the node in the graph. This paper proposes Semantic-enhanced Code Embedding for Vulnerability Discovery (SCEVD), a deep learning model which uses semantic-based feature selection for its vulnerability classification model. It uses information from the nodes as well as the structure of the code graph in order to select features which are most indicative of the presence or absence of vulnerabilities. This model is implemented and experimentally tested using the SARD Juliet vulnerability test suite to determine its efficacy. It is able to improve on existing code graph feature selection methods, as demonstrated by its improved ability to discover vulnerabilities.Keywords: code representation, deep learning, source code semantics, vulnerability discovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 161911 The Professional Rehabilitation of Workers Affected by Chronic Low Back Pain in 'Baixada Santista' Region, Brazil
Authors: Maria Do Carmo Baracho De Alencar
Back pain is considered a worldwide public health problem and has led to numerous work-related absence from work and public spending on rehabilitation, as well as difficulties in the process of professional rehabilitation and return to work. Also, the rehabilitation of workers is one of the great challenges today and for the field of Workers' Health in Brazil. Aim: To investigate the procedures related to the professional rehabilitation of insured workers affected by chronic low back pain, based on the perceptions of professional counselors. Methods: A list of related professional counselors was obtained from the Professional Rehabilitation Coordination of the Baixada Santista (SP) region, and from the Social Security National Institute of Brazil, and in which cities they worked. Semistructured and individual interview was scheduled, based on a pre-elaborated script, containing questions about procedures, experiences at work and feelings. The interviews were recorded and transcribed in full for content analysis. Results: Ten (10) professional counselors of both genders and from nine (9) cities from the Baixada Santista region participated in the study. Aged between 31 and 64 years, and time in service between 4 and 38 years. Only one of the professionals was graduaded in Psychology. Among the testimonies emerged the high demand of work, the lack of interest of companies, medical authority, the social helplessness after rehabilitation process, difficulty in assessing invisible pain, and suffering, anguish, and frustration at work, between others. Conclusion: The study contributes to reflections about the importance of interdisciplinary actions and the Psychology in the processes of professional rehabilitation and readaptation in the process of return to work.Keywords: low back pain, rehabilitation, work, occupational health
Procedia PDF Downloads 135910 AgriInnoConnect Pro System Using Iot and Firebase Console
Authors: Amit Barde, Dipali Khatave, Vaishali Savale, Atharva Chavan, Sapna Wagaj, Aditya Jilla
AgriInnoConnect Pro is an advanced agricultural automation system designed to enhance irrigation efficiency and overall farm management through IoT technology. Using MIT App Inventor, Telegram, Arduino IDE, and Firebase Console, it provides a user-friendly interface for farmers. Key hardware includes soil moisture sensors, DHT11 sensors, a 12V motor, a solenoid valve, a stepdown transformer, Smart Fencing, and AC switches. The system operates in automatic and manual modes. In automatic mode, the ESP32 microcontroller monitors soil moisture and autonomously controls irrigation to optimize water usage. In manual mode, users can control the irrigation motor via a mobile app. Telegram bots enable remote operation of the solenoid valve and electric fencing, enhancing farm security. Additionally, the system upgrades conventional devices to smart ones using AC switches, broadening automation capabilities. AgriInnoConnect Pro aims to improve farm productivity and resource management, addressing the critical need for sustainable water conservation and providing a comprehensive solution for modern farm management. The integration of smart technologies in AgriInnoConnect Pro ensures precision farming practices, promoting efficient resource allocation and sustainable agricultural development.Keywords: agricultural automation, IoT, soil moisture sensor, ESP32, MIT app inventor, telegram bot, smart farming, remote control, firebase console
Procedia PDF Downloads 46909 Major Constraints to Adoption of Improved Post-harvest Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Authors: Muganyizi Jonas Bisheko, G. Rejikumar
Reducing post-harvest losses could be a sustainable solution to enhance the food and income security of smallholder farmers in developing countries. While various research institutions have come up with a number of innovative post-harvest technologies for reducing post-harvest losses, most of them have not been extensively adopted by smallholder farmers. Despite this gap, the synthesized information about the major constraints of post-harvest technology is scarce. This study has been conducted to fill this gap and show the implications of the findings for future post-harvest research. The developed search strategy retrieved 2201 studies. However, after excluding duplicates, title, abstract and full article screening, a total of 41 documents were identified. The major findings are: (i) there is an outstanding deficiency of systematic evidence of the effect of climate change, off-farm income and sources of post-harvest information on the adoption of improved post-harvest technologies; (ii) there is very limited information on adoption constraints pertaining to matters of policy, rules and regulations; (iii) there is very thin literature on behavioral constraints associated with limited adoption of improved post-harvest technologies; (iv) most of the studies focused on post-harvest storage technologies (47%) followed by overall post-harvest management practices (25%), processing technologies (19%) and packaging technologies (3%). Much of the information was found on Cereals (58%), especially maize (44%); (v) geographically, Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 79% of the reviewed interventions, while South Asia occupied only 21%. The findings of this review are intended to guide various post-harvest technologists and decision-makers in addressing the challenge of huge post-harvest losses.Keywords: constraints, post-harvest loss, post-harvest technology , smallholder farmer
Procedia PDF Downloads 237908 Rethink Urban Resilience: An Introductory Study Towards Resilient Spatial Structure of Refugees Neighborhoods
Authors: Salwa Mohammad Alawneh
The ongoing humanitarian crises spur rapid and unpredicted refugee influxes resulting in demographic changes in cities. Regarding different urban systems are vulnerable in refugee neighborhoods. With the consequent social, economic, and spatial challenges, cities must respond with a more durable and sustainable approach based on urban resilience. The paper systematically approaches urban resilience to contribute to refugee spaces by reflecting on the overall urban systems of their neighborhoods. The research will review the urban resilience literature to develop an evaluation framework. The developed framework applies urban resilience more holistically in refugee neighborhoods and expands to the urban systems of social, economic, and spatial. However, the main highlight of this paper is the resilient spatial structure in refugee neighborhoods to face the internal and complex stress of refugee waves and their demographic changes. Finding a set of resilient spatial measurements and focusing on urban forms at a neighborhood scale provide vulnerability reduction and enhance adaptation capacity. As a model example, the paper applies these measurements and facilitates geospatial technologies to one of the refugee neighborhoods in Amman, Jordan, namely Al-Jubilee. The application in Al-Jubilee helps to demonstrate a road map towards a developmental pattern in design and planning by different decision-makers of inter-governmental and humanitarian organizations. In this regard, urban resilience improves the humanitarian assistantship of refugee settings beyond providing the essential needs. In conclusion, urban resilience responds to the different challenges of refugee neighborhoods by supporting urban stability, improving livability, and maintaining both urban functions and security.Keywords: urban resilience of refugee, resilient urban form, refugee neighborhoods, humanitarian assistantship, refugee in Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 160907 Urinary Incontinence and Performance in Elite Athletes
Authors: María Barbaño Acevedo Gómez, Elena Sonsoles Rodríguez López, Sofía Olivia Calvo Moreno, Ángel Basas García, Christophe RamíRez Parenteau
Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine. In persons who practice sport, its prevalence is 36.1% (95% CI 26.5% –46.8%) and varies as it seems to depend on the intensity of exercise, movements and impact on the ground. Such high impact sports are likely to generate higher intra-abdominal pressures and leading to pelvic floor muscle weakness. Although physical exercise reduces the risk of suffering from many diseases the mentality of an elite athlete is not to optimize their health, achieving their goals can put their health at risk. Furthermore, feeling or suffering from any discomfort during training seems to be normal within the elite sport demands. Objective: The main objective of the present study was to know the effects of UI in sports performance in athletes. Methods: This was an observational study conducted in 754 elite athletes. After collecting questions about pelvic floor, UI and sport-related data, participants completed the questionnaire International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-UI Short- Form (ICIQ-SF) and ISI (index of incontinence severity). Results: 48.8% of the athletes declare having losses also in rest, preseason and / or competition (χ2 [3] = 3.64; p = 0.302), being the competition period (29.1%) the most frequent where suffer from urine leakage. Of the elite athletes surveyed, 33% had UI according ICIQ-SF (mean age 23.75 ± 7.74 years). Elite athletes with UI (5.31 ± 1.07 days) dedicate significantly more days per week to training [M = 0.28; 95% CI = 0.08-0.48; t (752) = 2.78; p = 0.005] than those without UI. Regarding frequency, 59.7% lose urine once a week, 25.6% lose urine more than 3 times a week, and 14.7% daily. Based on the amount, approximately 15% claim to lose a moderate and abundant. Athletes with the highest number of urine leaks during their training, the UI affects them more in their daily life (r = 0.259; p = 0.001), they present a greater number of losses in their day to day (r = 0.341; p <0.001 ) and greater severity of UI (r = 0.341; p <0.001). Conclusions: Athletes consider that UI affects them negatively in their daily routine, 30.9% affirm having a severity between moderate and severe in their daily routine, and 29.1% loss urine in competition period. An interesting fact is that more than half of the samples collected were elite athletes who compete at the highest level (Olympic Games, World and European Championship), the dedication to sport occupies a big piece in their life. The most frequent period where athletes suffers urine leakage is in competition and there are many emotions that athletes manage to get their best performance, if we add urine losses in that moments it is possible that their performance could be affected.Keywords: athletes, performance, prevalence, sport, training, urinary incontinence
Procedia PDF Downloads 131906 Distinctive Features of Legal Relations in the Area of Subsoil Use, Renewal and Protection in Ukraine
Authors: N. Maksimentseva
The issue of public administration in subsoil use, renewal and protection is of high importance for Ukraine since it is strongly linked to energy security of the state as well as it shall facilitate the people of Ukraine to efficiently implement its propitiatory rights towards natural resources and redistribution of national wealth. As it is stipulated in the Article 11 of the Subsoil Code of Ukraine (the Code) the authorities that administer the industry are limited to central executive bodies and local governments. In particular, it is stipulated in the Code that the Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers carries out public administration in geological exploration, production and protection of subsoil. Other state bodies of public administration include central public authority responsible for state environmental protection policies; central public authority in charge of implementation of state geological exploration and efficient subsoil use policies; central authority in charge of state health and safety control policies. There are also public authorities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; local executive bodies and other state authorities and local self-government authorities in compliance with laws of Ukraine. This article is devoted to the analysis of the legal relations in the area of public administration of subsoil use, renewal and protection in Ukraine. The main approaches to study the essence of legal relations in the named area as well as its tasks, functions and methods are analyzed. It is concluded in this article that legal relationship in the field of public administration of subsoil use, renewal and protection is characterized by specifics of its task (development of natural resources).Keywords: legal relations, public administration, subsoil code of Ukraine, subsoil use, renewal and protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 356905 Implementation of a Monostatic Microwave Imaging System using a UWB Vivaldi Antenna
Authors: Babatunde Olatujoye, Binbin Yang
Microwave imaging is a portable, noninvasive, and non-ionizing imaging technique that employs low-power microwave signals to reveal objects in the microwave frequency range. This technique has immense potential for adoption in commercial and scientific applications such as security scanning, material characterization, and nondestructive testing. This work presents a monostatic microwave imaging setup using an Ultra-Wideband (UWB), low-cost, miniaturized Vivaldi antenna with a bandwidth of 1 – 6 GHz. The backscattered signals (S-parameters) of the Vivaldi antenna used for scanning targets were measured in the lab using a VNA. An automated two-dimensional (2-D) scanner was employed for the 2-D movement of the transceiver to collect the measured scattering data from different positions. The targets consist of four metallic objects, each with a distinct shape. Similar setup was also simulated in Ansys HFSS. A high-resolution Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) was applied to both the simulated and experimental backscattered signals. The BPA utilizes the phase and amplitude information recorded over a two-dimensional aperture of 50 cm × 50 cm with a discreet step size of 2 cm to reconstruct a focused image of the targets. The adoption of BPA was demonstrated by coherently resolving and reconstructing reflection signals from conventional time-of-flight profiles. For both the simulation and experimental data, BPA accurately reconstructed a high resolution 2D image of the targets in terms of shape and location. An improvement of the BPA, in terms of target resolution, was achieved by applying the filtering method in frequency domain.Keywords: back propagation, microwave imaging, monostatic, vivialdi antenna, ultra wideband
Procedia PDF Downloads 23904 Market Segmentation of Cruise Ship Passengers: Implications for Marketing of Local Products and Services at Destination Points
Authors: Gunnar Oskarsson, Irena Georgsdottir
Tourism has been growing incredibly fast during the past years, including the cruise industry, which is gaining increasing popularity among various groups of travelers. It is a challenging task for companies serving cruise ship passengers with local products and services at the point of destination to reach them in due time with information about their offerings, as well learning how to adapt their offerings and messages to the type of customers arriving on each particular occasion. Although some research has been conducted in this sphere, there is still limited knowledge about many specifics within this sector of the tourist industry. The objective of this research is to examine one of these, with the main goal of studying the segmentation of cruise passengers and to learn about marketing practices directed towards them. A qualitative research method, based on in-depth interviews, was used, as this provides an opportunity to gain insight into the participants’ perspectives. Interviews were conducted with 10 respondents from different companies in the tourist industry in Iceland, who interact with cruise passengers on a regular basis in their work environment. The main objective was to gain an understanding of what distinguishes different customer groups, or segments, in this industry, and of the marketing approaches directed towards them. The main findings reveal that participants note the strongest difference between cruise passengers of different nationalities, passengers coming on different ships (size and type), and passengers arriving at different times of the year. A drastic difference was noticed between nationalities in four main segments, American, British, Other European, and Asian customers, although some of these segments could be divided into even further sub-segments. Other important differencing factors were size and type of ships, quality or number of stars on the ship, and travelling time of the year. Companies serving cruise ship passengers, as well as the customers themselves, could benefit if the offerings of services were designed specifically for particular segments within the industry. Concerning marketing towards cruise passengers, the results indicate that it is carried out almost exclusively through the Internet using; a reliable website and, search engine optimization. Marketing is also by word-of-mouth. This research can assist practitioners by offering a deeper understanding of the approaches that may be effective in marketing local products and services to cruise ship passengers, based on their segmentation and by identifying effective ways to reach them. The research, furthermore, provides a valuable contribution to marketing knowledge for the benefit of an increasingly important market segment in a fast growing tourist industry.Keywords: capabilities, global integration, internationalisation, SMEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 401903 Child Feeding Practices of Mothers (Childbearing) and Exploration of Their Household Food Insecurity in a Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Authors: Md Abdullah Al Mamun
Background: The current situation of Ensuring WHO recommended feeding practices for infant and young children which is becoming a challenge nowadays in many developing countries, especially in areas where household food security is at risk. Because many households of the developing countries often encounter severe food insecurity hence provision of adequate child nutrition is threatened. Aim: The study aimed to assess the child feeding practices of 0-24 months childbearing mothers and explore their household food insecurity in a coastal region of Bangladesh. Methods: This study was conducted in Suborno Char (one of the coastal suburbs in Noakhali District in Bangladesh) from October 2019 to April 2020. A total of 400 mothers were selected with their children of 0-24 months following a cross sectional study sampling procedure of the population. Data were collected through a standard questionnaire and analyzed using statistical tests in SPSS version 20.0.0. Results: The frequency of exclusive breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding, and giving foods from four food groups to the children were 53.5%, 75.5%, and 22.2%, respectively. Mother's level of education showed a strong association with the child feeding practices of the mothers. Mothers of severely food insecure households showed lower odds in exclusive breastfeeding practice (COR 0.233 at 95% CI 0.083, 0.655; and AOR 0.478 at 95% CI 0.133, 1.713) than mothers of food secured households. Similar results have also been found in case of timely initiation of complementary feeding and minimum dietary diversity of the children.Keywords: household food insecurity, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, maternal education, mothers age, household income
Procedia PDF Downloads 159902 Wildlife Habitat Corridor Mapping in Urban Environments: A GIS-Based Approach Using Preliminary Category Weightings
Authors: Stefan Peters, Phillip Roetman
The global loss of biodiversity is threatening the benefits nature provides to human populations and has become a more pressing issue than climate change and requires immediate attention. While there have been successful global agreements for environmental protection, such as the Montreal Protocol, these are rare, and we cannot rely on them solely. Thus, it is crucial to take national and local actions to support biodiversity. Australia is one of the 17 countries in the world with a high level of biodiversity, and its cities are vital habitats for endangered species, with more of them found in urban areas than in non-urban ones. However, the protection of biodiversity in metropolitan Adelaide has been inadequate, with over 130 species disappearing since European colonization in 1836. In this research project we conceptualized, developed and implemented a framework for wildlife Habitat Hotspots and Habitat Corridor modelling in an urban context using geographic data and GIS modelling and analysis. We used detailed topographic and other geographic data provided by a local council, including spatial and attributive properties of trees, parcels, water features, vegetated areas, roads, verges, traffic, and census data. Weighted factors considered in our raster-based Habitat Hotspot model include parcel size, parcel shape, population density, canopy cover, habitat quality and proximity to habitats and water features. Weighted factors considered in our raster-based Habitat Corridor model include habitat potential (resulting from the Habitat Hotspot model), verge size, road hierarchy, road widths, human density, and presence of remnant indigenous vegetation species. We developed a GIS model, using Python scripting and ArcGIS-Pro Model-Builder, to establish an automated reproducible and adjustable geoprocessing workflow, adaptable to any study area of interest. Our habitat hotspot and corridor modelling framework allow to determine and map existing habitat hotspots and wildlife habitat corridors. Our research had been applied to the study case of Burnside, a local council in Adelaide, Australia, which encompass an area of 30 km2. We applied end-user expertise-based category weightings to refine our models and optimize the use of our habitat map outputs towards informing local strategic decision-making.Keywords: biodiversity, GIS modeling, habitat hotspot, wildlife corridor
Procedia PDF Downloads 117901 The Effect of Human Rights Violation in Modern Society
Authors: Hanania Nasan Shokry Abdelmasih
The discipline of regulation is pretty complex and has its own terminology. other than written legal guidelines, there's also dwelling regulation, which refers to prison exercise. primary legal rules purpose at the happiness of individuals in social existence and feature different characteristics in unique branches including public or non-public regulation. on the other hand, law is a countrywide phenomenon. The law of 1 state and the legal device implemented at the territory of another state can be completely exceptional. individuals who are professionals in a specific discipline of regulation in a single united states may have inadequate know-how within the regulation of every other united states. today, similarly to the neighborhood nature of regulation, worldwide and even supranational regulation rules are implemented as a way to defend basic human values and make sure the protection of human rights around the sector. systems that offer algorithmic answers to prison problems using synthetic intelligence (AI) gear will perhaps serve to produce very meaningful consequences in phrases of human rights. but, algorithms to be used need to no longer be evolved with the aid of only pc professionals, however additionally want the contribution of folks who are familiar with law, values, judicial choices, and even the social and political culture of the society to which it'll provide answers. otherwise, even supposing the set of rules works perfectly, it may not be well suited with the values of the society in which it is applied. The present day traits involving using AI techniques in legal systems suggest that artificial law will come to be a brand new subject within the area of law.Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 8900 Advanced Metallic Frameworks for Development of Robust and Efficient Water Splitting Electrodes
Authors: Tam D. Nguyen, Joe Varga, Douglas MacFarlane, Alexandr Simonov
Development of advanced technologies for green hydrogen generation from renewables is of key strategic importance to global future energy security and economic growth. Renewable-powered water electrolysis (WE) is considered as the most effective of the sustainable methods for hydrogen generation at scale. Currently, the greatest challenge of hydrogen production via water electrolysis is the insufficiently high efficiency. In which, the energy loss associated with the conversion of water to hydrogen is approximately 40-60%, with 30-35% associated with the electrolysis itself and 10-12% with gas compression and transportation. Hence, development of an energy-efficient water electrolyser that can generate hydrogen at high pressure will address both of these major challenges. This requires the development of advanced electrode configuration of the water electrolysis cell. Herein, we developed a highly-ordered interconnected structure of the metallic inverse-opal (IO) frameworks based on low cost materials, e.g. Cu, Ni, Fe, Co. The water electrolysis electrodes based on these frameworks can provide excellent mechanical strength required for the application under conditions of extreme pressure, as well as outstanding catalytic performance through the exceptional high surface area and high electrical conductivity. For example, NiFe layered double hydroxide (LDH) catalyst deposited on Cu IO is able to reach the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalytic performance up to the rates of > 100 mA cm−2 (>727A gcatalyst-1) at an overpotential of ~0.3 V. This high performance is achieved with only few micron-thick catalyst layers, in contrast to similarly performance of 103-fold thicker electrodes based on foams and other substrates.Keywords: oxygen evolution reaction, support materials, mass transport, NiFe LDH
Procedia PDF Downloads 5899 The Effect of Female Access to Healthcare and Educational Attainment on Nigerian Agricultural Productivity Level
Authors: Esther M. Folarin, Evans Osabuohien, Ademola Onabote
Agriculture constitutes an important part of development and poverty mitigation in lower-middle-income countries, like Nigeria. The level of agricultural productivity in the Nigerian economy in line with the level of demand necessary to meet the desired expectation of the Nigerian populace is threatening to meeting the standard of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); This includes the SDG-2 (achieve food security through agricultural productivity). The overall objective of the study is to reveal the performance of the interaction variable in the model among other factors that help in the achievement of greater Nigerian agricultural productivity. The study makes use of Wave 4 (2018/2019) of the Living Standard Measurement Studies, Integrated Survey on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA). Qualitative analysis of the information was also used to provide complimentary answers to the quantitative analysis done in the study. The study employed human capital theory and Grossman’s theory of health Demand in explaining the relationships that exist between the variables within the model of the study. The study engages the Instrumental Variable Regression technique in achieving the broad objectives among other techniques for the other specific objectives. The estimation results show that there exists a positive relationship between female healthcare and the level of female agricultural productivity in Nigeria. In conclusion, the study emphasises the need for more provision and empowerment for greater female access to healthcare and educational attainment levels that aids higher female agricultural productivity and consequently an improvement in the total agricultural productivity of the Nigerian economy.Keywords: agricultural productivity, education, female, healthcare, investment
Procedia PDF Downloads 82898 Testing of Canadian Integrated Healthcare and Social Services Initiatives with an Evidence-Based Case Definition for Healthcare and Social Services Integrations
Authors: S. Cheng, C. Catallo
Introduction: Canada's healthcare and social services systems are failing high risk, vulnerable older adults. Care for vulnerable older Canadians (65 and older) is not optimal in Canada. It does not address the care needs of vulnerable, high risk adults using a holistic approach. Given the growing aging population, and the care needs for seniors with complex conditions is one of the highest in Canada's health care system, there is a sense of urgency to optimize care. Integration of health and social services is an emerging trend in Canada when compared to European countries. There is no common and universal understanding of healthcare and social services integration within the country. Consequently, a clear understanding and definition of integrated health and social services are absent in Canada. Objectives: A study was undertaken to develop a case definition for integrated health and social care initiatives that serve older adults, which was then tested against three Canadian integrated initiatives. Methodology: A limited literature review was undertaken to identify common characteristics of integrated health and social care initiatives that serve older adults, and comprised both scientific and grey literature, in order to develop a case definition. Three Canadian integrated initiatives that are located in the province of Ontario, were identified using an online search and a screening process. They were surveyed to determine if the literature-based integration definition applied to them. Results: The literature showed that there were 24 common healthcare and social services integration characteristics that could be categorized into ten themes: 1) patient-care approach; 2) program goals; 3) measurement; 4) service and care quality; 5) accountability and responsibility; 6) information sharing; 7) Decision-making and problem-solving; 8) culture; 9) leadership; and 10) staff and professional interaction. The three initiatives showed agreement on all the integration characteristics except for those characteristics associated with healthcare and social care professional interaction, collaborative leadership and shared culture. This disagreement may be due to several reasons, including the existing governance divide between the healthcare and social services sectors within the province of Ontario that has created a ripple effect in how professions in the two different sectors interact. In addition, the three initiatives may be at maturing levels of integration, which may explain disagreement on the characteristics associated with leadership and culture. Conclusions: The development of a case definition for healthcare and social services integration that incorporates common integration characteristics can act as a useful instrument in identifying integrated healthcare and social services, particularly given the emerging and evolutionary state of this phenomenon within Canada.Keywords: Canada, case definition, healthcare and social services integration, integration, seniors health, services delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 160897 A Preliminary End-Point Approach for Calculating Odorous Emissions in Life Cycle Assessment
Authors: G. M. Cappucci, C. Losi, P. Neri, M. Pini, A. M. Ferrari
Waste treatment and many production processes cause significant emissions of odors, thus typically leading to intense debate. The introduction of odorimetric units and their units of measurement, i.e., U.O. / m3, with the European regulation UE 13725 of 2003 designates the dynamic olfactometry as the official method for odorimetric analysis. Italy has filled the pre-existing legislative gap on the regulation of odorous emissions only recently, by introducing the Legislative Decree n°183 in 2017. The concentration of the odor to which a perceptive response occurs to 50% of the panel corresponds to the odorimetric unit of the sample under examination (1 U.O. / m3) and is equal to the threshold of perceptibility of the substance (O.T.). In particular, the treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) by Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) plants produces odorous emissions, typically generated by aerobic procedures, potentially leading to significant environmental burdens. The quantification of odorous emissions represents a challenge within a LCA study since primary data are often missing. The aim of this study is to present the preliminary findings of an ongoing study whose aim is to identify and quantify odor emissions from the Tre Monti MBT plant, located in Imola (Bologna, Italy). Particularly, the issues faced with odor emissions in the present work are: i) the identification of the components of the gaseous mixture, whose total quantification in terms of odorimetric units is known, ii) the distribution of the total odorimetric units among the single substances identified and iii) the quantification of the mass emitted for each substance. The environmental analysis was carried out on the basis of the amount of emitted substance. The calculation method IMPact Assessment of Chemical Toxics (IMPACT) 2002+ has been modified since the original one does not take into account indoor emissions. Characterization factors were obtained by adopting a preliminary method in order to calculate indoor human effects. The impact and damage assessments were performed without the identification of new categories, thus in accordance with the categories of the selected calculation method. The results show that the damage associated to odorous emissions is the 0.24% of the total damage, and the most affected damage category is Human Health, mainly as a consequence of ammonia emission (86.06%). In conclusion, this preliminary approach allowed identifying and quantifying the substances responsible for the odour impact, in order to attribute them the relative damage on human health as well as ecosystem quality.Keywords: life cycle assessment, municipal solid waste, odorous emissions, waste treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 174896 Assessment of Bio-Control Quality of Ethanolic Extracts of Some Tropical Plants on Fruit Rot Pathogens of Pineapple Fruits in Ado Ekiti
Authors: J. Y. Ijato, A. Adewumi, H. O Yakubu, O. O. Olajide, B. O. Ojo, B. A. Adanikin
Post-harvest fruit rot pathogens are one of the major factors that are responsible for food security challenges in developing countries like Nigeria. These pathogens also cause fruit food poisoning. Biocidal effects of ethanolic extracts of Khaya grandifoliola, Hyptis suaveolens, Zingiber officinale, Calophyllum inophyllum, Datura stramonium on the mycelia growth of fungal rot pathogens of pineapple fruit was investigated, the ethanolic extracts of these test plants exhibited high significant inhibitory effects on the rot pathogens, the highest ethanolic extract inhibition of Zingiber officinale was on Aspergillus flavus (38.40%) at 1.0g/ml while the least inhibitory effect was on Aspergillus fumigatus (23.10%) at 1.0g/ml, the highest ethanol extract inhibition of Datura stramonium was on Aspergillus tubingensis (24.00%) at 1.0g/ml while the least inhibitory effect was 10.00% on Colletotrichum fruticola at 1.0g/ml, the highest ethanol extract inhibition of Calophyllum inophyllum was on Trichoderma harzianum (18.50%) at 1.0g/ml while the least inhibitory effect was on Aspergillus flavus (15.00%) at 1.0g/ml, the highest ethanol extract inhibition of Hyptis suaveolens was on Aspergillus fumigatus (35.00%) at 1.0g/ml while the least inhibitory effect was on Aspergillus niger (20.00%) at 1.0g/ml, the highest ethanol extract inhibition of Khaya grandifoliola was on Aspergillus flavus (35.00%) at 1.00g/ml while the least inhibitory effect was on Aspergillus fumigates (22.00%) at 1.0g/ml, the antifungal capacity of these test plant extracts on rot causing fungi on pineapple fruit reveals the possibility of their use by farmers and fruit traders as alternative to chemical fungicide that portends great threat to human and environmental health.Keywords: fruit rot, pathogens, plant extracts, pineapple, food poisoning
Procedia PDF Downloads 111895 A Preliminary Exploration of the German Federal Government's Energy Crisis from the Processes of Decision Entrapment Behavior: The Case of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Shutdowns
Authors: Chia Han Lee
Without energy, the economy would grind to a halt. Germany's prosperity and security depend on a reliable and affordable energy supply. In recent years, Germany's energy policy has undergone major changes. Due to the sharp turn in energy, Germany cannot extend the service of nuclear power plants and can only find a rapid transition energy source: natural gas for a limited time. This study attempts to use processes of decision entrapment behavior and document analysis to explain research questions. Through primary and secondary information such as official reports, parliamentary minutes, media interview records, and speech records, the author sorted out the important events experienced by the three coalition governments (Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel, and Olaf Scholz) and the relationship between Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 with primary and secondary sources. Also, compare it with the processes of decision entrapment behavior, which designed in this study, and divide it into four stages to explore its key elements one by one. In this regard, the following conclusions are drawn: First, from the perspective of processes of decision entrapment behavior, Merkel’s government firmly believes that she can overcome difficulties because of her past experience in crisis management capabilities. However, the outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia was beyond Merkel's planning. Second, in the face of the crisis, the Scholz’s government increased the import of natural gas from other countries and began to import liquefied natural gas to make up for the energy gap of Russian natural gas.Keywords: german research, nord stream gas pipeline, energy policy, processes of decision entrapment behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 41894 Failure of Agriculture Soil following the Passage of Tractors
Authors: Anis Eloud, Sayed Chehaibi
Compaction of agricultural soils as a result of the passage of heavy machinery on the fields is a problem that affects many agronomists and farmers since it results in a loss of yield of most crops. To remedy this, and raise the overall future of the food security challenge, we must study and understand the process of soil degradation. The present review is devoted to understanding the effect of repeated passages on agricultural land. The experiments were performed on a plot of the area of the ESIER, characterized by a clay texture in order to quantify the soil compaction caused by the wheels of the tractor during repeated passages on agricultural land. The test tractor CASE type puissance 110 hp and 5470 kg total mass of 3500 kg including the two rear axles and 1970 kg on the front axle. The state of soil compaction has been characterized by measuring its resistance to penetration by means of a penetrometer and direct manual reading, the density and permeability of the soil. Soil moisture was taken jointly. The measurements are made in the initial state before passing the tractor and after each pass varies from 1 to 7 on the track wheel inflated to 1.5 bar for the rear wheel and broke water to the level of valve and 4 bar for the front wheels. The passages are spaced to the average of one week. The results show that the passage of wheels on a farm tilled soil leads to compaction and the latter increases with the number of passages, especially for the upper 15 cm depth horizons. The first passage is characterized by the greatest effect. However, the effect of other passages do not follow a definite law for the complex behavior of granular media and the history of labor and the constraints it suffers from its formation.Keywords: wheel traffic, tractor, soil compaction, wheel
Procedia PDF Downloads 484893 Impure CO₂ Solubility Trapping in Deep Saline Aquifers: Role of Operating Conditions
Authors: Seyed Mostafa Jafari Raad, Hassan Hassanzadeh
Injection of impurities along with CO₂ into saline aquifers provides an exceptional prospect for low-cost carbon capture and storage technologies and can potentially accelerate large-scale implementation of geological storage of CO₂. We have conducted linear stability analyses and numerical simulations to investigate the effects of permitted impurities in CO₂ streams on the onset of natural convection and dynamics of subsequent convective mixing. We have shown that the rate of dissolution of an impure CO₂ stream with H₂S highly depends on the operating conditions such as temperature, pressure, and composition of impurity. Contrary to findings of previous studies, our results show that an impurity such as H₂S can potentially reduce the onset time of natural convection and can accelerate the subsequent convective mixing. However, at the later times, the rate of convective dissolution is adversely affected by the impurities. Therefore, the injection of an impure CO₂ stream can be engineered to improve the rate of dissolution of CO₂, which leads to higher storage security and efficiency. Accordingly, we have identified the most favorable CO₂ stream compositions based on the geophysical properties of target aquifers. Information related to the onset of natural convection such as the scaling relations and the most favorable operating conditions for CO₂ storage developed in this study are important in proper design, site screening, characterization and safety of geological storage. This information can be used to either identify future geological candidates for acid gas disposal or reviewing the current operating conditions of licensed injection sites.Keywords: CO₂ storage, solubility trapping, convective dissolution, storage efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 206