Search results for: tree detection
844 Automatic Identification and Classification of Contaminated Biodegradable Plastics using Machine Learning Algorithms and Hyperspectral Imaging Technology
Authors: Nutcha Taneepanichskul, Helen C. Hailes, Mark Miodownik
Plastic waste has emerged as a critical global environmental challenge, primarily driven by the prevalent use of conventional plastics derived from petrochemical refining and manufacturing processes in modern packaging. While these plastics serve vital functions, their persistence in the environment post-disposal poses significant threats to ecosystems. Addressing this issue necessitates approaches, one of which involves the development of biodegradable plastics designed to degrade under controlled conditions, such as industrial composting facilities. It is imperative to note that compostable plastics are engineered for degradation within specific environments and are not suited for uncontrolled settings, including natural landscapes and aquatic ecosystems. The full benefits of compostable packaging are realized when subjected to industrial composting, preventing environmental contamination and waste stream pollution. Therefore, effective sorting technologies are essential to enhance composting rates for these materials and diminish the risk of contaminating recycling streams. In this study, it leverage hyperspectral imaging technology (HSI) coupled with advanced machine learning algorithms to accurately identify various types of plastics, encompassing conventional variants like Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), Polypropylene (PP), Low density polyethylene (LDPE), High density polyethylene (HDPE) and biodegradable alternatives such as Polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT), Polylactic acid (PLA), and Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). The dataset is partitioned into three subsets: a training dataset comprising uncontaminated conventional and biodegradable plastics, a validation dataset encompassing contaminated plastics of both types, and a testing dataset featuring real-world packaging items in both pristine and contaminated states. Five distinct machine learning algorithms, namely Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Logistic Regression, and Decision Tree Algorithm, were developed and evaluated for their classification performance. Remarkably, the Logistic Regression and CNN model exhibited the most promising outcomes, achieving a perfect accuracy rate of 100% for the training and validation datasets. Notably, the testing dataset yielded an accuracy exceeding 80%. The successful implementation of this sorting technology within recycling and composting facilities holds the potential to significantly elevate recycling and composting rates. As a result, the envisioned circular economy for plastics can be established, thereby offering a viable solution to mitigate plastic pollution.Keywords: biodegradable plastics, sorting technology, hyperspectral imaging technology, machine learning algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 82843 Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Using Synthetic Cationic Peptide
Authors: D. J. Kalita
Cancer is one of the prime causes of early death worldwide. Mutation of the gene involve in DNA repair and damage, like BRCA2 (Breast cancer gene two) genes, can be detected efficiently by PCR-RFLP to early breast cancer diagnosis and adopt the suitable method of treatment. Host Defense Peptide can be used as blueprint for the design and synthesis of novel anticancer drugs to avoid the side effect of conventional chemotherapy and chemo resistance. The change at nucleotide position 392 of a -› c in the cancer sample of dog mammary tumour at BRCA2 (exon 7) gene lead the creation of a new restriction site for SsiI restriction enzyme. This SNP may be a marker for detection of canine mammary tumour. Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm was used to design and predict the anticancer peptide from the mature functional peptide. MTT assay of MCF-7 cell line after 48 hours of post treatment showed an increase in the number of rounded cells when compared with untreated control cells. The ability of the synthesized peptide to induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells was further investigated by staining the cells with the fluorescent dye Hoechst stain solution, which allows the evaluation of the nuclear morphology. Numerous cells with dense, pyknotic nuclei (the brighter fluorescence) were observed in treated but not in control MCF-7 cells when viewed using an inverted phase-contrast microscope. Thus, PCR-RFLP is one of the attractive approach for early diagnosis, and synthetic cationic peptide can be used for the treatment of canine mammary tumour.Keywords: cancer, cationic peptide, host defense peptides, Breast cancer genes
Procedia PDF Downloads 91842 Innovative Approaches to Water Resources Management: Addressing Challenges through Machine Learning and Remote Sensing
Authors: Abdelrahman Elsehsah, Abdelazim Negm, Eid Ashour, Mohamed Elsahabi
Water resources management is a critical field that encompasses the planning, development, conservation, and allocation of water resources to meet societal needs while ensuring environmental sustainability. This paper reviews the key concepts and challenges in water resources management, emphasizing the significance of a holistic approach that integrates social, economic, and environmental factors. Traditional water management practices, characterized by supply-oriented strategies and centralized control, are increasingly inadequate in addressing contemporary challenges such as water scarcity, climate change impacts, and ecosystem degradation. Emerging technologies, particularly machine learning and remote sensing, offer innovative solutions to enhance decision-making processes in water management. Machine learning algorithms facilitate accurate water demand forecasting, quality monitoring, and leak detection, while remote sensing technologies provide vital data for assessing water availability and quality. This review highlights the need for integrated water management strategies that leverage these technologies to promote sustainable practices and foster resilience in water systems. Future research should focus on improving data quality, accessibility, and the integration of diverse datasets to optimize the benefits of these technological advancements.Keywords: water resources management, water scarcity, climate change, machine learning, remote sensing, water quality, water governance, sustainable practices, ecosystem management
Procedia PDF Downloads 14841 Influence of Torrefied Biomass on Co-Combustion Behaviors of Biomass/Lignite Blends
Authors: Aysen Caliskan, Hanzade Haykiri-Acma, Serdar Yaman
Co-firing of coal and biomass blends is an effective method to reduce carbon dioxide emissions released by burning coals, thanks to the carbon-neutral nature of biomass. Besides, usage of biomass that is renewable and sustainable energy resource mitigates the dependency on fossil fuels for power generation. However, most of the biomass species has negative aspects such as low calorific value, high moisture and volatile matter contents compared to coal. Torrefaction is a promising technique in order to upgrade the fuel properties of biomass through thermal treatment. That is, this technique improves the calorific value of biomass along with serious reductions in the moisture and volatile matter contents. In this context, several woody biomass materials including Rhododendron, hybrid poplar, and ash-tree were subjected to torrefaction process in a horizontal tube furnace at 200°C under nitrogen flow. In this way, the solid residue obtained from torrefaction that is also called as 'biochar' was obtained and analyzed to monitor the variations taking place in biomass properties. On the other hand, some Turkish lignites from Elbistan, Adıyaman-Gölbaşı and Çorum-Dodurga deposits were chosen as coal samples since these lignites are of great importance in lignite-fired power stations in Turkey. These lignites were blended with the obtained biochars for which the blending ratio of biochars was kept at 10 wt% and the lignites were the dominant constituents in the fuel blends. Burning tests of the lignites, biomasses, biochars, and blends were performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer up to 900°C with a heating rate of 40°C/min under dry air atmosphere. Based on these burning tests, properties relevant to burning characteristics such as the burning reactivity and burnout yields etc. could be compared to justify the effects of torrefaction and blending. Besides, some characterization techniques including X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were also conducted for the untreated biomass and torrefied biomass (biochar) samples, lignites and their blends to examine the co-combustion characteristics elaborately. Results of this study revealed the fact that blending of lignite with 10 wt% biochar created synergistic behaviors during co-combustion in comparison to the individual burning of the ingredient fuels in the blends. Burnout and ignition performances of each blend were compared by taking into account the lignite and biomass structures and characteristics. The blend that has the best co-combustion profile and ignition properties was selected. Even though final burnouts of the lignites were decreased due to the addition of biomass, co-combustion process acts as a reasonable and sustainable solution due to its environmentally friendly benefits such as reductions in net carbon dioxide (CO2), SOx and hazardous organic chemicals derived from volatiles.Keywords: burnout performance, co-combustion, thermal analysis, torrefaction pretreatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 340840 Optimization of the Mechanical Performance of Fused Filament Fabrication Parts
Authors: Iván Rivet, Narges Dialami, Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti
Process parameters in Additive Manufacturing (AM) play a critical role in the mechanical performance of the final component. In order to find the input configuration that guarantees the optimal performance of the printed part, the process-performance relationship must be found. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is the selected demonstrative AM technology due to its great popularity in the industrial manufacturing world. A material model that considers the different printing patterns present in a FFF part is used. A voxelized mesh is built from the manufacturing toolpaths described in the G-Code file. An Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) based on the octree strategy is used in order to reduce the complexity of the mesh while maintaining its accuracy. High-fidelity and cost-efficient Finite Element (FE) simulations are performed and the influence of key process parameters in the mechanical performance of the component is analyzed. A robust optimization process based on appropriate failure criteria is developed to find the printing direction that leads to the optimal mechanical performance of the component. The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is implemented due to the orthotropy and heterogeneity constitutive nature of FFF components and because of the differences between the strengths in tension and compression. The optimization loop implements a modified version of an Anomaly Detection (AD) algorithm and uses the computed metrics to obtain the optimal printing direction. The developed methodology is verified with a case study on an industrial demonstrator.Keywords: additive manufacturing, optimization, printing direction, mechanical performance, voxelization
Procedia PDF Downloads 64839 Identification of Flooding Attack (Zero Day Attack) at Application Layer Using Mathematical Model and Detection Using Correlations
Authors: Hamsini Pulugurtha, V.S. Lakshmi Jagadmaba Paluri
Distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) is one altogether the top-rated cyber threats presently. It runs down the victim server resources like a system of measurement and buffer size by obstructing the server to supply resources to legitimate shoppers. Throughout this text, we tend to tend to propose a mathematical model of DDoS attack; we discuss its relevancy to the choices like inter-arrival time or rate of arrival of the assault customers accessing the server. We tend to tend to further analyze the attack model in context to the exhausting system of measurement and buffer size of the victim server. The projected technique uses an associate in nursing unattended learning technique, self-organizing map, to make the clusters of identical choices. Lastly, the abstract applies mathematical correlation and so the standard likelihood distribution on the clusters and analyses their behaviors to look at a DDoS attack. These systems not exclusively interconnect very little devices exchanging personal data, but to boot essential infrastructures news standing of nuclear facilities. Although this interconnection brings many edges and blessings, it to boot creates new vulnerabilities and threats which might be conversant in mount attacks. In such sophisticated interconnected systems, the power to look at attacks as early as accomplishable is of paramount importance.Keywords: application attack, bandwidth, buffer correlation, DDoS distribution flooding intrusion layer, normal prevention probability size
Procedia PDF Downloads 226838 A Lexicographic Approach to Obstacles Identified in the Ontological Representation of the Tree of Life
Authors: Sandra Young
The biodiversity literature is vast and heterogeneous. In today’s data age, numbers of data integration and standardisation initiatives aim to facilitate simultaneous access to all the literature across biodiversity domains for research and forecasting purposes. Ontologies are being used increasingly to organise this information, but the rationalisation intrinsic to ontologies can hit obstacles when faced with the intrinsic fluidity and inconsistency found in the domains comprising biodiversity. Essentially the problem is a conceptual one: biological taxonomies are formed on the basis of specific, physical specimens yet nomenclatural rules are used to provide labels to describe these physical objects. These labels are ambiguous representations of the physical specimen. An example of this is with the genus Melpomene, the scientific nomenclatural representation of a genus of ferns, but also for a genus of spiders. The physical specimens for each of these are vastly different, but they have been assigned the same nomenclatural reference. While there is much research into the conceptual stability of the taxonomic concept versus the nomenclature used, to the best of our knowledge as yet no research has looked empirically at the literature to see the conceptual plurality or singularity of the use of these species’ names, the linguistic representation of a physical entity. Language itself uses words as symbols to represent real world concepts, whether physical entities or otherwise, and as such lexicography has a well-founded history in the conceptual mapping of words in context for dictionary making. This makes it an ideal candidate to explore this problem. The lexicographic approach uses corpus-based analysis to look at word use in context, with a specific focus on collocated word frequencies (the frequencies of words used in specific grammatical and collocational contexts). It allows for inconsistencies and contradictions in the source data and in fact includes these in the word characterisation so that 100% of the available evidence is counted. Corpus analysis is indeed suggested as one of the ways to identify concepts for ontology building, because of its ability to look empirically at data and show patterns in language usage, which can indicate conceptual ideas which go beyond words themselves. In this sense it could potentially be used to identify if the hierarchical structures present within the empirical body of literature match those which have been identified in ontologies created to represent them. The first stages of this research have revealed a hierarchical structure that becomes apparent in the biodiversity literature when annotating scientific species’ names, common names and more general names as classes, which will be the focus of this paper. The next step in the research is focusing on a larger corpus in which specific words can be analysed and then compared with existing ontological structures looking at the same material, to evaluate the methods by means of an alternative perspective. This research aims to provide evidence as to the validity of the current methods in knowledge representation for biological entities, and also shed light on the way that scientific nomenclature is used within the literature.Keywords: ontology, biodiversity, lexicography, knowledge representation, corpus linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 138837 Numerical Investigation on Feasibility of Electromagnetic Wave as Water Hardness Detection in Water Cooling System Industrial
Authors: K. H. Teng, A. Shaw, M. Ateeq, A. Al-Shamma'a, S. Wylie, S. N. Kazi, B. T. Chew
Numerical and experimental of using novel electromagnetic wave technique to detect water hardness concentration has been presented in this paper. Simulation is powerful and efficient engineering methods which allow for a quick and accurate prediction of various engineering problems. The RF module is used in this research to predict and design electromagnetic wave propagation and resonance effect of a guided wave to detect water hardness concentration in term of frequency domain, eigenfrequency, and mode analysis. A cylindrical cavity resonator is simulated and designed in the electric field of fundamental mode (TM010). With the finite volume method, the three-dimensional governing equations were discretized. Boundary conditions for the simulation were the cavity materials like aluminum, two ports which include transmitting and receiving port, and assumption of vacuum inside the cavity. The design model was success to simulate a fundamental mode and extract S21 transmission signal within 2.1 – 2.8 GHz regions. The signal spectrum under effect of port selection technique and dielectric properties of different water concentration were studied. It is observed that the linear increment of magnitude in frequency domain when concentration increase. The numerical results were validated closely by the experimentally available data. Hence, conclusion for the available COMSOL simulation package is capable of providing acceptable data for microwave research.Keywords: electromagnetic wave technique, frequency domain, signal spectrum, water hardness concentration
Procedia PDF Downloads 273836 Bereavement Risk Assessment of Family Caregivers of Patients with Cancer: Relationship between Bereavement Risk and Post-Loss Psychological Distress
Authors: Tomohiro Uchida, Noriaki Satake, Toshimichi Nakaho, Akira Inoue, Hidemitsu Saito
In this study, we assessed the bereavement risk of family caregivers of patients with cancer. In the palliative care unit of Tohoku University Hospital, we conducted a family psychoeducation session to support the family caregivers of patients with cancer. A total of 50 participants (8 males and 42 females; mean age = 62.98 years, SD = 11.10) were assessed after the session for bereavement risk using the Japanese version of the Bereavement Risk Assessment Tool (BRAT-J). According to the BRAT-J scores, eight participants were considered to be having no known risk (Level 1), seventeen had minimal risk (Level 2), twenty had a low risk (Level 3), four had a moderate risk (Level 4), and one had a high risk (Level 5). Of these participants, seven participants had completed the follow-up postal survey that assessed their psychological distress (the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale: K6) to compare the bereavement risk. According to the K6 scores, three-fourth of the individuals, who were considered to be at Level 3 on the BRAT-J, scored higher than the cutoff point (>10) for the detection of depressive disorder. On the other hand, one-third of the individuals, who were considered to be at Level 2 on the BRAT-J, scored higher than the cutoff point. Therefore, it appears that the BRAT-J can predict the likelihood of difficulties or complications in bereaved family caregivers. This research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Tohoku University Hospital.Keywords: palliative care, family caregivers, bereavement risk, BRAT, post-loss psychological distress
Procedia PDF Downloads 458835 Assessment of Water Availability and Quality in the Climate Change Context in Urban Areas
Authors: Rose-Michelle Smith, Musandji Fuamba, Salomon Salumu
Water is vital for life. Access to drinking water and sanitation for humans is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (specifically the sixth) approved by United Nations Member States in September 2015. There are various problems identified relating to water: insufficient fresh water, inequitable distribution of water resources, poor water management in certain places on the planet, detection of water-borne diseases due to poor water quality, and the negative impacts of climate change on water. One of the major challenges in the world is finding ways to ensure that people and the environment have enough water resources to sustain and support their existence. Thus, this research project aims to develop a tool to assess the availability, quality and needs of water in current and future situations with regard to climate change. This tool was tested using threshold values for three regions in three countries: the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (Canada), Normandie Region (France) and North Department (Haiti). The WEAP software was used to evaluate the available quantity of water resources. For water quality, two models were performed: the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) and the Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI). Preliminary results showed that the ratio of the needs could be estimated at 155, 308 and 644 m3/capita in 2023 for Normandie, Cap-Haitian and CMM, respectively. Then, the Water Quality Index (WQI) varied from one country to another. Other simulations regarding the water availability and quality are still in progress. This tool will be very useful in decision-making on projects relating to water use in the future; it will make it possible to estimate whether the available resources will be able to satisfy the needs.Keywords: climate change, water needs, balance sheet, water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 76834 Enhancing Quality Management Systems through Automated Controls and Neural Networks
Authors: Shara Toibayeva, Irbulat Utepbergenov, Lyazzat Issabekova, Aidana Bodesova
The article discusses the importance of quality assessment as a strategic tool in business and emphasizes the significance of the effectiveness of quality management systems (QMS) for enterprises. The evaluation of these systems takes into account the specificity of quality indicators, the multilevel nature of the system, and the need for optimal selection of the number of indicators and evaluation of the system state, which is critical for making rational management decisions. Methods and models of automated enterprise quality management are proposed, including an intelligent automated quality management system integrated with the Management Information and Control System. These systems make it possible to automate the implementation and support of QMS, increasing the validity, efficiency, and effectiveness of management decisions by automating the functions performed by decision makers and personnel. The paper also emphasizes the use of recurrent neural networks to improve automated quality management. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to analyze and process sequences of data, which is particularly useful in the context of document quality assessment and non-conformance detection in quality management systems. These networks are able to account for temporal dependencies and complex relationships between different data elements, which improves the accuracy and efficiency of automated decisions. The project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Zhas Galym project No. AR 13268939, dedicated to research and development of digital technologies to ensure consistency of QMS regulatory documents.Keywords: automated control system, quality management, document structure, formal language
Procedia PDF Downloads 41833 Insecticide Resistance Detection on Filarial Vector, Simulium (Simulium) nobile (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Malaysia
Authors: Chee Dhang Chen, Hiroyuki Takaoka, Koon Weng Lau, Poh Ruey Tan, Ai Chdon Chin, Van Lun Low, Abdul Aziz Azidah, Mohd Sofian-Azirun
Susceptibility status of Simulium (Simulium) nobile (Diptera: Simuliidae) adults obtained from Pahang, Malaysia was evaluated against 11 adulticides representing four major insecticide classes: organochlorines (DDT, dieldrin), organophosphates (malathion, fenitrothion), carbamates (bendiocarb, propoxur) and pyrethroids (etofenprox, deltamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, permethrin, cyfluthrin). The adult bioassay was conducted according to WHO standard protocol to determine the insecticide susceptibility. Mortality at 24 h post treatment was used as indicator for susceptibility status. The results revealed that S. nobile obtained was susceptible to propoxur, cyfluthrin and bendiocarb with 100% mortality. S. nobile was resistant or exhibited some tolerant against lambdacyhalothrin and deltamethrin with mortality ranged ≥ 90% but < 98%. S. nobile populations in Pahang exhibited different level of resistant against 11 adulticides with mortality ranged from 60.00 ± 10.00 to 100.00 ± 0.00. In conclusion, S. nobile populations in Pahang were susceptible to propoxur, cyfluthrin and bendiocarb. The susceptibility status of S. nobile in descending order was propoxur, cyfluthrin > bendicarb > deltamethrin > lambdacyhalothrin > permethrin > etofenprox > DDT > malathion > fenitrothion > dieldrin. Regular surveys should be conducted to monitor the susceptibility status of this insect vector in order to prevent further development of resistance.Keywords: black fly, adult bioassay, insecticide resistance, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 273832 Comparison of the Classification of Cystic Renal Lesions Using the Bosniak Classification System with Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Computed Tomography: A Prospective Study
Authors: Dechen Tshering Vogel, Johannes T. Heverhagen, Bernard Kiss, Spyridon Arampatzis
In addition to computed tomography (CT), contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are being increasingly used for imaging of renal lesions. The aim of this prospective study was to compare the classification of complex cystic renal lesions using the Bosniak classification with CEUS and MRI to CT. Forty-eight patients with 65 cystic renal lesions were included in this study. All participants signed written informed consent. The agreement between the Bosniak classifications of complex renal lesions ( ≥ BII-F) on CEUS and MRI were compared to that of CT and were tested using Cohen’s Kappa. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV/NPV) and the accuracy of CEUS and MRI compared to CT in the detection of complex renal lesions were calculated. Twenty-nine (45%) out of 65 cystic renal lesions were classified as complex using CT. The agreement between CEUS and CT in the classification of complex cysts was fair (agreement 50.8%, Kappa 0.31), and was excellent between MRI and CT (agreement 93.9%, Kappa 0.88). Compared to CT, MRI had a sensitivity of 96.6%, specificity of 91.7%, a PPV of 54.7%, and an NPV of 54.7% with an accuracy of 63.1%. The corresponding values for CEUS were sensitivity 100.0%, specificity 33.3%, PPV 90.3%, and NPV 97.1% with an accuracy 93.8%. The classification of complex renal cysts based on MRI and CT scans correlated well, and MRI can be used instead of CT for this purpose. CEUS can exclude complex lesions, but due to higher sensitivity, cystic lesions tend to be upgraded. However, it is useful for initial imaging, for follow up of lesions and in those patients with contraindications to CT and MRI.Keywords: Bosniak classification, computed tomography, contrast enhanced ultrasound, cystic renal lesions, magnetic resonance imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 144831 A Study on How to Develop the Usage Metering Functions of BIM (Building Information Modeling) Software under Cloud Computing Environment
Authors: Kim Byung-Kon, Kim Young-Jin
As project opportunities for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry have grown more complex and larger, the utilization of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies for 3D design and simulation practices has been increasing significantly; the typical applications of the BIM technologies include clash detection and design alternative based on 3D planning, which have been expanded over to the technology of construction management in the AEC industry for virtual design and construction. As for now, commercial BIM software has been operated under a single-user environment, which is why initial costs for its introduction are very high. Cloud computing, one of the most promising next-generation Internet technologies, enables simple Internet devices to use services and resources provided with BIM software. Recently in Korea, studies to link between BIM and cloud computing technologies have been directed toward saving costs to build BIM-related infrastructure, and providing various BIM services for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study addressed how to develop the usage metering functions of BIM software under cloud computing architecture in order to archive and use BIM data and create an optimal revenue structure so that the BIM services may grow spontaneously, considering a demand for cloud resources. To this end, the author surveyed relevant cases, and then analyzed needs and requirements from AEC industry. Based on the results & findings of the foregoing survey & analysis, the author proposed herein how to optimally develop the usage metering functions of cloud BIM software.Keywords: construction IT, BIM (Building Information Modeling), cloud computing, BIM-based cloud computing, 3D design, cloud BIM
Procedia PDF Downloads 507830 Optimizing the Effectiveness of Docetaxel with Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Formulation, Characterization, in Vitro and in Vivo Assessment
Authors: Navid Mosallaei, Mahmoud Reza Jaafari, Mohammad Yahya Hanafi-Bojd, Shiva Golmohammadzadeh, Bizhan Malaekeh-Nikouei
Background: Docetaxel (DTX), a potent anticancer drug derived from the European yew tree, is effective against various human cancers by inhibiting microtubule depolymerization. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have gained attention as drug carriers for enhancing drug effectiveness and safety. SLNs, submicron-sized lipid-based particles, can passively target tumors through the "enhanced permeability and retention" (EPR) effect, providing stability, drug protection, and controlled release while being biocompatible. Methods: The SLN formulation included biodegradable lipids (Compritol and Precirol), hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine (H-SPC) as a lipophilic co-surfactant, and Poloxamer 188 as a non-ionic polymeric stabilizer. Two SLN preparation techniques, probe sonication and microemulsion, were assessed. Characterization encompassed SLNs' morphology, particle size, zeta potential, matrix, and encapsulation efficacy. In-vitro cytotoxicity and cellular uptake studies were conducted using mouse colorectal (C-26) and human malignant melanoma (A-375) cell lines, comparing SLN-DTX with Taxotere®. In-vivo studies evaluated tumor inhibitory efficacy and survival in mice with colorectal (C-26) tumors, comparing SLNDTX withTaxotere®. Results: SLN-DTX demonstrated stability, with an average size of 180 nm and a low polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.2 and encapsulation efficacy of 98.0 ± 0.1%. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) suggested amorphous encapsulation of DTX within SLNs. In vitro studies revealed that SLN-DTX exhibited nearly equivalent cytotoxicity to Taxotere®, depending on concentration and exposure time. Cellular uptake studies demonstrated superior intracellular DTX accumulation with SLN-DTX. In a C-26 mouse model, SLN-DTX at 10 mg/kg outperformed Taxotere® at 10 and 20 mg/kg, with no significant differences in body weight changes and a remarkably high survival rate of 60%. Conclusion: This study concludes that SLN-DTX, prepared using the probe sonication, offers stability and enhanced therapeutic effects. It displayed almost same in vitro cytotoxicity to Taxotere® but showed superior cellular uptake. In a mouse model, SLN-DTX effectively inhibited tumor growth, with 10 mg/kg outperforming even 20 mg/kg of Taxotere®, without adverse body weight changes and with higher survival rates. This suggests that SLN-DTX has the potential to reduce adverse effects while maintaining or enhancing docetaxel's therapeutic profile, making it a promising drug delivery strategy suitable for industrialization.Keywords: docetaxel, Taxotere®, solid lipid nanoparticles, enhanced permeability and retention effect, drug delivery, cancer chemotherapy, cytotoxicity, cellular uptake, tumor inhibition
Procedia PDF Downloads 83829 Intelligent Parking Systems for Quasi-Close Communities
Authors: Ayodele Adekunle Faiyetole, Olumide Olawale Jegede
This paper presents the experimental design and needs justifications for a localized intelligent parking system (L-IPS), ideal for quasi-close communities with increasing vehicular volume that depends on limited or constant parking facilities. For a constant supply in parking facilities, the demand for an increasing vehicular volume could lead to poor time conservation or extended travel time, traffic congestion or impeded mobility, and safety issues. Increased negative environmental and economic externalities are other associated and consequent downsides of disparities in demand and supply. This L-IPS is designed using a microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors, LED indicators, such that the current status, in terms of parking spots availability, can be known from the main entrance to the community or a parking zone on a LCD screen. As an advanced traffic management system (ATMS), the L-IPS is designed to resolve aspects of infrastructure-to-driver (I2D) communication and parking detection issues. Thus, this L-IPS can act as a timesaver for users by helping them know the availability of parking spots. Providing on-time, informed routing, to a next preference or seamless moving to berth on the available spot on a proximate facility as the case may be. Its use could also increase safety and increase mobility, and fuel savings and costs, therefore, reducing negative environmental and economic externalities due to transportation systems.Keywords: intelligent parking systems, localized intelligent parking system, intelligent transport systems, advanced traffic management systems, infrastructure-to-drivers communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 171828 An Application of Path Planning Algorithms for Autonomous Inspection of Buried Pipes with Swarm Robots
Authors: Richard Molyneux, Christopher Parrott, Kirill Horoshenkov
This paper aims to demonstrate how various algorithms can be implemented within swarms of autonomous robots to provide continuous inspection within underground pipeline networks. Current methods of fault detection within pipes are costly, time consuming and inefficient. As such, solutions tend toward a more reactive approach, repairing faults, as opposed to proactively seeking leaks and blockages. The paper presents an efficient inspection method, showing that autonomous swarm robotics is a viable way of monitoring underground infrastructure. Tailored adaptations of various Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) and path-planning algorithms provide a customised inspection procedure for complicated networks of underground pipes. The performance of multiple algorithms is compared to determine their effectiveness and feasibility. Notable inspirations come from ant colonies and stigmergy, graph theory, the k-Chinese Postman Problem ( -CPP) and traffic theory. Unlike most swarm behaviours which rely on fast communication between agents, underground pipe networks are a highly challenging communication environment with extremely limited communication ranges. This is due to the extreme variability in the pipe conditions and relatively high attenuation of acoustic and radio waves with which robots would usually communicate. This paper illustrates how to optimise the inspection process and how to increase the frequency with which the robots pass each other, without compromising the routes they are able to take to cover the whole network.Keywords: autonomous inspection, buried pipes, stigmergy, swarm intelligence, vehicle routing problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 167827 MXene-Based Self-Sensing of Damage in Fiber Composites
Authors: Latha Nataraj, Todd Henry, Micheal Wallock, Asha Hall, Christine Hatter, Babak Anasori, Yury Gogotsi
Multifunctional composites with enhanced strength and toughness for superior damage tolerance are essential for advanced aerospace and military applications. Detection of structural changes prior to visible damage may be achieved by incorporating fillers with tunable properties such as two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials with high aspect ratios and more surface-active sites. While 2D graphene with large surface areas, good mechanical properties, and high electrical conductivity seems ideal as a filler, the single-atomic thickness can lead to bending and rolling during processing, requiring post-processing to bond to polymer matrices. Lately, an emerging family of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides, MXenes, has attracted much attention since their discovery in 2011. Metallic electronic conductivity and good mechanical properties, even with increased polymer content, coupled with hydrophilicity make MXenes a good candidate as a filler material in polymer composites and exceptional as multifunctional damage indicators in composites. Here, we systematically study MXene-based (Ti₃C₂) coated on glass fibers for fiber reinforced polymer composite for self-sensing using microscopy and micromechanical testing. Further testing is in progress through the investigation of local variations in optical, acoustic, and thermal properties within the damage sites in response to strain caused by mechanical loading.Keywords: damage sensing, fiber composites, MXene, self-sensing
Procedia PDF Downloads 121826 Enhancing Email Security: A Multi-Layered Defense Strategy Approach and an AI-Powered Model for Identifying and Mitigating Phishing Attacks
Authors: Anastasios Papathanasiou, George Liontos, Athanasios Katsouras, Vasiliki Liagkou, Euripides Glavas
Email remains a crucial communication tool due to its efficiency, accessibility and cost-effectiveness, enabling rapid information exchange across global networks. However, the global adoption of email has also made it a prime target for cyber threats, including phishing, malware and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks, which exploit its integral role in personal and professional realms in order to perform fraud and data breaches. To combat these threats, this research advocates for a multi-layered defense strategy incorporating advanced technological tools such as anti-spam and anti-malware software, machine learning algorithms and authentication protocols. Moreover, we developed an artificial intelligence model specifically designed to analyze email headers and assess their security status. This AI-driven model examines various components of email headers, such as "From" addresses, ‘Received’ paths and the integrity of SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Upon analysis, it generates comprehensive reports that indicate whether an email is likely to be malicious or benign. This capability empowers users to identify potentially dangerous emails promptly, enhancing their ability to avoid phishing attacks, malware infections and other cyber threats.Keywords: email security, artificial intelligence, header analysis, threat detection, phishing, DMARC, DKIM, SPF, ai model
Procedia PDF Downloads 61825 Inverted Diameter-Limit Thinning: A Promising Alternative for Mixed Populus tremuloides Stands Management
Authors: Ablo Paul Igor Hounzandji, Benoit Lafleur, Annie DesRochers
Introduction: Populus tremuloides [Michx] regenerates rapidly and abundantly by root suckering after harvest, creating stands with interconnected stems. Pre-commercial thinning can be used to concentrate growth on fewer stems to reach merchantability faster than un-thinned stands. However, conventional thinning methods are typically designed to reach even spacing between residual stems (1,100 stem ha⁻¹, evenly distributed), which can lead to treated stands consisting of weaker/smaller stems compared to the original stands. Considering the nature of P. tremuloides's regeneration, with large underground biomass of interconnected roots, aiming to keep the most vigorous and largest stems, regardless of their spatial distribution, inverted diameter-limit thinning could be more beneficial to post-thinning stand productivity because it would reduce the imbalance between roots and leaf area caused by thinning. Aims: This study aimed to compare stand and stem productivity of P. tremuloides stands thinned with a conventional thinning treatment (CT; 1,100 stem ha⁻¹, evenly distributed), two levels of inverted diameter-limit thinning (DL1 and DL2, keeping the largest 1100 or 2200 stems ha⁻¹, respectively, regardless of their spatial distribution) and a control unthinned treatment. Because DL treatments can create substantial or frequent gaps in the thinned stands, we also aimed to evaluate the potential of this treatment to recreate mixed conifer-broadleaf stands by fill-planting Picea glauca seedlings. Methods: Three replicate 21 year-old sucker-regenerated aspen stands were thinned in 2010 according to four treatments: CT, DL1, DL2, and un-thinned control. Picea glauca seedlings were underplanted in gaps created by the DL1 and DL2 treatments. Stand productivity per hectare, stem quality (diameter and height, volume stem⁻¹) and survival and height growth of fill-planted P. glauca seedlings were measured 8 year post-treatments. Results: Productivity, volume, diameter, and height were better in the treated stands (CT, DL1, and DL2) than in the un-thinned control. Productivity of CT and DL1 stands was similar 4.8 m³ ha⁻¹ year⁻¹. At the tree level, diameter and height of the trees in the DL1 treatment were 5% greater than those in the CT treatment. The average volume of trees in the DL1 treatment was 11% higher than the CT treatment. Survival after 8 years of fill planted P. glauca seedlings was 2% greater in the DL1 than in the DL2 treatment. DL1 treatment also produced taller seedlings (+20 cm). Discussion: Results showed that DL treatments were effective in producing post-thinned stands with larger stems without affecting stand productivity. In addition, we showed that these treatments were suitable to introduce slower growing conifer seedlings such as Picea glauca in order to re-create or maintain mixed stands despite the aggressive nature of P. tremuloides sucker regeneration.Keywords: Aspen, inverted diameter-limit, mixed forest, populus tremuloides, silviculture, thinning
Procedia PDF Downloads 148824 Development of Star Image Simulator for Star Tracker Algorithm Validation
Authors: Zoubida Mahi
A successful satellite mission in space requires a reliable attitude and orbit control system to command, control and position the satellite in appropriate orbits. Several sensors are used for attitude control, such as magnetic sensors, earth sensors, horizon sensors, gyroscopes, and solar sensors. The star tracker is the most accurate sensor compared to other sensors, and it is able to offer high-accuracy attitude control without the need for prior attitude information. There are mainly three approaches in star sensor research: digital simulation, hardware in the loop simulation, and field test of star observation. In the digital simulation approach, all of the processes are done in software, including star image simulation. Hence, it is necessary to develop star image simulation software that could simulate real space environments and various star sensor configurations. In this paper, we present a new stellar image simulation tool that is used to test and validate the stellar sensor algorithms; the developed tool allows to simulate of stellar images with several types of noise, such as background noise, gaussian noise, Poisson noise, multiplicative noise, and several scenarios that exist in space such as the presence of the moon, the presence of optical system problem, illumination and false objects. On the other hand, we present in this paper a new star extraction algorithm based on a new centroid calculation method. We compared our algorithm with other star extraction algorithms from the literature, and the results obtained show the star extraction capability of the proposed algorithm.Keywords: star tracker, star simulation, star detection, centroid, noise, scenario
Procedia PDF Downloads 97823 Embedded System of Signal Processing on FPGA: Underwater Application Architecture
Authors: Abdelkader Elhanaoui, Mhamed Hadji, Rachid Skouri, Said Agounad
The purpose of this paper is to study the phenomenon of acoustic scattering by using a new method. The signal processing (Fast Fourier Transform FFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform iFFT and BESSEL functions) is widely applied to obtain information with high precision accuracy. Signal processing has a wider implementation in general-purpose pro-cessors. Our interest was focused on the use of FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Ar-rays) in order to minimize the computational complexity in single processor architecture, then be accelerated on FPGA and meet real-time and energy efficiency requirements. Gen-eral-purpose processors are not efficient for signal processing. We implemented the acous-tic backscattered signal processing model on the Altera DE-SOC board and compared it to Odroid xu4. By comparison, the computing latency of Odroid xu4 and FPGA is 60 sec-onds and 3 seconds, respectively. The detailed SoC FPGA-based system has shown that acoustic spectra are performed up to 20 times faster than the Odroid xu4 implementation. FPGA-based system of processing algorithms is realized with an absolute error of about 10⁻³. This study underlines the increasing importance of embedded systems in underwater acoustics, especially in non-destructive testing. It is possible to obtain information related to the detection and characterization of submerged cells. So we have achieved good exper-imental results in real-time and energy efficiency.Keywords: DE1 FPGA, acoustic scattering, form function, signal processing, non-destructive testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 79822 A Case Study on the Condition Monitoring of a Critical Machine in a Tyre Manufacturing Plant
Authors: Ramachandra C. G., Amarnath. M., Prashanth Pai M., Nagesh S. N.
The machine's performance level drops down over a period of time due to the wear and tear of its components. The early detection of an emergent fault becomes very vital in order to obtain uninterrupted production in a plant. Maintenance is an activity that helps to keep the machine's performance at an anticipated level, thereby ensuring the availability of the machine to perform its intended function. At present, a number of modern maintenance techniques are available, such as preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, condition-based maintenance, total productive maintenance, etc. Condition-based maintenance or condition monitoring is one such modern maintenance technique in which the machine's condition or health is checked by the measurement of certain parameters such as sound level, temperature, velocity, displacement, vibration, etc. It can recognize most of the factors restraining the usefulness and efficacy of the total manufacturing unit. This research work is conducted on a Batch Mill in a tire production unit located in the Southern Karnataka region. The health of the mill is assessed using amplitude of vibration as a parameter of measurement. Most commonly, the vibration level is assessed using various points on the machine bearing. The normal or standard level is fixed using reference materials such as manuals or catalogs supplied by the manufacturers and also by referring vibration standards. The Rio-Vibro meter is placed in different locations on the batch-off mill to record the vibration data. The data collected are analyzed to identify the malfunctioning components in the batch off the mill, and corrective measures are suggested.Keywords: availability, displacement, vibration, rio-vibro, condition monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 92821 Design of an Acoustic Imaging Sensor Array for Mobile Robots
Authors: Dibyendu Roy, V. Ramu Reddy, Parijat Deshpande, Ranjan Dasgupta
Imaging of underwater objects is primarily conducted by acoustic imagery due to the severe attenuation of electro-magnetic waves in water. Acoustic imagery underwater has varied range of significant applications such as side-scan sonar, mine hunting sonar. It also finds utility in other domains such as imaging of body tissues via ultrasonography and non-destructive testing of objects. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using active acoustic imagery in air and simulate phased array beamforming techniques available in literature for various array designs to achieve a suitable acoustic sensor array design for a portable mobile robot which can be applied to detect the presence/absence of anomalous objects in a room. The multi-path reflection effects especially in enclosed rooms and environmental noise factors are currently not simulated and will be dealt with during the experimental phase. The related hardware is designed with the same feasibility criterion that the developed system needs to be deployed on a portable mobile robot. There is a trade of between image resolution and range with the array size, number of elements and the imaging frequency and has to be iteratively simulated to achieve the desired acoustic sensor array design. The designed acoustic imaging array system is to be mounted on a portable mobile robot and targeted for use in surveillance missions for intruder alerts and imaging objects during dark and smoky scenarios where conventional optic based systems do not function well.Keywords: acoustic sensor array, acoustic imagery, anomaly detection, phased array beamforming
Procedia PDF Downloads 409820 Memory and Narratives Rereading before and after One Week
Authors: Abigail M. Csik, Gabriel A. Radvansky
As people read through event-based narratives, they construct an event model that captures information about the characters, goals, location, time, and causality. For many reasons, memory for such narratives is represented at different levels, namely, the surface form, textbase, and event model levels. Rereading has been shown to decrease surface form memory, while, at the same time, increasing textbase and event model memories. More generally, distributed practice has consistently shown memory benefits over massed practice for different types of materials, including texts. However, little research has investigated distributed practice of narratives at different inter-study intervals and these effects on these three levels of memory. Recent work in our lab has indicated that there may be dramatic changes in patterns of forgetting around one week, which may affect the three levels of memory. The present experiment aimed to determine the effects of rereading on the three levels of memory as a factor of whether the texts were reread before versus after one week. Participants (N = 42) read a set of stories, re-read them either before or after one week (with an inter-study interval of three days, seven days, or fourteen days), and then took a recognition test, from which the three levels of representation were derived. Signal detection results from this study reveal that differential patterns at the three levels as a factor of whether the narratives were re-read prior to one week or after one week. In particular, an ANOVA revealed that surface form memory was lower (p = .08) while textbase (p = .02) and event model memory (p = .04) were greater if narratives were re-read 14 days later compared to memory when narratives were re-read 3 days later. These results have implications for what type of memory benefits from distributed practice at various inter-study intervals.Keywords: memory, event cognition, distributed practice, consolidation
Procedia PDF Downloads 226819 Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy to Detect Microplastics and Pieces of Plastic in Almond Flour
Authors: H. Apaza, L. Chévez, H. Loro
Plastic and microplastic pollution in human food chain is a big problem for human health that requires more elaborated techniques that can identify their presences in different kinds of food. Hyperspectral imaging technique is an optical technique than can detect the presence of different elements in an image and can be used to detect plastics and microplastics in a scene. To do this statistical techniques are required that need to be evaluated and compared in order to find the more efficient ones. In this work, two problems related to the presence of plastics are addressed, the first is to detect and identify pieces of plastic immersed in almond seeds, and the second problem is to detect and quantify microplastic in almond flour. To do this we make use of the analysis hyperspectral images taken in the range of 900 to 1700 nm using 4 unmixing techniques of hyperspectral imaging which are: least squares unmixing (LSU), non-negatively constrained least squares unmixing (NCLSU), fully constrained least squares unmixing (FCLSU), and scaled constrained least squares unmixing (SCLSU). NCLSU, FCLSU, SCLSU techniques manage to find the region where the plastic is found and also manage to quantify the amount of microplastic contained in the almond flour. The SCLSU technique estimated a 13.03% abundance of microplastics and 86.97% of almond flour compared to 16.66% of microplastics and 83.33% abundance of almond flour prepared for the experiment. Results show the feasibility of applying near-infrared hyperspectral image analysis for the detection of plastic contaminants in food.Keywords: food, plastic, microplastic, NIR hyperspectral imaging, unmixing
Procedia PDF Downloads 131818 A Method to Estimate Wheat Yield Using Landsat Data
Authors: Zama Mahmood
The increasing demand of food management, monitoring of the crop growth and forecasting its yield well before harvest is very important. These days, yield assessment together with monitoring of crop development and its growth are being identified with the help of satellite and remote sensing images. Studies using remote sensing data along with field survey validation reported high correlation between vegetation indices and yield. With the development of remote sensing technique, the detection of crop and its mechanism using remote sensing data on regional or global scales have become popular topics in remote sensing applications. Punjab, specially the southern Punjab region is extremely favourable for wheat production. But measuring the exact amount of wheat production is a tedious job for the farmers and workers using traditional ground based measurements. However, remote sensing can provide the most real time information. In this study, using the Normalized Differentiate Vegetation Index (NDVI) indicator developed from Landsat satellite images, the yield of wheat has been estimated during the season of 2013-2014 for the agricultural area around Bahawalpur. The average yield of the wheat was found 35 kg/acre by analysing field survey data. The field survey data is in fair agreement with the NDVI values extracted from Landsat images. A correlation between wheat production (ton) and number of wheat pixels has also been calculated which is in proportional pattern with each other. Also a strong correlation between the NDVI and wheat area was found (R2=0.71) which represents the effectiveness of the remote sensing tools for crop monitoring and production estimation.Keywords: landsat, NDVI, remote sensing, satellite images, yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 335817 Knowledge and Perceptions of Final-year Students towards Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Razi University - Sana`a - Yemen
Authors: Nabil A. Albaser
Background: There is a serious problem with adverse drug reactions (ADRs) everywhere, including Yemen. Since it helps with the detection, assessment, reporting and prevention of ADRs, pharmacovigilance (PV) is an essential part of the healthcare system. The unbiased reporting of ADRs remains the foundation of PV. Students majoring in healthcare should acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct PV in a range of clinical settings. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the understanding and attitudes of final-year Pharmacy, Nursing, and Midwifery students at Al-Razi University in Sana'a, Yemen, regarding PV and ADRs reporting. Methods: The study followed descriptive cross-sectional approach. A validated, self-administered questionnaire with three parts—demographic information, knowledge, and perceptions of Pharmacovigilance was online distributed to final-year Pharmacy, Nursing, and Midwifery students. The questionnaire was given to 175 students; 122 of them responded with a percentage (69.7%). Results: The majority of respondents were male (79.5%). More than the tow-third of the students, 68.9%, were beyond the age of 23. Although the majority of students, 80%, heard about the terms of ADRs and PV, but only 50% and 57.4% of the respondents, respectively, could define the both terms correctly. However, only 11.48 % of them, nevertheless, took a PV course. More than a half of them (56.6%) had a positive perceptions towards pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting and had a moderate degree of knowledge (68.9%). Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the participants lacked sufficient knowledge of pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting. They showed a moderate level of understanding of reporting ADRs as well as a favorable opinion of dealing with and reporting ADRs. Yemen's health care curriculum should include lessons on pharmacovigilance.Keywords: adverse drug reaction reporting, pharmacovigilance, yemen, knowlegde
Procedia PDF Downloads 119816 Seroepidemiology of Q Fever among Companion Dogs in Fars Province, South of Iran
Authors: Atefeh Esmailnejad, Mohammad Abbaszadeh Hasiri
Coxiella burnetii is a gram-negative obligatory intracellular bacterium that causes Q fever, a significant zoonotic disease. Sheep, cattle, and goats are the most commonly reported reservoirs for the bacteria, but infected cats and dogs have also been implicated in the transmission of the disease to human. The aim of present study was to investigate the presence of antibodies against Coxiella burnetii among companion dogs in Fars province, South of Iran. A total of 181 blood samples were collected from asymptomatic dogs, mostly referred to Veterinary Hospital of Shiraz University for regular vaccination. The IgG antibody detection against Coxiella burnetii was made by indirect Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), employing phase I and II Coxiella burnetii antigens. A logistic regression model was developed to analyze multiple risk factors associated with seropositivity. An overall seropositivity of 7.7% (n=14) was observed. Prevalence was significantly higher in adult dogs above five years (18.18 %) compared with dogs between 1 and five years (7.86 %) and less than one year (6.17%) (P=0.043). Prevalence was also higher in male dogs (11.21 %) than in female (2.7 %) (P=0.035). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of positive cases and breed, type of housing, type of food and exposure to other farm animals (P>0.05). The results of this study showed the presence of Coxiella burnetii infection among the companion dogs population in Fars province. To our knowledge, this is the first study regarding Q fever in dogs carried out in Iran. In areas like Iran, where human cases of Q fever are not common or remain unreported, the public health implications of Q fever seroprevalence in dogs are quite significant.Keywords: Coxiella burnetii, dog, Iran, Q fever
Procedia PDF Downloads 312815 Evaluation of Developmental Toxicity and Teratogenicity of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds Using FETAX
Authors: Hyun-Kyung Lee, Jehyung Oh, Young Eun Jeong, Hyun-Shik Lee
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are environmental toxicants that persistently accumulate in the human blood. Their widespread detection and accumulation in the environment raise concerns about whether these chemicals might be developmental toxicants and teratogens in the ecosystem. We evaluated and compared the toxicity of PFCs of containing various numbers of carbon atoms (C8-11 carbons) on vertebrate embryogenesis. We assessed the developmental toxicity and teratogenicity of various PFCs. The toxic effects on Xenopus embryos were evaluated using different methods. We measured teratogenic indices (TIs) and investigated the mechanisms underlying developmental toxicity and teratogenicity by measuring the expression of organ-specific biomarkers such as xPTB (liver), Nkx2.5 (heart), and Cyl18 (intestine). All PFCs that we tested were found to be developmental toxicants and teratogens. Their toxic effects were strengthened with increasing length of the fluorinated carbon chain. Furthermore, we produced evidence showing that perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFuDA) are more potent developmental toxicants and teratogens in an animal model compared to the other PFCs we evaluated [perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA)]. In particular, severe defects resulting from PFDA and PFuDA exposure were observed in the liver and heart, respectively, using the whole mount in situ hybridization, real-time PCR, pathologic analysis of the heart, and dissection of the liver. Our studies suggest that most PFCs are developmental toxicants and teratogens, however, compounds that have higher numbers of carbons (i.e., PFDA and PFuDA) exert more potent effects.Keywords: PFC, xenopus, fetax, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 352