Search results for: optimal chiller loading
1261 Bias Prevention in Automated Diagnosis of Melanoma: Augmentation of a Convolutional Neural Network Classifier
Authors: Kemka Ihemelandu, Chukwuemeka Ihemelandu
Melanoma remains a public health crisis, with incidence rates increasing rapidly in the past decades. Improving diagnostic accuracy to decrease misdiagnosis using Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be documented. Unfortunately, unintended racially biased outcomes, a product of lack of diversity in the dataset used, with a noted class imbalance favoring lighter vs. darker skin tone, have increasingly been recognized as a problem.Resulting in noted limitations of the accuracy of the Convolutional neural network (CNN)models. CNN models are prone to biased output due to biases in the dataset used to train them. Our aim in this study was the optimization of convolutional neural network algorithms to mitigate bias in the automated diagnosis of melanoma. We hypothesized that our proposed training algorithms based on a data augmentation method to optimize the diagnostic accuracy of a CNN classifier by generating new training samples from the original ones will reduce bias in the automated diagnosis of melanoma. We applied geometric transformation, including; rotations, translations, scale change, flipping, and shearing. Resulting in a CNN model that provided a modifiedinput data making for a model that could learn subtle racial features. Optimal selection of the momentum and batch hyperparameter increased our model accuracy. We show that our augmented model reduces bias while maintaining accuracy in the automated diagnosis of melanoma.Keywords: bias, augmentation, melanoma, convolutional neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 2131260 Numerical Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells under Axial Compression Using Asymmetric Meshing Technique (AMT)
Authors: Zia R. Tahir, P. Mandal
This paper presents the details of a numerical study of buckling and post buckling behaviour of laminated carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) thin-walled cylindrical shell under axial compression using asymmetric meshing technique (AMT) by ABAQUS. AMT is considered to be a new perturbation method to introduce disturbance without changing geometry, boundary conditions or loading conditions. Asymmetric meshing affects both predicted buckling load and buckling mode shapes. Cylindrical shell having lay-up orientation [0°/+45°/-45°/0°] with radius to thickness ratio (R/t) equal to 265 and length to radius ratio (L/R) equal to 1.5 is analysed numerically. A series of numerical simulations (experiments) are carried out with symmetric and asymmetric meshing to study the effect of asymmetric meshing on predicted buckling behaviour. Asymmetric meshing technique is employed in both axial direction and circumferential direction separately using two different methods, first by changing the shell element size and varying the total number elements, and second by varying the shell element size and keeping total number of elements constant. The results of linear analysis (Eigenvalue analysis) and non-linear analysis (Riks analysis) using symmetric meshing agree well with analytical results. The results of numerical analysis are presented in form of non-dimensional load factor, which is the ratio of buckling load using asymmetric meshing technique to buckling load using symmetric meshing technique. Using AMT, load factor has about 2% variation for linear eigenvalue analysis and about 2% variation for non-linear Riks analysis. The behaviour of load end-shortening curve for pre-buckling is same for both symmetric and asymmetric meshing but for asymmetric meshing curve behaviour in post-buckling becomes extraordinarily complex. The major conclusions are: different methods of AMT have small influence on predicted buckling load and significant influence on load displacement curve behaviour in post buckling; AMT in axial direction and AMT in circumferential direction have different influence on buckling load and load displacement curve in post-buckling.Keywords: CFRP composite cylindrical shell, asymmetric meshing technique, primary buckling, secondary buckling, linear eigenvalue analysis, non-linear riks analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531259 Transperineal Repair Is Ideal for the Management of Rectocele with Faecal Incontinence
Authors: Tia Morosin, Marie Shella De Robles
Rectocele may be associated with symptoms of both obstructed defecation and faecal incontinence. Currently, numerous operative techniques exist to treat patients with rectocele; however, no single technique has emerged as the optimal approach in patients with post-partum faecal incontinence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome in a consecutive series of patients who underwent transperineal repair of rectocele for patients presenting with faecal incontinence as the predominant symptom. Twenty-three consecutive patients from April 2000 to July 2015 with symptomatic rectocele underwent transperineal repair by a single surgeon. All patients had a history of vaginal delivery, with or without evidence of associated anal sphincter injury at the time. The median age of the cohort was 53 years (range 21 to 90 years). The median operating time and length of hospital stay were 2 hours and 7 days, respectively. Two patients developed urinary retention post-operatively, which required temporary bladder catheterization. One patient had wound dehiscence, which was managed by absorbent dressing applied by the patient and her carer. There was no operative mortality. In all patients with rectocele, there was a concomitant anal sphincter disruption. All patients had satisfactory improvement with regard to faecal incontinence on follow-up. This study suggests this method provides excellent anatomic and physiologic results with minimal morbidity. However, because none of the patients gained full continence postoperatively, pelvic floor rehabilitation might be also needed to achieve better sphincter function in patients with incontinence.Keywords: anal sphincter defect, faecal incontinence, rectocele, transperineal repair
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281258 A Semi-Markov Chain-Based Model for the Prediction of Deterioration of Concrete Bridges in Quebec
Authors: Eslam Mohammed Abdelkader, Mohamed Marzouk, Tarek Zayed
Infrastructure systems are crucial to every aspect of life on Earth. Existing Infrastructure is subjected to degradation while the demands are growing for a better infrastructure system in response to the high standards of safety, health, population growth, and environmental protection. Bridges play a crucial role in urban transportation networks. Moreover, they are subjected to high level of deterioration because of the variable traffic loading, extreme weather conditions, cycles of freeze and thaw, etc. The development of Bridge Management Systems (BMSs) has become a fundamental imperative nowadays especially in the large transportation networks due to the huge variance between the need for maintenance actions, and the available funds to perform such actions. Deterioration models represent a very important aspect for the effective use of BMSs. This paper presents a probabilistic time-based model that is capable of predicting the condition ratings of the concrete bridge decks along its service life. The deterioration process of the concrete bridge decks is modeled using semi-Markov process. One of the main challenges of the Markov Chain Decision Process (MCDP) is the construction of the transition probability matrix. Yet, the proposed model overcomes this issue by modeling the sojourn times based on some probability density functions. The sojourn times of each condition state are fitted to probability density functions based on some goodness of fit tests such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Anderson Darling, and chi-squared test. The parameters of the probability density functions are obtained using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The condition ratings obtained from the Ministry of Transportation in Quebec (MTQ) are utilized as a database to construct the deterioration model. Finally, a comparison is conducted between the Markov Chain and semi-Markov chain to select the most feasible prediction model.Keywords: bridge management system, bridge decks, deterioration model, Semi-Markov chain, sojourn times, maximum likelihood estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2161257 Utilization of Bottom Ash as Catalyst in Biomass Steam Gasification for Hydrogen and Syngas Production: Lab Scale Approach
Authors: Angga Pratama Herman, Muhammad Shahbaz, Suzana Yusup
Bottom ash is a solid waste from thermal power plant and it is usually disposed of into landfills and ash ponds. These disposal methods are not sustainable since new lands need to be acquired as the landfills and ash ponds are fill to its capacity. Bottom ash also classified as hazardous material that makes the disposal methods may have contributed to the environmental effect to the area. Hence, more research needs to be done to explore the potential of recycling the bottom ash as more useful product. The objective of this research is to explore the potential of utilizing bottom ash as catalyst in biomass steam gasification. In this research, bottom ash was used as catalyst in gasification of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) using Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer coupled with mass spectrometry (TGA/MS). The effects of temperature (650 – 750 °C), particle size (0.5 – 1.0 mm) and bottom ash percentage (2 % - 10 %) were studied with and without steam. The experimental arrays were designed using expert method of Central Composite Design (CCD). Results show maximum yield of hydrogen gas was 34.3 mole % for gasification without steam and 61.4 Mole % with steam. Similar trend was observed for syngas production. The maximum syngas yield was 59.5 mole % for without steam and it reached up to 81.5 mole% with the use of steam. The optimal condition for both product gases was temperature 700 °C, particle size 0.75 mm and cool bottom ash % 0.06. In conclusion, the use of bottom ash as catalyst is possible for biomass steam gasification and the product gases composition are comparable with previous researches, however the results need to be validated for bench or pilot scale study.Keywords: bottom ash, biomass steam gasification, catalyst, lab scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 3001256 AC Electro-Kinetics, Bipolar Current and Concentration-Polarization in a Microchannel-Nafion Membrane System
Authors: Sinwook Park, Gilad Yossifon
The presence of a floating electrode array located within the depletion layer formed due to concentration-polarization (CP) across a microchannel-membrane device, produces not only induced-charge electro-osmosis (ICEO) vortex and but also a bipolar current resulting from faradaic reactions. It has been shown that there exists an optimal SiO2 layer thickness of ~50nm which is sufficient to suppress bipolar currents (at least up to 5V applied voltage) but still enables ICEO vortices that stir the depletion layer, thereby affecting its I-V response. This effect is pronounced beyond the limiting current where the existence of the depletion layer results in increased local electric field due to decreased solution conductivity. This comprehensive study of the interaction of embedded electrodes with the induced CP in microchannel-perm selective medium systems, allows one to choose the thickness of the thin dielectric coating to either enhance the mixing as a means to control the diffuse layer, or suppress it, for example, in the case where electrodes are intended for local measurements of the solution conductivity with minimal invasion. In addition, the use of alternating-current electro-osmosis by activating electrodes results in further enhancement of the fluid stirring and opens new routes for on-demand spatiotemporal control of the CP length. In addition, the use of embedded heaters within the depletion layer generates electro-thermal vortices that in turn also control the CP length.Keywords: AC electrokinetics, microchannel, concentration-polarization, bipolar current
Procedia PDF Downloads 4971255 Hydrogels Beads of Alginate/Seaweed Powder for Plants Nutrition
Authors: Brenda O. Mazzola, Adriel Larsen, Romina P. Ollier, Leandro N. Ludueña, Vera A. Alvarez, Jimena S. Gonzalez
Seaweed is a natural renewable resource with great potential that is not being used by the domestic industry. Here, it was used a kind of invasive algae U. Pinnatifida that causes serious ecological damage on the Argentinian coasts. Alginate is one of the most widely used materials for encapsulation, and has the advantage that is a natural polysaccharide derived from a marine plant. It can form thermally stable hydrogel in the presence of calcium cation. In addition, the hydrogel can be easily produced into particulate form by using simple and gentle method. The aim of this work was to obtain and to characterize novel compounds (alginate/seaweed powder) for the soil nutrition. Alginate water solutions were prepared by concentrations of 20, 30, 40 and 50 g/L, in those solutions 10g/L of seaweed powder was added. Then the dispersions were transferred from a beaker to the atomizer by a peristaltic pump (with 0.05 to 0.1 L/h flow). A tank was filled with 1 L of calcium chloride solution (4 g/L), and the solution was agitated with a magnetic stirrer. The beads were analyzed by means TGA, FTIR and swelling determinations. In addition, the improvements in the soil were qualitative measured. It was obtained beads with different diameters depend on the initial concentration and the flow used. A better dispersions of seaweed and optimal diameter for the plant nutrition applications were obtained for 40g/L concentration and 0.1 L/h flow. The beads show thermal stability and high swelling degree. It can be successfully obtained alginate beads with seaweed powder with a novelty application as plant nutrient.Keywords: biodegradable, characterization, hydrogel, plant nutrition, seaweed
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831254 Determination of Brominated Flame Retardants In Recycled Plastic Toys Using Thermal Desorption GC/MS
Authors: Athena Nguyen, Rojin Belganeh
In recycling plastics industries, waste plastics are converted into monomers and other useful molecules by chemical reactions. Thermal energy generated by incineration is recovered when waste plastics melt. During the process, Flame retardants containing products get in, and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are often used to reduce the flammability of products. Some of the originally formulated brominated flame retardants additives are restricted by the RoHS Directive, such as PBDE and PBB. The determination of BFRs other than those restricted by the RoHS directive is required. Frontier Lab developed a pyrolyzer based on the vertical micro-furnace design. The multi-mode pyrolyzer with different modes of operations, including evolve gas analysis (EGA), flash pyrolysis, thermal desorption, heart cutting, allows users to choose among the techniques for their analysis purposes. The method requires very little sample preparation. The first step is to perform an EGA using temperature programs. This technique provides information about the thermal temperature behaviors of the sample. The EGA thermogram is then used to determine the next steps in the analysis process. In this presentation, with an Optimal thermal temperature zone identified based on EGA thermogram, thermal desorption GC/MS is a chosen technique for the determination of brominated flame retardants in recycled plastic toys. Five types of general-purpose brominated flame retardants other than those restricted by the RoHS Directive are determined by the standard addition method.Keywords: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, pyrolyzer, thermal desorption-GC/MS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1931253 Preparation and Characterization of CO-Tolerant Electrocatalyst for PEM Fuel Cell
Authors: Ádám Vass, István Bakos, Irina Borbáth, Zoltán Pászti, István Sajó, András Tompos
Important requirements for the anode side electrocatalysts of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells are CO-tolerance, stability and corrosion resistance. Carbon is still the most common material for electrocatalyst supports due to its low cost, high electrical conductivity and high surface area, which can ensure good dispersion of the Pt. However, carbon becomes degraded at higher potentials and it causes problem during application. Therefore it is important to explore alternative materials with improved stability. Molybdenum-oxide can improve the CO-tolerance of the Pt/C catalysts, but it is prone to leach in acidic electrolyte. The Mo was stabilized by isovalent substitution of molybdenum into the rutile phase titanium-dioxide lattice, achieved by a modified multistep sol-gel synthesis method optimized for preparation of Ti0.7Mo.3O2-C composite. High degree of Mo incorporation into the rutile lattice was developed. The conductivity and corrosion resistance across the anticipated potential/pH window was ensured by mixed oxide – activated carbon composite. Platinum loading was carried out using NaBH4 and ethylene glycol; platinum content was 40 wt%. The electrocatalyst was characterized by both material investigating methods (i.e. XRD, TEM, EDS, XPS techniques) and electrochemical methods (cyclic-voltammetry, COads stripping voltammetry, hydrogen oxidation reaction on rotating disc electrode). The electrochemical activity of the sample was compared to commercial 40 wt% Pt/C (Quintech) and PtRu/C (Quintech, Pt= 20 wt%, Ru= 10 wt%) references. Enhanced CO tolerance of the electrocatalyst prepared using the Ti0.7Mo.3O2-C composite material was evidenced by the appearance of a CO-oxidation related 'pre-peak' and by the pronounced shift of the maximum of the main CO oxidation peak towards less positive potential compared to Pt/C. Fuel cell polarization measurements were also carried out using Bio-Logic and Paxitech FCT-150S test device. All details on the design, preparation, characterization and testing by both electrochemical measurements and fuel cell test device of electrocatalyst supported on Ti0.7Mo.3O2-C composite material will be presented and discussed.Keywords: anode electrocatalyst, composite material, CO-tolerance, TiMoOx
Procedia PDF Downloads 3011252 Model Order Reduction of Complex Airframes Using Component Mode Synthesis for Dynamic Aeroelasticity Load Analysis
Authors: Paul V. Thomas, Mostafa S. A. Elsayed, Denis Walch
Airframe structural optimization at different design stages results in new mass and stiffness distributions which modify the critical design loads envelop. Determination of aircraft critical loads is an extensive analysis procedure which involves simulating the aircraft at thousands of load cases as defined in the certification requirements. It is computationally prohibitive to use a Global Finite Element Model (GFEM) for the load analysis, hence reduced order structural models are required which closely represent the dynamic characteristics of the GFEM. This paper presents the implementation of Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) method for the generation of high fidelity Reduced Order Model (ROM) of complex airframes. Here, sub-structuring technique is used to divide the complex higher order airframe dynamical system into a set of subsystems. Each subsystem is reduced to fewer degrees of freedom using matrix projection onto a carefully chosen reduced order basis subspace. The reduced structural matrices are assembled for all the subsystems through interface coupling and the dynamic response of the total system is solved. The CMS method is employed to develop the ROM of a Bombardier Aerospace business jet which is coupled with an aerodynamic model for dynamic aeroelasticity loads analysis under gust turbulence. Another set of dynamic aeroelastic loads is also generated employing a stick model of the same aircraft. Stick model is the reduced order modelling methodology commonly used in the aerospace industry based on stiffness generation by unitary loading application. The extracted aeroelastic loads from both models are compared against those generated employing the GFEM. Critical loads Modal participation factors and modal characteristics of the different ROMs are investigated and compared against those of the GFEM. Results obtained show that the ROM generated using Craig Bampton CMS reduction process has a superior dynamic characteristics compared to the stick model.Keywords: component mode synthesis, craig bampton reduction method, dynamic aeroelasticity analysis, model order reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2101251 Optimisation of Pin Fin Heat Sink Using Taguchi Method
Authors: N. K. Chougule, G. V. Parishwad
The pin fin heat sink is a novel heat transfer device to transfer large amount of heat through with very small temperature differences and it also possesses large uniform cooling characteristics. Pin fins are widely used as elements that provide increased cooling for electronic devices. Increasing demands regarding the performance of such devices can be observed due to the increasing heat production density of electronic components. For this reason, extensive work is being carried out to select and optimize pin fin elements for increased heat transfer. In this paper, the effects of design parameters and the optimum design parameters for a Pin-Fin heat sink (PFHS) under multi-jet impingement case with thermal performance characteristics have been investigated by using Taguchi methodology based on the L9 orthogonal arrays. Various design parameters, such as pin-fin array size, gap between nozzle exit to impingement target surface (Z/d) and air velocity are explored by numerical experiment. The average convective heat transfer coefficient is considered as the thermal performance characteristics. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is applied to find the effect of each design parameter on the thermal performance characteristics. Then the results of confirmation test with the optimal level constitution of design parameters have obviously shown that this logic approach can effective in optimizing the PFHS with the thermal performance characteristics. The analysis of the Taguchi method reveals that, all the parameters mentioned above have equal contributions in the performance of heat sink efficiency. Experimental results are provided to validate the suitability of the proposed approach.Keywords: Pin Fin Heat Sink (PFHS), Taguchi method, CFD, thermal performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2491250 Synthetic Optimizing Control of Wind-Wave Hybrid Energy Conversion System
Authors: Lei Xue, Liye Zhao, Jundong Wang, Yu Xue
A hybrid energy conversion system composed of a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) and wave energy converters (WECs) may possibly reduce the levelized cost of energy, improving the platform dynamics and increasing the capacity to harvest energy. This paper investigates the aerodynamic performance and dynamic responses of the combined semi-submersible FOWT and point-absorber WECs in frequency and time domains using synthetic optimizing control under turbulent wind and irregular wave conditions. Individual pitch control is applied to the FOWT part, while spring–damping control is used on the WECs part, as well as the synergistic control effect of both are studied. The effect of the above control optimization is analyzed under several typical working conditions, such as below-rated wind speed, rated wind speed, and above-rated wind speed by OpenFAST and WEC-Sim software. Particularly, the wind-wave misalignment is also comparatively investigated, which has demonstrated the importance of applying proper integrated optimal control in this hybrid energy system. More specifically, the combination of individual pitch control and spring–damping control is able to mitigate the platform pitch motion and improve output power. However, the increase in blade root load needs to be considered which needs further investigations in the future.Keywords: floating offshore wind turbine, wave energy converters, control optimization, individual pitch control, dynamic response
Procedia PDF Downloads 571249 Automatic Multi-Label Image Annotation System Guided by Firefly Algorithm and Bayesian Method
Authors: Saad M. Darwish, Mohamed A. El-Iskandarani, Guitar M. Shawkat
Nowadays, the amount of available multimedia data is continuously on the rise. The need to find a required image for an ordinary user is a challenging task. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) computes relevance based on the visual similarity of low-level image features such as color, textures, etc. However, there is a gap between low-level visual features and semantic meanings required by applications. The typical method of bridging the semantic gap is through the automatic image annotation (AIA) that extracts semantic features using machine learning techniques. In this paper, a multi-label image annotation system guided by Firefly and Bayesian method is proposed. Firstly, images are segmented using the maximum variance intra cluster and Firefly algorithm, which is a swarm-based approach with high convergence speed, less computation rate and search for the optimal multiple threshold. Feature extraction techniques based on color features and region properties are applied to obtain the representative features. After that, the images are annotated using translation model based on the Net Bayes system, which is efficient for multi-label learning with high precision and less complexity. Experiments are performed using Corel Database. The results show that the proposed system is better than traditional ones for automatic image annotation and retrieval.Keywords: feature extraction, feature selection, image annotation, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 5861248 Decontamination of Chromium Containing Ground Water by Adsorption Using Chemically Modified Activated Carbon Fabric
Authors: J. R. Mudakavi, K. Puttanna
Chromium in the environment is considered as one of the most toxic elements probably next only to mercury and arsenic. It is acutely toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic in the environment. Chromium contamination of soil and underground water due to industrial activities is a very serious problem in several parts of India covering Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. Functionally modified Activated Carbon Fabrics (ACF) offer targeted chromium removal from drinking water and industrial effluents. Activated carbon fabric is a light weight adsorbing material with high surface area and low resistance to fluid flow. We have investigated surface modification of ACF using various acids in the laboratory through batch as well as through continuous flow column experiments with a view to develop the optimum conditions for chromium removal. Among the various acids investigated, phosphoric acid modified ACF gave best results with a removal efficiency of 95% under optimum conditions. Optimum pH was around 2 – 4 with 2 hours contact time. Continuous column experiments with an effective bed contact time (EBCT) of 5 minutes indicated that breakthrough occurred after 300 bed volumes. Adsorption data followed a Freundlich isotherm pattern. Nickel adsorbs preferentially and sulphate reduces chromium adsorption by 50%. The ACF could be regenerated up to 52.3% using 3 M NaOH under optimal conditions. The process is simple, economical, energy efficient and applicable to industrial effluents and drinking water.Keywords: activated carbon fabric, hexavalent chromium, adsorption, drinking water
Procedia PDF Downloads 3371247 Thermal Insulating Silicate Materials Suitable for Thermal Insulation and Rehabilitation Structures
Authors: Jitka Hroudová, Martin Sedlmajer, Jiří Zach
Problems insulation of building structures is often closely connected with the problem of moisture remediation. In the case of historic buildings or if only part of the redevelopment of envelope of structures, it is not possible to apply the classical external thermal insulation composite systems. This application is mostly effective thermal insulation plasters with high porosity and controlled capillary properties which assures improvement of thermal properties construction, its diffusion openness towards the external environment and suitable treatment capillary properties of preventing the penetration of liquid moisture and salts thereof toward the outer surface of the structure. With respect to the current trend of reducing the energy consumption of building structures and reduce the production of CO2 is necessary to develop capillary-active materials characterized by their low density, low thermal conductivity while maintaining good mechanical properties. The aim of researchers at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology is the development and study of hygrothermal behaviour of optimal materials for thermal insulation and rehabilitation of building structures with the possible use of alternative, less energy demanding binders in comparison with conventional, frequently used binder, which represents cement. The paper describes the evaluation of research activities aimed at the development of thermal insulation and repair materials using lightweight aggregate and alternative binders such as metakaolin and finely ground fly ash.Keywords: thermal insulating plasters, rehabilitation materials, thermal conductivity, lightweight aggregate, alternative binders.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3041246 Optimal Portfolio of Multi-service Provision based on Stochastic Model Predictive Control
Authors: Yifu Ding, Vijay Avinash, Malcolm McCulloch
As the proliferation of decentralized energy systems, the UK power system allows small-scale entities such as microgrids (MGs) to tender multiple energy services including energy arbitrage and frequency responses (FRs). However, its operation requires the balance between the uncertain renewable generations and loads in real-time and has to fulfill their provision requirements of contract services continuously during the time window agreed, otherwise it will be penalized for the under-delivered provision. To hedge against risks due to uncertainties and maximize the economic benefits, we propose a stochastic model predictive control (SMPC) framework to optimize its operation for the multi-service provision. Distinguished from previous works, we include a detailed economic-degradation model of the lithium-ion battery to quantify the costs of different service provisions, as well as accurately describe the changing dynamics of the battery. Considering a branch of load and generation scenarios and the battery aging, we formulate a risk-averse cost function using conditional value at risk (CVaR). It aims to achieve the maximum expected net revenue and avoids severe losses. The framework will be performed on a case study of a PV-battery grid-tied microgrid in the UK with real-life data. To highlight its performance, the framework will be compared with the case without the degradation model and the deterministic formulation.Keywords: model predictive control (MPC), battery degradation, frequency response, microgrids
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251245 Optimization of a Flexible Thermoelectric Generator for Energy Harvesting from Human Skin to Power Wearable Electronics
Authors: Dessalegn Abera Waktole, Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Wei Wang, Nianling Kuang
A flexible thermoelectric generator is one method for recycling waste heat. This research provides the optimum performance of a flexible thermoelectric generator with optimal geometric parameters and a detailed structural design. In this research, a numerical simulation and experiment were carried out to develop an efficient, flexible thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting from human skin. Heteromorphic electrodes and a polyimide substrate with a copper-printed circuit board were introduced into the structural design of a flexible thermoelectric generator. The heteromorphic electrode was used as a heat sink and component of a flexible thermoelectric generator to enhance the temperature difference within the thermoelectric legs. Both N-type and P-type thermoelectric legs were made of bismuth selenium telluride (Bi1.7Te3.7Se0.3) and bismuth antimony telluride (Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3). The output power of the flexible thermoelectric generator was analyzed under different heat source temperatures and heat dissipation conditions. The COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 software was used to conduct the simulation, which was validated by experiment. It is recorded that the maximum power output of 232.064μW was obtained by considering different wind speed conditions, the ambient temperature of 20℃, and the heat source temperature of 36℃ under various load resistance conditions, which range from 0.24Ω to 0. 91Ω. According to this finding, heteromorphic electrodes have a significant impact on the performance of the device.Keywords: flexible thermoelectric generator, optimization, performance, temperature gradient, waste heat recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741244 Anti-crisis Public Relations and Aspects of Effective Management in Georgian Companies
Authors: Marine Kobalava
Introduction. The paper substantiates the crucial role of anti-crisis PR in managing the image and reputation of companies. The critical situation caused by the Covid-19 virus in various countries of the world and the actions taken have had a significant negative impact on the image of companies and public groups. The mentioned circumstance has caused some problems for companies’ products in terms of customer demand. Accordingly, the main goal of PR has become to achieve the optimal relationship between companies and society with effective management. It should also be taken into account that the range of action of PR in crisis situations is much wider than that of advertising. In the paper, Public Relations is evaluated as a determining factor of the companies' prestige, its reliability, which has a decisive effect on the goodwill, trust, and general reputation of the public towards the company. The purpose of the study is to reveal the challenges of anti-crisis PR in Georgian companies and to develop recommendations on effective management mechanisms. Methodologies. Analysis, induction, synthesis, and other methods are used in the paper; Matrix and SWOT analysis are constructed. Ways of establishing and implementing an anti-crisis PR system in companies are proposed. The main aspects of anti-crisis management are identified by using the matrix of the choice of diversification strategy of the companies' activities, the possibilities of making adequate decisions using PR are studied according to the characteristics of the companies' activities and priority directions. Conclusion. The paper draws conclusions on modern problems of anti-crisis PR, offers recommendations on ways to solve it through PR strategies.Keywords: anti-crisis PR, effective management, company, PR strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 811243 Sulfamethoxazole Degradation by Conventional Fenton and Microwave-Assisted Fenton Reaction
Authors: Derradji Chebli, Abdallah Bouguettoucha, Zoubir Manaa, Amrane Abdeltif
Pharmaceutical products, such as sulfamethoxazole (SMX) are rejected in the environment at trace level by human and animals (ng/L to mg/L), in their original form or as byproducts. Antibiotics are toxic contaminants for the aquatic environment, owing to their adverse effects on the aquatic life and humans. Even at low concentrations, they can negatively impact biological water treatment leading to the proliferation of antibiotics-resistant pathogens. It is therefore of major importance to develop efficient methods to limit their presence in the aquatic environment. In this aim, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) appear relevant compared to other methods, since they are based on the production of highly reactive free radicals, and especially ●OH. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degradation of SMX by microwave-assisted Fenton reaction (MW/Fe/H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ions concentrations, as well as the microwave power were optimized. The results showed that the SMX degradation by MW/Fe/H2O2 followed a pseudo-first order kinetic. The treatment of 20 mg/L initial SMX by the Fenton reaction in the presence of microwave showed the positive impact of this latter owing to the higher degradation yields observed in a reduced reaction time if compared to the conventional Fenton reaction, less than 5 min for a total degradation. In addition, increasing microwave power increased the degradation kinetics. Irrespective of the application of microwave, the optimal pH for the Fenton reaction remained 3. Examination of the impact of the ionic strength showed that carbonate and sulfate anions increased the rate of SMX degradation.Keywords: antibiotic, degradation, elimination, fenton, microwave, polluant
Procedia PDF Downloads 3991242 Using Genetic Algorithm to Organize Sustainable Urban Landscape in Historical Part of City
Authors: Shahab Mirzaean Mahabadi, Elham Ebrahimi
The urban development process in the historical urban context has predominately witnessed two main approaches: the first is the Preservation and conservation of the urban fabric and its value, and the second approach is urban renewal and redevelopment. The latter is generally supported by political and economic aspirations. These two approaches conflict evidently. The authors go through the history of urban planning in order to review the historical development of the mentioned approaches. In this article, various values which are inherent in the historical fabric of a city are illustrated by emphasizing on cultural identity and activity. In the following, it is tried to find an optimized plan which maximizes economic development and minimizes change in historical-cultural sites simultaneously. In the proposed model, regarding the decision maker’s intention, and the variety of functions, the selected zone is divided into a number of components. For each component, different alternatives can be assigned, namely, renovation, refurbishment, destruction, and change in function. The decision Variable in this model is to choose an alternative for each component. A set of decisions made upon all components results in a plan. A plan developed in this way can be evaluated based on the decision maker’s point of view. That is, interactions between selected alternatives can make a foundation for the assessment of urban context to design a historical-cultural landscape. A genetic algorithm (GA) approach is used to search for optimal future land use within the historical-culture landscape for a sustainable high-growth city.Keywords: urban sustainability, green city, regeneration, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 691241 Removal of Heavy Metals by KOH Activated Diplotaxis harra Biomass: Experimental Design Optimization
Authors: H. Tounsadi, A. Khalidi, M. Abdennouri, N. Barka
The objective of this study was to produce high quality activated carbons from Diplotaxis harra biomass by potassium hydroxide activation and their application for heavy metals removal. To reduce the number of experiments, full factorial experimental design at two levels were carried out to occur optimal preparation conditions and better conditions for the removal of cadmium and cobalt ions from aqueous solutions. The influence of different variables during the activation process, such as carbonization temperature, activation temperature, activation time and impregnation ratio (g KOH/g carbon) have been investigated, and the best production conditions were determined. The experimental results showed that removal of cadmium and cobalt ions onto activated carbons was more sensitive to methylene blue index instead of iodine number. Although, the removal of cadmium and cobalt ions is more influenced by activation temperature with a negative effect followed by the impregnation ratio with a positive impact. Based on the statistical data, the best conditions for the removal of cadmium and cobalt by prepared activated carbons have been established. The maximum iodine number and methylene blue index obtained under these conditions and the greater sorption capacities for cadmium and cobalt were investigated. These sorption capacities were greater than those of a commercial activated carbon used in water treatment.Keywords: activated carbon, cadmium, cobalt, Diplotaxis harra, experimental design, potassium hydroxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021240 Strategies to Promote Safety and Reduce the Vulnerability of Urban Worn-out Textures to the Potential Risk of Earthquake
Authors: Bahareh Montakhabi
Earthquake is known as one of the deadliest natural disasters, with a high potential for damage to life and property. Some of Iran's cities were completely destroyed after major earthquakes, and the people of the region suffered a lot of mental, financial and psychological damage. Tehran is one of the cities located on the fault line. According to experts, the only city that could be severely damaged by a moderate earthquake in Earthquake Engineering Intensity Scale (EEIS) (70% destruction) is Tehran because Tehran is built precisely on the fault. Seismic risk assessment (SRA) of cities in the scale of urban areas and neighborhoods is the first phase of the earthquake crisis management process, which can provide the information required to make optimal use of available resources and facilities in order to reduce the destructive effects and consequences of an earthquake. This study has investigated strategies to promote safety and reduce the vulnerability of worn-out urban textures in the District 12 of Tehran to the potential risk of earthquake aimed at prioritizing the factors affecting the vulnerability of worn-out urban textures to earthquake crises and how to reduce them, using the analytical-exploratory method, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), Expert choice and SWOT technique. The results of SWAT and AHP analysis of the vulnerability of the worn-out textures of District 12 to internal threats (1.70) and external threats (2.40) indicate weak safety of the textures of District 12 regarding internal and external factors and a high possibility of damage.Keywords: risk management, vulnerability, worn-out textures, earthquake
Procedia PDF Downloads 1941239 Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modelling to Support Alternative Fuels Maritime Operations Incident Planning & Impact Assessments
Authors: Chow Jeng Hei, Pavel Tkalich, Low Kai Sheng Bryan
Due to the growing demand for sustainability in the maritime industry, there has been a significant increase in focus on alternative fuels such as biofuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen, methanol and ammonia to reduce the carbon footprint of vessels. Alternative fuels offer efficient transportability and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a critical factor in combating global warming. In an era where the world is determined to tackle climate change, the utilization of methanol is projected to witness a consistent rise in demand, even during downturns in the oil and gas industry. Since 2022, there has been an increase in methanol loading and discharging operations for industrial use in Singapore. These operations were conducted across various storage tank terminals at Jurong Island of varying capacities, which are also used to store alternative fuels for bunkering requirements. The key objective of this research is to support the green shipping industries in the transformation to new fuels such as methanol and ammonia, especially in evolving the capability to inform risk assessment and management of spills. In the unlikely event of accidental spills, a highly reliable forecasting system must be in place to provide mitigation measures and ahead planning. The outcomes of this research would lead to an enhanced metocean prediction capability and, together with advanced sensing, will continuously build up a robust digital twin of the bunkering operating environment. Outputs from the developments will contribute to management strategies for alternative marine fuel spills, including best practices, safety challenges and crisis management. The outputs can also benefit key port operators and the various bunkering, petrochemicals, shipping, protection and indemnity, and emergency response sectors. The forecasted datasets provide a forecast of the expected atmosphere and hydrodynamic conditions prior to bunkering exercises, enabling a better understanding of the metocean conditions ahead and allowing for more refined spill incident management planningKeywords: clean fuels, hydrodynamics, coastal engineering, impact assessments
Procedia PDF Downloads 701238 A Moroccan Natural Solution for Treating Industrial Effluents: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Using Date Kernel Residues for Purification
Authors: Ahmed Salim, A. El Bouari, M. Tahiri, O. Tanane
This research aims to develop and comprehensively characterize a cost-effective activated carbon derived from date residues, with a focus on optimizing its physicochemical properties to achieve superior performance in a variety of applications. The samples were synthesized via a chemical activation process utilizing phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄) as the activating agent. Activated carbon, produced through this method, functions as a vital adsorbent for the removal of contaminants, with a specific focus on methylene blue, from industrial wastewater. This study meticulously examined the influence of various parameters, including carbonization temperature and duration, on both the combustion properties and adsorption efficiency of the resultant material. Through extensive analysis, the optimal conditions for synthesizing the activated carbon were identified as a carbonization temperature of 600°C and a duration of 2 hours. The activated carbon synthesized under optimized conditions demonstrated an exceptional carbonization yield and methylene blue adsorption efficiency of 99.71%. The produced carbon was subsequently characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Its effectiveness in the adsorption of methylene blue from contaminated water was then evaluated. A comprehensive assessment of the adsorption capacity was conducted by varying parameters such as carbon dosage, contact time, initial methylene blue concentration, and pH levels.Keywords: environmental pollution, adsorbent, activated carbon, phosphoric acid, date Kernels, pollutants, adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 461237 Enhanced Model for Risk-Based Assessment of Employee Security with Bring Your Own Device Using Cyber Hygiene
Authors: Saidu I. R., Shittu S. S.
As the trend of personal devices accessing corporate data continues to rise through Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices, organizations recognize the potential cost reduction and productivity gains. However, the associated security risks pose a significant threat to these benefits. Often, organizations adopt BYOD environments without fully considering the vulnerabilities introduced by human factors in this context. This study presents an enhanced assessment model that evaluates the security posture of employees in BYOD environments using cyber hygiene principles. The framework assesses users' adherence to best practices and guidelines for maintaining a secure computing environment, employing scales and the Euclidean distance formula. By utilizing this algorithm, the study measures the distance between users' security practices and the organization's optimal security policies. To facilitate user evaluation, a simple and intuitive interface for automated assessment is developed. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, design science research methods are employed, and empirical assessments are conducted using five artifacts to analyze user suitability in BYOD environments. By addressing the human factor vulnerabilities through the assessment of cyber hygiene practices, this study aims to enhance the overall security of BYOD environments and enable organizations to leverage the advantages of this evolving trend while mitigating potential risks.Keywords: security, BYOD, vulnerability, risk, cyber hygiene
Procedia PDF Downloads 771236 Synthesis of Modified Cellulose for the Capture of Uranyl Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Authors: Claudia Vergara, Oscar Valdes, Jaime Tapia, Leonardo Santos
The poly(amidoamine) dendrimers (PAMAM) are a class of material introduced by D. Tomalia. Modifications of the PAMAM dendrimer with several functional groups have attracted the attention for new interesting properties and new applications in many fields such as chemistry, physics, biology, and medicine. However, in the last few years, the use of dendrimers in environmental applications has increased due to pollution concerns. In this contribution, we report the synthesis of three new PAMAM derivates modified with asparagine aminoacid supported in cellulose: PG0-Asn (PAMAM-asparagine), PG0-Asn-Trt (with trityl group) and PG0-Asn-Boc-Trt (with tert-butyl oxycarbonyl group). The functionalization of generation 0 PAMAM dendrimer was carried out by amidation reaction by using an EDC/HOBt protocol. In a second step, functionalized dendrimer was covalently supported to the cellulose surface and used to study the capture of uranyl ions from aqueous solution by fluorescence spectroscopy. The structure and purity of the desired products were confirmed by conventional techniques such as FT-IR, MALDI, elemental analysis, and ESI-MS. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the affinity of uranyl ions with the dendrimer in aqueous solution. Firstly, the optimal conditions for uranyl capture were obtained, where the optimum pH for the removal was 6, the contact time was 4 hours, the initial concentration of uranyl was 100 ppm, and the amount of the adsorbent to be used was 2.5 mg. PAMAM significantly increased the capture of uranyl ions with respect to cellulose as the starting substrate, reaching 94.8% of capture (PG0), followed by 91.2% corresponding to PG0-Asn-Trt, then 70.3% PG0-Asn and 24.2% PG0-Asn-Boc-Trt. These results show that the PAMAM dendrimer is a good option to remove uranyl ions from aqueous solutions.Keywords: asparagine, cellulose, PAMAM dendrimer, uranyl ions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391235 Performance Evaluation of Soft RoCE over 1 Gigabit Ethernet
Authors: Gurkirat Kaur, Manoj Kumar, Manju Bala
Ethernet is the most influential and widely used technology in the world. With the growing demand of low latency and high throughput technologies like InfiniBand and RoCE, unique features viz. RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) have evolved. RDMA is an effective technology which is used for reducing system load and improving performance. InfiniBand is a well known technology which provides high-bandwidth and low-latency and makes optimal use of in-built features like RDMA. With the rapid evolution of InfiniBand technology and Ethernet lacking the RDMA and zero copy protocol, the Ethernet community has came out with a new enhancements that bridges the gap between InfiniBand and Ethernet. By adding the RDMA and zero copy protocol to the Ethernet a new networking technology is evolved, called RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE). RoCE is a standard released by the IBTA standardization body to define RDMA protocol over Ethernet. With the emergence of lossless Ethernet, RoCE uses InfiniBand’s efficient transport to provide the platform for deploying RDMA technology in mainstream data centres over 10GigE, 40GigE and beyond. RoCE provide all of the InfiniBand benefits transport benefits and well established RDMA ecosystem combined with converged Ethernet. In this paper, we evaluate the heterogeneous Linux cluster, having multi nodes with fast interconnects i.e. gigabit Ethernet and Soft RoCE. This paper presents the heterogeneous Linux cluster configuration and evaluates its performance using Intel’s MPI Benchmarks. Our result shows that Soft RoCE is performing better than Ethernet in various performance metrics like bandwidth, latency and throughput.Keywords: ethernet, InfiniBand, RoCE, RDMA, MPI, Soft RoCE
Procedia PDF Downloads 4651234 Evaluation of Postural Stability in Patients with Flat Feet: A Controlled Trial
Authors: Ghada Mohamed Rashad, Doaa Ayoub Elimy, Mohamed Hussein Elgendy, Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Elshiwi, Mahmoud Ghazy
Background: Flat feet cause changes in foot mobility, foot posture, and load distribution under the foot which influences dynamic balance, that is essential in activities of daily living and for optimal performance in sports activity. Purpose: To investigate the effect of flat feet on dynamic balance including overall stability index (OAI), anteroposterior stability index (APSI) and mediolateral stability index (MLSI). Study Design: The design of the study was an experimental design. Subjects: Forty subjects from both sexes were selected from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, their mean age (23.55 ± 1.74 ) years, divided into two groups, group A (8 males and 12 females) with flat feet, and group B (9 males and 11 females) with normal feet. Methods: The Navicular Drop Test was used to determine if the feet were pronated and Biodex Balance System was used to assess dynamic balance at level 8 and level 4 for both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in dynamic balance including (OSI, APSI and MLSI) of the Biodex at stability level (8) (most stable) (p = 0.56). While there was a significant difference between both groups in all dependent variables at stability level (4) (less stable level) (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: It may be concluded that flat feet have an effect on dynamic balance and there is balance affection in subjects with flat feet.Keywords: flat feet, dynamic balance, postural stability, types of flat feet, eversion strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 5321233 Developmental Differences of Elementary School Children in Knowledge Acquisition Following a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
Authors: Chrysanthi Nega, Fotini-Sonia Apergi
Child sexual abuse (CSA) in Greece is a highly prevalent phenomenon and yet remains largely underreported. CSA can negatively impact cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development, as well as personality formation and capacity for initiation and maintenance of healthy interpersonal relationships. It is particularly important for school-based prevention programs to be implemented early in elementary school, as they are reportedly effective in lowering abuse incidences and providing knowledge for coping in threatening environments. The purpose of the current study was to test the effectiveness of a school-based CSA prevention program (Safe-Touches) on Greek elementary school students (grades 1-3, N=272) and explore the effect of age and time of testing (academic term). There was a significant effect of age in the knowledge of Inappropriate Touch, when comparing pre and post-intervention assessments, with third graders showing greatest gains in knowledge, followed by second and first graders. Time of testing during the academic year also had a significant effect, as first graders tested later in the school year, scored higher on knowledge of Inappropriate Touch. The findings of the current study provide insight into the optimal timing to implement CSA prevention programs. Exposure to such programs and incorporation in the school curricula could largely benefit children of the Greek community in terms of safety and awareness.Keywords: child sexual abuse, Safe-Touches, school-based prevention, schooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3181232 Utilization of Mango (Mangifera Indica) Seeds as an Organic Liquid Fertilizer in Bok-Choy (Brassica Rapa)
Authors: Bryan Emmanuel B. Marcelo, Frances Laura C. Galvez, Cyra Aleera T. Asanza, Ava Venice P. Garin
The present study experimented with the utilization of mango (Mangifera indica) seeds as a fertilizer in the hydroponic farming of Bok Choy. The seeds were dried, mixed with EM Bokashi, and fermented for 14 days. The solution was then diluted into several ratios or concentrations: 25%: 1 part mango seed solution, 3 parts water; 50%: 2 parts mango seed solution, 2 parts water; 75%: 3 parts mango seed solution, 1 part water. 5 cups of soil with Bok Choy seeds were each planted in different containers for different concentrations of fertilizer. The fermentation of the nutrient solution lasted exactly 14 days and was directly brought to the lab for nutrient analysis and testing. In the data presented by the researchers in a span of 14 days, the study assessed varied mango seed fertilizer concentrations on Bok Choy growth. Despite an acidic pH (4.19) and moderate electrical conductivity, the 75% concentration yielded the highest growth (2.1cm) over 14 days, followed by 50%, 0, and 25%. Leaf count was consistently highest at 75%, and the leaf color remained #8CAA50 across concentrations. This emphasizes the importance of precise fertilizer application, with the 75% concentration showing optimal growth, the highest leaf count, and prevention of leaf withering until Day 14. Overall, these findings contribute to understanding bok choy’s adaptability and responses to different nutrient conditions.Keywords: dilution ratios, organic liquid fertilizer, hydroponic farming, growth asssessment
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