Search results for: Difficult intubation in glottic cancer
1384 Management of Interdependence in Manufacturing Networks
Authors: Atour Taghipour
In the real world each manufacturing company is an independent business unit. These business units are linked to each other through upstream and downstream linkages. The management of these linkages is called coordination which, could be considered as a difficult engineering task. The degree of difficulty of coordination depends on the type and the nature of information exchanged between partners as well as the structure of relationship from mutual to the network structure. The literature of manufacturing systems comprises a wide range of varieties of methods and approaches of coordination. In fact, two main streams of research can be distinguished: central coordination versus decentralized coordination. In the centralized systems a high degree of information exchanges is required. The high degree of information exchanges sometimes leads to difficulties when independent members do not want to share information. In order to address these difficulties, decentralized approaches of coordination of operations planning decisions based on some minimal information sharing have been proposed in many academic disciplines. This paper first proposes a framework of analysis in order to analyze the proposed approaches in the literature, based on this framework which includes the similarities between approaches we categorize the existing approaches. This classification can be used as a research map for future researches. The result of our paper highlights several opportunities for future research. First, it is proposed to develop more dynamic and stochastic mechanisms of planning coordination of manufacturing units. Second, in order to exploit the complementarities of approaches proposed by diverse science discipline, we propose to integrate the techniques of coordination. Finally, based on our approach we proposed to develop coordination standards to guaranty both the complementarity of these approaches as well as the freedom of companies to adopt any planning tools.Keywords: network coordination, manufacturing, operations planning, supply chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 2841383 Mistranslation in Cross Cultural Communication: A Discourse Analysis on Former President Bush’s Speech in 2001
Authors: Lowai Abed
The differences in languages play a big role in cross-cultural communication. If meanings are not translated accurately, the risk can be crucial not only on an interpersonal level, but also on the international and political levels. The use of metaphorical language by politicians can cause great confusion, often leading to statements being misconstrued. In these situations, it is the translators who struggle to put forward the intended meaning with clarity and this makes translation an important field to study and analyze when it comes to cross-cultural communication. Owing to the growing importance of language and the power of translation in politics, this research analyzes part of President Bush’s speech in 2001 in which he used the word “Crusade” which caused his statement to be misconstrued. The research uses a discourse analysis of cross-cultural communication literature which provides answers supported by historical, linguistic, and communicative perspectives. The first finding indicates that the word ‘crusade’ carries different meaning and significance in the narratives of the Western world when compared to the Middle East. The second one is that, linguistically, maintaining cultural meanings through translation is quite difficult and challenging. Third, when it comes to the cross-cultural communication perspective, the common and frequent usage of literal translation is a sign of poor strategies being followed in translation training. Based on the example of Bush’s speech, this paper hopes to highlight the weak practices in translation in cross-cultural communication which are still commonly used across the world. Translation studies have to take issues such as this seriously and attempt to find a solution. In every language, there are words and phrases that have cultural, historical and social meanings that are woven into the language. Literal translation is not the solution for this problem because that strategy is unable to convey these meanings in the target language.Keywords: crusade, metaphor, mistranslation, war in terror
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081382 Dynamic Modelling of Hepatitis B Patient Using Sihar Model
Authors: Alakija Temitope Olufunmilayo, Akinyemi, Yagba Joy
Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver tissue that can cause whiteness of the eyes (Jaundice), lack of appetite, vomiting, tiredness, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Hepatitis is acute if it resolves within 6 months and chronic if it last longer than 6 months. Acute hepatitis can resolve on its own, lead to chronic hepatitis or rarely result in acute liver failure. Chronic hepatitis may lead to scarring of the liver (Cirrhosis), liver failure and liver cancer. Modelling Hepatitis B may become necessary in order to reduce its spread. So, dynamic SIR model can be used. This model consists of a system of three coupled non-linear ordinary differential equation which does not have an explicit formula solution. It is an epidemiological model used to predict the dynamics of infectious disease by categorizing the population into three possible compartments. In this study, a five-compartment dynamic model of Hepatitis B disease was proposed and developed by adding control measure of sensitizing the public called awareness. All the mathematical and statistical formulation of the model, especially the general equilibrium of the model, was derived, including the nonlinear least square estimators. The initial parameters of the model were derived using nonlinear least square embedded in R code. The result study shows that the proportion of Hepatitis B patient in the study population is 1.4 per 1,000,000 populations. The estimated Hepatitis B induced death rate is 0.0108, meaning that 1.08% of the infected individuals die of the disease. The reproduction number of Hepatitis B diseases in Nigeria is 6.0, meaning that one individual can infect more than 6.0 people. The effect of sensitizing the public on the basic reproduction number is significant as the reproduction number is reduced. The study therefore recommends that programme should be designed by government and non-governmental organization to sensitize the entire Nigeria population in order to reduce cases of Hepatitis B disease among the citizens.Keywords: hepatitis B, modelling, non-linear ordinary differential equation, sihar model, sensitization
Procedia PDF Downloads 911381 Characterization of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes and Their Correlates among Women Living with HIV Attending Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic in Mukono, Uganda
Authors: Nantale Prossy Nabatte, Josephat Nyagero, Elizabeth Kemigisha
Background: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. It is important to screen for HPV so that women found positive receive early treatment to prevent the development of cervical cancer. The broad aim of the research was to explore the types, occurrence, and associated correlates of HPV infection by genotyping Human papillomavirus among a cohort of WLHIV attending an antiretroviral therapy clinic in Mukono, Uganda. Methods: A cross-sectional study was used to collect data for socio-demographic, sexual practices, and medical history factors associated with HPV genotypes using a pretested interview guide subjected to 342 WLHIV. The respondents’ results for HPV genotypes were obtained retrospectively from respective laboratory records. Data was entered in Epidata v4.6 and analysed using STATA V14. The prevalence of hr-HPV was estimated as a proportion of the entire sample size. Analysis for the correlates of hr-HPV infection was done using a modified Poisson regression model. Results: Slightly more than a half of respondents were aged below 35 years (56.7%), married (52.6%), and with a primary level of education (51.2%). The prevalence of hr-HPV was 39.8% at a 95% confidence interval (CI: 34.40- 44.78). The hr-HPV was higher among those between 30-34 years of age (n= 41, 30.2%) than those between the age of 45-49 years (n=16, 11.8%). In terms of associated correlates, age 45-49 years (aPR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.41- 2.69), being married (aPR: 1.30, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.69), use of condoms (aPR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.00 -1.71) and age of sexual debut (aPR: 1.42, 95% CI: 1.08-1.87) were significantly associated with Human papillomavirus genotypes. Conclusion and Recommendation: The prevalence of hr-HPV infection was high, indicative of a risk to the health of WLHIV in Mukono, Uganda, and worldwide at large. The correlates are age 45-49 years, being married, use of condoms, and age of sexual debut. Based on the results, it is recommended that the implementing teams in such projects put more emphasis on the diagnosis of hr-HPV infection and monitoring the treatment. More research is required to determine the effect of ART therapy on hr-HPV persistence.Keywords: human papillomavirus genotypes, and their correlates, among women living with HIV, attending antiretroviral clinic
Procedia PDF Downloads 911380 Seven Brothers and Sisters of Severely Disabled Children Speak up about Their Everyday Challenges and Needs : A Multiple Case Study
Authors: Myriam Castonguay, Florence Vinit
This study aims to gain a better understanding of the lived experience of seven children growing up in a family where another child is severely disabled, informed by family systems theory and the socio-ecological model of development. In depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven children who described they everyday life since their brother’s or sister’s diagnosis. Thematic analysis revealed four themes : struggling with loneliness inside the family, supporting the disabled child through its journey, accommodating to a changing routine and keeping a “bubble” for oneself. Brothers and sisters depict a family life characterized by much loneliness, with severe disabilities requiring ongoing care and prolonged hospitalizations. In the midst of adversity, siblings describe themselves as highly committed to supporting the disabled child and to preserve family cohesion, even if that means getting exposed to emotionally challenging situations and adjusting their daily routine frequently. Children recount that keeping up with schoolwork and leisure activities of their own is central to their well-being. Having a space where one can reconnect with his ordinary life as a kid is also deemed very important. This study reminds us that more needs to be done to counteract the loneliness experienced by siblings through the family experience of disability. Family members and clinicians need to be extra vigilant to ensure siblings’ needs don’t go unnoticed or dismissed, as it may be difficult for this population of children to voice their own experience and needs. Family, school and other actors in the community may help brothers and sisters pursue their personal dreams, goals and projects, to continue experiencing well-being despite adverse life circumstances.Keywords: sibling’s lived experience of disability, sibling’s needs at various levels of the ecosystem, family adjustment to the disability experience, supporting family wellness through the disability experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171379 Removal of Cr (VI) from Water through Adsorption Process Using GO/PVA as Nanosorbent
Authors: Syed Hadi Hasan, Devendra Kumar Singh, Viyaj Kumar
Cr (VI) is a known toxic heavy metal and has been considered as a priority pollutant in water. The effluent of various industries including electroplating, anodizing baths, leather tanning, steel industries and chromium based catalyst are the major source of Cr (VI) contamination in the aquatic environment. Cr (VI) show high mobility in the environment and can easily penetrate cell membrane of the living tissues to exert noxious effects. The Cr (VI) contamination in drinking water causes various hazardous health effects to the human health such as cancer, skin and stomach irritation or ulceration, dermatitis, damage to liver, kidney circulation and nerve tissue damage. Herein, an attempt has been done to develop an efficient adsorbent for the removal of Cr (VI) from water. For this purpose nanosorbent composed of polyvinyl alcohol functionalized graphene oxide (GO/PVA) was prepared. Thus, obtained GO/PVA was characterized through FTIR, XRD, SEM, and Raman Spectroscopy. As prepared nanosorbent of GO/PVA was utilized for the removal Cr (VI) in batch mode experiment. The process variables such as contact time, initial Cr (VI) concentration, pH, and temperature were optimized. The maximum 99.8 % removal of Cr (VI) was achieved at initial Cr (VI) concentration 60 mg/L, pH 2, temperature 35 °C and equilibrium was achieved within 50 min. The two widely used isotherm models viz. Langmuir and Freundlich were analyzed using linear correlation coefficient (R2) and it was found that Langmuir model gives best fit with high value of R2 for the data of present adsorption system which indicate the monolayer adsorption of Cr (VI) on the GO/PVA. Kinetic studies were also conducted using pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order models and it was observed that chemosorptive pseudo-second order model described the kinetics of current adsorption system in better way with high value of correlation coefficient. Thermodynamic studies were also conducted and results showed that the adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic in nature.Keywords: adsorption, GO/PVA, isotherm, kinetics, nanosorbent, thermodynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3891378 An Efficient Approach for Shear Behavior Definition of Plant Stalk
Authors: M. R. Kamandar, J. Massah
The information of the impact cutting behavior of plants stalk plays an important role in the design and fabrication of plants cutting equipment. It is difficult to investigate a theoretical method for defining cutting properties of plants stalks because the cutting process is complex. Thus, it is necessary to set up an experimental approach to determine cutting parameters for a single stalk. To measure the shear force, shear energy and shear strength of plant stalk, a special impact cutting tester was fabricated. It was similar to an Izod impact cutting tester for metals but a cutting blade and data acquisition system were attached to the end of pendulum's arm. The apparatus was included four strain gages and a digital indicator to show the real-time cutting force of plant stalk. To measure the shear force and also testing the apparatus, two plants’ stalks, like buxus and privet, were selected. The samples (buxus and privet stalks) were cut under impact cutting process at four loading rates 1, 2, 3 and 4 m.s-1 and three internodes fifth, tenth and fifteenth by the apparatus. At buxus cutting analysis: the minimum value of cutting energy was obtained at fifth internode and loading rate 4 m.s-1 and the maximum value of shear energy was obtained at fifteenth internode and loading rate 1 m.s-1. At privet cutting analysis: the minimum value of shear consumption energy was obtained at fifth internode and loading rate: 4 m.s-1 and the maximum value of shear energy was obtained at fifteenth internode and loading rate: 1 m.s-1. The statistical analysis at both plants showed that the increase of impact cutting speed would decrease the shear consumption energy and shear strength. In two scenarios, the results showed that with increase the cutting speed, shear force would decrease.Keywords: Buxus, Privet, impact cutting, shear energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261377 The Invisible Labour of Informal Care: Parentified Caregiving in David Chariandy's Soucouyant
Authors: Walter Rafael Ramos Villanueva
The overwhelming majority of scholarship on David Chariandy’s novel Soucouyant focuses on how Adele’s dementia represents the preservation of “cultural memory” and the perniciousness of “historical trauma.” However, by metaphorizing Adele’s mental condition, these critics risk treating her dementia as mostly figurative, and they thus elide a more detailed discussion of the literal ramifications of her dementia diagnosis. To move beyond these readings, then, my paper will approach Adele’s disorder as a literal medical condition and explore how her caregiving needs affect not only her but also those around her. Soucouyant subverts traditional caregiving narratives by depicting the difficult and typically invisible labour of informal caregiving that is undertaken by the families and friends of those who are ill or otherwise disabled. Because Adele’s family is unable to access proper public healthcare resources within the community, the burden of care falls upon the protagonist and his brother, who become “parentified children.” Parentified children, according to Nancy D. Chase, are “parents to their parents, and fulfill this role at the expense of their own developmentally appropriate needs and pursuits.” The novel provides a depiction of informal caregiving that is multi-faceted and asks us to question why is it exactly that we place the burden of care on those who are not equipped to handle such pressures instead of putting the onus on the government and the public healthcare system to take care of its most vulnerable members. Ageing Studies scholar Larry Polvika notes that although policymakers often offer “pious expressions of appreciation” and acknowledge that informal caregiving is “the backbone of our long-term care system,” governmental support for these caregivers remains inadequate. It is my belief that, by showcasing the struggles of informal caregivers, Chariandy’s text combats this dangerous and empty political rhetoric.Keywords: caregiving, dementia, literature, parentified children
Procedia PDF Downloads 1771376 Advancements in Autonomous Drones for Enhanced Healthcare Logistics
Authors: Bhaargav Gupta P., Vignesh N., Nithish Kumar R., Rahul J., Nivetha Ruvah D.
Delivering essential medical supplies to rural and underserved areas is challenging due to infrastructure limitations and logistical barriers, often resulting in inefficiencies and delays. Traditional delivery methods are hindered by poor road networks, long distances, and difficult terrains, compromising timely access to vital resources, especially in emergencies. This paper introduces an autonomous drone system engineered to optimize last-mile delivery. By utilizing advanced navigation and object-detection algorithms, such as region-based convolutional neural networks (R-CNN), our drones efficiently avoid obstacles, identify safe landing zones, and adapt dynamically to varying environments. Equipped with high-precision GPS and autonomous capabilities, the drones effectively navigate complex, remote areas with minimal dependence on established infrastructure. The system includes a dedicated mobile application for secure order placement and real-time tracking, and a secure payload box with OTP verification ensures tamper-resistant delivery to authorized recipients. This project demonstrates the potential of automated drone technology in healthcare logistics, offering a scalable and eco-friendly approach to enhance accessibility and service delivery in underserved regions. By addressing logistical gaps through advanced automation, this system represents a significant advancement toward sustainable, accessible healthcare in remote areas.Keywords: region-based convolutional neural network, one time password, global positioning system, autonomous drones, healthcare logistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 161375 Enhancing Digi-Parenting Strategies to Mitigate Children’s Cyber-Aggression
Authors: Misha Teimouri
Our world has been transformed by the use of the internet and the constant flow of information. While this transmission has its benefits, it has also added significant challenges to family relations, primarily in the field of parenting and children's digital lives. Screens, speed, and connectedness are the words that characterize the lives of today's digital generation; it's as if the entire world is in their pockets at all times. Parents attempt to regulate and control their children's internet use in the hopes of maximizing the advantages and minimizing the disadvantages of their children's internet use; however, given that children spend more time online, particularly ever since the pandemic, children's cyber-aggression has become an issue for them. Children may externalize their behavior online, bully others, send anger/hatred/resist messages, share violent and bloody content, and engage in sexting. These types of online aggression make parenting more difficult, especially for digital immigrant parents compared to digital native parents. In response to these challenges, this study investigated the level of cyber aggression among children, as well as the effects of digi-parenting (active, monitoring, restrictive, and warm and supportive) on children's cyber-aggression (sexual, verbal, visual) as victims or aggressors. The study also determined whether there were any differences in parenting styles between digital natives (DN) and digital immigrants. In accordance with the study, boys and older children are more likely to engage in cyber aggression as aggressors, whereas girls and younger children are more likely to engage as victims. Warmth and supportive digiparenting have a greater impact on children's cyber-aggression (sexual, verbal, and visual) as victims or aggressors. This study also found that, when compared to DI parents, DN parents are more successful at digi-parenting and reducing their children's exposure to cyber-aggression.Keywords: digi-parenting, cyber-aggression, digital natives, digital immigrants, children's cyber-aggression (sexual, verbal, visual)
Procedia PDF Downloads 521374 Software Development for Both Small Wind Performance Optimization and Structural Compliance Analysis with International Safety Regulations
Authors: K. M. Yoo, M. H. Kang
Conventional commercial wind turbine design software is limited to large wind turbines due to not incorporating with low Reynold’s Number aerodynamic characteristics typically for small wind turbines. To extract maximum annual energy product from an intermediately designed small wind turbine associated with measured wind data, numerous simulation is highly recommended to have a best fitting planform design with proper airfoil configuration. Since depending upon wind distribution with average wind speed, an optimal wind turbine planform design changes accordingly. It is theoretically not difficult, though, it is very inconveniently time-consuming design procedure to finalize conceptual layout of a desired small wind turbine. Thus, to help simulations easier and faster, a GUI software is developed to conveniently iterate and change airfoil types, wind data, and geometric blade data as well. With magnetic generator torque curve, peak power tracking simulation is also available to better match with the magnetic generator. Small wind turbine often lacks starting torque due to blade optimization. Thus this simulation is also embedded along with yaw design. This software provides various blade cross section details at user’s design convenience such as skin thickness control with fiber direction option, spar shape, and their material properties. Since small wind turbine is under international safety regulations with fatigue damage during normal operations and safety load analyses with ultimate excessive loads, load analyses are provided with each category mandated in the safety regulations.Keywords: GUI software, Low Reynold’s number aerodynamics, peak power tracking, safety regulations, wind turbine performance optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3061373 Practical Ways to Acquire the Arabic Language through Electronic Means
Authors: Hondozi Jahja
There is an obvious need to learn Arabic language and teach it to other speakers through the new curricula. The idea is to bridge the gap between theory and practice. To that end, we have sought to offer some means of help to master the Arabic language, in addition to our efforts to apply these means, enriching the culture of the student and develop his vocabulary. There is no doubt that taking care of the practical aspect of the grammar was our constant goal, and this particular aspect is what builds the student’s positive values and refine his taste and develop his language. In addressing these issues, we have adopted a school-based approach based primarily on the active and positive participation of the student. The theoretical linguistic issues - in our opinion - are not a primary goal, but the goal is to be used them by students through speaking and applying them. Among the objectives of this research is to establish the basic language skills of the students using new means that help the student to acquire these skills and apply them in various subjects of interest in his progress and development. Unfortunately, some of our students consider the grammar as ‘difficult’, ‘complex’ and ‘heavy’ in itself. This is one of the obstacles that stand in the way of their desired results. As a consequence, they end up talking – mumbling - about the difficulties they face in applying those rules. Therefore, some of our students finish their university studies and are unable to express what they feel using language correctly. For this purpose, we have sought in this research to follow a new integrated approach, which is to study the grammar of the language through modern means of the consolidation of the principle of functional language, and that the rule implies to control tongues and linguistic expressions properly. This research is a result of a practical experience as a teacher of Arabic language for non-native speakers at the ‘Hassan Pristina’ University, located in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo and at the Qatar Training Center since its establishment in 2012.Keywords: arabic, applied methods, acquire, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601372 Creating Inclusive Information Services: Librarians’ Design-Thinking Approach to Helping Students Succeed in the Digital Age
Authors: Yi Ding
With the rapid development of educational technologies, higher education institutions are facing the challenge of creating an inclusive learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds. Academic libraries, the hubs of research, instruction, and innovation at higher educational institutions, are facing the same challenge. While academic librarians worldwide have been working hard to provide services for emerging information technology such as information literacy education, online learning support, and scholarly communication advocacy, the problem of digital exclusion remains a difficult one at higher education institutions. Information services provided by academic libraries can result in the digital exclusion of students from diverse backgrounds, such as students with various digital readiness levels, students with disabilities, as well as English-as-a-Second-Language learners. This research study shows how academic librarians can design digital learning objects that are cognizant of differences in learner traits and student profiles through the lens of design thinking. By demonstrating how the design process of digital learning objects can take into consideration users’ needs, experiences, and engagement with different technologies, this research study explains design principles of accessibility, connectivity, and scalability in creating inclusive digital learning objects as shown in various case studies. Equipped with the mindset and techniques to be mindful of diverse student learning traits and profiles when designing information services, academic libraries can improve the digital inclusion and ultimately student success at higher education institutions.Keywords: academic librarians, digital inclusion, information services, digital learning objects, student success
Procedia PDF Downloads 2161371 Enhancement of Interface Properties of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Authors: Reyhan Ozbask, Emek Moroydor Derin, Mustafa Dogu
There are a limited number of global companies in the world that manufacture and commercially offer thermoplastic composite prepregs in accordance with aerospace requirements. High-performance thermoplastic materials supplied for aerospace structural applications are PEEK (polyetheretherketone), PPS (polyphenylsulfite), PEI (polyetherimide), and PEKK (polyetherketoneketone). Among these, PEEK is the raw material used in the first applications and has started to become widespread. However, the use of these thermoplastic raw materials in composite production is very difficult due to their high processing temperatures and impregnation difficulties. This study, it is aimed to develop carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic PEEK composites that comply with the requirements of the aviation industry that are superior mechanical properties as well as being lightweight. Therefore, it is aimed to obtain high-performance thermoplastic composite materials with improved interface properties by using the sizing method (suspension development through chemical synthesis and functionalization), to optimize the production process. The use of boron nitride nanotube as a bonding agent by modifying its surface constitutes the original aspect of the study as it has not been used in composite production with high-performance thermoplastic materials yet. For this purpose, laboratory-scale studies on the application of thermoplastic compatible sizing will be carried out in order to increase the fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion. The method respectively consists of the selection of appropriate sizing type, laboratory-scale carbon fiber (CF) / poly ether ether ketone (PEEK) polymer interface enhancement studies, manufacturing of laboratory-scale BNNT coated CF/PEEK woven prepreg composites and their tests.Keywords: carbon fiber reinforced composite, interface enhancement, boron nitride nanotube, thermoplastic composite
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251370 Quantifying Wave Attenuation over an Eroding Marsh through Numerical Modeling
Authors: Donald G. Danmeier, Gian Marco Pizzo, Matthew Brennan
Although wetlands have been proposed as a green alternative to manage coastal flood hazards because of their capacity to adapt to sea level rise and provision of multiple ecological and social co-benefits, they are often overlooked due to challenges in quantifying the uncertainty and naturally, variability of these systems. This objective of this study was to quantify wave attenuation provided by a natural marsh surrounding a large oil refinery along the US Gulf Coast that has experienced steady erosion along the shoreward edge. The vegetation module of the SWAN was activated and coupled with a hydrodynamic model (DELFT3D) to capture two-way interactions between the changing water level and wavefield over the course of a storm event. Since the marsh response to relative sea level rise is difficult to predict, a range of future marsh morphologies is explored. Numerical results were examined to determine the amount of wave attenuation as a function of marsh extent and the relative contributions from white-capping, depth-limited wave breaking, bottom friction, and flexing of vegetation. In addition to the coupled DELFT3D-SWAN modeling of a storm event, an uncoupled SWAN-VEG model was applied to a simplified bathymetry to explore a larger experimental design space. The wave modeling revealed that the rate of wave attenuation reduces for higher surge but was still significant over a wide range of water levels and outboard wave heights. The results also provide insights to the minimum marsh extent required to fully realize the potential wave attenuation so the changing coastal hazards can be managed.Keywords: green infrastructure, wave attenuation, wave modeling, wetland
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321369 Disarmament and Rehabilitation of Women Maoists: A Case Study of Chhattisgarh, India
Authors: Pinal Patel
The study defines the problems and issues of women in Maoist groups, also referred as ‘Naxalites’, in Chhattisgarh, India. It analyses the causes and consequences of increasing number of women joining Maoists groups and measures taken by the central and state government to retreat them. The main aspect of the study is, how to counter the challenges to resolve the issues and restore normalcy in the life of women Maoists to resettle them in mainstream once they become physically inactive and wish to become part of the society. The rationale behind this study is that women Maoists once inactive, has no place either with Maoist camps/rebel groups or particularly in society. The problems faced by the women Maoists, in society as well as in Maoists camps, can be studied through social, economic, cultural, political and humanitarian aspects. The methodology of the study is dependent on primary sources of information which includes a research survey in majorly affected areas, statistical analysis. Secondary sources of information are helpful for understanding the background of the problem. Government’s strategy of rewarding with cash and providing resettlement and rehabilitation benefits including houses and jobs to ex-women Maoists and their families is a well formulated and feasible policy and effectively implemented by the concerned authorities. But, the survey results show that the policy has not been able to have impacts as it was intended. Because inactive and physically disabled women are still left deserted in deep forests to die and police or authorities are not able to reach them and bring them back. The difficult terrain and dense forest areas are major hurdles to reach to Maoists camps. Moreover, to make people aware of government’s surrendering and rehabilitation schemes and policies as communication networks are very poor due to the lack of development in the state.Keywords: maoists, women, government, policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231368 Computer-Aided Depression Screening: A Literature Review on Optimal Methodologies for Mental Health Screening
Authors: Michelle Nighswander
Suicide can be a tragic response to mental illness. It is difficult for people to disclose or discuss suicidal impulses. The stigma surrounding mental health can create a reluctance to seek help for mental illness. Patients may feel pressure to exhibit a socially desirable demeanor rather than reveal these issues, especially if they sense their healthcare provider is pressed for time or does not have an extensive history with their provider. Overcoming these barriers can be challenging. Although there are several validated depression and suicide risk instruments, varying processes used to administer these tools may impact the truthfulness of the responses. A literature review was conducted to find evidence of the impact of the environment on the accuracy of depression screening. Many investigations do not describe the environment and fewer studies use a comparison design. However, three studies demonstrated that computerized self-reporting might be more likely to elicit truthful and accurate responses due to increased privacy when responding compared to a face-to-face interview. These studies showed patients reported positive reactions to computerized screening for other stigmatizing health conditions such as alcohol use during pregnancy. Computerized self-screening for depression offers the possibility of more privacy and patient reflection, which could then send a targeted message of risk to the healthcare provider. This could potentially increase the accuracy while also increasing time efficiency for the clinic. Considering the persistent effects of mental health stigma, how these screening questions are posed can impact patients’ responses. This literature review analyzes trends in depression screening methodologies, the impact of setting on the results and how this may assist in overcoming one barrier caused by stigma.Keywords: computerized self-report, depression, mental health stigma, suicide risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311367 Assessing Significance of Correlation with Binomial Distribution
Authors: Vijay Kumar Singh, Pooja Kushwaha, Prabhat Ranjan, Krishna Kumar Ojha, Jitendra Kumar
Present day high-throughput genomic technologies, NGS/microarrays, are producing large volume of data that require improved analysis methods to make sense of the data. The correlation between genes and samples has been regularly used to gain insight into many biological phenomena including, but not limited to, co-expression/co-regulation, gene regulatory networks, clustering and pattern identification. However, presence of outliers and violation of assumptions underlying Pearson correlation is frequent and may distort the actual correlation between the genes and lead to spurious conclusions. Here, we report a method to measure the strength of association between genes. The method assumes that the expression values of a gene are Bernoulli random variables whose outcome depends on the sample being probed. The method considers the two genes as uncorrelated if the number of sample with same outcome for both the genes (Ns) is equal to certainly expected number (Es). The extent of correlation depends on how far Ns can deviate from the Es. The method does not assume normality for the parent population, fairly unaffected by the presence of outliers, can be applied to qualitative data and it uses the binomial distribution to assess the significance of association. At this stage, we would not claim about the superiority of the method over other existing correlation methods, but our method could be another way of calculating correlation in addition to existing methods. The method uses binomial distribution, which has not been used until yet, to assess the significance of association between two variables. We are evaluating the performance of our method on NGS/microarray data, which is noisy and pierce by the outliers, to see if our method can differentiate between spurious and actual correlation. While working with the method, it has not escaped our notice that the method could also be generalized to measure the association of more than two variables which has been proven difficult with the existing methods.Keywords: binomial distribution, correlation, microarray, outliers, transcriptome
Procedia PDF Downloads 4161366 The Flashnews as a Commercial Session of Political Marketing: The Content Analysis of the Embedded Political Narratives in Non-Political Media Products
Authors: Zsolt Szabolcsi
Political communication in Hungary has undergone a significant change in the 2010s. One element of the transformation is the Flashnews. This media product was launched in March 2015 and since then 40-50 blocks are broadcasted, daily, on 5 channels. Flashnews blocks are condensed news sessions, containing the summary of political narratives. It starts with the introduction of the narrator, then, usually four news topics are presented and, finally, the narrator concludes the block. The block lasts only one minute and, therefore, it provides a blink session into the main narratives of political communication at the time. Beyond its rapid pace, what makes its avoidance difficult is that these blocks are always in the first position in the commercial break of a non-political media product. Although it is only one minute long, its significance is high. The content of the Flashnews reflects the main governmental narratives and, therefore, the Flashnews is part of the agenda-setting capacity of political communication. It reaches media consumers who have limited knowledge and interest in politics, and their use of media products is not politically related. For this audience, the Flashnews pops up in the same way as commercials. Due to its structure and appearance, the impact of Flashnews seems to be similar to commercials, imbedded into the break of media products. It activates existing knowledge constructs, builds up associational links and maintains their presence in a way that the recipient is not aware of the phenomenon. The research aims to examine the extent to which the Flashnews and the main news narratives are identical in their content. This aim is realized with the content analysis of the two news products by examining the Flashnews and the evening news during main sport events from 2016 to 2018. The initial hypothesis of the research is that Flashnews is a contribution to the news management technique for an effective articulation of political narratives in public service media channels.Keywords: flashnews, political communication, political marketing, news management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371365 Use of Dual-Energy CT Post Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysm
Authors: Mitchell Stanton
Background: Endovascular management is well established as a mainstay treatment option for cerebral aneurysms. It is also well established that immediate post procedural imaging can be difficult to interpret due to the presence of contrast material. However, through the use of Dual-Energy computed tomography, it has become possible to differentiate contrast extravasation and intracranial haemorrhage. This case illustrates the importance of this technology following endovascular treatment of an unruptured cerebral aneurysm. Case Presentation: A 79-year-old female was found to have an unruptured large intracavernous ICA fusiform aneurysm on CT Brain Angiogram after presenting with acute ophthalmoplegia. This ophthalmoplegia was caused by mass effect from the aneurysm and subsequently the aneurysm was treated with an endovascular flow diverting stent. CT brain was performed post operatively due to a reduced level of consciousness and this showed diffuse subarachnoid hyperdensity of the left hemisphere. The use of Dual-Energy CT allowed accurate differentiation and illustrated diffuse contrast material extravasation, allowing patient to continue on dual-antiplatelets and therapeutic anticoagulation to reduce the risk of ischaemic injury post endovascular stent. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment options for management of intracranial aneurysms are constantly evolving. The use of Dual-Energy CT therefore has an integral role in accurately diagnosing any post-operative complications. Specifically, differentiating between subarachnoid haemorrhage and contrast extravasation is vital in these patients due to the significant consequences to their ongoing management in regards to continuation or cessation of antiplatelets or anticoagulation. With increasing access to this technology, its use should become standard practice in the post-operative investigation of these patients undergoing endovascular treatment.Keywords: aneurysm, computed tomography, contrast extravasation, dual-energy CT, endovascular, subarachnoid haemorrhage
Procedia PDF Downloads 761364 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Through In Situ One-pot Electrochemical Synthesis of 3D Au-Lysate Nanocomposite Structures on Plasmonic Au Electrodes
Authors: Ansah Iris Baffour, Dong-Ho Kim, Sung-Gyu Park
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is gradually shifting to an endemic phase which implies the outbreak is far from over and will be difficult to eradicate. Global cooperation has led to unified precautions that aim to suppress epidemiological spread (e.g., through travel restrictions) and reach herd immunity (through vaccinations); however, the primary strategy to restrain the spread of the virus in mass populations relies on screening protocols that enable rapid on-site diagnosis of infections. Herein, we employed surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 lysate on an Au-modified Au nanodimple(AuND)electrode. Through in situone-pot Au electrodeposition on the AuND electrode, Au-lysate nanocomposites were synthesized, generating3D internal hotspots for large SERS signal enhancements within 30 s of the deposition. The capture of lysate into newly generated plasmonic nanogaps within the nanocomposite structures enhanced metal-spike protein contact in 3D spaces and served as hotspots for sensitive detection. The limit of detection of SARS-CoV-2 lysate was 5 x 10-2 PFU/mL. Interestingly, ultrasensitive detection of the lysates of influenza A/H1N1 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was possible, but the method showed ultimate selectivity for SARS-CoV-2 in lysate solution mixtures. We investigated the practical application of the approach for rapid on-site diagnosis by detecting SARS-CoV-2 lysate spiked in normal human saliva at ultralow concentrations. The results presented demonstrate the reliability and sensitivity of the assay for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19.Keywords: label-free detection, nanocomposites, SARS-CoV-2, surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231363 The Impact of Project-Based Learning under Representative Minorities Students
Authors: Shwadhin Sharma
As there has been increasing focus on the shorter attention span of the millennials students, there is a relative absence of instructional tools on behavioral assessments in learning information technology skills within the information systems field and textbooks. This study uses project-based learning in which students gain knowledge and skills related to information technology by working on an extended project that allows students to find a real business problem design information systems based on information collected from the company and develop an information system that solves the problem of the company. Eighty students from two sections of the same course engage in the project from the first week of the class till the sixteenth week of the class to deliver a small business information system that allows them to employ all the skills and knowledge that they learned in the class into the systems they are creating. Computer Information Systems related courses are often difficult to understand and process especially for the Under Representative Minorities students who have limited computer or information systems related (academic) experiences. Project-based learning demands constant attention of the students and forces them to apply knowledge learned in the class to a project that helps retaining knowledge. To make sure our assumption is correct, we started with a pre-test and post-test to test the students learning (of skills) based on the project. Our test showed that almost 90% of the students from the two sections scored higher in post-test as compared to pre-test. Based on this premise, we conducted a further survey that measured student’s job-search preparation, knowledge of data analysis, involved with the course, satisfaction with the course, student’s overall reaction the course and students' ability to meet the traditional learning goals related to the course.Keywords: project-based learning, job-search preparation, satisfaction with course, traditional learning goals
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061362 Development of a Robust Protein Classifier to Predict EMT Status of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (CESC) Tumors
Authors: ZhenlinJu, Christopher P. Vellano, RehanAkbani, Yiling Lu, Gordon B. Mills
The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process by which epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal characteristics, such as profound disruption of cell-cell junctions, loss of apical-basolateral polarity, and extensive reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton to induce cell motility and invasion. A hallmark of EMT is its capacity to promote metastasis, which is due in part to activation of several transcription factors and subsequent downregulation of E-cadherin. Unfortunately, current approaches have yet to uncover robust protein marker sets that can classify tumors as possessing strong EMT signatures. In this study, we utilize reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data and consensus clustering methods to successfully classify a subset of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma (CESC) tumors into an EMT protein signaling group (EMT group). The overall survival (OS) of patients in the EMT group is significantly worse than those in the other Hormone and PI3K/AKT signaling groups. In addition to a shrinkage and selection method for linear regression (LASSO), we applied training/test set and Monte Carlo resampling approaches to identify a set of protein markers that predicts the EMT status of CESC tumors. We fit a logistic model to these protein markers and developed a classifier, which was fixed in the training set and validated in the testing set. The classifier robustly predicted the EMT status of the testing set with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.975 by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. This method not only identifies a core set of proteins underlying an EMT signature in cervical cancer patients, but also provides a tool to examine protein predictors that drive molecular subtypes in other diseases.Keywords: consensus clustering, TCGA CESC, Silhouette, Monte Carlo LASSO
Procedia PDF Downloads 4701361 Arms and Light Weapons Flow in Nigerian/Chad Border: A Reflection on the How Insurgents Had Access to Their Target
Authors: Lawan Ja’afar Tahir
This research work centered on the problem of free Arms flow around the Nigeria and Chad Border. The whole of the northeastern Nigerian region has been devastated by the crisis of insecurity facilitated by more than a decade of insurgency. One of the major issues of concern to security experts and personnel in the country is how the insurgents are getting access to weapons, which gave them more strength to fight the war for this long period, which has become so difficult to overcome. Among the possible avenues that continue to strengthen the enemies is the easy access to the arms flow from the neighboring countries, especially the Republic of Chad, which borders Nigeria to the east, where Boko Haram gained firm roots. This paper, therefore, looked at the nature of the waterway of the Nigeria/Chad Border, which has become a source of strength to the insurgents as the flow of weapons is one of the cheapest things on the Border. The availability of such arms flow has also led to the People abandoning their lands and economic and commercial activities, especially those settlements between the Border of these two countries. For more than eight years now, they have suspended their livelihood activities, roads were blocked and chances of survival in the rural areas were minimal due to the frequent attacks carried out by the insurgents. However, this research looks at the causes of the arms flow along the Border of these neighboring countries, the extent of damage done as a result of the availability of the weapons, and how far the Nigerian government has gone in curtailing the menace of the flow of dangerous weapons into the country. The research looked at the ways arm dealers are conniving with settlers along the border as well as the various ways they followed to reach their target. The work provided suggestion as to how the fragile Border should be managed with the view to reduce the influx of arms without control, which, according to this research, is the central factor that continues to unleash and give terror groups the opportunity to destroy people for more than a decade.Keywords: border, insecurity, weapons, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 691360 Influence of Sports Participation on Academic Performance among Afe Babalola University Student-Athletes
Authors: B. O. Diyaolu
The web created by sport in academics has made it difficult for it to be separated from adolescent educational development. The enthusiasm expressed towards sport by students in higher institutions is quite enormous. Primarily, academic performance should be the pride of all students but whether sports affect the academic performance of student-athletes remain an unknown fact. This study investigated the influence of sports participation on academic performance among Afe Babalola University student-athletes. Ex post facto research design was used. Two groups of students were used for the study; Student-athlete (SA) and Regular Students (RS). Purposive sampling technique was used to select 224 student-athletes, only those that are regular in the university sports team training were considered and their records (i.e. name, department, level, matriculation number, and phone number) were collected through the assistance of their coaches. For the regular students, purposive sampling technique was used to select 224 participants, only those that have no interest in sports were considered and their records were retrieved from the college registration officer. The first and second semester examination results of the two groups were compared in 10 general study courses without their knowledge, using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, mean, and standard deviation. Out of the 10 compared courses, 7 courses result showed no significant difference between students-athlete and regular students while student-athletes perform better in 3 practically oriented courses. Sports role in academics is quite significant. Exposure to sports can help build the confidence that athletes need especially when it comes to practical courses. Student-athletes can perform better in academics if the environment is friendly and not intimidating. Lecturers and coaches need to work together in order to build a well cultured and intelligent graduate.Keywords: academic performance, regular students, sports participation, student-athlete, university sports team
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601359 Liquid Tin(II) Alkoxide Initiators for Use in the Ring-Opening Polymerisation of Cyclic Ester Monomers
Authors: Sujitra Ruengdechawiwat, Robert Molloy, Jintana Siripitayananon, Runglawan Somsunan, Paul D. Topham, Brian J. Tighe
The main aim of this research has been to design and synthesize some completely soluble liquid tin(II) alkoxide initiators for use in the ring-opening polymerisation (ROP) of cyclic ester monomers. This is in contrast to conventional tin(II) alkoxides in solid form which tend to be molecular aggregates and difficult to dissolve. The liquid initiators prepared were bis(tin(II) monooctoate) diethylene glycol ([Sn(Oct)]2DEG) and bis(tin(II) monooctoate) ethylene glycol ([Sn(Oct)]2EG). Their efficiencies as initiators in the bulk ROP of ε-caprolactone (CL) at 130oC were studied kinetically by dilatometry. Kinetic data over the 20-70% conversion range was used to construct both first-order and zero-order rate plots. It was found that the rate data fitted more closely to first-order kinetics with respect to the monomer concentration and gave higher first-order rate constants than the corresponding tin(II) octoate/diol initiating systems normally used to generate the tin(II) alkoxide in situ. Since the ultimate objective of this work is to produce copolymers suitable for biomedical use as absorbable monofilament surgical sutures, poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) 75:25 mol %, P(LL-co-CL), copolymers were synthesized using both solid and liquid tin(II) alkoxide initiators at 130°C for 48 hrs. The statistical copolymers were obtained in near-quantitative yields with compositions (from 1H-NMR) close to the initial comonomer feed ratios. The monomer sequencing (from 13C-NMR) was partly random and partly blocky (gradient-type) due to the much differing monomer reactivity ratios (rLL >> rCL). From GPC, the copolymers obtained using the soluble liquid tin(II) alkoxides were found to have higher molecular weights (Mn = 40,000-100,000) than those from the only partially soluble solid initiators (Mn = 30,000-52,000).Keywords: biodegradable polyesters, poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone), ring-opening polymerisation, tin(II) alkoxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 1941358 Questioning the Relationship Between Young People and Fake News Through Their Use of Social Media
Authors: Marion Billard
This paper will focus on the question of the real relationship between young people and fake news. Fake news is one of today’s main issues in the world of information and communication. Social media and its democratization helped to spread false information. According to traditional beliefs, young people are more inclined to believe what they read through social media. But, the individuals concerned, think that they are more inclined to make a distinction between real and fake news. This phenomenon is due to their use of the internet and social media from an early age. During the 2016 and 2017 French and American presidential campaigns, the term fake news was in the mouth of the entire world and became a real issue in the field of information. While young people were informing themselves with newspapers or television until the beginning of the ’90s, Gen Z (meaning people born between 1997 and 2010), has always been immersed in this world of fast communication. They know how to use social media from a young age and the internet has no secret for them. Today, despite the sporadic use of traditional media, young people tend to turn to their smartphones and social networks such as Instagram or Twitter to stay abreast of the latest news. The growth of social media information led to an “ambient journalism”, giving access to an endless quantity of information. Waking up in the morning, young people will see little posts with short texts supplying the essential of the news, without, for the most, many details. As a result, impressionable people are not able to do a distinction between real media, and “junk news” or Fake News. This massive use of social media is probably explained by the inability of the youngsters to find connections between the communication of the traditional media and what they are living. The question arises if this over-confidence of the young people in their ability to distinguish between accurate and fake news would not make it more difficult for them to examine critically the information. Their relationship with media and fake news is more complex than popular opinion. Today’s young people are not the master in the quest for information, nor inherently the most impressionable public on social media.Keywords: fake news, youngsters, social media, information, generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631357 Application of Non-Smoking Areas in Hospitals
Authors: Nur Inayah Ismaniar, Sukri Palutturi, Ansariadi, Atjo Wahyu
Background: In various countries in the world, the problem of smoking is now considered something serious because of the effects of smoking which can not only lead to addiction but also have the potential to harm health. Public health authorities have concluded that one solution that can be done to protect the public from active smokers is to issue a policy that requires public facilities to be completely smoke-free. The hospital is one of the public facilities that has been designated as a smoke-free area. However, the implementation and maintenance of a successful program based on a smoke-free hospital are still considered an ongoing challenge worldwide due to the very low level of adherence. The low level of compliance with this smoke-free policy is also seen in other public facilities. The purpose of the literature review is to review the level of compliance with the application of the Non-Smoking Area policy, how this policy has succeeded in reducing smoking activity in hospitals, and what factors lead to such compliance in each country in the world. Methods: A literature review of articles was carried out on all types of research methods, both qualitative and quantitative. The sample is all subjects who are in the research location, which includes patients, staff and hospital visitors. Results: Various variations in the level of compliance were found in various kinds of literature. The literature with the highest level of compliance is 88.4%. Furthermore, several determinants that are known to affect the compliance of the Non-Smoking Area policies in hospitals include communication, information, knowledge, perceptions, interventions, attitudes and support. Obstacles to its enforcement are the absence of sanctions against violators of the Non-Smoking Area policy, the ineffectiveness of the function of policymakers in hospitals, and negative perceptions of smoking related to mental health. Conclusion: Violations of the Non-Smoking Area policy are often committed by the hospital staff themselves, which makes it difficult for this policy to be fully enforced at various points in the hospital.Keywords: health policy, non-smoking area, hospital, implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 901356 Integrating Efficient Anammox with Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process Through Flocs Management for Sustainable Ultra-deep Nutrients Removal from Municipal Wastewater
Authors: Qiongpeng Dan, Xiyao Li, Qiong Zhang, Yongzhen Peng
The nutrients removal from wastewater is of great significance for global wastewater recycling and sustainable reuse. Traditional nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes are very dependent on the input of aeration and carbon sources, which makes it difficult to meet the low-carbon goal of energy saving and emission reduction. This study reported a proof-of-concept demonstration of integrating anammox and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) by flocs management in a single-stage hybrid bioreactor (biofilms and flocs) for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal (SNPR). Excellent removal efficiencies of nitrogen (97.7±1.3%) and phosphorus (97.4±0.7%) were obtained in low C/N ratio (3.0±0.5) municipal wastewater treatment. Interestingly, with the loss of flocs, anammox bacteria (Ca. Brocadia) was highly enriched in biofilms, with relative and absolute abundances reaching up to 12.5% and 8.3×1010 copies/g dry sludge, respectively. The anammox contribution to nitrogen removal also rose from 32.6±9.8% to 53.4±4.2%. Endogenous denitrification by flocs was proven to be the main contributor to both nitrite and nitrate reduction, and flocs loss significantly promoted nitrite flow towards anammox, facilitating AnAOB enrichment. Moreover, controlling the floc's solid retention time at around 8 days could maintain a low poly-phosphorus level of 0.02±0.001 mg P/mg VSS in the flocs, effectively addressing the additional phosphorus removal burden imposed by the enrichment of phosphorus-accumulating organisms in biofilms. This study provides an update on developing a simple and feasible strategy for integrating anammox and EBPR for SNPR in mainstream municipal wastewater.Keywords: anammox process, enhanced biological phosphorus removal, municipal wastewater, sustainable nutrients removal
Procedia PDF Downloads 541355 Practicum in Preschool Teacher Education: The Role of Pedagogical Supervision for Students Professional Development
Authors: Dalila Lino
Practicum is a central dimension of teacher education programs. Learning how to teach is, in effect, a complex process that integrates periods of observation, experimentation, reflection, planning, and evaluation in a real context of practices, providing opportunities for prospective teachers to understand the various dimensions of education and to implement the knowledge built over the theoretical courses they have taken. At the pre-service training of early childhood teachers, specialized guidance and in particular pedagogical supervision assumes a key role in the professional development of students in training. The main goal of this study is to describe and analyze the supervision process that occurs during the practicum of preschool education master programs in Portugal. The objectives of the study are: (i) to describe the cooperative process of professional development experienced by student teachers during the practicum; (ii) to identify the strengths and weaknesses of supervision process; (iii) to identify the supervision styles used by university supervisors and cooperating teachers. The methodology used is the mix-method research and data was collected through semi-structured interviews and online questionnaires. The participants are newly graduated Portuguese early childhood teachers, university supervisors and cooperating teachers. The results reveal gaps in the specialized training of cooperating teachers and university supervisors, a large number of trainees per supervisor, which makes it difficult to support students, and those interpersonal relationships between university supervisors and students and/or cooperating teachers and students interfere in the development of the supervisory processes. The study highlights the need to invest in the specialized training of university supervisors and cooperating teachers to create better opportunities to support the professional development of prospective teachers.Keywords: mentoring, pedagogical supervision, practicum, preschool teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 151