Search results for: Colombian population
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Search results for: Colombian population

2533 Self‑reported Auditory Problems Are Associated with Adverse Mental Health Outcomes and Alcohol Misuse in the UK Armed Forces

Authors: Fred N. H. Parker, Nicola T. Fear, S. A. M. Stevelink, L. Rafferty


Purpose Auditory problems, such as hearing loss and tinnitus, have been associated with mental health problems and alcohol misuse in the UK general population and in the US Armed Forces; however, few studies have examined these associations within the UK Armed Forces. The present study examined the association between auditory problems and probable common mental disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol misuse. Methods 5474 serving and ex-service personnel from the UK Armed Forces were examined, selected from those who responded to phase two (data collection 2007–09) and phase three (2014–16) of a military cohort study. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association between auditory problems at phase two and mental health problems at phase three. Results 9.7% of participants reported ever experiencing hearing problems alone, 7.9% reported tinnitus within the last month alone, and 7.8% reported hearing problems with tinnitus. After adjustment, hearing problems with tinnitus at phase two was associated with increased odds of probable common mental disorders (AOR = 1.50, 95% CI 1.09–2.08), post-traumatic stress disorder (AOR = 2.30, 95% CI 1.41–3.76), and alcohol misuse (AOR = 1.94, 95% CI 1.28–2.96) at phase three. Tinnitus alone was associated with probable post-traumatic stress disorder (AOR = 1.80, 95% CI 1.03–3.15); however, hearing problems alone were not associated with any outcomes of interest. Conclusions The association between auditory problems and mental health problems emphasizes the importance of the prevention of auditory problems in the Armed Forces: through enhanced audiometric screening, improved hearing protection equipment, and greater levels of utilization of such equipment.

Keywords: armed forces, hearing problems, tinnitus, mental health, alcohol misuse

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2532 Sources of Water Supply and Water Quality for Local Consumption: The Case Study of Eco-Tourism Village, Suan Luang Sub- District Municipality, Ampawa District, Samut Songkram Province, Thailand

Authors: Paiboon Jeamponk, Tasanee Ponglaa, Patchapon Srisanguan


The aim of this research paper was based on an examination of sources of water supply and water quality for local consumption, conducted at eco-tourism villages of Suan Luang Sub- District Municipality of Amphawa District, Samut Songkram Province. The study incorporated both questionnaire and field work of water testing as the research tool and method. The sample size of 288 households was based on the population of the district, whereas the selected sample water sources were from 60 households: 30 samples were ground water and another 30 were surface water. Degree of heavy metal contamination in the water including copper, iron, manganese, zinc, cadmium and lead was investigated utilizing the Atomic Absorption- Direct Aspiration method. The findings unveiled that 96.0 percent of household water consumption was based on water supply, while the rest on canal, river and rain water. The household behaviour of consumption revealed that 47.2 percent of people routinely consumed water without boiling or filtering prior to consumption. The investigation of water supply quality found that the degree of heavy metal contamination including metal, lead, iron, copper, manganese and cadmium met the standards of the Department of Health.

Keywords: sources of water supply, water quality, water supply, Thailand

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2531 Prognosis of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Based on Baseline Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Results in Omani Adult Patients Diagnosed with ILD In Sultan Qaboos University Hospital

Authors: Manal Al Bahri, Saif Al Mubahisi, Shamsa Al Shahaimi, Asma Al Qasabi, Jamal Al Aghbari


Introduction: ILD is a common disease worldwide and in Oman. No previous Omani study was published regarding ILD prognosis based on baseline PFT results and other factors. This study aims to determine the severity of ILD by the baseline PFT, correlate between baseline PFT and outcome, and study other factors that influence disease mortality. Method: It is a retrospective cohort study; data was collected from January 2011 to December 2021 from electronic patient records (EPR). Means, Standard Deviations, frequencies, and Chi-square tests were used to examine the different variables in the study. Results: The total population of the study was 146 patients; 87 (59.6%) were females, and 59 (40.4%) were males. The median age was 59 years. Age at diagnosis, CVA, rheumatological disease, and baseline FVC were found to be statistically significant predictors of mortality .59.6% of the patients are diagnosed with IPF. Most of our study patients had mild disease based on baseline FVC. Death was higher with the more severe disease based on FVC. In mild disease (FVC >70%), 26.9% of the patients died. In moderate disease (FVC 50-69%),55.7% of the patients died, and in the severe group (FVC <50 %), 55.1% died. This was statistically significant with a P value of 0. 001. There is no statistically significant difference in the overall survival distribution between the different groups of DLCO. Conclusion: In our study, we found that ILD is more common among females, but death is more common among males. Based on baseline PFT, we can predict mortality by FVC level, as moderate to severe limitation is associated with a lower survival rate. DLCO was not a statistically significant parameter associated with mortality.

Keywords: PFT, ILD, FVC, DLCO, mortality

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2530 Religion and Suicide: Exploration of the Relationship Between Religiosity and Suicidal Ideation among Young Adults

Authors: Sandra D. Prewitt


Introduction—The purpose of the extant study was to explore the relationship between religiosity and suicidal ideation. Through this exploration, further knowledge was sought relevant to gaining a better understanding regarding the higher suicide rate continuing to be experienced by young adults. Endeavoring to discover why the suicide rate continues to increase for the subject population, depression and anxiety emerged as major contributory risk factors. Although religiosity has been shown to be related to the reduced risk of suicidal behavior, the curative value of religion relevant to suicide prevention and treatment has not been sufficiently recognized. Considering the enormity of the current suicide problem, pursuits relevant to discovering effective tools enabling impactful prevention and treatment strategies remain essential to reducing suicide deaths. Methodology—The subject study was conducted utilizing a systematic literature review (SLR) which required the researcher to perform searches of appropriate databases, toward the goal of acquiring advanced knowledge based upon existing studies relevant to the subject matter under consideration. Major Findings—Depression and anxiety have been identified as two potential pathways leading to increased suicidal behavior. On the contrary, religiosity emerged as an important protective factor associated with less depression and therefore, fewer instances of suicidal thoughts. The protective nature of religion has been shown to extend to young adults without regard to the presence of identified potential suicidal behavior pathways.

Keywords: anxiety, depression, religion, suicide

Procedia PDF Downloads 221
2529 Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of the Reticulate Knife Fish, Papyrocranus afer (Gunther, 1868) In Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria

Authors: Adiaha A. A. Ugwumba, Femi V. Oluwale


Sizes at maturity (Lₘ₅₀), fecundity, sex ratio, and gonadosomatic indices (GSI) of the reticulate knife fish, Papyrocranus afer, collected from Lekki Lagoon, were investigated. A Total of 1154 specimens with standard lengths of 5.2-75.9 cm (mean = 34.86±17.2cm) and body weight of 7.9-1, 958.8g (mean = 249.12±28.56g) were collected by means of artisanal passive and active gears (traps, long lines, and nets) and examined. Sexes of fish specimens were determined macroscopically and microscopically after dissection. The length at which 50% of the fish population reached sexual maturity (Lₘ₅₀) was considered as length at sexual maturity. Fecundity was determined by total counts of eggs; sex ratio by the proportion of males to females, while GSI was determined as gonad weight expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Results showed that the most frequently caught fish was 34.5cm long, while the sizes at maturity were 49.1cm (males) and 53.4cm (females). Matured specimens had characteristic urinogenital papillae prominent in males but vestigial in females. Sex ratio (1: 0.6; Male: female) was significantly different (X² (1) = 32.21, p < 0.0001). Fecundity was low (mean 49 ± 17 eggs for a fish of 52.86 ±7.53cm); it increased with fish size (r = 0.71). Higher GSI during the rainy season with a peak in July (female: 0.44 ± 0.14 %; male: 0.22 ± 0.01 %) indicated seasonal/annual spawning. Low fecundity and annual spawning underlined the need for sustainable management of this species in Lekki Lagoon.

Keywords: breeding season, fecundity, gonad maturity, Lekki lagoon, Papyrocranus afer, sex ratio

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2528 Impacts of Aquaculture Farms on the Mangroves Forests of Sundarbans, India (2010-2018): Temporal Changes of NDVI

Authors: Sandeep Thakur, Ismail Mondal, Phani Bhusan Ghosh, Papita Das, Tarun Kumar De


Sundarbans Reserve forest of India has been undergoing major transformations in the recent past owing to population pressure and related changes. This has brought about major changes in the spatial landscape of the region especially in the western parts. This study attempts to assess the impacts of the Landcover changes on the mangrove habitats. Time series imageries of Landsat were used to analyze the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) patterns over the western parts of Indian Sundarbans forest in order to assess the heath of the mangroves in the region. The images were subjected to Land use Land cover (LULC) classification using sub-pixel classification techniques in ERDAS Imagine software and the changes were mapped. The spatial proliferation of aquaculture farms during the study period was also mapped. A multivariate regression analysis was carried out between the obtained NDVI values and the LULC classes. Similarly, the observed meteorological data sets (time series rainfall and minimum and maximum temperature) were also statistically correlated for regression. The study demonstrated the application of NDVI in assessing the environmental status of mangroves as the relationship between the changes in the environmental variables and the remote sensing based indices felicitate an efficient evaluation of environmental variables, which can be used in the coastal zone monitoring and development processes.

Keywords: aquaculture farms, LULC, Mangrove, NDVI

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2527 Rehabilitation and Conservation of Mangrove Forest as Pertamina Corporate Social Responsibility Approach in Prevention Damage Climate in Indonesia

Authors: Nor Anisa


This paper aims to describe the use of conservation and rehabilitation of Mangrove forests as an alternative area in protecting the natural environment and ecosystems and ecology, community education and innovation of sustainable industrial development such as oil companies, gas and coal. The existence of globalization encourages energy needs such as gas, diesel and coal as an unaffected resource which is a basic need for human life while environmental degradation and natural phenomena continue to occur in Indonesia, especially global warming, sea water pollution, extinction of animal steps. The phenomenon or damage to nature in Indonesia is caused by a population explosion in Indonesia that causes unemployment, the land where the residence will disappear so that this will encourage the exploitation of nature and the environment. Therefore, Pertamina as a state-owned oil and gas company carries out its social responsibility efforts, namely to carry out conservation and rehabilitation and management of Mangrove fruit seeds which will provide an educational effect on the benefits of Mangrove seed maintenance. The method used in this study is a qualitative method and secondary data retrieval techniques where data is taken based on Pertamina activity journals and websites that can be accounted for. So the conclusion of this paper is: the benefits and function of conservation of mangrove forests in Indonesia physically, chemically, biologically and socially and economically and can provide innovation to the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of the company in continuing social responsibility in the scope of environmental conservation and social education.

Keywords: mangrove, environmental damage, conservation and rehabilitation, innovation of corporate social responsibility

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2526 The Impact of Online Advertising on Generation Y’s Purchase Decision in Malaysia

Authors: Mui Joo Tang, Eang Teng Chan


Advertising is commonly used to foster sales and reputation of an institution. It is at first the growth of print advertising that has increased the population and number of periodicals of newspaper and its circulation. The rise of Internet and online media has somehow blurred the role of media and advertising though the intention is still to reach out to audience and to increase sales. The relationship between advertising and audience on a product purchase through persuasion has been developing from print media to online media. From the changing media environment and audience, it is the concern of this research to study the impact of online advertising to such a relationship cycle. The content of online advertisements is much of text, multimedia, photo, audio and video. The messages of such content format may indeed bring impacts to its audience and its credibility. This study is therefore reflecting the effectiveness of online advertisement and its influences on generation Y in their purchasing behavior. This study uses Media Dependency Theory to analyze the relationship between the impact of online advertisement and media usage pattern of generation Y. Hierarchy of Effectiveness Model is used as a marketing communication model to study the effectiveness of advertising and further to determine the impact of online advertisement on generation Y in their purchasing decision making. This research uses online survey to reach out the sample of generation Y. The results have shown that online advertisements do not affect much on purchase decision making even though generation Y relies much on the media content including online advertisement for its information and believing in its credibility. There are few other external factors that may interrupt the effectiveness of online advertising. The very obvious influence of purchasing behavior is actually derived from the peers.

Keywords: generation Y, purchase decision, print media, online advertising, persuasion

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2525 Timber Urbanism: Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Mass-Timber, Steel, and Concrete Structural Prototypes for Peri-Urban Densification in the Hudson Valley’s Urban Fringe

Authors: Eleni Stefania Kalapoda


The current fossil-fuel based urbanization pattern and the estimated human population growth are increasing the environmental footprint on our planet’s precious resources. To mitigate the estimated skyrocketing in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the construction of new cities and infrastructure over the next 50 years, we need a radical rethink in our approach to construction to deliver a net zero built environment. This paper assesses the carbon footprint of a mass-timber, a steel, and a concrete structural alternative for peri-urban densification in the Hudson Valley's urban fringe, along with examining the updated policy and the building code adjustments that support synergies between timber construction in city making and sustainable management of timber forests. By quantifying the carbon footprint of a structural prototype for four different material assemblies—a concrete (post-tensioned), a mass timber, a steel (composite), and a hybrid (timber/steel/concrete) assembly applicable to the three updated building typologies of the IBC 2021 (Type IV-A, Type IV-B, Type IV-C) that range between a nine to eighteen-story structure alternative—and scaling-up that structural prototype to the size of a neighborhood district, the paper presents a quantitative and a qualitative approach for a forest-based construction economy as well as a resilient and a more just supply chain framework that ensures the wellbeing of both the forest and its inhabitants.

Keywords: mass-timber innovation, concrete structure, carbon footprint, densification

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2524 Cost of Governance in Nigeria: In Whose Interest

Authors: Francis O. Iyoha, Daniel E. Gberevbie, Charles T. Iruonagbe, Matthew E. Egharevba


Cost of governance in Nigeria has become a challenge to development and concern to practitioners and scholars alike in the field of business and social science research. It has been observed that it takes 70 percent of the nation’s revenue to maintain less than 20 percent of the Nigerian population that are public servants. Furthermore, it has been observed that on a consistent yearly basis, the recurrent expenditure of government from the national budget keeps rising, while capital expenditure meant for development keeps falling. The implication is that development is stagnated in the country. For instance, in the 2010 national budget of NGN4.60tn or USD28.75b, only NGN1.80tn or USD11.15b was set aside for capital expenditure. Also, in the 2013 national budget of NGN4.92tn or USD30.75b, only NGN1.50tn or USD9.38b was set aside for capital expenditure. Therefore, with the analysis of secondary data, this study examined the reasons for the high cost of governance in Nigeria. It observed that the high cost of governance in the country is in the interest of the ruling class, arising from their unethical behaviour – corrupt practices and the poor management of public resources. As a result, the study recommends the need to intensify the war against corruption and mismanagement of public resources by government officials as possible solution to overcome the high cost of governance in Nigeria. This could be achieved by strengthening the constitutional powers of the various anti-corruption agencies in the area of arrest, investigation and prosecution of offenders without the interference of the executive arm of government either at the local, state or federal level.

Keywords: cost of governance, capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure, unethical behavior, Nigeria

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2523 Implementation of Complete Management Practices in Managing the Cocoa Pod Borer

Authors: B. Saripah, A. Alias


Cocoa Theobroma cacao (Linnaeus) (Malvales: Sterculiaceae) is subjected to be infested by various numbers of insect pests, and Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is the most serious pest of cocoa in Malaysia. The pest was indigenous to the South East Asia. Several control measures have been implemented and the chemicals have been a major approach if not unilateral, in the management of CPB. Despite extensive use of insecticides, CPB continues to cause an unacceptable level of damage; thus, the combination of several control approaches should be sought. The study was commenced for 12 months at three blocks; Block 18C with complete management practices which include insecticide application, pruning, fertilization and frequent harvesting, Block 17C was treated with frequent harvesting at intervals of 7-8 days, and Block 19C was served as control block. The results showed that the mean numbers of CPB eggs were recorded higher in Block 17C compared with Block 18C in all sampling occasions. Block 18C shows the lowest mean number of CPB eggs in both sampling plots, outside and core plots and it was found significantly different (p ≤ 0. 05) compared to the other blocks. The mean number of CPB eggs was fluctuated throughout sampling occasions, the lowest mean number of eggs was recorded in January (17C) and November (18C), while the highest was recorded in April (17C) and December 2012 (18C). Frequent spraying with insecticides at the adjacent block (18C) helps in reducing CPB eggs in the control block (Block 19C), although there was no spraying was implemented Block 19C. In summary, the combination of complete management practices at Block 18C seems to have some effect on the CPB population at Blocks 17 and 19C because all blocks are adjacent to each other.

Keywords: cocoa, theobroma cacao, cocoa pod borer, conopomorpha cramerella

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2522 Apolipoprotein A1 -75 G to a Substitution and Its Relationship with Serum ApoA1 Levels among Indian Punjabi Population

Authors: Savjot Kaur, Mridula Mahajan, AJS Bhanwer, Santokh Singh, Kawaljit Matharoo


Background: Disorders of lipid metabolism and genetic predisposition are CAD risk factors. ApoA1 is the apolipoprotein component of anti-atherogenic high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. The protective action of HDL and ApoA1 is attributed to their central role in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). Aim: This study was aimed at identifying sequence variations in ApoA1 (-75G>A) and its association with serum ApoA1 levels. Methods: A total of 300 CAD patients and 300 Normal individuals (controls) were analyzed. PCR-RFLP method was used to determine the DNA polymorphism in the ApoA1 gene, PCR products digested with restriction enzyme MspI, followed by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Serum apolipoprotein A1 concentration was estimated with immunoturbidimetric method. Results: Deviation from Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) was observed for this gene variant. The A- allele frequency was higher among Coronary Artery disease patients (53.8) compared to controls (45.5), p= 0.004, O.R= 1.38(1.11-1.75). Under recessive model analysis (AA vs. GG+GA) AA genotype of ApoA1 G>A substitution conferred ~1 fold increased risk towards CAD susceptibility (p= 0.002, OR= 1.72(1.2-2.43). With serum ApoA1 levels < 107 A allele frequency was higher among CAD cases (50) as compared to controls (43.4) [p=0.23, OR= 1.2(0.84-2)] and there was zero % occurrence of A allele frequency in individuals with ApoA1 levels > 177. Conclusion: Serum ApoA1 levels were associated with ApoA1 promoter region variation and influence CAD risk. The individuals with the APOA1 -75 A allele confer excess hazard of developing CAD as a result of its effect on low serum concentrations of ApoA1.

Keywords: apolipoprotein A1 (G>A) gene polymorphism, coronary artery disease (CAD), reverse cholesterol transport (RCT)

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2521 Acute Severe Hyponatremia in Patient with Psychogenic Polydipsia, Learning Disability and Epilepsy

Authors: Anisa Suraya Ab Razak, Izza Hayat


Introduction: The diagnosis and management of severe hyponatremia in neuropsychiatric patients present a significant challenge to physicians. Several factors contribute, including diagnostic shadowing and attributing abnormal behavior to intellectual disability or psychiatric conditions. Hyponatraemia is the commonest electrolyte abnormality in the inpatient population, ranging from mild/asymptomatic, moderate to severe levels with life-threatening symptoms such as seizures, coma and death. There are several documented fatal case reports in the literature of severe hyponatremia secondary to psychogenic polydipsia, often diagnosed only in autopsy. This paper presents a case study of acute severe hyponatremia in a neuropsychiatric patient with early diagnosis and admission to intensive care. Case study: A 21-year old Caucasian male with known epilepsy and learning disability was admitted from residential living with generalized tonic-clonic self-terminating seizures after refusing medications for several weeks. Evidence of superficial head injury was detected on physical examination. His laboratory data demonstrated mild hyponatremia (125 mmol/L). Computed tomography imaging of his brain demonstrated no acute bleed or space-occupying lesion. He exhibited abnormal behavior - restlessness, drinking water from bathroom taps, inability to engage, paranoia, and hypersexuality. No collateral history was available to establish his baseline behavior. He was loaded with intravenous sodium valproate and leveritircaetam. Three hours later, he developed vomiting and a generalized tonic-clonic seizure lasting forty seconds. He remained drowsy for several hours and regained minimal recovery of consciousness. A repeat set of blood tests demonstrated profound hyponatremia (117 mmol/L). Outcomes: He was referred to intensive care for peripheral intravenous infusion of 2.7% sodium chloride solution with two-hourly laboratory monitoring of sodium concentration. Laboratory monitoring identified dangerously rapid correction of serum sodium concentration, and hypertonic saline was switched to a 5% dextrose solution to reduce the risk of acute large-volume fluid shifts from the cerebral intracellular compartment to the extracellular compartment. He underwent urethral catheterization and produced 8 liters of urine over 24 hours. Serum sodium concentration remained stable after 24 hours of correction fluids. His GCS recovered to baseline after 48 hours with improvement in behavior -he engaged with healthcare professionals, understood the importance of taking medications, admitted to illicit drug use and drinking massive amounts of water. He was transferred from high-dependency care to ward level and was initiated on multiple trials of anti-epileptics before achieving seizure-free days two weeks after resolution of acute hyponatremia. Conclusion: Psychogenic polydipsia is often found in young patients with intellectual disability or psychiatric disorders. Patients drink large volumes of water daily ranging from ten to forty liters, resulting in acute severe hyponatremia with mortality rates as high as 20%. Poor outcomes are due to challenges faced by physicians in making an early diagnosis and treating acute hyponatremia safely. A low index of suspicion of water intoxication is required in this population, including patients with known epilepsy. Monitoring urine output proved to be clinically effective in aiding diagnosis. Early referral and admission to intensive care should be considered for safe correction of sodium concentration while minimizing risk of fatal complications e.g. central pontine myelinolysis.

Keywords: epilepsy, psychogenic polydipsia, seizure, severe hyponatremia

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2520 Developing a Framework to Aid Sustainable Assessment in Indian Buildings

Authors: P. Amarnath, Albert Thomas


Buildings qualify to be the major consumer of energy and resources thereby urging the designers, architects and policy makers to place a great deal of effort in achieving and implementing sustainable building strategies in construction. Green building rating systems help a great deal in this by measuring the effectiveness of these strategies along with the escalation of building performance in social, environmental and economic perspective, and construct new sustainable buildings. However, for a country like India, enormous population and its rapid rate of growth impose an increasing burden on the country's limited and continuously degrading natural resource base, which also includes the land available for construction. In general, the number of sustainable rated buildings in India is very minimal primarily due to the complexity and obstinate nature of the assessment systems/regulations that restrict the stakeholders and designers in proper implementation and utilization of these rating systems. This paper aims to introduce a data driven and user-friendly framework which cross compares the present prominent green building rating systems such as LEED, BREEAM, and GRIHA and subsequently help the users to rate their proposed building design as per the regulations of these assessment frameworks. This framework is validated using the input data collected from green buildings constructed globally. The proposed system has prospects to encourage the users to test the efficiency of various sustainable construction practices and thereby promote more sustainable buildings in the country.

Keywords: BREEAM, GRIHA, green building rating systems, LEED, sustainable buildings

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2519 An Academic Theory on a Sustainable Evaluation of Achatina Fulica Within Ethekwini, KwaZulu-Natal

Authors: Sibusiso Trevor Tshabalala, Samuel Lubbe, Vince Vuledzani Ndou


Dependency on chemicals has had many disadvantages in pest management control strategies. Such genetic rodenticide resistance and secondary exposure risk are what is currently being experienced. Emphasis on integrated pest management suggests that to control future pests, early intervention and economic threshold development are key starting points in crop production. The significance of this research project is to help establish a relationship between Giant African Land Snail (Achatina Fulica) solution extract, its shell chemical properties, and farmer’s perceptions of biological control in eThekwini Municipality Agri-hubs. A mixed design approach to collecting data will be explored using a trial layout in the field and through interviews. The experimental area will be explored using a split-plot design that will be replicated and arranged in a randomised complete block design. The split-plot will have 0, 10, 20 and 30 liters of water to one liter of snail solution extract. Plots were 50 m² each with a spacing of 12 m between each plot and a plant spacing of 0.5 m (inter-row) ‘and 0.5 m (intra-row). Trials will be irrigated using sprinkler irrigation, with objective two being added to the mix every 4-5 days. The expected outcome will be improved soil fertility and micro-organisms population proliferation.

Keywords: giant african land snail, integrated pest management, photosynthesis, genetic rodenticide resistance, control future pests, shell chemical properties

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2518 Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Leptin and Leptin Receptors with Oral Cancer

Authors: Chiung-Man Tsai, Chia-Jui Weng


Leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) both play a crucial role in the mediation of physiological reactions and carcinogenesis and may serve as a candidate biomarker of oral cancer. The present case-control study aimed to examine the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of LEP -2548 G/A (rs7799039), LEPR K109R (rs1137100), and LEPR Q223R (rs1137101) with or without interacting to environmental carcinogens on the risk for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The SNPs of three genetic allele, from 567 patients with oral cancer and 560 healthy controls in Taiwan were analyzed. All of The three genetic polymorphisms exhibited insignificant (P > .05) effects on the risk to have oral cancer. However, the patients with polymorphic allele of LEP -2548 have a significant low risk for the development of clinical stage (A/G, AOR = 0.670, 95% CI = 0.454–0.988, P < .05; A/G+G/G, AOR = 0.676, 95% CI = 0.467–0.978, P < .05) compared to patients with ancestral homozygous A/A genotype. Additionally, an interesting result was found that the impact of LEP -2548 G/A SNP on oral carcinogenesis in subjects without tobacco consumption (A/G, AOR=2.078, 95% CI: 1.161-3.720, p=0.014; A/G+G/G, AOR=2.002, 95% CI: 1.143-3.505, p=0.015) is higher than subjects with tobacco consumption. These results suggest that the genetic polymorphism of LEP -2548 G/A (rs7799039), LEPR K109R (rs1137100), and LEPR Q223R (rs1137101) were not associated with the susceptibility of oral cancer; SNP in LEP -2548 G/A showed a poor clinicopathological development of oral cancer; Population without tobacco consumption and with polymorphic LEP -2548 G/A gene may significantly increase the risk to have oral cancer.

Keywords: carcinogen, leptin, leptin receptor, oral squamous cell carcinoma, single nucleotide polymorphism

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2517 Habitate Potentials of Human Societies in the Alluvial Cone of the Sistan Plain in the Bronze Age

Authors: Reza Mehrafarin, Nafiseh Mirshekari, Mahila Mehrafarin


Sistan is one of the ancient regions of Iran, which is located in the east of this country. 1660 ancient sites were identified in the archeological field surveys that we did in this area. Of these, about 900 sites belong to the Bronze Age, which are located in an area of about 3000 square kilometers. The Bronze Age in Iran began at the end of the fourth millennium BC and ended at the beginning of the second millennium BC. During this period, many cities and villages were established in Sistan, that the burnt city (Shahr-e Sokhta) was its most important center, with an area of about 150 hectares and a population of 5,000. In this article, we have tried to identify and introduce the most important features of the Bronze Age of Sistan, especially the burnt city. Another goal of the article is to identify the factors that led to the emergence of the Bronze Age, especially urbanization in Sistan at the end of the fourth millennium BCand then we want to know what factors caused the destruction of Bronze Age civilization and urbanization in Sistan. Studying and evaluating these factors are the most important goals of this article. The research method of this article is field research. As we surveyed all of Sistan with a large number of archaeologists for two years in order to identify its ancient sites and understanding its geographical space. The result of this survey led to the identification of a large number of ancient sites which were formed in three major terraces in Sistan. The most important factor in the emergence of these civilizations, especially the Bronze Age in Sistan, was the Hirmand River. On the other hand, the most important factor in the destruction of the Bronze Age and its cities in Sistan was the Hirmand River.As it was destroyed by the movement of the Hirmand River bed or the long droughts of the Bronze Age of Sistan.

Keywords: archaeological survey, bronze age, sistan, urbanization

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2516 Determination of Nutritional Value and Steroidal Saponin of Fenugreek Genotypes

Authors: Anita Singh, Richa Naula, Manoj Raghav


Nutrient rich and high-yielding varieties of fenugreek can be developed by using genotypes which are naturally high in nutrients. Gene banks harbour scanty germplasm collection of Trigonella spp. and a very little background information about its genetic diversity. The extent of genetic diversity in a specific breeding population depends upon the genotype included in it. The present investigation aims at the estimation of macronutrient (phosphorus by spectrophotometer and potassium by flame photometer), micronutrients, namely, iron, zinc, manganese, and copper from seeds of fenugreek genotypes using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, protein by Rapid N Cube Analyser and Steroidal Saponins. Twenty-eight genotypes of fenugreek along with two standard checks, namely, Pant Ragini and Pusa Early Bunching were collected from different parts of India, and nutrient contents of each genotype were determined at G. B. P. U. A. & T. Laboratory, Pantnagar. Highest potassium content was observed in PFG-35 (1207 mg/100g). PFG-37 and PFG-20 were richest in phosphorus, iron and manganese content among all the genotypes. The lowest zinc content was found in PFG-26 (1.19 mg/100g), while the maximum zinc content was found in PFG- 28 (4.43 mg/100g). The highest content of copper was found in PFG-26 (1.97 mg/100g). PFG-39 has the highest protein content (29.60 %). Significant differences were observed in the steroidal saponin among the genotypes. Saponin content ranged from 0.38 g/100g to 1.31 g/100g. Steroidal Saponins content was found the maximum in PFG-36 (1.31 g/100g) followed by PFG-17 (1.28 g/100g). Therefore, the genotypes which are rich in nutrient and oil content can be used for plant biofortification, dietary supplements, and herbal products.

Keywords: genotypes, macronutrients, micronutrient, protein, seeds

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2515 Predictor Factors for Treatment Failure among Patients on Second Line Antiretroviral Therapy

Authors: Mohd. A. M. Rahim, Yahaya Hassan, Mathumalar L. Fahrni


Second line antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen is used when patients fail their first line regimen. There are many factors such as non-adherence, drug resistance as well as virological and immunological failure that lead to second line highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimen treatment failure. This study was aimed at determining predictor factors to treatment failure with second line HAART and analyzing median survival time. An observational, retrospective study was conducted in Sungai Buloh Hospital (HSB) to assess current status of HIV patients treated with second line HAART regimen. Convenience sampling was used and 104 patients were included based on the study’s inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected for six months i.e. from July until December 2013. Data was then analysed using SPSS version 18. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses were used to measure median survival times and predictor factors for treatment failure. The study population consisted mainly of male subjects, aged 30-45 years, who were heterosexual, and had HIV infection for less than 6 years. The most common second line HAART regimen given was lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)-based combination. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that patients on LPV/r demonstrated longer median survival times than patients on indinavir/ritonavir (IDV/r) based combination (p<0.001). The commonest reason for a treatment to fail with second line HAART was non-adherence. Based on Cox regression analysis, other predictor factors for treatment failure with second line HAART regimen were age and mode of HIV transmission.

Keywords: adherence, antiretroviral therapy, second line, treatment failure

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2514 Research on Public Space Optimization Strategies for Existing Settlements Based on Intergenerational Friendliness

Authors: Huanhuan Qiang, Sijia Jin


Population aging has become a global trend, and China has entered an aging society, implementing an active aging system focused on home and community-based care. However, most urban communities where elderly people live face issues such as monotonous planning, unappealing landscapes, and inadequate aging infrastructure, which do not meet the requirements for active aging. Intergenerational friendliness and mutual assistance are key components in China's active aging policy framework. Therefore, residential development should prioritize enhancing intergenerational friendliness. Residential and public spaces are central to community life and well-being, offering new and challenging venues to improve relationships among residents of different ages. They are crucial for developing intergenerational communities with diverse generations and non-blood relationships. This paper takes the Maigaoqiao community in Nanjing, China, as a case study, examining intergenerational interactions in public spaces. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and using time geography analysis, it identifies the spatiotemporal behavior characteristics of intergenerational groups in outdoor activities. Then construct an intergenerational-friendly evaluation system and an IPA quadrant model for public spaces in residential areas. Lastly, it explores optimization strategies for public spaces to promote intergenerational friendly interactions, focusing on five aspects: accessibility, safety, functionality, a sense of belonging, and interactivity.

Keywords: intergenerational friendliness, demand theory, spatiotemporal behavior, IPA analysis, existing residential public space

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2513 Policy Analysis on Family Planning in Pakistan: Providing Options to Improve Service Provision

Authors: M. Moiz


Family planning has been known and accepted as a key tool to decrease fertility, provides birth spacing and plays a vital role to attain better outcomes for maternal and child health. Pakistan initiated various family planning programs to preserve maternal and child health for six decades. However, less contraceptive use leading to high fertility and low birth spacing is ultimately a risk for increasing morbidity and mortality. As an outcome of 2012 London Summit on Family Planning where 20 countries including Pakistan made its commitment to increase contraceptive prevalence rate by 55% and provide a universal access to reproductive health to protect human rights of women and ensure safe, choice informed and affordable contraceptives throughout the country. This paper will assess some of the factors of service delivery, coverage and the role of Ministry of Health and Population Welfare Department in providing Family Planning services and how it can be improved in Pakistan. In view of Pakistan Demographic Health Survey 2017-18, there are total nine million potential users of contraceptives and one third among them never used with unmet need while every fifth pregnancy ends into abortion indicates need for Family Planning services. In order to explain this concern, a comprehensive analysis has been done on role of governance in implementing family planning policy and its limitations are discussed. Moreover, this paper highlights policy options and recommendations for improving service provision through public and private sector in creating demand for Family Planning services in Pakistan.

Keywords: contraceptive prevalence rate, family planning, maternal and child health, policy options

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2512 Blockchain: Institutional and Technological Disruptions in the Public Sector

Authors: Maria Florencia Ferrer, Saulo Fabiano Amancio-Vieira


The use of the blockchain in the public sector is present today and no longer the future of disruptive institutional and technological models. There are still some cultural barriers and resistance to the proper use of its potential. This research aims to present the strengths and weaknesses of using a public-permitted and distributed network in the context of the public sector. Therefore, bibliographical/documentary research was conducted to raise the main aspects of the studied platform, focused on the use of the main demands of the public sector. The platform analyzed was LACChain, which is a global alliance composed of different actors in the blockchain environment, led by the Innovation Laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Lab) for the development of the blockchain ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean. LACChain provides blockchain infrastructure, which is a distributed ratio technology (DLT). The platform focuses on two main pillars: community and infrastructure. It is organized as a consortium for the management and administration of an infrastructure classified as public, following the ISO typologies (ISO / TC 307). It is, therefore, a network open to any participant who agrees with the established rules, which are limited to being identified and complying with the regulations. As benefits can be listed: public network (open to all), decentralized, low transaction cost, greater publicity of transactions, reduction of corruption in contracts / public acts, in addition to improving transparency for the population in general. It is also noteworthy that the platform is not based on cryptocurrency and is not anonymous; that is, it is possible to be regulated. It is concluded that the use of record platforms, such as LACChain, can contribute to greater security on the part of the public agent in the migration process of their informational applications.

Keywords: blockchain, LACChain, public sector, technological disruptions

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2511 Deaf Inmates in Canadian Prisons: Addressing Discrimination through Staff Training Videos with Deaf Actors

Authors: Tracey Bone


Deaf inmates, whose first or preferred language is a Signed Language, experience barriers to accessing the necessary two-way communication with correctional staff, and the educational and social programs that will enhance their eligibility for conditional release from the federal prison system in Canada. The development of visual content to enhance the knowledge and skill development of correctional staff is a contemporary strategy intended to significantly improve the correctional experience for deaf inmates. This presentation reports on the development of two distinct training videos created to enhance staff’s understanding of the needs of deaf inmates; one a two-part simulation of an interaction with a deaf inmate, the second an interview with a deaf academic. Part one of video one demonstrates the challenges and misunderstandings inherent in communicating across languages without a qualified sign language interpreter; the second part demonstrates the ease of communication when communication needs are met. Video two incorporates the experiences of a deaf academic to provide the cultural grounding necessary to educate staff in the unique experiences associated with being a visual language user. Lack of staff understanding or awareness of deaf culture and language must not be acceptable reasons for the inadequate treatment of deaf visual language users in federal prisons. This paper demonstrates a contemporary approach to meeting the human rights and needs of this unique and often ignored inmate subpopulation. The deaf community supports this visual approach to enhancing staff understanding of the unique needs of this population. A study of its effectiveness is currently underway.

Keywords: accommodations, American Sign Language (ASL), deaf inmates, sensory deprivation

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2510 Development of Expanded Perlite-Caprylicacid Composite for Temperature Maintainance in Buildings

Authors: Akhila Konala, Jagadeeswara Reddy Vennapusa, Sujay Chattopadhyay


The energy consumption of humankind is growing day by day due to an increase in the population, industrialization and their needs for living. Fossil fuels are the major source of energy to satisfy energy needs, which are non-renewable energy resources. So, there is a need to develop green resources for energy production and storage. Phase change materials (PCMs) derived from plants (green resources) are well known for their capacity to store the thermal energy as latent heat during their phase change from solid to liquid. This property of PCM could be used for storage of thermal energy. In this study, a composite with fatty acid (caprylic acid; M.P 15°C, Enthalpy 179kJ/kg) as a phase change material and expanded perlite as support porous matrix was prepared through direct impregnation method for thermal energy storage applications. The prepared composite was characterized using Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. The melting point of the prepared composite was 15.65°C, and the melting enthalpy was 82kJ/kg. The surface nature of the perlite was observed through FESEM. It was observed that there are micro size pores in the perlite surface, which were responsible for the absorption of PCM into perlite. In TGA thermogram, the PCM loss from composite was started at ~90°C. FTIR curves proved there was no chemical interaction between the perlite and caprylic acid. So, the PCM composite prepared in this work could be effective to use in temperature maintenance of buildings.

Keywords: caprylic acid, composite, phase change materials, PCM, perlite, thermal energy

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2509 Investigating Spatial Disparities in Health Status and Access to Health-Related Interventions among Tribals in Jharkhand

Authors: Parul Suraia, Harshit Sosan Lakra


Indigenous communities represent some of the most marginalized populations globally, with India labeled as tribals, experiencing particularly pronounced marginalization and a concerning decline in their numbers. These communities often inhabit geographically challenging regions characterized by low population densities, posing significant challenges to providing essential infrastructure services. Jharkhand, a Schedule 5 state, is infamous for its low-level health status due to disparities in access to health care. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the spatial inequalities in healthcare accessibility among tribal populations within the state and pinpoint critical areas requiring immediate attention. Health indicators were selected based on the tribal perspective and association of Sustainable Goal 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing) with other SDGs. Focused group discussions in which tribal people and tribal experts were done in order to finalize the indicators. Employing Principal Component Analysis, two essential indices were constructed: the Tribal Health Index (THI) and the Tribal Health Intervention Index (THII). Index values were calculated based on the district-wise secondary data for Jharkhand. The bivariate spatial association technique, Moran’s I was used to assess the spatial pattern of the variables to determine if there is any clustering (positive spatial autocorrelation) or dispersion (negative spatial autocorrelation) of values across Jharkhand. The results helped in facilitating targeting policy interventions in deprived areas of Jharkhand.

Keywords: tribal health, health spatial disparities, health status, Jharkhand

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2508 Salicylic Acid Signalling in Relation to Root Colonization in Rice

Authors: Seema Garcha, Sheetal Chopra, Navraj Sarao


Plant hormones play a role in internal colonization by beneficial microbes and also systemic acquired resistance. They define qualitative and quantitative nature of root microbiome and also influence dynamics of root rhizospheric soil. The present study is an attempt to relate salicylic acid (signal molecule) content and qualitative nature of root endophytes at various stages in the growth of rice varieties of commercial value- Parmal 121 and Basmati 1121. Root seedlings of these varieties were raised using tissue culture techniques and then they were transplanted in the fields. Cultivation was done using conventional methods in agriculture. Field soil contained 0.39% N, 75.12 Kg/hectare of phosphorus and 163.0 Kg/hectare of potassium. Microfloral profiling of the root tissue was done using the selective microbiological medium. The salicylic acid content was estimated using HPLC-Agilent 1100 HPLC Series. Salicylic acid level of Basmati 1121 remained relatively low at the time of transplant and 90 days after transplant. It increased marginally at 60 days. A similar trend was observed with Parmal 121 as well. However, Parmal variety recorded 0.935 ug/g of salicylic acid at 60 days after transplant. Salicylic acid content decreased after 90 days as both the rice varieties remained disease free. The endophytic root microflora was established by 60 days after transplant in both the varieties after which their population became constant. Rhizobium spp dominated over Azotobacter spp. Genetic profiling of endophytes for nitrogen-fixing ability is underway.

Keywords: plant-microbe interaction, rice, root microbiome, salicylic acid

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2507 90-Day Strength Training Intervention Decreases Incidence of Sarcopenia: A Pre- and Posttest Pilot Study of Older Adults in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Authors: Donna-Marie Phyllis Lanton


Sarcopenia is a well-known geriatric syndrome characterized by the progressive and generalized loss of muscle quantity or quality. The incidence of sarcopenia increases with age and is associated with adverse outcomes such as the increased risk of falls, cognitive impairment, loss of independence, diminished quality of life, increased health costs, need for care in a skilled nursing facility, and increased mortality. Physical activity, including resistance training, is the most prevalent recommendation for treating and preventing sarcopenia. Residents (N = 23) of a skilled nursing facility in East Orlando, Florida, participated in a 90-day strength training program designed using the PARIHS framework to improve measures of muscle mass, muscle strength, physical performance, and quality of life. Residents engaged in both resistance and balance exercises for 1 hour two times a week. Baseline data were collected and compared to data at Days 30, 60, and 90. T tests indicated significant gains on all measures from baseline to 90 days: muscle mass increased by 1.2 (t[22] = 2.85, p = .009), grip strength increased by 4.02 (t[22] = 8.15, p < .001), balance increased by 2.13 (t[22] = 18.64, p < .001), gait speed increased by 1.83 (t[22] = 17.84, p < .001), chair speed increased 1.87 (t[22] = 16.36, p < .001), and quality of life score increased by 17.5 (t[22] = 19.26, p < .001). For residents with sarcopenia in skilled nursing facilities, a 90-day strength training program with resistance and balance exercises may provide an option for decreasing the incidence of sarcopenia among that population

Keywords: muscle mass, muscle strength, older adults, PARIHS framework

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2506 The Potential of Small-Scale Urban Food Growing to Supplement Households’ Diets and Provide Health and Wellbeing Benefits

Authors: Bethany Leake, Samantha Caton, Paul Norman, Jill Edmondson


With the majority of the UK population residing in urban areas and with the pressures both environmentally and socially on rural agriculture, the role of urban food production, particularly urban horticulture (UH), is increasingly important in the future of UK food security. UH has the potential to provide an important contribution to urban diets and to provide additional benefits to human health and well-being. While allotments are the traditional focus of UH and play an important role, as access to this type of land is limited and unequal across cities, other forms of UH space, such as domestic growing, will need to be utilized to provide a significant contribution to urban diets. It is theorized that this smaller scale of growing may also be a more accessible way of engaging novice growers in UH. A collaborative research project, Urban Harvest, was designed between the University of Sheffield and Sheffield-based food organizations, which aimed to engage inexperienced gardeners in UH by providing them with home food-growing kits (Grow-Kits). Grow-Kits were provided to 189 participants across Sheffield in 2022, 48% of whom had never grown food before. Data collected through surveys and interviews will help us to evaluate the effect of small-scale food growing on health and wellbeing and the potential of this type of scheme to encourage future UH engagement. This data and increasing evidence on the co-benefits of UH have important implications not only for local food security but also for urban health inequalities and the potential use of this activity for preventative healthcare.

Keywords: urban horticulture, health and wellbeing, food security, nutrition

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2505 Integrated Microsystem for Multiplexed Genosensor Detection of Biowarfare Agents

Authors: Samuel B. Dulay, Sandra Julich, Herbert Tomaso, Ciara K. O'Sullivan


An early, rapid and definite detection for the presence of biowarfare agents, pathogens, viruses and toxins is required in different situations which include civil rescue and security units, homeland security, military operations, public transportation securities such as airports, metro and railway stations due to its harmful effect on the human population. In this work, an electrochemical genosensor array that allows simultaneous detection of different biowarfare agents within an integrated microsystem that provides an easy handling of the technology which combines a microfluidics setup with a multiplexing genosensor array has been developed and optimised for the following targets: Bacillus anthracis, Brucella abortis and melitensis, Bacteriophage lambda, Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia mallei and pseudomallei, Coxiella burnetii, Yersinia pestis, and Bacillus thuringiensis. The electrode array was modified via co-immobilisation of a 1:100 (mol/mol) mixture of a thiolated probe and an oligoethyleneglycol-terminated monopodal thiol. PCR products from these relevant biowarfare agents were detected reproducibly through a sandwich assay format with the target hybridised between a surface immobilised probe into the electrode and a horseradish peroxidase-labelled secondary reporter probe, which provided an enzyme based electrochemical signal. The potential of the designed microsystem for multiplexed genosensor detection and cross-reactivity studies over potential interfering DNA sequences has demonstrated high selectivity using the developed platform producing high-throughput.

Keywords: biowarfare agents, genosensors, multipled detection, microsystem

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2504 Solar-Powered Water Purification Using Ozone and Sand Filtration

Authors: Kayla Youhanaie, Kenneth Dott, Greg Gillis-Smith


Access to clean water is a global challenge that affects nearly one-third of the world’s population. A lack of safe drinking water negatively affects a person’s health, safety, and economic status. However, many regions of the world that face this clean water challenge also have high solar energy potential. To address this worldwide issue and utilize available resources, a solar-powered water purification device was developed that could be implemented in communities around the world that lack access to potable water. The device uses ozone to destroy water-borne pathogens and sand filtration to filter out particulates from the water. To select the best method for this application, a quantitative energy efficiency comparison of three water purification methods was conducted: heat, UV light, and ozone. After constructing an initial prototype, the efficacy of the device was tested using agar petri dishes to test for bacteria growth in treated water samples at various time intervals after applying the device to contaminated water. The results demonstrated that the water purification device successfully removed all bacteria and particulates from the water within three minutes, making it safe for human consumption. These results, as well as the proposed design that utilizes widely available resources in target communities, suggest that the device is a sustainable solution to address the global water crisis and could improve the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

Keywords: clean water, solar powered water purification, ozonation, sand filtration, global water crisis

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