Search results for: results validation
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Search results for: results validation

4567 A Method To Assess Collaboration Using Perception of Risk from the Architectural Engineering Construction Industry

Authors: Sujesh F. Sujan, Steve W. Jones, Arto Kiviniemi


The use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Architectural-Engineering-Construction (AEC) industry is a form of systemic innovation. Unlike incremental innovation, (such as the technological development of CAD from hand based drawings to 2D electronically printed drawings) any form of systemic innovation in Project-Based Inter-Organisational Networks requires complete collaboration and results in numerous benefits if adopted and utilised properly. Proper use of BIM involves people collaborating with the use of interoperable BIM compliant tools. The AEC industry globally has been known for its adversarial and fragmented nature where firms take advantage of one another to increase their own profitability. Due to the industry’s nature, getting people to collaborate by unifying their goals is critical to successful BIM adoption. However, this form of innovation is often being forced artificially in the old ways of working which do not suit collaboration. This may be one of the reasons for its low global use even though the technology was developed more than 20 years ago. Therefore, there is a need to develop a metric/method to support and allow industry players to gain confidence in their investment into BIM software and workflow methods. This paper departs from defining systemic risk as a risk that affects all the project participants at a given stage of a project and defines categories of systemic risks. The need to generalise is to allow method applicability to any industry where the category will be the same, but the example of the risk will depend on the industry the study is done in. The method proposed seeks to use individual perception of an example of systemic risk as a key parameter. The significance of this study lies in relating the variance of individual perception of systemic risk to how much the team is collaborating. The method bases its notions on the claim that a more unified range of individual perceptions would mean a higher probability that the team is collaborating better. Since contracts and procurement devise how a project team operates, the method could also break the methodological barrier of highly subjective findings that case studies inflict, which has limited the possibility of generalising between global industries. Since human nature applies in all industries, the authors’ intuition is that perception can be a valuable parameter to study collaboration which is essential especially in projects that utilise systemic innovation such as BIM.

Keywords: building information modelling, perception of risk, systemic innovation, team collaboration

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4566 Non-Linear Finite Element Investigation on the Behavior of CFRP Strengthened Steel Square HSS Columns under Eccentric Loading

Authors: Tasnuba Binte Jamal, Khan Mahmud Amanat


Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composite materials have proven to have valuable properties and suitability to be used in the construction of new buildings and in upgrading the existing ones due to its effectiveness, ease of implementation and many more. In the present study, a numerical finite element investigation has been conducted using ANSYS 18.1 to study the behavior of square HSS AISC sections under eccentric compressive loading strengthened with CFRP materials. A three-dimensional finite element model for square HSS section using shell element was developed. Application of CFRP strengthening was incorporated in the finite element model by adding an additional layer of shell elements. Both material and geometric nonlinearities were incorporated in the model. The developed finite element model was applied to simulate experimental studies done by past researchers and it was found that good agreement exists between the current analysis and past experimental results, which established the acceptability and validity of the developed finite element model to carry out further investigation. Study was then focused on some selected non-compact AISC square HSS columns and the effects of number of CFRP layers, amount of eccentricities and cross-sectional geometry on the strength gain of those columns were observed. Load was applied at a distance equal to the column dimension and twice that of column dimension. It was observed that CFRP strengthening is comparatively effective for smaller eccentricities. For medium sized sections, strengthening tends to be effective at smaller eccentricities as well. For relatively large AISC square HSS columns, with increasing number of CFRP layers (from 1 to 3 layers) the gain in strength is approximately 1 to 38% to that of unstrengthened section for smaller eccentricities and slenderness ratio ranging from 27 to 54. For medium sized square HSS sections, effectiveness of CFRP strengthening increases approximately by about 12 to 162%. The findings of the present study provide a better understanding of the behavior of HSS sections strengthened with CFRP subjected to eccentric compressive load.

Keywords: CFRP strengthening, eccentricity, finite element model, square hollow section

Procedia PDF Downloads 144
4565 Feasibility Study for Implementation of Geothermal Energy Technology as a Means of Thermal Energy Supply for Medium Size Community Building

Authors: Sreto Boljevic


Heating systems based on geothermal energy sources are becoming increasingly popular among commercial/community buildings as management of these buildings looks for a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to manage the heating system. The thermal energy supply of most European commercial/community buildings at present is provided mainly by energy extracted from natural gas. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve climate change targets set by the EU, restructuring in the area of thermal energy supply is essential. At present, heating and cooling account for approx... 50% of the EU primary energy supply. Due to its physical characteristics, thermal energy cannot be distributed or exchange over long distances, contrary to electricity and gas energy carriers. Compared to electricity and the gas sectors, heating remains a generally black box, with large unknowns to a researcher and policymaker. Ain literature number of documents address policies for promoting renewable energy technology to facilitate heating for residential/community/commercial buildings and assess the balance between heat supply and heat savings. Ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology has been an extremely attractive alternative to traditional electric and fossil fuel space heating equipment used to supply thermal energy for residential/community/commercial buildings. The main purpose of this paper is to create an algorithm using an analytical approach that could enable a feasibility study regarding the implementation of GSHP technology in community building with existing fossil-fueled heating systems. The main results obtained by the algorithm will enable building management and GSHP system designers to define the optimal size of the system regarding technical, environmental, and economic impacts of the system implementation, including payback period time. In addition, an algorithm is created to be utilized for a feasibility study for many different types of buildings. The algorithm is tested on a building that was built in 1930 and is used as a church located in Cork city. The heating of the building is currently provided by a 105kW gas boiler.

Keywords: GSHP, greenhouse gas emission, low-enthalpy, renewable energy

Procedia PDF Downloads 221
4564 Development of Peaceful Wellbeing in Executive Practitioners through Mindfulness-Based Practices

Authors: Narumon Jiwattanasuk, Phrakrupalad Pannavoravat, Pataraporn Sirikanchana


Mindfulness has become a perspective addressing positive wellbeing these days. The aims of this paper are to analyze the problems of executive meditation practitioners at the Buddhamahametta Foundation in Thailand and to provide recommendations on the process to develop peaceful wellbeing in executive meditation practitioners by applying the principles of the four foundations of mindfulness. This study is particularly focused on executives because there is not much research focusing on the well-being development of executives, and the researcher recognizes that executives can be an example within their organizations. This would be a significant influence on their employees and their families to be interested in practicing mindfulness. This improvement will then grow from an individual to the surrounding community such as family, workplace, society, and the nation. This would lead to happiness at the national level, which is the expectation of this research. The paper highlights mindfulness practices that can be performed on a daily basis. This study is qualitative research, and there are 10 key participants who are executives from various sectors such as hospitality, healthcare, retail, power energy, and so on. Three mindfulness-based courses were conducted over a period of 8 months, and in-depth interviews were done before the first course as well as at the end of every course. In total, four in-depth interviews were conducted. The information collected from the interviews was analyzed in order to create the process to develop peaceful well-being. Focus group discussions with the mindfulness specialists were conducted to help develop the mindfulness program as well. As a result of this research, it is found that the executives faced the following problems: stress, negative thinking loops, losing temper, seeking acceptance, worry about uncontrollable external factors, unable to control their words, and weight gain. The cultivation of the four foundations of mindfulness can develop peaceful wellbeing. The results showed that after the key informant executives attended the mindfulness courses and practiced mindfulness regularly, they have developed peaceful well-being in all aspects such as physical, psychological, behavioral, and intellectual by applying 12 mindfulness-based activities. The development of wellbeing, in the conclusion of this study, also includes various tools to support the continuing practice, including the handout of guided mindfulness practice, VDO clips about mindfulness practice, the online dhamma channel, and mobile applications to support regular mindfulness-based practices.

Keywords: executive, mindfulness activities, stress, wellbeing

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4563 Enhancing Cooperation Between LEAs and Citizens: The INSPEC2T Approach

Authors: George Leventakis, George Kokkinis, Nikos Moustakidis, George Papalexandratos, Ioanna Vasiliadou


Enhancing the feeling of public safety and crime prevention are tasks customarily assigned to the Police. Police departments have, however, recognized that traditional ways of policing methods are becoming obsolete; Community Policing (CP) philosophy; however, when applied appropriately, leads to seamless collaboration between various stakeholders like the Police, NGOs and the general public and provides the opportunity to identify risks, assist in solving problems of crime, disorder, safety and crucially contribute to improving the quality of life for everyone in a community. Social Media, on the other hand, due to its high level of infiltration in modern life, constitutes a powerful mechanism which offers additional and direct communication channels to reach individuals or communities. These channels can be utilized to improve the citizens’ perception of the Police and to capture individual and community needs, when their feedback is taken into account by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in a structured and coordinated manner. This paper presents research conducted under INSPEC2T (Inspiring CitizeNS Participation for Enhanced Community PoliCing AcTions), a project funded by the European Commission’s research agenda to bridge the gap between CP as a philosophy and as an organizational strategy, capitalizing on the use of Social Media. The project aims to increase transparency, trust, police accountability, and the role of civil society. It aspires to build strong, trusting relationships between LEAs and the public, supporting two-way, contemporary communication while at the same time respecting anonymity of all affected parties. Results presented herein summarize the outcomes of four online multilingual surveys, focus group interviews, desktop research and interviews with experts in the field of CP practices. The above research activities were conducted in various EU countries aiming to capture requirements of end users from diverse backgrounds (social, cultural, legal and ethical) and determine public expectations regarding CP, community safety and crime prevention.

Keywords: community partnerships, next generation community policing, social media, public safety

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4562 Study on the Relative Factors of Introducing Table Vinegar in Reducing Urinary Tract Infection in Patients with Long-Term Indwelling Catheter

Authors: Yu-Ju Hsieh, Lin-Hung Lin, Wen-Hui Chang


This study was designed as an interventional research and intended to validate whether the introduction of drinking vinegar every day can reduce and even prevent urinary tract infection in Taiwan home stayed disabilities who using indwelling catheter. The data was collected from the subjects who have received home care case at northern Taiwan, according to the questionnaire and a medical records retroactive methodology, the subjects were informed and consent to drink 15ml of table vinegar in a daily diet, and through routine urine testing and culture study. Home care nurses would assist collecting urine at the point of before and after a meal from total 35 studied subjects per month, and total collected 4 times for testing. The results showed that when the average age of study subjects was 65.46 years and catheter indwelling time was 15 years, drinking table vinegar could inhibit the activity of E. coli O157: H7 and reduce its breeding. Before drinking table vinegar daily, the subjects’ urine pH value was 7.0-8.0, and the average was 7.5, and the urine PH value dropped to 6.5 after drinking table vinegar for a month. There were two purple urine cases whose urine were changed from purple to normal color after two weeks of drinking, and the protein and bacteria values of urine gradually improved. Urine smell unpleasant before attending to this study, and the symptom improved significantly only after 1 week, and the urine smell returned to normal ammonia and became clean after 1 month later. None of these subjects received treatment in a hospital due to urinary tract infection, and there were no signs of bleeding in all cases during this study. The subjects of this study are chronic patients with a long-term bedridden catheterization; drinking cranberry juice is an economic burden for them, and also highly prohibited for diabetes patients. By adapting to use cheaper table vinegar to acidified urine and improve its smell and ease Purple Urine Syndrome, to furthermore, proven urinary tract infection, it can also to reduce the financial burden on families, the cost of social resources and the rate of re-admission.

Keywords: table vinegar, urinary tract infection, disability patients, long-term indwelling catheter

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4561 Spectroscopic Studies and Reddish Luminescence Enhancement with the Increase in Concentration of Europium Ions in Oxy-Fluoroborate Glasses

Authors: Mahamuda Sk, Srinivasa Rao Allam, Vijaya Prakash G.


The different concentrations of Eu3+ ions doped in Oxy-fluoroborate glasses of composition 60 B2O3-10 BaF2-10 CaF2-15 CaF2- (5-x) Al2O3 -x Eu2O3 where x = 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mol%, have been prepared by conventional melt quenching technique and are characterized through absorption and photoluminescence (PL), decay, color chromaticity and Confocal measurements. The absorption spectra of all the glasses consists of six peaks corresponding to the transitions 7F0→5D2, 7F0→5D1, 7F1→5D1, 7F1→5D0, 7F0→7F6 and 7F1→7F6 respectively. The experimental oscillator strengths with and without thermal corrections have been evaluated using absorption spectra. Judd-Ofelt (JO) intensity parameters (Ω2 and Ω4) have been evaluated from the photoluminescence spectra of all the glasses. PL spectra of all the glasses have been recorded at excitation wavelengths 395 nm (conventional excitation source) and 410 nm (diode laser) to observe the intensity variation in the PL spectra. All the spectra consists of five emission peaks corresponding to the transitions 5D0→7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4). Surprisingly no concentration quenching is observed on PL spectra. Among all the glasses the glass with 2.0 mol% of Eu3+ ion concentration possesses maximum intensity for the transition 5D0→7F2 (612 nm) in bright red region. The JO parameters derived from the photoluminescence spectra have been used to evaluate the essential radiative properties such as transition probability (A), radiative lifetime (τR), branching ratio (βR) and peak stimulated emission cross-section (σse) for the 5D0→7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) transitions of the Eu3+ ions. The decay rates of the 5D0 fluorescent level of Eu3+ ions in the title glasses are found to be single exponential for all the studied Eu3+ ion concentrations. A marginal increase in lifetime of the 5D0 level has been noticed with increase in Eu3+ ion concentration from 0.1 mol% to 2.0 mol%. Among all the glasses, the glass with 2.0 mol% of Eu3+ ion concentration possesses maximum values of branching ratio, stimulated emission cross-section and quantum efficiency for the transition 5D0→7F2 (612 nm) in bright red region. The color chromaticity coordinates are also evaluated to confirm the reddish luminescence from these glasses. These color coordinates exactly fall in the bright red region. Confocal images also recorded to confirm reddish luminescence from these glasses. From all the obtained results in the present study, it is suggested that the glass with 2.0 mol% of Eu3+ ion concentration is suitable to emit bright red color laser.

Keywords: Europium, Judd-Ofelt parameters, laser, luminescence

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4560 Factors Associated with Seroconversion of Oral Polio Vaccine among the Children under 5 Year in District Mirpurkhas, Pakistan 2015

Authors: Muhammad Asif Syed, Mirza Amir Baig


Background: Pakistan is one of the two remaining polio-endemic countries, posing a significant public health challenge for global polio eradication due to failure to interrupt polio transmission. Country specific seroprevalence studies help in the evaluation of immunization program performance, the susceptibility of population against polio virus and identification of existing level of immunity with factors that affect seroconversion of the oral polio vaccine (OPV). The objective of the study was to find out factors associated with seroconversion of the OPV among children 6-59 months in Pakistan. Methods: A Hospital based cross-sectional serosurvey was undertaken in May-June 2015 at District Mirpurkhas, Sindh-Pakistan. Total 180 children aged 6–59 months were selected by using systematic random sampling from Muhammad Medical College Hospital, Mirpurkhas. Demographic, vaccination history and risk factors information were collected from the parents/guardian. Blood sample was collected and tested for the detection of poliovirus IgG antibodies by using ELISA Kit. The IgG titer <10 IU/ml, 50 to <150 IU/ml and >150 IU/ml was defined as negative, weak positive and positive immunity respectively. Pearson Chi-square test was used to determine the difference in seroprevalence in univariate analysis. Results: A total of 180 subjects were enrolled mean age was 23 months (7 -59 months). Off these 160 (89%) children were well and 18 (10%) partially protected against polio virus. Two (1.1%) children had no protection against polio virus as they had <10 IU/ml poliovirus IgG antibodies titer. Both negative cases belong from the female gender, age group 12-23 months, urban area and BMI <50 percentile. There was a difference between normal and the wasting children; it did attain statistical significance (χ2= 35.5, p=0.00). The difference in seroconversion was also observed in relation to the gender (χ2=6.23, p=0.04), duration of breast feeding (χ2=18.6, p=0.04), history of diarrheal disease before polio vaccine administration (χ2=7.7, p=0.02), and stunting (χ2= 114, p=0.00). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that near 90% children achieve seroconversion of OPV and well protected against polio virus. There is an urgent need to focus on factors like duration of breast feeding, diarrheal diseases and malnutrition (acute and chronic) among the children as an immunization strategy.

Keywords: seroconversion, oral polio vaccine, Polio, Pakistan

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4559 A Study on the Relationship Between Adult Videogaming and Wellbeing, Health, and Labor Supply

Authors: William Marquis, Fang Dong


There has been a growing concern in recent years over the economic and social effects of adult video gaming. It has been estimated that the number of people who played video games during the COVID-19 pandemic is close to three billion, and there is evidence that this form of entertainment is here to stay. Many people are concerned that this growing use of time could crowd out time that could be spent on alternative forms of entertainment with family, friends, sports, and other social activities that build community. For example, recent studies of children suggest that playing videogames crowds out time that could be spent on homework, watching TV, or in other social activities. Similar studies of adults have shown that video gaming is negatively associated with earnings, time spent at work, and socializing with others. The primary objective of this paper is to examine how time adults spend on video gaming could displace time they could spend working and on activities that enhance their health and well-being. We use data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), maintained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, to analyze the effects of time-use decisions on three measures of well-being. We pool the ATUS Well-being Module for multiple years, 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2021, along with the ATUS Activity and Who files for these years. This pooled data set provides three broad measures of well-being, e.g., health, life satisfaction, and emotional well-being. Seven variants of each are used as a dependent variable in different multivariate regressions. We add to the existing literature in the following ways. First, we investigate whether the time adults spend in video gaming crowds out time spent working or in social activities that promote health and life satisfaction. Second, we investigate the relationship between adult gaming and their emotional well-being, also known as negative or positive affect, a factor that is related to depression, health, and labor market productivity. The results of this study suggest that the time adult gamers spend on video gaming has no effect on their supply of labor, a negligible effect on their time spent socializing and studying, and mixed effects on their emotional well-being, such as increasing feelings of pain and reducing feelings of happiness and stress.

Keywords: online gaming, health, social capital, emotional wellbeing

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4558 PWM Harmonic Injection and Frequency-Modulated Triangular Carrier to Improve the Lives of the Transformers

Authors: Mario J. Meco-Gutierrez, Francisco Perez-Hidalgo, Juan R. Heredia-Larrubia, Antonio Ruiz-Gonzalez, Francisco Vargas-Merino


More and more applications power inverters connected to transformers, for example, the connection facilities to the power grid renewable generation. It is well known that the quality of signal power inverters it is not a pure sine. The harmonic content produced negative effects, one of which is the heating of electrical machines and therefore, affects the life of the machines. The decrease of life of transformers can be calculated by Arrhenius or Montsinger equation. Analyzing this expression any (long-term) decrease of a transformer temperature for 6º C - 7º C means doubles its life-expectancy. Methodologies: This work presents the technique of pulse width modulation (PWM) with an injection of harmonic and triangular frequency carrier modulated in frequency. This technique is used to improve the quality of the output voltage signal of the power inverters controlled PWM. The proposed technique increases in the fundamental term and a significant reduction in low order harmonics with the same commutations per time that control sine PWM. To achieve this, the modulating wave is compared to a triangular carrier with variable frequency over the period of the modulator. Therefore, it is, advantageous for the modulating signal to have a large amount of sinusoidal “information” in the areas of greater sampling. A triangular signal with a frequency that varies over the modulator’s period is used as a carrier, for obtaining more samples in the area with the greatest slope. A power inverter controlled by PWM proposed technique is connected to a transformer. Results: In order to verify the derived thermal parameters under different operation conditions, another ambient and loading scenario is involved for a further verification, which was sampled from the same power transformer. Temperatures of different parts of the transformer will be exposed for each PWM control technique analyzed. An assessment of the temperature be done with different techniques PWM control and hence the life of the transformer is calculated for each technique. Conclusion: This paper analyzes such as transformer heating produced by this technique and compared with other forms of PWM control. In it can be seen as a reduction the harmonic content produces less heat transformer and therefore, an increase in the life of the transformer.

Keywords: heating, power-inverter, PWM, transformer

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4557 The Effects of Food Matrix and Different Excipient Foods on β-Carotene Bioaccessibility in Carrots

Authors: Birgul Hizlar, Sibel Karakaya


Nowadays, consumers are more and more aware of the benefits beyond basic nutrition provided by food and food compounds. Between these, carotenoids have been demonstrated to exhibit multiple health benefits (for example, some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders, among others). However, carotenoid bioaccessibility and bioavailability is generally rather low due to their specific localization in plant tissue and lipophilic nature. This situation is worldwide issue, since both developed and developing countries have their interest and benefits in increasing the uptake of carotenoids from the human diet. Recently, a new class of foods designed to improve the bioaccessibility/bioavailability of orally administered bioactive compounds is introduced: excipient foods. Excipient foods are specially designed foods which are prepared depending on the physicochemical properties of target bioactive compounds and increasing the bioavailability or bioaccessibility of bioactive compound. In this study, effects of food matrix (greating, boiling and mashing) and different excipient foods (olive oil, lemon juice, whey curd and dried artichoke leaf powder) on bioaccessibility of β-carotene in carrot were investigated by means of simulating in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) digestion. β-carotene contents of grated, boiled and mashed (after boiling process) carrots were 79.28, 147.63 and 151.19 μg/g respectively. No significant differences among boiled and mashed samples indicated that mashing process had no effect on the release of β-carotene from the food matrix (p > 0.05). On the contrary, mashing causes significant increase in the β-carotene bioaccessibility (p < 0.05). The highest β-carotene content was found in the mashed carrots incorporated with olive oil and lemon juice (C2). However, no significant differences between that sample and C1 (mashed carrot with lemon juice, olive oil, dried artichoke leaf powder), C3 (mashed carrot with addition of olive oil, lemon juice, whey curd) and). Similarly, the highest β-carotene bioaccessibility (50.26%) was found mashed C3 sample (p < 0.05). The increase in the bioaccessibility was approximately 5 fold and 50 fold when compared to grated and mashed samples containing olive oil, lemon juice and whey curd. The results demonstrate that both, food matrix and excipient foods, are able to increase the bioaccessibility of β-carotene.

Keywords: bioaccessibility, carotenoids, carrot, β-carotene

Procedia PDF Downloads 383
4556 Influence of Applied Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Fertilizers on Nitrogen Forms in Biochar-Treated Soil

Authors: Eman H. El-Gamal, Maher E. Saleh, Mohamed Rashad, Ibrahim Elsokkary, Mona M. Abd El-Latif


Biochar application to calcareous soils could potentially influence the nitrogen dynamics that affect the bioavailability of plants. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of incubation periods on the changes of nitrogen levels (total nitrogen TN and exchangeable ammonium NH₄⁺ and nitrate NO₃⁻) in biochar-treated calcareous soil. The incubation course was extended to 144 days at 30 ± 3 ℃ and at 50% of soil water holding capacity (WHC). Two types of biochars were obtained by pyrolysis at 500 ℃ from rice husk (RHB) and sugarcane bagasse (SCBB). The experiment was planned in a factorial experimental design with three factors (6 periods '24 days for each period' × 3 biochar types 'un-amended, RHB and SCBB' × 3 nitrogen fertilizers 'control, ammonium nitrate; AN and animal manure; AM') in a completely randomized design. The results obtained showed that the highest level of TN was found in the first 24 days of the incubation period in all treatments. However, the amount of TN was decreased with proceeding incubation period up to 144 days and reached to the lowest level at the end of incubation with values of change rate was 17.5, 16.6, and 14.6 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ for the un-amended, RHB and SCBB treated soil, respectively. The values of change rate in biochar-soils treated with nitrogen fertilizers were decreased gradually through the whole incubation time from 127.22 to 12.45 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ and from 65.00 to 13.43 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ for AN and AM respectively, in the case of RHB-soil. While in SCBB-soil, these values were decreased from 70.83 to 12.13 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ and from 59.17 to 11.48 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ for AN and AM treatments, respectively. The lowest concentration of exchangeable NH₄⁺ was generally found through the period from 24-48 days of incubation. However, the addition of nitrogen fertilizers, enhanced NH₄⁺ production through incubation periods. In the case of RHB-soil, the value of change rate in NH₄⁺ level in the first 24 days of incubation was 0.43 mg kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ and with the addition of AN and AM this value increased to 1.54 and 4.38 mg kg⁻¹ day⁻¹, respectively. In the case of SCBB-soil, the value of change rate in NH₄⁺ level was 0.29 mg kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ which increased to 1.04 mg kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ at the end of incubation, and due to the addition of AN and AM this value increased to 2.78 and 1.90 mg kg⁻¹ day⁻¹ in the first 24 days of incubation period, respectively. However, as compared to the control treatment, the lowest rate of change in NH₄⁺ level was found at the end of incubation. On the other hand, incubation of all biochars-amended soil and treated with AN and AM decreased the concentration levels of NO₃⁻, especially through the first 24-72 days of incubation period. As a result, the values of change rate in NO₃⁻ concentrations in all treatments were almost negative.

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, animal manure, biochar, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse

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4555 Use of Didactic Bibliographic Resources to Improve the Teaching and Learning Processes of Animal Reproduction in Veterinary Science

Authors: Yasser Y. Lenis, Amy Jo Montgomery, Diego F. Carrillo-Gonzalez


Introduction: The use of didactic instruments in different learning environments plays a pivotal role in enhancing the level of knowledge in veterinary science students. The direct instruction of basic animal reproduction concepts in students enrolled in veterinary medicine programs allows them to elucidate the biological and molecular mechanisms that perpetuate the animal species in an ecosystem. Therefore, universities must implement didactic strategies that facilitate the teaching and learning processes for students and, in turn, enrich learning environments. Objective: to evaluate the effect of the use of a didactic textbook on the level of theoretical knowledge in embryo-maternal recognition for veterinary medicine students. Methods: the participants (n=24) were divided into two experimental groups: control (Ctrl) and treatment (Treat). Both groups received 4 hours of theoretical training regarding the basic concepts in bovine embryo-maternal recognition. However, the Treat group was also exposed to a guided lecture and the activity play-to-learn from a cow reproduction didactic textbook. A pre-test and a post-test were applied to assess the prior and subsequent knowledge in the participants. Descriptive statistics were applied to identify the success rates for each of the tests. Afterwards, a repeated measures model was applied where the effect of the intervention was considered. Results: no significant difference (p>0,05) was observed in the number of right answers for groups Ctrl (54,2%±12,7) and Treat (40,8%±16,8) in the pre-test. There was no difference (p>0,05) compering the number of right answers in Ctrl pre-test (54,2%±12,7) and post-test (60,8±18,8). However, the Treat group showed a significant (p>0,05) difference in the number of right answers when comparing pre-test (40,8%±16,8) and post-test (71,7%±14,7). Finally, after the theoretical training and the didactic activity in the Treat group, an increase of 10.9% (p<0,05) in the number of right answers was found when compared with the Ctrl group. Conclusion: the use of didactic tools that include guided lectures and activities like play-to-learn from a didactic textbook enhances the level of knowledge in an animal reproduction course for veterinary medicine students.

Keywords: animal reproduction, pedagogic, level of knowledge, learning environment

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4554 Predicting Mass-School-Shootings: Relevance of the FBI’s ‘Threat Assessment Perspective’ Two Decades Later

Authors: Frazer G. Thompson


The 1990s in America ended with a mass-school-shooting (at least four killed by gunfire excluding the perpetrator(s)) at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Post-event, many demanded that government and civilian experts develop a ‘profile’ of the potential school shooter in order to identify and preempt likely future acts of violence. This grounded theory research study seeks to explore the validity of the original hypotheses proposed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2000, as it relates to the commonality of disclosure by perpetrators of mass-school-shootings, by evaluating fourteen mass-school-shooting events between 2000 and 2019 at locations around the United States. Methods: The strategy of inquiry seeks to investigate case files, public records, witness accounts, and available psychological profiles of the shooter. The research methodology is inclusive of one-on-one interviews with members of the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group seeking perspective on commonalities between individuals; specifically, disclosure of intent pre-event. Results: The research determined that school shooters do not ‘unfailingly’ notify others of their plans. However, in nine of the fourteen mass-school-shooting events analyzed, the perpetrator did inform the third party of their intent pre-event in some form of written, oral, or electronic communication. In the remaining five instances, the so-called ‘red-flag’ indicators of the potential for an event to occur were profound, and unto themselves, might be interpreted as notification to others of an imminent deadly threat. Conclusion: Data indicates that conclusions drawn in the FBI’s threat assessment perspective published in 2000 are relevant and current. There is evidence that despite potential ‘red-flag’ indicators which may or may not include a variety of other characteristics, perpetrators of mass-school-shooting events are likely to share their intentions with others through some form of direct or indirect communication. More significantly, implications of this research might suggest that society is often informed of potential danger pre-event but lacks any equitable means by which to disseminate, prevent, intervene, or otherwise act in a meaningful way considering said revelation.

Keywords: columbine, FBI profiling, guns, mass shooting, mental health, school violence

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
4553 Moderation Role of Effects of Forms of Upward versus Downward Counterfactual Reasoning on Gambling Cognition and Decision of Nigerians

Authors: Larry O. Awo, George N. Duru


There is growing public and mental health concerns over the availability of gambling platforms and shops in Nigeria and the high level of youth involvement in gambling. Early theorizing maintained that gambling involvement driven by the quest for resource gains. However, evidences show that the economic model of gambling tend to explain the involvement of the gambling business owners (sport lottery operators: SLOs) as most gamblers lose more than they win. This loss, according to the law of effect, ought to discourage decisions to gamble. However, the quest to recover loses has often initiated and prolonged gambling sessions. Therefore, the need to investigate mental contemplations (such as counterfactual reasoning (upward versus downward) of what “would, should, or could” have been, and feeling of the illusion of control; IOC) over gambling outcome as risk or protective factors in gambling decisions became pertinent. The present study sought to understand the differential contributions and conditional effects of upward versus downward counterfactual reasoning as pathways through which the association between IOC and gambling decision of Nigerian youths (N = 120, mean age = 18.05, SD = 3.81) could be explained. The study adopted a randomized group design, and data were obtained by means of stimulus material (the Gambling Episode; GE) and self-report measures of IOC and Gambling Decision. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) result showed that participants in the upward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 22.08) differed from their colleagues in the downward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 17.33) on the decision to gamble, and this difference was significant [F(1,112) = 23, P < .01]. HAYES PROCESS macro moderation analysis results showed that 1) IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were positively associated with the decision to gamble (B = 14.21, t = 6.10, p < .01 and B = 7.22, t = 2.07, p < .01), 3) upward counterfactual reasoning did not moderate the association between IOC and gambling decision (p > .05), and 4) downward counterfactual reasoning negatively moderated the association between IOC and gambling decision (B = 07, t = 2.18, p < .05) such that the association was strong at a low level of downward counterfactual, but wane at high levels of downward counterfactual reasoning. The implication of these findings are that IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were risk factors and promote gambling behavior, while downward counterfactual reasoning protects individuals from gambling activities. Thus, it is concluded that downward counterfactual reasoning strategies should be included in gambling therapy and treatment packages as it could diminish feelings of both IOC and negative feelings of missed positive outcomes and the urge to gamble.

Keywords: counterfactual reasoning, gambling cognition, gambling decision, nigeria, youths

Procedia PDF Downloads 109
4552 Histological and Morphometric Studies of the Liver of Goats Aborted

Authors: Toumi Farah, Charallah Salima


In the Algerian Sahara, goat farming is predominant, and it’s associated with other types of breeding, particularly camel and sheep; it also constitutes a significant proportion of breeding exclusively goat. This Saharan goat is a small ruminant with a black dress with white’s spots, hanging ears, and a coat more or less long. It is known for its hardiness and resistance to adverse conditions of arid zones and its perfect ecophysiological adaptation to harsh environmental conditions. However, pregnancy alterations, particularly abortion, degrade its productivity and cause economic losses, having both direct and indirect effects on animal production, like the costs of veterinary interventions and the reconstitution of livestock. The purpose of this work is to study the histological aspect of the liver of goats’ aborted living under nomadic herds in the region of Béni-Abbès (30° 7' N, 2° 10 'O). The organs were collected in physiological serum, rinsed, and then fixed with formaldehyde (37°, diluted at 10%). After that, these samples were processed for a topographic study. The morphometric study of the liver was performed by using an image analysis and processing software "Image J"; the various measurements obtained are intended to specify the supposed stage of development according to the body weight. The histological structure of the liver shows that the hepatic parenchyma consists of vascular conjunctive spaces surrounded by Glisson’s capsule. The sinusoids and hepatic portal vein are full of red blood cells, representing sinusoidal congestion and a thrombosed vein. At high magnification, the blood vessels show the presence of vascular thrombosis and haemorrhage in some areas of the hepatic parenchyma. Morphometric analysis shows that the number of liver parenchymal cells and the diameter of liver vessels vary according to the stage of development. The results obtained will provide details of the anatomical and cellular elements that can be used in the diagnosis of early or late abortion and late embryonic death. It would be interesting to find, by immunohistochemistry, some inflammatory markers useful for monitoring the progress of pregnancy and bioindicators of fetomaternal distress.

Keywords: aborting goat, arid zone, liver, histopathology

Procedia PDF Downloads 100
4551 Evaluation of Antibody Titer Produced in Layer Chicken after Vaccination with an Experimental Ornitobacterium rhinotracheal Vaccine

Authors: Mohammad Javad Mehrabanpour, Mohammad Hosein Hosseini, Ali Shirazi, Dorsa Mehrabanpour


Respiratory infections are the most important diseases that affect poultry. Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale is a bacterium that causes respiratory infections including alveolar inflation and pneumonia in birds. The aim of this study was to evaluated antibody titer against Ornitobacterium rhinotracheal in layer chicken sera after vaccination with an experimental ORT vaccine that produced in Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute. Cultured bacteria were inactivated by formalin, and controlled tests were conducted on it. The obtained antigens were formulated using Montanide oil and were homogenized using homogenizer. Eighty SPF chickens were kept until the age of 14 days under existing standards for temperature, humidity, and light. At the age of 14 days, chickens were divided into 3 groups. The first group included 50 chickens injected with prepared ORT vaccine, the second group, as control group, included 15 chickens injected with sterile PBS to get stress of infection and the third group included 15 chickens with no injection performed to them. All 3 groups were kept in separate cages at same room. Blood samples were regularly taken from the chickens every week for serum separation and evaluation of antibody titer. During the fifth week post vaccination, booster vaccine was injected into the chickens of vaccinated group. The chickens were inspected every day in terms of mortality as well as any injection site reactions. Three weeks after the booster injection, blood samples were taken from all chickens of all groups, and sera were isolated. The sera of immunized (vaccinated) SPF chickens with ORT vaccine as well as that of SPF chickens in the control groups were reviewed according to the recommendations of ELISA kit manufacturer to examine the chicken’s humeral immune response to the studied vaccine. Potency, stability and sterility tests were also performed on the above mentioned vaccine. Results obtained indicate high antibody titer in sera of chickens vaccinated with experimental ORT vaccine as compared with the control groups that emphasize the ability of experimentally prepared ORT vaccine to stimulate humoral immune response of chicken. After the second injection, antibody titer increased and remained almost stable up to 9 weeks after the injection. ORT vaccine can cause potency in chickens and can protect them against disease.

Keywords: antibody, layer chicken, Ornithobactrium rhinotracitis, vaccine

Procedia PDF Downloads 418
4550 Acute Myeloid Leukemia Relapse in an a Rare form After Treating his Tuberculosis TB

Authors: Sheikha Turki Alketbi


Objectives: 1. Documenting the spontaneous resolution of AML following the initiation of anti-TB therapy. 2. Presenting an uncommon type of relapse in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 3. Highlighting the role of immune markers in the diagnosis of Leukemia cutis. 4. Exploring and highlighting the possibility of skin relapse as the exclusive manifestation, even when skin involvement is known secondary manifestation in AML. Background: Spontaneous remission of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a rare phenomenon that has only been reported in some case reports, usually following severe infections. Some studies have described the occurrence of tuberculosis (TB) infection with AML, usually after starting chemotherapy. Spontaneous resolution of AML after starting anti TB therapy (ATT), without starting chemotherapy has never been described in the literature. Moreover, Leukemia cutis is another rare skin manifestation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia as a result of infiltration of the skin or subcutaneous tissue by leukemic cells, in which can present during, precedes, after or independently of systemic leukemia. Methods: Here, we present a case of a 13-year-old male who presented with fever, weight loss, lethargy, epistaxis, bruising and dry cough and was later diagnosed with AML. Before initiating leukemia treatment, the patient was tested for TB and was found to have active TB infection. His leukemia treatment was postponed to clear the TB infection and he was commenced on ATT. Two months later, repeat blood film and bone marrow biopsy showed resolution of his AML. The patient remained in remission for 1 month, after which he presented with symmetrical blue purple well-defined round indurated plaques on the chest and thighs. Our differentials were leukemia cutis and Kaposi sarcoma. Results: Skin Biopsy with immune markers done, showed a picture of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed neoplastic cells diffusely and strongly positive for LCA, CD2, CD31, MPO, CD117, Lysozymes and TDT, and moderately positive for CD34, CD99, CD43 and CD6 And patchy for CD68. Ki67 showed 60% proliferation index. They were negative for the remaining markers. This suggested acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Conclusion: In summary, we present a rare case of TB with AML that resolved after treatment of TB with ATT but relapsed later as leukemia cutis. While skin involvement might occur as a secondary manifestation of AML, Skin relapse could be the only one.

Keywords: Leukemia cutis, Leukemia relapse, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, spontaneous resolution of AML

Procedia PDF Downloads 61
4549 Evaluation of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain

Authors: A. Ibovi Mouondayi, S. Zaher, R. Assadi, K. Erraoui, S. Sboul, J. Daoudim, S. Bousselham, K. Nassar, S. Janani


INTRODUCTION: Neuropathic pain (NP) caused by damage to the somatosensory nervous system has a significant impact on quality of life and is associated with a high economic burden on the individual and society. The treatment of neuropathic pain consists of the use of a wide range of therapeutic agents, including gabapentin, which is used in the treatment of neuropathic pain. OBJECTIF: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of gabapentin in the treatment of neuropathic pain. MATERIAL AND METHOD: This is a monocentric, cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective study conducted in our department over a period of 19 months from October 2020 to April 2022. The missing parameters were collected during phone calls of the patients concerned. The diagnostic tool adopted was the DN4 questionnaire in the dialectal Arabic version. The impact of NP was assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS) on pain, sleep, and function. The impact of PN on mood was assessed by the "Hospital anxiety, and depression scale HAD" score in the validated Arabic version. The exclusion criteria were patients followed up for depression and other psychiatric pathologies. RESULTS: A total of 67 patients' data were collected. The average age was 64 years (+/- 15 years), with extremes ranging from 26 years to 94 years. 58 women and 9 men with an M/F sex ratio of 0.15. Cervical radiculopathy was found in 21% of this population, and lumbosacral radiculopathy in 61%. Gabapentin was introduced in doses ranging from 300 to 1800 mg per day with an average dose of 864 mg (+/- 346) per day for an average duration of 12.6 months. Before treatment, 93% of patients had a non-restorative sleep quality (VAS>3). 54% of patients had a pain VAS greater than 5. The function was normal in only 9% of patients. The mean anxiety score was 3.25 (standard deviation: 2.70), and the mean HAD depression score was 3.79 (standard deviation: 1.79). After treatment, all patients had improved the quality of their sleep (p<0.0001). A significant difference was noted in pain VAS, function, as well as anxiety and depression, and HAD score. Gabapentin was stopped for side effects (dizziness and drowsiness) and/or unsatisfactory response. CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrate a favorable effect of gabapentin on the management of neuropathic pain with a significant difference before and after treatment on the quality of life of patients associated with an acceptable tolerance profile.

Keywords: neuropathic pain, chronic pain, treatment, gabapentin

Procedia PDF Downloads 95
4548 Yield and Physiological Evaluation of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Response to Biochar Applications

Authors: Alefsi D. Sanchez-Reinoso, Leonardo Lombardini, Hermann Restrepo


Colombian coffee is recognized worldwide for its mild flavor and aroma. Its cultivation generates a large amount of waste, such as fresh pulp, which leads to environmental, health, and economic problems. Obtaining biochar (BC) by pyrolysis of coffee pulp and its incorporation to the soil can be a complement to the crop mineral nutrition. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the application of BC obtained from coffee pulp on the physiology and agronomic performance of the Castillo variety coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.). The research was developed in field condition experiment, using a three-year-old commercial coffee crop, carried out in Tolima. Four doses of BC (0, 4, 8 and 16 t ha-1) and four levels of chemical fertilization (CF) (0%, 33%, 66% and 100% of the nutritional requirements) were evaluated. Three groups of variables were recorded during the experiment: i) physiological parameters such as Gas exchange, the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), biomass, and water status were measured; ii) physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in a commercial coffee crop, and iii) physiochemical and sensorial parameters of roasted beans and coffee beverages. The results indicated that a positive effect was found in plants with 8 t ha-1 BC and fertilization levels of 66 and 100%. Also, a positive effect was observed in coffee trees treated with 8 t ha-1 BC and 100%. In addition, the application of 16 t ha-1 BC increased the soil pHand microbial respiration; reduced the apparent density and state of aggregation of the soil compared to 0 t ha-1 BC. Applications of 8 and 16 t ha-1 BC and 66%-100% chemical fertilization registered greater sensitivity to the aromatic compounds of roasted coffee beans in the electronic nose. Amendments of BC between 8 and 16 t ha-1 and CF between 66% and 100% increased the content of total soluble solids (TSS), reduced the pH, and increased the titratable acidity in beverages of roasted coffee beans. In conclusion, 8 t ha-1 BC of the coffee pulp can be an alternative to supplement the nutrition of coffee seedlings and trees. Applications between 8 and 16 t ha-1 BC support coffee soil management strategies and help the use of solid waste. BC as a complement to chemical fertilization showed a positive effect on the aromatic profile obtained for roasted coffee beans and cup quality attributes.

Keywords: crop yield, cup quality, mineral nutrition, pyrolysis, soil amendment

Procedia PDF Downloads 111
4547 Identification of Bioactive Substances of Opuntia ficus-indica By-Products

Authors: N. Chougui, R. Larbat


The first economic importance of Opuntia ficus-indica relies on the production of edible fruits. This food transformation generates a large amount of by-products (seeds and peels) in addition to cladodes produced by the plant. Several studies showed the richness of these products with bioactive substances like phenolics that have potential applications. Indeed, phenolics have been associated with protection against oxidation and several biological activities responsible of different pathologies. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in identifying natural antioxidants from plants. This study falls within the framework of the industrial exploitation of by-products of the plant. The study aims to investigate the metabolic profile of three by-products (cladodes, peel seeds) regarding total phenolic content by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry approach (LC-MSn). The byproducts were first washed, crushed and stored at negative temperature. The total phenolic compounds were then extracted by aqueous-ethanolic solvent in order to be quantified and characterized by LC-MS. According to the results obtained, the peel extract was the richest in phenolic compounds (1512.58 mg GAE/100 g DM) followed by the cladode extract (629.23 GAE/100 g DM) and finally by the seed extract (88.82 GAE/100 g DM) which is mainly used for its oil. The LC-MS analysis revealed diversity in phenolics in the three extracts and allowed the identification of hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. The highest complexity was observed in the seed phenolic composition; more than twenty compounds were detected that belong to acids esters among which three feruloyl sucrose isomers. Sixteen compounds belonging to hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids were identified in the peel extract, whereas, only nine compounds were found in the cladode extract. It is interesting to highlight that the phenolic composition of the cladode extract was closer to that of the peel exact. However, from a quantitative viewpoint, the peel extract presented the highest amounts. Piscidic and eucomic acids were the two most concentrated molecules, corresponding to 271.3 and 121.6 mg GAE/ 100g DM respectively. The identified compounds were known to have high antioxidant and antiradical potential with the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation and to exhibit a wide range of biological and therapeutic properties. The findings highlight the importance of using the Opuntia ficus-indica by-products.

Keywords: characterization, LC-MSn analysis, Opuntia ficus-indica, phenolics

Procedia PDF Downloads 231
4546 Feature Selection Approach for the Classification of Hydraulic Leakages in Hydraulic Final Inspection using Machine Learning

Authors: Christian Neunzig, Simon Fahle, Jürgen Schulz, Matthias Möller, Bernd Kuhlenkötter


Manufacturing companies are facing global competition and enormous cost pressure. The use of machine learning applications can help reduce production costs and create added value. Predictive quality enables the securing of product quality through data-supported predictions using machine learning models as a basis for decisions on test results. Furthermore, machine learning methods are able to process large amounts of data, deal with unfavourable row-column ratios and detect dependencies between the covariates and the given target as well as assess the multidimensional influence of all input variables on the target. Real production data are often subject to highly fluctuating boundary conditions and unbalanced data sets. Changes in production data manifest themselves in trends, systematic shifts, and seasonal effects. Thus, Machine learning applications require intensive pre-processing and feature selection. Data preprocessing includes rule-based data cleaning, the application of dimensionality reduction techniques, and the identification of comparable data subsets. Within the used real data set of Bosch hydraulic valves, the comparability of the same production conditions in the production of hydraulic valves within certain time periods can be identified by applying the concept drift method. Furthermore, a classification model is developed to evaluate the feature importance in different subsets within the identified time periods. By selecting comparable and stable features, the number of features used can be significantly reduced without a strong decrease in predictive power. The use of cross-process production data along the value chain of hydraulic valves is a promising approach to predict the quality characteristics of workpieces. In this research, the ada boosting classifier is used to predict the leakage of hydraulic valves based on geometric gauge blocks from machining, mating data from the assembly, and hydraulic measurement data from end-of-line testing. In addition, the most suitable methods are selected and accurate quality predictions are achieved.

Keywords: classification, achine learning, predictive quality, feature selection

Procedia PDF Downloads 162
4545 The Effect of Different Parameters on a Single Invariant Lateral Displacement Distribution to Consider the Higher Modes Effect in a Displacement-Based Pushover Procedure

Authors: Mohamad Amin Amini, Mehdi Poursha


Nonlinear response history analysis (NL-RHA) is a robust analytical tool for estimating the seismic demands of structures responding in the inelastic range. However, because of its conceptual and numerical complications, the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) is being increasingly used as a suitable tool for seismic performance evaluation of structures. The conventional pushover analysis methods presented in various codes (FEMA 356; Eurocode-8; ATC-40), are limited to the first-mode-dominated structures, and cannot take higher modes effect into consideration. Therefore, since more than a decade ago, researchers developed enhanced pushover analysis procedures to take higher modes effect into account. The main objective of this study is to propose an enhanced invariant lateral displacement distribution to take higher modes effect into consideration in performing a displacement-based pushover analysis, whereby a set of laterally applied displacements, rather than forces, is monotonically applied to the structure. For this purpose, the effect of different parameters such as the spectral displacement of ground motion, the modal participation factor, and the effective modal participating mass ratio on the lateral displacement distribution is investigated to find the best distribution. The major simplification of this procedure is that the effect of higher modes is concentrated into a single invariant lateral load distribution. Therefore, only one pushover analysis is sufficient without any need to utilize a modal combination rule for combining the responses. The invariant lateral displacement distribution for pushover analysis is then calculated by combining the modal story displacements using the modal combination rules. The seismic demands resulting from the different procedures are compared to those from the more accurate nonlinear response history analysis (NL-RHA) as a benchmark solution. Two structures of different heights including 10 and 20-story special steel moment resisting frames (MRFs) were selected and evaluated. Twenty ground motion records were used to conduct the NL-RHA. The results show that more accurate responses can be obtained in comparison with the conventional lateral loads when the enhanced modal lateral displacement distributions are used.

Keywords: displacement-based pushover, enhanced lateral load distribution, higher modes effect, nonlinear response history analysis (NL-RHA)

Procedia PDF Downloads 281
4544 Transformation of Antitrust Policy against Collusion in Russia and Transition Economies

Authors: Andrey Makarov


This article will focus on the development of antitrust policy in transition economies in the context of preventing explicit and tacit collusion. Experience of BRICS, CIS (Ukraine, Kazakhstan) and CEE countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Estonia) in the creation of antitrust institutions was analyzed, including both legislation and enforcement practice. Most of these countries in the early 90th were forced to develop completely new legislation in the field of protection of competition and it is important to compare different ways of building antitrust institutions and policy results. The article proposes a special approach to evaluation of preventing collusion mechanisms. This approach takes into account such enforcement problems as: classification problems (tacit vs explicit collusion, vertical vs horizontal agreements), flexibility of prohibitions (the balance between “per se” vs “rule of reason” approaches de jure and in practice), design of sanctions, private enforcement challenge, leniency program mechanisms, the role of antitrust authorities etc. The analysis is conducted using both official data, published by competition authorities, and expert assessments. The paper will show how the integration process within the EU predetermined some aspects of the development of antitrust policy in CEE countries, including the trend of the use of "rule of reason" approach. Simultaneously was analyzed the experience of CEE countries in special mechanisms of government intervention. CIS countries in the development of antitrust policy followed more or less original ways, without such a great impact from the European Union, more attention will be given to Russian experience in this field, including the analysis of judicial decisions in antitrust cases. Main problems and challenges for transition economies in this field will be shown, including: Legal uncertainty problem; Problem of rigidity of prohibitions; Enforcement priorities of the regulator; Interaction of administrative and criminal law, limited effectiveness of criminal sanctions in the antitrust field; The effectiveness of leniency program design; Private enforcement challenge.

Keywords: collusion, antitrust policy, leniency program, transition economies, Russia, CEE

Procedia PDF Downloads 446
4543 Fluctuations in Motivational Strategies EFL Teachers Use in Virtual and In-Person Classes across Context

Authors: Sima Modirkhamene, Arezoo Khezri


The purpose of the present investigation was to probe the main motivational strategies Iranian school vs. institute teachers use in virtual and in-person classes to motivate students in learning the English language. Yet another purpose was to understand teachers’ perceptions about any modifications in their use of motivational strategies before and during/after the pandemic. For the purpose of this investigation, a total of 63 EFL teachers (35 female, 28 male) were conveniently sampled from schools and institutes in the cities of Mahabad and Sardasht. Moreover, for the interview phase of the study, 20 percent (n=16) of the sample was selected conveniently. The required data was gathered through a modified questionnaire (Cheng & Dornyei, 2007) consisting of 42 items and a set of semi-structured interviews. The outcomes of a set of non-parametric Mann-Whitney U tests demonstrated that presenting tasks properly in online classes and familiarizing learners with L2- related values in in-person classes came out as the most influential source of motivational strategies practiced by EFL school teachers. Additionally, it was found that proper teacher behavior(showing enthusiasm) in both in-person and virtual classes and presenting tasks properly in in-person classes were overwhelmingly endorsed by EFL institute teachers. The study also portrayed no statistically significant mean difference between school and institute EFL teachers’ overall use of motivational strategies in virtual and in-person classes. The interview results indicated that the strategies of designing tasks through technological aids, provision of videos, gamification techniques, assigning projects, and delivering formative online feedback were held in high regard during/after the pandemic due to the high reliance of teaching on the Internet connection. Meanwhile, the research has indicated that the spread of COVID-19 was the main reason for teachers’ modifications in motivational strategies, in response to the crisis of the pandemic, all educational contexts at all levels resorted to online education as a result their strategies were adapted to the new situation. The findings brought to light through this investigation provided initial evidence of the unintended consequences of the pandemic on teachers’ strategic choices. Therefore, to deliver a better education for the future, the study suggests more concentration on the quality of teaching as well as reframing the status quo of teaching .

Keywords: virtual teaching, motivational teaching strategies, teaching context, online education

Procedia PDF Downloads 57
4542 Rasagiline Improves Metabolic Function and Reduces Tissue Injury in the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal In-Vivo Advanced MRI Study

Authors: Omar Khan, Shana Krstevska, Edwin George, Veronica Gorden, Fen Bao, Christina Caon, NP-C, Carla Santiago, Imad Zak, Navid Seraji-Bozorgzad


Objective: To quantify cellular injury in the substantia nigra (SN) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and to examine the effect of rasagiline of tissue injury in the SN in patients with PD. Background: N-acetylaspartate (NAA) quantified with MRS is a reliable marker of neuronal metabolic function. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) obtained with DTI, characterize tissue alignment and integrity. Rasagline, has been shown to exert anti-apototic effect. We applied these advanced MRI techniques to examine: (i) the effect of rasagiline on cellular injury and metabolism in patients with early PD, and (ii) longitudinal changes seen over time in PD. Methods: We conducted a prospective longitudinal study in patients with mild PD, naive to dopaminergic treatment. The imaging protocol included multi-voxel proton-MRS and DTI of the SN, acquired on a 3T scanner. Scans were performed at baseline and month 3, during which the patient was on no treatment. At that point, rasagiline 1 mg orally daily was initiated and MRI scans are were obtained at 6 and 12 months after starting rasagiline. The primary objective was to compare changes during the 3-month period of “no treatment” to the changes observed “on treatment” with rasagiline at month 12. Age-matched healthy controls were also imaged. Image analysis was performed blinded to treatment allocation and period. Results: 25 patients were enrolled in this study. Compared to the period of “no treatment”, there was significant increase in the NAA “on treatment” period (-3.04 % vs +10.95 %, p= 0.0006). Compared to the period of “no treatment”, there was significant increase in following 12 month in the FA “on treatment” (-4.8% vs +15.3%, p<0.0001). The MD increased during “no treatment” and decreased in “on treatment” (+2.8% vs -7.5%, p=0.0056). Further analysis and clinical correlation are ongoing. Conclusions: Advanced MRI techniques quantifying cellular injury in the SN in PD is a feasible approach to investigate dopaminergic neuronal injury and could be developed as an outcome in exploratory studies. Rasagiline appears to have a stabilizing effect on dopaminergic cell loss and metabolism in the SN in PD, that warrants further investigation in long-term studies.

Keywords: substantia nigra, Parkinson's disease, MRI, neuronal loss, biomarker

Procedia PDF Downloads 318
4541 Global and Domestic Response to Boko Haram Terrorism on Cameroon 2014-2018

Authors: David Nchinda Keming


The present study is focused on both the national and international collective fight against Boko Haram terrorism on Cameroon and the rule played by the Lake Chad Basin Countries (LCBCs) and the global community to suffocate the sect’s activities in the region. Although countries of the Lake Chad Basin include: Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria and Niger others like Benin also joined the course. The justification for the internationalisation of the fight against Boko Haram could be explained by the ecological and international climatic importance of the Lake Chad and the danger posed by the sect not only to the Lake Chad member countries but to global armed, civil servants and the international political economy. The study, therefore, kick start with Cameroon’s reaction to Boko Haram’s terrorist attacks on its territory. It further expounds on Cameroon’s request on bilateral diplomacy from members of the UN Security Council for an international collective support to staple the winds of the challenging sect. The study relies on the hypothesis that Boko Haram advanced terrorism on Cameroon was more challenging to the domestic military intelligence thus forcing the government to seek for bilateral and multilateral international collective support to secure its territory from the powerful sect. This premise is tested internationally via (multilateral cooperation, bilateral response, regional cooperation) and domestically through (solidarity parade, religious discourse, political manifestations, war efforts, the vigilantes and the way forward). To accomplish our study, we made used of the mixed research methodologies to interpret the primary, secondary and tertiary sources consulted. Our results reveal that the collective response was effectively positive justified by the drastic drop in the sect’s operations in Cameroon and the whole LCBCs. Although the sect was incapacitated, terrorism remains an international malaise and Cameroon hosts a fertile ground for terrorists’ activism. Boko Haram was just weakened and not completely defeated and could reappear someday even under a different appellation. Therefore, to absolutely eradicate terrorism in general and Boko Haram in particular, LCBCs must improve their military intelligence on terrorism and continue to collaborate with advanced experienced countries in fighting terrorism.

Keywords: Boko Haram, terrorism, domestic, international, response

Procedia PDF Downloads 155
4540 The Impact of the Application of Blockchain Technology in Accounting and Auditing

Authors: Yusuf Adebayo Oduwole


The evaluation of blockchain technology's potential effects on the accounting and auditing fields is the main objective of this essay. It also adds to the existing body of work by examining how these practices alter technological concerns, including cryptocurrency accounting, regulation, governance, accounting practices, and technical challenges. Examples of this advancement include the growth of the concept of blockchain and its application in accounting. This technology is being considered one of the digital revolutions that could disrupt the world and civilization as it can transfer large volumes of virtual currencies like cryptocurrencies with the help of a third party. The basis for this research is a systematic review of the articles using Vosviewer to display and reflect on the bibliometric information of the articles accessible on the Scopus database. Also, as the practice of using blockchain technology in the field of accounting and auditing is still in its infancy, it may be useful to carry out a more thorough analysis of any implications for accounting and auditing regarding aspects of governance, regulation, and cryptocurrency that have not yet been discussed or addressed to any significant extent. The main findings on the relationship between blockchain and accounting show that the application of smart contracts, such as triple-entry accounting, has increased the quality of accounting records as well as reliance on the information available. This results in fewer cyclical assignments, no need for resolution, and real-time accounting, among others. Thereby, to integrate blockchain through a computer system, one must continuously learn and remain naive when using blockchain-integrated accounting software. This includes learning about how cryptocurrencies are accounted for and regulated. In this study, three original and contributed efforts are presented. To offer a transparent view of the state of previous relevant studies and research works in accounting and auditing that focus on blockchain, it begins by using bibliographic visibility analysis and a Scopus narrative analysis. Second, it highlights legislative, governance, and ethical concerns, such as education, where it tackles the use of blockchain in accounting and auditing. Lastly, it examines the impact of blockchain technologies on the accounting recognition of cryptocurrencies. Users of the technology should, therefore, take their time and learn how it works, as well as keep abreast of the different developments. In addition, the accounting industry must integrate blockchain certification and practice, most likely offline or as part of university education for those intending to become auditors or accountants.

Keywords: blockchain, crypto assets, governance, regulation & smart contracts

Procedia PDF Downloads 30
4539 Work-Related Risk Factors and Preventive Measures among Nurses and Dentists at Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine

Authors: Marwa Mamdouh Shaban, Nagat Saied Habib, Shireen Ezz El-Din Taha, Eman Mahmoud Seif El-Naser


Background: Dental nurses and dentists were constantly exposed to a number of specific work related health risk factors which develop and intensify with years. Awareness regarding these work-related health risk factors and implementation of preventive health care measures could provide a safe work environment for all dental nurses and dentists. Aim of the study: to assess the work-related health risk factors among dental nurses and dentists and preventive health care measures applied among dental nurses and dentists. Research design: A descriptive design was utilized. Sample: Convenience sample of 50 dental nurses and 150 dentists were included in the current study. Setting: This study was conducted at the dental clinics at faculty of oral and dental medicine, Al-Kasr Al Ainy Hospital. Tools of data collection: Three tools were developed, tested for clarity, and feasibility: a-Socio-demographic data sheet, b-Work-related health risk factors questionnaire, and c-structured observational checklist. Results: The most common work risk factors prevailing among dental nurses were emotional exhaustion (82%), low back pain (76%) and latex allergy (62%) and the most common work risk factors prevailing among dentists were percutaneous exposure incident (100%), emotional exhaustion (100%) and low back pain (93.3%). Also, statistically significant negative correlation (r=-0.274, at p = 0.045) between the incidence of chemical health risk factors and application of chemical preventive measures among dental nurses. A statistically significant negative correlation (r=-0.177, at p = 0.030) between the incidences of mechanical health risk factors among dentists and application of mechanical preventive measures. Conclusion: The studied dental nurses and dentists exposed to many work related health risk factors as latex allergy, percutaneous exposure incidents, low back pain and emotional exhaustion related to inappropriate application of preventive health care measures. Recommendation: Raise awareness of dental nurses and dentists about work-related health risk factors, design and implement health education program for preventive health care measures.

Keywords: work-related risk factors, preventive measures, nurses, dentists

Procedia PDF Downloads 402
4538 The Effect of Surgical Intervention on Pediatric and Adolescent Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Authors: Ching-Yi Yiu, Hui-Chen Hsu


Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a popular problem in the modern society. It usually leads to sleep disorder, excessive daytime sleepiness and associated with cardiovascular diseases, cognitive dysfunction and even death. The nonsurgical therapies include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), diet and oral appliances. The surgical approaches have nasal surgery, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and transoral robotic surgery (TORS).We compare the impact of surgical treatments on these kinds of patients. Methods: Between January 2018 to September 2022, We have enrolled 125 OSAS patients including 82 male and 43 female in Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan. The age distribution from 6 to 71 years old (y/o) with mean age 36.1 y/o. The averaged body mass index (BMI) is 25 kg/m2 in male and 25.5 kg/m2 in female. In this cohort, we evaluated their upper airway obstruction sites with nasopharyngoscopy and scheduled a planned surgery. Some of cases received polysomnography (PSG) preoperatively, the averaged apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is 37.7 events/hour. We have 68 patients received tonsillectomy, 9 received UPPP, 42 received UPPP and septomeatoplasty (SMP) and 6 received adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy (A and T). The subjective daytime sleepiness was evaluated with the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). Results: In the 68 tonsillectomy group, the averaged BMI is 24.9 kg/m2. In the UPPP group, the averaged BMI is 28.9 kg/m2. In UPPP and SMP group, the averaged BMI is 27.9 kg/m2. In the A and T group, the averaged BMI is 17.2 kg/m2. The reduction of AHI less than 20 is 58% postoperatively. The ESS reduced from 10.9 to 4.9 after surgery. Conclusion: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a common upper airway disturbance in the general population. The prevalence rate is ranging high depending on different regions, age, sex and race. It leads to severe morbidity and mortality including car accident, stroke, nocturnal desaand sudden death and should be considered to be a major public health problem. The CPAP is effective to improve daytime sleepiness but the long-term compliance is low. The surgical treatment with different modalities can produce 50% decrease in AHI and ESS after surgery in the 6 to 12 months short-term period.

Keywords: apnea-hypopnea index, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, polysomnography, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

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