Search results for: delivery ratio
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 6445

Search results for: delivery ratio

3145 Influence of ABCB1 2677G > T Single Nucleotide Polymorphism on Warfarin Maintenance Therapy among Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valve

Authors: M. G. Gopisankar, A. Surendiran, M. Hemachandren


The dose requirement of warfarin to achieve target INR range varies in patients with prosthetic heart valve. This variation in is affected by both genetic and non-genetic factors. Earlier studies have identified role of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms on warfarin dose requirement. Warfarin being a substrate for drug transporter, P-glycoprotein coded by ABCB1 gene, may also be influenced by its genetic polymorphisms. This study was aimed to study the effect of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), ABCB1 2677G > T on warfarin maintenance dose requirement in patients with steady-state International Normalized Ratio (INR). The median dose requirement was significantly different between the genotype groups GG vs. GT (35 ± 20; 42.5 ± 18, p < 0.05), GG vs. TT (35 ± 20; 41.25 ± 25, p<0.05). There was no significant difference between GT vs. TT. In conclusion, patients with variant allele require a higher weekly maintenance dose of warfarin compared to patients without variant allele.

Keywords: warfarin pharamcogenetics, pharmacogenomics of warfarin, ABCB1 and warfarin, pglycoprotein and warfarin

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3144 Etude 3D Quantum Numerical Simulation of Performance in the HEMT

Authors: A. Boursali, A. Guen-Bouazza


We present a simulation of a HEMT (high electron mobility transistor) structure with and without a field plate. We extract the device characteristics through the analysis of DC, AC and high frequency regimes, as shown in this paper. This work demonstrates the optimal device with a gate length of 15 nm, InAlN/GaN heterostructure and field plate structure, making it superior to modern HEMTs when compared with otherwise equivalent devices. This improves the ability to bear the burden of the current density passes in the channel. We have demonstrated an excellent current density, as high as 2.05 A/m, a peak extrinsic transconductance of 0.59S/m at VDS=2 V, and cutting frequency cutoffs of 638 GHz in the first HEMT and 463 GHz for Field plate HEMT., maximum frequency of 1.7 THz, maximum efficiency of 73%, maximum breakdown voltage of 400 V, leakage current density IFuite=1 x 10-26 A, DIBL=33.52 mV/V and an ON/OFF current density ratio higher than 1 x 1010. These values were determined through the simulation by deriving genetic and Monte Carlo algorithms that optimize the design and the future of this technology.

Keywords: HEMT, silvaco, field plate, genetic algorithm, quantum

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3143 Scheduling Jobs with Stochastic Processing Times or Due Dates on a Server to Minimize the Number of Tardy Jobs

Authors: H. M. Soroush


The problem of scheduling products and services for on-time deliveries is of paramount importance in today’s competitive environments. It arises in many manufacturing and service organizations where it is desirable to complete jobs (products or services) with different weights (penalties) on or before their due dates. In such environments, schedules should frequently decide whether to schedule a job based on its processing time, due-date, and the penalty for tardy delivery to improve the system performance. For example, it is common to measure the weighted number of late jobs or the percentage of on-time shipments to evaluate the performance of a semiconductor production facility or an automobile assembly line. In this paper, we address the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a server where processing times or due-dates of jobs are random variables and fixed weights (penalties) are imposed on the jobs’ late deliveries. The goal is to find the schedule that minimizes the expected weighted number of tardy jobs. The problem is NP-hard to solve; however, we explore three scenarios of the problem wherein: (i) both processing times and due-dates are stochastic; (ii) processing times are stochastic and due-dates are deterministic; and (iii) processing times are deterministic and due-dates are stochastic. We prove that special cases of these scenarios are solvable optimally in polynomial time, and introduce efficient heuristic methods for the general cases. Our computational results show that the heuristics perform well in yielding either optimal or near optimal sequences. The results also demonstrate that the stochasticity of processing times or due-dates can affect scheduling decisions. Moreover, the proposed problem is general in the sense that its special cases reduce to some new and some classical stochastic single machine models.

Keywords: number of late jobs, scheduling, single server, stochastic

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3142 Direct Conversion of Crude Oils into Petrochemicals under High Severity Conditions

Authors: Anaam H. Al-ShaikhAli, Mansour A. Al-Herz


The research leverages the proven HS-FCC technology to directly crack crude oils into petrochemical building blocks. Crude oils were subjected to an optimized hydro-processing process where metal contaminants and sulfur were reduced to an acceptable level for feeding the crudes into the HS-FCC technology. The hydro-processing is achieved through a fixed-bed reactor which is composed of 3 layers of catalysts. The crude oil is passed through a dementalization catalyst followed by a desulfurization catalyst and finally a de-aromatization catalyst. The hydroprocessing was conducted at an optimized liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV), temperature, and pressure for an optimal reduction of metals and sulfur from the crudes. The hydro-processed crudes were then fed into a micro activity testing (MAT) unit to simulate the HS-FCC technology. The catalytic cracking of crude oils was conducted over tailored catalyst formulations under an optimized catalyst/oil ratio and cracking temperature for optimal production of total light olefins.

Keywords: petrochemical, catalytic cracking, catalyst synthesis, HS-FCC technology

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3141 Analysis of Electromechanical Torsional Vibration in Large-Power AC Drive System Based on Virtual Inertia Control

Authors: Jin Wang, Chunyi Zhu, Chongjian Li, Dapeng Zheng


A method based on virtual inertia for suppressing electromechanical torsional vibration of a large-power AC drive system is presented in this paper. The main drive system of the rolling mill is the research object, and a two-inertia elastic model is established to study the mechanism of electromechanical torsional vibration. The improvement is made based on the control of the load observer. The virtual inertia control ratio K is added to the speed forward channel, and the feedback loop adds 1-K to design virtual inertia control. The control method combines the advantages of the positive and negative feedback control of the load observer, can achieve the purpose of controlling the moment of inertia of the motor from the perspective of electrical control, and effectively suppress oscillation.

Keywords: electromechanical torsional vibration, large-power AC drive system, load observer, simulation design

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3140 Influence of Major Axis on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Elliptical Section

Authors: K. B. Rajasekarababu, J. Karthik, G. Vinayagamurthy


This paper is intended to explain the influence of major axis on aerodynamic characteristics of elliptical section. Many engineering applications such as off shore structures, bridge piers, civil structures and pipelines can be modelled as a circular cylinder but flow over complex bodies like, submarines, Elliptical wing, fuselage, missiles, and rotor blades, in which the parameters such as axis ratio can influence the flow characteristics of the wake and nature of separation. Influence of Major axis in Flow characteristics of elliptical sections are examined both experimentally and computationally in this study. For this research, four elliptical models with varying major axis [*AR=1, 4, 6, 10] are analysed. Experimental works have been conducted in a subsonic wind tunnel. Furthermore, flow characteristics on elliptical model are predicted from k-ε turbulence model using the commercial CFD packages by pressure based transient solver with Standard wall conditions.The analysis can be extended to estimation and comparison of Drag coefficient and Fatigue analysis of elliptical sections.

Keywords: elliptical section, major axis, aerodynamic characteristics, k-ε turbulence model

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3139 Strengthening Governance in Public Administration: The Strategic Role of Internal Auditing in Enhancing Accountability and Transparency

Authors: Iulian Clain


In contemporary public administration, the demand for greater accountability, transparency, and efficient governance has intensified, particularly in the face of increasing public scrutiny and fiscal constraints. Internal auditing has emerged as a vital tool in strengthening governance structures, enhancing the effectiveness of public sector institutions, and ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks. This paper examines the evolving role of internal auditing within public administration, with an emphasis on risk management, regulatory compliance, and fraud prevention. Building on institutional theory and risk management frameworks, this study explores how internal audits contribute to identifying operational inefficiencies, minimizing financial irregularities, and promoting ethical governance practices. Through case studies and comparative analysis of auditing practices across OECD nations, this research provides insights into how strategic internal audits can be harnessed to reinforce public sector governance, thereby improving the delivery of public services. The paper argues that the integration of internal audit findings into decision-making processes enhances not only financial accountability but also policy outcomes, fostering greater public trust in government institutions. Key recommendations are presented on how public institutions can further integrate internal auditing processes to enhance governance outcomes, focusing on best practices for institutionalizing audit functions within public sector governance frameworks. These findings are particularly relevant for policymakers, audit professionals, and public administration leaders striving to achieve better governance, operational efficiency, and integrity in the public sector.

Keywords: internal auditing role, public administration sciences, public administration audit, internal auditing in universities

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3138 Experimental Performance of Vertical Diffusion Stills Utilizing Folded Sheets for Water Desalination

Authors: M. Mortada, A. Seleem, M. El-Morsi, M. Younan


The present study introduces the folding technology to be utilized for the first time in vertical diffusion stills. This work represents a model of the distillation process by utilizing chevron pattern of folded structure. An experimental setup has been constructed, to investigate the performance of the folded sheets in the vertical effect diffusion still for a specific range of operating conditions. An experimental comparison between the folded type and the flat type sheets has been carried out. The folded pattern showed a higher performance and there is an increase in the condensate to feed ratio that ranges from 20-30 % through the operating hot plate temperature that ranges through 60-90°C. In addition, a parametric analysis of the system using Design of Experiments statistical technique, has been developed using the experimental results to determine the effect of operating conditions on the system's performance and the best operating conditions of the system has been evaluated.

Keywords: chevron pattern, fold structure, solar distillation, vertical diffusion still

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3137 The Effects of Supportive Care Interventions with Psychotherapeutic and Exercise Approaches on Depressive Symptoms Among Patients with Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

Authors: Chia-Chen Hsieh, Fei-Hsiu Hsiao


Objective: To examine the effects of supportive care interventions on depressive symptoms in patients with lung cancer. Methods: The databases of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Ovid EMBASE, PubMed, and Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) were searched from their inception until September 2015. We included the studies with randomized controlled trial design that compared standard care with supportive care interventions using psychotherapeutic or exercises approach. The standardized mean differences (SMD) (Cohen’s d) were calculated to estimate the treatment effects. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool was used for quality assessment and subgroup analysis was conducted to identify possible sources of heterogeneity. Results: A total of 1472 patients with lung cancer were identified. Compared with standard care, the overall effects of all supportive care interventions significantly reduced depressive symptoms (SMD = -0.74 with 95% CI = -1.07 to -0.41), and the effect was maintained at the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks of follow-up. Either psychotherapy combined with psychoeducation or exercise alone produced significant improvements in depressive symptoms, while psychoeducation alone did not. The greater improvements in depressive symptoms occurred in lung cancer patients with severe depressive symptoms at baseline, total duration of interventions of less than ten weeks, and intervention provided through face-to-face delivery. Conclusions: Psychotherapy combined with psychoeducation can help patients manage the causes of depressive symptoms, including both symptom distress and psychological trauma due to lung cancer. Exercise can target the impaired respiratory function that is a cause of depressive symptoms in lung cancer patients.

Keywords: supportive care intervention, depressive symptoms, lung cancer, meta-analysis

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3136 Confinement of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Beams Using U-Links

Authors: Madiha Z. Ammari, Abdul Qader AlNajmi


A new system of U-links was used in this study to confine the concrete core in concrete-filled steel beams. This system aims to employ the separation expected between the steel tube and the concrete core in the compression side of the section in the plastic hinge zone. A total of six rectangular CFT beam specimens were tested under flexure using different D/t ratios and different diameters for the U-links to examine their effect on the flexural behavior of these beams. The ultimate flexural strength of the CFT beam specimens with U-links showed an increase of strength about 47% of the specimen with D/t ratio equals 37.5 above standard CFT beam specimen without U-links inside. State of concrete inside the tubes has shown no crushing of concrete when those beams were cut open at the location of the plastic hinge. Strain measurements revealed that the compressive strain of concrete was 5-6 times the concrete crushing strain.

Keywords: concrete-filled tubes, U-links, plated studies, beams, flexural strength, concrete, confinement

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3135 Influence of Geometrical Parameters of a Wind Turbine on the Optimal Tip-Speed Ratio

Authors: Zdzislaw Piotr Kaminski, Miroslaw Wendeker, Zbigniew Czyz


The paper describes the geometric model, calculation algorithm and results of the CFD simulation of the airflow around a rotor in the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) with the ANSYS Fluent computational solver. The CFD method enables creating aerodynamic characteristics of forces acting on rotor working surfaces and determining parameters such as torque or power generated by the rotor assembly. The object of the research was a rotor whose construction is based on patent no.PL219985. The conducted tests enabled a mathematical model with a description of the generation of aerodynamic forces acting on each rotor blade. Additionally, this model was compared to the results of the wind tunnel tests. The analysis also focused on the influence of the blade angle on turbine power and the TSR. The research has shown that the turbine blade angle has a significant impact on the optimal value of the TSR.

Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, renewable energy, wind turbine

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3134 Falling and Rising of Solid Particles in Thermally Stratified Fluid

Authors: Govind Sharma, Bahni Ray


Ubiquitous nature of particle settling is governed by the presence of the surrounding fluid medium. Thermally stratified fluid alters the settling phenomenon of particles as well as their interactions. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is carried out with an open-source library Immersed Boundary Adaptive Mesh Refinement (IBAMR) to quantify the fundamental mechanism based on Distributed Lagrangian Multiplier (DLM). The presence of background density gradient due to thermal stratification replaces the drafting-kissing-tumbling in a homogeneous fluid to drafting-kissing-separation behavior. Simulations are performed with a varying range of particle-fluid density ratios, and it is shown that the stratification effect on particle interactions varies with density ratio. It is observed that the combined role of buoyancy and inertia govern the physical mechanism of particle-particle interaction.

Keywords: direct numerical simulation, distributed lagrangian multiplier, rigidity constraint, sedimentation, stratification

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3133 Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strips

Authors: Ruqaya H. Aljabery


Reinforced Concrete (RC) deep beams are one of the main critical structural elements in terms of safety since significant loads are carried in a short span. The shear capacity of these sections cannot be predicted accurately by the current design codes like ACI and EC2; thus, they must be investigated. In this research, non-linear behavior of RC deep beams strengthened in shear with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) strips, and the efficiency of FRP in terms of enhancing the shear capacity in RC deep beams are examined using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), which is conducted using the software ABAQUS. The effect of several parameters on the shear capacity of the RC deep beam are studied in this paper as well including the effect of the cross-sectional area of the FRP strip and the shear reinforcement area to the spacing ratio (As/S), and it was found that FRP enhances the shear capacity significantly and can be a substitution of steel stirrups resulting in a more economical design.

Keywords: Abaqus, concrete, deep beam, finite element analysis, FRP, shear strengthening, strut-and-tie

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3132 Influence of Different Rhizome Sizes and Operational Speed on the Field Capacity and Efficiency of a Three–Row Turmeric Rhizome Planter

Authors: Muogbo Chukwudi Peter, Gbabo Agidi


Influence of different turmeric rhizome sizes and machine operational speed on the field capacity and efficiency of a developed prototype tractor-drawn turmeric planter was studied. This was done with a view to ascertaining how the field capacity and field efficiency were affected by the turmeric rhizome lengths and tractor operational speed. The turmeric rhizome planter consists of trapezoidal hopper, grooved cylindrical metering devise, rectangular frame, ground wheels made of mild steel, furrow opener, chain/sprocket drive system, three linkage point seed delivery tube and press wheel. The experiment was randomized in a factorial design of three levels of rhizome lengths (30, 45 and 60 mm) and operational speeds of 8, 10, and 12 kmh-1. About 3 kg cleaned turmeric rhizomes were introduced into each hopper of the planter and were planted 30 m2 of experimental plot. During the field evaluation of the planter, the effective field capacity, field efficiency, missing index, multiple index and percentage rhizome bruise were evaluated. 30.08% was recorded for maximum percentage bruise on the rhizome. The mean effective field capacity ranged between 0.63 – 0.96hah-1 at operational speeds of 8 and 12kmh-1 respectively and 45 mm rhizome length. The result also shows that the mean efficiency was obtained to be 65.8%. The percentage rhizome bruise decreases with increase in operational speed. The highest and lowest percentage turmeric rhizome miss index of 35% were recorded for turmeric rhizome length of 30 mm at a speed of 10 kmhr-1 and 8 kmhr-1, respectively. The potential implications of the experimental result is to determine the optimal machine process conditions for higher field capacity and gross reduction in mechanical injury (bruise) of planted turmeric rhizomes.

Keywords: rhizome sizes, operational speed, field capacity. field efficiency, turmeric rhizome, planter

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3131 Divalent Iron Oxidative Process for Degradation of Carbon and Nitrogen Based Pollutants from Dye Intermediate Industrial Wastewater

Authors: Nibedita Pani, Vishnu Tejani, T. S. Anantha Singh


Water pollution resulting from discharge of partial/not treated textile wastewater containing high carbon and nitrogen pollutants pose a huge threat to the environment, ecosystem, and human health. It is essential to remove carbon- and nitrogen-based organic pollutants more effectively from industrial wastewater before discharging. The present study focuses on removal of carbon-based pollutant in particular COD (chemical oxygen demand) and nitrogen-based pollutants, in particular, ammoniacal nitrogen by Fenton oxidation process using Fe²⁺ and H₂O₂ as reagents. The study was carried out with high strength wastewater containing initial COD 5632 mg/L and NH⁴⁺-N 1372 mg/L. The major operating condition like pH was varied between 1.0 to 4.0. The maximum degradation was obtained at pH 3.0 taking the molar ratio of Fe²⁺/H₂O₂ as 1:1. At this pH, the removal efficiencies of COD and ammoniacal nitrogen were found to be 77.27% and 74.9%, respectively. The Fenton process can be the best alternative for the simultaneous removal of COD and NH4+-N from industrial wastewater.

Keywords: ammoniacal nitrogen, COD, Fenton oxidation, industrial wastewater

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3130 The Impact of Blended Learning on Developing the students' Writing Skills and the Perception of Instructors and Students: Hawassa University in Focus

Authors: Mulu G. Gencha, Gebremedhin Simon, Menna Olango


This study was conducted at Hawassa University (HwU) in the Southern Nation Nationalities Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia. The prime concern of this study was to examine the writing performances of experimental and control group students, perception of experimental group students, and subject instructors. The course was blended learning (BL). Blended learning is a hybrid of classroom and on-line learning. Participants were eighty students from the School of Computer Science. Forty students attended the BL delivery involved using Face-to-Face (FTF) and campus-based online instruction. All instructors, fifty, of School of Language and Communication Studies along with 10 FGD members participated in the study. The experimental group went to the computer lab two times a week for four months, March-June, 2012, using the local area network (LAN), and software (MOODLE) writing program. On the other hand, the control group, forty students, took the FTF writing course five times a week for four months in similar academic calendar. The three instruments, the attitude questionnaire, tests and FGD were designed to identify views of students, instructors, and FGD participants on BL. At the end of the study, students’ final course scores were evaluated. Data were analyzed using independent samples t-tests. A statistically, significant difference was found between the FTF and BL (p<0.05). The analysis showed that the BL group was more successful than the conventional group. Besides, both instructors and students had positive attitude towards BL. The final section of the thesis showed the potential benefits and challenges, considering the pedagogical implications for the BL, and recommended possible avenues for further works.

Keywords: blended learning, computer attitudes, computer usefulness, computer liking, computer confidence, computer phobia

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3129 Research of the Three-Dimensional Visualization Geological Modeling of Mine Based on Surpac

Authors: Honggang Qu, Yong Xu, Rongmei Liu, Zhenji Gao, Bin Wang


Today's mining industry is advancing gradually toward digital and visual direction. The three-dimensional visualization geological modeling of mine is the digital characterization of mineral deposits and is one of the key technology of digital mining. Three-dimensional geological modeling is a technology that combines geological spatial information management, geological interpretation, geological spatial analysis and prediction, geostatistical analysis, entity content analysis and graphic visualization in a three-dimensional environment with computer technology and is used in geological analysis. In this paper, the three-dimensional geological modeling of an iron mine through the use of Surpac is constructed, and the weight difference of the estimation methods between the distance power inverse ratio method and ordinary kriging is studied, and the ore body volume and reserves are simulated and calculated by using these two methods. Compared with the actual mine reserves, its result is relatively accurate, so it provides scientific bases for mine resource assessment, reserve calculation, mining design and so on.

Keywords: three-dimensional geological modeling, geological database, geostatistics, block model

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3128 Design and Simulation of Step Structure RF MEMS Switch for K Band Applications

Authors: G. K. S. Prakash, Rao K. Srinivasa


MEMS plays an important role in wide range of applications like biological, automobiles, military and communication engineering. This paper mainly investigates on capacitive shunt RF MEMS switch with low actuation voltage and low insertion losses. To trim the pull-in voltage, a step structure has introduced to trim air gap between the beam and the dielectric layer with that pull in voltage is trim to 2.9 V. The switching time of the proposed switch is 39.1μs, and capacitance ratio is 67. To get more isolation, we have used aluminum nitride as dielectric material instead of silicon nitride (Si₃N₄) and silicon dioxide (SiO₂) because aluminum nitride has high dielectric constant (εᵣ = 9.5) increases the OFF capacitance and eventually increases the isolation of the switch. The results show that the switch is ON state involves return loss (S₁₁) less than -25 dB up to 40 GHz and insertion loss (S₂₁) is more than -1 dB up to 35 GHz. In OFF state switch shows maximum isolation (S₂₁) of -38 dB occurs at a frequency of 25-27 GHz for K band applications.

Keywords: RF MEMS, actuation voltage, isolation loss, switches

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3127 Image Compression Based on Regression SVM and Biorthogonal Wavelets

Authors: Zikiou Nadia, Lahdir Mourad, Ameur Soltane


In this paper, we propose an effective method for image compression based on SVM Regression (SVR), with three different kernels, and biorthogonal 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform. SVM regression could learn dependency from training data and compressed using fewer training points (support vectors) to represent the original data and eliminate the redundancy. Biorthogonal wavelet has been used to transform the image and the coefficients acquired are then trained with different kernels SVM (Gaussian, Polynomial, and Linear). Run-length and Arithmetic coders are used to encode the support vectors and its corresponding weights, obtained from the SVM regression. The peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) and their compression ratios of several test images, compressed with our algorithm, with different kernels are presented. Compared with other kernels, Gaussian kernel achieves better image quality. Experimental results show that the compression performance of our method gains much improvement.

Keywords: image compression, 2D discrete wavelet transform (DWT-2D), support vector regression (SVR), SVM Kernels, run-length, arithmetic coding

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3126 Optimization of Machining Parameters in AlSi/10%AlN Metal Matrix Composite Material by TiN Coating Insert

Authors: Nurul Na'imy Wan, Mohamad Sazali Said, Jaharah Ab. Ghani, Rusli Othman


This paper presents the surface roughness of the aluminium silicon alloy (AlSi) matrix composite which has been reinforced with aluminium nitride (AlN). Experiments were conducted at various cutting speeds, feed rates, and depths of cut, according to a standard orthogonal array L27 of Taguchi method using TiN coating tool of insert. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and analysis of variance are applied to study the characteristic performance of cutting speeds, feed rates and depths of cut in measuring the surface roughness during the milling operation. The surface roughness was observed using Mitutoyo Formtracer CS-500 and analyzed using the Taguchi method. From the Taguchi analysis, it was found that cutting speed of 230 m/min, feed rate of 0.4 mm/tooth, depth of cut of 0.3 mm were the optimum machining parameters using TiN coating insert.

Keywords: AlSi/AlN metal matrix composite (MMC), surface roughness, Taguchi method, machining parameters

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3125 3D Quantum Simulation of a HEMT Device Performance

Authors: Z. Kourdi, B. Bouazza, M. Khaouani, A. Guen-Bouazza, Z. Djennati, A. Boursali


We present a simulation of a HEMT (high electron mobility transistor) structure with and without a field plate. We extract the device characteristics through the analysis of DC, AC and high frequency regimes, as shown in this paper. This work demonstrates the optimal device with a gate length of 15 nm, InAlN/GaN heterostructure and field plate structure, making it superior to modern HEMTs when compared with otherwise equivalent devices. This improves the ability to bear the burden of the current density passes in the channel. We have demonstrated an excellent current density, as high as 2.05 A/mm, a peak extrinsic transconductance of 590 mS/mm at VDS=2 V, and cutting frequency cutoffs of 638 GHz in the first HEMT and 463 GHz for Field plate HEMT., maximum frequency of 1.7 THz, maximum efficiency of 73%, maximum breakdown voltage of 400 V, DIBL=33.52 mV/V and an ON/OFF current density ratio higher than 1 x 1010. These values were determined through the simulation by deriving genetic and Monte Carlo algorithms that optimize the design and the future of this technology.

Keywords: HEMT, Silvaco, field plate, genetic algorithm, quantum

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3124 Analysis of Organizational Hybrid Agile Methods Environments: Frameworks, Benefits, and Challenges

Authors: Majid Alsubaie, Hamed Sarbazhosseini


Many working environments have experienced increased uncertainty due to the fast-moving and unpredictable world. IT systems development projects, in particular, face several challenges because of their rapidly changing environments and emerging technologies. Information technology organizations within these contexts adapt systems development methodology and new software approaches to address this issue. One of these methodologies is the Agile method, which has gained huge attention in recent years. However, due to failure rates in IT projects, there is an increasing demand for the use of hybrid Agile methods among organizations. The scarce research in the area means that organizations do not have solid evidence-based knowledge for the use of hybrid Agile. This research was designed to provide further insights into the development of hybrid Agile methods within systems development projects, including how frameworks and processes are used and what benefits and challenges are gained and faced as a result of hybrid Agile methods. This paper presents how three organizations (two government and one private) use hybrid Agile methods in their Agile environments. The data was collected through interviews and a review of relevant documents. The results indicate that these organizations do not predominantly use pure Agile. Instead, they are waterfall organizations by virtue of systems nature and complexity, and Agile is used underneath as the delivery model. Prince2 Agile framework, SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban were the identified models and frameworks followed. This study also found that customer satisfaction and the ability to build quickly are the most frequently perceived benefits of using hybrid Agile methods. In addition, team resistance and scope changes are the common challenges identified by research participants in their working environments. The findings can help to understand Agile environmental conditions and projects that can help get better success rates and customer satisfaction.

Keywords: agile, hybrid, IT systems, management, success rate, technology

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3123 Persian Pistachio Nut (Pistacia vera L.) Dehydration in Natural and Industrial Conditions

Authors: Hamid Tavakolipour, Mohsen Mokhtarian, Ahmad Kalbasi Ashtari


In this study, the effect of various drying methods (sun drying, shade drying and industrial drying) on final moisture content, shell splitting degree, shrinkage and color change were studied. Sun drying resulted higher degree of pistachio nuts shell splitting on pistachio nuts relative other drying methods. The ANOVA results showed that the different drying methods did not significantly effects on color change of dried pistachio nut. The results illustrated that pistachio nut dried by industrial drying had the lowest moisture content. After the end of drying process, initially, the experimental drying data were fitted with five famous drying models namely Newton, Page, Silva et al., Peleg and Henderson and Pabis. The results indicated that Peleg and Page models gave better results compared with other models to monitor the moisture ratio’s pistachio nut in industrial drying and open sun (or shade drying) methods, respectively.

Keywords: industrial drying, pistachio, quality properties, traditional drying

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3122 Importance of Field Hospitals in Trauma Management: An Experience from Nepal Earthquake

Authors: Krishna Gopal Lageju


On 25th April 2015, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Gorkha district of Nepal, which resulted over 8,790 deaths and 22,300 injuries. In addition, almost one-third of the country’s healthcare service has been disrupted. A total of 1,211 health facilities became non-operational, due to 446 completely and other 765 partially damaged. Nearly 84 percent (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are in the 14 most affected districts. As a result, the ability of health facilities to respond to health care needs has been harshly affected. In addition, 18 health workers lost their lives and 75 are injured, which added further challenges in the delivery of health services. Thus, to address the immediate health needs in the most devastated areas, Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) in coordination with IFRC and Nepal Government, 8 Field hospitals established with surgical capacities, where around 492 international Emergency Response Units (ERUs) Members are mobilized for 3 months period. More than 54,000 patients have been treated in the Red Cross operated field hospitals. Trauma cases accounted 9,180 (17%) of the total patients off which 1,285 (14%) are major surgical cases. Most of the case loads 44,830 (83%) are outpatients and 9,180 patients got inpatients service. Similarly, 112 births have been performed in the field hospitals. Inpatient mortality rate remained 1.5% (21 deaths), many of them are presented with critical injuries or illnesses. No outbreak has been seen during the ERU operation. Deployment of ERUs together with national health workers are very important to address the immediate health needs of the affected communities. This will ease for transition and handover of emergency service and equipments to local provider. Likewise, capacity building of local staff as on the job training on various clinical teachings would be another important issue to look at before phasing out such services.

Keywords: trauma management, critical injuries, earthquake, health

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3121 A Novel Stress Instability Workability Criteria for Internal Ductile Failure in Steel Cold Heading Process

Authors: Amar Sabih, James Nemes


The occurrence of internal ductile failure within the Adiabatic Shear Band (ASB) in cold-headed products presents a significant barrier in the fast-expanding cold-heading (CH) industry. The presence of internal ductile failure in cold-headed products may lead to catastrophic fracture under tensile loads despite the ductile nature of the material causing expensive industrial recalls. Therefore, this paper presents a workability criterion that uses stress instability as an indicator to accurately reveal the locus of initiation of internal ductile failures. The concept of the instability criterion is to use the stress ratio at failure as a weighting function to indicate the initiation of ductile failure inside the ASBs. This paper presents a comprehensive experimental, metallurgical, and finite element simulation study to calculate the material constants used in this criterion.

Keywords: adiabatic shear band, workability criterion, ductile failure, stress instability

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3120 Chrysin-Loaded PLGA-PEG Nanoparticles Designed for Enhanced Inhibitory Effect on the Breast Cancer Cell Line

Authors: Faraz Zarghami, Elham Anari, Nosratollah Zarghami, Yones Pilehvar-Soltanahmadi, Abolfazl Akbarzadeh, Sepideh Jalilzadeh-Tabrizi


The development of nanotherapy has presented a new method of drug delivery targeted directly to the neoplasmic tissues, to maximize the action with fewer dose requirements. In the past two decades, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) has frequently been investigated by many researchers and is a popular polymeric candidate, due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability, exhibition of a wide range of erosion times, tunable mechanical properties, and most notably, because it is a FDA-approved polymer. Chrysin is a natural flavonoid which has been reported to have some significant biological effects on the processes of chemical defense, nitrogen fixation, inflammation, and oxidation. However, the low solubility in water decreases its bioavailability and consequently disrupts the biomedical benefits. Being loaded with PLGA-PEG increases chrysin solubility and drug tolerance, and decreases the discordant effects of the drug. The well-structured chrysin efficiently accumulates in the breast cancer cell line (T47D). In the present study, the structure and chrysin loading were delineated using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (HNMR), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the in vitro cytotoxicity of pure and nanochrysin was studied by the MTT assay. Next, the RNA was exploited and the cytotoxic effects of chrysin were studied by real-time PCR. In conclusion, the nanochrysin therapy developed is a novel method that could increase cytotoxicity to cancer cells without damaging the normal cells, and would be promising in breast cancer therapy.

Keywords: MTT assay, chrysin, flavonoids, nanotherapy

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3119 Analysis of Joint Source Channel LDPC Coding for Correlated Sources Transmission over Noisy Channels

Authors: Marwa Ben Abdessalem, Amin Zribi, Ammar Bouallègue


In this paper, a Joint Source Channel coding scheme based on LDPC codes is investigated. We consider two concatenated LDPC codes, one allows to compress a correlated source and the second to protect it against channel degradations. The original information can be reconstructed at the receiver by a joint decoder, where the source decoder and the channel decoder run in parallel by transferring extrinsic information. We investigate the performance of the JSC LDPC code in terms of Bit-Error Rate (BER) in the case of transmission over an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, and for different source and channel rate parameters. We emphasize how JSC LDPC presents a performance tradeoff depending on the channel state and on the source correlation. We show that, the JSC LDPC is an efficient solution for a relatively low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) channel, especially with highly correlated sources. Finally, a source-channel rate optimization has to be applied to guarantee the best JSC LDPC system performance for a given channel.

Keywords: AWGN channel, belief propagation, joint source channel coding, LDPC codes

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3118 Extractive Desulfurization of Atmospheric Gasoil with N,N-Dimethylformamide

Authors: Kahina Bedda, Boudjema Hamada


Environmental regulations have been introduced in many countries around the world to reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuel to ultra low levels with the intention of lowering diesel engine’s harmful exhaust emissions and improving air quality. Removal of sulfur containing compounds from diesel feedstocks to produce ultra low sulfur diesel fuel by extraction with selective solvents has received increasing attention in recent years. This is because the sulfur extraction technologies compared to the hydrotreating processes could reduce the cost of desulfurization substantially since they do not demand hydrogen, and are carried out at atmospheric pressure. In this work, the desulfurization of distillate gasoil by liquid-liquid extraction with N, N-dimethylformamide was investigated. This fraction was recovered from a mixture of Hassi Messaoud crude oils and Hassi R'Mel gas-condensate in Algiers refinery. The sulfur content of this cut is 281 ppm. Experiments were performed in six-stage with a ratio of solvent:feed equal to 3:1. The effect of the extraction temperature was investigated in the interval 30 ÷ 110°C. At 110°C the yield of refined gas oil was 82% and its sulfur content was 69 ppm.

Keywords: desulfurization, gasoil, N, N-dimethylformamide, sulfur content

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3117 Numerical Methods for Topological Optimization of Wooden Structural Elements

Authors: Daniela Tapusi, Adrian Andronic, Naomi Tufan, Ruxandra Erbașu, Ioana Teodorescu


The proposed theme of this article falls within the policy of reducing carbon emissions imposed by the ‘Green New Deal’ by replacing structural elements made of energy-intensive materials with ecological materials. In this sense, wood has many qualities (high strength/mass and stiffness/mass ratio, low specific gravity, recovery/recycling) that make it competitive with classic building materials. The topological optimization of the linear glulam elements, resulting from different types of analysis (Finite Element Method, simple regression on metamodels), tests on models or by Monte-Carlo simulation, leads to a material reduction of more than 10%. This article proposes a method of obtaining topologically optimized shapes for different types of glued laminated timber beams. The results obtained will constitute the database for AI training.

Keywords: timber, glued laminated timber, artificial-intelligence, environment, carbon emissions

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3116 Impact of Slenderness Ratios on the Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Authors: Juan Bojórquez, F. de Jesús Merino, Edén Bojórquez, Mario Llanez-Tizoc, Federico Valenzuela-Beltrán, Mario R. Flores, J. Ramón Gaxiola-Camacho, Henry Reyes


As urban populations continue to grow, the demand for higher housing density in large cities has led to increased use of slender buildings to maximize limited land availability. However, structures with high slenderness ratios face significant challenges related to their resistance capacity and lateral stiffness, particularly in seismic conditions. This study evaluates the seismic behavior of four reinforced concrete frame buildings with varying slenderness ratios situated on soft soil in Mexico City. Utilizing step-by-step nonlinear dynamic analysis, the research compares the seismic performance of these buildings, presenting detailed results, conclusions, and recommendations for enhancing the earthquake resistance of slender structures.

Keywords: dynamic analysis, reinforced concrete buildings, seismic behavior, slenderness ratio

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