Search results for: trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy
1274 Discursive Construction of Strike in the Media Coverage of Academic Staff Union of Universities vs Federal Government of Nigeria Industrial Conflict of 2013
Authors: Samuel Alaba Akinwotu
Over the years, Nigeria’s educational system has greatly suffered from the menace of industrial conflict. The smooth running of the nation’s public educational institutions has been hampered by incessant strikes embarked upon by workers of these institutions. Even though industrial conflicts in Nigeria have enjoyed wide reportage in the media, there has been a dearth of critical examination of the language use that index the conflict’s discourse in the media. This study which is driven by a combination of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Conceptual Metaphor (CM) examines the discursive and ideological features of language indexing the industrial conflict between the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) in 2013. It aims to identify and assess the conceptual and cognitive motivations of the stances expressed by the parties and the public and the role of the media in the management and resolution of the conflict. For data, media reports and readers’ comments were purposively sampled from six print and online news sources (The Punch, This Day, Vanguard, The Nation, Osun Defender and AITonline) published between July and December 2013. The study provides further insight into industrial conflict and proves to be useful for the management and resolution of industrial conflicts especially in our public educational institutions.Keywords: industrial conflict, critical discourse analysis, conceptual metaphor, federal government of Nigeria, academic staff union of universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441273 Major Constraints to Adoption of Improved Post-harvest Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Authors: Muganyizi Jonas Bisheko, G. Rejikumar
Reducing post-harvest losses could be a sustainable solution to enhance the food and income security of smallholder farmers in developing countries. While various research institutions have come up with a number of innovative post-harvest technologies for reducing post-harvest losses, most of them have not been extensively adopted by smallholder farmers. Despite this gap, the synthesized information about the major constraints of post-harvest technology is scarce. This study has been conducted to fill this gap and show the implications of the findings for future post-harvest research. The developed search strategy retrieved 2201 studies. However, after excluding duplicates, title, abstract and full article screening, a total of 41 documents were identified. The major findings are: (i) there is an outstanding deficiency of systematic evidence of the effect of climate change, off-farm income and sources of post-harvest information on the adoption of improved post-harvest technologies; (ii) there is very limited information on adoption constraints pertaining to matters of policy, rules and regulations; (iii) there is very thin literature on behavioral constraints associated with limited adoption of improved post-harvest technologies; (iv) most of the studies focused on post-harvest storage technologies (47%) followed by overall post-harvest management practices (25%), processing technologies (19%) and packaging technologies (3%). Much of the information was found on Cereals (58%), especially maize (44%); (v) geographically, Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 79% of the reviewed interventions, while South Asia occupied only 21%. The findings of this review are intended to guide various post-harvest technologists and decision-makers in addressing the challenge of huge post-harvest losses.Keywords: constraints, post-harvest loss, post-harvest technology , smallholder farmer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371272 Effect of Formative Evaluation with Feedback on Students Economics Achievement in Secondary Education
Authors: Salihu Abdullahi Galle
Students' performance in Economics in schools and on standardized exams in Nigeria has been worrying throughout the years, owing to some teachers' use of conventional and lecture teaching methods. Other obstacles include a lack of training, standardized testing pressure, and aversion to change, all of which can have an impact on students' cognitive ability in Economics and future careers. The researchers employed formative evaluation with feedback (FEFB) to support the teaching and learning process by providing constant feedback to both teachers and students. The researchers employed a quasi-experimental research design to examine two teaching methods (FEFB and traditional). The pre-test and post-test interaction effects were evaluated between students in the experimental group (FEFB) and those in the conventional group. The interaction effects of pre-test and post-test on male and female in the two groups were also examined, with 90 participants. The findings show that students exposed to a FEFB-based teaching approach outperform pupils taught in a traditional classroom setting, and there is no gender interaction effect between the two groups. In light of these findings, the researchers urge that Economics teachers employ FEFB during teaching and learning to ensure timely feedback, and that policymakers ensure that Economics teachers receive training and re-training on FEFB approaches.Keywords: formative evaluation with feedback (FEFB), students, economics achievement, secondary education
Procedia PDF Downloads 511271 Disrupting Microaggressions in the Academic Workplace: The Role of Bystanders
Authors: Tugba Metinyurt
Microaggressions are small, everyday verbal and behavioral slights that communicate derogatory messages to individuals on the basis of their group membership. They are often unintentional and not intended to do harm, and yet research has shown that their cumulative effect can be quite detrimental. The current pilot study focuses on the role of bystanders disrupting gender microaggressions and potential barriers of challenging them in the academic workplace at University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML). The participants in this study included 9 male and 20 female from faculty of different disciplines at UML. A Barriers to Intervening Questionnaire asks respondents 1) to rate barriers to intervening in situations described in three short vignettes and 2) to identify more general factors that make it more or less likely that UML faculty will intervene in microaggressions as bystanders through response to an open-ended question. Responses to the questionnaire scales that ask about respondents’ own reactions to the vignettes indicated that faculty may hesitate to interrupt gender microaggressions to avoid being perceived as offensive, losing their relationship with their coworkers, and engaging possible arguments. Responses to the open-ended question, which asked more generally about perceived barriers, revealed a few additional barriers; lack of interpersonal and institutional support, repercussion to self, personal orientation/personality, and privilege. Interestingly, participants tended to describe the obstacles presented in the questionnaire as unlikely to prevent them from intervening, yet the same barriers were suggested to be issues for others on the open-ended questions. Limitations and future directions are discussed. The barriers identified in this research can inform efforts to create bystander trainings to interrupt microaggressions in the academic workplaces.Keywords: academic workplace, bystander behavior, implicit bias, microaggressions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531270 Clinical Prediction Rules for Using Open Kinetic Chain Exercise in Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
Authors: Mohamed Aly, Aliaa Rehan Youssef, Emad Sawerees, Mounir Guirgis
Relevance: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative disease seen in all populations. It causes disability and substantial socioeconomic burden. Evidence supports that exercise are the most effective conservative treatment for patients with OA. Therapists experience and clinical judgment play major role in exercise prescription and scientific evidence for this regard is lacking. The development of clinical prediction rules to identify patients who are most likely benefit from exercise may help solving this dilemma. Purpose: This study investigated whether body mass index and functional ability at baseline can predict patients’ response to a selected exercise program. Approach: Fifty-six patients, aged 35 to 65 years, completed an exercise program consisting of open kinetic chain strengthening and passive stretching exercises. The program was given for 3 sessions per week, 45 minutes per session, for 6 weeks Evaluation: At baseline and post treatment, pain severity was assessed using the numerical pain rating scale, whereas functional ability was being assessed by step test (ST), time up and go test (TUG) and 50 feet time walk test (50 FTW). After completing the program, global rate of change (GROC) score of greater than 4 was used to categorize patients as successful and non-successful. Thirty-eight patients (68%) had successful response to the intervention. Logistic regression showed that BMI and 50 FTW test were the only significant predictors. Based on the results, patients with BMI less than 34.71 kg/m2 and 50 FTW test less than 25.64 sec are 68% to 89% more likely to benefit from the exercise program. Conclusions: Clinicians should consider the described strengthening and flexibility exercise program for patents with BMI less than 34.7 Kg/m2 and 50 FTW faster than 25.6 seconds. The validity of these predictors should be investigated for other exercise.Keywords: clinical prediction rule, knee osteoarthritis, physical therapy exercises, validity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251269 Power Relation, Symbolic Rules and the Position of Belis in the Habitus of the East Nusa Tenggara Society’s Customary Marriage
Authors: Siti Rodliyah, Andrik Purwasito, Bani Sudardi, Abdullah Wakit
This study employs sociological-ethnographic basic method and the cultural studies paradigm as the approach in understanding the habitus within the customary marriage of the East Nusa Tenggara society who require belis as a bride-price. The conceptual basis underlying the application of habitus theory and symbolic power in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) society refers to the Bourdieu’s framework. This study is a result of participatory observation on habitus of a marital system using belis observed by the NTT society as a cognitive structure which connects individuals to the social activities of the customary marriage and makes it unquestionable habits. Knowledge of the social world under the pretext of prosperity for the recipients (family) of a bride-price can be a political instrument for the sustainability of power relations. The ritual-mythical system in the society has never been fully present as a neutral habit. The habitus reflected in the marital relationship among the NTT society enables the men to obtain and exercise their power relations. The sustainability of power relations can be seen from the representation of the social status of a girl and the properties attached to her. This is what gave birth to a symbolic rule, in which the social rules about bride-price or belis eventually will serve the interests of those who occupy a dominant position in the social structure, namely the rich men.Keywords: belis, habitus, East Nusa Tenggara, marital system, power, symbolic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461268 Effectiveness of Computer Video Games on the Levels of Anxiety of Children Scheduled for Tooth Extraction
Authors: Marji Umil, Miane Karyle Urolaza, Ian Winston Dale Uy, John Charle Magne Valdez, Karen Elizabeth Valdez, Ervin Charles Valencia, Cheryleen Tan-Chua
Objective: Distraction techniques can be successful in reducing the anxiety of children during medical procedures. Dental procedures, in particular, are associated with dental anxiety which has been identified as a significant and common problem in children, however, only limited studies were conducted to address such problem. Thus, this study determined the effectiveness of computer video games on the levels of anxiety of children between 5-12 years old scheduled for tooth extraction. Methods: A pre-test post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted involving 30 randomly-assigned subjects, 15 in the experimental and 15 in the control. Subjects in the experimental group played computer video games for a maximum of 15 minutes, however, no intervention was done on the control. The modified Yale Pre-operative Anxiety Scale (m-YPAS) with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.9 was used to assess anxiety at two different points: upon arrival in the clinic (pre-test anxiety) and 15 minutes after the first measurement (post-test anxiety). Paired t-test and ANCOVA were used to analyze the gathered data. Results: Results showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test anxiety scores of the control group (p=0.0002) which indicates an increased anxiety. A significant difference was also noted between the pre-test and post-test anxiety scores of the experimental group (p=0.0002) which indicates decreased anxiety. Comparatively, the experimental group showed lower anxiety score (p=<0.0001) than the control. Conclusion: The use of computer video games is effective in reducing the pre-operative anxiety among children and can be an alternative non-pharmacological management in giving pre-operative care.Keywords: play therapy, preoperative anxiety, tooth extraction, video games
Procedia PDF Downloads 4531267 Music Training as an Innovative Approach to the Treatment of Language Disabilities
Authors: Jonathan Bolduc
Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of music training approaches to help children with language disabilities. Because music is closely associated with a number of cognitive functions, including language, it has been hypothesized that musical skills transfer to other domains. Research suggests that music training strengthens basic auditory processing skills in dyslexic children and may ameliorate phonological deficits. Furthermore, music instruction has the particular advantage of being non-literacy-based, thus removing the frustrations that can be associated with reading and writing activities among children with specific learning disabilities. In this study, we assessed the effect of implementing an intensive music program on the development of language skills (phonological and reading) in 4- to 9-year-old children. Seventeen children (N=17) participated in the study. The experiment took place over 6 weeks in a controlled environment. Eighteen lessons of 40 minutes were offered during this period by two music specialists. The Dalcroze, Orff, and Kodaly approaches were used. A series of qualitative measures were implemented to document the contribution of music training to this population. Currently, the data is being analyzed. The first results show that learning music seems to significantly improve verbal memory. We already know that language disabilities are considered one of the main causes of school dropout as well as later professional and social failure. We aim to corroborate that an integrated music education program can provide children with language disabilities with the same opportunities to develop and succeed in school as their classmates. Scientifically, the results will contribute to advance the knowledge by identifying the more effective music education strategies to improve the overall development of children worldwide.Keywords: music education, music, art education, language diasabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321266 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Specific Bacteriophage Isolation from Sewage Treatment Plant and in vivo Analysis of Phage Efficiency in Swiss Albino Mice
Authors: Pratibha Goyal, Nupur Mathur, Anuradha Singh
Antibiotic resistance is the worldwide threat to human health in this century. Excessive use of antibiotic after their discovery in 1940 makes certain bacteria to become resistant against antibiotics. Most common antibiotic-resistant bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, E.coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Streptococcus pneumonia. Among all Staphylococcus resistant strain called Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is responsible for several lives threatening infection in human commonly found in the hospital environment. Our study aimed to isolate bacteriophage against MRSA from the hospital sewage treatment plant and to analyze its efficiency In Vivo in Swiss albino mice model. Sewage sample for the isolation of bacteriophages was collected from SDMH hospital sewage treatment plant in Jaipur. Bacteriophages isolated by the use of enrichment technique and after characterization, isolated phages used to determine phage treatment efficiency in mice. Mice model used to check the safety and suitability of phage application in human need which in turn directly support the use of natural bacteriophage rather than synthetic chemical to kill pathogens. Results show the plaque formation in-vitro and recovery of MRSA infected mice during the experiment. Favorable lytic efficiency determination of MRSA and Salmonella presents a natural way to treat lethal infections caused by Multidrug-resistant bacteria by using their natural host-pathogen relationship.Keywords: antibiotic resistance, bacteriophages, methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus, pathogens, phage therapy, Salmonella typhi
Procedia PDF Downloads 1451265 Children Beliefs about Illness, Treatments and Vaccines after the Experience of Covid 19 Pandemic
Authors: Margarida Maria Cabugueira Csutódio dos Santos, Joana Filipa Pintéus Pereira
The way children understand the concept of health and illness influences their reaction in contexts where these concepts are present (e.g.,illness; vaccination). The recognition of the importance of children's beliefs/representations about health and disease has led to the development of models that seek to explain the development process of these concepts. In the construction of their representations, children are influenced not only by their cognitive competence but also by their life experiences. In the last 3 years, children have experienced a pandemic health crisis that has exposed them to anomalous and stressful situations. Objective: the aim of this study was (1) to identify children’s representations about disease (including symptoms, causes, control/treatment) and prevention (including health procedures and vaccines) and (2) whether COVID19 is mentioned and influences their representations. Methodology: a qualitative study in which 67 children with 7 to 10 years old (mean 8,8) participated. A semi-structured interview was used following the Bibace and Walsh model, focusing on the representation of the disease and its prevention. Results show a marked influence of the lived experience with regard to causes of the disease, disease control and treatment, and adherence to vaccination. Age-dependent differences were found with older children being able to talk about illness and contamination process and younger displaying more basic, concrete and rigid representations. Conclusions: The results of this study bring clues to the adequacy of communication with the child in the context of health and illness and discriminately in a future health pandemic crisis.Keywords: childen, health beliefs, pediatrics, covid19, vaccines
Procedia PDF Downloads 911264 Query Task Modulator: A Computerized Experimentation System to Study Media-Multitasking Behavior
Authors: Premjit K. Sanjram, Gagan Jakhotiya, Apoorv Goyal, Shanu Shukla
In psychological research, laboratory experiments often face the trade-off issue between experimental control and mundane realism. With the advent of Immersive Virtual Environment Technology (IVET), this issue seems to be at bay. However there is a growing challenge within the IVET itself to design and develop system or software that captures the psychological phenomenon of everyday lives. One such phenomena that is of growing interest is ‘media-multitasking’ To aid laboratory researches in media-multitasking this paper introduces Query Task Modulator (QTM), a computerized experimentation system to study media-multitasking behavior in a controlled laboratory environment. The system provides a computerized platform in conducting an experiment for experimenters to study media-multitasking in which participants will be involved in a query task. The system has Instant Messaging, E-mail, and Voice Call features. The answers to queries are provided on the left hand side information panel where participants have to search for it and feed the information in the respective communication media blocks as fast as possible. On the whole the system will collect multitasking behavioral data. To analyze performance there is a separate output table that records the reaction times and responses of the participants individually. Information panel and all the media blocks will appear on a single window in order to ensure multi-modality feature in media-multitasking and equal emphasis on all the tasks (thus avoiding prioritization to a particular task). The paper discusses the development of QTM in the light of current techniques of studying media-multitasking.Keywords: experimentation system, human performance, media-multitasking, query-task
Procedia PDF Downloads 5571263 Exploring Enabling Effects of Organizational Climate on Academicians’ Emotional Intelligence and Learning Outcomes: A Case from Chinese Higher Education
Authors: Zahid Shafait, Jiayu Huang
Purpose: This study is based on a trait-based theory of emotional intelligence. This study intends to explore the enabling effect of organizational climate, i.e., affiliation, innovation, and fairness, on the emotional intelligence of teachers in Chinese higher education institutes. This study, additionally, intends to investigate the direct impact of teachers’ emotional intelligence on their learning outcomes, i.e., cognitive, social, self-growth outcomes and satisfaction with the university experience. Design/methodology/approach: This study utilized quantitative research techniques to scrutinize the data. Moreover, partial least squares structural equation modeling, i.e., PLS-SEM, was used to assess the hypothetical relationships to conclude their statistical significance. Findings: Results confirmed the supposed associations, i.e., the organizational climate has an enabling effect on emotional intelligence. Likewise, emotional intelligence was concluded to have a direct and positive association with learning outcomes in higher education. Practical implications: This study has investigated abandoned research that is enabling the effects of organizational climate on teachers’ emotional intelligence in Chinese higher education. Organizational climate enables emotionally intelligent teachers to learn efficiently and, at the same time, augments their satisfaction and productivity within an institution. Originality/value: This study investigated the enabling effects of organizational climate on teachers’ emotional intelligence in Chinese higher education that is original in investigated country and sector.Keywords: organizational climate, emotional intelligence, learning outcomes, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 761262 Development of Visual Working Memory Precision: A Cross-Sectional Study of Simultaneously Delayed Responses Paradigm
Authors: Yao Fu, Xingli Zhang, Jiannong Shi
Visual working memory (VWM) capacity is the ability to maintain and manipulate short-term information which is not currently available. It is well known for its significance to form the basis of numerous cognitive abilities and its limitation in holding information. VWM span, the most popular measurable indicator, is found to reach the adult level (3-4 items) around 12-13 years’ old, while less is known about the precision development of the VWM capacity. By using simultaneously delayed responses paradigm, the present study investigates the development of VWM precision among 6-18-year-old children and young adults, besides its possible relationships with fluid intelligence and span. Results showed that precision and span both increased with age, and precision reached the maximum in 16-17 age-range. Moreover, when remembering 3 simultaneously presented items, the probability of remembering target item correlated with fluid intelligence and the probability of wrap errors (misbinding target and non-target items) correlated with age. When remembering more items, children had worse performance than adults due to their wrap errors. Compared to span, VWM precision was effective predictor of intelligence even after controlling for age. These results suggest that unlike VWM span, precision developed in a slow, yet longer fashion. Moreover, decreasing probability of wrap errors might be the main reason for the development of precision. Last, precision correlated more closely with intelligence than span in childhood and adolescence, which might be caused by the probability of remembering target item.Keywords: fluid intelligence, precision, visual working memory, wrap errors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2771261 Harnessing the Generation of Ferromagnetic and Silver Nanostructures from Tropical Aquatic Microbial Nanofactories
Authors: Patricia Jayshree Jacob, Mas Jaffri Masarudinb, Mohd Zobir Hussein, Raha Abdul Rahim
Iron based ferromagnetic nanoparticles (IONP) and silver nanostructures (AgNP) have found a wide range of application in antimicrobial therapy, cell targeting, and environmental applications. As such, the design of well-defined monodisperse IONPs and AgNPs have become an essential tool in nanotechnology. Fabrication of these nanostructures using conventional methods is not environmentally conducive and weigh heavily on energy and outlays. Selected microorganisms possess the innate ability to reduce metallic ions in colloidal aqueous solution to generate nanoparticles. Hence, harnessing this potential is a way forward in constructing microbial nano-factories, capable of churning out high yields of well-defined IONP’s and AgNP's with physicochemical characteristics on par with the best synthetically produced nanostructures. In this paper, we report the isolation and characterization of bacterial strains isolated from the tropical marine and freshwater ecosystems of Malaysia that demonstrated facile and rapid generation of ferromagnetic nanoparticles and silver nanostructures when precursors such as FeCl₃.6H₂O and AgNO₃ were added to the cell-free bacterial lysate in colloidal solution. Characterization of these nanoparticles was carried out using FESEM, UV Spectrophotometer, XRD, DLS and FTIR. This aerobic bioprocess was carried out at ambient temperature and humidity and has the potential to be developed for environmental friendly, cost effective large scale production of IONP’s. A preliminary bioprocess study on the harvesting time, incubation temperature and pH was also carried out to determine pertinent abiotic parameters contributing to the optimal production of these nanostructures.Keywords: iron oxide nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, biosynthesis, aquatic bacteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2851260 Right Cerebellar Stroke with a Right Vertebral Artery Occlusion Following an Embolization of the Right Glomus Tympanicum Tumor
Authors: Naim Izet Kajtazi
Context: Although rare, glomus tumor (i.e., nonchromaffin chemodectomas and paragan¬gliomas) is the most common middle ear tumor, with female predominance. Pre-operative embolization is often required to devascularize the hypervascular tumor for better surgical outcomes. Process: A 35-year-old female presented with episodes of frequent dizziness, ear fullness, and right ear tinnitus for 12 months. Head imaging revealed a right glomus tympanicum tumor. She underwent pre-operative endovascular embolization of the glomus tympanicum tumor with surgical, cyanoacrylate-based glue. Immediately after the procedure, she developed drowsiness and severe pain in the right temporal region. Further investigations revealed a right cerebellar stroke in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory. She was treated with intravenous heparin, followed by one year of oral anticoagulation. With rehabilitation, she significantly recovered from her post embolization stroke. However, the tumor was resected at another institution. Ten years later, follow-up imaging indicated a gradual increase in the size of the glomus jugulare tumor, compressing the nearby critical vascular structures. She subsequently received radiation therapy to treat the residual tumor. Outcome: Currently, she has no neurological deficit, but her mild dizziness, right ear tinnitus, and hearing impairment persist. Relevance: This case highlights the complex nature of these tumors, which often bring challenges to the patients as well as treatment teams. The multi-disciplinary team approach is necessary to tailor the management plan for individual tumors. Although embolization is a safe procedure, careful attention and thoughtful anatomic knowledge regarding dangerous anastomosis are essential to avoid devastating complications. Complications occur due to encountered vessel anomalies and new anastomoses formed during the gluing and changes in hemodynamics.Keywords: stroke, embolization, MRI brain, cerebral angiogram
Procedia PDF Downloads 711259 Low-Density Lipoproteins Mediated Delivery of Paclitaxel and MRI Imaging Probes for Personalized Medicine Applications
Authors: Sahar Rakhshan, Simonetta Geninatti Crich, Diego Alberti, Rachele Stefania
The combination of imaging and therapeutic agents in the same smart nanoparticle is a promising option to perform a minimally invasive imaging guided therapy. In this study, Low density lipoproteins (LDL), one of the most attractive biodegradable and biocompatible nanoparticles, were used for the simultaneous delivery of Paclitaxel (PTX), a hydrophobic antitumour drug and an amphiphilic contrast agent, Gd-AAZTA-C17, in B16-F10 melanoma cell line. These cells overexpress LDL receptors, as assessed by Flow cytometry analysis. PTX and Gd-AAZTA-C17 loaded LDLs (LDL-PTX-Gd) have been prepared, characterized and their stability was assessed under 72 h incubation at 37 ◦C and compared to LDL loaded with Gd-AAZTA-C17 (LDL-Gd) and LDL-PTX. The cytotoxic effect of LDL-PTX-Gd was evaluated by MTT assay. The anti-tumour drug loaded into LDLs showed a significantly higher toxicity on B16-F10 cells with respect to the commercially available formulation Paclitaxel Kabi (PTX Kabi) used in clinical applications. It was possible to demonstrate a high uptake of LDL-Gd in B16-F10 cells. As a consequence of the high cell uptake, melanoma cells showed significantly high cytotoxic effect when incubated in the presence of PTX (LDL-PTX-Gd). Furthermore, B16-F10 have been used to perform Magnetic Resonance Imaging. By the analysis of the image signal intensity, it was possible to extrapolate the amount of internalized PTX indirectly by the decrease of relaxation times caused by Gd, proportional to its concentration. Finally, the treatment with PTX loaded LDL on B16-F10 tumour bearing mice resulted in a marked reduction of tumour growth compared to the administration of PTX Kabi alone. In conclusion, LDLs are selectively taken-up by tumour cells and can be successfully exploited for the selective delivery of Paclitaxel and imaging agents.Keywords: low density lipoprotein, melanoma cell lines, MRI, paclitaxel, personalized medicine application, theragnostic System
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261258 Gonadal Maturation in Pen Shells Pinna Rudis and Pinna Nobilis Stimulated by Reproductive Neuropeptides
Authors: Ntalamagka N., Sanchis-Benlloch P. J., Mayoral-Serrano R., Tena-Medialdea J., García-March J. R.
The pen shell Pinna nobilis population has declined dramatically since 2016 due to die-off events observed in the whole extent of the Mediterranean Sea associated with the protozoan Haplosporidium pinnae. As of 2019, it is considered a critically endangered species. Due to its ecological importance and its endangered status, several initiatives have been developed for its salvation and recovery. This research is an effort to understand and control its reproduction under captivity. As a limited number of Pinna nobilis individuals could be used for experimentation, the possibility of using the Pinna rudis as a model animal was explored. The molecular mechanism that regulates the reproduction of both species is unknown; consequently, transcriptomic analysis was performed to identify neuropeptides that are expressed in the key regulatory tissues of the visceral ganglia and gonads of both species. Neuropeptides form an important group of signaling peptides that regulate reproductive, behavioral and physiological functions in molluscs. In total, 17 neuropeptide precursors were identified in P. nobilis and 14 in P. rudis transcriptomes; 14 of them were identical in both species. This affinity verified the genetic similarity of these species at the reproduction level. APGWamide, buccalin, ELH and GnRH were tested in P. rudis and demonstrated their capacity to advance gonadal maturation and trigger spawning while spawning was recorded in P. nobilis after the usage of APGWamide and buccalin. The neuropeptides were administered using intramuscular injection and cholesterol implants following relative literature as well as a new method was developed for external administration without the use of anesthesia using a mathematical model. The know-how of this research will not only lead to the survival of the species but also will narrow the horizons of broodstock conditioning of other similar species.Keywords: neuropeptides, Pinna nobilis, reproduction, transcriptomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041257 Case Presentation Ectopic Cushing's Syndrome Secondary to Thymic Neuroendocrine Tumors Secreting ACTH
Authors: Hasan Frookh Jamal
This is a case of a 36-year-old Bahraini gentleman diagnosed to have Cushing's Syndrome with a large anterior mediastinal mass. He was sent abroad to the Speciality hospital in Jordan, where he underwent diagnostic video-assisted thoracoscopy, partial thymectomy and pericardial fat excision. Histopathology of the mass was reported to be an Atypical carcinoid tumor with a low Ki67 proliferation index of 5%, the mitotic activity of 4 MF/10HPF and pathological stage classification(pTNM): pT1aN1. MRI of the pituitary gland showed an ill-defined non-enhancing focus of about 3mm on the Rt side of the pituitary on coronal images, with a similar but smaller one on the left side, which could be due to enhancing pattern rather than a real lesion as reported. The patient underwent Ga68 Dotate PET/CT scan post-operatively, which showed multiple somatostatin receptor-positive lesions seen within the tail, body and head of the pancreas and positive somatostatin receptor lymph nodes located between the pancreatic head and IVC. There was no uptake detected at the anterior mediastinum nor at the site of thymic mass resection. There was no evidence of any positive somatostatin uptake at the soft tissue or lymph nodes. The patient underwent IPSS, which proved that the source is, in fact, an ectopic source of ACTH secretion. Unfortunately, the patient's serum cortisol remained elevated after surgery and failed to be suppressed by 1 mg ODST and by 2 days LLDST with a high ACTH value. The patient was started on Osilodrostat for treatment of hypercortisolism for the time being and his future treatment plan with Lutetium-177 Dotate therapy vs. bilateral adrenalectomy is to be considered in an MDT meeting.Keywords: cushing syndrome, neuroendocrine tumur, carcinoid tumor, Thymoma
Procedia PDF Downloads 831256 A Global Organizational Theory for the 21st Century
Authors: Troy A. Tyre
Organizational behavior and organizational change are elements of the ever-changing global business environment. Leadership and organizational behavior are 21st century disciplines. Network marketing organizations need to understand the ever-changing nature of global business and be ready and willing to adapt to the environment. Network marketing organizations have a challenge keeping up with a rapid escalation in global growth. Network marketing growth has been steady and global. Network marketing organizations have been slow to develop a 21st century global strategy to manage the rapid escalation of growth degrading organizational behavior, job satisfaction, increasing attrition, and degrading customer service. Development of an organizational behavior and leadership theory for the 21st century to help network marketing develops a global business strategy to manage the rapid escalation in growth that affects organizational behavior. Managing growth means organizational leadership must develop and adapt to the organizational environment. Growth comes with an open mind and one’s departure from the comfort zone. Leadership growth operates in the tacit dimension. Systems thinking and adaptation of mental models can help shift organizational behavior. Shifting the organizational behavior requires organizational learning. Organizational learning occurs through single-loop, double-loop, and triple-loop learning. Triple-loop learning is the most difficult, but the most rewarding. Tools such as theory U can aid in developing a landscape for organizational behavioral development. Additionally, awareness to espoused and portrayed actions is imperatives. Theories of motivation, cross-cultural diversity, and communications are instrumental in founding an organizational behavior suited for the 21st century.Keywords: global, leadership, network marketing, organizational behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 5541255 Awareness and Attitudes of Primary Grade Teachers (1-4th Grade) Towards Inclusive Education
Authors: Maheshwari Payal, Shapurkar Mayaan
The present research aimed at studying the awareness and attitudes of teachers towards inclusive education. The sample consisted of 60 teachers, teaching in the primary section (1st – 4th) of regular schools affiliated to the SSC board in Mumbai. The sample was selected by Multi-stage cluster sampling technique. A semi-structured self-constructed interview schedule and a self-constructed attitude scale were used to study the awareness of teachers about disability and Inclusive education, and their attitudes towards inclusive education respectively. Themes were extracted from the interview data and quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS package. Results revealed that teachers had some amount of awareness but an inadequate amount of information on disabilities and inclusive education. Disability to most (37) teachers meant “an inability to do something”. The difference between disability and handicap was stated by most as former being cognitive while handicap being physical in nature. With regard to Inclusive education, a large number (46) stated that they were unaware of the term and did not know what it meant. The majority (52) of them perceived maximum challenges for themselves in an inclusive set up, and emphasized on the role of teacher training courses in the area of providing knowledge (49) and training in teaching methodology (53). Although, 83.3% of teachers held a moderately positive attitude towards inclusive education, a large percentage (61.6%) of participants felt that being in inclusive set up would be very challenging for both children with special needs and without special needs. Though, most (49) of the teachers stated that children with special needs should be educated in a regular classroom, but they further clarified that only those should be in a regular classroom who have physical impairments of mild or moderate degree.Keywords: attitude, awareness, inclusive education, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231254 Scholastic Ability and Achievement as Predictors of College Performance among Selected Second Year College Students at University of Perpetual Help System DALTA, Calamba
Authors: Shielilo R. Amihan, Ederliza De Jesus
The study determined the predictors of college performance of 2nd Yr students of UPHSD-Calamba. This quantitative study conducted a survey using the Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults (SATA), and the retrieval of entrance examinations results and current General Weighted Average (GWA) of the 242 randomly selected respondents. The mean, Pearson r and multiple regression analyses through SPSS revealed that students are capable of verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning, reading vocabulary, comprehension, math calculation, and writing mechanics but have difficulty in math application and writing composition. The study found out the Scholastic Ability and Achievement, except in mathematics, are significantly related to college performance. It concludes that students with high ability and achievement may perform better in college. However, only English subset results in the entrance exam predicts the academic success of students in college while SATA and Math entrance exam results do not. The study recommends providing pre-college Math and Writing courses as requisites in college. It also suggests implementing formative curriculum-based enhancement programs on specific priority areas, profiling programs towards informed individual academic decision-making, revising the Entrance Examinations, monitoring the development of the students, and exploring other predictors of college academic performance such as non-cognitive factors.Keywords: scholastic ability, scholastic achievement, entrance exam, college performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2601253 Bone Mineral Density of the Lumbar Spine, Femur in Elite Egyptian Male Swimmers
Authors: Magdy Abouzeid
Introduction: Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) among children, adolescents, and adults. Sports characterized by little or moderate weight bearing or impact have a low osteogenic effect. However, the action of such sports on bone turnover remains unclear. Swimming, as a non-weight-bearing sport, has been considered to be insignificant in the maintenance of bone mass. Purpose: To examine this issue we measured (BMD) and(BMC) of the lumbar spine, proximal femur via dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in the group of elite male swimmers, and determine the effect of swimming training on bone health and compared the results with matched controls group in age, body weight and height. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five male swimmers (age 20.7+/-0.8 years) training for 12-15 hours/week; and the controls group consisted of 25 non-active male (age 21.3 +/-1.3 years) were studied BMD and BMC of lumbar spine, femur were assessed via (DXA) absorptiometry. Results: There was significant difference between swimmers and control group in BMD and BMC, BMD of Swimmers was significantly greater than controls at all sites. The lumbar spine (1, 08 +/-0.202 vs., 0717+0.57 gxcm (-2), right proximal femur (1, 02 +/-, 044 vs., 771+/-, 027 gxcm (-2), and left proximal femur (1.374+/-0.212 vs. 1.01 +/-0.141 gxcm (-2). Swimmers were significantly taller, and had greater BMC and BMD compared to the controls group (P<0.001). Conclusions: These results suggest that swimming training may be beneficial in the prevention or therapy of OSTEOPENIA, and may lead to increased (BMD) and (BMC) for male swimmers. Swimming may be an effective non-pharmacological intervention for the adults and adolescent. Further research with younger athletes of another type of aquatics sport is warranted to better identify the periods of BMD development during which Aquatics sport has the greatest impact on bone health.Keywords: bone mineral density, lumbar spine, femur, swimming, DXA absorptiometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231252 Effects of Forest Bathing on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Parameters in Middle-Aged Males
Authors: Qing Li, Maiko Kobayashi, Shigeyoshi Kumeda, Hiroko Ochiai, Toshiya Ochiai, Takashi Miura, Takahide Kagawa, Michiko Imai, Toshiaki Otsuka, Tomoyuki Kawada
In the present study, we investigated the effects of a forest bathing program on cardiovascular and metabolic parameters. Nineteen healthy male subjects (mean age: 51.3 ± 8.8 years) were selected after obtaining informed consent. These subjects took day trips to a forest park named Akasawa Shizen Kyuyourin, Agematsu, Nagano Prefecture (situated in central Japan), and to an urban area of Nagano Prefecture as a control in August 2015. On both trips, they walked 2.6 km for 80 min each in the morning and afternoon on Saturdays. Blood and urine were sampled in the morning before and after each trip. Cardiovascular and metabolic parameters were measured. Blood pressure and pulse rate were measured by an ambulatory automatic blood pressure monitor. The Japanese version of the profile of mood states (POMS) test was conducted before, during and after the trips. Ambient temperature and humidity were monitoring during the trips. The forest bathing program significantly reduced pulse rate, and significantly increased the score for vigor and decreased the scores for depression, fatigue, and confusion in the POMS test. The levels of urinary noradrenaline and dopamine after forest bathing were significantly lower than those after urban area walking, suggesting the relaxing effect of the forest bathing program. The level of adiponectin in serum after the forest bathing program was significantly greater than that after urban area walking. There was no significant difference in blood pressure between forest and urban area trips during the trips.Keywords: ambient temperature, blood pressure, forest bathing, forest therapy, human health, POMS, pulse rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 4401251 The Effects of Self-Efficacy on Challenge and Threat States
Authors: Nadine Sammy, Mark Wilson, Samuel Vine
The Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) states that self-efficacy is an antecedent of challenge and threat. These states result from conscious and unconscious evaluations of situational demands and personal resources and are represented by both cognitive and physiological markers. Challenge is considered a more adaptive stress response as it is associated with a more efficient cardiovascular profile, as well as better performance and attention effects compared with threat. Self-efficacy is proposed to influence challenge/threat because an individual’s belief that they have the skills necessary to execute the courses of action required to succeed contributes to a perception that they can cope with the demands of the situation. This study experimentally examined the effects of self-efficacy on cardiovascular responses (challenge and threat), demand and resource evaluations, performance and attention under pressurised conditions. Forty-five university students were randomly assigned to either a control (n=15), low self-efficacy (n=15) or high self-efficacy (n=15) group and completed baseline and pressurised golf putting tasks. Self-efficacy was manipulated using false feedback adapted from previous studies. Measures of self-efficacy, cardiovascular reactivity, demand and resource evaluations, task performance and attention were recorded. The high self-efficacy group displayed more favourable cardiovascular reactivity, indicative of a challenge state, compared with the low self-efficacy group. The former group also reported high resource evaluations, but no task performance or attention effects were detected. These findings demonstrate that levels of self-efficacy influence cardiovascular reactivity and perceptions of resources under pressurised conditions.Keywords: cardiovascular, challenge, performance, threat
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331250 Emerging Cyber Threats and Cognitive Vulnerabilities: Cyberterrorism
Authors: Oludare Isaac Abiodun, Esther Omolara Abiodun
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that cyberterrorism is existing and poses a threat to computer security and national security. Nowadays, people have become excitedly dependent upon computers, phones, the Internet, and the Internet of things systems to share information, communicate, conduct a search, etc. However, these network systems are at risk from a different source that is known and unknown. These network systems risk being caused by some malicious individuals, groups, organizations, or governments, they take advantage of vulnerabilities in the computer system to hawk sensitive information from people, organizations, or governments. In doing so, they are engaging themselves in computer threats, crime, and terrorism, thereby making the use of computers insecure for others. The threat of cyberterrorism is of various forms and ranges from one country to another country. These threats include disrupting communications and information, stealing data, destroying data, leaking, and breaching data, interfering with messages and networks, and in some cases, demanding financial rewards for stolen data. Hence, this study identifies many ways that cyberterrorists utilize the Internet as a tool to advance their malicious mission, which negatively affects computer security and safety. One could identify causes for disparate anomaly behaviors and the theoretical, ideological, and current forms of the likelihood of cyberterrorism. Therefore, for a countermeasure, this paper proposes the use of previous and current computer security models as found in the literature to help in countering cyberterrorismKeywords: cyberterrorism, computer security, information, internet, terrorism, threat, digital forensic solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 971249 Business Education and Passion: The Place of Amore, Consciousness, Discipline, and Commitment as Holonomic Constructs in Pedagogy, A Conceptual Exploration
Authors: Jennifer K. Bowerman, Rhonda L. Reich
The purpose of this paper is to explore the concepts ACDC (Amore, Consciousness, Discipline, and Commitment) which the authors first discovered as a philosophy and framework for recruitment and organizational development in a successful start-up tech company in Brazil. This paper represents an exploration of these concepts as a potential pedagogical foundation for undergraduate business education in the classroom. It explores whether their application has potential to build emotional and practical resilience in the face of constant organizational and societal change. Derived from Holonomy this paper explains the concepts and develops a narrative around how change influences the operation of organizations. Using examples from leading edge organizational theorists, it explains why a different educational approach grounded in ACDC concepts may not only have relevance for the working world, but also for undergraduates about to enter that world. The authors propose that in the global context of constant change, it makes sense to develop an approach to education, particularly business education, beyond cognitive knowledge, models and tools, in such a way that emotional and practical resilience and creative thinking may be developed. Using the classroom as an opportunity to explore these concepts, and aligning personal passion with the necessary discipline and commitment, may provide students with a greater sense of their own worth and potential as they venture into their ever-changing futures.Keywords: ACDC, holonomic thinking, organizational learning, organizational change, business pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401248 FWGE Production From Wheat Germ Using Co-culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus plantarum
Authors: Valiollah Babaeipour, Mahdi Rahaie
food supplements are rich in specific nutrients and bioactive compounds that eliminate free radicals and improve cellular metabolism. The major bioactive compounds are found in bran and cereal sprouts. Secondary metabolites of these microorganisms have antioxidant properties that can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat cancer. Biologically active compounds such as benzoquinone derivatives extracted from fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) have several positive effects on the overall state of human health and strengthen the immune system. The present work describes the discontinuous fermentation of raw wheat germ for FWGE production through the simultaneous culture process using the probiotic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum, and the possibility of using solid waste. To increase production efficiency, first to select important factors in the optimization of each fermentation process, using a factorial statistical scheme of stirring fraction (120 to 200 rpm), dilution of solids to solvent (1 to 8-12), fermentation time (16 to 24 hours) and strain to wheat germ ratio (20% to 50%) were studied and then simultaneous culture was performed to increase the yields of 2 and 6 dimethoxybenzoquinone (2,6-DMBQ). Since 2 and 6 dimethoxy benzoquinone were fermented as the main biologically active compound in wheat germ extract, UV-Vis analysis was performed to confirm the presence of 2 and 6 dimethoxy benzoquinone in the final product. In addition, 2,6-DMBQ of some products was isolated in a non-polar C-18 column and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Based on our findings, it can be concluded that the increase of 2 and 6 dimethoxybenzoquinone in the simultaneous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Lactobacillus plantarum compared to pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (from 1.89 mg / g) to 28.9% (2.66 mg / g) Increased.Keywords: wheat germ, FWGE, saccharomyces cerevisiae, lactobacillus plantarum, co-culture, 2, 6-DMBQ
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311247 Free Energy Computation of A G-Quadruplex-Ligand Structure: A Classical Molecular Dynamics and Metadynamics Simulation Study
Authors: Juan Antonio Mondragon Sanchez, Ruben Santamaria
The DNA G-quadruplex is a four-stranded DNA structure formed by stacked planes of four base paired guanines (G-quartet). Guanine rich DNA sequences appear in many sites of genomic DNA and can potential form G-quadruplexes, such as those occurring at 3'-terminus of the human telomeric DNA. The formation and stabilization of a G-quadruplex by small ligands at the telomeric region can inhibit the telomerase activity. In turn, the ligands can be used to down regulate oncogene expression making G-quadruplex an attractive target for anticancer therapy. Many G-quadruplex ligands have been proposed with a planar core to facilitate the pi–pi stacking and electrostatic interactions with the G-quartets. However, many drug candidates are impossibilitated to discriminate a G-quadruplex from a double helix DNA structure. In this context, it is important to investigate the site topology for the interaction of a G-quadruplex with a ligand. In this work, we determine the free energy surface of a G-quadruplex-ligand to study the binding modes of the G-quadruplex (TG4T) with the daunomycin (DM) drug. The complex TG4T-DM is studied using classical molecular dynamics in combination with metadynamics simulations. The metadynamics simulations permit an enhanced sampling of the conformational space with a modest computational cost and obtain free energy surfaces in terms of the collective variables (CV). The free energy surfaces of TG4T-DM exhibit other local minima, indicating the presence of additional binding modes of daunomycin that are not observed in short MD simulations without the metadynamics approach. The results are compared with similar calculations on a different structure (the mutated mu-G4T-DM where the 5' thymines on TG4T-DM have been deleted). The results should be of help to design new G-quadruplex drugs, and understand the differences in the recognition topology sites of the duplex and quadruplex DNA structures in their interaction with ligands.Keywords: g-quadruplex, cancer, molecular dynamics, metadynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4601246 The Effect of Career Decision Self Efficacy on Coping with Career Indecision among Young Adults
Authors: Yuliya Lipshits-Braziler
For many young adults, career decision making is a difficult and complex process that may lead to indecision. Indecision is frequently associated with great psychological distress and low levels of well-being. One important resource for dealing with indecision is career decision self-efficacy (CDSE), which refers to people’s beliefs about their ability to successfully accomplish certain tasks involved in career choice. Drawing from Social Cognitive Theory, it has been hypothesized that CDSE correlates with (a) people’s likelihood to engage in or avoid career decision making tasks, (b) the amount of effort put into the decision making process, (c) the people’s persistence in decision making efforts when faced with difficulties, and (d) the eventual success in arriving at career decisions. Based on these assumptions, the present study examines the associations between the CDSE and 14 strategies for coping with career indecision among young adults. Using the structural equation modeling (SEM), the results showed that CDSE is positively associated with the use of productive coping strategies, such as information-seeking, problem-solving, positive thinking, and self-regulation. In addition, CDSE was negatively associated with nonproductive coping strategies, such as avoidance, isolation, ruminative thinking, and blaming others. Contrary to our expectations, CDSE was not significantly correlated with instrumental help-seeking, while it was negatively correlated with emotional help-seeking. The results of this study can be used to facilitate the development of interventions aiming to reinforce young adults’ career decision making self-efficacy, which may provide them with a basis for overcoming career indecision more effectively.Keywords: career decision self-efficacy, career indecision, coping strategies, career counseling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2581245 Deficits in Perceptual and Musical Memory in Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder
Authors: Toledo-Fernandez Aldebaran
Introduction: One of the least explored cognitive functions in relation with depression is the one related to musical stimuli. Music perception and memory can become impaired as well. The term amusia is used to define a type of agnosia caused by damage to basic processes that creates a general inability to perceive music. Therefore, the main objective is to explore performance-based and self-report deficits in music perception and memory on people with major depressive disorder (MDD). Method: Data was collected through April-October 2021 recruiting people who met the eligibility criteria and using the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia (MBEA) to evaluate performance-based music perception and memory, along with the module for depression of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and the Amusic Dysfunction Inventory (ADI) which evaluates the participants’ self-report concerning their abilities in music perception. Results: 64 participants were evaluated. The main study, referring to analyzing the differences between people with MDD and the control group, only showed one statistical difference on the Interval subtest of the MBEA. No difference was found in the dimensions assessed by the ADI. Conclusion: Deficits in interval perception can be explained by mental fatigue, to which people with depression are more vulnerable, rather than by specific deficits in musical perception and memory associated with depressive disorder. Additionally, significant associations were found between musical deficits as observed by performance-based evidence and music dysfunction according to self-report, which could suggest that some people with depression are capable of detecting these deficits in themselves.Keywords: depression, amusia, music, perception, memory
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