Search results for: sustainability transition
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4182

Search results for: sustainability transition

1002 Facile Fabrication of TiO₂NT/Fe₂O₃@Ag₂CO₃ Nanocomposite and Its Highly Efficient Visible Light Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity

Authors: Amal A. Al-Kahlawy, Heba H. El-Maghrabi


Due to the increasing need to environment protection in real time need to energize new materials are under extensive investigations. Between others, TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) nanocomposite with iron oxide and silver carbonate, are promising alternatives as high-efficiency visible light photocatalyst due to their unique properties and their superior charge transport properties. Our efforts in this domain aim the construction of novel nanocomposite of TiO2NT/Fe2O3@Ag2CO3. The structure, surface morphology, chemical composition and optical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). XRD results confirm the interaction of TiO2-NT with iron oxide. This novel nanocomposite shows remarkably enhanced performance for phenol compounds photodegradation. The experimental data shows a promising photocatalytic activity. In particular, a maximum value of 450 mg/g was removed within 60 min at solar light irradiation with degradation efficiency of 99.5%. The high photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite is found to be related to the increased adsorption toward chemical species, enhanced light absorption and efficient charge separation and transfer. Finally, the designed TiO2NT/Fe2O3@Ag2CO3 nanocomposite has a great degree of sustainability and could has a potential application for the industrial treatment of wastewater containing toxic organic materials.

Keywords: nanocomposite, photocatalyst, solar energy, titanium dioxide nanotubes

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1001 Study of Heat Transfer through the Ground and its Accumulation Properties to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Underground Buildings

Authors: Sandeep Bandarwadkar, Tadas Zdankus


To maintain a comfortable indoor temperature for its residents in the colder season, heating a building is necessary. Due to the expansion in the construction sectors, the consumption of heating energy is increasing. According to Eurostat data, in the European Union, the share of energy consumption of heating energy for space and cooling in residential buildings was around 63% in 2019. These figures indicate that heating energy still accounts for a significant portion of total energy consumption in Europe. Innovation is crucial to reduce energy consumption in buildings and achieve greater energy efficiency and sustainability. It can bring about new solutions that are smarter and more natural energy generation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The ground can serve as an effective and sustainable heat accumulator for heating and cooling. The temperature of the ground is higher than that of the ambient air in the colder period and lower in the warmer period. The building deep in the soil could use less thermal energy compared to the above-ground buildings that provide the same amount of thermal comfort. The temperature difference between the soil and the air inside the building decreases as the temperature of the soil increases. In progress, this process generates the condition that acts against heat loss. However, heat dissipates further to the consecutive layers and reaches thermal equilibrium. The charging of the ground by heat and its dissipation through the adjacent soil layers was investigated experimentally. The results of this research showed that 9% of the energy savings in partially underground buildings and 44.4% in completely underground buildings were derived from heating the space. Heat loss to the ground is treated as a charge of the soil by thermal energy. The dependence of the intensity of the charge on time was analysed and presented.

Keywords: heat transfer, accumulation of heat, underground building, soil charge

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1000 Bayesian Parameter Inference for Continuous Time Markov Chains with Intractable Likelihood

Authors: Randa Alharbi, Vladislav Vyshemirsky


Systems biology is an important field in science which focuses on studying behaviour of biological systems. Modelling is required to produce detailed description of the elements of a biological system, their function, and their interactions. A well-designed model requires selecting a suitable mechanism which can capture the main features of the system, define the essential components of the system and represent an appropriate law that can define the interactions between its components. Complex biological systems exhibit stochastic behaviour. Thus, using probabilistic models are suitable to describe and analyse biological systems. Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) is one of the probabilistic models that describe the system as a set of discrete states with continuous time transitions between them. The system is then characterised by a set of probability distributions that describe the transition from one state to another at a given time. The evolution of these probabilities through time can be obtained by chemical master equation which is analytically intractable but it can be simulated. Uncertain parameters of such a model can be inferred using methods of Bayesian inference. Yet, inference in such a complex system is challenging as it requires the evaluation of the likelihood which is intractable in most cases. There are different statistical methods that allow simulating from the model despite intractability of the likelihood. Approximate Bayesian computation is a common approach for tackling inference which relies on simulation of the model to approximate the intractable likelihood. Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (PMCMC) is another approach which is based on using sequential Monte Carlo to estimate intractable likelihood. However, both methods are computationally expensive. In this paper we discuss the efficiency and possible practical issues for each method, taking into account the computational time for these methods. We demonstrate likelihood-free inference by performing analysing a model of the Repressilator using both methods. Detailed investigation is performed to quantify the difference between these methods in terms of efficiency and computational cost.

Keywords: Approximate Bayesian computation(ABC), Continuous-Time Markov Chains, Sequential Monte Carlo, Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (PMCMC)

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999 Symo-syl: A Meta-Phonological Intervention to Support Italian Pre-Schoolers’ Emergent Literacy Skills

Authors: Tamara Bastianello, Rachele Ferrari, Marinella Majorano


The adoption of the syllabic approach in preschool programmes could support and reinforce meta-phonological awareness and literacy skills in children. The introduction of a meta-phonological intervention in preschool could facilitate the transition to primary school, especially for children with learning fragilities. In the present contribution, we want to investigate the efficacy of "Simo-syl" intervention in enhancing emergent literacy skills in children (especially for reading). Simo-syl is a 12 weeks multimedia programme developed for children to improve their language and communication skills and later literacy development in preschool. During the intervention, Simo-syl, an invented character, leads children in a series of meta-phonological games. Forty-six Italian preschool children (i.e., the Simo-syl group) participated in the programme; seventeen preschool children (i.e., the control group) did not participate in the intervention. Children in the two groups were between 4;10 and 5;9 years. They were assessed on their vocabulary, morpho-syntactical, meta-phonological, phonological, and phono-articulatory skills twice: 1) at the beginning of the last year of the preschool through standardised paper-based assessment tools and 2) one week after the intervention. All children in the Simo-syl group took part in the meta-phonological programme based on the syllabic approach. The intervention lasted 12 weeks (three activities per week; week 1: activities focused on syllable blending and spelling and a first approach to the written code; weeks 2-11: activities focused on syllables recognition; week 12: activities focused on vowels recognition). Very few children (Simo-syl group = 21, control group = 9) were tested again (post-test) one week after the intervention. Before starting the intervention programme, the Simo-syl and the control groups had similar meta-phonological, phonological, lexical skills (all ps > .05). One week after the intervention, a significant difference emerged between the two groups in their meta-phonological skills (syllable blending, p = .029; syllable spelling, p = .032), in their vowel recognition ability (p = .032) and their word reading skills (p = .05). An ANOVA confirmed the effect of the group membership on the developmental growth for the word reading task (F (1,28) = 6.83, p = .014, ηp2 = .196). Taking part in the Simo-syl intervention has a positive effect on the ability to read in preschool children.

Keywords: intervention programme, literacy skills, meta-phonological skills, syllabic approach

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998 Evaluation of Short-Term Load Forecasting Techniques Applied for Smart Micro-Grids

Authors: Xiaolei Hu, Enrico Ferrera, Riccardo Tomasi, Claudio Pastrone


Load Forecasting plays a key role in making today's and future's Smart Energy Grids sustainable and reliable. Accurate power consumption prediction allows utilities to organize in advance their resources or to execute Demand Response strategies more effectively, which enables several features such as higher sustainability, better quality of service, and affordable electricity tariffs. It is easy yet effective to apply Load Forecasting at larger geographic scale, i.e. Smart Micro Grids, wherein the lower available grid flexibility makes accurate prediction more critical in Demand Response applications. This paper analyses the application of short-term load forecasting in a concrete scenario, proposed within the EU-funded GreenCom project, which collect load data from single loads and households belonging to a Smart Micro Grid. Three short-term load forecasting techniques, i.e. linear regression, artificial neural networks, and radial basis function network, are considered, compared, and evaluated through absolute forecast errors and training time. The influence of weather conditions in Load Forecasting is also evaluated. A new definition of Gain is introduced in this paper, which innovatively serves as an indicator of short-term prediction capabilities of time spam consistency. Two models, 24- and 1-hour-ahead forecasting, are built to comprehensively compare these three techniques.

Keywords: short-term load forecasting, smart micro grid, linear regression, artificial neural networks, radial basis function network, gain

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997 Investigation of Nucleation and Thermal Conductivity of Waxy Crude Oil on Pipe Wall via Particle Dynamics

Authors: Jinchen Cao, Tiantian Du


As waxy crude oil is easy to crystallization and deposition in the pipeline wall, it causes pipeline clogging and leads to the reduction of oil and gas gathering and transmission efficiency. In this paper, a mesoscopic scale dissipative particle dynamics method is employed, and constructed four pipe wall models, including smooth wall (SW), hydroxylated wall (HW), rough wall (RW), and single-layer graphene wall (GW). Snapshots of the simulation output trajectories show that paraffin molecules interact with each other to form a network structure that constrains water molecules as their nucleation sites. Meanwhile, it is observed that the paraffin molecules on the near-wall side are adsorbed horizontally between inter-lattice gaps of the solid wall. In the pressure range of 0 - 50 MPa, the pressure change has less effect on the affinity properties of SS, HS, and GS walls, but for RS walls, the contact angle between paraffin wax and water molecules was found to decrease with the increase in pressure, while the water molecules showed the opposite trend, the phenomenon is due to the change in pressure, leading to the transition of paraffin wax molecules from amorphous to crystalline state. Meanwhile, the minimum crystalline phase pressure (MCPP) was proposed to describe the lowest pressure at which crystallization of paraffin molecules occurs. The maximum number of crystalline clusters formed by paraffin molecules at MCPP in the system showed NSS (0.52 MPa) > NHS (0.55 MPa) > NRS (0.62 MPa) > NGS (0.75 MPa). The MCPP on the graphene surface, with the least number of clusters formed, indicates that the addition of graphene inhibited the crystallization process of paraffin deposition on the wall surface. Finally, the thermal conductivity was calculated, and the results show that on the near-wall side, the thermal conductivity changes drastically due to the occurrence of adsorption crystallization of paraffin waxes; on the fluid side the thermal conductivity gradually tends to stabilize, and the average thermal conductivity shows: ĸRS(0.254W/(m·K)) > ĸRS(0.249W/(m·K)) > ĸRS(0.218W/(m·K)) > ĸRS(0.188W/(m·K)).This study provides a theoretical basis for improving the transport efficiency and heat transfer characteristics of waxy crude oil in terms of wall type, wall roughness, and MCPP.

Keywords: waxy crude oil, thermal conductivity, crystallization, dissipative particle dynamics, MCPP

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996 Mobulid Ray Post-Release Mortality to Assess the Feasibility of Live-Release Management Measures

Authors: Sila K. Sari, Betty J.L. Laglbauer, Muhammad G. Salim, Irianies C. Gozali, Iqbal Herwata, Fahmi Fahmi, Selvia Oktaviyani, Isabel Ender, Sarah Lewis, Abraham Sianipar, Mark Erdmann


Taking strides towards the sustainable use of marine stocks requires science-based management of target fish populations and reduction of bycatch in non-selective fisheries. Among elasmobranchs, mobulid rays are faced with high extinction risk due to intrinsic vulnerability to fishing and their conservation has been recognized as a strong priority both in Indonesia and worldwide. Despite their common vulnerabilities to fishing pressure due to slow growth, late maturation and low fecundity, only manta rays, but not devil rays, are protected in Indonesian waters. However, both manta and devil rays are captured in non-selective fisheries, in particular drift gillnets, since their habitat overlaps with fishing grounds for primary target species (e.g. marlin, swordfish and bullet tuna off the coast of Muncar). For this reason, mobulid populations are being heavily impacted, and while national-level protections are crucial to help conservation, they may not suffice alone to insure populations sustainability. In order to assess the potential of applying live-release management measures to conserve mobulids captured as bycatch in drift gillnets, we deployed pop-up survival archival transmitters to assess post-release mortality in Indonesian mobulid rays. We also assessed which fishing practices, in particular, soak duration, affected post-release mortality in order to draw relevant conclusions for management.

Keywords: Mobulid, Devil ray, Manta ray, Bycatch

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995 Adhesion of Biofilm to Surfaces Employed in Pipelines for Transporting Crude Oil

Authors: Hadjer Didouh, Izzaddine Sameut Bouhaik, Mohammed Hadj Meliani


This research delves into the intricate dynamics of biofilm adhesion on surfaces, particularly focusing on the widely employed X52 surface in oil and gas industry pipelines. Biofilms, characterized by microorganisms within a self-produced matrix, pose significant challenges due to their detrimental impact on surfaces. Our study integrates advanced molecular techniques and cutting-edge microscopy, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), to identify microbial communities and visually assess biofilm adhesion. Simultaneously, we concentrate on the X52 surface, utilizing impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization to gather electrochemical responses under various conditions. In conjunction with the broader investigation, we propose a novel approach to mitigate biofilm-induced corrosion challenges. This involves environmentally friendly inhibitors derived from plants, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional chemical treatments. Our inquiry screens and selects inhibitors based on their efficacy in hindering biofilm formation and reducing corrosion rates on the X52 surface. This study contributes valuable insights into the interplay between electrochemical processes and biofilm attachment on the X52 surface. Furthermore, the outcomes of this research have broader implications for the oil and gas industry, where biofilm-related corrosion is a persistent concern. The exploration of eco-friendly inhibitors not only holds promise for corrosion control but also aligns with environmental considerations and sustainability goals. The comprehensive nature of this research aims to enhance our understanding of biofilm dynamics, provide effective strategies for corrosion mitigation, and contribute to sustainable practices in pipeline management within the oil and gas sector.

Keywords: bio-corrosion, biofilm, attachment, X52, metal/bacteria interface

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994 Design of a Small Mobile PV Driven RO Water Desalination Plant to be Deployed at the North West Coast of Egypt

Authors: Hosam A. Shawky, Amr A. Abdel Fatah, Moustafa M. S. Abo ElFad, Abdel Hameed M. El-Aassar


Water desalination projects based on reverse osmosis technology are being introduced in Egypt to combat drinking water shortage in remote areas. Reverse osmosis (RO) desalination is a pressure driven process. This paper focuses on the design of an integrated brackish water and seawater RO desalination and solar Photovoltaic (PV) technology. A small Mobile PV driven RO desalination plant prototype without batteries is designed and tested. Solar-driven reverse osmosis desalination can potentially break the dependence of conventional desalination on fossil fuels, reduce operational costs, and improve environmental sustainability. Moreover, the innovative features incorporated in the newly designed PV-RO plant prototype are focusing on improving the cost effectiveness of producing drinkable water in remote areas. This is achieved by maximizing energy yield through an integrated automatic single axis PV tracking system with programmed tilting angle adjustment. An autonomous cleaning system for PV modules is adopted for maximizing energy generation efficiency. RO plant components are selected so as to produce 4-5 m3/day of potable water. A basic criterion in the design of this PV-RO prototype is to produce a minimum amount of fresh water by running the plant during peak sun hours. Mobility of the system will provide potable water to isolated villages and population as well as ability to provide good drinking water to different number of people from any source that is not drinkable.

Keywords: design, reverse osmosis, photovoltaic, energy, desalination, Egypt

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993 Characteristics of Inclusive Circular Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship

Authors: Svitlana Yermak, Olubukola Aluko


The purpose of this study was a literature review on the topic of social entrepreneurship, a review of new trends and best practices, the study of existing inclusive business models and their interaction with the principles of the circular economy for possible implementation in the practice of Ukraine in war and post-war times in conditions of scarce resources. Thus, three research questions were identified and substantiated: to determine the characteristics of social entrepreneurship, consider the features in Ukraine and the UK; highlight the criteria for inclusion in social entrepreneurship and its legal support; explore examples of existing inclusive circular business models to illustrate how the two concepts may be combined. A detailed review of the literature selected from the Scopus and Web of Science databases was carried out. The study revealed signs of social entrepreneurship, the main of which are doing business and making a profit, as well as the social orientation of the business, which is prescribed in the constituent documents of the enterprise immediately upon its creation. Considered are the characteristics of social entrepreneurship in the UK and Ukraine. It has been established that in the UK, social entrepreneurship is clearly regulated by the state; there are special legislative norms and support programs, in contrast to Ukraine, where these processes are only partially regulated. The study identified the main criteria for inclusion in inclusive circular business models: economic (sustainability and efficiency, job creation and economic growth, promotion of local development), social (accessibility, equity and fairness, inclusion and participation), and resources in their interconnection. It is substantiated that the resource criterion is especially important for this type of business model. It provides for the efficient and sustainable use of resources, as well as the cyclical nature of resources. And it was concluded that the principles of the circular economy not only do not contradict but, on the contrary, complement and expand the inclusive business models on which social entrepreneurship is based.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, inclusive business models, circular economy, inclusion criteria

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992 Spray Drying: An Innovative and Sustainable Method of Preserving Fruits

Authors: Adepoju Abiola Lydia, Adeyanju James Abiodun, Abioye A. O.


Spray drying, an innovative and sustainable preservation method, is increasingly gaining recognition for its potential to enhance food security by extending the shelf life of fruits. This technique involves the atomization of fruit pulp into fine droplets, followed by rapid drying with hot air, resulting in a powdered product that retains much of the original fruit's nutritional value, flavor, and color. By encapsulating sensitive bioactive compounds within a dry matrix, spray drying mitigates nutrient degradation and extends product usability. This technology aligns with sustainability goals by reducing post-harvest losses, minimizing the need for preservatives, and lowering energy consumption compared to conventional drying methods. Furthermore, spray drying enables the use of imperfect or surplus fruits, contributing to waste reduction and providing a continuous supply of nutritious fruit-based ingredients regardless of seasonal variations. The powdered form enhances versatility, allowing incorporation into various food products, thus broadening the scope of fruit utilization. Innovations in spray drying, such as the use of novel carrier agents and optimization of processing parameters, enhance the quality and functionality of the final product. Moreover, the scalability of spray drying makes it suitable for both industrial applications and smaller-scale operations, supporting local economies and food systems. In conclusion, spray drying stands out as a key technology in enhancing food security by ensuring a stable supply of high-quality, nutritious food ingredients while fostering sustainable agricultural practices.

Keywords: spray drying, sustainable, process parameters, carrier agents, fruits

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991 Subject Teachers’ Perception of the Changing Role of Language in the Curriculum of Secondary Education

Authors: Moldir Makenova


Alongside the implementation of trilingual education in schools, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan innovated the school curriculum in 2013 to include a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. In this regard, some transition issues have arisen, such as unprepared teachers, a need for more awareness of the CLIL approach, and teaching resources. Some teachers view it as a challenge due to its combination of both content and language. This often creates anxiety among teachers who are knowledgeable about their subject areas in Kazakh or Russian but are deficient in delivering the subject’s content in English. Thus, with this new teaching approach, teachers encounter to choose the role of language and answer how language works in the CLIL classroom. This study aimed to explore how teachers experience the changing role of language in the curriculum and to find out what challenges teachers face related to CLIL implementation and how their language proficiency influences their teaching practices. A qualitative comparative case study was conducted in an X Lyceum and a mainstream school piloting CLIL. Data collection procedures were conducted via semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. Eight content teachers were chosen from these two schools as the target group of this study. Subject teachers, rather than language teachers, were chosen as the target group to grasp how the language-related issues in the new curriculum are interpreted by educators who do not necessarily identify themselves as language experts at the outset. The findings showed that mainstream teachers prioritize content over language because, as content teachers, the knowledge of content is more essential for them rather than the language. In contrast, most X Lyceum teachers balance language and content and additionally showed their preferences to support the ‘English language only' policy among 10-11 graders. Moreover, due to the low-level English proficiency, mainstream teachers did highlight the necessity of CLIL training and further collaboration with language teachers. This study will be beneficial for teachers and policy-makers to enable them to solve the issues mentioned above related to the implementation of CLIL. Larger-scale research conducted in the future would further inform its successful deployment country-wide.

Keywords: role of language, trilingual education, updated curriculum, teacher practices

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990 Effects of Poor Job Performance Practices on the Job Satisfaction of Workers

Authors: Prakash Singh, Thembinkosi Twalo


The sustainability of the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM), in South Africa, is being threatened by the reported cases of poor administration, weak management of resources, inappropriate job performance, and inappropriate job behaviour of some of the workers. Since the structural-functionalists assume that formal education is a solution to societal challenges, it therefore means that the BCMM should not be experiencing this threat since many of its workers have various levels of formal education. Consequently, this study using the mixed method research approach, set out to investigate the paradoxical co-existence of inappropriate job behaviour and performance with formal education at the BCMM. Considering the impact of human factors in the labour process, this study draws attention to the divergent objectives of skill and skill bearer, with the application of knowledge subject to the knowledge bearer’s motives, will, attitudes, ethics and values. Consequently, inappropriate job behaviour and performance practices could be due to numerous factors such as lack of the necessary capabilities or refusal to apply what has been learnt due to racial or other prejudices. The role of the human factor in the labour process is a serious omission in human capital theory, which regards schooling as the only factor contributing to the ability to do a job. For this reason this study’s theoretical framework is an amalgamation of the four theories - human capital, social capital, cultural capital, and reputation capital – in an effort to obtain a broader view of the factors that shape job behaviour and performance. Since it has been established that human nature plays a crucial role in how workers undertake their responsibilities, it is important that this be taken into consideration in the BCMM’s monitoring and evaluation of the workers’ job performance practices. Hence, this exploratory study brings to the fore, the effects of poor job performance practices on the job satisfaction of workers.

Keywords: human capital, poor job performance practices, service delivery, workers’ job satisfaction

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989 Residential High-Rises and Meaningful Places: Missing Actions in the Isle of Dogs Regeneration

Authors: Elena Kalcheva, Ahmad Taki, Yuri Hadi


Urban regeneration often includes residential high-rises as a way of optimum use of land. However, high-rises are in many cases connected to placelessness, this is not due to some intrinsic characteristic of the typology, but more to a failure to provide meaningful places in connection to them. The reason to study the Isle of the Dogs regeneration is the successful process that led to vibrant area with strong identity and social sustainability. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the gaps into the sound strategy for the development of the area and in its implementation which will make the place more sustainable. The paper addresses four research questions: are the residential high-rises supporting a proper physical form; is there deployed properly scaled mix of land uses and functions in connection with residential high-rises; are there possible quality activities in quality places near the residential high-rises; and is there a strong sense of place created with the residential high-rise buildings and their surroundings. The methodology relies on observational survey of the researched area together with structured questions, to evaluate the external qualities of the residential high-rises and their surroundings. Visual information can help identify the mistakes and the omissions of the provided project examples. It can provide insight on how can be improved imageability, legibility and human scale. In this connection, the paper argues that although the quality of the architecture of the high-rises is superb, there is a failure to create meaningful, high quality public realm in connection with them. As such, it does not function as well as the designers intended to do: the functional quality of the public realm is quite low. The implications of the study suggest that actions need to take place in order to improve and foster further regeneration of the area.

Keywords: high-rises, isle of the dogs, public realm, regeneration

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988 Exploring the Suitability and Benefits of Two Different Mindfulness-Based Interventions with Marginalized Female Youth

Authors: Samaneh Abedini, Diana Coholic


The transition from adolescence into adulthood involves many changes that result in increased vulnerability to psychological challenges. This developmental stage can be especially stressful for female youth living in underserviced regions. If mental health problems are left untreated in socially marginalized youth, these challenges can extend into adulthood. We know that a lack of access to mental health services and supports can influence adolescents’ psycho-social development and well-being, while resilience and emotion regulation can help them cope with these challenges. Feasible therapeutic programs can play a significant role in assisting youth in developing these characteristics and skills. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C) and Holistic Art-Based Program (HAP) are two examples of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) that address emotion regulation, coping strategies, and resilience in marginalized youth. While each program’s beneficial effects have been documented, there is a lack of research comparing MBIs with youth, within underserviced geographical locations, and across different cultures. In this study, the sample was 42 female youth between the ages of 12 and 17 years from Iran. 42 female youth from the Elm o Honar High School, located in rural parts of Iran, Isfahan province, have been enrolled in the study. The participants were assigned to one of the MBIs (three MBCT-C experimental groups (n=20) and three HAP experimental groups (n=22)). All participants completed measures including the Child and Youth Resilience Measure-28 (CYRM-28), Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM), and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) at baseline and post-intervention. At the end of intervention, the MBCT-C and HAP experimental groups showed significant changes in resilience and emotion regulation. However, the changes in resilience in HAP groups were not significant; the participants in MBCT-C experimental groups showed significant improvement in resilience. The study provided initial evidence that mindfulness-based intervention can be potentially beneficial for improving mental health status in marginalized Iranian female youth living in the middle east culture.

Keywords: benefits, female, marginalized, mindfulness, youth

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987 Valorization Cascade Approach of Fish By-Products towards a Zero-Waste Future: A Review

Authors: Joana Carvalho, Margarida Soares, André Ribeiro, Lucas Nascimento, Nádia Valério, Zlatina Genisheva


Following the exponential growth of human population, a remarkable increase in the amount of fish waste has been produced worldwide. The fish processing industry generates a considerable amount of by-products which represents a considerable environmental problem. Accordingly, the reuse and valorisation of these by-products is a key process for marine resource preservation. The significant volume of fish waste produced worldwide, along with its environmental impact, underscores the urgent need for the adoption of sustainable practices. The transformative potential of utilizing fish processing waste to create industrial value is gaining recognition. The substantial amounts of waste generated by the fish processing industry present both environmental challenges and economic inefficiencies. Different added-value products can be recovered by the valorisation industries, whereas fishing companies can save costs associated with the management of those wastes, with associated advantages, not only in terms of economic income but also considering the environmental impacts. Fish processing by-products have numerous applications; the target portfolio of products will be fish oil, fish protein hydrolysates, bacteriocins, pigments, vitamins, collagen, and calcium-rich powder, targeting food products, additives, supplements, and nutraceuticals. This literature review focuses on the main valorisation ways of fish wastes and different compounds with a high commercial value obtained by fish by-products and their possible applications in different fields. Highlighting its potential in sustainable resource management strategies can play and important role in reshaping the fish processing industry, driving it towards circular economy and consequently more sustainable future.

Keywords: fish process industry, fish wastes, by-products, circular economy, sustainability

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986 Atomic Scale Storage Mechanism Study of the Advanced Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Authors: Xi Wang, Yoshio Bando


Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) can deliver high levels of energy storage density and offer long operating lifetimes, but their power density is too low for many important applications. Therefore, we developed some new strategies and fabricated novel electrodes for fast Li transport and its facile synthesis including N-doped graphene-SnO2 sandwich papers, bicontinuous nanoporous Cu/Li4Ti5O12 electrode, and binder-free N-doped graphene papers. In addition, by using advanced in-TEM, STEM techniques and the theoretical simulations, we systematically studied and understood their storage mechanisms at the atomic scale, which shed a new light on the reasons of the ultrafast lithium storage property and high capacity for these advanced anodes. For example, by using advanced in-situ TEM, we directly investigated these processes using an individual CuO nanowire anode and constructed a LIB prototype within a TEM. Being promising candidates for anodes in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), transition metal oxide anodes utilizing the so-called conversion mechanism principle typically suffer from the severe capacity fading during the 1st cycle of lithiation–delithiation. Also we report on the atomistic insights of the GN energy storage as revealed by in situ TEM. The lithiation process on edges and basal planes is directly visualized, the pyrrolic N "hole" defect and the perturbed solid-electrolyte-interface (SEI) configurations are observed, and charge transfer states for three N-existing forms are also investigated. In situ HRTEM experiments together with theoretical calculations provide a solid evidence that enlarged edge {0001} spacings and surface "hole" defects result in improved surface capacitive effects and thus high rate capability and the high capacity is owing to short-distance orderings at the edges during discharging and numerous surface defects; the phenomena cannot be understood previously by standard electron or X-ray diffraction analyses.

Keywords: in-situ TEM, STEM, advanced anode, lithium-ion batteries, storage mechanism

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985 Creating and Questioning Research-Oriented Digital Outputs to Manuscript Metadata: A Case-Based Methodological Investigation

Authors: Diandra Cristache


The transition of traditional manuscript studies into the digital framework closely affects the methodological premises upon which manuscript descriptions are modeled, created, and questioned for the purpose of research. This paper intends to explore the issue by presenting a methodological investigation into the process of modeling, creating, and questioning manuscript metadata. The investigation is founded on a close observation of the Polonsky Greek Manuscripts Project, a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge and Heidelberg. More than just providing a realistic ground for methodological exploration, along with a complete metadata set for computational demonstration, the case study also contributes to a broader purpose: outlining general methodological principles for making the most out of manuscript metadata by means of research-oriented digital outputs. The analysis mainly focuses on the scholarly approach to manuscript descriptions, in the specific instance where the act of metadata recording does not have a programmatic research purpose. Close attention is paid to the encounter of 'traditional' practices in manuscript studies with the formal constraints of the digital framework: does the shift in practices (especially from the straight narrative of free writing towards the hierarchical constraints of the TEI encoding model) impact the structure of metadata and its capability to respond specific research questions? It is argued that flexible structure of TEI and traditional approaches to manuscript description lead to a proliferation of markup: does an 'encyclopedic' descriptive approach ensure the epistemological relevance of the digital outputs to metadata? To provide further insight on the computational approach to manuscript metadata, the metadata of the Polonsky project are processed with techniques of distant reading and data networking, thus resulting in a new group of digital outputs (relational graphs, geographic maps). The computational process and the digital outputs are thoroughly illustrated and discussed. Eventually, a retrospective analysis evaluates how the digital outputs respond to the scientific expectations of research, and the other way round, how the requirements of research questions feed back into the creation and enrichment of metadata in an iterative loop.

Keywords: digital manuscript studies, digital outputs to manuscripts metadata, metadata interoperability, methodological issues

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984 The Potential of Sown Pastures as Feedstock for Biofuels in Brazil

Authors: Danilo G. De Quadros


Biofuels are a priority in the renewable energy agenda. The utilization of tropical grasses to ethanol production is a real opportunity to Brazil reaches the world’s leadership in biofuels production because there are 100 million hectares of sown pastures, which represent 20% of all land and 80% of agricultural areas. Basically, nowadays tropical grasses are used to raise livestock. The results obtained in this research could bring tremendous advance not only to national technology and economy but also to improve social and environmental aspects. Thus, the objective of this work was to estimate, through well-established international models, the potential of biofuels production using sown tropical pastures as feedstocks and to compare the results with sugarcane ethanol, considering state-of-art of conversion technology, advantages and limitations factors. There were used data from national and international literature about forage yield and biochemical conversion yield. Some scenarios were studied to evaluate potential advantages and limitations for cellulosic ethanol production, since non-food feedstock appeal to conversion strategies, passing through harvest, densification, logistics, environmental impacts (carbon and water cycles, nutrient recycling and biodiversity), and social aspects. If Brazil used only 1% of sown pastures to ethanol production by biochemical pathway, with average dry matter yield of 15 metric tons per hectare per year (there are results of 40 tons), resulted annually in 721 billion liters, that represents 10 times more than sugarcane ethanol projected by the Government in 2030. However, more research is necessary to take the results to commercial scale with competitive costs, considering many strategies and methods applied in ethanol production using cellulosic feedstock.

Keywords: biofuels, biochemical pathway, cellulosic ethanol, sustainability

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983 Increased Energy Efficiency and Improved Product Quality in Processing of Lithium Bearing Ores by Applying Fluidized-Bed Calcination Systems

Authors: Edgar Gasafi, Robert Pardemann, Linus Perander


For the production of lithium carbonate or hydroxide out of lithium bearing ores, a thermal activation (calcination/decrepitation) is required for the phase transition in the mineral to enable an acid respectively soda leaching in the downstream hydrometallurgical section. In this paper, traditional processing in Lithium industry is reviewed, and opportunities to reduce energy consumption and improve product quality and recovery rate will be discussed. The conventional process approach is still based on rotary kiln calcination, a technology in use since the early days of lithium ore processing, albeit not significantly further developed since. A new technology, at least for the Lithium industry, is fluidized bed calcination. Decrepitation of lithium ore was investigated at Outotec’s Frankfurt Research Centre. Focusing on fluidized bed technology, a study of major process parameters (temperature and residence time) was performed at laboratory and larger bench scale aiming for optimal product quality for subsequent processing. The technical feasibility was confirmed for optimal process conditions on pilot scale (400 kg/h feed input) providing the basis for industrial process design. Based on experimental results, a comprehensive Aspen Plus flow sheet simulation was developed to quantify mass and energy flow for the rotary kiln and fluidized bed system. Results show a significant reduction in energy consumption and improved process performance in terms of temperature profile, product quality and plant footprint. The major conclusion is that a substantial reduction of energy consumption can be achieved in processing Lithium bearing ores by using fluidized bed based systems. At the same time and different from rotary kiln process, an accurate temperature and residence time control is ensured in fluidized-bed systems leading to a homogenous temperature profile in the reactor which prevents overheating and sintering of the solids and results in uniform product quality.

Keywords: calcination, decrepitation, fluidized bed, lithium, spodumene

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982 What Happens When We Try to Bridge the Science-Practice Gap? An Example from the Brazilian Native Vegetation Protection Law

Authors: Alice Brites, Gerd Sparovek, Jean Paul Metzger, Ricardo Rodrigues


The segregation between science and policy in decision making process hinders nature conservation efforts worldwide. Scientists have been criticized for not producing information that leads to effective solutions for environmental problems. In an attempt to bridge this gap between science and practice, we conducted a project aimed at supporting the implementation of the Brazilian Native Vegetation Protection Law (NVPL) implementation in São Paulo State (SP), Brazil. To do so, we conducted multiple open meetings with the stakeholders involved in this discussion. Throughout this process, we raised stakeholders' demands for scientific information and brought feedbacks about our findings. However, our main scientific advice was not taken into account during the NVPL implementation in SP. The NVPL has a mechanism that exempts landholders who converted native vegetation without offending the legislation in place at the time of the conversion from restoration requirements. We found out that there were no accurate spatialized data for native vegetation cover before the 1960s. Thus, the initial benchmark for the mechanism application should be the 1965 Brazilian Forest Act. Even so, SP kept the 1934 Brazilian Forest Act as the initial legal benchmark for the law application. This decision implies the use of a probabilistic native vegetation map that has uncertainty and subjectivity as its intrinsic characteristics, thus its use can lead to legal queries, corruption, and an unfair benefit application. But why this decision was made even after the scientific advice was vastly divulgated? We raised some possible reasons to explain it. First, the decision was made during a government transition, showing that circumstantial political events can overshadow scientific arguments. Second, the debate about the NVPL in SP was not pacified and powerful stakeholders could benefit from the confusion created by this decision. Finally, the native vegetation protection mechanism is a complex issue, with many technical aspects that can be hard to understand for a non-specialized courtroom, such as the one that made the final decision at SP. This example shows that science and decision-makers still have a long way ahead to improve their way to interact and that science needs to find its way to be heard above the political buzz.

Keywords: Brazil, forest act, science-based dialogue, science-policy interface

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981 Quo Vadis, European Football: An Analysis of the Impact of Over-The-Top Services in the Sports Rights Market

Authors: Farangiz Davranbekova


Subject: The study explores the impact of Over-the-Top services in the sports rights market, focusing on football games. This impact is analysed in the big five European football markets. The research entails how the pay-TV market is combating the disruptors' entry, how the fans are adjusting to these changes and how leagues and football clubs are orienting in the transitional period of more choice. Aims and methods: The research aims to offer a general overview of the impact of OTT players in the football rights market. A theoretical framework of Jenkins’ five layers of convergence is implemented to analyse the transition the sports rights market is witnessing from various angles. The empirical analysis consists of secondary research data as and seven expert interviews from three different clusters. The findings are bound by the combination of the two methods offering general statements. Findings: The combined secondary data as well as expert interviews, conducted on five layers of convergence found: 1. Technological convergence presents that football content is accessible through various devices with innovative digital features, unlike the traditional TV set box. 2. Social convergence demonstrates that football fans multitask using various devices on social media when watching the games. These activities are complementary to traditional TV viewing. 3. Cultural convergence points that football fans have a new layer of fan engagement with leagues, clubs and other fans using social media. Additionally, production and consumption lines are blurred. 4. Economic convergence finds that content distribution is diversifying and/or eroding. Consumers now have more choices, albeit this can be harmful to them. Entry barriers are decreased, and bigger clubs feel more powerful. 5. Global convergence shows that football fans are engaging with not only local fans but with fans around the world that social media sites enable. Recommendation: A study on smaller markets such as Belgium or the Netherlands would benefit the study on the impact of OTT. Additionally, examination of other sports will shed light on this matter. Lastly, once the direct-to-consumer model is fully taken off in Europe, it will be of importance to examine the impact of such transformation in the market.

Keywords: sports rights, OTT, pay TV, football

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980 In Exploring Local Community Empowerment and Participation in Blue Tourism Activities

Authors: Philasande Runeli, Lynn Jonas


Empowerment suggests participation is working collaboratively towards shared objectives, obtaining resources and critically analysing one’s social and political differences are all necessary steps in the empowering process. The aim of leadership empowerment is to give a team the resources and encouragement they need to work more productively together. This study explores potential ways to increase local empowerment and participation in blue tourism activities in an urban coastal context in South Africa. Blue tourism, which refers to the application of sustainability practices to tourism activities in coastal and marine settings, has the potential to significantly improve socioeconomic conditions in coastal communities. However, people's engagement in these activities remain restricted. The study uses a constructivist research paradigm and employs a qualitative method, conducting semi-structured interviews with community members from three different communities gaining in-depth perspectives from them. The study's goal is to identify impediments and potential for community participation in blue tourism, as well as offering practical solutions for promoting long-term and inclusive participation. Initial key findings highlight critical barriers to participation, emphasising the importance of skills development, policy alignment with local needs, and public-private partnerships as key components of community empowerment. This study offers policymakers and stakeholders recommendations for promoting inclusive blue tourism initiatives. The recommended initiatives emphasise the significance of skills development, infrastructure investment, and sustainable tourism models in ensuring economic empowerment and environmental conservation in urban coastal communities in developing states.

Keywords: blue tourism, community empowerment and participation, sustainable tourism models, inclusive participation

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979 Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Properties of Half-Sandwich Complexes of Ruthenium(II), Rhodium(II) and Iridium(III)

Authors: A. Gilewska, J. Masternak, K. Kazimierczuk, L. Turlej, J. Wietrzyk, B. Barszcz


Platinum-based drugs are now widely used as chemotherapeutic agents. However the platinum complexes show the toxic side-effects: i) the development of platinum resistance; ii) the occurrence of severe side effects, such as nephro-, neuro- and ototoxicity; iii) the high toxicity towards human fibroblast. Therefore the development of new anticancer drugs containing different transition-metal ions, for example, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium is a valid strategy in cancer treatment. In this paper, we reported the synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and biological properties of complexes of ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium containing N,N-chelating ligand (2,2’-bisimidazole). These complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis. These complexes exhibit a typical pseudotetrahedral three-legged piano-stool geometry, in which the aromatic arene ring forms the seat of the piano-stool, while the bidentate 2,2’-bisimidazole (ligand) and the one chlorido ligand form the three legs of the stool. The spectroscopy data (IR, UV-Vis) and elemental analysis correlate very well with molecular structures. Moreover, the cytotoxic activity of the complexes was carried out on human cancer cell lines: LoVo (colorectal adenoma), MV-4-11 (myelomonocytic leukaemia), MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) and normal healthy mouse fibroblast BALB/3T3 cell lines. To predict a binding mode, a potential interaction of metal complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and protein (BSA) has been explored using UV absorption and circular dichroism (CD). It is interesting to note that the investigated complexes show no cytotoxic effect towards the normal BALB/3T3 cell line, compared to cisplatin, which IC₅₀ values was determined as 2.20 µM. Importantly, Ru(II) displayed the highest activity against HL-60 (IC₅₀ 4.35 µM). The biological studies (UV-Vis and circular dichroism) suggest that arene-complexes could interact with calf thymus DNA probably via an outside binding mode and interact with protein (BSA).

Keywords: ruthenium(II) complex, rhodium(III) complex, iridium(III) complex, biological activity

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978 Reducing the Imbalance Penalty Through Artificial Intelligence Methods Geothermal Production Forecasting: A Case Study for Turkey

Authors: Hayriye Anıl, Görkem Kar


In addition to being rich in renewable energy resources, Turkey is one of the countries that promise potential in geothermal energy production with its high installed power, cheapness, and sustainability. Increasing imbalance penalties become an economic burden for organizations since geothermal generation plants cannot maintain the balance of supply and demand due to the inadequacy of the production forecasts given in the day-ahead market. A better production forecast reduces the imbalance penalties of market participants and provides a better imbalance in the day ahead market. In this study, using machine learning, deep learning, and, time series methods, the total generation of the power plants belonging to Zorlu Natural Electricity Generation, which has a high installed capacity in terms of geothermal, was estimated for the first one and two weeks of March, then the imbalance penalties were calculated with these estimates and compared with the real values. These modeling operations were carried out on two datasets, the basic dataset and the dataset created by extracting new features from this dataset with the feature engineering method. According to the results, Support Vector Regression from traditional machine learning models outperformed other models and exhibited the best performance. In addition, the estimation results in the feature engineering dataset showed lower error rates than the basic dataset. It has been concluded that the estimated imbalance penalty calculated for the selected organization is lower than the actual imbalance penalty, optimum and profitable accounts.

Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, time series models, feature engineering, geothermal energy production forecasting

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977 3-D Strain Imaging of Nanostructures Synthesized via CVD

Authors: Sohini Manna, Jong Woo Kim, Oleg Shpyrko, Eric E. Fullerton


CVD techniques have emerged as a promising approach in the formation of a broad range of nanostructured materials. The realization of many practical applications will require efficient and economical synthesis techniques that preferably avoid the need for templates or costly single-crystal substrates and also afford process adaptability. Towards this end, we have developed a single-step route for the reduction-type synthesis of nanostructured Ni materials using a thermal CVD method. By tuning the CVD growth parameters, we can synthesize morphologically dissimilar nanostructures including single-crystal cubes and Au nanostructures which form atop untreated amorphous SiO2||Si substrates. An understanding of the new properties that emerge in these nanostructures materials and their relationship to function will lead to for a broad range of magnetostrictive devices as well as other catalysis, fuel cell, sensor, and battery applications based on high-surface-area transition-metal nanostructures. We use coherent X-ray diffraction imaging technique to obtain 3-D image and strain maps of individual nanocrystals. Coherent x-ray diffractive imaging (CXDI) is a technique that provides the overall shape of a nanostructure and the lattice distortion based on the combination of highly brilliant coherent x-ray sources and phase retrieval algorithm. We observe a fine interplay of reduction of surface energy vs internal stress, which plays an important role in the morphology of nano-crystals. The strain distribution is influenced by the metal-substrate interface and metal-air interface, which arise due to differences in their thermal expansion. We find the lattice strain at the surface of the octahedral gold nanocrystal agrees well with the predictions of the Young-Laplace equation quantitatively, but exhibits a discrepancy near the nanocrystal-substrate interface resulting from the interface. The strain in the bottom side of the Ni nanocube, which is contacted on the substrate surface is compressive. This is caused by dissimilar thermal expansion coefficients between Ni nanocube and Si substrate. Research at UCSD support by NSF DMR Award # 1411335.

Keywords: CVD, nanostructures, strain, CXRD

Procedia PDF Downloads 393
976 Supply Network Design for Production-Distribution of Fish: A Sustainable Approach Using Mathematical Programming

Authors: Nicolás Clavijo Buriticá, Laura Viviana Triana Sanchez


This research develops a productive context associated with the aquaculture industry in northern Tolima-Colombia, specifically in the town of Lerida. Strategic aspects of chain of fish Production-Distribution, especially those related to supply network design of an association devoted to cultivating, farming, processing and marketing of fish are addressed. This research is addressed from a special approach of Supply Chain Management (SCM) which guides management objectives to the system sustainability; this approach is called Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM). The network design of fish production-distribution system is obtained for the case study by two mathematical programming models that aims to maximize the economic benefits of the chain and minimize total supply chain costs, taking into account restrictions to protect the environment and its implications on system productivity. The results of the mathematical models validated in the productive situation of the partnership under study, called Asopiscinorte shows the variation in the number of open or closed locations in the supply network that determines the final network configuration. This proposed result generates for the case study an increase of 31.5% in the partial productivity of storage and processing, in addition to possible favorable long-term implications, such as attending an agile or not a consumer area, increase or not the level of sales in several areas, to meet in quantity, time and cost of work in progress and finished goods to various actors in the chain.

Keywords: Sustainable Supply Chain, mathematical programming, aquaculture industry, Supply Chain Design, Supply Chain Configuration

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975 Computational Study of Composite Films

Authors: Rudolf Hrach, Stanislav Novak, Vera Hrachova


Composite and nanocomposite films represent the class of promising materials and are often objects of the study due to their mechanical, electrical and other properties. The most interesting ones are probably the composite metal/dielectric structures consisting of a metal component embedded in an oxide or polymer matrix. Behaviour of composite films varies with the amount of the metal component inside what is called filling factor. The structures contain individual metal particles or nanoparticles completely insulated by the dielectric matrix for small filling factors and the films have more or less dielectric properties. The conductivity of the films increases with increasing filling factor and finally a transition into metallic state occurs. The behaviour of composite films near a percolation threshold, where the change of charge transport mechanism from a thermally-activated tunnelling between individual metal objects to an ohmic conductivity is observed, is especially important. Physical properties of composite films are given not only by the concentration of metal component but also by the spatial and size distributions of metal objects which are influenced by a technology used. In our contribution, a study of composite structures with the help of methods of computational physics was performed. The study consists of two parts: -Generation of simulated composite and nanocomposite films. The techniques based on hard-sphere or soft-sphere models as well as on atomic modelling are used here. Characterizations of prepared composite structures by image analysis of their sections or projections follow then. However, the analysis of various morphological methods must be performed as the standard algorithms based on the theory of mathematical morphology lose their sensitivity when applied to composite films. -The charge transport in the composites was studied by the kinetic Monte Carlo method as there is a close connection between structural and electric properties of composite and nanocomposite films. It was found that near the percolation threshold the paths of tunnel current forms so-called fuzzy clusters. The main aim of the present study was to establish the correlation between morphological properties of composites/nanocomposites and structures of conducting paths in them in the dependence on the technology of composite films.

Keywords: composite films, computer modelling, image analysis, nanocomposite films

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974 Unveiling the Reaction Mechanism of N-Nitroso Dimethyl Amine Formation from Substituted Hydrazine Derivatives During Ozonation: A Computational Study

Authors: Rehin Sulay, Anandhu Krishna, Jintumol Mathew, Vibin Ipe Thomas


N-Nitrosodimethyl amine, the simplest member of the N-Nitrosoamine family, is a carcinogenic and mutagenic agent that has gained considerable research interest owing to its toxic nature. Ozonation of industrially important hydrazines such as unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) or monomethylhydrazine (MMH) has been associated with NDMA formation and accumulation in the environment. UDMH/MMH - ozonation also leads to several other transformation products such as acetaldehyde dimethyl hydrazone (ADMH), tetramethyl tetra azene (TMT), diazomethane, methyl diazene, etc, which can be either precursors or competitors for NDMA formation.In this work, we explored the formation mechanism of ADMH and TMT from UDMH-ozonation and their further oxidation to NDMA using the second-order Moller Plesset perturbation theory employing the 6-311G(d) basis set. We have also investigated how MMH selectively forms methyl diazene and diazomethane under normal conditions and NDMA in the presence of excess ozone. Our calculations indicate that the reactions proceed via an initial H abstraction from the hydrazine –NH2 group followed by the oxidation of the generated N-radical species. The formation of ADMH from the UDMH-ozone reaction involves an acetaldehyde intermediate, which then reacts with a second UDMH molecule to generate ADMH. The preferable attack of ozone molecule on N=C bond of ADMH generates DMAN intermediate, which subsequently undergoes oxidation to form NDMA. Unlike other transformation products, TMT formation occurs via the dimerization of DMAN. Though there exist a N=N bonds in the TMT, which are preferable attacking sites for ozone, experimental studies show the lower yields of NDMA formation, which corroborates with the high activation barrier required for the process(42kcal/mol).Overall, our calculated results agree well with the experimental observations and rate constants. Computational calculations bring insights into the electronic nature and kinetics of the elementary reactions of this pathway, enabled by computed energies of structures that are not possible to access experimentally.

Keywords: reaction mechanism, ozonation, substituted hydrazine, transition state

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973 Observationally Constrained Estimates of Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing over Indian Ocean

Authors: Sofiya Rao, Sagnik Dey


Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction continues to be one of the largest sources of uncertainty in quantifying the aerosol climate forcing. The uncertainty is increasing from global to regional scale. This problem remains unresolved due to the large discrepancy in the representation of cloud processes in the climate models. Most of the studies on aerosol-cloud-climate interaction and aerosol-cloud-precipitation over Indian Ocean (like INDOEX, CAIPEEX campaign etc.) are restricted to either particular to one season or particular to one region. Here we developed a theoretical framework to quantify aerosol indirect radiative forcing using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol and cloud products of 15 years (2000-2015) period over the Indian Ocean. This framework relies on the observationally constrained estimate of the aerosol-induced change in cloud albedo. We partitioned the change in cloud albedo into the change in Liquid Water Path (LWP) and Effective Radius of Clouds (Reff) in response to an aerosol optical depth (AOD). Cloud albedo response to an increase in AOD is most sensitive in the range of LWP between 120-300 gm/m² for a range of Reff varying from 8-24 micrometer, which means aerosols are most sensitive to this range of LWP and Reff. Using this framework, aerosol forcing during a transition from indirect to semi-direct effect is also calculated. The outcome of this analysis shows best results over the Arabian Sea in comparison with the Bay of Bengal and the South Indian Ocean because of heterogeneity in aerosol spices over the Arabian Sea. Over the Arabian Sea during Winter Season the more absorbing aerosols are dominating, during Pre-monsoon dust (coarse mode aerosol particles) are more dominating. In winter and pre-monsoon majorly the aerosol forcing is more dominating while during monsoon and post-monsoon season meteorological forcing is more dominating. Over the South Indian Ocean, more or less same types of aerosol (Sea salt) are present. Over the Arabian Sea the Aerosol Indirect Radiative forcing are varying from -5 ± 4.5 W/m² for winter season while in other seasons it is reducing. The results provide observationally constrained estimates of aerosol indirect forcing in the Indian Ocean which can be helpful in evaluating the climate model performance in the context of such complex interactions.

Keywords: aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction, aerosol-cloud-climate interaction, indirect radiative forcing, climate model

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