Search results for: gene expression profiles
883 Molecular Characterization and Identification of C-Type Lectin in Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver
Authors: Hafiza Javaria Ashraf, Xinghong Wang, Zhanghong Shi, Youming Hou
Insect’s innate immunity depends on a variety of defense responses for the recognition of invading pathogens. Pathogen recognition involves particular proteins known as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). These PRRs interact with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) present on the surface of pathogens to distinguish between self and non-self. C-type lectins (CTLs) belong to a superfamily of PPRs which involved in insect immunity and defense mechanism. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier is a devastating pest of Palm cultivations in China. Although studies on R. ferrugineus immune mechanism and host defense have conducted, however, the role of CTL in immune responses of R. ferrugineus remains elusive. Here, we report RfCTL, which is a secreted protein containing a single-CRD domain. The open reading frame (ORF) of CTL is 226 bp, which encodes a putative protein of 168 amino acids. Transcript expression analysis revealed that RfCTL highly expressed in immune-related tissues, i.e., hemolymph and fat body. The abundance of RfCTL in the gut and fat body dramatically increased upon Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacterial challenges, suggesting a role in defense against gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial infection. Taken together, we inferred that RfCTL might be involved in the immune defense of R. ferrugineus and established a solid foundation for future studies on R. ferrugineus CTL domain proteins for better understanding of insect immunity.Keywords: biological invasion, c-type lectin, insect immunity, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver
Procedia PDF Downloads 159882 Welding Technology Developments for Stringer-Skin Joints with Al-Li Alloys
Authors: Egoitz Aldanondo, Ekaitz Arruti, Amaia Iturrioz, Ivan Huarte, Fidel Zubiri
Manufacturing aeronautic structures joining extruded profiles or stringers to sheets or skins of aluminium is a typical manufacturing procedure in aeronautic structures. Although riveting is the conventional manufacturing technology to produce such joints, the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) technologies have also demonstrated their potential for this kind of applications. Therefore, FSW and LBW technologies have the potential to continue their development as manufacturing processes for aeronautic structures showing benefits such as time-saving, light-weighting and overall cost reduction. In addition to that, new aluminium-lithium based alloy developments represent great opportunities for advanced aeronautic structure manufacturing with potential benefits such as lightweight construction or improved corrosion resistance. This work presents the main approaches by FSW and LBW to develop those technologies to produce stiffened panel structures such as fuselage by stringer-skin joints and using innovative aluminium-lithium alloys. Initial welding tests were performed in AA2198-T3S aluminium alloys for LBW technology and with AA2198-T851 for FSW. Later tests for both FSW and LBW have been carried out using AA2099-T83 alloy extrusions as stringers and AA2060-T8E30 as skin materials. The weld quality and properties have been examined by metallographic analysis and mechanical testing, including shear tensile tests and pull-out tests. The analysis of the results have shown the relationships between processing conditions, micro-macrostructural properties and the mechanical strength of the welded joints. The effects produced in the different alloys investigated have been observed and particular weld formation mechanics have been studied for each material and welding technology. Therefore, relationships between welding conditions and the obtained weld properties for each material combination and welding technology will be discussed in this presentation.Keywords: AA2060-T8E30, AA2099-T83, AA2198-T3S, AA2198-T851, friction stir welding, laser beam welding
Procedia PDF Downloads 202881 RhoA Regulates E-Cadherin Intercellular Junctions in Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells
Authors: Ga-Young Lee, Hyun-Man Kim
The modulation of the cell-cell junction is critical in epithelial-mesenchymal transition during tumorigenesis. As RhoA activity is known to be up-regulated to dissociate cell-cell junction by contracting acto-myosin complex in various cancer cells, the present study investigated if RhoA activity was also associated with the disruption of the cell-cell junction of oral cancer cells. We studied SCC-25 cells which are established from oral squamous cell carcinoma if their E-cadherin junction (ECJ) was under control of RhoA. Interestingly, development of ECJ of SCC-25 cells depended on the amount of fibronectin (FN) coated on the culture dishes. Seeded cells promptly aggregated to develop ECJ on the substrates coated with a low amount of FN, whereas they were retarded in the development of ECJ on the substrates coated with a high amount of FN. However, it was an unexpected finding that total RhoA activity was lower in the dissociated cells on the substrates of high FN than in the aggregated cells on the substrates of low FN. Treating the dissociated cells on the substrates of high FN with LPA, a RhoA activator, promoted the development to ECJ. In contrast, treating the aggregated cells on the substrates of low FN with Clostridium botulinum C3, a toxin decreasing RhoA activity, dissociated cells concomitant with the disruption of ECJ. Genetical knockdown of RhoA expression by transfecting RhoA siRNA also down-regulated the development of ECJ in SCC-25 cells. Furthermore, PMA, an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), down-regulated the development of ECJ junction of SCC-25 cells on the substrates coated with low FN. In contrast, GO6976, a PKC inhibitor, up-regulated the development of ECJ of SCC-25 cells with the activation of RhoA on the substrates coated with high FN. In conclusion, in the present study, we demonstrated unexpected results that the activation of RhoA promotes the development of ECJ, whereas the inhibition of RhoA retards the development of ECJ in SCC-25 cells.Keywords: E-cadherin junction, oral squamous cell carcinoma, PKC, RhoA, SCC-25
Procedia PDF Downloads 332880 Anti-Obesity Activity of Garcinia xanthochymus: Biochemical Characterization and In vivo Studies in High Fat Diet-Rat Model
Authors: Mahesh M. Patil, K. A. Anu-Appaiah
Overweight and obesity is a serious medical problem, increasing in prevalence, and affecting millions worldwide. Investigators have been trying from decades to articulate the burden of obesity and related risk factors. To answer this problem, we suggest a new therapeutic anti-obesity compounds from Garcinia xanthochymus fruit. However, there is little published scientific information on non-hydroxycitric acid Garcinia species. Our findings include biochemical characterization of the fruit; in vivo toxicity and bio-efficacy study of G. xanthochymus in high fat diet wistar rat model. We observed that Garcinia pericarp is a rich source of organic acids, polyphenols, mono- (40.63%) and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (16.45%; omega-3: 10.02%). Toxicological studies have showed that Garcinia is safe and had no observed adverse effect level up to 400 mg/kg/day. Body weight and food intake was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in oral gavage treated rats (sonicated Garcinia powder) in 13 weeks. Subcutaneous fat was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in Garcinia treated rats. Hepatocytes significantly (p<0.05) overexpressed sterol regulatory element binding protein 2, liver X receptor- α, liver X receptor- β, lipoprotein lipase and monoacylglycerol lipase. Fatty acid binding protein 1 and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor- α were down regulated as assessed by real time qPCR. Currently our research is focused on the adipocyte obesity related gene expressions, effect of Garcinia on 3T3-adipocyte cell lines and high fat diet induced mice model. This in vivo pre-clinical data suggests that G. xanthochymus may have clinical utility for the treatment of obesity. However, further studies are required to establish its potency.Keywords: Garcinia xanthochymus, anti-obesity, high fat diet, real time qPCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 252879 Hyper-Immunoglobulin E (Hyper-Ige) Syndrome In Skin Of Color: A Retrospective Single-Centre Observational Study
Authors: Rohit Kothari, Muneer Mohamed, Vivekanandh K., Sunmeet Sandhu, Preema Sinha, Anuj Bhatnagar
Introduction: Hyper-IgE syndrome is a rare primary immunodeficiency syndrome characterised by triad of severe atopic dermatitis, recurrent pulmonary infections, and recurrent staphylococcal skin infections. The diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion, typical clinical features, and not mere rise in serum-IgE levels, which may be seen in multiple conditions. Genetic studies are not always possible in a resource poor setting. This study highlights various presentations of Hyper-IgE syndrome in skin of color children. Case-series: Our study had six children of Hyper-IgE syndrome aged twomonths to tenyears. All had onset in first ten months of life except one with a late-onset at two years. All had recurrent eczematoid rash, which responded poorly to conventional treatment, secondary infection, multiple episodes of hospitalisation for pulmonary infection, and raised serum IgE levels. One case had occasional vesicles, bullae, and crusted plaques over both the extremities. Genetic study was possible in only one of them who was found to have pathogenic homozygous deletions of exon-15 to 18 in DOCK8 gene following which he underwent bone marrow transplant (BMT), however, succumbed to lower respiratory tract infection two months after BMT and rest of them received multiple courses of antibiotics, oral/ topical steroids, and cyclosporine intermittently with variable response. Discussion: Our study highlights various characteristics, presentation, and management of this rare syndrome in children. Knowledge of these manifestations in skin of color will facilitate early identification and contribute to optimal care of the patients as representative data on the same is limited in literature.Keywords: absolute eosinophil count, atopic dermatitis, eczematous rash, hyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome, pulmonary infection, serum IgE, skin of color
Procedia PDF Downloads 139878 Effects of Ensiled Mulberry Leaves and Sun-Dried Mulberry Fruit Pomace on the Composition of Bacteria in Feces of Finishing Steers
Authors: Yan Li, Qingxiang Meng, Bo Zhou, Zhenming Zhou
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of ensiled mulberry leaves (EML), and sun-dried mulberry fruit pomace (SMFP) on fecal bacterial communities in Simmental crossbred finishing steers fed the following 3 diets: a standard TMR diet, standard diet containing EML and standard diet containing SMFP, and the diets had similar protein and energy levels. Bacterial communities in the fecal content were analyzed using Illumina Miseq sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene amplification. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to detect the selected bacterial species in the feces. Most of the sequences were assigned to phyla Firmicutes (56.67%) and Bacteroidetes(35.90%), followed by Proteobacteria(1.86%), Verrucomicrobia(1.80%) and Tenericutes(1.37%). And the predominant genera included the 5-7N15 (5.91%), CF231 (2.49%), Oscillospira (2.33%), Paludibacter (1.23%) and Akkermansia(1.11%). As for the treatments, no significant differences were observed in Firmicutes (p = 0.28), Bacteroidetes (p = 0.63), Proteobacteria (p = 0.46), Verrucomicrobia (p = 0.17) and Tenericutes (p = 0.75). On the genus level, classified genera with high abundance (more than 0.1%) mainly came from two phyla: Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Also no differences were observed in most genera level, 5-7N15 (p = 0.21), CF231 (p = 0.62), Oscillospira (p = 0.9), Paludibacter (p = 0.33) and Akkermansia (p = 0.37), except that rc4-4 were lower in the CON and SMFP groups compared to the EML animals (p = 0.02). Additionally, there were no differences in richness estimate and diversity indices (p > 0.16), and treatments had no significant effect on most selected bacterial species in the fecal (p > 0.06), except that Ruminococcus albus were higher in the EML group (p < 0.01) and Streptococcus bovis were lower in the CON group (p < 0.01). In conclusion, diets supplemented with EML and SMFP have little influence on fecal bacterial community composition in finishing steers.Keywords: fecal bacteria community composition, sequencing, ensiled mulberry leaves (EML), sun-dried mulberry fruit pomace (SMFP)
Procedia PDF Downloads 325877 Probiotic Potential and Antimicrobial Activity of Enterococcus faecium Isolated from Chicken Caecal and Fecal Samples
Authors: Salma H. Abu Hafsa, A. Mendonca, B. Brehm-Stecher, A. A. Hassan, S. A. Ibrahim
Enterococci are important inhabitants of the animal intestine and are widely used in probiotic products. A probiotic strain is expected to possess several desirable properties in order to exert beneficial effects. Therefore, the objective of this study was to isolate and characterize strains of Enterococcus sp. from chicken cecal and fecal samples to determine potential probiotic properties. Enterococci were isolated from thirty one chicken cecal and fecal samples collected from a local farm. In vitro studies were performed to assess antibacterial activity (using agar well diffusion and cell free supernatant broth technique against Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis), susceptibility to antibiotics (amoxycillin, cotrimoxazole, chloramphenicol, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, and nalidixic acid), survival in acidic conditions, resistance to bile salts, and their survival during simulated gastric juice conditions at pH 2.5. Isolates were identified using biochemical and molecular assays (API 50 CHL, and API ZYM kits followed by 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis). Two strains were identified, of which, Enteroccocus faecium was capable of inhibiting the growth of S. enteritidis and was susceptible to a wide range of antibiotics. In addition, the isolated strain exhibited significant resistance under highly acidic conditions (pH=2.5) for 8 hours and survived well in bile salt at 0.2% for 24 hours and showing ability to survive in the presence of simulated gastric juice at pH 2.5. Based on these results, the E. faecium isolate fulfills some of the criteria to be considered as a probiotic strain and therefore, could be used as a feed additive with good potential for controlling S. enteritidis in chickens. However, in vivo studies are needed to determine the safety of the strain.Keywords: acid tolerance, antimicrobial activity, Enterococcus faecium, probiotic
Procedia PDF Downloads 397876 The Role of Moroccan Salafist Radicalism in Creating Threat to Spain’s Security
Authors: Stanislaw Kosmynka
Although the genesis of the activity of fighting salafist radicalism in Spain dates back to the 80’s, the development of extremism of this kind manifested itself only in the next decade. Its first permanently functioning structures in this country in the second half of 90’s of 20th century came from Algieria and Syria. At the same time it should be emphasized that this distinction is in many dimensions conventional, the more so because they consisted also of immigrants from other coutries of Islam, particularly from Morocco. The paper seeks to understand the radical salafist challenge for Spain in the context of some terrorist networks consisted of immigrants from Morocco. On the eve of the new millennium Moroccan jihadists played an increasingly important role. Although the activity of these groups had for many years mainly logistical and propaganda character, the bomb attack carried out on 11 March 2004 in Madrid constituted an expression of open forms of terrorism, directed against the authorities and society of Spain and reflected the narration of representatives of the trend of the global jihad. The people involved in carrying out that act of violence were to a large extent Moroccan immigrants; also in the following years among the cells of radicals in Spain Moroccans stood out many times. That is why the forms and directions of activity of these extremists in Spain, also after 11th March 2004 and in the actual context of the impact of Islamic State, are worth presenting. The paper is focused on threats to the security of Spain and the region and remains connected with the issues of mutual relations of the society of a host country with immigrant communities which to a large degree come from this part of Maghreb.Keywords: jihadi terrorism, Morocco, radical salafism, security, Spain, terrorist cells, threat
Procedia PDF Downloads 526875 Development of PVA/polypyrrole Scaffolds by Supercritical CO₂ for Its Application in Biomedicine
Authors: Antonio Montes, Antonio Cozar, Clara Pereyra, Diego Valor, Enrique Martinez de la Ossa
Tissues and organs can be damaged because of traumatism, congenital illnesses, or cancer and the traditional therapeutic alternatives, such as surgery, cannot usually completely repair the damaged tissues. Tissue engineering allows regeneration of the patient's tissues, reducing the problems caused by the traditional methods. Scaffolds, polymeric structures with interconnected porosity, can be promoted the proliferation and adhesion of the patient’s cells in the damaged area. Furthermore, by means of impregnation of the scaffold with beneficial active substances, tissue regeneration can be induced through a drug delivery process. The objective of the work is the fabrication of a PVA scaffold coated with Gallic Acid and polypyrrole through a one-step foaming and impregnation process using the SSI technique (Supercritical Solvent Impregnation). In this technique, supercritical CO₂ penetrates into the polymer chains producing the plasticization of the polymer. In the depressurization step a CO₂ cellular nucleation and growing to take place to an interconnected porous structure of the polymer. The foaming process using supercritical CO₂ as solvent and expansion agent presents advantages compared to the traditional scaffolds’ fabrication methods, such as the polymer’s high solubility in the solvent or the possibility of carrying out the process at a low temperature, avoiding the inactivation of the active substance. In this sense, the supercritical CO₂ avoids the use of organic solvents and reduces the solvent residues in the final product. Moreover, this process does not require long processing time that could cause the stratification of substance inside the scaffold reducing the therapeutic efficiency of the formulation. An experimental design has been carried out to optimize the SSI technique operating conditions, as well as a study of the morphological characteristics of the scaffold for its use in tissue engineerings, such as porosity, conductivity or the release profiles of the active substance. It has been proved that the obtained scaffolds are partially porous, conductors of electricity and are able to release Gallic Acid in the long term.Keywords: scaffold, foaming, supercritical, PVA, polypyrrole, gallic acid
Procedia PDF Downloads 183874 Behavioral Effects of Oxidant and Reduced Chemorepellent on Mutant and Wild-Type Tetrahymena thermophila
Authors: Ananya Govindarajan
Tetrahymena thermophila is a single-cell, eukaryotic organism that belongs to the Protozoa Kingdom. Tetrahymena thermophila is often used in signal transduction pathway studies because of its ability to model sensory input and the effects of environmental conditions such as chemicals and temperature. The recently discovered G37 chemorepellent receptor showed increased responsiveness to all chemorepellents. Investigating the mutant G37 Tetrahymena gene in various test solutions, including ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, tetrazolium blue, potassium chloride, and dithiothreitol were performed to determine the role of oxidants and reducing agents with the mutant and wild-type cells (CU427) to assess the role of the receptor. Behavioral assays and recordings processed by ImageJ indicated that ferric chloride, hydrogen peroxide, and tetrazolium blue yielded little to no chemorepellent responses from G37 cells (<20% ARs). CU427 cells were over-responsive based on the mean percent of cells (>50% ARs). Reducing agents elicited chemorepellent responses from both G37 and CU427, in addition to potassium chloride. Cell responses were classified as over-responsive (>50% ARs). Dithiothreitol yielded unexpected results as G37 (37.0% ARs) and CU427 (38.1% ARs) had relatively similar responses and were only responsive and not over-responsive to the reducing agent test chemical solution. Ultimately, this indicates that the G37 receptor is more interactive with molecules that are reducing agents or non-oxidant compounds; G37 may be unable to sense and respond to oxidants effectively, further elucidating the pathways of the G37 strain and nature of this receptor. Results also indicate that the CSF most likely contained an oxidant, like ferric chloride. This research can be further applied to neuronal influences and how specific compounds may affect human neurons individually and their excitability as the responses model action potentials and membrane potential.Keywords: tetrahymena thermophila, signal transduction, chemosensory, oxidant, reducing agent
Procedia PDF Downloads 132873 Eco-Friendly Control of Bacterial Speck on Solanum lycopersicum by Azadirachta indica Extract
Authors: Navodit Goel, Prabir K. Paul
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is attacked by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato causing speck lesions on the leaves leading to severe economic casualty. In the present study, aqueous fruit extracts of Azadirachta indica (neem) were sprayed on a single node of tomato plants grown under controlled contamination-free conditions. The treatment of plants was performed with neem fruit extract either alone or along with the pathogen. The parameters of observation were activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and lysozyme, and isoform analysis of PPO; both at the treated leaves as well as untreated leaves away from the site of extract application. Polyphenol oxidase initiates phenylpropanoid pathway resulting in the synthesis of quinines from cytoplasmic phenols and production of reactive oxygen species toxic to broad spectrum microbes. Lysozyme is responsible for the breakdown of bacterial cell wall. The results indicate the upregulation of PPO and lysozyme activities in both the treated and untreated leaves along with de novo expression of newer PPO isoenzymes (which were absent in control samples). The appearance of additional PPO isoenzymes in bioelicitor-treated plants indicates that either the isoenzymes were expressed after bioelicitor application or the already expressed but inactive isoenzymes were activated by it. Lysozyme activity was significantly increased in the plants when treated with the bioelicitor or the pathogen alone. However, no new isoenzymes of lysozyme were expressed upon application of the extract. Induction of resistance by neem fruit extract could be a potent weapon in eco-friendly plant protection strategies.Keywords: Azadirachta indica, lysozyme, polyphenol oxidase, Solanum lycopersicum
Procedia PDF Downloads 289872 Introduction to Political Psychoanalysis of a Group in the Middle East
Authors: Seyedfateh Moradi, Abas Ali Rahbar
The present study focuses on investigating group psychoanalysis in the Middle East. The study uses a descriptive-analytic method and library resources have been used to collect the data. Additionally, the researcher’s observations of people’s everyday behavior have played an important role in the production and analysis of the study. Group psychoanalysis in the Middle East can be conducted through people’s daily behaviors, proverbs, poetry, mythology, etc., and some of the general characteristics of people in the Middle East include: xenophobia, revivalism, fatalism, nostalgic, wills and so on. Members of the group have often failed to achieve Libido wills and it is very important in unifying and reproduction violence. Therefore, if libidinal wills are irrationally fixed, it will be important in forming fundamentalist and racist groups, a situation that is dominant among many groups in the Middle East. Adversities, from early childhood and afterwards, in the subjects have always been influential in the political behavior of group members, and it manifests itself as counter-projections. Consequently, it affects the foreign policy of the governments. On the other hand, two kinds of subjects are identifiable in the Middle East, one; classical subject that is related to nostalgia and mythology and, two; modern subjects which is self-alienated. As a result, both subjects are seeking identity and self-expression in public in relation to forming groups. Therefore, collective unconscious in the Middle East shows itself as extreme boundaries and leads to forming groups characterized with violence. Psychoanalysis shows important aspects to identify many developments in the Middle East; totally analysis of Freud, Carl Jung and Reich about groups can be applied in the present Middle East.Keywords: political, psychoanalysis, group, Middle East
Procedia PDF Downloads 311871 Reimaging Archetype of Mosque: A Case Study on Contemporary Mosque Architecture in Bangladesh
Authors: Sabrina Rahman
The Mosque is Islam’s most symbolic structure, as well as the expression of collective identity. From the explicit words of our Prophet, 'The earth has been created for me as a masjid and a place of purity, and whatever man from my Ummah finds himself in need of prayer, let him pray' (anywhere)! it is obvious that a devout Muslim does not require a defined space or structure for divine worship since the whole earth is his prayer house. Yet we see that from time immemorial man throughout the Muslim world has painstakingly erected innumerable mosques. However, mosque design spans time, crosses boundaries, and expresses cultures. It is a cultural manifestation as much as one based on a regional building tradition or a certain interpretation of religion. The trend to express physical signs of religion is not new. Physical forms seem to convey symbolic messages. However, in recent times physical forms of mosque architecture are dominantly demising from mosque architecture projects in Bangladesh. Dome & minaret, the most prominent symbol of the mosque, is replacing by contextual and contemporary improvisation rather than subcontinental mosque architecture practice of early fellows. Thus the recent mosque projects of the last 15 years established the contemporary architectural realm in their design. Contextually, spiritual lighting, the serenity of space, tranquility of outdoor spaces, the texture of materials is widely establishing a new genre of Muslim prayer space. A case study based research will lead to specify its significant factors of modernism. Based on the findings, the paper presents evidence of recent projects as well as a guideline for the future image of contemporary Mosque architecture in Bangladesh.Keywords: contemporary architecture, modernism, prayer space, symbolism
Procedia PDF Downloads 122870 Legal Issues of Collecting and Processing Big Health Data in the Light of European Regulation 679/2016
Authors: Ioannis Iglezakis, Theodoros D. Trokanas, Panagiota Kiortsi
This paper aims to explore major legal issues arising from the collection and processing of Health Big Data in the light of the new European secondary legislation for the protection of personal data of natural persons, placing emphasis on the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016. Whether Big Health Data can be characterised as ‘personal data’ or not is really the crux of the matter. The legal ambiguity is compounded by the fact that, even though the processing of Big Health Data is premised on the de-identification of the data subject, the possibility of a combination of Big Health Data with other data circulating freely on the web or from other data files cannot be excluded. Another key point is that the application of some provisions of GPDR to Big Health Data may both absolve the data controller of his legal obligations and deprive the data subject of his rights (e.g., the right to be informed), ultimately undermining the fundamental right to the protection of personal data of natural persons. Moreover, data subject’s rights (e.g., the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing) are heavily impacted by the use of AI, algorithms, and technologies that reclaim health data for further use, resulting in sometimes ambiguous results that have a substantial impact on individuals. On the other hand, as the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed, Big Data analytics can offer crucial sources of information. In this respect, this paper identifies and systematises the legal provisions concerned, offering interpretative solutions that tackle dangers concerning data subject’s rights while embracing the opportunities that Big Health Data has to offer. In addition, particular attention is attached to the scope of ‘consent’ as a legal basis in the collection and processing of Big Health Data, as the application of data analytics in Big Health Data signals the construction of new data and subject’s profiles. Finally, the paper addresses the knotty problem of role assignment (i.e., distinguishing between controller and processor/joint controllers and joint processors) in an era of extensive Big Health data sharing. The findings are the fruit of a current research project conducted by a three-member research team at the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.Keywords: big health data, data subject rights, GDPR, pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 129869 Improving the Uniformity of Electrostatic Meter’s Spatial Sensitivity
Authors: Mohamed Abdalla, Ruixue Cheng, Jianyong Zhang
In pneumatic conveying, the solids are mixed with air or gas. In industries such as coal fired power stations, blast furnaces for iron making, cement and flour processing, the mass flow rate of solids needs to be monitored or controlled. However the current gas-solids two-phase flow measurement techniques are not as accurate as the flow meters available for the single phase flow. One of the problems that the multi-phase flow meters to face is that the flow profiles vary with measurement locations and conditions of pipe routing, bends, elbows and other restriction devices in conveying system as well as conveying velocity and concentration. To measure solids flow rate or concentration with non-even distribution of solids in gas, a uniform spatial sensitivity is required for a multi-phase flow meter. However, there are not many meters inherently have such property. The circular electrostatic meter is a popular choice for gas-solids flow measurement with its high sensitivity to flow, robust construction, low cost for installation and non-intrusive nature. However such meters have the inherent non-uniform spatial sensitivity. This paper first analyses the spatial sensitivity of circular electrostatic meter in general and then by combining the effect of the sensitivity to a single particle and the sensing volume for a given electrode geometry, the paper reveals first time how a circular electrostatic meter responds to a roping flow stream, which is much more complex than what is believed at present. The paper will provide the recent research findings on spatial sensitivity investigation at the University of Tees side based on Finite element analysis using Ansys Fluent software, including time and frequency domain characteristics and the effect of electrode geometry. The simulation results will be compared tothe experimental results obtained on a large scale (14” diameter) rig. The purpose of this research is paving a way to achieve a uniform spatial sensitivity for the circular electrostatic sensor by mean of compensation so as to improve overall accuracy of gas-solids flow measurement.Keywords: spatial sensitivity, electrostatic sensor, pneumatic conveying, Ansys Fluent software
Procedia PDF Downloads 367868 Evidence of Natural Selection Footprints among Some African Chicken Breeds and Village Ecotypes
Authors: Ahmed Elbeltagy, Francesca Bertolini, Damarius Fleming, Angelica Van Goor, Chris Ashwell, Carl Schmidt, Donald Kugonza, Susan Lamont, Max Rothschild
The major factor in shaping genomic variation of the African indigenous rural chicken is likely natural selection drives the development genetic footprints in the chicken genomes. To investigate such a hypothesis of a selection footprint, a total of 292 birds were randomly sampled from three indigenous ecotypes from East Africa (Uganda, Rwanda) and North Africa (Egypt) and two registered Egyptian breeds (Fayoumi and Dandarawi), and from the synthetic Kuroiler breed. Samples were genotyped using the Affymetrix 600K Axiom® Array. A total of 526,652 SNPs were utilized in the downstream analysis after quality control measures. The intra-population runs of homozygosity (ROH) that were consensuses in > 50% of individuals of an ecotype or > 75% of a breed were studied. To identify inter-population differentiation due to genetic structure, FST was calculated for North- vs. East- African populations in addition to population-pairwise combinations for overlapping windows (500Kb with an overlap of 250Kb). A total of 28,563 ROH were determined and were classified into three length categories. ROH and Fst detected sweeps were identified on several autosomes. Several genes in these regions are likely to be related to adaptation to local environmental stresses that include high altitude, diseases resistance, poor nutrition, oxidative and heat stresses and were linked to gene ontology terms (GO) related to immune response, oxygen consumption and heme binding, carbohydrate metabolism, oxidation-reduction, and behavior. Results indicated a possible effect of natural selection forces on shaping genomic structure for adaptation to local environmental stresses.Keywords: African Chicken, runs of homozygosity, FST, selection footprints
Procedia PDF Downloads 313867 Value Clusters of Grade 9 Teachers in the District of Trece Martires City, Division of Cavite: Basis for a Revised Values Education Program (RVEP)"
Authors: Juland D. Salayo
With numerous innovations introduced in the Philippine educational system, the country’s struggle of materializing its national goal of transforming lives ends with great loss. Many agree that the failure to emerge the integral values of the program, framework and the implementers impedes realization. Employing a descriptive-correlational method, it aimed to determine the value clusters of the Grade 9 teachers as assessed by themselves and by the students, the significant difference of the assessed values and the significant difference on the values based on their profile. Respondents were composed of sixty-nine (69) teachers and three hundred forty (340) students using simple random sampling. Through a survey-questionnaire, the study revealed that the teachers have high regards on their self-reliance, honesty and trustworthiness, obedience, politeness and respect and self-discipline and spirituality. In contrast, they have ranked the following values fairly: justice and fairness, courage, responsibility and punctuality and nationalism and patriotism. Having assessed by the students, they have highly regarded their teachers’ self-reliance, responsibility and punctuality, obedience, politeness and respect and fair play and sportsmanship. On the other hand, the student-respondents made a low assessment on the level of the teachers’ justice and fairness, nationalism and patriotism, honesty and trustworthiness and excellence. Using t-test, it showed that there is a significant difference between the assessments of the respondents. Finally, among the demographic profiles, only civil status and age rejected the hypothesis. The following were recommended: provide educators value-enhancement trainings and conferences, organize value-oriented organizations and activities, and make intensive value-campaigns heightening the low-assessed values. Thus, a Revised Values Education Program (RVEP) was made to further meet the objectives of the program, address the needs of its clienteles, and responding to the demands of both education and society towards excellence in service, social and economic revolution, and constructive national goals which are based from integral values.Keywords: values, value clusters, values education program, values education, teachers' assessed values
Procedia PDF Downloads 287866 In vitro Protein Folding and Stability Using Thermostable Exoshells
Authors: Siddharth Deshpande, Nihar Masurkar, Vallerinteavide Mavelli Girish, Malan Desai, Chester Drum
Folding and stabilization of recombinant proteins remain a consistent challenge for industrial and therapeutic applications. Proteins derived from thermophilic bacteria often have superior expression and stability qualities. To develop a generalizable approach to protein folding and stabilization, we tested the hypothesis that wrapping a thermostable exoshell around a protein substrate would aid folding and impart thermostable qualities to the internalized substrate. To test the effect of internalizing a protein within a thermostable exoshell (tES), we tested in vitro folding and stability using green fluorescent protein (GFPuv), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and renilla luciferase (rLuc). The 8nm interior volume of a thermostable ferritin assembly was engineered to accommodate foreign proteins and either present a positive, neutral or negative interior charge environment. We further engineered the tES complex to reversibly assemble and disassemble with pH titration. Template proteins were expressed as inclusion bodies and an in vitro folding protocol was developed that forced proteins to fold inside a single tES. Functional yield was improved 100-fold, 100-fold and 150-fold with use of tES for GFPuv, HRP and rLuc respectively and was highly dependent on the internal charge environment of the tES. After folding, functional proteins could be released from the tES folding cavity using size exclusion chromatography at pH 5.8. Internalized proteins were tested for improved stability against thermal, organic, urea and guanidine denaturation. Our results demonstrated that thermostable exoshells can efficiently refold and stabilize inactive aggregates into functional proteins.Keywords: thermostable shell, in vitro folding, stability, functional yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 249865 A Conceptual Approach for Evaluating the Urban Renewal Process
Authors: Muge Unal, Ahmet Cilek
Urban identity, having a dynamic characteristic spatial and semantic aspects, is a phenomenon in an ever-changing. Urban identity formation includes not only a process of physical nature but also development and change processes that take place in the political, economic, social and cultural values, whether national and international level. Although the concept of urban transformation is basically regarded as the spatial transformation; in fact, it reveals a holistic perspective and transformation based on dialectical relationship existing between the spatial and social relationship. For this reason, urban renewal needs to address as not only spatial but also the impact of spatial transformation on social, cultural and economic. Implementation tools used in the perception of urban transformation are varied concepts such as urban renewal, urban resettlement, urban rehabilitation, urban redevelopment, and urban revitalization. The phenomenon of urban transformation begins with the Industrial Revolution. Until the 1980s, it was interpreted as reconsidering physical fossil on urban environment factor like occurring in rapid urbanization, changing in the spatial structure of the city, concentrating of the population in urban areas. However, after the 1980s, it has resided in a conceptual structure which requires to be addressed physical, economic, social, technological and integrity of information. In conclusion, urban transformation, when it enter the literature as a practice of planning, has been up to date in terms of the conceptual structure and content and also hasn’t remained behind converting itself. Urban transformation still maintains its simplest expression, while it transforms so fast converts the contents. In this study, the relationship between urban design and components of urban transformation were discussed with strategies used as a place in the historical process of urban transformation besides a general evaluation of the concept of urban renewal.Keywords: conceptual approach, urban identity, urban regeneration, urban renewal
Procedia PDF Downloads 432864 Effect of Anionic Lipid on Zeta Potential Values and Physical Stability of Liposomal Amikacin
Authors: Yulistiani, Muhammad Amin, Fasich
A surface charge of the nanoparticle is a very important consideration in pulmonal drug delivery system. The zeta potential (ZP) is related to the surface charge which can predict stability of nanoparticles as nebules of liposomal amikacin. Anionic lipid such as 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) is expected to contribute to the physical stability of liposomal amikacin and the optimal ZP value. Suitable ZP can improve drug release profiles at specific sites in alveoli as well as their stability in dosage form. This study aimed to analyze the effect of DPPG on ZP values and physical stability of liposomal amikacin. Liposomes were prepared by using the reserved phase evaporation method. Liposomes consisting of DPPG, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), cholesterol and amikacin were formulated in five different compositions 0/150/5/100, 10//150/5/100, 20/150/5/100, 30/150/5/100 and 40/150/5/100 (w/v) respectively. A chloroform/methanol mixture in the ratio of 1 : 1 (v/v) was used as solvent to dissolve lipids. These systems were adjusted in the phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. Nebules of liposomal amikacin were produced by using the vibrating nebulizer and then characterized by the X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, particle size and zeta potential analyzer, and scanning electron microscope. Amikacin concentration from liposome leakage was determined by the immunoassay method. The study revealed that presence of DPPG could increase the ZP value. The addition of 10 mg DPPG in the composition resulted in increasing of ZP value to 3.70 mV (negatively charged). The optimum ZP value was reached at -28.780 ± 0.70 mV and particle size of nebules 461.70 ± 21.79 nm. Nebulizing process altered parameters such as particle size, conformation of lipid components and the amount of surface charges of nanoparticles which could influence the ZP value. These parameters might have profound effects on the application of nebules in the alveoli; however, negatively charge nanoparticles were unexpected to have a high ZP value in this system due to increased macrophage uptake and pulmonal clearance. Therefore, the ratio of liposome 20/150/5/100 (w/v) resulted in the most stable colloidal system and might be applicable to pulmonal drug delivery system.Keywords: anionic lipid, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, liposomal amikacin, stability, zeta potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 339863 Bifunctional Electrospun Fibers Based on Poly(Lactic Acid)/Calcium Oxide Nanocomposites as a Potential Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering
Authors: Daniel Canales, Fabián Alvarez, Pablo Varela, Marcela Saavedra, Claudio García, Paula Zapata
Calcium oxide nanoparticles (n-CaO) ca. 8 nm were obtained from eggshell waste. The n-CaO was incorporated into Poly(lactic acid) PLA matrix in 10 and 20 wt.% of filler content by electrospinning process to obtain PLA/n-CaO nanocomposite fibers as a potential use in scaffold for bone tissue regeneration. The fibers morphology and diameter were homogeneity, the PLA had a diameter of 2.2 ± 0.8 µm and, with the nanoparticles incorporation (20wt.%), reached ca. 2.9 ± 0.9 µm. The PLA/n-CaO nanocomposites fibers showed in vitro bioactivity, capable of inducing the precipitation of hydroxyapatite (HA) layer in the fiber surface after 7 days in Simulated Body Solution (SBF). The biocidal and biological properties of PLA/n-Cao with 20 wt.% were evaluated, showing a 30% reduction in bacterial viability against S. aureus and 11% for E. coli after 6 hours of bacterial suspensions exposure. Furthermore, the fibers did not show a cytotoxic effect on the bone marrow ST-2 cell line, permitting the cell adhesion and proliferation in Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI). The PLA/n-CaO with 20 wt.% of nanoparticles showed a higher capacity to promote the osteogenic differentiation, significantly increasing the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression after 7 days compared to PLA and cell control. The in vivo analysis corroborated the biocompatibility of scaffolds prepared, the presence of n-CaO in PLA reduced the formation of fibrous encapsulation of the material improve the healing process.Keywords: electrospun scaffolds, PLA based nanocomposites, calcium oxide nanoparticles, bioactive materials, tissue engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 94862 Evaluation of Two DNA Extraction Methods for Minimal Porcine (Pork) Detection in Halal Food Sample Mixture Using Taqman Real-time PCR Technique
Authors: Duaa Mughal, Syeda Areeba Nadeem, Shakil Ahmed, Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan
The identification of porcine DNA in Halal food items is critical to ensuring compliance with dietary restrictions and religious beliefs. In Islam, Porcine is prohibited as clearly mentioned in Quran (Surah Al-Baqrah, Ayat 173). The purpose of this study was to compare two DNA extraction procedures for detecting 0.001% of porcine DNA in processed Halal food sample mixtures containing chicken, camel, veal, turkey and goat meat using the TaqMan Real-Time PCR technology. In this research, two different commercial kit protocols were compared. The processed sample mixtures were prepared by spiking known concentration of porcine DNA to non-porcine food matrices. Afterwards, TaqMan Real-Time PCR technique was used to target a particular porcine gene from the extracted DNA samples, which was quantified after extraction. The results of the amplification were evaluated for sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility. The results of the study demonstrated that two DNA extraction techniques can detect 0.01% of porcine DNA in mixture of Halal food samples. However, as compared to the alternative approach, Eurofins| GeneScan GeneSpin DNA Isolation kit showed more effective sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, the commercial kit-based approach showed great repeatability with minimal variance across repeats. Quantification of DNA was done by using fluorometric assay. In conclusion, the comparison of DNA extraction methods for detecting porcine DNA in Halal food sample mixes using the TaqMan Real-Time PCR technology reveals that the commercial kit-based approach outperforms the other methods in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and repeatability. This research helps to promote the development of reliable and standardized techniques for detecting porcine DNA in Halal food items, religious conformity and assuring nutritional.Keywords: real time PCR (qPCR), DNA extraction, porcine DNA, halal food authentication, religious conformity
Procedia PDF Downloads 79861 The Exploration of Persuasive Skills and Participants Characteristics in Pyramid-Sale: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Xing Yan Fan, Xing Lin Xu, Man Yuan Chen, Pei Tzu Lee, Yu Ting Wang, Yi Xiao Cao, Rui Yao
Pyramid sales have been a widespread issue in China. Victims who are defrauded not only lose money but damage interpersonal relationship. A deeper understanding of pyramid-sale models can be beneficial to prevent potential victims from fraud and improve the property security. The goals of this study were to detect psychological characteristics of pyramid-sale sellers, and analyse persuasive skills in pyramid organizations. A qualitative study was conducted in this study. Participants (n=6) recruited by 'snowball' sampling from present pyramid-sale sellers (n=3) and imprisoned pyramid-sale sellers (n=3). All participants accepted semi-structured interview for collecting data. Content analysis was adopted for data coding and analysis. The results indicate that pyramid organizations are used to utilize their appearance packaging and celebrity effect to strengthen the positions in participants’ mind. The status gap between pyramid-sale sellers in same organization, as well as rewards to increase reputation, are used to motivate participants in pyramid. The most significant common characteristics among all participants are that they tend to possess a high sense of belongingness within the firm. Moreover, the expression of pyramid-sale sellers on gambling mentality is expected to growth as constantly losing money. Findings suggest that the psychological characteristics of pyramid-sale sellers in accordance with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, persuasive skills of pyramid organization confront to 'attitude-behaviour change model'. These findings have implication on 'immune education' that providing guidance for victims out of stuck and protecting ordinary people from the jeopardizing of pyramid sales.Keywords: pyramid sales, characteristics, persuasive skills, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 257860 SEM Detection of Folate Receptor in a Murine Breast Cancer Model Using Secondary Antibody-Conjugated, Gold-Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles
Authors: Yasser A. Ahmed, Juleen M Dickson, Evan S. Krystofiak, Julie A. Oliver
Cancer cells urgently need folate to support their rapid division. Folate receptors (FR) are over-expressed on a wide range of tumor cells, including breast cancer cells. FR are distributed over the entire surface of cancer cells, but are polarized to the apical surface of normal cells. Targeting of cancer cells using specific surface molecules such as folate receptors may be one of the strategies used to kill cancer cells without hurting the neighing normal cells. The aim of the current study was to try a method of SEM detecting FR in a murine breast cancer cell model (4T1 cells) using secondary antibody conjugated to gold or gold-coated magnetite nanoparticles. 4T1 cells were suspended in RPMI medium witth FR antibody and incubated with secondary antibody for fluorescence microscopy. The cells were cultured on 30mm Thermanox coverslips for 18 hours, labeled with FR antibody then incubated with secondary antibody conjugated to gold or gold-coated magnetite nanoparticles and processed to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The fluorescence microscopy study showed strong punctate FR expression on 4T1 cell membrane. With SEM, the labeling with gold or gold-coated magnetite conjugates showed a similar pattern. Specific labeling occurred in nanoparticle clusters, which are clearly visualized in backscattered electron images. The 4T1 tumor cell model may be useful for the development of FR-targeted tumor therapy using gold-coated magnetite nano-particles.Keywords: cancer cell, nanoparticles, cell culture, SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 735859 Genomic Resilience and Ecological Vulnerability in Coffea Arabica: Insights from Whole Genome Resequencing at Its Center of Origin
Authors: Zewdneh Zana Zate
The study focuses on the evolutionary and ecological genomics of both wild and cultivated Coffea arabica L. at its center of origin, Ethiopia, aiming to uncover how this vital species may withstand future climate changes. Utilizing bioclimatic models, we project the future distribution of Arabica under varied climate scenarios for 2050 and 2080, identifying potential conservation zones and immediate risk areas. Through whole-genome resequencing of accessions from Ethiopian gene banks, this research assesses genetic diversity and divergence between wild and cultivated populations. It explores relationships, demographic histories, and potential hybridization events among Coffea arabica accessions to better understand the species' origins and its connection to parental species. This genomic analysis also seeks to detect signs of natural or artificial selection across populations. Integrating these genomic discoveries with ecological data, the study evaluates the current and future ecological and genomic vulnerabilities of wild Coffea arabica, emphasizing necessary adaptations for survival. We have identified key genomic regions linked to environmental stress tolerance, which could be crucial for breeding more resilient Arabica varieties. Additionally, our ecological modeling predicted a contraction of suitable habitats, urging immediate conservation actions in identified key areas. This research not only elucidates the evolutionary history and adaptive strategies of Arabica but also informs conservation priorities and breeding strategies to enhance resilience to climate change. By synthesizing genomic and ecological insights, we provide a robust framework for developing effective management strategies aimed at sustaining Coffea arabica, a species of profound global importance, in its native habitat under evolving climatic conditions.Keywords: coffea arabica, climate change adaptation, conservation strategies, genomic resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 43858 Hippocampus Proteomic of Major Depression and Antidepressant Treatment: Involvement of Cell Proliferation, Differentiation, and Connectivity
Authors: Dhruv J. Limaye, Hanga Galfalvy, Cheick A. Sissoko, Yung-yu Huang, Chunanning Tang, Ying Liu, Shu-Chi Hsiung, Andrew J. Dwork, Gorazd B. Rosoklija, Victoria Arango, Lewis Brown, J. John Mann, Maura Boldrini
Memory and emotion require hippocampal cell viability and connectivity and are disrupted in major depressive disorder (MDD). Applying shotgun proteomics and stereological quantification of neural progenitor cells (NPCs), intermediate neural progenitors (INPs), and mature granule neurons (GNs), to postmortem human hippocampus, identified differentially expressed proteins (DEPs), and fewer NPCs, INPs and GNs, in untreated MDD (uMDD) compared with non-psychiatric controls (CTRL) and antidepressant-treated MDD (MDDT). DEPs lower in uMDD vs. CTRL promote mitosis, differentiation, and prevent apoptosis. DEPs higher in uMDD vs. CTRL inhibit the cell cycle, and regulate cell adhesion, neurite outgrowth, and DNA repair. DEPs lower in MDDT vs. uMDD block cell proliferation. We observe group-specific correlations between numbers of NPCs, INPs, and GNs and an abundance of proteins regulating mitosis, differentiation, and apoptosis. Altered protein expression underlies hippocampus cellular and volume loss in uMDD, supports a trophic effect of antidepressants, and offers new treatment targets.Keywords: proteomics, hippocampus, depression, mitosis, migration, differentiation, mitochondria, apoptosis, antidepressants, human brain
Procedia PDF Downloads 101857 Fatty Acids in Female's Gonads of the Red Sea Fish Rhabdosargus Sarba During the Spawning Season
Authors: Suhaila Qari, Samia Moharram, Safaa Alowaidi
Objectives: To determine the fatty acids profiles in female fish, R. sarba from the Red Sea during the spawning season. Methods: Monthly individual Rhabdosargus sarba were obtained from Bangalah market in Jeddah, Red Sea and transported to the laboratory in ice aquarium. The total length, standard length and weight were measured, fishes were dissected. Ovaries were removed, weighed and 10 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid were added to 10g of the ovary in a conical flask and immersed in boiling water until the sample was dissolved and the fat was seen to collect on the surface. The conical was cooled and the fat was extracted by shaking with 30 ml of diethyl ether. The extract was bowled after allowing the layers to separate into a weighed flask. The extraction was repeated three times more and distilled off the solvent then the fat dried at 100oC, cooled and weighed. Then 50 mg of lipid was put in a tube, 5 ml of methanolic sulphuric acid was added and 2 ml of benzene, the tube well closed and placed in water bath at 90oC for an hour and half. After cooling, 8 ml water and 5 ml petroleum was added shacked strongly and the ethereal layer was separated in a dry tube, evaporated to dryness. The fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed using a Hewlett Packard (HP 6890) chromatography, asplit /splitless injector and flame ionization detector (FID). Results: In female Rhabdosargus sarba, a total of 29 fatty acids detected in ovaries throughout the spawning season. The main fatty acid group in total lipid was saturated fatty acid (SFA, 28.9%), followed by 23.5% of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and 12.9% of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). The dominant SFA were palmitic and stearic, the major MUFA were palmitoleic and oleic, and the major PUFA were C18:2 and C22:2. During spawning stages no significant differences in total SFA, MUFA and PUFA, the highest value of SFA was in late spawning (36.78%). However, the highest value of MUFA and PUFA was in spawning (16.70% and 24.96% respectively). During spawning season there were a significant differences in total SFA between March (late spawning stage) and December (nearly ripe stage), (P < 0.05).Keywords: sparidae, Rhabdosargus sarba, fish, fatty acids, spawning, gonads, red sea
Procedia PDF Downloads 803856 Citrobacter Braakii, a New Plant Pathogen, Causal Agent of Walnut Decline
Authors: Mohammadreza Hajialigol, Nargues Falahi Charkhabi, Fatemeh Shahryari, Saadat Sarikhani
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Walnut canker is characterized by brown to blackish roundish blotches on the trunks and main branches, necrosis of inner bark and bleeding with dark brown to black-colored exudates. The present study aimed to identify the causative agents of walnut decline by their phenotypic features, approval of pathogenicity, the partial sequencing of the housekeeping genes in Razavi Khorasan. MATERIAL AND METHODS Ten Symptomatic samples were collected from walnut orchards of Razavi Khorasan in 2019. Pathogenicity of all isolated strains was carried out on walnut immature fruits cv. ‘Hartley’ and young green twigs of cv. ‘Chandler’. All pathogenic strains were subjected to physiological, morphological and biochemical tests. 16S rRNA and housekeeping genes (fusA, leuS, and pyrG) were partially amplified and sequenced. RESULTS Eight strains were able to cause necrosis and a dark-colored region in the mesocarp of immature walnut fruits, and three representative strains caused necrosis on young inoculated twigs. Strains utilized starch, however, did not utilized esculin, Tween 20, Tween 80, and gelatin. The partial 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain KH7 indicated 99.63 % similarity to that of Citrobacter braakii ATCC5113T. The phylogenetic analyses based on the partial sequencing of three housekeeping genes, fusA (633 bp), pyrG (305), and leuS (640 bp), demonstrated that strains KH1, KH3, and KH7 belong to C. braakii species in a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support. CONCLUSION To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C. braakii as a new plant pathogen which cause walnut decline. Identification of bacteria associated with walnut decline will eventually improve our understanding of the etiology of the disease and may result in improved management techniques for control.Keywords: emerging pathogens, Iran, juglans regia, MLSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 92855 Study of Morning-Glory Spillway Structure in Hydraulic Characteristics by CFD Model
Authors: Mostafa Zandi, Ramin Mansouri
Spillways are one of the most important hydraulic structures of dams that provide the stability of the dam and downstream areas at the time of flood. Morning-Glory spillway is one of the common spillways for discharging the overflow water behind dams, these kinds of spillways are constructed in dams with small reservoirs. In this research, the hydraulic flow characteristics of a morning-glory spillways are investigated with CFD model. Two dimensional unsteady RANS equations were solved numerically using Finite Volume Method. The PISO scheme was applied for the velocity-pressure coupling. The mostly used two-equation turbulence models, k- and k-, were chosen to model Reynolds shear stress term. The power law scheme was used for discretization of momentum, k , and equations. The VOF method (geometrically reconstruction algorithm) was adopted for interface simulation. The results show that the fine computational grid, the input speed condition for the flow input boundary, and the output pressure for the boundaries that are in contact with the air provide the best possible results. Also, the standard wall function is chosen for the effect of the wall function, and the turbulent model k -ε (Standard) has the most consistent results with experimental results. When the jet is getting closer to end of basin, the computational results increase with the numerical results of their differences. The lower profile of the water jet has less sensitivity to the hydraulic jet profile than the hydraulic jet profile. In the pressure test, it was also found that the results show that the numerical values of the pressure in the lower landing number differ greatly in experimental results. The characteristics of the complex flows over a Morning-Glory spillway were studied numerically using a RANS solver. Grid study showed that numerical results of a 57512-node grid had the best agreement with the experimental values. The desired downstream channel length was preferred to be 1.5 meter, and the standard k-ε turbulence model produced the best results in Morning-Glory spillway. The numerical free-surface profiles followed the theoretical equations very well.Keywords: morning-glory spillway, CFD model, hydraulic characteristics, wall function
Procedia PDF Downloads 77854 Competitive DNA Calibrators as Quality Reference Standards (QRS™) for Germline and Somatic Copy Number Variations/Variant Allelic Frequencies Analyses
Authors: Eirini Konstanta, Cedric Gouedard, Aggeliki Delimitsou, Stefania Patera, Samuel Murray
Introduction: Quality reference DNA standards (QRS) for molecular testing by next-generation sequencing (NGS) are essential for accurate quantitation of copy number variations (CNV) for germline and variant allelic frequencies (VAF) for somatic analyses. Objectives: Presently, several molecular analytics for oncology patients are reliant upon quantitative metrics. Test validation and standardisation are also reliant upon the availability of surrogate control materials allowing for understanding test LOD (limit of detection), sensitivity, specificity. We have developed a dual calibration platform allowing for QRS pairs to be included in analysed DNA samples, allowing for accurate quantitation of CNV and VAF metrics within and between patient samples. Methods: QRS™ blocks up to 500nt were designed for common NGS panel targets incorporating ≥ 2 identification tags ( These were analysed upon spiking into gDNA, somatic, and ctDNA using a proprietary CalSuite™ platform adaptable to common LIMS. Results: We demonstrate QRS™ calibration reproducibility spiked to 5–25% at ± 2.5% in gDNA and ctDNA. Furthermore, we demonstrate CNV and VAF within and between samples (gDNA and ctDNA) with the same reproducibility (± 2.5%) in a clinical sample of lung cancer and HBOC (EGFR and BRCA1, respectively). CNV analytics was performed with similar accuracy using a single pair of QRS calibrators when using multiple single targeted sequencing controls. Conclusion: Dual paired QRS™ calibrators allow for accurate and reproducible quantitative analyses of CNV, VAF, intrinsic sample allele measurement, inter and intra-sample measure not only simplifying NGS analytics but allowing for monitoring clinically relevant biomarker VAF across patient ctDNA samples with improved accuracy.Keywords: calibrator, CNV, gene copy number, VAF
Procedia PDF Downloads 153