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4177 Ground Improvement with Basal Reinforcement with High Strength Geogrids and PVDs for Embankment over Soft Soils
Authors: Ratnakar Mahajan, Matteo Lelli, Kinjal Parmar
Ground improvement is a very important aspect of infrastructure development, especially when it comes to deep-ground improvement. The use of various geosynthetic applications is very common these days for ground improvement. This paper presents a case study where the combination of two geosynthetic applications was used in order to optimize the design as well as to control the settlements through uniform load distribution. The Agartala-Akaura rail project was made to help increase railway connectivity between India and Bangladesh. Both countries have started the construction of the same. The project requires high railway embankments to be built for the rail link. However, the challenge was to design a proper ground improvement solution as the entire area comprises very soft soil for an average depth of 15m. After due diligence, a combination of two methods was worked out by Maccaferri. PVDs were provided for the consolidation, and on top of that, a layer of high-strength geogrids (Paralink) was proposed as a basal reinforcement. The design approach was followed as described in Indian standards as well as British standards. By introducing a basal reinforcement, the spacing of PVDs could be increased, which allowed quick installation and less material consumption while keeping the consolidation time within the project duration.Keywords: ground improvement, basal reinforcement, PVDs, high strength geogrids, Paralink
Procedia PDF Downloads 754176 Design and Development of Solar Water Cooler Using Principle of Evaporation
Authors: Vipul Shiralkar, Rohit Khadilkar, Shekhar Kulkarni, Ismail Mullani, Omkar Malvankar
The use of water cooler has increased and become an important appliance in the world of global warming. Most of the coolers are electrically operated. In this study an experimental setup of evaporative water cooler using solar energy is designed and developed. It works on the principle of heat transfer using evaporation of water. Water is made to flow through copper tubes arranged in a specific array manner. Cotton plug is wrapped on copper tubes and rubber pipes are arranged in the same way as copper tubes above it. Water percolated from rubber pipes is absorbed by cotton plug. The setup has 40L water carrying capacity with forced cooling arrangement and variable speed fan which uses solar energy stored in 20Ah capacity battery. Fan speed greatly affects the temperature drop. Tests were performed at different fan speed. Maximum temperature drop achieved was 90C at 1440 rpm of fan speed. This temperature drop is very attractive. This water cooler uses solar energy hence it is cost efficient and it is affordable to rural community as well. The cooler is free from any harmful emissions like other refrigerants and hence environmental friendly. Very less maintenance is required as compared to the conventional electrical water cooler.Keywords: evaporation, cooler, energy, copper, solar, cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 3204175 Numerical Study of Trailing Edge Serrations on a Wells Turbine
Authors: Abdullah S. AlKhalifa, Mohammad Nasim Uddin, Michael Atkinson
The primary objective of this investigation is to explore the aerodynamic impact of adding trailing edge serrations to a Wells turbine. The baseline turbine consists of eight blades with NACA 0015 airfoils. The blade chord length was 0.125 m, and the span was 0.100 m. Two modified NACA 0015 serrated configurations were studied: 1) full-span and 2) partial span serrations covering the trailing edge from hub to tip. Numerical simulations were carried out by solving the three-dimensional, incompressible steady-state Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations using the k-ω SST turbulence model in ANSYS™ (CFX). The aerodynamic performance of the modified Wells turbine to the baseline was made by comparing non-dimensional parameters of torque coefficient, pressure drop coefficient, and turbine efficiency. A comparison of the surface limiting streamlines was performed to analyze the flow topology of the turbine blades. The trailing edge serrations generated a substantial change in surface pressure and effectively reduced the separated flow region, thus improving efficiency in most cases. As a result, the average efficiency increased across the range of simulated flow coefficients.Keywords: renewable energy, trailing edge serrations, Wells turbine, partial serration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1034174 World on the Edge: Migration and Cross Border Crimes in West Africa
Authors: Adeyemi Kamil Hamzah
The contiguity of nations in international system suggests that world is a composite of socio-economic unit with people exploring and exploiting the potentials in the world via migrations. Thus, cross border migration has made positive contributions to social and economic development of individuals and nations by increasing the household incomes of the host countries. However, the cross border migrations in West Africa are becoming part of a dynamic and unstable world migration system. This is due to the nature and consequences of trans-border crimes in West Africa, with both short and long term effects on the socio-economic viability of developing countries like West African States. The paper identified that migration influenced cross-border crimes as well as the high spate of insurgencies in the sub-region. Furthermore, the consequential effect of a global village has imbalanced population flows, making some countries host and parasites to others. Also, stern and deft cross-border rules and regulations, as well as territorial security and protections, ameliorate cross border crimes and migration in West African sub-regions. Therefore, the study concluded that cross border migration is the linchpin of all kinds of criminal activities which affect the security of states in the sub-region.Keywords: cross-border migration, border crimes, security, West Africa, development, globalisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2274173 Synthetic Cannabinoids: Extraction, Identification and Purification
Authors: Niki K. Burns, James R. Pearson, Paul G. Stevenson, Xavier A. Conlan
In Australian state Victoria, synthetic cannabinoids have recently been made illegal under an amendment to the drugs, poisons and controlled substances act 1981. Identification of synthetic cannabinoids in popular brands of ‘incense’ and ‘potpourri’ has been a difficult and challenging task due to the sample complexity and changes observed in the chemical composition of the cannabinoids of interest. This study has developed analytical methodology for the targeted extraction and determination of synthetic cannabinoids available pre-ban. A simple solvent extraction and solid phase extraction methodology was developed that selectively extracted the cannabinoid of interest. High performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV‐visible and chemiluminescence detection (acidic potassium permanganate and tris (2,2‐bipyridine) ruthenium(III)) were used to interrogate the synthetic cannabinoid products. Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were used for structural elucidation of the synthetic cannabinoids. The tris(2,2‐bipyridine)ruthenium(III) detection was found to offer better sensitivity than the permanganate based reagents. In twelve different brands of herbal incense, cannabinoids were extracted and identified including UR‐144, XLR 11, AM2201, 5‐F‐AKB48 and A796‐260.Keywords: electrospray mass spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography, solid phase extraction, synthetic cannabinoids
Procedia PDF Downloads 4684172 Measuring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mobile High Efficiency Particulate Air Filtering on Particulate Matter within the Road Traffic Network of a Sample of Non-Sparse and Sparse Urban Environments in the UK
Authors: Richard Maguire
This research evaluates the efficiency of using mobile HEPA filters to reduce localized Particulate Matter (PM), Total Volatile Organic Chemical (TVOC) and Formaldehyde (HCHO) Air Pollution. The research is being performed using a standard HEPA filter that is tube fitted and attached to a motor vehicle. The velocity of the vehicle is used to generate the pressure difference that allows the filter to remove PM, VOC and HCOC pollution from the localized atmosphere of a road transport traffic route. The testing has been performed on a sample of traffic routes in Non-Sparse and Sparse urban environments within the UK. Pre and Post filter measuring of the PM2.5 Air Quality has been carried out along with demographics of the climate environment, including live filming of the traffic conditions. This provides a base line for future national and international research. The effectiveness measurement is generated through evaluating the difference in PM2.5 Air Quality measured pre- and post- the mobile filter test equipment. A series of further research opportunities and future exploitation options are made based on the results of the research.Keywords: high efficiency particulate air, HEPA filter, particulate matter, traffic pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1244171 Prevalence Of Periodontal Disease In Felines In The Outskirts Of The City Of Manaus, Brazil: An Epidemiological Study
Authors: Pármenas Costa Macedo do Nascimento
Periodontal disease is the most common disease in the oral cavity of felines. It starts with the accumulation of bacteria on the tooth surface supporting the tissues of the periodontal tissue, namely gums, alveolar bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament. The main clinical symptom observed by the owner is bad breath, which may lead to local and systemic consequences depending on the stage of periodontal disease, such as bleeding and bone loss. Therefore, the study is important to educate tutors to take better care of the felines oral health in order to try to prevent the disease. For this epidemiological study, the target population has been felines, located on the outskirts of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, with a geographic area of 155.68 km², with no defined breed, from October 1st to 10th, 2021, whose samples has been randomly selected, with a detailed profile. The variables of interest for this study have been: absence or presence of periodontal disease, gender, age (delimited by age group), and condition (domiciled or homeless). Using a sample of 40 felines from 4 districts of the east side of Manaus chosen at random, an oral exam has been made to identify the studied disease. The animal's apparent age, condition, sex, and presence or absence of periodontal disease has been noted. It has been observed that 70% (28/40) of them had periodontal disease, mostly females, aged between 0 and 5 years and domiciled, totaling 30% (12/40).Keywords: felines, oral cavity, oral exam, periodontal disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 2144170 Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Among Nigerian Colleges of Education Lecturers: A Gender Analysis Approach
Authors: Rasheed A. Saliu, Sunday E. Ogundipe, Oluwaseun A. Adefila
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in recent time has transformed the means by which we inform ourselves, with world events and areas of personal interests, and further our learning. Today, for many, books and journals are no longer the first or primary source of information or learning. We now regularly rely on images, video, animations and sound to acquire information and to learn. Increased and improved access to the internet has accelerated this phenomenon. We now acquire and access information in ways fundamentally different from the pre-ICT era. But to what extent is academic staff in colleges of education, having access to and the utilising of ICT devices in their lecture deliveries especially in School of Science and Vocational and Technical? The main focus of this paper is to proffer solution to this salient question. It is essentially an empirical study carried out in five colleges of education in south-west zone of Nigeria. The target population was the academic staff in the selected institution. A total number of 150 male and female lecturers were contacted for the study. The main instrument was questionnaire. The finding reveals that male lecturers are much more ICT inclined than women folk in the academics. Some recommendations were made to endear academics to utilizing ICT at their disposal to foster qualitative delivery in this digital era.Keywords: education, gender, ICT, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2984169 Enjoyable Learning Experience, but also Difficult: Young, Unaccompanied Refugees' Perspectives on Participatory Research
Authors: Kristina Johansen
Participation is a universal right that all children and young people are entitled to, according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Social work and action research share participation as a core value. However, we have limited knowledge of how children and young people of refugee background experience taking part in participatory research. The point of departure of this presentation is a qualitative study involving young, unaccompanied refugees, addressing the issues of psychosocial health and participation. The research design included participatory methods and action research. The presentation highlights the perspectives of young, unaccompanied refugees on what made participating in the research process valuable, what created challenges for participation and what created challenges for the action part in the research process. Feedback from participants indicated that taking part in enjoyable experiences, being listened to, sharing experiences, and learning from each other contributed to making the participation valuable. At the same time, participants addressed challenges related to communication, sensitive topics, participation in decision-making and powerlessness. The presentation will end with implications for social work research and practice involving young refugees.Keywords: participatory research, power, young unaccompanied refugeees, relationships, participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 904168 Use of Oral Midazolam in Endoscopy
Authors: Alireza Javadzadeh
Background: The purpose of this prospective, randomized study was to compare the safety and efficacy of oral versus i.v. midazolam in providing sedation for pediatric upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. Methods: Sixty-one children (age < 16 years) scheduled for upper GI endoscopy were studied. Patients were randomly assigned to receive oral or i.v. midazolam. Measurements were made and compared for vital signs, level of sedation, pre- and post-procedure comfort, anxiety during endoscopy, ease of separation from parents, ease and duration of procedure, and recovery time. Results: Patients were aged 1–16 years (mean 7.5 ± 3.42 years); 30 patients received oral medication, and 31 received i.v. medication. There were no statistically significant differences in age or gender between groups. There were no significant differences in level of sedation, ease of separation from parents, ease of ability to monitor the patient during the procedure, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, or respiratory rate. Oxygen saturation was significantly lower in the i.v. group than the oral group 10 and 30 min after removal of the endoscope, and recovery time was longer in the oral than the i.v. group. Conclusions: Oral administration of midazolam is a safe and effective method of sedation that significantly reduces anxiety and improves overall tolerance for children undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy.Keywords: children, endoscopy, midazolam, oral, sedation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3454167 Reformulation of Theory of Critical Distances to Predict the Strength of Notched Plain Concrete Beams under Quasi Static Loading
Authors: Radhika V., J. M. Chandra Kishen
The theory of critical distances (TCD), due to its appealing characteristics, has been successfully used in the past to predict the strength of brittle as well as ductile materials, weakened by the presence of stress risers under both static and fatigue loading. By utilising most of the TCD's unique features, this paper summarises an attempt for a reformulation of the point method of the TCD to predict the strength of notched plain concrete beams under mode I quasi-static loading. A zone of micro cracks, which is responsible for the non-linearity of concrete, is taken into account considering the concept of an effective elastic crack. An attempt is also made to correlate the value of the material characteristic length required for the application of TCD with the maximum aggregate size in the concrete mix, eliminating the need for any extensive experimentation prior to the application of TCD. The devised reformulation and the proposed power law based relationship is found to yield satisfactory predictions for static strength of notched plain concrete beams, with geometric dimensions of the beam, tensile strength, and maximum aggregate size of the concrete mix being the only needed input parameters.Keywords: characteristic length, effective elastic crack, inherent material strength, modeI loading, theory of critical distances
Procedia PDF Downloads 1004166 A Mathematical Based Prediction of the Forming Limit of Thin-Walled Sheet Metals
Authors: Masoud Ghermezi
Studying the sheet metals is one of the most important research areas in the field of metal forming due to their extensive applications in the aerospace industries. A useful method for determining the forming limit of these materials and consequently preventing the rupture of sheet metals during the forming process is the use of the forming limit curve (FLC). In addition to specifying the forming limit, this curve also delineates a boundary for the allowed values of strain in sheet metal forming; these characteristics of the FLC along with its accuracy of computation and wide range of applications have made this curve the basis of research in the present paper. This study presents a new model that not only agrees with the results obtained from the above mentioned theory, but also eliminates its shortcomings. In this theory, like in the M-K theory, a thin sheet with an inhomogeneity as a gradient thickness reduction with a sinusoidal function has been chosen and subjected to two-dimensional stress. Through analytical evaluation, ultimately, a governing differential equation has been obtained. The numerical solution of this equation for the range of positive strains (stretched region) yields the results that agree with the results obtained from M-K theory. Also the solution of this equation for the range of negative strains (tension region) completes the FLC curve. The findings obtained by applying this equation on two alloys with the hardening exponents of 0.4 and 0.24 indicate the validity of the presented equation.Keywords: sheet metal, metal forming, forming limit curve (FLC), M-K theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3664165 The Barriers That ESOL Learners Face Accessing Further Education
Authors: Jamie David Hopkin
This study aims to contribute uniquely to help colleges and community learning and development institutes to help aid progression within ESOL learning. The study investigates the barriers that migrant and displaced learners face accessing further education in Scotland. The study also includes a set of recommendations both for colleges and CLD institutes to help ESOL learners in their journey to further education. The research found that integration into Scottish society is one of the biggest motivators for ESOL students to learn English. It also found that the place of gender and “gender roles” contribute to the barriers that learners face in terms of progression and learning. The study also reviews all literature related to ESOL learning in Scotland and found that there are only two main policies that support ESOL learning, and both are slightly outdated in terms of supporting progression. This study aims to help bridge the gap in knowledge around the progression from informal learning to formal education. The recommendations that are made in this study are aimed to help institutes and learners on their journey to a positive destination. The main beneficiaries of this research are current and future ESOL learners in Scotland, ESOL institutes, and TESOL professionals.Keywords: community learning and development, English for speakers of other languages, further education, higher education TESOL, teaching English as a second language
Procedia PDF Downloads 1394164 An Entropy Stable Three Dimensional Ideal MHD Solver with Guaranteed Positive Pressure
Authors: Andrew R. Winters, Gregor J. Gassner
A high-order numerical magentohydrodynamics (MHD) solver built upon a non-linear entropy stable numerical flux function that supports eight traveling wave solutions will be described. The method is designed to treat the divergence-free constraint on the magnetic field in a similar fashion to a hyperbolic divergence cleaning technique. The solver is especially well-suited for flows involving strong discontinuities due to its strong stability without the need to enforce artificial low density or energy limits. Furthermore, a new formulation of the numerical algorithm to guarantee positivity of the pressure during the simulation is described and presented. By construction, the solver conserves mass, momentum, and energy and is entropy stable. High spatial order is obtained through the use of a third order limiting technique. High temporal order is achieved by utilizing the family of strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta methods. Main attributes of the solver are presented as well as details on an implementation of the new solver into the multi-physics, multi-scale simulation code FLASH. The accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency is demonstrated with a variety of numerical tests. Comparisons are also made between the new solver and existing methods already present in FLASH framework.Keywords: entropy stability, finite volume scheme, magnetohydrodynamics, pressure positivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3434163 Displaying of GnRH Peptides on Bacteriophage T7 and Its Immunogenicity in Mice Model
Authors: Hai Xu, Yiwei Wang, Xi Bao, Bihua Deng, Pengcheng Li, Yu Lu
T7 phage could be used as a perfect vector for peptides expression and haptens presentation. T7-3GnRH recombinant phage was constructed by inserting three copies of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) gene into the multiple cloning site of T7 Select 415-1b phage genome. The positive T7-3GnRH phage was selected by using polymerase chain reaction amplification, and the p10B-3GnRH fusion protein was verified by SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting assay. T7-3GnRH vaccine was made and immunized with 1010 pfu in 0.2 ml per dose in mice. Blood samples were collected at an interval in weeks, and anti-GnRH antibody and testosterone concentrations were detected by ELISA and radioimmunoassay, respectively. The results show that T7-3GnRH phage particles confer a high immunogenicity to the GnRH-derived epitope. Moreover, the T7-3GnRH vaccine induced higher level of anti-GnRH antibody than ImproVac®. However, the testosterone concentrations in both immunized groups were at a similar level, and the testis developments were significantly inhibited compared to controls. These findings demonstrated that the anti-GnRH antibody could neutralize the endogenous GnRH to down regulate testosterone level and limit testis development, highlighting the potential value of T7-3GnRH in the immunocastration vaccine research.Keywords: Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), Immunocastration, T7 phage, Phage vaccine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2874162 Decision Making Communication in the Process of Technologies Commercialization: Archival Analysis of the Process Content
Authors: Vaida Zemlickiene
Scientists around the world and practitioners are working to identify the factors that influence the results of technology commercialization and to propose the ideal model for the technology commercialization process. In other words, all stakeholders of technology commercialization seek to find a formula or set of rules to succeed in commercializing technologies in order to avoid unproductive investments. In this article, the process of commercialization technology is understood as the process of transforming inventions into marketable products, services, and processes, or the path from the idea of using an invention to a product that incorporates process from 1 to 9 technology readiness level (TRL). There are many publications in the field of management literature, which are aimed at managing the commercialization process. However, there is an apparent lack of research for communication in decision-making in the process of technology commercialization. Works were done in the past, and the last decade's global research analysis led to the unambiguous conclusion that the methodological framework is not mature enough to be of practical use in business. The process of technology commercialization and the decisions made in the process should be explored in-depth. An archival analysis is performed to find insights into decision-making communication in the process of technologies commercialization, to find out the content of technology commercialization process: decision-making stages and participants, to analyze the internal factors of technology commercialization, to perform their critical analysis, to analyze the concept of successful/unsuccessful technology commercialization.Keywords: the process of technology commercialization, communication in decision-making process, the content of technology commercialization process, successful/unsuccessful technology commercialization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1534161 Solar Radiation Time Series Prediction
Authors: Cameron Hamilton, Walter Potter, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Ronald McClendon, Will Hobbs
A model was constructed to predict the amount of solar radiation that will make contact with the surface of the earth in a given location an hour into the future. This project was supported by the Southern Company to determine at what specific times during a given day of the year solar panels could be relied upon to produce energy in sufficient quantities. Due to their ability as universal function approximators, an artificial neural network was used to estimate the nonlinear pattern of solar radiation, which utilized measurements of weather conditions collected at the Griffin, Georgia weather station as inputs. A number of network configurations and training strategies were utilized, though a multilayer perceptron with a variety of hidden nodes trained with the resilient propagation algorithm consistently yielded the most accurate predictions. In addition, a modeled DNI field and adjacent weather station data were used to bolster prediction accuracy. In later trials, the solar radiation field was preprocessed with a discrete wavelet transform with the aim of removing noise from the measurements. The current model provides predictions of solar radiation with a mean square error of 0.0042, though ongoing efforts are being made to further improve the model’s accuracy.Keywords: artificial neural networks, resilient propagation, solar radiation, time series forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 3854160 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on International Law, Legal Security and Privacy Issues
Authors: Akram Waheb Nasef Alzordoky
The wars and armed conflicts have frequently ended in violations of global humanitarian law and regularly devote the maximum severe global crimes, which include war crimes, crimes towards humanity, aggression and genocide. But, simplest inside the XX century, the guideline changed into an articulated idea of establishing a frame of worldwide criminal justice so that you can prosecute those crimes and their perpetrators. The first steps on this subject were made with the aid of setting up the worldwide army tribunals for warfare crimes at Nuremberg and Tokyo, and the formation of ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Ultimately, the global criminal courtroom was established in Rome in 1998 with the aim of justice and that allows you to give satisfaction to the sufferers of crimes and their families. The aim of the paper was to provide an ancient and comparative analysis of the establishments of worldwide criminal justice primarily based on which those establishments de lege lata fulfilled the goals of individual criminal responsibility and justice. Moreover, the authors endorse de lege ferenda that the everlasting global crook Tribunal, in addition to the potential case, additionally takes over the current ICTY and ICTR cases.Keywords: social networks privacy issues, social networks security issues, social networks privacy precautions measures, social networks security precautions measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 234159 Disaggregation the Daily Rainfall Dataset into Sub-Daily Resolution in the Temperate Oceanic Climate Region
Authors: Mohammad Bakhshi, Firas Al Janabi
High resolution rain data are very important to fulfill the input of hydrological models. Among models of high-resolution rainfall data generation, the temporal disaggregation was chosen for this study. The paper attempts to generate three different rainfall resolutions (4-hourly, hourly and 10-minutes) from daily for around 20-year record period. The process was done by DiMoN tool which is based on random cascade model and method of fragment. Differences between observed and simulated rain dataset are evaluated with variety of statistical and empirical methods: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S), usual statistics, and Exceedance probability. The tool worked well at preserving the daily rainfall values in wet days, however, the generated data are cumulated in a shorter time period and made stronger storms. It is demonstrated that the difference between generated and observed cumulative distribution function curve of 4-hourly datasets is passed the K-S test criteria while in hourly and 10-minutes datasets the P-value should be employed to prove that their differences were reasonable. The results are encouraging considering the overestimation of generated high-resolution rainfall data.Keywords: DiMoN Tool, disaggregation, exceedance probability, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, rainfall
Procedia PDF Downloads 2024158 The Research of Water Levels in the Zhinvali Water Reservoir and Results of Field Research on the Debris Flow Tributaries of the River Tetri Aragvi Flowing in It
Authors: Givi Gavardashvili, Eduard Kukhalashvili, Tamriko Supatashvili, Giorgi Natroshvili, Konstantine Bziava, Irma Qufarashvili
In the article to research water levels in the Zhinvali water reservoirs by field and theoretical research and using GPS and GIS technologies has been established dynamic of water reservoirs changes in the suitable coordinates and has been made water reservoir maps and is lined in the 3D format. By using of GPS coordinates and digital maps has been established water horizons of Zhinvali water reservoir in the absolute marks and has been calculated water levels volume. To forecast the filling of the Zhinvali water reservoir by solid sediment in 2018 conducted field experimental researches in the catchment basin of river Tetri (White) Aragvi. It has been established main hydrological and hydraulic parameters of the active erosion-debris flow tributaries of river Tetri Aragvi. It has been calculated erosion coefficient considering the degradation of the slope. By calculation is determined, that in the river Tetri Aragvi catchment basin the value of 1% maximum discharge changes Q1% = 70,0 – 550,0 m3/sec, and erosion coefficient - E = 0,73 - 1,62, with suitable fifth class of erosion and intensity 50-100 tone/hectare in the year.Keywords: Zhinvali soil dam, water reservoirs, water levels, erosion, debris flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1884157 Effect of Hydrogen-Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Four Stroke-Single Cylinder Diesel Engine
Authors: Madhujit Deb, G. R. K. Sastry, R. S. Panua, Rahul Banerjee, P. K. Bose
The present work attempts to investigate the combustion, performance and emission characteristics of an existing single-cylinder four-stroke compression-ignition engine operated in dual-fuel mode with hydrogen as an alternative fuel. Environmental concerns and limited amount of petroleum fuels have caused interests in the development of alternative fuels like hydrogen for internal combustion (IC) engines. In this experimental investigation, a diesel engine is made to run using hydrogen in dual fuel mode with diesel, where hydrogen is introduced into the intake manifold using an LPG-CNG injector and pilot diesel is injected using diesel injectors. A Timed Manifold Injection (TMI) system has been developed to vary the injection strategies. The optimized timing for the injection of hydrogen was 100 CA after top dead center (ATDC). From the study it was observed that with increasing hydrogen rate, enhancement in brake thermal efficiency (BTHE) of the engine has been observed with reduction in brake specific energy consumption (BSEC). Furthermore, Soot contents decrease with an increase in indicated specific NOx emissions with the enhancement of hydrogen flow rate.Keywords: diesel engine, hydrogen, BTHE, BSEC, soot, NOx
Procedia PDF Downloads 5414156 Development of Biodegradable Plastic as Mango Fruit Bag
Authors: Andres M. Tuates Jr., Ofero A. Caparino
Plastics have achieved a dominant position in agriculture because of their transparency, lightness in weight, impermeability to water and their resistance to microbial attack. However, this generates a higher quantity of wastes that are difficult to dispose of by farmers. To address these problems, the project aim to develop and evaluate the biodegradable film for mango fruit bag during development. The PBS and starch were melt-blended in a twin-screw extruder and then blown into film extrusion machine. The physic-chemical-mechanical properties of biodegradable fruit bag were done following standard methods of test. Field testing of fruit bag was also conducted to evaluate its durability and efficiency field condition. The PHilMech-FiC fruit bag is made of biodegradable material measuring 6 x 8 inches with a thickness of 150 microns. The tensile strength is within the range of LDPE while the elongation is within the range of HDPE. It is projected that after thirty-six (36) weeks, the film will be totally degraded. Results of field testing show that the quality of harvested fruits using PHilMech-FiC biodegradable fruit bag in terms of percent marketable, non-marketable and export, peel color at the ripe stage, flesh color, TSS, oBrix, percent edible portion is comparable with the existing bagging materials such as Chinese brown paper bag and old newspaper.Keywords: cassava starch, PBS, biodegradable, chemical, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2784155 Rethinking Everyday Urban Spaces Using Principles of Resilient Urbanism: A Case of Flooding in Thiruvalla
Authors: Prejily Thomas John
Flooding of urban areas often has an adverse impact on the dense population residing in cities. The vulnerable areas are the most affected due to flooding, which even results in loss of life. The increasing trend of urban floods is a universal phenomenon and leads to a vital loss in the physical, economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The shift from floods being natural disasters to man-made disasters due to unplanned urban growth is evident from national and international reports. Thiruvalla, bordered by the Manimala River in the Pathanamthitta district, is an important urban node and a drainage point of various estuaries. The city is often faced with flash floods and overflow from rivers since it is a low-lying land. The need for urban flood resilience for planned urban development is a necessity for livability in consideration of the topography. The paper focuses on developing an urban design framework in everyday urban spaces through the principles of resilient urbanism. The principles guide the creation of flood-resilient spaces and productive urban landscapes for the city to enable better and safer living conditions. A flood-resilient city not only prepares the city for disasters but also improves the ecological and economic conditions.Keywords: everyday urban spaces, flood resilience, resilient urbanism, productive urban landscapes
Procedia PDF Downloads 814154 High-Accuracy Satellite Image Analysis and Rapid DSM Extraction for Urban Environment Evaluations (Tripoli-Libya)
Authors: Abdunaser Abduelmula, Maria Luisa M. Bastos, José A. Gonçalves
The modeling of the earth's surface and evaluation of urban environment, with 3D models, is an important research topic. New stereo capabilities of high-resolution optical satellites images, such as the tri-stereo mode of Pleiades, combined with new image matching algorithms, are now available and can be applied in urban area analysis. In addition, photogrammetry software packages gained new, more efficient matching algorithms, such as SGM, as well as improved filters to deal with shadow areas, can achieve denser and more precise results. This paper describes a comparison between 3D data extracted from tri-stereo and dual stereo satellite images, combined with pixel based matching and Wallis filter. The aim was to improve the accuracy of 3D models especially in urban areas, in order to assess if satellite images are appropriate for a rapid evaluation of urban environments. The results showed that 3D models achieved by Pleiades tri-stereo outperformed, both in terms of accuracy and detail, the result obtained from a Geo-eye pair. The assessment was made with reference digital surface models derived from high-resolution aerial photography. This could mean that tri-stereo images can be successfully used for the proposed urban change analyses.Keywords: 3D models, environment, matching, pleiades
Procedia PDF Downloads 3314153 Evaluation of UI for 3D Visualization-Based Building Information Applications
Authors: Monisha Pattanaik
In scenarios where users have to work with large amounts of hierarchical data structures combined with visualizations (For example, Construction 3d Models, Manufacturing equipment's models, Gantt charts, Building Plans), the data structures have a high density in terms of consisting multiple parent nodes up to 50 levels and their siblings to descendants, therefore convey an immediate feeling of complexity. With customers moving to consumer-grade enterprise software, it is crucial to make sophisticated features made available to touch devices or smaller screen sizes. This paper evaluates the UI component that allows users to scroll through all deep density levels using a slider overlay on top of the hierarchy table, performing several actions to focus on one set of objects at any point in time. This overlay component also solves the problem of excessive horizontal scrolling of the entire table on a fixed pane for a hierarchical table. This component can be customized to navigate through parents, only siblings, or a specific component of the hierarchy only. The evaluation of the UI component was done by End Users of application and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experts to test the UI component's usability with statistical results and recommendations to handle complex hierarchical data visualizations.Keywords: building information modeling, digital twin, navigation, UI component, user interface, usability, visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1394152 The Ancient Port of Gaza 'Anthedon' and Relationship with Mediterranean Basin Ports
Authors: Ayman Hassouna
Gaza was famous in the history of trade, because it lies at the end of overland trade route, then the goods transferred by Gazzian merchants to different places around the Mediterranean, so it is described as ‘Mediterranean port of Arabs’, but Gaza is not located directly at the sea shore, so it is fortified by two ports: the first is Anthedon, and second is Maiomas. It is possible to dig in Anthedon but it is too difficult to do that in Maiomas because the site is full of modern buildings. Archaeological excavations at Anthedon's port provided us much archaeological and historical information about cooperation between Anthedon's port and different places at the Mediterranean basin. This research speaks about the roots of Anthedon's name, and it is related with other names in Greek land, by use different dictionaries language, and produce historical introduction were covering the ages beginning from the Iron Age to Greek, Roman and Byzantine periods. Then the study reviewed the most important architectural discoveries in the site, and highlighted the relationship with the civilizations' ports of the Mediterranean basin by studying number of artefacts pottery were imported from different places as Cyprus, Greece, Italy, North Africa, Carthage and Tripoli workshops. On the other hand, the archaeologists discovered some of local pottery made in Gaza at different sites on the Mediterranean basin which confirms the relationship of Gaza merchants with those areas. At the end of this study, there are some conclusions and recommendations about the site.Keywords: ancient port of Gaza, pottery typology, Mediterranean basin ports, Palestine archaeology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3614151 Economies of Scale of Worker's Continuing Professional Development in Selected Universities in South- South, Nigeria
Authors: Jonathan E. Oghenekohwo
The return to scale constitutes a significant investment index in the determination of the quantum of resources that is deployed in investment decision on worker’s continuing professional development. Such investment decision is always predicted on the expected outcomes to the individual, institution and the society in context. Several investments in the development of human capacity on the job have been made, but the return to the scale of such seems not to have been correlated positively with the quantum of resources invested in terms of productivity and performance among workers in many universities. This paper thus found out that, despite the commitment and policy instrument to avail workers the right of continuing professional development, the multiplier effects are not evident in diligence, commitment, honesty, dedication, productivity and improved performance on the job among most administrative staff in Nigerian Universities This author, therefore concludes that, given the policy on the right of workers to get trained on-the job, the outcomes of such training must reflect on the overall performance indices, otherwise, institutions should carry out a forensic analysis of the types of continuing professional development programmes that workers participate in, whether or not, they are consistent with the vision and mission of the institutions in terms of economies of scale of workers professional development to the individual, institution and the nation in context.Keywords: continuing, professional development, economies of scale, worker’s education, administrative staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 3304150 Emotion Mining and Attribute Selection for Actionable Recommendations to Improve Customer Satisfaction
Authors: Jaishree Ranganathan, Poonam Rajurkar, Angelina A. Tzacheva, Zbigniew W. Ras
In today’s world, business often depends on the customer feedback and reviews. Sentiment analysis helps identify and extract information about the sentiment or emotion of the of the topic or document. Attribute selection is a challenging problem, especially with large datasets in actionable pattern mining algorithms. Action Rule Mining is one of the methods to discover actionable patterns from data. Action Rules are rules that help describe specific actions to be made in the form of conditions that help achieve the desired outcome. The rules help to change from any undesirable or negative state to a more desirable or positive state. In this paper, we present a Lexicon based weighted scheme approach to identify emotions from customer feedback data in the area of manufacturing business. Also, we use Rough sets and explore the attribute selection method for large scale datasets. Then we apply Actionable pattern mining to extract possible emotion change recommendations. This kind of recommendations help business analyst to improve their customer service which leads to customer satisfaction and increase sales revenue.Keywords: actionable pattern discovery, attribute selection, business data, data mining, emotion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2004149 Truancy and Academic Performance of Colleges of Education Students in South Western Nigeria: Implication for Evaluation
Authors: Oloyede Akinniyi Ojo
This study investigated the relationship between truancy and academic performance of Colleges of Education students in southwestern, Nigeria. It also examined the relationship between College Physical environment and truancy behavior among students. Furthermore, it examined the relationship between male and female students involvement in truancy behavior. Purposive sampling was used to select four colleges of education in south-western Nigeria and 120 students per college were selected from year 3 while stratified sampling was used to select schools and courses. A total of 480 students participated in the study. Three research instruments were used for this study namely: Lecturers Attendance Record, Students Statement of Result and ‘College Environment Questionnaires’ (CEQ). Four research questions guided the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive, Chi-square and T-Test. CEQ was validated by a team of experts in the field of educational evaluation. Test reliability was established at an r=0-74. The study concluded that truancy exist in colleges of education and that there was a significant relationship between truancy and academic performance of male and female truants, the study also revealed that physical environment has so much effect on the truancy behavior of the students, hence the study recommended that effort should be made to provide attractive college environment for effective learning.Keywords: academic performance, colleges of education, students, truancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1924148 The Integration of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of French Language in Some Selected Schools in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges
Authors: Oluyomi A. Abioye
The 21st century has been witnessing a lot of technological advancements and innovations, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) happens to be one of them. Education is the cornerstone of any nation and the language in which it is delivered is the bedrock of any development. The French language is our choice in this study. French is a language of reference on the national and international scenes; however its teaching is clouded with myriads of problems. The output of students’ academic performance depends on to a large extent on the teaching and learning the process. The methodology employed goes a long way in contributing to the effectiveness of the teaching and learning the process. Therefore, with the integration of ICT, French teaching has to align with and adapt to this new digital era. An attempt is made to define the concept of ICT. Some of the challenges encountered in the teaching of French language are highlighted. Then it discusses the existing methods of French teaching and the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of the same language. Then some prospects and challenges of ICT in the teaching and learning of French are discussed. Data collected from questionnaires administered among some students of some selected schools are analysed. Our findings revealed that only very few schools in Nigeria have the electronic and computer-mediated facilities to teach the French language. The paper concludes by encouraging 'savoir-faire' of ICT by the French teachers, an openness of students to this digital technology and adequate provision of electronic and computer-mediated gadgets by the Nigerian government to its educational institutions.Keywords: French language in Nigeria, integration of ICT, prospects and challenges, teaching and learning
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