Search results for: breathing rate (BR)
5111 Machine Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Detection
Authors: Mouhammad Alkasassbeh, Mohammad Almseidin
Network security engineers work to keep services available all the time by handling intruder attacks. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the obtainable mechanisms that is used to sense and classify any abnormal actions. Therefore, the IDS must be always up to date with the latest intruder attacks signatures to preserve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the services. The speed of the IDS is a very important issue as well learning the new attacks. This research work illustrates how the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (or Knowledge Discovery in Databases) KDD dataset is very handy for testing and evaluating different Machine Learning Techniques. It mainly focuses on the KDD preprocess part in order to prepare a decent and fair experimental data set. The J48, MLP, and Bayes Network classifiers have been chosen for this study. It has been proven that the J48 classifier has achieved the highest accuracy rate for detecting and classifying all KDD dataset attacks, which are of type DOS, R2L, U2R, and PROBE. Procedia PDF Downloads 2355110 The Epidemiology of Dengue in Taiwan during 2014-15: A Descriptive Analysis of the Severe Outbreaks of Central Surveillance System Data
Authors: Chu-Tzu Chen, Angela S. Huang, Yu-Min Chou, Chin-Hui Yang
Dengue is a major public health concern throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions. Taiwan is located in the Pacific Ocean and overlying the tropical and subtropical zones. The island remains humid throughout the year and receives abundant rainfall, and the temperature is very hot in summer at southern Taiwan. It is ideal for the growth of dengue vectors and would be increasing the risk on dengue outbreaks. During the first half of the 20th century, there were three island-wide dengue outbreaks (1915, 1931, and 1942). After almost forty years of dormancy, a DEN-2 outbreak occurred in Liuchiu Township, Pingtung County in 1981. Thereafter, more dengue outbreaks occurred with different scales in southern Taiwan. However, there were more than ten thousands of dengue cases in 2014 and in 2015. It did not only affect human health, but also caused widespread social disruption and economic losses. The study would like to reveal the epidemiology of dengue on Taiwan, especially the severe outbreak in 2015, and try to find the effective interventions in dengue control including dengue vaccine development for the elderly. Methods: The study applied the Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System database of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control as data source. All cases were reported with the uniform case definition and confirmed by NS1 rapid diagnosis/laboratory diagnosis. Results: In 2014, Taiwan experienced a serious DEN-1 outbreak with 15,492 locally-acquired cases, including 136 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which caused 21 deaths. However, a more serious DEN-2 outbreak occurred with 43,419 locally-acquired cases in 2015. The epidemic occurred mainly at Tainan City (22,760 cases) and Kaohsiung City (19,723 cases) in southern Taiwan. The age distribution for the cases were mainly adults. There were 228 deaths due to dengue infection, and the case fatality rate was 5.25 ‰. The average age of them was 73.66 years (range 29-96) and 86.84% of them were older than 60 years. Most of them were comorbidities. To review the clinical manifestations of the 228 death cases, 38.16% (N=87) of them were reported with warning signs, while 51.75% (N=118) were reported without warning signs. Among the 87 death cases reported to dengue with warning signs, 89.53% were diagnosed sever dengue and 84% needed the intensive care. Conclusion: The year 2015 was characterized by large dengue outbreaks worldwide. The risk of serious dengue outbreak may increase significantly in the future, and the elderly is the vulnerable group in Taiwan. However, a dengue vaccine has been licensed for use in people 9-45 years of age living in endemic settings at the end of 2015. In addition to carry out the research to find out new interventions in dengue control, developing the dengue vaccine for the elderly is very important to prevent severe dengue and deaths.Keywords: case fatality rate, dengue, dengue vaccine, the elderly
Procedia PDF Downloads 2825109 Audio Information Retrieval in Mobile Environment with Fast Audio Classifier
Authors: Bruno T. Gomes, José A. Menezes, Giordano Cabral
With the popularity of smartphones, mobile apps emerge to meet the diverse needs, however the resources at the disposal are limited, either by the hardware, due to the low computing power, or the software, that does not have the same robustness of desktop environment. For example, in automatic audio classification (AC) tasks, musical information retrieval (MIR) subarea, is required a fast processing and a good success rate. However the mobile platform has limited computing power and the best AC tools are only available for desktop. To solve these problems the fast classifier suits, to mobile environments, the most widespread MIR technologies, seeking a balance in terms of speed and robustness. At the end we found that it is possible to enjoy the best of MIR for mobile environments. This paper presents the results obtained and the difficulties encountered.Keywords: audio classification, audio extraction, environment mobile, musical information retrieval
Procedia PDF Downloads 5475108 A Preliminary Analysis of The Effect After Cochlear Implantation in the Unilateral Hearing Loss
Authors: Haiqiao Du, Qian Wang, Shuwei Wang, Jianan Li
Purpose: The aim is to evaluate the effect of cochlear implantation (CI) in patients with unilateral hearing loss, with a view to providing data support for the selection of therapeutic interventions for patients with single-sided deafness (SSD)/asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) and the broadening of the indications for CI. Methods: The study subjects were patients with unilateral hearing loss who underwent cochlear implantation surgery in our hospital in August 2022 and were willing to cooperate with the test and were divided into 2 groups: SSD group and AHL group. The enrolled patients were followed up for hearing level, tinnitus changes, speech recognition ability, sound source localization ability, and quality of life at five-time points: preoperatively, and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after postoperative start-up. Results: As of June 30, 2024, a total of nine patients completed follow-up, including four in the SSD group and five in the AHL group. The mean postoperative hearing aid thresholds on the CI side were 31.56 dB HL and 34.75 dB HL in the two groups, respectively. Of the four patients with preoperative tinnitus symptoms (three patients in the SSD group and one patient in the AHL group), all showed a degree of reduction in Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) scores, except for one patient who showed no change. In both the SSD and AHL groups, the sound source localization results (expressed as RMS error values, with smaller values indicating better ability) were 66.87° and 77.41° preoperatively and 29.34° and 54.60° 12 months after postoperative start-up, respectively, which showed that the ability to localize the sound source improved significantly with longer implantation time. The level of speech recognition was assessed by 3 test methods: speech recognition rate of monosyllabic words in a quiet environment and speech recognition rate of different sound source directions at 0° and 90° (implantation side) in a noisy environment. The results of the 3 tests were 99.0%, 72.0%, and 36.0% in the preoperative SSD group and 96.0%, 83.6%, and 73.8% in the AHL group, respectively, whereas they fluctuated in the postoperative period 3 months after start-up, and stabilized at 12 months after start-up to 99.0%, 100.0%, and 100.0% in the SSD group and 99.5%, 96.0%, and 99.0%. Quality of life was subjectively evaluated by three tests: the Speech Spatial Quality of Sound Auditory Scale (SSQ-12), the Quality-of-Life Bilateral Listening Questionnaire (QLBHE), and the Nijmegen Cochlear Implantation Inventory (NCIQ). The results of the SSQ-12 (with a 10-point score out of 10) showed that the scores of preoperative and postoperative 12 months after start-up were 6.35 and 6.46 in the SSD group, while they were 5.61 and 9.83 in the AHL group. The QLBHE scores (100 points out of 100) were 61.0 and 76.0 in the SSD group and 53.4 and 63.7 in the AHL group for the preoperative versus the postoperative 12 months after start-up. Conclusion: Patients with unilateral hearing loss can benefit from cochlear implantation: CI implantation is effective in compensating for the hearing on the affected side and reduces the accompanying tinnitus symptoms; there is a significant improvement in sound source localization and speech recognition in the presence of noise; and the quality of life is improved.Keywords: single-sided deafness, asymmetric hearing loss, cochlear implant, unilateral hearing loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 185107 Recovery of Proteins from EDAM Whey Using Membrane Ultrafiltration
Authors: F. Yelles-Allam, A. A. Nouani
In Algeria, whey is discarded without any treatment and this causes not only pollution problem, but also a loss in nutritive components of milk. In this paper, characterization of EDAM whey, which is resulted from pasteurised mixture of cow’s milk and skim milk, and recovery of whey protein by ultrafiltration / diafiltration, was studied. The physical-chemical analysis of whey has emphasized on its pollutant and nutritive characteristics. In fact, its DBO5 and DCO are 49.33, and 127.71 gr of O2/l of whey respectively. It contains: fat (1,90±0,1 gr/l), lactose (47.32±1,57 gr/l), proteins (8.04±0,2 gr/l) and ashes (5,20±0,15 gr/l), calcium (0,48±0,04 gr/l), Na (1.104gr/l), K (1.014 gr/l), Mg (0.118 gr/l) and P (0.482 gr/l). Ultrafiltration was carried out in a polyetersulfone membrane with a cut-off of 10K. Its hydraulic intrinsic resistance and permeability are respectively: 2.041.1012 m-1 and 176,32 l/h.m2 at PTM of 1 bar. The retentate obtained at FC6, contains 16,33g/l of proteins and 70,25 g/l of dry matter. The retention rate of protein is 97, 7% and the decrease in DBO5 and DCO are at 18.875 g /l and 42.818 g/l respectively. Diafiltration performed on protein concentrates allowed the complete removal of lactose and minerals. The ultrafiltration of the whey before the disposal is an alternative for Algéria dairy industry.Keywords: diafiltration, DBO, DCO, protein, ultrafiltration, whey
Procedia PDF Downloads 2565106 Inventory Decisions for Perishable Products with Age and Stock Dependent Demand Rate
Authors: Maher Agi, Hardik Soni
This paper presents a deterministic model for optimized control of the inventory of a perishable product subject to both physical deterioration and degradation of its freshness condition. The demand for the product depends on its current inventory level and freshness condition. Our model allows for any positive amount of end of cycle inventory. Some useful conditions that characterize the optimal solution of the model are derived and an algorithm is presented for finding the optimal values of the price, the inventory cycle, the end of cycle inventory level and the order quantity. Numerical examples are then given. Our work shows how the product freshness in conjunction with the inventory deterioration affects the inventory management decisions.Keywords: inventory management, lot sizing, perishable products, deteriorating inventory, age-dependent demand, stock-dependent demand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2355105 Investigation of Soot Regeneration Behavior in the DPF Cleaning Device
Authors: Won Jun Jo, Man Young Kim
To meet stringent diesel particulate matter regulations, DPF system is essential after treatment technology providing exceptional reliability and filtration performance. At low load driving conditions, the passive type of DPF system is ineffective for regeneration method due to the inadequate of engine exhaust heat in removing accumulated soot from the filter. Therefore, DPF cleaning device is necessary to remove the soot particles. In this work, the numerical analysis on the active regeneration of DPF in DPF cleaning device is performed to find the optimum operating conditions. In order to find the DPF regeneration characteristics during active regeneration, 5 different initial soot loading condition are investigated. As the initial soot mass increases, the maximum temperature of DPF and regeneration rate also increase.Keywords: active regeneration, DPF cleaning device, pressure drop, Diesel Particulate Filter, particulate matters, computational fluid dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2955104 A Molding Surface Auto-inspection System
Authors: Ssu-Han Chen, Der-Baau Perng
Molding process in IC manufacturing secures chips against the harms done by hot, moisture or other external forces. While a chip was being molded, defects like cracks, dilapidation, or voids may be embedding on the molding surface. The molding surfaces the study poises to treat and the ones on the market, though, differ in the surface where texture similar to defects is everywhere. Manual inspection usually passes over low-contrast cracks or voids; hence an automatic optical inspection system for molding surface is necessary. The proposed system is consisted of a CCD, a coaxial light, a back light as well as a motion control unit. Based on the property of statistical textures of the molding surface, a series of digital image processing and classification procedure is carried out. After training of the parameter associated with above algorithm, result of the experiment suggests that the accuracy rate is up to 93.75%, contributing to the inspection quality of IC molding surface.Keywords: molding surface, machine vision, statistical texture, discrete Fourier transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4325103 Adsorption of Congo Red on MgO Nanoparticles Prepared by Molten Salt Method
Authors: Shahbaa F. Bdewi, Bakhtyar K. Aziz, Ayad A. R. Mutar
Nano-materials show different surface properties due to their high surface area and active sites. This study investigates the feasibility of using nano-MgO (NMO) for removing Congo red (CR) dye from wastewater. NMO was prepared by molten salt method. Equilibrium experiments show the equilibrium was reached after 120 minutes and maximum adsorption efficiency was obtained in acidic media up to pH 6. Isotherm studies revealed the favorability of the adsorption process. The overall adsorption process was spontaneous and endothermic in nature with a maximum adsorption capacity of 1100 mg g-1 at 40°C as estimated from Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption kinetics was found to follow pseudo second-order rate equation. Relatively high activation energy (180.7 kJ mol-1) was obtained which is consistent with chemisorption mechanism for the adsorption process.Keywords: adsorption, congo red, magnesium oxide, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2105102 Multimodal Employee Attendance Management System
Authors: Khaled Mohammed
This paper presents novel face recognition and identification approaches for the real-time attendance management problem in large companies/factories and government institutions. The proposed uses the Minimum Ratio (MR) approach for employee identification. Capturing the authentic face variability from a sequence of video frames has been considered for the recognition of faces and resulted in system robustness against the variability of facial features. Experimental results indicated an improvement in the performance of the proposed system compared to the Previous approaches at a rate between 2% to 5%. In addition, it decreased the time two times if compared with the Previous techniques, such as Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) & Multi-Scale Structural Similarity index (MS-SSIM). Finally, it achieved an accuracy of 99%.Keywords: attendance management system, face detection and recognition, live face recognition, minimum ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1555101 Decentralized Forest Policy for Natural Sal (Shorea robusta) Forests Management in the Terai Region of Nepal
Authors: Medani Prasad Rijal
The study outlines the impacts of decentralized forest policy on natural Sal (shorea robusta) forests in the Terai region of Nepal. The government has implemented community forestry program to manage the forest resources and improve the livelihood of local people collectively. The forest management authorities such as conserve, manage, develop and use of forest resources were shifted to the local communities, however, the ownership right of the forestland retained by the government. Local communities took the decision on harvesting, distribution, and sell of forest products by fixing the prices independently. The local communities were putting the low value of forest products and distributed among the user households on the name of collective decision. The decision of low valuation is devaluating the worth of forest products. Therefore, the study hypothesized that decision-making capacities are equally prominent next to the decentralized policy and program formulation. To accomplish the study, individual to group level discussions and questionnaire survey methods were applied with executive committee members and user households. The study revealed that the local intuition called Community Forest User Group (CFUG) committee normally took the decisions on consensus basis. Considering to the access and affording capacity of user households having poor economic backgrounds, low pricing mechanism of forest products has been practiced, even though the Sal timber is far expensive in the local market. The local communities thought that low pricing mechanism is accessible to all user households from poor to better off households. However, the analysis of forest products distribution opposed the assumption as most of the Sal timber, which is the most valuable forest product of community forest only purchased by the limited households of better economic conditions. Since the Terai region is heterogeneous by socio-economic conditions, better off households always have higher affording capacity and possibility of taking higher timber benefits because of low price mechanism. On the other hand, the minimum price rate of forest products has poor contribution in community fund collection. Consequently, it has poor support to carry out poverty alleviation activities to poor people. The local communities have been fixed Sal timber price rate around three times cheaper than normal market price, which is a strong evidence of forest product devaluation itself. Finally, the study concluded that the capacity building of local executives as the decision-makers of natural Sal forests is equally indispensable next to the policy and program formulation for effective decentralized forest management. Unilateral decentralized forest policy may devaluate the forest products rather than devolve of power to the local communities and empower to them.Keywords: community forestry program, decentralized forest policy, Nepal, Sal forests, Terai
Procedia PDF Downloads 3335100 Thermal Fracture Analysis of Fibrous Composites with Variable Fiber Spacing Using Jk-Integral
Authors: Farid Saeidi, Serkan Dag
In this study, fracture analysis of a fibrous composite laminate with variable fiber spacing is carried out using Jk-integral method. The laminate is assumed to be under thermal loading. Jk-integral is formulated by using the constitutive relations of plane orthotropic thermoelasticity. Developed domain independent form of the Jk-integral is then integrated into the general purpose finite element analysis software ANSYS. Numerical results are generated so as to assess the influence of variable fiber spacing on mode I and II stress intensity factors, energy release rate, and T-stress. For verification, some of the results are compared to those obtained using displacement correlation technique (DCT).Keywords: Jk-integral, Variable Fiber Spacing, Thermoelasticity, T-stress, Finite Element Method, Fibrous Composite.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3885099 Knowledge Management in Agro-Alimentary Companies in Algeria
Authors: Radia Bernaoui, Mohamed Hassoun
Our survey deals a theme of the measurement of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a study carried out with professionals affiliated to agro-alimentary 'agribusinesses'. Taking into account the creation of a national device of information on the agronomic research in Algeria, the aim is to analyze their informational practices and to assess how they rate the sharing of knowledge and the process of collective intelligence. The results of our study reveal a more crucial need: The creation a suitable framework to the division of the knowledge, to produce 'knowledge shared social' where the scientific community could interact with firms. It is a question of promoting processes for the adaptation and the spreading of knowledge, through a partnership between the R&D sector and the production one, to increase the competitiveness of the firms, even the sustainable development of the country.Keywords: knowledge management, pole of competitiveness, knowledge management, economy of knowledge, agro-alimentary, agribusiness, information system, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3345098 Common Laws Principles: A Way to Solve Global Environmental Change
Authors: Neelam Kadyan
Global environmental change is happening at an alarming rate in the present world. Floods, Tsunamis’, Avalanches, Change in Weather patterns, Rise in sea temperature, Landslides, are only few evidences of this change. To regulate such alarming growth of global change in environment certain regulatory system or mechanism is required. Nuisance,negligence,absolute liability,strict liability and trespass are some of the effective common law principles which are helpful in environmental problems. What we need today is sufficient law and adequate machinery to enforce the legal standards. Without law environmental standards cannot be enforced and once again there is need to adopt the common law approach in solving the problem of environmental change as through this approach the affected person can get compensation and as the same time it puts check on wrongdoer.Keywords: global environmental problems, nuisance, negligence, trespass, strict liability, absolute liability
Procedia PDF Downloads 5675097 Required SNR for PPM in Downlink Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Channel
Authors: Selami Şahin
In this paper, in order to achieve sufficient bit error rate (BER) according to zenith angle of the satellite to ground station, SNR requirement is investigated utilizing pulse position modulation (PPM). To realize explicit results, all parameters such as link distance, Rytov variance, scintillation index, wavelength, aperture diameter of the receiver, Fried's parameter and zenith angle have been taken into account. Results indicate that after some parameters are determined since the constraints of the system, to achieve desired BER, required SNR values are in wide range while zenith angle changes from small to large values. Therefore, in order not to utilize high link margin, either SNR should adjust according to zenith angle or link should establish with predetermined intervals of the zenith angle.Keywords: Free-space optical communication, optical downlink channel, atmospheric turbulence, wireless optical communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 4025096 Effect of Fire Exposure on the Ultimate Strength of Loaded Columns
Authors: Hatem Hamdy Ghieth
In the recent time many fires happened in many skeleton buildings. The fire may be continues for a long time. This fire may cause a collapse of the building. This collapse may be happened due to the time of exposure to fire as well as the rate of the loading to the carrying elements. In this research a laboratory study for reinforced concrete columns under effect of fire with temperature reaches (650 ْ C) on the behavior of columns which loaded with axial load and with exposing to fire temperature only from all sides of columns. the main parameters of this study are level of load applying to the column, and the temperature applied to the fire, this temperatures was 500oC and 650oc. Nine concrete columns with dimensions 20x20x100 cms were casted one of these columns was tested to determine the ultimate load while the least were fired according to the experimental schedule.Keywords: columns, fire duration, concrete strength, level of loading
Procedia PDF Downloads 4405095 Kinetics of Cu(II) Transport through Bulk Liquid Membrane with Different Membrane Materials
Authors: Siu Hua Chang, Ayub Md Som, Jagannathan Krishnan
The kinetics of Cu(II) transport through a bulk liquid membrane with different membrane materials was investigated in this work. Three types of membrane materials were used: Fresh cooking oil, waste cooking oil, and kerosene each of which was mixed with di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (carrier) and tributylphosphate (modifier). Kinetic models derived from the kinetic laws of two consecutive irreversible first-order reactions were used to study the facilitated transport of Cu(II) across the source, membrane, and receiving phases of bulk liquid membrane. It was found that the transport kinetics of Cu(II) across the source phase was not affected by different types of membrane materials but decreased considerably when the membrane materials changed from kerosene, waste cooking oil to fresh cooking oil. The rate constants of Cu(II) removal and recovery processes through the bulk liquid membrane were also determined.Keywords: transport kinetics, Cu(II), bulk liquid membrane, waste cooking oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4295094 Chemical Composition Pistachio Harvested Bechloul (Algeria)
Authors: Nadjiba Mezıou-Cheboutı, Amel Merabet, Yahia Cheboutı, Nassima Behidj, Fatima-Zohra Bıssaad et Salahedine Doumandjı
Among the Anacardiaceae, the fruit (Pistacia vera L.) is the only species that produces edible fruits. The introduction of real pistachio was made in the early sixties by an FAO program in Algeria in several regions in the northern part of Algeria: Tlemcen, Sidi Bel Abbes, Batna, Bouira M'sila . Chemical analyzes of seeds pistachios were made on seeds from an orchard that localizes to Bechloul (Bouira) located in bioclimatic sub-humid temperate winter floor. Analyzes reveal dry matter content of 3.60 ± 0.45%, the water rate is 7.21 ± 0.36%. However, the fat content is 46.00 ± 0.90%, in average blood sugar, it is 4.02 ± 0.47%, the protein reached 29.88 ± 0.76%. Given the very interesting that high-fat food nutritional values, culture pistachio must be considered for its extension in Algeria.Keywords: pistachio, dry matter, fat, sugar, protein
Procedia PDF Downloads 3565093 A Survey on Taxpayer's Compliance in Prospect Theory Structure Using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
Authors: Sahar Dehghan, Yeganeh Mousavi Jahromi, Ghahraman Abdoli
Since tax revenues are one of the most important sources of government revenue, it is essential to consider increasing taxpayers' compliance. One of the factors that can affect the taxpayers' compliance is the structure of the crimes and incentives envisaged in the tax law. In this research, by using the 'prospect theory', the effects of changes in the rate of crimes and the tax incentive in the direct tax law on the taxpayer’s compliance behavior have been investigated. To determine the preferences and preferences of taxpayer’s in the business sector and their degree of sensitivity to fines and incentives, a questionnaire with mixed gamble structure is designed. Estimated results using the Hierarchical Bayesian method indicate that the taxpayer’s that have been tested in this study are more sensitive to the incentives in the direct tax law, and the tax administration can use this to increase the level of collected tax and increase the level of compliance.Keywords: tax compliance, prospect theory, value function, mixed gamble
Procedia PDF Downloads 1755092 Measurement of 238U, 232Th and 40K in Soil Samples Collected from Coal City Dhanbad, India
Authors: Zubair Ahmad
Specific activities of the natural radionuclides 238U, 232Th and 40K were measured by using γ - ray spectrometric technique in soil samples collected from the city of Dhanbad, which is located near coal mines. Mean activity values for 238U, 232Th and 40K were found to be 60.29 Bq/kg, 64.50 Bq/kg and 481.0 Bq/kg, respectively. Mean radium equivalent activity, absorbed dose rate, outdoor dose, external hazard index, internal hazard index, for the area under study were determined as 189.53 Bq/kg, 87.21 nGy/h, 0.37 mSv/y, 0.52 and 0.64, respectively. The annual effective dose to the general public was found 0.44 mSv/y. This value lies well below the limit of 1 mSv/y as recommended by International Commission on Radiological Protection. Measured values were found safe for environment and public health.Keywords: coal city Dhanbad, gamma-ray spectroscopy, natural radioactivity, soil samples
Procedia PDF Downloads 2695091 Cigarette Smoke Detection Based on YOLOV3
In order to satisfy the real-time and accurate requirements of cigarette smoke detection in complex scenes, a cigarette smoke detection technology based on the combination of deep learning and color features was proposed. Firstly, based on the color features of cigarette smoke, the suspicious cigarette smoke area in the image is extracted. Secondly, combined with the efficiency of cigarette smoke detection and the problem of network overfitting, a network model for cigarette smoke detection was designed according to YOLOV3 algorithm to reduce the false detection rate. The experimental results show that the method is feasible and effective, and the accuracy of cigarette smoke detection is up to 99.13%, which satisfies the requirements of real-time cigarette smoke detection in complex scenes.Keywords: deep learning, computer vision, cigarette smoke detection, YOLOV3, color feature extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 875090 The Effects of Different Amounts of Additional Moisture on the Physical Properties of Cow Pea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Extrudates
Authors: L. Strauta, S. Muižniece-Brasava
Even though legumes possess high nutritional value and have a rather high protein content for plant origin products, they are underutilized mostly due to their lengthy cooking time. To increase the presence of legume-based products in human diet, new extruded products were made of cow peas (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). But as it is known, adding different moisture content to flour before extrusion can change the physical properties of the extruded product. Experiments were carried out to estimate the optimal moisture content for cow pea extrusion. After extrusion, the pH level had dropped from 6.7 to 6.5 and the lowest hardness rate was observed in the samples with additional 9 g 100g-1 of moisture - 28±4N, but the volume mass of the samples with additional 9 g100g-1 of water was 263±3 g L-1; all samples were approximately 7±1mm long.Keywords: cow pea, extrusion–cooking, moisture, size
Procedia PDF Downloads 2085089 Large Strain Creep Analysis of Composite Thick-Walled Anisotropic Cylinders
Authors: Vinod Kumar Arya
Creep analysis of a thick-walled composite anisotropic cylinder under internal pressure and considering large strains is presented. Using a threshold creep law for composite materials, expressions for stresses, strains, and strain rates are derived for several anisotropic cases. Numerical results, presented through several graphs and tables, depict the effect of anisotropy on the stress, strain, and strain rate distributions. Since for a specific type of material anisotropy described in the paper, these quantities are found to have the lowest values at the inner radius (the potential location of cylinder failure), it is concluded that by employing such an anisotropic material for the design of a thick-walled cylinder a longer service life for the cylinder may be achieved.Keywords: creep, composites, large strains, thick-walled cylinders, anisotropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1515088 Capital Accumulation and Unemployment in Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa
Authors: Abubakar Dikko
The research investigates the causes of unemployment in Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa, and the role of Capital Accumulation in reducing the unemployment profile of these economies as proposed by the post-Keynesian economics. This is conducted through extensive review of literature on the NAIRU models and focused on the post-Keynesian view of unemployment within the NAIRU framework. The NAIRU (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment) model has become a dominant framework used in macroeconomic analysis of unemployment. The study views the post-Keynesian economics arguments that capital accumulation is a major determinant of unemployment. Unemployment remains the fundamental socio-economic challenge facing African economies. It has been a burden to citizens of those economies. Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa are great African nations battling with high unemployment rates. In 2013, the countries recorded high unemployment rates of 16.9%, 23.9% and 24.9% respectively. Most of the unemployed in these economies comprises of youth. Roughly about 40% working age South Africans has jobs, whereas in Nigeria and Namibia is less than that. Unemployment in Africa has wide implications on households which has led to extensive poverty and inequality, and created a rampant criminality. Recently in South Africa there has been a case of xenophobic attacks which were caused by the citizens of the country as a result of unemployment. The high unemployment rate in the country led the citizens to chase away foreigners in the country claiming that they have taken away their jobs. The study proposes that there is a strong relationship between capital accumulation and unemployment in Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa, and capital accumulation is responsible for high unemployment rates in these countries. For the economies to achieve steady state level of employment and satisfactory level of economic growth and development there is need for capital accumulation to take place. The countries in the study have been selected after a critical research and investigations. They are selected based on the following criteria; African economies with high unemployment rates above 15% and have about 40% of their workforce unemployed. This level of unemployment is the critical level of unemployment in Africa as expressed by International Labour Organization (ILO). The African countries with low level of capital accumulation. Adequate statistical measures have been employed using a time-series analysis in the study and the results revealed that capital accumulation is the main driver of unemployment performance in the chosen African countries. An increase in the accumulation of capital causes unemployment to reduce significantly. The results of the research work will be useful and relevant to federal governments and ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) of Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa to resolve the issue of high and persistent unemployment rates in their economies which are great burden that slows growth and development of developing economies. Also, the result can be useful to World Bank, African Development Bank and International Labour Organization (ILO) in their further research and studies on how to tackle unemployment in developing and emerging economies.Keywords: capital accumulation, unemployment, NAIRU, Post-Keynesian economics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2655087 Robust Design of Electroosmosis Driven Self-Circulating Micromixer for Biological Applications
Authors: Bahram Talebjedi, Emily Earl, Mina Hoorfar
One of the issues that arises with microscale lab-on-a-chip technology is that the laminar flow within the microchannels limits the mixing of fluids. To combat this, micromixers have been introduced as a means to try and incorporate turbulence into the flow to better aid the mixing process. This study presents an electroosmotic micromixer that balances vortex generation and degeneration with the inlet flow velocity to greatly increase the mixing efficiency. A comprehensive parametric study was performed to evaluate the role of the relevant parameters on the mixing efficiency. It was observed that the suggested micromixer is perfectly suited for biological applications due to its low pressure drop (below 10 Pa) and low shear rate. The proposed micromixer with optimized working parameters is able to attain a mixing efficiency of 95% in a span of 0.5 seconds using a frequency of 10 Hz, a voltage of 0.7 V, and an inlet velocity of 0.366 mm/s.Keywords: microfluidics, active mixer, pulsed AC electroosmosis flow, micromixer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1385086 A Review on Various Approaches for Energy Conservation in Green Cloud Computing
Authors: Sumati Manchanda
Cloud computing is one of the most recent developing engineering and is consistently utilized as a part of different IT firms so as to make benefits like expense sparing or financial minimization, it must be eco cordial also. In this manner, Green Cloud Computing is the need of the today's current situation. It is an innovation that is rising as data correspondence engineering. This paper surveys the unequivocal endeavors made by different specialists to make Cloud Computing more vitality preserving, to break down its vitality utilization focused around sorts of administrations gave furthermore to diminish the carbon foot shaped impression rate by colossal methodologies furthermore edify virtualization idea alongside different diverse methodologies which utilize virtual machines scheduling and migration. The summary of the proposed work by various authors that we have reviewed is also presented in the paper.Keywords: cloud computing, green cloud computing, scheduling, migration, virtualization, energy efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3955085 Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Echinacea Flower Extract and Characterization
Authors: Masood Hussain, Erol Pehlivan, Ahmet Avci, Ecem Guder
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was carried out by using echinacea flower extract as reducing/protecting agent. The effects of various operating parameters and additives on the dimensions such as stirring rate, temperature, pH of the solution, the amount of extract and concentration of silver nitrate were optimized in order to achieve monodispersed spherical and small size echinacea protected silver nanoparticles (echinacea-AgNPs) through biosynthetic method. The surface roughness and topography of synthesized metal nanoparticles were confirmed by using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopic (HRTEM) results elaborated the formation of uniformly distributed Echinacea protected AgNPs (Echinacea-AgNPs) having an average size of 30.2±2nm.Keywords: Echinacea flower extract, green synthesis, silver nanoparticles, morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4235084 Blunt Abdominal Trauma Management in Adult Patients: An Investigation on Safety of Discharging Patients with Normal Initial Findings
Authors: Rahimi-Movaghar Vafa, Mansouri Pejman, Chardoli Mojtaba, Rezvani Samina
Introduction: Blunt abdominal trauma is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in all age groups, but diagnosis of serious intra-abdominal pathology is difficult and most of the damages are obscure in the initial investigation. There is still controversy about which patients should undergo abdomen/pelvis CT, which patients needs more observation and which patients can be discharged safely The aim of this study was to determine that is it safe to discharge patients with blunt abdominal trauma with normal initial findings. Methods: This non-randomized cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2013 to September 2014 at two levels I trauma centers, Sina hospital and Rasoul-e-Akram hospital (Tehran, Iran). Our inclusion criteria were all patients were admitted for suspicious BAT and our exclusion criteria were patients that have serious head and neck, chest, spine and limb injuries which need surgical intervention, those who have unstable vital signs, pregnant women with a gestational age over 3 months and homeless or without exact home address. 390 patients with blunt trauma abdomen examined and the necessary data, including demographic data, the abdominal examination, FAST result, patients’ lab test results (hematocrit, base deficit, urine analysis) on admission and at 6 and 12 hours after admission were recorded. Patients with normal physical examination, laboratory tests and FAST were discharged from the ED during 12 hours with the explanation of the alarm signs and were followed up after 24 hours and 1 week by a telephone call. Patients with abnormal findings in physical examination, laboratory tests, and FAST underwent abdomino-pelvic CT scan. Results: The study included 390 patients with blunt abdominal trauma between 12 and 80 years of age (mean age, 37.0 ± 13.7 years) and the mean duration of hospitalization in patients was 7.4 ± 4.1 hours. 88.6% of the patients were discharged from hospital before 12 hours. Odds ratio (OR) for having any symptoms for discharge after 6 hours was 0.160 and after 12 hours was 0.117 hours, which is statistically significant. Among the variables age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, hematocrit and base deficit at admission, 6 hours and 12 hours after admission showed no significant statistical relationship with discharge time. From our 390 patients, 190 patients have normal initial physical examination, lab data and FAST findings that didn’t show any signs or symptoms in their next assessment and in their follow up by the phone call. Conclusion: It is recommended that patients with no symptoms at admission (completely normal physical examination, ultrasound, normal hematocrit and normal base deficit and lack of microscopic hematuria) and good family and social status can be safely discharged from the emergency department.Keywords: blunt abdominal trauma, patient discharge, emergency department, FAST
Procedia PDF Downloads 3665083 A Phenomenological Exploration of Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Problems Among Male Students at the University of Kwazulu-Natal
Authors: Isaiah Phillip Smith
It is reported that alcohol consumption accounts for 3 million annual deaths globally, thus, it is a significant public health challenge internationally. The excessive consumption of alcohol is argued in literature to be related to problematic behaviors like crime, accident, fighting, violence, and unprotected sex, among others. Alcohol consumption among university students in South Africa particularly is considered endemic – with a prevalence rate of 25.27%, 32.34%, and 23.34% across universities, colleges, and high schools. Adopting the tenets of social learning and ecological theories, the culture of drinking amongst male university students is critically explored. This study found that age, gender, early exposure to alcohol, and peer pressure are significant factors contributing to alcohol consumption amongst university students. While participants acknowledged that moderate and responsible consumption of alcohol is necessary, they agree that it does not translate to responsible drinking behaviours.Keywords: alcohol, drinking, university, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1425082 Influence of Footing Offset over Stability of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments with Variable Facing under Lateral Excitation
Authors: Ashutosh Verma, Satyendra MIttal
The loss of strength at the facing-reinforcement interface brought on by the seasonal thermal expansion/contraction of the bridge deck has been responsible for several geosynthetic reinforced soil abutment failures over the years. This results in excessive settlement below the bridge seat, which results in bridge bumps along the approach road and shortens abutment's design life. There are surely a wide variety of facing configurations available to designers when choosing the sort of facade. These layouts can generally be categorised into three groups: continuous, full height rigid (FHR) and modular (panels/block). The current work aims to experimentally explore the behavior of these three facing categories using 1g physical model testing under serviceable cyclic lateral displacements. With configurable facing arrangements to represent these three facing categories, a field instrumented GRS abutment prototype was modelled into a N scaled down 1g physical model (N = 5) to reproduce field behavior. Peak earth pressure coefficient (K) on the facing and vertical settlement of the footing (s/B) for footing offset (x/H) as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at 100 cycles have been measured for cyclic lateral displacement of top of facing at loading rate of 1mm/min. Three types of cyclic displacements have been carried out to replicate active condition (CA), passive condition (CP), and active-passive condition (CAP) for each footing offset. The results demonstrated that a significant decrease in the earth pressure over the facing occurs when footing offset increases. It is worth noticing that the highest rate of increment in earth pressure and footing settlement were observed for each facing configuration at the nearest footing offset. Interestingly, for the farthest footing offset, similar responses of each facing type were observed, which indicates that the upon reaching a critical offset point presumably beyond the active region in the backfill, the lateral responses become independent of the stresses from the external footing load. Evidently, the footing load complements the stresses developed due to lateral excitation resulting in significant footing settlements for nearer footing offsets. The modular facing proved inefficient in resisting footing settlement due to significant buckling along the depth of facing. Instead of relative displacement along the depth of facing, continuous facing rotates around the base when it fails, especially for nearer footing offset causing significant depressions in the backfill area surrounding the footing. FHR facing, on the other hand, have been successful in confining the stresses in the soil domain itself reducing the footing settlement. It may be suitably concluded that increasing the footing offset may render stability to the GRS abutment with any facing configuration even for higher cycles of excitation.Keywords: GRS abutments, 1g physical model, footing offset, cyclic lateral displacement
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