Search results for: labeling consumer awareness
911 Giving Right-of-Way to Emergency Ambulances: Attitude and Behavior of Road Users in Developing Countries
Authors: Mahmoud T. Alwidyan, Ahmad Alrawashdeh, Alaa O. Oteir
Background: Emergency medical service (EMS) providers, oftentimes, use the lights and sirens (L&S) of their ambulances to warn road users, navigate through traffic, and expedite transport to save lives of ill and injured patients. Despite the contribution of road users in the effectiveness of reducing transport time of EMS ambulances using L&S, there is a lack of empirical assessments exploring the road user’s attitude and behavior in such situations. This study, therefore, aimed to assess the attitude and behavior of road users in response to EMS ambulances with warning L&S in use. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey developed and distributed to adult road users in Northern Jordan. The questionnaire included 20 items addressing demographics, attitudes, and behavior toward emergency ambulances. We described the participants’ responses and assessed the association between demographics and attitude statements using logistic regression. Results: A total of 1302 questionnaires were complete and appropriate for analysis. The mean age was 34.2 (SD± 11.4) years, and the majority were males (72.6%). About half of road users (47.9%) in our sample would perform inappropriate action in response to EMS ambulances with L&S in use. The multivariate logistic regression model show that being female (OR, 0.63; 95% CI = 0.48-0.81), more educated (OR, 0.68; 95% CI = 0.53-0.86), or public transport driver (OR, 0.55; 95% CI = 0.34-0.90) is significantly associated with inappropriate response to EMS ambulances. Additionally, a significant proportion of road users may perform inappropriate and lawless driving practices such as crossing red traffic lights or following the passing by EMS ambulances, which would, in turn, increase the risk on ambulances and other road users. Conclusions: A large proportion of road users in Jordan may respond inappropriately to the EMS ambulances, and many engage in risky driving behaviors due perhaps to the lack of procedural knowledge. Policy-related interventions and educational programs are crucially needed to increase public awareness of the traffic law concerning EMS ambulances and to enhance appropriate driving behavior, which, in turn, improves the efficiency of ambulance services.Keywords: EMS ambulances, lights and sirens, road users, attitude and behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 90910 Streamlining the Fuzzy Front-End and Improving the Usability of the Tools Involved
Authors: Michael N. O'Sullivan, Con Sheahan
Researchers have spent decades developing tools and techniques to aid teams in the new product development (NPD) process. Despite this, it is evident that there is a huge gap between their academic prevalence and their industry adoption. For the fuzzy front-end, in particular, there is a wide range of tools to choose from, including the Kano Model, the House of Quality, and many others. In fact, there are so many tools that it can often be difficult for teams to know which ones to use and how they interact with one another. Moreover, while the benefits of using these tools are obvious to industrialists, they are rarely used as they carry a learning curve that is too steep and they become too complex to manage over time. In essence, it is commonly believed that they are simply not worth the effort required to learn and use them. This research explores a streamlined process for the fuzzy front-end, assembling the most effective tools and making them accessible to everyone. The process was developed iteratively over the course of 3 years, following over 80 final year NPD teams from engineering, design, technology, and construction as they carried a product from concept through to production specification. Questionnaires, focus groups, and observations were used to understand the usability issues with the tools involved, and a human-centred design approach was adopted to produce a solution to these issues. The solution takes the form of physical toolkit, similar to a board game, which allows the team to play through an example of a new product development in order to understand the process and the tools, before using it for their own product development efforts. A complimentary website is used to enhance the physical toolkit, and it provides more examples of the tools being used, as well as deeper discussions on each of the topics, allowing teams to adapt the process to their skills, preferences and product type. Teams found the solution very useful and intuitive and experienced significantly less confusion and mistakes with the process than teams who did not use it. Those with a design background found it especially useful for the engineering principles like Quality Function Deployment, while those with an engineering or technology background found it especially useful for design and customer requirements acquisition principles, like Voice of the Customer. Products developed using the toolkit are added to the website as more examples of how it can be used, creating a loop which helps future teams understand how the toolkit can be adapted to their project, whether it be a small consumer product or a large B2B service. The toolkit unlocks the potential of these beneficial tools to those in industry, both for large, experienced teams and for inexperienced start-ups. It allows users to assess the market potential of their product concept faster and more effectively, arriving at the product design stage with technical requirements prioritized according to their customers’ needs and wants.Keywords: new product development, fuzzy front-end, usability, Kano model, quality function deployment, voice of customer
Procedia PDF Downloads 108909 The Influence of Married Women's Adult Children Care Burden and Stress on Depression: Testing the Moderated Mediating Effect of Satisfaction with Husbands’ Sharing of the Care
Authors: Soo-Bi Lee, Jun Young Jeong, Zehgn Lin, Chenminxi
Background: In South Korea, a problematic phenomenon has recently arisen whereby adult children continue to receive parentalcaregivingin some cases. These phenomena has been shown to affect the mental health of mothers. Study Goals: The purposes of this study are to verify whether the mediating effects of stress on the relationship between a woman’s care burden for their adult children and depression are moderated by their satisfaction about their husbands’ sharing of the caregiving. Methodology: This study analyzed 3,053 married women with adult children using the most recent data from the “Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families 7th(2018)" conducted at the national level. The analysis was conducted using the SPSS Process Macro Model 7 to verify the moderated mediating effects and subsequently confirm their significance based on the bootstrapping method. Results and Implications: (1) Stress was identified a mediating factor in the relationship between the care burden for adult children and depression; and (2) the mediating effects of stress on depression from the burden of caring for adult children are modulated by the woman's satisfaction with her husband’s sharing of the care burden. In other words, the higher the caring burden of adult children, the higher the mother's stress, which increases depression. At this time, the higher the their satisfaction with the husband's share of care in the path of mother's care burden and stress, the lower the mother's stress and, ultimately, the depression be alleviated. Conclusion: Programs that promote the mental health of married women heavily with the caring burden for their adult children, as well as those that improve social awareness regarding husbands' sharing of the care burden, should be implemented. Also, social welfare policy alternatives are needed at the national level to reduce the caring burden caused by adult children.Keywords: married women, adult children care burden, stress, depression, satisfaction with husbands sharing of the care
Procedia PDF Downloads 207908 Villages and Their City: Bridging the Rural-Urban Dichotomy Through Spatial Development
Authors: Ishan Kumar Garg
Urban Fringes have been witnessing unforeseeable, haphazard, and ineffective spatial planning systems for many decades. It invades peripheral villages in the zest of the land as an abundant resource. The process, popularly known as "Urban Sprawl", is commonly seen in many fast-growing cities, especially in developing countries like India. The research for this paper reveals significant neglect in rural development policies, which are not recognized as crucial in current town and country planning regulations. This promotes urban-centric development in the fringe areas that are subjected to real-estate speculation. Therefore, being surrounded by arbitrary urban functions, these villages compromise with necessary strategies to retain the rural cultural identities, traditional ways of living, and villages’ interconnections while remaining deprived of urban amenities such as adequate water supply, education, sanitation, etc. Such socio-spatial separation makes us wonder about their right to development. The possibilities of a sustainable and socially inclusive city expansion are also explored through direct consumer–manufacturer media to bring positive socio-financial transformation. The paper aims to identify a rational playground for both the rural and urban population, which creates possibilities for economic and knowledge transactions beyond their local boundaries. This is achieved by empowering the intact community of villages with economic sufficiency and developing skills to pass on to future generations. In the above context, revolving around unregulated urban sprawl, the northeast region of Bareilly city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is also discussed, i.e., currently under the influence of such development pressures. As we see, exclusive developments like residential, hospitality, industries, etc., over the unplanned landscapes are emerging with the development aligned to only urban means, not the rural. The paper ultimately re-envisions urban-rural associations through appropriate design combinations with economic growth. It integrates broken linkages by revising methodologies and encourages local entrepreneurship that taps the possibility of a gradual social transformation. Concurrently, the addition of required urban amenities leads to rural life strengthening and fulfilling aspirations. Since the proposed thesis carries through an inclusive fringe development, the study caters to cities of similar scales and situations that bolster such coexistence.Keywords: smart growth framework, empowering rural economy, socio spatial separation, urban fringe development, urban sprawl consequences
Procedia PDF Downloads 149907 Influence of Nutritional and Health Education of Families and Communities on the School-Age Children for the Attainment of Universal Basic Education Goals in the Rural Riverine Areas of Ogun State, Nigeria
Authors: Folasade R. Sulaiman
Pupils’ health and nutrition are basically important to their schooling. The preponderance of avoidable deaths among children in Africa (WHO, 2000) may not be unconnected with the nutritional and health education status of families and communities that have their children as school clients. This study adopted a descriptive survey design focusing on the assessment of the level of nutritional and health education of families and community members in the rural riverine areas of Ogun State. Two research questions were raised. The Nutritional and Health Education of Families and Communities Inventory (NHEFCI) was used to collect data from 250 rural child-bearing aged women, and 0.73 test-retest reliability coefficient was established to determine the strength of the instrument. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and mean in accordance with research questions raised in the study. The findings revealed amongst others: that 65% of the respondents had low level of nutritional and health education among the families and community members; while 72% had low level of awareness of the possible influence of nutritional and health education on the learning outcomes of the children. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government should intensify efforts on sensitization, mass literacy campaign etc.; also improve upon the already existing School Feeding Programme in Nigerian primary schools to provide at least one balanced diet for children while in school; community health workers, social workers, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) should collaborate with international Organizations like UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO etc. to organize sensitization programmes for members of the rural riverine communities on the importance of meeting the health and nutritional needs of their children in order to attain their educational potentials.Keywords: nutritional and health education, learning capacities, school-age children, universal basic education, rural riverine areas
Procedia PDF Downloads 83906 Food Strategies in the Mediterranean Basin, Possible for Food Safety and Security
Authors: Lorenza Sganzetta, Nunzia Borrelli
The research intends to reflect on the current mapping of the Food Strategies, on the reasons why in the planning objectives panorama, such sustainability priorities are located in those geographic areas and on the evolutions of these priorities of the Mediterranean planning dispositions. The whirling population growth that is affecting global cities is causing an enormous challenge to conventional resource-intensive food production and supply and the urgent need to face food safety, food security and sustainability concerns. Urban or Territorial Food Strategies can provide an interesting path for the development of this new agenda within the imperative principle of sustainability. In the specific, it is relevant to explore what ‘sustainability’ means within these policies. Most of these plans include actions related to four main components and interpretations of sustainability that are food security and safety, food equity, environmental sustainability itself and cultural identity and, at the designing phase, they differ slightly from each other according to the degree of approximation to one of these dimensions. Moving from these assumptions, the article would analyze some practices and policies representatives of different Food Strategies of the world and focus on the Mediterranean ones, on the problems and negative externalities from which they start, on the first interventions that are implementing and on their main objectives. We will mainly use qualitative data from primary and secondary collections. So far, an essential observation could have been made about the relationship between these sustainability dimensions and geography. In statistical terms, the US and Canadian policies tended to devote a large research space to health issues and access to food; those northern European showed a special attention to the environmental issues and the shortening of the chain; and finally the policies that, even in limited numbers, were being developed in the Mediterranean basin, were characterized by a strong territorial and cultural imprint and their major aim was to preserve local production and the contact between the productive land and the end consumer. Recently, though, Mediterranean food planning strategies are focusing more on health related and food accessibility issues and analyzing our diets not just as a matter of culture and territorial branding but as tools for reducing public health costs and accessibility to fresh food for everyone. The article would reflect then on how Food Safety, Food Security and Health are entering the new agenda of the Mediterranean Food Strategies. The research hypothesis suggests that the economic crisis that in the last years invested both producers and consumers had a significant impact on the nutrition habits and on the redefinition of food poverty, even in the fatherland of the healthy Mediterranean diet. This trend and other variables influenced the orientation and the objectives of the food strategies.Keywords: food security, food strategy, health, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 224905 Pregnancy Outcomes among Syrian Refugee and Jordanian Women: A Comparative Study
Authors: Karimeh Alnuaimi, Manal Kassab, Reem Ali, Khitam Mohammad, Kholoud Shattnawi
Aim: To compare pregnancy outcomes of Syrian refugee women and Jordanian women. Background and introduction: The current conflict in Syria continues to displace thousands to neighboring countries, including Jordan. Pregnant refugee women are therefore facing many difficulties are known to increase the prevalence of poor reproductive health outcomes and antenatal complications. However, there is very little awareness of whether Syrian refugee women have different risks of pregnancy outcomes than Jordanian women. Methods: Using a retrospective cohort design, we examined pregnancy outcomes for Syrian refugee (N = 616) and Jordanian women (N = 644) giving birth at two governmental Hospitals in the north of Jordan, between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2014. A checklist of 13 variables was utilized. The primary outcome measures were delivery by Caesarean section, maternal complications, low birth weight (< 2500 g), Apgar score and preterm delivery (< 37 weeks' gestational age). Results: Statistical analysis revealed that refugee mothers had a significant increase in the rate of cesarean section and the higher rate of anemia, a lower neonates’ weight, and Apgar scores when compared to their Jordanian counterparts. Discussion and Conclusion: Results were congruent with findings from other studies in the region and worldwide. Minimizing inequalities in pregnancy outcomes between Syrian refugees and Jordan women is a healthcare priority. Implications for nursing and health policy: The findings could guide the planning and development of health policies in Jordan that would help to alleviate the situation regarding refugee populations. The action is required by the policy makers, specifically targeting public and primary health care services, to address the problem of adequately meeting the need for antenatal care of this vulnerable population.Keywords: pregnancy, Syrian refugee, Jordanian women, comparative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 362904 Learning through Reflective Practice of Nursing Students in the Delivery Room: A Qualitative Research
Authors: Peeranan Wisanskoonwong, Sumitta Sawangtook
Practicum in Midwifery II is the subject that affects most students to be stressed and anxious because they lack of experiences and self-confidence in delivery baby. This study is a qualitative research. That research objectives were (1) to study learning through reflective practice of nursing students (2) to explain the effects of learning through reflective practice of nursing students in the delivery room. The selected key informant method was criterion-based selection. Thirty-two of fourth-year nursing students in Kuakarun Faculty of nursing who practiced in Delivery room at Taksin Hospital in academic year 2014 were selected. Data collection was data triangulation which consisted of in-depth interview, group discussion and reading students’ reflective practice journal. The research instruments were students’ reflective practice journal, semi-structured questionnaires for in-depth interview, group discussion. Data analysis was thematic analysis. The research result found that: The learning method through reflective practice of nursing students in the delivery room were (1) reflective practice journal (2) dialogue (3) critical thinking and problem solving (4) incident analysis (5) self-criticism (6) observation and evaluation of practice. There were eight issues that students learned through their reflective practice were that (1) students' ethics and morality. (2) students' knowledge and comprehension (3) creative thinking of students (4) communications and collaboration (5) experiential learning of students (6) students’memories and impressions (7) students’experience in delivery baby (8) self-learning of students. Learning through reflective practice supported students’ awareness in improving knowledge and learning continuously and systematically. It helped to adjust the attitude to learning and leadership to be careful which help develop their skills, including critical thinking and understand themselves and understand others. Recommendation for applying research results: midwifery and nursing lecturers can apply these results to be a guide for development their clinical teaching in delivery rooms and other wards.Keywords: learning, reflection, birth, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 281903 Overcoming Obstacles in UHTHigh-protein Whey Beverages by Microparticulation Process: Scientific and Technological Aspects
Authors: Shahram Naghizadeh Raeisi, Ali Alghooneh, Seyed Jalal Razavi Zahedkolaei
Herein, a shelf stable (no refrigeration required) UHT processed, aseptically packaged whey protein drink was formulated by using a new strategy in microparticulate process. Applying thermal and two-dimensional mechanical treatments simultaneously, a modified protein (MWPC-80) was produced. Then the physical, thermal and thermodynamic properties of MWPC-80 were assessed using particle size analysis, dynamic temperature sweep (DTS), and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) tests. Finally, using MWPC-80, a new RTD beverage was formulated, and shelf stability was assessed for three months at ambient temperature (25 °C). Non-isothermal dynamic temperature sweep was performed, and the results were analyzed by a combination of classic rate equation, Arrhenius equation, and time-temperature relationship. Generally, results showed that temperature dependency of the modified sample was significantly (Pvalue<0.05) less than the control one contained WPC-80. The changes in elastic modulus of the MWPC did not show any critical point at all the processed stages, whereas, the control sample showed two critical points during heating (82.5 °C) and cooling (71.10 °C) stages. Thermal properties of samples (WPC-80 & MWPC-80) were assessed using DSC with 4 °C /min heating speed at 20-90 °C heating range. Results did not show any thermal peak in MWPC DSC curve, which suggested high thermal resistance. On the other hands, WPC-80 sample showed a significant thermal peak with thermodynamic properties of ∆G:942.52 Kj/mol ∆H:857.04 Kj/mole and ∆S:-1.22Kj/mole°K. Dynamic light scattering was performed and results showed 0.7 µm and 15 nm average particle size for MWPC-80 and WPC-80 samples, respectively. Moreover, particle size distribution of MWPC-80 and WPC-80 were Gaussian-Lutresian and normal, respectively. After verification of microparticulation process by DTS, PSD and DSC analyses, a 10% why protein beverage (10% w/w/ MWPC-80, 0.6% w/w vanilla flavoring agent, 0.1% masking flavor, 0.05% stevia natural sweetener and 0.25% citrate buffer) was formulated and UHT treatment was performed at 137 °C and 4 s. Shelf life study did not show any jellification or precipitation of MWPC-80 contained beverage during three months storage at ambient temperature, whereas, WPC-80 contained beverage showed significant precipitation and jellification after thermal processing, even at 3% w/w concentration. Consumer knowledge on nutritional advantages of whey protein increased the request for using this protein in different food systems especially RTD beverages. These results could make a huge difference in this industry.Keywords: high protein whey beverage, micropartiqulation, two-dimentional mechanical treatments, thermodynamic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 75902 Changing Patterns of Colorectal Cancer in Hail Region
Authors: Laila Salah Seada, Ashraf Ibrahim, Fawaz Al Rashid, Ihab Abdo, Hassan Kasim, Waleed Al Mansi, Saud Al Shabli
Background and Objectives: Colorectal carcinoma is increasing among both men and women worldwide. It has a multifactorial etiology including genetic factors, environmental factors and inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract. A clinicopathologic assessment of colorectal carcinoma in Hail region is done, considering any changing patterns in two 5-year periods from 2005-2009 (A) and from 2012 to 2017 (B). All data had been retrieved from histopathology files of King Khalid Hospital, Hail. Results: During period (A), 75 cases were diagnosed as colorectal carcinoma. Male patients comprised 56/75 (74.7%) of the study, with a mean age of 58.4 (36-97), while females were 19/75 (25.3%) with a mean age of 50.3(30-85) and the difference was significant (p = 0.05). M:F ratio was 2.9:1. Most common histological type was adenocarcioma in 68/75 (90.7%) patients mostly well differentiated in 44/68 (64.7%). Mucinous neoplasms comprised only 7/75 (9.3%) of cases and tended to have a higher stage (p = 0.04). During period (B), 115 cases were diagnosed with an increase of 53.3% in number of cases than period (A). Male to female ratio also decreased to 1.35:1, females being 44.83% more affected. Adenocarcinoma remained the prevalent type (93.9%), while mucinous type was still rare (5.2%). No distal metastases found at time of presentation. Localization of tumors was rectosigmoid in group (A) in 41.4%, which increased to 56.6% in group (B), with an increase of 15.2%. Iliocecal location also decreased from 8% to 3.5%, being 56.25% less. Other proximal areas of the colon were decreased by 25.75%, from 53.9% in group (A) to 40% in group (B). Conclusion: Colorectal carcinoma in Hail region has increased by 53.3% in the past 5 years, with more females being diagnosed. Localization has also shifted distally by 15.2%. These findings are different from Western world patterns which experienced a decrease in incidence and proximal shift of the colon cancer localization. This might be due to better diagnostic tools, population awareness of the disease, as well as changing of life style and/or food habits in the region.Keywords: colorectal cancer, Hail Region, changing pattern, distal shift
Procedia PDF Downloads 209901 Assessing Solid Waste Management Practices and Health Impacts in Port Harcourt City, Nigeria
Authors: Perpetual Onyejelem, Kenichi Matsui
Solid waste management has recently posed urgent challenges to environmental sustainability and public health in emerging Sub-Saharan urban centers. This paper examines solid waste management in Port Harcourt, the rapidly growing city in Nigeria, with a focus on current solid waste management practices and its health implications. To do so we analyzed past academic papers and official documents. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement and its four-stage inclusion/exclusion criteria were utilized as part of a systematic literature review technique to identify papers related to solid waste management practices (Scopus and Google Scholar). In terms of policy documents, we focused on information about the implementation between 2014 and 2023. We found that the Rivers State Waste Management Policy and the National Policy on Solid Waste Management were the two most important documents to understand Port Harcourt’s practices. Past studies, however, highlighted that residents continued to dump waste in drainages as they were largely unaware of the policies that encourage them to sort waste. The studies tend to blame the city of its lack of political commitment to monitoring waste sites. Another study highlighted inefficient waste collection practices, the absence of community participation and poor resident awareness of 3R practices. Government documents and past studies tend to agree that an increase in disorderly waste management practices and the emergence of vector-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, lassa fever, cholera) co-incided in Port Harcourt. This led to increased spending for healthcare for locals, particularly low-income households. This study concludes by making some remedial recommendations.Keywords: health effects, solid waste management practices, environmental pollution, Port Harcourt
Procedia PDF Downloads 29900 Global Learning Supports Global Readiness with Projects with Purpose
Authors: Brian Bilich
A typical global learning program is a two-week project based, culturally immersive and academically relevant experience built around a project with purpose and catered to student and business groups. Global Learning in Continuing Education at Austin Community College promotes global readiness through projects with purpose with special attention given to balancing learning, hospitality and travel. A recent project involved CommunityFirst! Village; a 51-acre planned community which provides affordable, permanent housing for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness. Global Learning students collaborated with residents and staff at the Community First! Village on a project to produce two-dimensional remodeling plans of residents’ tiny homes with a focus on but not limited to design improvements on elements related to accessibility, increased usability of living and storage space and esthetic upgrades to boost psychological and emotional appeal. The goal of project-based learning in the context of global learning in Continuing Educaiton at Austin Community Collegen general is two fold. One, in rapid fashion we develop a project which gives the learner a hands-on opportunity to exercise soft and technical skills, like creativity and communication and analytical thinking. Two, by basing projects on global social conflict issues, the project of purpose promotes the development of empathy for other people and fosters a sense of corporate social responsibility in future generations of business leadership. In the example provide above the project informed the student group on the topic of chronic homelessness and promoted awareness and empathy for this underserved segment of the community. Project-based global learning based on projects with purpose has the potential to cultivate global readiness by developing empathy and strengthening emotional intelligence for future generations.Keywords: project-based learning, global learning, global readiness, globalization, international exchange, collaboration
Procedia PDF Downloads 67899 Predictive Modelling of Curcuminoid Bioaccessibility as a Function of Food Formulation and Associated Properties
Authors: Kevin De Castro Cogle, Mirian Kubo, Maria Anastasiadi, Fady Mohareb, Claire Rossi
Background: The bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds is a critical determinant of the nutritional quality of various food products. Despite its importance, there is a limited number of comprehensive studies aimed at assessing how the composition of a food matrix influences the bioaccessibility of a compound of interest. This knowledge gap has prompted a growing need to investigate the intricate relationship between food matrix formulations and the bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds. One such class of bioactive compounds that has attracted considerable attention is curcuminoids. These naturally occurring phytochemicals, extracted from the roots of Curcuma longa, have gained popularity owing to their purported health benefits and also well known for their poor bioaccessibility Project aim: The primary objective of this research project is to systematically assess the influence of matrix composition on the bioaccessibility of curcuminoids. Additionally, this study aimed to develop a series of predictive models for bioaccessibility, providing valuable insights for optimising the formula for functional foods and provide more descriptive nutritional information to potential consumers. Methods: Food formulations enriched with curcuminoids were subjected to in vitro digestion simulation, and their bioaccessibility was characterized with chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques. The resulting data served as the foundation for the development of predictive models capable of estimating bioaccessibility based on specific physicochemical properties of the food matrices. Results: One striking finding of this study was the strong correlation observed between the concentration of macronutrients within the food formulations and the bioaccessibility of curcuminoids. In fact, macronutrient content emerged as a very informative explanatory variable of bioaccessibility and was used, alongside other variables, as predictors in a Bayesian hierarchical model that predicted curcuminoid bioaccessibility accurately (optimisation performance of 0.97 R2) for the majority of cross-validated test formulations (LOOCV of 0.92 R2). These preliminary results open the door to further exploration, enabling researchers to investigate a broader spectrum of food matrix types and additional properties that may influence bioaccessibility. Conclusions: This research sheds light on the intricate interplay between food matrix composition and the bioaccessibility of curcuminoids. This study lays a foundation for future investigations, offering a promising avenue for advancing our understanding of bioactive compound bioaccessibility and its implications for the food industry and informed consumer choices.Keywords: bioactive bioaccessibility, food formulation, food matrix, machine learning, probabilistic modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 69898 The Emancipatory Methodological Approach to the Organizational Problems Management
Authors: Slavica P. Petrovic
One of the key dimensions of management problems in organizations refers to the relations between stakeholders. The management problems that are characterized by conflict and coercion, in which participants do not agree on the ends and means, in which different groups, i.e., individuals, strive to – using the power they have – impose on others their favoured strategy and decisions represent the relevant research subject. Creatively managing the coercive problems in organizations, in which the sources of power can be identified, implies the emancipatory paradigm and the use of corresponding systems methodology. The main research aim is to critically reassess the theoretical foundations and methodological and methodical development of Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) – as a valid representative of the emancipatory paradigm – in order to determine the conditions, ways, and achievements of its application in managing the coercive problems in organizations. The basic hypothesis is that CSH, as the emancipatory methodology, given its own theoretical foundations and methodological-methodical development, can be employed in a scientifically based and practically useful manner in creative addressing the coercive problems. The scientific instrumentarium corresponding to this research aim is critical systems thinking with its three key commitments to: a) Critical awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of each research instrument (theory, methodology, method, technique, model) for structuring the problem situations in organizations, b) Improvement of managing the coercive problems in organizations, and c) Pluralism – respect the different perceptions and interpretations of problem situations, and enable the combined use of research instruments. The relevant research result is that CSH – considering its theoretical foundations, methodological and methodical development – enables to reveal the normative content of the proposed or existing designs of organizational systems. Accordingly, it can be concluded that through the use of critically heuristic categories and dialectical debate between those involved and those affected by the designs, but who are not included in designing organizational systems, CSH endeavours to – in the application – support the process of improving position of all stakeholders.Keywords: coercion and conflict in organizations, creative management, critical systems heuristics, the emancipatory systems methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 444897 The Relations among Business Model, Higher Education, University and Entrepreneurship Education: An Analysis of Academic Literature of 2009-2019 Period
Authors: Elzo Alves Aranha, Marcio M. Araki
Business model (BM) is a term that has been receiving the attention of scholars and practitioners and has been consolidating itself as a field of study and research. Although there is no agreement in the academic literature on the definition of BM, at least there is an explicit agreement: BM defines a logical structure of how an organization creates value, capture value and delivers value for the customers and stakeholders. The lack of understanding about connections and elements among BM and higher education, university, and entrepreneurship education opens a gap in the academic literature. Thus, it is interesting to analyze how BM has been approached by the literature and applied in higher education, university, and entrepreneurship education aimed to know the main streams of research. This is because higher education institutions are characterized by innovation, leading to a greater acceptance of new and modern concepts such as BM. Our research has the main motivation to fill the gap in the academic literature, making it possible to increase the power of understanding about connections and aspects among BM and higher education, university, and entrepreneurship education. The objective of the research is to analyze the main aspects among BM and higher education, university, and entrepreneurship education in academic literature. The research followed the systematic literature review (SLR). The SLR is based on three main factors: clarity, validity, and auditability. 82 academic papers were found in the past 10 years, from 2009-2019. The search was carried out in Science Direct and Periodicos Capes databases. The main findings indicate that there are links between BM and higher education, BM and university, BM, and entrepreneurship education. The main findings are inserted within seven aspects. The findings are innovative and contribute to increase the power of understanding about the connection among BM and higher education, university, and entrepreneurship education in academic literature. The research findings addressed to the gap exposed in academic literature. The research findings have several practical implications, and we highlight only two main ones. First, researchers will be able to use the research findings to mitigate a BM research agenda involving connections between BM and higher education, BM and university, and BM and entrepreneurship education. Second, directors, deans, and university leaders will be able to carry out BM awareness programs, BM professors training programs, and makers planning for the inclusion of BM, as one of the components of the curricula of the undergraduate and graduate courses.Keywords: business model, entrepreneurship education, higher education, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 187896 Examining the Effects of National Disaster on the Performance of Hospitality Industry in Korea
Authors: Kim Sang Hyuck, Y. Park Sung
The outbreak of national disasters stimulates the decrease of the both internal and domestic tourism demands, causing bad effects on the hospitality industry. The effective and efficient risk management regarding national disasters are being increasingly required from the hospitality industry practitioners and the tourism policymakers. To establish the effective and efficient risk management strategy on national disasters, the most essential prerequisite condition is the correct estimation of national disasters’ effects in terms of the size and duration of the damages occurred from national disaster on hospitality industry. More specifically, the national disasters are twofold: natural disaster and social disaster. In addition, the hospitality industry has consisted of several types of business, such as hotel, restaurant, travel agency, etc. As reasons of the above, it is important to consider how each type of national disasters differently influences on the performance of each type of hospitality industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study is examining the effects of national disaster on hospitality industry in Korea based on the types of national disasters as well as the types of hospitality business. The monthly data was collected from Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2016. The indexes of industrial production for each hospitality industry in Korea were used with the proxy variable for the performance of each hospitality industry. Two national disaster variables (natural disaster and social disaster) were treated as dummy variables. In addition, the exchange rate, industrial production index, and consumer price index were used as control variables in the research model. The impulse response analysis was used to examine the size and duration of the damages occurred from each type of national disaster on each type of hospitality industries. The results of this study show that the natural disaster and the social disaster differently influenced on each type of hospitality industry. More specifically, the performance of airline industry is negatively influenced by the natural disaster at the time of 3 months later from the incidence. However, the negative impacts of social disaster on airline industry occurred not significantly over the time periods. For the hotel industry, both natural disaster and social disaster negatively influence the performance of hotel industry at the time of 5 months and 6 months later, respectively. Also, the negative impact of natural disaster on the performance of restaurant industry occurred at the time of 5 months later, as well as for both 3 months and 6 months later for the social disaster. Finally, both natural disaster and social disaster negatively influence the performance of travel agency at the time of 3 months and 4 months later, respectively. In conclusion, the types of national disasters differently influence the performance of each type of hospitality industry in Korea. These results would provide an important information to establish the effective and efficient risk management strategy for the national disasters.Keywords: impulse response analysis, Korea, national disaster, performance of hospitality industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 185895 Technology Futures in Global Militaries: A Forecasting Method Using Abstraction Hierarchies
Authors: Mark Andrew
Geopolitical tensions are at a thirty-year high, and the pace of technological innovation is driving asymmetry in force capabilities between nation states and between non-state actors. Technology futures are a vital component of defence capability growth, and investments in technology futures need to be informed by accurate and reliable forecasts of the options for ‘systems of systems’ innovation, development, and deployment. This paper describes a method for forecasting technology futures developed through an analysis of four key systems’ development stages, namely: technology domain categorisation, scanning results examining novel systems’ signals and signs, potential system-of systems’ implications in warfare theatres, and political ramifications in terms of funding and development priorities. The method has been applied to several technology domains, including physical systems (e.g., nano weapons, loitering munitions, inflight charging, and hypersonic missiles), biological systems (e.g., molecular virus weaponry, genetic engineering, brain-computer interfaces, and trans-human augmentation), and information systems (e.g., sensor technologies supporting situation awareness, cyber-driven social attacks, and goal-specification challenges to proliferation and alliance testing). Although the current application of the method has been team-centred using paper-based rapid prototyping and iteration, the application of autonomous language models (such as GPT-3) is anticipated as a next-stage operating platform. The importance of forecasting accuracy and reliability is considered a vital element in guiding technology development to afford stronger contingencies as ideological changes are forecast to expand threats to ecology and earth systems, possibly eclipsing the traditional vulnerabilities of nation states. The early results from the method will be subjected to ground truthing using longitudinal investigation.Keywords: forecasting, technology futures, uncertainty, complexity
Procedia PDF Downloads 115894 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults of Terai Region of Nepal
Authors: Birendra Kumar Jha, Mingma L. Sherpa, Binod Kumar Dahal
Background: The metabolic syndrome is emerging as a major public health concern in the world. Urbanization, surplus energy uptake, compounded by decreased physical activities, and increasing obesity are the major factors contributing to the epidemic of metabolic syndrome worldwide. However, prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its risk factors are little studied in Terai region of Nepal. The objectives of this research were to estimate the prevalence and to identify the risk factors of metabolic syndrome among adults in Terai region of Nepal. Method: We used a community based cross sectional study design. A total of 225 adults (age: 18 to 80 years) were selected from three district of Terai region of Nepal using cluster sampling by camp approach. IDF criteria (central obesity with any two of following four factors: triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl or specific treatment for lipid abnormality, reduced HDL, raised blood pressure and raised fasting plasma glucose or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes) were used to assess metabolic syndrome. Interview, physical and clinical examination, measurement of fasting blood glucose and lipid profile were conducted for all participants. Chi-square test and multivariable logistic regression were employed to explore the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Result: The overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 70.7%. Hypertension, increased fasting blood sugar, increased triglycerides and decreased HDL were observed in 50.7%, 32.4%, 41.8% and 79.1% of the subjects respectively. Socio-economic and behavioral risk factors significantly associated with metabolic syndrome were gender male (OR=2.56, 955 CI: 1.42-4.63; p=0.002), in service or retired from service (OR=3.72, 95% CI: 1.72-8.03; p=0.001) and smoking (OR= 4.10, 95% CI: 1.19-14.07; p=0.016). Conclusion: Higher prevalence of Metabolic syndrome along with presence of behavioral risk factors in Terai region of Nepal likely suggest lack of awareness and health promotion activities for metabolic syndrome and indicate the need to promote public health programs in this region to maintain quality of life.Keywords: metabolic syndrome, Nepal, prevalence, risk factors, Terai
Procedia PDF Downloads 150893 From Acute Abdomen to Hormonal Crisis: Case Report on a Long-Delayed Sheehan's Syndrome Diagnosis
Authors: Maham Leeza Adil, Mahrukh Alvi, Muhammad Osman
Introduction: Sheehan's syndrome (SS) is a rare cause of hypopituitarism resulting from postpartum hemorrhage and pituitary necrosis. It remains an underdiagnosed condition, especially in developing countries, due to poor obstetric care and home deliveries. This case report highlights the significance of recognizing atypical presentations of SS, such as pancytopenia, to aid in early diagnosis and management. Case Presentation: A 40-year-old female presented with acute abdomen symptoms and was initially diagnosed with acalculous cholecystitis. However, a detailed history revealed a history of postpartum hemorrhage 18 years prior, leading to a provisional diagnosis of SS. Further investigations confirmed panhypopituitarism, including hypothyroidism, hypocortisolism, and hypogonadism. Notably, the patient also exhibited pancytopenia, a rarely reported hematological manifestation of SS. Discussion: SS often presents with nonspecific symptoms, leading to delayed or missed diagnoses. In this case, the patient's initial presentation of acute abdomen symptoms was attributed to secondary adrenal insufficiency due to panhypopituitarism. The presence of pancytopenia, along with hyponatremia, further complicated the clinical picture. Hormone replacement therapy led to a remarkable improvement in the patient's condition, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and intervention. Conclusion: SS is a common cause of panhypopituitarism in developing countries, but its atypical presentations, such as pancytopenia, are rare and often overlooked. This case highlights the need for increased awareness among clinicians to consider SS in patients with unexplained hematological abnormalities, particularly in regions with high rates of postpartum hemorrhage. Early recognition and appropriate hormone replacement therapy can significantly improve patients' outcomes and prevent long-term complications associated with this underdiagnosed syndrome.Keywords: Sheehan syndrome, panhypopituitarism, pancytopenia, delayed diagnosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 22892 Dynamic Modelling of Hepatitis B Patient Using Sihar Model
Authors: Alakija Temitope Olufunmilayo, Akinyemi, Yagba Joy
Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver tissue that can cause whiteness of the eyes (Jaundice), lack of appetite, vomiting, tiredness, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Hepatitis is acute if it resolves within 6 months and chronic if it last longer than 6 months. Acute hepatitis can resolve on its own, lead to chronic hepatitis or rarely result in acute liver failure. Chronic hepatitis may lead to scarring of the liver (Cirrhosis), liver failure and liver cancer. Modelling Hepatitis B may become necessary in order to reduce its spread. So, dynamic SIR model can be used. This model consists of a system of three coupled non-linear ordinary differential equation which does not have an explicit formula solution. It is an epidemiological model used to predict the dynamics of infectious disease by categorizing the population into three possible compartments. In this study, a five-compartment dynamic model of Hepatitis B disease was proposed and developed by adding control measure of sensitizing the public called awareness. All the mathematical and statistical formulation of the model, especially the general equilibrium of the model, was derived, including the nonlinear least square estimators. The initial parameters of the model were derived using nonlinear least square embedded in R code. The result study shows that the proportion of Hepatitis B patient in the study population is 1.4 per 1,000,000 populations. The estimated Hepatitis B induced death rate is 0.0108, meaning that 1.08% of the infected individuals die of the disease. The reproduction number of Hepatitis B diseases in Nigeria is 6.0, meaning that one individual can infect more than 6.0 people. The effect of sensitizing the public on the basic reproduction number is significant as the reproduction number is reduced. The study therefore recommends that programme should be designed by government and non-governmental organization to sensitize the entire Nigeria population in order to reduce cases of Hepatitis B disease among the citizens.Keywords: hepatitis B, modelling, non-linear ordinary differential equation, sihar model, sensitization
Procedia PDF Downloads 91891 Crafting a Livelihood: A Story of the Kotpad Dyers and Weavers
Authors: Anahita Suri
Craft -an integral part of the conduit to create something beautiful- is a visual representation of the human imagination given life through the hand. The Mirgan tribe in the Naxalite infested forests of Koraput, Odisha are not exempt from this craving for beauty. These skilled craftsmen dye and weave the simple yet sophisticated Kotpad textiles. The women undertake the time-consuming task of dyeing the cotton and silk yarns with the root of the aul tree. The men then weave these yarns into beautiful sarees and dupattas. The root of the aul tree lends the textile its maroon to brown color, which is offset against the unbleached cotton to create a minimalist and distinctive look. The motifs, incorporated through the extra weft technique, reflect the rich tribal heritage of the community. This is an eco-friendly, non-toxic textile. Kotpad fabrics were on the verge of extinction due to various factors like poor infrastructure, no innovation in traditional designs/products, customer ignorance leading to low demand. With livelihood opportunities through craft slowly dwindling, artisans were moving to alternative sources of income generation, like agriculture and daily wage labor. There was an urgent need for intervention to revive the craft, spread awareness about them in urban spaces, and strengthen the artisan’s ability to innovate and create. Recent efforts by government bodies and local designers have given Kotpad handloom a contemporary look without diluting its essence. This research explores the possibilities to leverage Kotpad handloom to find a place in the dynamic culture of the world by its promotion among different target groups and incorporating self-sustaining practices for the artisans. This could further encourage a space for handmade and handcrafted art, rich with stories about India, with a contemporary visual sensibility. This will strengthen environmental and ethical sustainability.Keywords: craft, contemporary, handloom, natural dye, tribal
Procedia PDF Downloads 148890 From Servicescape to Servicespace: Qualitative Research in a Post-Cartesian Retail Context
Authors: Chris Houliez
This study addresses the complex dynamics of the modern retail environment, focusing on how the ubiquitous nature of mobile communication technologies has reshaped the shopper experience and tested the limits of the conventional "servicescape" concept commonly used to describe retail experiences. The objective is to redefine the conceptualization of retail space by introducing an approach to space that aligns with a retail context where physical and digital interactions are increasingly intertwined. To offer a more shopper-centric understanding of the retail experience, this study draws from phenomenology, particularly Henri Lefebvre’s work on the production of space. The presented protocol differs from traditional methodologies by not making assumptions about what constitutes a retail space. Instead, it adopts a perspective based on Lefebvre’s seminal work, which posits that space is not a three-dimensional container commonly referred to as “servicescape” but is actively produced through shoppers’ spatial practices. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the retail experience by capturing the everyday spatial practices of shoppers without preconceived notions of what constitutes a retail space. The designed protocol was tested with eight participants during 209 hours of day-long field trips, immersing the researcher into the shopper's lived experience by combining multiple data collection methods, including participant observation, videography, photography, and both pre-fieldwork and post-fieldwork interviews. By giving equal importance to both locations and connections, this study unpacked various spatial practices that contribute to the production of retail space. These findings highlight the relative inadequacy of some traditional retail space conceptualizations, which often fail to capture the fluid nature of contemporary shopping experiences. The study's emphasis on the customization process, through which shoppers optimize their retail experience by producing a “fully lived retail space,” offers a more comprehensive understanding of consumer shopping behavior in the digital age. In conclusion, this research presents a significant shift in the conceptualization of retail space. By employing a phenomenological approach rooted in Lefebvre’s theory, the study provides a more efficient framework to understand the retail experience in the age of mobile communication technologies. Although this research is limited by its small sample size and the demographic profile of participants, it offers valuable insights into the spatial practices of modern shoppers and their implications for retail researchers and retailers alike.Keywords: shopper behavior, mobile telecommunication technologies, qualitative research, servicescape, servicespace
Procedia PDF Downloads 25889 Empowering Girls and Youth in Bangladesh: Importance of Creating Safe Digital Space for Online Learning and Education
Authors: Md. Rasel Mia, Ashik Billah
The empowerment of girls and youth in Bangladesh is a demanding issue in today's digital age, where online learning and education have become integral to personal and societal development. This abstract explores the critical importance of creating a secure online environment for girls and youth in Bangladesh, emphasizing the transformative impact it can have on their access to education and knowledge. Bangladesh, like many developing nations, faces gender inequalities in education and access to digital resources. The creation of a safe digital space not only mitigates the gender digital divide but also fosters an environment where girls and youth can thrive academically and professionally. This manuscript draws attention to the efforts through a mixed-method study to assess the current digital landscape in Bangladesh, revealing disparities in phone and internet access, online practices, and awareness of cyber security among diverse demographic groups. Moreover, the study unveils the varying levels of familial support and barriers encountered by girls and youth in their quest for digital literacy. It emphasizes the need for tailored training programs that address specific learning needs while also advocating for enhanced internet accessibility, safe online practices, and inclusive online platforms. The manuscript culminates in a call for collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including NGOs, government agencies, and telecommunications companies, to implement targeted interventions that bridge the gender digital divide and pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for girls and youth in Bangladesh. In conclusion, this research highlights the undeniable significance of creating a safe digital space as a catalyst for the empowerment of girls and youth in Bangladesh, ensuring that they not only access but excel in the online space, thereby contributing to their personal growth and the advancement of society as a whole.Keywords: collaboration, cyber security, digital literacy, digital resources, inclusiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 61888 Revival and Protection of Traditional Jewellery Motifs of Assam (India), over Eri Silk by Innovative Techniques
Authors: Ratna Sharma, Kaveri Dutta
Assam (India), the gate way to the Northeast India is mainly known for its exquisite silks, the art and craft. The state has a rich collection of traditional jewellery which is unique and exclusive to the state. These jewelleries hold a special place in the heart of the Assamese women. Similarly handloom industry of Assam is basically silk oriented. Among the wild silk, Eri silk fabric has remained as “the poor man’s silk” but it is closely attached to the assamese society, dress for it's warm quality. In view of the changing market trends, fashion and consumer demands, Silk is emerging as a fashion fabric both in India and abroad. In case of Eri silk fabric it has limited use in clothing and accessories. Hence the restructured and redesigned traditional jewellery motifs of Assam (India) over Eri silk products will have greater potential in reviving the decline of art, generate revenue, self employment towards craftsmen and also recognition of the art. The information incorporated in the paper is primary and the data have been collected by purposive sampling method. This work of art was expressed on Eri silk fabric in the form of traditional hand embroidery as it is closely connected with the era of the individual in history of mankind and reflects the personal expression of an entity. For this study selected traditional motifs of Assamese ornaments was used. Some of the popular traditional Assamese jewellery include earrings with exquisite Lokaparo, Keru, Thuriya, Jangphai, etc. An array of necklaces including Golpata, Satsori, Jon biri, Bena, Gejera, Dhol biri, Doog doogi, Biri Moni, Mukuta Moni, Poalmoni, Silikha Moni and Magardana and diversified rings including Senpata, Horinsakua, Jethinejia, bakharpata and others. Selected two motifs each from necklace, earring and finger ring designs. Selected motifs were further developed into 3 categories- the border, the main motif and all over butta followed by placement of developed patterns on products. Products developed were stoles, scarf’s, purses, brooch pins, skirts for women and ties, handkerchief, jackets for men. The developed products were surveyed by selected respondents. From the present study it can be observed that the embellished traditional jewellery motifs resulted in fresh and colourful pattern on developed Eri silk products. Moreover the motifs which were gradually fading among the community itself showed a very good recognition towards art. The embroidered Eri silk fabric also created a huge change in a positive way among craftsman.Keywords: Art and craft of Assam, eri silk, hand embroidery, traditional Assamese jewellery motifs
Procedia PDF Downloads 664887 Workplace Development Programmes for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Europe and Singapore: A Conceptual Study
Authors: Zhan Jie How
With the heightened awareness of workplace learning and its impact on improving organizational performance and developing employee competence, governments and corporations around the world are forced to intensify their cooperation to establish national workplace development programmes to guide these corporations in fostering engaging and collaborative workplace learning cultures. This conceptual paper aims to conduct a comparative study of existing workplace development programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe and Singapore, focusing primarily on the Swedish Production Leap, Finnish TEKES Liideri Programme, and Singapore SkillsFuture SME Mentors Programme. The study carries out a systematic review of the three workplace development programmes to examine the roles of external mentors or coaches in influencing the design and implementation of workplace learning strategies and practices in SMEs. Organizational, personal and external factors that promote or inhibit effective workplace mentorship are also scrutinized, culminating in a critical comparison and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the aforementioned programmes. Based on the findings from the review and analyses, a heuristic conceptual framework is developed to illustrate the complex interrelationships among external workplace development programmes, internal learning and development initiatives instituted by the organization’s higher management, and employees' continuous learning activities at the workplace. The framework also includes a set of guiding principles that can be used as the basis for internal mediation between the competing perspectives of mentors and mentees (employers and employees of the organization) regarding workplace learning conditions, practices and their intended impact on the organization. The conceptual study provides a theoretical blueprint for future empirical research on organizational workplace learning and the impact of government-initiated workplace development programmes.Keywords: employee competence, mentorship, organizational performance, workplace development programme, workplace learning culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 142886 Utilization, Barriers and Determinants of Emergency Medical Services in Mekelle City, Tigray, Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Goitom Molalign Takele, Tsegalem Hailemariam Ballo, Kiros Belay Gebrekidan, Birhan Gebresilassie Gebregiorgis
Background: Emergency medical services (EMS) are services that provide out-of-hospital emergency medical care to injured or ill peoples, and transporting to definitive care. EMS is an integral part of the emergency medical system and has been associated with decreased morbidity and mortality related to emergency cases. The aim of this study was to assess the utilization, barriers, and determinants of EMS in Mekelle, Ethiopia. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in selected sub-cities of Mekelle. A multistage sampling method was employed to recruit study participants, and data were collected by trained data collectors using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the statistical association of the determinants of EMS utilization. Results: Half (50.5%) of the respondents had experienced or witnessed an emergency incident in the past year. The common means of transportations used were Bajaj’s (39.2%) and ambulances (22.7%). Majority (88.1%) of the respondents did not knew the EMS access phone number of an ambulance. As their preferred mode of transportation in case of emergency conditions, 42.2% of the participants reported an ambulance, followed by Bajaj 33.7%. Where participants who had gynecologic emergencies were 9.4 times (AOR=9.4, 95% CI: 1.04, 85, p=0.046), and those who knew any ambulance numbers were 3.6 times (AOR=3.6, 95% CI: 1.22, 10.8, p=0.02) more likely to use ambulance services in case of emergencies. Conclusion: The ambulance utilization level in Mekelle city was low and victims of emergency conditions were being transported mainly using public transports such as Bajaj’s and taxis. Even though the perception of the public towards EMS services is favorable, lack of awareness of EMS access, and lack of integrated EMS system in the city are the barriers that may have contributed to the low utilization. Actions to improve EMS access and integrating the system are warranted to promote the services utilization.Keywords: emergency medical services, utilization, Mekelle, barriers
Procedia PDF Downloads 78885 Connecting Teachers in a Web-Based Professional Development Community in Crisis Time: A Knowledge Building Approach
Authors: Wei Zhao
The pandemic crisis disrupted normal classroom practices so that the constraints of the traditional practice became apparent. This turns out to be new opportunities for technology-based learning and teaching. However, how the technology supports the preschool teachers go through this sudden crisis and how preschool teachers conceived of the use of technology, appropriate and design technological artifacts as a mediator of knowledge construction in order to suit young children’s literacy level are rarely explored. This study addresses these issues by looking at the influence of a web-supported teacher community on changes/shifts in preschool teachers’ epistemological beliefs and practices. This teachers’ professional development community was formulated before the pandemic time and developed virtually throughout the home-based learning caused by Covid-19. It served as a virtual and asynchronous community for those teachers to collaboratively plan for and conduct online lessons using the knowledge-building approach for the purpose of sustaining children’s learning curiosity and opening up new learning opportunities during the lock-down period. The knowledge-building approach helps to increase teachers’ collective responsibility to collaboratively work on shared educational goals in the teacher community and awareness of noticing new ideas or innovations in their classroom. Based on the data collected across five months during and after the lock-down period and the activity theory, results show a dynamic interplay between the evolution of the community culture, the growth of teacher community and teachers’ identity transformation and professional development. Technology is useful in this regard not only because it transforms the geographical distance and new gathering guidelines after the outbreak of pandemic into new ways of communal communication and collaboration. More importantly, while teachers selected, monitored and adapted the technology, it acts as a catalyst for changes in teachers’ old teaching practices and epistemological dispositions.Keywords: activity theory, changes in epistemology and practice, knowledge building, web-based teachers’ professional development community
Procedia PDF Downloads 182884 The Importance of Country-of-Origin Information and Perceived Product Quality in Uzbekistan
Authors: Begzod Nishanov, Farhod Karimov
Globalization and the internet have completely changed the way in which businesses operate as well as has equipped customers with endless potential. Today, consumers’ product choice is not only affected by branding, price and quality of the product, but also by the country-of-origin information. Precisely, ‘Made In’ label is considered as one of the driving factors which directly impact on consumers’ preferences. Generally, it is obvious that products manufactured in less developed countries are considered to be of lower quality and riskier compared to the products made in developed countries. In this regard, it is worth to note that this phenomenon is mainly applicable to western developed countries. However, there is a lack of empirical research on underlying the influence of country-of-origin phenomenon in emerging economies such as Uzbekistan. Today, Uzbek market is being dominated by growing number of foreign made products. Uzbek manufacturers are facing intense competition not only from local producers but also from the availability of foreign goods suppliers. Consequently, consumers are given wider choice of products than ever before. In this regard, it is important to define the importance of country-of-origin information in order to understand Uzbek consumers’ preference. The methodology of the research is formulated based on the methodology of previous papers. A total 527 online questionnaires were completed. Data analysis was conducted using factor analysis and analysis of variance test (ANOVA). Findings of the research support the view that Uzbek consumers attach great importance to the country-of-origin information of products. Precisely, it can be stated that Uzbek people perceive product quality by its ‘Made in...’ label, especially when buying high involvement goods such as car or refrigerator. Another findings of the paper show that products manufactured in developed countries including Germany, Japan and USA are found to be of high quality, while products manufactured in less developed countries are considered to be of lower quality. Marketers can use this information for segmentation purposes. For example, products manufactured in less developed countries can be targeted for low-to-middle income families while goods manufactured in developed countries can be targeted for higher income families. In conclusion, it can be stated that perceived product quality of products that are made in Uzbekistan has slightly increased since 18 years. It implies that nowadays products under ‘Made in Uzbekistan’ label is continually becoming available to many consumers in foreign markets, especially among Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. Therefore, conducting further research to explore the phenomenon of country-of-origin information and perceived product quality in emerging markets is of paramount importance.Keywords: country-of-origin, consumer behavior, product evaluation, perceived quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 263883 Parental Awareness and Willingness to Vaccinate Adolescent Daughters against Human Papilloma Virus for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Eastern Region of Kenya: Towards Affirmative Action
Authors: Jacinta Musyoka, Wesley Too
Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Kenya and the second most common cancer among women, yet preventable following prevention strategies put in place, which includes vaccination with Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine (HPPV) among the young adolescent girls. Kenya has the highest burden of cervical cancer and the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age and is a known frequent type of cancer amongst women. This is expected to double by 2025 if the necessary steps are not taken, which include vaccinating girls between the ages of 9 and 14 and screening women. Parental decision is critical in ensuring that their daughters receive this vaccine. Hence this study sought to establish parental willingness and factors associate with the acceptability to vaccine adolescent daughters against the human papilloma virus for cervical cancer prevention in Machakos County, Eastern Region of Kenya. Method: Cross-sectional study design utilizing a mixed methods approach was used to collect data from Nguluni Health Centre in Machakos County; Matungulu sub-county, Kenya. This study targeted all parents of adolescent girls seeking health care services in the Matungulu sub-county area who were aged 18 years and above. A total of 220 parents with adolescent girls aged 10-14 years were enrolled into the study after informed consent were sought. All ethical considerations were observed. Quantitative data were analyzed using Multivariate regression analysis, and thematic analysis was used for qualitative data related to perceptions of parents on HPVV. Results, conclusions, and recommendations- ongoing. We expect to report findings and articulate contributions based on the study findings in due course before October 2022Keywords: adolescents, human papilloma virus, kenya, parents
Procedia PDF Downloads 110882 Factors Promoting French-English Tweets in France
Authors: Taoues Hadour
Twitter has become a popular means of communication used in a variety of fields, such as politics, journalism, and academia. This widely used online platform has an impact on the way people express themselves and is changing language usage worldwide at an unprecedented pace. The language used online reflects the linguistic battle that has been going on for several decades in French society. This study enables a deeper understanding of users' linguistic behavior online. The implications are important and allow for a rise in awareness of intercultural and cross-language exchanges. This project investigates the mixing of French-English language usage among French users of Twitter using a topic analysis approach. This analysis draws on Gumperz's theory of conversational switching. In order to collect tweets at a large scale, the data was collected in R using the rtweet package to access and retrieve French tweets data through Twitter’s REST and stream APIs (Application Program Interface) using the software RStudio, the integrated development environment for R. The dataset was filtered manually and certain repetitions of themes were observed. A total of nine topic categories were identified and analyzed in this study: entertainment, internet/social media, events/community, politics/news, sports, sex/pornography, innovation/technology, fashion/make up, and business. The study reveals that entertainment is the most frequent topic discussed on Twitter. Entertainment includes movies, music, games, and books. Anglicisms such as trailer, spoil, and live are identified in the data. Change in language usage is inevitable and is a natural result of linguistic interactions. The use of different languages online is just an example of what the real world would look like without linguistic regulations. Social media reveals a multicultural and multilinguistic richness which can deepen and expand our understanding of contemporary human attitudes.Keywords: code-switching, French, sociolinguistics, Twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 138