Search results for: cross border
1343 Health Belief Model on Smoking Behaviors Causing Lung Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study in Thailand
Authors: Dujrudee Chinwong, Chanida Prompantakorn, Ubonphan Chaichana, Surarong Chinwong
Objective: Understanding the university students’ perceptions on smoking caused lung cancer based on the Health Belief Model should help health care providers in assisting them to quit smoking. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the University students’ health belief in smoking behaviors caused lung cancer, which based on the Health Belief Model. Methods: Data were collected from voluntary participants using a self-administered questionnaire. Participants were students studying at a University in northern Thailand who were current smokers; they were selected using snowball sampling. Results: Of 361 students, 84% were males; 78% smoked not more than 10 cigarettes a day; 68% intended to quit smoking. Our findings, based on the health belief model, showed that 1) perceived susceptibility: participants strongly believed that if they did not stop smoking, they were at high risk of lung cancer (88%); 2) perceived severity: they strongly believed that they had a high chance of death from lung cancer if they continued smoking (84%); 3) perceived benefits: they strongly believed that quitting smoking could reduce the chance of developing lung cancer; 4) perceived barriers of quitting smoking: they strongly believed in the difficulty of quitting smoking because it needed a high effort and strong intention (69%); 5) perceived self-efficacy: however, they strongly believed that they can quit smoking right away if they had a strong intention to quit smoking (70%); 6) cues to action: they strongly believed in the support of parents (85%) and lovers (78%) in helping them to quit smoking. Further, they believed that limitation on smoking area in the University and smoking cessation services provided by the University can assist them to quit smoking. Conclusion: The Health Belief Model helps us to understand students’ smoking behaviors caused lung cancer. This could lead to designing a smoking cessation program to assist students to quit smoking.Keywords: health belief model, lung cancer, smoking, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3011342 Cybersecurity Engineering BS Degree Curricula Design Framework and Assessment
Authors: Atma Sahu
After 9/11, there will only be cyberwars. The cyberwars increase in intensity the country's cybersecurity workforce's hiring and retention issues. Currently, many organizations have unfilled cybersecurity positions, and to a lesser degree, their cybersecurity teams are understaffed. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop a new program to help meet the market demand for cybersecurity engineers (CYSE) and personnel. Coppin State University in the United States was responsible for developing a cybersecurity engineering BS degree program. The CYSE curriculum design methodology consisted of three parts. First, the ACM Cross-Cutting Concepts standard's pervasive framework helped curriculum designers and students explore connections among the core courses' knowledge areas and reinforce the security mindset conveyed in them. Second, the core course context was created to assist students in resolving security issues in authentic cyber situations involving cyber security systems in various aspects of industrial work while adhering to the NIST standards framework. The last part of the CYSE curriculum design aspect was the institutional student learning outcomes (SLOs) integrated and aligned in content courses, representing more detailed outcomes and emphasizing what learners can do over merely what they know. The CYSE program's core courses express competencies and learning outcomes using action verbs from Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. This aspect of the CYSE BS degree program's design is based on these three pillars: the ACM, NIST, and SLO standards, which all CYSE curriculum designers should know. This unique CYSE curriculum design methodology will address how students and the CYSE program will be assessed and evaluated. It is also critical that educators, program managers, and students understand the importance of staying current in this fast-paced CYSE field.Keywords: cyber security, cybersecurity engineering, systems engineering, NIST standards, physical systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 961341 Loss Function Optimization for CNN-Based Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing
Authors: Yehjune Heo
As biometric systems become widely deployed, the security of identification systems can be easily attacked by various spoof materials. This paper contributes to finding a reliable and practical anti-spoofing method using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based on the types of loss functions and optimizers. The types of CNNs used in this paper include AlexNet, VGGNet, and ResNet. By using various loss functions including Cross-Entropy, Center Loss, Cosine Proximity, and Hinge Loss, and various loss optimizers which include Adam, SGD, RMSProp, Adadelta, Adagrad, and Nadam, we obtained significant performance changes. We realize that choosing the correct loss function for each model is crucial since different loss functions lead to different errors on the same evaluation. By using a subset of the Livdet 2017 database, we validate our approach to compare the generalization power. It is important to note that we use a subset of LiveDet and the database is the same across all training and testing for each model. This way, we can compare the performance, in terms of generalization, for the unseen data across all different models. The best CNN (AlexNet) with the appropriate loss function and optimizers result in more than 3% of performance gain over the other CNN models with the default loss function and optimizer. In addition to the highest generalization performance, this paper also contains the models with high accuracy associated with parameters and mean average error rates to find the model that consumes the least memory and computation time for training and testing. Although AlexNet has less complexity over other CNN models, it is proven to be very efficient. For practical anti-spoofing systems, the deployed version should use a small amount of memory and should run very fast with high anti-spoofing performance. For our deployed version on smartphones, additional processing steps, such as quantization and pruning algorithms, have been applied in our final model.Keywords: anti-spoofing, CNN, fingerprint recognition, loss function, optimizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371340 Case Report and Literature Review of Opalski Syndrome: A Rare Brainstem Stroke
Authors: Ramuel Spirituel Mattathiah A. San Juan, Neil Ambasing
Background: In lateral medullary strokes, hemiparesis doesn't typically manifest due to the distinct vascular supply to the corticospinal tract located within the medulla's tegmentum. Hemiparesis resulting from a medullary infarct would likely be attributable to a medial medullary stroke characterized by contralateral hemiparesis since the corticospinal tract fibers at this level have yet to cross over. This paper reports a unique case of a lateral medullary stroke variant that presented with ipsilateral hemiparesis. Objective: There have only been 23 other cases of reported Opalski syndrome, making this only the 24th and 25th case reported worldwide. Case Presentation: A 53-year-old male was admitted with slurring of speech with gait instability, numbness on the right face, Horner’s syndrome, and 4/5 motor strength on the right extremities. Hyperreflexia was noted on the right, together with a Babinski’s sign. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an infarct on the right dorsolateral medulla. A 48-year-old male was admitted complaining of dizziness, ataxic gait, veering to the left during ambulation, left facial numbness, left hemiplegia, crossed sensory disturbance, and right limb ataxia. MRI revealed an acute left lateral medullary infarction. Conclusion: A rare type of lateral medullary infarction, the Opalski Syndrome, is a weakness ipsilateral to the lesion of the infarct. The lesion involves the ipsilateral corticospinal tract below the pyramidal decussation. The considerable diversity in the posterior brain circulation serves as a contributing factor to the clinical observation of incomplete textbook syndromes, underscoring the significance of the neurological clinical approach and a solid foundation in neuroanatomy.Keywords: Opalski syndrome, rare stroke, stroke, Wallenberg's syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 771339 The Study of Blood Consumption for Stem Cell Transplant Patients in Shahid Ghazi Tabatabaei Hospital, Tabriz, Iran
Authors: Naser Shagerdi Esmaeli, Mohsen Hamidpour, Parisa Hasankhani Tehrani
Background And Objective: Haematopoietic stem cell transplant is a potentially curative treatment option in various benign and malignant haematological diseases. Patients undergoing stem cell transplant procedure require blood transfusion on a daily basis. Currently, there is paucity of data from developing countries on transfusion practices. This audit was undertaken to determine the consumption of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) transfusion in the bone marrow transplant unit of the Shahid Ghazi Tabatabaei Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. Subjects And Methods: A retrospective audit was conducted for packed red cell transfusion ordering practice over a period from March 2017 to march 2018. All consecutive patients admitted for stem cell transplant procedure for various underlying diseases were included. Outcome measures used in this study were (i) cross match to transfusion (C: T) ratio and (ii) transfusion trigger. Results: During the study period, n=13 patients underwent a haematopoietic stem cell transplant. There were n=10 males and n=3 females. One patient was less than 15 years of age, while rests were adults. Median age±SD was 26.5±14.5 years (12∼54 years). The underlying diagnosis included Aplastic anemia (n=4), Thalassemia major (n=1), Multiple Myeloma (n=3), Acute leukemia (n=3), Hodgkin's lymphoma (n=1), PRCA (n=1). Grand total consumption of PRBCs during the study period was 204, while 258 products were crossmatch. The C:T ratio was 1.26. The transfusion trigger was Hb level of less than 8 gr/dl. Conclusion: The results of our BMT unit indicate that the C:T ratio and transfusion trigger is comparable to the international criteria and pioneer country in BMT transplantation. Also, we hope that our blood consumption become less than it is now.Keywords: blood consumption, C: T ratio, PRBCs, stem cell transplant, tabriz, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281338 Public Perception and Willingness to Undergo Cosmetic Procedures during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-Based Study Applied to Asymptomatic Individuals
Authors: Ibrahim Alreshidi, Aseel Albrekeit, Ruaa Alharthi
Background: As a result of the spread of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020, many governments, including Saudi Arabia, have suspended operations in many agencies. Most dermatologists have restricted their practice, including cosmetic procedures, to ensure social distancing. On the 7th of May 2020, Saudi authorities reduced the restriction of COVID-19 virus preventative measures, allowing clinics to start accepting patients following the ministry of health protocols. Objectives: Evaluation of the public's perception and willingness to undergo cosmetic procedures during COVID-19 outbreaks in Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was carried out among the individuals who lack typical symptoms of COVID-19 infection in Saudi Arabia. A self-designed web-based questionnaire was developed; content face validity and a pilot study were done. The questionnaire was distributed electronically from the 8th of May until the 31st of May 2020. Results: A total of 656 individuals who lack typical symptoms of COVID-19 infection were included in this analysis. Only 10.5% of participants expressed their will to do cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 90% of the participants believed that the COVID-19 pandemic was either somewhat serious (52.9%) or very serious (38.7%). The willingness to do cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic remained unaltered when the price was discounted (p<0.001) and when infection control measures were ensured (p<0.001). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the practice of cosmetic dermatology. Fear of transferring the infection to a beloved home member is the main reason to avoid these procedures. Generating well-structured safety guidelines to decrease the risk of this unusual virus transmission in dermatology practice and creating financial incentives may help increase the public willingness to do these cosmetic procedures during this pandemic.Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, cosmetic procedures, questionnaire, dermatology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1831337 Nanowire Sensor Based on Novel Impedance Spectroscopy Approach
Authors: Valeriy M. Kondratev, Ekaterina A. Vyacheslavova, Talgat Shugabaev, Alexander S. Gudovskikh, Alexey D. Bolshakov
Modern sensorics imposes strict requirements on the biosensors characteristics, especially technological feasibility, and selectivity. There is a growing interest in the analysis of human health biological markers, which indirectly testifying the pathological processes in the body. Such markers are acids and alkalis produced by the human, in particular - ammonia and hydrochloric acid, which are found in human sweat, blood, and urine, as well as in gastric juice. Biosensors based on modern nanomaterials, especially low dimensional, can be used for this markers detection. Most classical adsorption sensors based on metal and silicon oxides are considered non-selective, because they identically change their electrical resistance (or impedance) under the action of adsorption of different target analytes. This work demonstrates a feasible frequency-resistive method of electrical impedance spectroscopy data analysis. The approach allows to obtain of selectivity in adsorption sensors of a resistive type. The method potential is demonstrated with analyzis of impedance spectra of silicon nanowires in the presence of NH3 and HCl vapors with concentrations of about 125 mmol/L (2 ppm) and water vapor. We demonstrate the possibility of unambiguous distinction of the sensory signal from NH3 and HCl adsorption. Moreover, the method is found applicable for analysis of the composition of ammonia and hydrochloric acid vapors mixture without water cross-sensitivity. Presented silicon sensor can be used to find diseases of the gastrointestinal tract by the qualitative and quantitative detection of ammonia and hydrochloric acid content in biological samples. The method of data analysis can be directly translated to other nanomaterials to analyze their applicability in the field of biosensory.Keywords: electrical impedance spectroscopy, spectroscopy data analysis, selective adsorption sensor, nanotechnology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141336 Association Between Disability and Obesity Status Among US Adults: Findings From 2019-2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Authors: Chimuanya Osuji, Kido Uyamasi, Morgan Bradley
Introduction: Obesity is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, with higher rates occurring among certain populations. Even though disparities in obesity rates exist for those with disabilities, few studies have assessed the association between disability and obesity status. This study aims to examine the association between type of disability and obesity status among US adults during the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2021). Methods: Data for this cross-sectional study was obtained from the 2019, 2020 and 2021 NHIS. Multinomial logistic regressions were used to assess the relationship between each type of disability and obesity status (reference= normal/underweight). Each model adjusted for demographic, health status and health-related quality of life variables. Statistical analyses were conducted using SAS version 9.4. Results: Of the 82,632 US adults who completed the NHIS in 2019, 2020, and 2021. 8.9% (n= 7,354) reported at least 1 disability-related condition. Respondents reported having a disability across vision (1.5%), hearing (1.5%), mobility (5.3%), communication (0.8%), cognition (2.4%) and self-care (1.1%) domains. After adjusting for covariates, adults with at least 1 disability-related condition were about 30% more likely to have moderate-severe obesity (AOR=1.3; 95% CI=1.11, 1.53). Mobility was the only disability category positively associated with mild obesity (AOR=1.16; 95% CI=1.01, 1.35) and moderate/severe obesity (AOR=1.6; 95% CI=1.35, 1.89). Individuals with vision disability were about 35% less likely to have mild obesity (AOR=0.66; 95% CI=0.51, 0.86) and moderate-severe obesity (AOR=0.66; 95% CI= 0.48, 0.9). Individuals with hearing disability were 28% less likely to have mild obesity (AOR=0.72; 95% CI= 0.56, 0.94). Individuals with communication disability were about 30% less likely to be overweight (AOR=0.66; 95% CI=0.47, 0.93) and 50% less likely to have mild obesity (AOR=0.45; 95% CI= 0.29, 0.71). Individuals with cognitive disability were about 25% less likely to have mild obesity and about 35% less likely to have moderate-severe obesity. Individuals with self-care disability were about 30% less likely to be overweight. Conclusion: Mobility-related disabilities are significantly associated with obesity status among adults residing in the United States. Researchers and policy makers should implement obesity intervention methods that can address the gap in obesity prevalence rates among those with and without disabilities.Keywords: cognition, disability, mobility, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 711335 Fibromyalgia and Personality: A Review of the Different Personality Types Identified
Authors: Lize Tibiriçá, Ronnie Lee, Samantha Behbahani
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a musculoskeletal disorder affecting men and women of different ages and cultures. The cause of this disorder is unknown; however, studies suggest an etiology that involves biological and psychosocial factors. Few studies have shown that a personality type such as neuroticism is associated with chronic pain conditions. Past research has explored whether patients with FM present with a specific personality trait. However, studies have used different methods (i.e. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Sociotropy and Autonomy Scale (SAS) and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire or Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), Karolinska scale of personality, Big Five Inventory or NEO Personality Inventory) to explore the connection between FM and a personality type. They have identified personality types that present similar characteristics but vary in the name (i.e. high harm avoidance and low novelty seeking, psychasthenia/muscular tension/somatic anxiety, neuroticism). Although Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire and the Big Five Inventory differ in terms of content and structure, both of them identify neuroticism as the personality type of FM patients, and the former also identifies these patients as having a low sociability personality trait. Previous research also shows a trend of sociotropic personality style with FM patients that also suffer from Major Depressive Disorder. Participants in these studies were, for the most part, adult female and researchers have recognized that as a limitation and whether their findings can be generalized to men and younger patients with FM. Furthermore, most studies reviewed were conducted in Europe (i.e. Spain) and had a cross-sectional design. Future research should replicate past studies in different countries and consider conducting a longitudinal study. Although it is suspected that FM course is modulated by FM patients’ personality, it is not known whether individuals with similar personalities will develop FM. This review sought to explain the differences and similarities between the personality types identified. Limitations in the studies reviewed were addressed, and considerations for future research and treatment were discussed.Keywords: chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuroticism, personality type
Procedia PDF Downloads 3241334 Exploration of Sweet Potato Cultivar Markets Availability in North West Province, South Africa
Authors: V. M. Mmbengwa, J. R. M. Mabuso, C. P. Du Plooy, S. Laurrie, H. D. van Schalkwyk
Sweet potato products are necessary for the provision of essential nutrients in every household, regardless of their poverty status. Their consumption appears to be highly influenced by socio-economic factors, such as malnutrition, food insecurity and unemployment. Therefore, market availability is crucial for these cultivars to resolve some of the socio-economic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate market availability of sweet potato cultivars in the North West Province. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were used. Qualitative methodology was used to explain the quantitative outcomes of the variables. On the other hand, quantitative results were used to test the hypothesis. The study used SPSS software to analyse the data. Cross-tabulation and Chi-square statistics were used to obtain the descriptive and inferential analyses, respectively. The study found that the Blesbok cultivar is dominating the markets of the North West Province, with the Monate cultivar dominating in the Bojanala Platinum (75 %) and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati (25 %) districts. It is also found that a unit increase in the supply of sweet potato cultivars in both local and district municipal markets is accompanied by a reduced demand of 28 % and 33 % at district and local markets, respectively. All these results were found to be significant at p<0.05. The results further revealed that in four out of nine local municipality markets, the Blesbok cultivar seems to be solely available in those four local municipal markets of North West Province. It can be concluded that Blesbok, relative to other cultivars, is the most commercialised sweet potato variety and that consumers across this Province are highly aware of it. For other cultivars to assume market prominence in this Province, a well-designed marketing campaign for creating awareness may be required. This campaign may be based on nutritional advantages of different cultivars, of which Blesbok is relatively inferior, compared to orange-fleshed sweet potato varieties.Keywords: cultivar, malnutrition, markets, sweet potato
Procedia PDF Downloads 2951333 Learning and Rethinking Language through Gendered Experiences
Authors: Neha Narayanan
The paper tries to explore the role of language in determining spaces occupied by women in everyday lives. It is inspired from an ongoing action research work which employs ‘immersion’- arriving at a research problematic through community research, as a methodology in a Kondh adivasi village, Kirkalpadu located in Rayagada district of the Indian state of Odisha. In the dominant development discourse, language is associated with either preservation or conservation of endangered language or empowerment through language. Beyond these, is the discourse of language as a structure, with the hegemonic quality to organise lifeworld in a specific manner. This rigid structure leads to an experience of constriction of space for women. In Kirkalpadu, the action research work is with young and unmarried women of the age 15-25. During daytime, these women are either in the agricultural field or in the bari -the backyard of the house whose rooms are linearly arranged one after the other ending with the kitchen followed by an open space called bari (in Odia) which is an intimate and gendered space- where they are not easily visible. They justify the experience of restriction in mobility and fear of moving out of the village alone by the argument that the place and the men are nihi-aaeh (not good). These women, who have dropped out of school early to contribute to the (surplus) labour requirement in the household, want to learn English to be able to read signboards when they are on the road, to be able to fill forms at a bank and use mobile phones to communicate with their romantic partner(s). But the incapacity to have within one’s grasp the province of language and the incapacity to take the mobile phone to the kind of requirements marked by the above mentioned impossible transactions with space restricts them to the bari of the house. The paper concludes by seeking to explore the possibilities of learning and rethinking languages which takes into cognizance the gendered experience of women and the desire of women to cross the borders and occupy spaces restricted to them.Keywords: action research, gendered experience, language, space
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711332 Promoting Civic Health through Patient Voter Registration
Authors: Amit Syal, Madeline Grade, Alister Martin
Background: Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies demonstrate an association between health and voting. Furthermore, voting enables populations to support policies that impact their health via social determinants like income, education, housing, and healthcare access. Unfortunately, many barriers exist which disproportionately affect the civic participation of certain minority groups. Health professionals have an important role to play in addressing the civic health of all patients and empowering underrepresented communities. Description: Vot-ER is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization that aims to reduce barriers to civic participation by helping patients register to vote while in healthcare settings. The initial approach involved iPad-based kiosks in the emergency department waiting rooms, allowing patients to register themselves while waiting. After the COVID-19 pandemic began, Vot-ER expanded its touchless digital approaches. Vot-ER provides healthcare workers across the country with “Healthy Democracy Kits” consisting of badge backers, posters, discharge paperwork, and other resources. These contain QR and text codes that direct users to an online platform for registering to vote or requesting a mail-in ballot, available in English or Spanish. Outcomes: From May to November 2020, Vot-ER helped prepare 46,320 people to vote. 13,192 individual healthcare providers across all 50 states signed up for and received Healthy Democracy Kits. 80 medical schools participated in the Healthy Democracy Campaign competition. Over 500 institutions ordered site-based materials. Conclusions: A healthy democracy is one in which all individuals in a community have equal and fair opportunities for their voices to be heard. Healthcare settings, such as hospitals, are appropriate and effective venues for increasing both voter registration and education.Keywords: civic health, enfranchisement, physician, voting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891331 Physical Health, Depression and Related Factors for Elementary School Students in Seoul, South Korea
Authors: Kyung-Sook Bang
Background: The health status of school-age children has a great influence on their growth and life-long health. The purposes of this study were to identify physical and mental health status of late school-age children in Seoul, South Korea and to investigate the related factors for their health. Methods: After gaining the approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB), a cross-sectional study was conducted with elementary students in grade 4 or 5. Questionnaires were distributed to eight elementary schools located different regions of Seoul in November, 2016, and 302 participants were finally included. From all participants, informed consents from the parents, and assents from children were received. Children's socioeconomic status, family functioning, peer relations, physical health symptoms, and depression were measured with self-reported questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson’s correlations, and multiple regression. Results: Children's physical health symptoms and depression were not significantly different, and only their peer relations were significantly different according to their socioeconomic status (t=-3.93, p<.001). Depression showed significant positive correlation with physical health symptoms (r=.720, p<.001) and negative correlations with family functioning (r=-.428, p<.001) and peer relations (r=-.775, p<.001). The multiple regression model, which explained 73.5% of variance, showed peer relations (r2 =.604), physical health symptoms (r2 change=.125), and family functioning (r2 change=.005) as significant predictors for depression. Only the peer relations was significant predictor for their physical health symptoms and explained 50.6% of it. Conclusions: The peer relations was the most important factor in their physical and mental health at this age, and it can be affected by their socioeconomic status. Nursing interventions for promoting social relations and family functioning are required to improve children’s physical and mental health, especially for vulnerable population.Keywords: child, depression, health, peer relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321330 Utilization of Family Planning Methods and Associated Factors among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Sunsari, Nepal
Authors: Punam Kumari Mandal, Namita Yangden, Bhumika Rai, Achala Niraula, Sabitra Subedi
introduction: Family planning not only improves women’s health but also promotes gender equality, better child health, and improved education outcomes, including poverty reduction. The objective of this study is to assess the utilization of family planning methods and associated factors in Sunsari, Nepal. methodology: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among women of the reproductive age group (15-49 years) in Sunsari in 2020. Nonprobability purposive sampling was used to collect information from 212 respondents through face-to-face interviews using a Semi-structured interview schedule from ward no 1 of Barju rural municipality. Data processing was done by using SPSS “statistics for windows, version 17.0(SPSS Inc., Chicago, III.USA”). Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis (binary logistic regression) were used to find the association of the utilization of family planning methods with selected demographic variables. All the variables with P-value <0.1 in bivariate analysis were included in multivariate analysis. A P-value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance at a level of significance of 5%. results: This study showed that the mean age and standard deviation of the respondents were 26±7.03, and 91.5 % of respondent’s age at marriage was less than 20 years. Likewise, 67.5% of respondents use any methods of family planning, and 55.2% of respondents use family planning services from the government health facility. Furthermore, education (AOR 1.579, CI 1.013-2.462)., husband’s occupation (AOR 1.095, CI 0.744-1.610)., type of family (AOR 2.741, CI 1.210-6.210)., and no of living son (AOR 0.259 CI 0.077-0.872)are the factors associated with the utilization of family planning methods. conclusion: This study concludes that two-thirds of reproductive-age women utilize family planning methods. Furthermore, education, the husband’s occupation, the type of family, and no of living sons are the factors associated with the utilization of family planning methods. This reflects that awareness through mass media, including behavioral communication, is needed to increase the utilization of family planning methods.Keywords: family planning methods, utilization. factors, women, community
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391329 Classifying Affective States in Virtual Reality Environments Using Physiological Signals
Authors: Apostolos Kalatzis, Ashish Teotia, Vishnunarayan Girishan Prabhu, Laura Stanley
Emotions are functional behaviors influenced by thoughts, stimuli, and other factors that induce neurophysiological changes in the human body. Understanding and classifying emotions are challenging as individuals have varying perceptions of their environments. Therefore, it is crucial that there are publicly available databases and virtual reality (VR) based environments that have been scientifically validated for assessing emotional classification. This study utilized two commercially available VR applications (Guided Meditation VR™ and Richie’s Plank Experience™) to induce acute stress and calm state among participants. Subjective and objective measures were collected to create a validated multimodal dataset and classification scheme for affective state classification. Participants’ subjective measures included the use of the Self-Assessment Manikin, emotional cards and 9 point Visual Analogue Scale for perceived stress, collected using a Virtual Reality Assessment Tool developed by our team. Participants’ objective measures included Electrocardiogram and Respiration data that were collected from 25 participants (15 M, 10 F, Mean = 22.28 4.92). The features extracted from these data included heart rate variability components and respiration rate, both of which were used to train two machine learning models. Subjective responses validated the efficacy of the VR applications in eliciting the two desired affective states; for classifying the affective states, a logistic regression (LR) and a support vector machine (SVM) with a linear kernel algorithm were developed. The LR outperformed the SVM and achieved 93.8%, 96.2%, 93.8% leave one subject out cross-validation accuracy, precision and recall, respectively. The VR assessment tool and data collected in this study are publicly available for other researchers.Keywords: affective computing, biosignals, machine learning, stress database
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441328 Detection of JC Virus DNA and T-Ag Expression in a Subpopulation of Tunisian Colorectal Carcinomas
Authors: Wafa Toumi, Alessandro Ripalti, Luigi Ricciardiello, Dalila Gargouri, Jamel Kharrat, Abderraouf Cherif, Ahmed Bouhafa, Slim Jarboui, Mohamed Zili, Ridha Khelifa
Background & aims: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies throughout the world. Several risk factors, both genetic and environmental, including viral infections, have been linked to colorectal carcinogenesis. A few studies report the detection of human polyomavirus JC (JCV) DNA and transformation antigen (T-Ag) in a fraction of the colorectal tumors studied and suggest an association of this virus with CRC. In order to investigate whether such an association of JCV with CRC will hold in a different epidemiological setting, we looked for the presence of JCV DNA and T-Ag expression in a group of Tunisian CRC patients. Methods: Fresh colorectal mucosa biopsies were obtained from 17 healthy volunteers and from both colorectal tumors and adjacent normal tissues of 47 CRC patients. DNA was extracted from fresh biopsies or from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections using the Invitrogen Purelink Genomic DNA mini Kit. A simple PCR and a nested PCR were used to amplify a region of the T-Ag gene. The obtained PCR products revealed a 154 bp and a 98 bp bands, respectively. Specificity was confirmed by sequencing of the PCR products. T-Ag expression was determined by immunohistochemical staining using a mouse monoclonal antibody (clone PAb416) directed against SV40 T-Ag that cross reacts with JCV T-Ag. Results: JCV DNA was found in 12 (25%) and 22 (46%) of the CRC tumors by simple PCR and by nested PCR, respectively. All paired adjacent normal mucosa biopsies were negative for viral DNA. Sequencing of the DNA amplicons obtained confirmed the authenticity of T-Ag sequences. Immunohistochemical staining showed nuclear T-Ag expression in all 22 JCV DNA- positive samples and in 3 additional tumor samples which appeared DNA-negative by PCR. Conclusions: These results suggest an association of JCV with a subpopulation of Tunisian colorectal tumors.Keywords: colorectal cancer, immunohistochemistry, Polyomavirus JC, PCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 3631327 Investigating Pack Boriding as a Surface Treatment for WC-Co Cold Forming Die Materials
Authors: Afshin Zohdi, Selçuk Özdemir, Mustafa Aksoy
Tungsten carbide-cobalt (WC-Co) is a widely utilized material for cold forming dies, including those employed in fastener production. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of the pack boriding method in improving the surface properties of WC-Co cold forging dies. The boriding process involved embedding WC-Co samples, along with a steel control sample, within a chamber made of H13 tool steel. A boriding powder mixture was introduced into the chamber, which was then sealed using a paste. Subsequently, the samples were subjected to a temperature of 700°C for 5 hours in a furnace. Microstructural analysis, including cross-sectional examination and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confirmed successful boron diffusion and its presence on the surface of the borided samples. The microhardness of the borided layer was significantly increased (3980 HV1) compared to the unborided sample (1320 HV3), indicating enhanced hardness. The borided layer exhibited an acceptable thickness of 45 microns, with a diffusion coefficient of 1.125 × 10-7 mm²/s, signifying a moderate diffusion rate. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping revealed an increase in boron content, desirable for the intended purpose, while an undesired increase in oxygen content was observed. Furthermore, the pin-on-disk wear test demonstrated a reduction in friction coefficient, indicating improved mechanical and tribological properties of the surface. The successful implementation of the pack boriding process highlights its potential for enhancing the performance of WC-Co cold forging dies.Keywords: WC-Co, cold forging dies, pack boriding, surface hardness, wear resistance, microhardness, diffusion coefficient, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 761326 The Quality of Economic Growth Regency and Cities in West Java Province: Inclusive Economic Growth
Authors: Fryanto Anugrah Rhamdhani Rhamdhani, Hana Riana Permatasari
The aim of this study analyzes the inclusive of economic growth and analyzes the inclusive of economic growth determinant in regency and city (West Java Province). The background this study Economic Growth can do not afford to reduce poverty, Disparity and expand The Workforce. Referring Central Bureau Of Statistic West Java Province report in 2015 recorded only 5 regions able reduce poverty, 3 regions able reduce Gini Ratio and 7 regions able Workforce Absorption, meanwhile, 11 regions was improved Economic Growth. The Inclusive of Economic Growth definition based on various literature means the quality Economic Growth able reduce Poverty, Gini Ratio, and Workforce absorption. This study adopted the measurement Inclusive Economic of Growth Klassen and analyzes factor in Term Reducing Poverty, Gini Ratio, and the workforce Absorption. Data used panels data composite time series and cross-section including 25 regency and cities regions from Central Bureau Of Statistic West Java Province during 2014-2015. As a result, the measurement inclusive economic of growth Klassen 2014-2015 from 25 regency and cities shows all region does not inclusive reducing Poverty, only 2 regions able reduce Gini Ratio and 3 regions able increase Workforce absorption. Different from the result the measurement Inclusive Economic of Growth for workforce absorption, several regions shows a negative coefficient indicates Economic Growth decline Workforce absorption. The outcome of this study analyzes factor of Inclusive economic of Growth, so that give recommendations for government achieve inclusive economic of growth toward Sustainable Economic. Can be Concluded above low-quality Economic Growth, that due to all region does not inclusive Economic of Growth.Keywords: inclusive economic growth, Gini ratio, poverty, workforce
Procedia PDF Downloads 2611325 Investigating Elements That Influence Higher Education Institutions’ Digital Maturity
Authors: Zarah M. Bello, Nathan Baddoo, Mariana Lilley, Paul Wernick
In this paper, we present findings from a multi-part study to evaluate candidate elements reflecting the level of digital capability maturity (DCM) in higher education and the relationship between these elements. We will use these findings to propose a model of DCM for educational institutions. We suggest that the success of learning in higher education is dependent in part on the level of maturity of digital capabilities of institutions as well as the abilities of learners and those who support the learning process. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the elements that underpin this maturity as well as their impact and interactions in order to better exploit the benefits that technology presents to the modern learning environment and support its continued improvement. Having identified ten candidate elements of digital capability that we believe support the level of a University’s maturity in this area as well as a number of relevant stakeholder roles, we conducted two studies utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In the first of these studies, 85 electronic questionnaires were completed by various stakeholders in a UK university, with a 100% response rate. We also undertook five in-depth interviews with management stakeholders in the same university. We then utilized statistical analysis to process the survey data and conducted a textual analysis of the interview transcripts. Our findings support our initial identification of candidate elements and support our contention that these elements interact in a multidimensional manner. This multidimensional dynamic suggests that any proposal for improvement in digital capability must reflect the interdependency and cross-sectional relationship of the elements that contribute to DCM. Our results also indicate that the notion of DCM is strongly data-centric and that any proposed maturity model must reflect the role of data in driving maturity and improvement. We present these findings as a key step towards the design of an operationalisable DCM maturity model for universities.Keywords: digital capability, elements, maturity, maturity framework, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441324 Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Medical Institution from the City of Medellin, Colombia
Authors: Camilo Andres Agudelo-Velez, Lina María Martinez-Sanchez, Natalia Perilla-Hernandez, Maria De Los Angeles Rodriguez-Gazquez, Felipe Hernandez-Restrepo, Dayana Andrea Quintero-Moreno, Camilo Ruiz-Mejia, Isabel Cristina Ortiz-Trujillo, Monica Maria Zuluaga-Quintero
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is common condition, characterized by a persistent blockage of airflow, partially reversible and progressive, that represents 5% of total deaths around the world, and it is expected to become the third leading cause of death by 2030. Objective: To establish the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a medical institution from the city of Medellin, Colombia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed, with a sample of 50 patients with a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a private institution in Medellin, during 2015. The software SPSS vr. 20 was used for the statistical analysis. For the quantitative variables, averages, standard deviations, and maximun and minimun values were calculated, while for ordinal and nominal qualitative variables, proportions were estimated. Results: The average age was 73.5±9.3 years, 52% of the patients were women, 50% of them had retired, 46% ere married and 80% lived in the city of Medellín. The mean time of diagnosis was 7.8±1.3 years and 100% of the patients were treated at the internal medicine service. The most common clinical features were: 36% were classified as class D for the disease, 34% had a FEV1 <30%, 88% had a history of smoking and 52% had oxygen therapy at home. Conclusion: It was found that class D was the most common, and the majority of the patients had a history of smoking, indicating the need to strengthen promotion and prevention strategies in this regard.Keywords: pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive, pulmonary medicine, oxygen inhalation therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4451323 Seroprevalence Study of Cystic Echinococcosis and Its Associated Risk Factors in Fars Province, Southern Iran
Authors: Mahmoud Reza Tahamtan, Mohammad Saleh Bahreini
Background and Purpose: Cystic echinococcosis, caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus, is a common parasitic infection of humans and is endemic in many parts of the world, including Iran. So that, one percent of those admitted to surgery departments are hydatid cyst patients, and using the ELISA method, the infection rate has been reported in different regions of Iran from 1.2% to 21.4%. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the seroepidemiology of human hydatid cysts in Fars province, southern Iran, by ELISA method. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 600 serum samples of persons who were referred to the laboratory of Nemazi Hospital in Shiraz for normal tests were examined for the presence of specific Anti-IgG antibodies to hydatid cysts by ELISA method. During the sampling, a structured questionnaire was used to obtain social data of individuals with determinants of risk factors for Cystic echinococcosis. Finally, the results of the ELISA test, along with demographic information completed by individuals, were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: The average age of the subjects in this study was 40.01 ± 9.166. The prevalence of hydatidosis was reported as 5.66% (34/600). The disease was more in the age group of 21-30, people living in villages, working in rural areas, and people with a history of other parasitic diseases. Statistically, a significant difference was observed between the prevalence of the disease and two risk factors, contact with dogs (OR= 0.042; 95%CI: 0.014-0.12; P= 0.001) and washing vegetables with water (OR= 0.08; 95%CI: 0.011-0.56; P= 0.012). Conclusion: The present study showed that hydatid cyst disease has a significant prevalence in this area. Also, based on the results, contact with dogs and not properly washing vegetables are two important factors of disease transmission.Keywords: Echinococcus granulosus, Cystic echinococcosis, hydatid cyst, Fars province
Procedia PDF Downloads 1001322 Chromatographic Preparation and Performance on Zinc Ion Imprinted Monolithic Column and Its Adsorption Property
Authors: X. Han, S. Duan, C. Liu, C. Zhou, W. Zhu, L. Kong
The ionic imprinting technique refers to the three-dimensional rigid structure with the fixed pore sizes, which was formed by the binding interactions of ions and functional monomers and used ions as the template, it has a high level of recognition to the ionic template. The preparation of monolithic column by the in-situ polymerization need to put the compound of template, functional monomers, cross-linking agent and initiating agent into the solution, dissolve it and inject to the column tube, and then the compound will have a polymerization reaction at a certain temperature, after the synthetic reaction, we washed out the unread template and solution. The monolithic columns are easy to prepare, low consumption and cost-effective with fast mass transfer, besides, they have many chemical functions. But the monolithic columns have some problems in the practical application, such as low-efficiency, quantitative analysis cannot be performed accurately because of the peak shape is wide and has tailing phenomena; the choice of polymerization systems is limited and the lack of theoretical foundations. Thus the optimization of components and preparation methods is an important research direction. During the preparation of ionic imprinted monolithic columns, pore-forming agent can make the polymer generate the porous structure, which can influence the physical properties of polymer, what’ s more, it can directly decide the stability and selectivity of polymerization reaction. The compounds generated in the pre-polymerization reaction could directly decide the identification and screening capabilities of imprinted polymer; thus the choice of pore-forming agent is quite critical in the preparation of imprinted monolithic columns. This article mainly focuses on the research that when using different pore-forming agents, the impact of zinc ion imprinted monolithic column on the enrichment performance of zinc ion.Keywords: high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ionic imprinting, monolithic column, pore-forming agent
Procedia PDF Downloads 2151321 Transforming Maternity and Neonatal Services in a Middle Eastern Country
Authors: M. A. Brown, K. Hugill, D. Meredith
Since the establishment of midwifery, as a professional identity in its own right, in the early years of the 20th century, midwifery-led models of childbirth have prevailed in many parts of the world. However, in many locations midwives’ scope of practice remains underdeveloped or absent. In Qatar, all births take place in hospital and are under the professional jurisdiction of obstetricians, predominately supported by internationally trained nurse-midwives and obstetric nurses. The strategic vision for health services in Qatar endorsed a desire to provide women with the ‘Best Care Always’ and the introduction of midwifery was seen as a way to achieve this. In 2015 the process of recruiting postgraduate educated Clinical Midwife Specialists from international sources began. The midwives were brought together to initiate an in hospital and community service transformation plan. This plan set out a series of wide-ranging actions to transform maternity and neonatal services to make care safer and give women more health choices. Change in any organization is a complex and dynamic process. This is made even more complex when multifaceted professional and cross cultural factors are involved. This presentation reports upon the motivations and challenges that exist and the progress around introducing a multicultural midwifery model of childbirth care in the state of Qatar. The paper examines and reflects upon the drivers and unique features of childbirth in the country. Despite accomplishments, progress still needs to be made in order to fully implement sustainable changes to further improve care and ensure women and neonates get the ‘Best Care Always’. The progress within the transformation plan highlights how midwifery may coexist with competing models of maternity care to create an innovative, eclectic and culturally sensitive paradigm that can best serve women and neonatal health needs.Keywords: culture, managing change, midwifery, neonatal, service transformation plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501320 Iranian Processed Cheese under Effect of Emulsifier Salts and Cooking Time in Process
Authors: M. Dezyani, R. Ezzati bbelvirdi, M. Shakerian, H. Mirzaei
Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is commonly used as an Emulsifying Salt (ES) in process cheese, although rarely as the sole ES. It appears that no published studies exist on the effect of SHMP concentration on the properties of process cheese when pH is kept constant; pH is well known to affect process cheese functionality. The detailed interactions between the added phosphate, Casein (CN), and indigenous Ca phosphate are poorly understood. We studied the effect of the concentration of SHMP (0.25-2.75%) and holding time (0-20 min) on the textural and Rheological properties of pasteurized process Cheddar cheese using a central composite rotatable design. All cheeses were adjusted to pH 5.6. The meltability of process cheese (as indicated by the decrease in loss tangent parameter from small amplitude oscillatory rheology, degree of flow, and melt area from the Schreiber test) decreased with an increase in the concentration of SHMP. Holding time also led to a slight reduction in meltability. Hardness of process cheese increased as the concentration of SHMP increased. Acid-base titration curves indicated that the buffering peak at pH 4.8, which is attributable to residual colloidal Ca phosphate, was shifted to lower pH values with increasing concentration of SHMP. The insoluble Ca and total and insoluble P contents increased as concentration of SHMP increased. The proportion of insoluble P as a percentage of total (indigenous and added) P decreased with an increase in ES concentration because of some of the (added) SHMP formed soluble salts. The results of this study suggest that SHMP chelated the residual colloidal Ca phosphate content and dispersed CN; the newly formed Ca-phosphate complex remained trapped within the process cheese matrix, probably by cross-linking CN. Increasing the concentration of SHMP helped to improve fat emulsification and CN dispersion during cooking, both of which probably helped to reinforce the structure of process cheese.Keywords: Iranian processed cheese, emulsifying salt, rheology, texture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4331319 Predicting Low Birth Weight Using Machine Learning: A Study on 53,637 Ethiopian Birth Data
Authors: Kehabtimer Shiferaw Kotiso, Getachew Hailemariam, Abiy Seifu Estifanos
Introduction: Despite the highest share of low birth weight (LBW) for neonatal mortality and morbidity, predicting births with LBW for better intervention preparation is challenging. This study aims to predict LBW using a dataset encompassing 53,637 birth cohorts collected from 36 primary hospitals across seven regions in Ethiopia from February 2022 to June 2024. Methods: We identified ten explanatory variables related to maternal and neonatal characteristics, including maternal education, age, residence, history of miscarriage or abortion, history of preterm birth, type of pregnancy, number of livebirths, number of stillbirths, antenatal care frequency, and sex of the fetus to predict LBW. Using WEKA 3.8.2, we developed and compared seven machine learning algorithms. Data preprocessing included handling missing values, outlier detection, and ensuring data integrity in birth weight records. Model performance was evaluated through metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC AUC) using 10-fold cross-validation. Results: The results demonstrated that the decision tree, J48, logistic regression, and gradient boosted trees model achieved the highest accuracy (94.5% to 94.6%) with a precision of 93.1% to 93.3%, F1-score of 92.7% to 93.1%, and ROC AUC of 71.8% to 76.6%. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the effectiveness of machine learning models in predicting LBW. The high accuracy and recall rates achieved indicate that these models can serve as valuable tools for healthcare policymakers and providers in identifying at-risk newborns and implementing timely interventions to achieve the sustainable developmental goal (SDG) related to neonatal mortality.Keywords: low birth weight, machine learning, classification, neonatal mortality, Ethiopia
Procedia PDF Downloads 301318 Behaviour of RC Columns at Elevated Temperatures by NDT Techniques
Authors: D. Jagath Kumari, K. Srinivasa Rao
Reinforced concrete column is an important structural element in a building. Concrete usually performs well in building fires. However, when it is subjected to prolonged fire exposure or unusually high temperatures, and then it will suffer significant distress. Because concrete pre-fire compressive strength generally exceeds design requirements, therefore an average strength reduction can be tolerated. However high temperature reduces the compressive strength of concrete so much that the concrete retains no useful structural strength. Therefore the residual strength and its performance of structure can be assed by NDT testing. In this paper, rebound hammer test and the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) are used to evaluate the residual compressive strength and material integrity of post-fire-curing concrete subjected to elevated temperatures. Also considering the large availability of fly ash in most of the countries, an attempt was made to study the effect of high volume fly ash concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. 32 RC column specimens were made with a M20 grade concrete mix. Out of 32 column specimens 16 column specimens were made with OPC concrete and other 16 column specimens were made with HVFA concrete. All specimens having similar cross-section details. Columns were exposed to fire for temperatures from 100oC to 800o C with increments of 100o C for duration of 3 hours. Then the specimens allowed cooling to room temperature by two methods natural air cooling method and immediate water quenching method. All the specimens were tested identically, for the compressive strengths and material integrity by rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity meter respectively for study. These two tests were carried out on preheating and post heating of the column specimens. The percentage variation of compressive strengths of RCC columns with the increase in temperature has been studied and compared the results for both OPC and HVFA concretes. Physical observations of the heated columns were observed.Keywords: HVFA concrete, NDT testing, residual strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 3871317 The Correlation between Body Composition and Spinal Alignment in Healthy Young Adults
Authors: Ferruh Taspinar, Ismail Saracoglu, Emrah Afsar, Eda O. Okur, Gulce K. Seyyar, Gamze Kurt, Betul Taspinar
Although it is thought that abdominal adiposity is one of the risk factor for postural deviation, such as increased lumbar lordosis, the body mass index is not sufficient to indicate effects of abdominal adiposity on spinal alignment and postural changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation with detailed body composition and spine alignment in healthy young adults. This cross-sectional study was conducted with sixty seven healthy volunteers (37 men and 30 women) whose ages ranged between 19 and 27 years. All participants’ sagittal spinal curvatures of lumbar and thoracic region were measured via Spinal mouse® (Idiag, Fehraltorf, Switzerland). Also, body composition analysis (whole body fat ratio, whole body muscle ratio, abdominal fat ratio, and trunk muscle ratio) estimation by means of bioelectrical impedance was evaluated via Tanita Bc 418 Ma Segmental Body Composition Analyser (Tanita, Japan). Pearson’s correlation was used to analysis among the variables. The mean lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis angles were 21.02°±9.39, 41.50°±7.97, respectively. Statistically analysis showed a significant positive correlation between whole body fat ratio and lumbar lordosis angle (r=0.28, p=0.02). Similarly, there was a positive correlation between abdominal fat ratio and lumbar lordosis angle (r=0.27, p=0.03). The thoracic kyphosis angle showed also positive correlation with whole body fat ratio (r=0.33, p=0.00) and abdominal fat ratio (r=0.40, p=0.01). The whole body muscle ratio showed negative correlation between lumbar lordosis (r=-0.28, p=0.02) and thoracic kyphosis angles (r=-0.33, p=0.00), although there was no statistically correlation between trunk muscle ratio, lumbar and thoracic curvatures (p>0.05). The study demonstrated that an increase of fat ratio and decrease of muscle ratio in abdominal region or whole body shifts the spinal alignment which may adversely affect the spinal loading. Therefore, whole body composition should be taken into account in spine rehabilitation.Keywords: body composition, lumbar lordosis, spinal alignment, thoracic kyphosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3871316 Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening Services and Associated Factors at KISWA HCII, Kampala, Uganda
Authors: Mary Kiviiri Nakawuka, Mary Namugalu, Andrew Otiti
BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and seventh overall among all cancers worldwide. It accounts for about 7.5% of all female-cancer deaths with 85% occurring in low and middle-income countries and the first most common female cancer in women aged 15 to 44 years in Uganda with an annual number of new cases at 3,915 and 2,275 annual number of cervical cancer deaths in 2012 (ICO INFORMATION CENTRE ON HPV AND CANCER, 2017).Despite the available free cervical cancer screening services whose uptake has been documented to improve the chances of successful treatment of pre-cancers and cancers among women of reproductive age, there is a low uptake of these services thus we sought to examine the uptake of cervical cancer services and associated factors among women of reproductive age (25-49) attending the ART clinic of KISWA HCII in Kampala, Uganda METHODS The research was carried out in the ART clinic of KISWA HCII among 385 participants. An analytical, cross-sectional study with quantitative methods of data collection was used. The study adopted a non-probability convenience sampling method to select participants. Quantitative data was collected through structured questionnaires. RESULTS 72.2% of the participants were found to have been screened for cervical cancer. 36 % of the screened women had a positive HPV or VIA result ,59.2% of the screened women had a negative HPV or VIA result and 4.8% had an invalid HPV test result. Only 39.5% of the participants had adequate overall knowledge about cervical cancer, more than a third of the participants (50%) had moderate or low knowledge and minority of them (10.5%) had no knowledge. There was no significant association between the uptake of cervical cancer screening services among participants and their socio-demographic characteristics. CONCLUSIONS Although majority of the women surveyed had been screened for cervical cancer, a comparatively large number of participants had inadequate knowledge about cervical cancer and therefore there is still need to continue teaching about cervical cancer and this may include education campaigns, improvements to the accessibility and convenience of the screening services.Keywords: cervical cancer uptake, cervical cancer screening, women of reproductive age., cervical cancer knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 961315 Adaptation of Smart City Concept in Africa: Localization, Relevance and Bottleneck
Authors: Adeleye Johnson Adelagunayeja
The concept of making cities, communities, and neighborhoods smart, intelligent, and responsive is relatively new to Africa and its urban renewal agencies. Efforts must be made by relevant agencies to begin a holistic review of the implementation of infrastructural facilities and urban renewal methodologies that will revolve around the appreciation and application of artificial intelligence. The propagation of the ideals and benefits of the smart city concept are key factors that can encourage governments of African nations, the African Union, and other regional organizations in Africa to embrace the ideology. The ability of this smart city concept to curb insecurities – armed robbery, assassination, terrorism, and civil disorder – is one major reason, amongst others, why African governments must speedily embrace this contemporary developmental concept whose time has come! The seamlessness to access information and virtually cross-pollinate ideas with people living in already established smart cities, when combined with the great efficiency that the emergence of smart cities brings with it, are other reasons why Africa must come up with action plans that can enable the existing cities to metamorphose into smart cities. Innovations will be required to enable Africa to develop a smart city concept that will be compatible with the basic patterns of livelihood because the essence of the smart city evolution is to make life better for people to co-exist, to be productive and to enjoy standard infrastructural facilities. This research paper enumerates the multifaceted adaptive factors that have the potentials of making the adoption of smartcity concept in Africa seamless. It also proffers solutions to potential bottlenecks capable of undermining the execution of the smart city concept in Africa.Keywords: smartcity compactibility innovation Africa government evolution, Africa as global village member, evolution in Africa, ways to make Africa adopt smartcity, localizing smartcity concept in Africa, bottleneck to smartcity developmet in Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 861314 Exploration of Environmental Parameters on the Evolution of Vernacular Building Techniques in East Austria
Authors: Hubert Feiglstorfer
Due to its location in a transition zone from the Pannonian to the pre-Alpine region, the east of Austria shows a small-scale diversity in the regional development of certain vernacular building techniques. In this article the relationship between natural building material resources, topography and climate will be examined. Besides environmental preconditions, social and economic historical factors have developed different construction techniques within certain regions in the Weinviertel and Burgenland, the two eastern federal states of Austria. But even within these regions, varying building techniques were found, due to the locally different use of raw materials like wood, stone, clay, lime, or organic fibres. Within these small-scale regions, building traditions were adapted over the course of time due to changes in the use of the building material, for example from wood to brick or from wood to earth. The processing of the raw materials varies from region to region, for example as rammed earth, cob, log, or brick construction. Environmental preconditions cross national borders. For that reason, developments in the neighbouring countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia are included in this analysis. As an outcome of this research a map was drawn which shows the interrelation between locally available building materials, topography, climate and local building techniques? As a result of this study, which covers the last 300 years, one can see how the local population used natural resources very sensitively adapted to local environmental preconditions. In the case of clay, for example, changes of proportions of lime and particular minerals cause structural changes that differ from region to region. Based on material analyses in the field of clay mineralogy, on ethnographic research, literature and archive research, explanations for certain local structural developments will be given for the first time over the region of East Austria.Keywords: European crafts, material culture, architectural history, earthen architecture, earth building history
Procedia PDF Downloads 239