%0 Journal Article
	%A E. M. Hassan and  A. L. Kalamkarov
	%D 2014
	%J International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 96, 2014
	%T Micromechanics Modeling of 3D Network Smart Orthotropic Structures
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9999984
	%V 96
	%X Two micromechanical models for 3D smart composite
with embedded periodic or nearly periodic network of generally
orthotropic reinforcements and actuators are developed and applied to
cubic structures with unidirectional orientation of constituents.
Analytical formulas for the effective piezothermoelastic coefficients
are derived using the Asymptotic Homogenization Method (AHM).
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is subsequently developed and used
to examine the aforementioned periodic 3D network reinforced smart
structures. The deformation responses from the FE simulations are
used to extract effective coefficients. The results from both
techniques are compared. This work considers piezoelectric materials
that respond linearly to changes in electric field, electric
displacement, mechanical stress and strain and thermal effects. This
combination of electric fields and thermo-mechanical response in
smart composite structures is characterized by piezoelectric and
thermal expansion coefficients. The problem is represented by unitcell
and the models are developed using the AHM and the FEA to
determine the effective piezoelectric and thermal expansion
coefficients. Each unit cell contains a number of orthotropic
inclusions in the form of structural reinforcements and actuators.
Using matrix representation of the coupled response of the unit cell,
the effective piezoelectric and thermal expansion coefficients are
calculated and compared with results of the asymptotic
homogenization method. A very good agreement is shown between
these two approaches.

	%P 2028 - 2034