%0 Journal Article
	%A R. Taiar
	%D 2014
	%J International Journal of Materials and Textile Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 93, 2014
	%T Textile Technology: Application in Sport and Medicine
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9999176
	%V 93
	%X Sport is one of the sectors in which the largest
technical projections regarding the functions of textiles can be found.
He is a large consumer of high performance composite materials and
new fibers. It is one of the sectors where the innovation is the most
important when the greatest numbers of spectacular developments are
aimed at increasing performance. In medicine, textile innovation is
used and contributes in the amelioration of different materials such as
dressing, orthosis, bandages, etc. The hygienic textiles in non-woven
materials record a strong growth. The objective of this study is to
show the different advances of development we obtained in the both
ways (sport and medicine). Polyamide fibers where developed
tacking into account the specification of the high level athlete’s
performance like swimming and triathlon (Olympic Games, Brazil
2016). The first textile utilization was for skiing (Olympic Games,
Sotchi 2014). The different textiles technologies where adapted for

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