%0 Journal Article
	%A Ljubica Dokić and  Ivana Nikolić and  Dragana Šoronja–Simović and  Biljana Pajin and  Nils Juul
	%D 2014
	%J International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 89, 2014
	%T Sensory Characterization of Cookies with Chestnut Flour
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9998083
	%V 89
	%X In this work sensory characteristics of cookies with different amount of chestnut flour were determined by sensory and instrumental methods. The wheat flour for cookies was substituted with chestnut flour in three different levels (20, 40 and 60%) and the dough moisture was 22%. The control sample was with 100% of wheat flour. Sensory quality of the cookies was described using quantity descriptive method (QDA) by six trained members of descriptive panel. Instrumental evaluation included texture characterization by texture analyzer, the color measurements (CIE L*a*b* system) and determination by videometer.

The samples with 20% of chestnut flour were with highest ponderated score for overall sensory impression (17.6), which is very close to score for control sample (18). Increase in amount of chestnut flour caused decrease in scores for all sensory properties, thus overall sensory score decreased also. Compared to control sample and with increase in amount of chestnut flour, instrumental determination of the samples confirmed the sensory analysis results. The hardness of the cookies increased, as well as the values of red a* and yellow (b*) component coordinate, but the values for lightness (L*) decreased. Also the values, evaluated by videometer at defined wavelength, were the highest for control cookies and decreased with increase in amount of chestnut flour.

	%P 416 - 419