@article{(Open Science Index):https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9997254,
	  title     = {RBS Characteristic of Cd1−xZnxS Thin Film Fabricated by Vacuum Deposition Method},
	  author    = {N. Dahbi and  D-E. Arafah},
	  country	= {},
	  institution	= {},
	  abstract     = {Cd1−xZnxS thins films have been fabricated from ZnS/CdS/ZnS multilayer thin film systems, by using the vacuum deposition method; the Rutherford backscattering (RBS) technique have been applied in order to determine the: structure, composition, depth profile, and stoichiometric of these films. The influence of the chemical and heat treatments on the produced films also have been investigated; the RBS spectra of the films showed that homogenous Cd1−xZnxS can be synthesized with x=0.45.
	    journal   = {International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering},
	  volume    = {8},
	  number    = {1},
	  year      = {2014},
	  pages     = {66 - 69},
	  ee        = {https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9997254},
	  url   	= {https://publications.waset.org/vol/85},
	  bibsource = {https://publications.waset.org/},
	  issn  	= {eISSN: 1307-6892},
	  publisher = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
	  index 	= {Open Science Index 85, 2014},