%0 Journal Article
	%A N. Popovich and  P. Yan
	%D 2011
	%J International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 50, 2011
	%T Determination of Q and R Matrices for Optimal Pitch Aircraft Control
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9945
	%V 50
	%X In this paper, the process of obtaining Q and R
matrices for optimal pitch aircraft control system has been described.
Since the innovation of optimal control method, the determination of
Q and R matrices for such system has not been fully specified. The
value of Q and R for optimal pitch aircraft control application, have
been simulated and calculated. The suitable results for Q and R have
been observed through the performance index (PI). If the PI is small
“enough", we would say the Q & R values are suitable for that
certain type of optimal control system. Moreover, for the same value
of PI, we could have different Q and R sets. Due to the rule-free
determination of Q and R matrices, a specific method is brought to
find out the rough value of Q and R referring to rather small value of
	%P 445 - 451