%0 Journal Article
	%A K. Dimitropoulos and  N. Grammalidis and  I. Gragopoulos and  H. Gao and  Th. Heuer and  M. Weinmann and  S. Voit and  C.
Stockhammer and  U. Hartmann and  N. Pavlidou
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 19, 2008
	%T Detection, Tracking and Classification of Vehicles and Aircraft based on Magnetic Sensing Technology
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/9837
	%V 19
	%X Existing ground movement surveillance technologies
at airports are subjected to limitations due to shadowing effects or
multiple reflections. Therefore, there is a strong demand for a new
sensing technology, which will be cost effective and will provide
detection of non-cooperative targets under any weather conditions.
This paper aims to present a new intelligent system, developed
within the framework of the EC-funded ISMAEL project, which is
based on a new magnetic sensing technology and provides detection,
tracking and automatic classification of targets moving on the airport
surface. The system is currently being installed at two European
airports. Initial experimental results under real airport traffic
demonstrate the great potential of the proposed system.
	%P 940 - 945