%0 Journal Article
	%A M. M. Manyuchi and  A. Phiri and  P. Muredzi and  T. Chitambwe
	%D 2013
	%J International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 78, 2013
	%T Comparison of Vermicompost and Vermiwash Bio-Fertilizers from Vermicomposting Waste Corn Pulp
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/7920
	%V 78
	%X Vermicomposting is the conversion of organic waste
into bio-fertilizers through the action of earthworm. This technology
is widely used for organic solid waste management. Waste corn pulp
blended with cow dung manure was vermicomposted over 30 days
using Eisenia fetida earthworms species. pH, temperature, moisture
content, and electrical conductivity were daily monitored. The
feedstock, vermicompost and vermiwash were analyzed for nutrient
composition. The average temperature and moisture content in the
vermi-reactor was 22.5°C and 42.5% respectively. The vermicompost
and vermiwash had an almost neutral pH whilst the electrical
conductivity was 21% higher in the vermicompost. The nitrogen and
potassium content was 57% and 79.6% richer in the vermicompost
respectively compared to the vermiwash. However, the vermiwash
was 84% richer in phosphorous as compared to vermicompost.
Furthermore, the vermiwash was 89.1% and 97.6% richer in Ca and
Mg respectively and was 97.8% richer in Na salts compared to the
vermicompost. The vermiwash also indicated a significantly higher
amount of micronutrients. Both bio-fertilizers were rich in nutrients
specification for fertilizers.
	%P 389 - 392