%0 Journal Article
	%A A. Khafaji and  R. Saadane and  J. El Abbadi and  M. Belkasmi
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 21, 2008
	%T Ray Tracing Technique based 60 GHz Band Propagation Modelling and Influence of People Shadowing
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/6697
	%V 21
	%X The main objectif of this paper is to present a tool that
we have developed subject to characterize and modelling indoor radio
channel propagation at millimetric wave. The tool is based on the
ray tracing technique (RTT). As, in realistic environment we cannot
neglect the significant impact of Human Body Shadowing and other
objects in motion on indoor 60 GHz propagation channel. Hence,
our proposed model allows a simulation of propagation in a dynamic
indoor environment. First, we describe a model of human body.
Second, RTT with this model is used to simulate the propagation
of millimeter waves in the presence of persons in motion. Results
of the simulation show that this tool gives results in agreement with
those reported in the literature. Specially, the effects of people motion
on temporal channel properties.
	%P 1937 - 1943