%0 Journal Article
	%A U. Şendurur and  B. Nazlıoğlu
	%D 2013
	%J International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 78, 2013
	%T The Effect of Ownership Structure on Stock Prices after Crisis: A Study on Ise 100 Index
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/5617
	%V 78
	%X Using Turkish data, in this study it is investigated that
whether a firm’s ownership structure has an impact on its stock
prices after the crisis. A linear regression model is conducted on the
data of non-financial firms that are trading in Istanbul Stock
Exchange 100 Index (ISE 100) index. The findings show that, all
explanatory variables such as inside ownership, largest ownership,
concentrated ownership, foreign shareholders, family controlled and
dispersed ownership are not very important to explain stock prices
after the crisis. Family controlled firms and concentrated ownership
is positively related to stock price, dispersed ownership, largest
ownership, foreign shareholders, and inside ownership structures
have negative interaction between stock prices, but because of the p
value is not under the value of 0.05 this relation is not significant. In
addition, the analysis shows that, the shares of firms that have inside,
largest and dispersed ownership structure are outperform comparing
with the other firms. Furthermore, ownership concentrated firms
outperform to family controlled firms.

	%P 1419 - 1422