%0 Journal Article
	%A Visit Hirankitti and  Vuong Tran Xuan
	%D 2007
	%J International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 10, 2007
	%T Semantic Web Agent Communication Capable of Reasoning with Ontology and Agent Locations
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/5225
	%V 10
	%X Multi-agent communication of Semantic Web
information cannot be realized without the need to reason with
ontology and agent locations. This is because for an agent to be able to
reason with an external semantic web ontology, it must know where
and how to access to that ontology. Similarly, for an agent to be able to
communicate with another agent, it must know where and how to send
a message to that agent. In this paper we propose a framework of an
agent which can reason with ontology and agent locations in order to
perform reasoning with multiple distributed ontologies and perform
communication with other agents on the semantic web. The agent
framework and its communication mechanism are formulated entirely
in meta-logic.
	%P 3213 - 3219