%0 Journal Article
	%A Larisa N. Pop and  Irina M. Ban
	%D 2011
	%J International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 53, 2011
	%T Comparative Approach of Measuring Price Risk on Romanian and International Wheat Market
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/4764
	%V 53
	%X This paper aims to present the main instruments used
in the economic literature for measuring the price risk, pointing out
on the advantages brought by the conditional variance in this respect.
The theoretical approach will be exemplified by elaborating an
EGARCH model for the price returns of wheat, both on Romanian
and on international market. To our knowledge, no previous
empirical research, either on price risk measurement for the
Romanian markets or studies that use the ARIMA-EGARCH
methodology, have been conducted. After estimating the
corresponding models, the paper will compare the estimated
conditional variance on the two markets.
	%P 536 - 541