@article{(Open Science Index):https://publications.waset.org/pdf/4680,
	  title     = {Pathogenetic Mechanism of Alcohol's Effect on Academic Performance},
	  author    = {M. O. Welcome and  E. V. Pereverzeva and  V. A. Pereverzev},
	  country	= {},
	  institution	= {},
	  abstract     = {The regulatory competence of blood glucose homeostasis might determine the degree of academic performance. The aim of this study was to produce a model of students' alcohol use based on glucose homeostasis control and cognitive functions that might define the pathogenetic mechanism of alcohol's effect on academic performance. The study took six hours and thirty minutes on fasting, involving thirteen male students. Disturbances in cognitive functions, precisely a decrease in the effectiveness of active attention and a faster development of fatigue after four to six hours of mental work in alcohol users, compared to abstainers was statistically proven. These disturbances in alcohol users were retained even after seven to ten days of moderate alcohol use and might be the reason for the low academic performances among students who use alcoholic beverages.
	    journal   = {International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences},
	  volume    = {4},
	  number    = {9},
	  year      = {2010},
	  pages     = {431 - 437},
	  ee        = {https://publications.waset.org/pdf/4680},
	  url   	= {https://publications.waset.org/vol/45},
	  bibsource = {https://publications.waset.org/},
	  issn  	= {eISSN: 1307-6892},
	  publisher = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
	  index 	= {Open Science Index 45, 2010},