%0 Journal Article
	%A Smaali Assia and  Outemzabet Ratiba and  Media El Mahdi and  Kadi Mohamed
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 20, 2008
	%T Optical Reflectance of Pure and Doped Tin Oxide: From Thin Films to Poly-Crystalline Silicon/Thin Film Device
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/4148
	%V 20
	%X Films of pure tin oxide SnO2 and in presence of
antimony atoms (SnO2-Sb) deposited onto glass substrates have
shown a sufficiently high energy gap to be transparent in the visible
region, a high electrical mobility and a carrier concentration which
displays a good electrical conductivity [1]. In this work, the effects of
polycrystalline silicon substrate on the optical properties of pure and
Sb doped tin oxide is investigated.
We used the APCVD (atmospheric pressure chemical vapour
deposition) technique, which is a low-cost and simple technique,
under nitrogen ambient, for growing this material. A series of SnO2
and SnO2-Sb have been deposited onto polycrystalline silicon
substrates with different contents of antimony atoms at the same
conditions of deposition (substrate temperature, flow oxygen,
duration and nitrogen atmosphere of the reactor). The effect of the
substrate in terms of morphology and nonlinear optical properties,
mainly the reflectance, was studied. The reflectance intensity of the
device, compared to the reflectance of tin oxide films deposited
directly on glass substrate, is clearly reduced on the overall
wavelength range. It is obvious that the roughness of the poly-c
silicon plays an important role by improving the reflectance and
hence the optical parameters.
A clear shift in the minimum of the reflectance upon doping level
is observed. This minimum corresponds to strong free carrier
absorption, resulting in different plasma frequency. This effect is
followed by an increase in the reflectance depending of the antimony
doping. Applying the extended Drude theory to the combining
optical and electrical obtained results these effects are discussed.
	%P 195 - 198