%0 Journal Article
	%A Denis Câprâroiu and  Gica Pehoiu
	%D 2010
	%J International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 42, 2010
	%T A Type of Urban Genesis in Romanian Outer-Carpathian Area: the Genoan Cities
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/3927
	%V 42
	%X The Mongol expansion in the West and the political
and commercial interests arising from antagonisms between the
Golden Horde and the Persian Ilkhanate determined the
transformation of the Black Sea into an international trade turntable
beginning with the last third of the XIIIth century. As the Volga
Khanate attracted the maritime power of Genoa in the
transcontinental project of deviating the Silk Road to its own benefit,
the latter took full advantage of the new historical conjuncture, to the
detriment of its rival, Venice. As a consequence, Genoa settled
important urban centers on the Pontic shores, having mainly a
commercial role. In the Romanian outer-Carpathian area, Vicina,
Cetatea Albâ, and Chilia are notable, representing distinct, important
types of cities within the broader context of the Romanian medieval
urban genesis typology.
	%P 787 - 792