%0 Journal Article
	%A M. M. Agheli and  M. J. Nategh
	%D 2009
	%J International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 28, 2009
	%T Identifying the Kinematic Parameters of Hexapod Machine Tool
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/2263
	%V 28
	%X Hexapod Machine Tool (HMT) is a parallel robot
mostly based on Stewart platform. Identification of kinematic
parameters of HMT is an important step of calibration procedure. In
this paper an algorithm is presented for identifying the kinematic
parameters of HMT using inverse kinematics error model. Based on
this algorithm, the calibration procedure is simulated. Measurement
configurations with maximum observability are decided as the first
step of this algorithm for a robust calibration. The errors occurring in
various configurations are illustrated graphically. It has been shown
that the boundaries of the workspace should be searched for the
maximum observability of errors. The importance of using
configurations with sufficient observability in calibrating hexapod
machine tools is verified by trial calibration with two different
groups of randomly selected configurations. One group is selected to
have sufficient observability and the other is in disregard of the
observability criterion. Simulation results confirm the validity of the
proposed identification algorithm.
	%P 392 - 397