%0 Journal Article
	%A T. Sopapirm and  K-N. Areerak and  K-L. Areerak and  A. Srikaew
	%D 2011
	%J International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 60, 2011
	%T The Application of Adaptive Tabu Search Algorithm and Averaging Model to the Optimal Controller Design of Buck Converters
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/1802
	%V 60
	%X The paper presents the applications of artificial
intelligence technique called adaptive tabu search to design the
controller of a buck converter. The averaging model derived from the
DQ and generalized state-space averaging methods is applied to
simulate the system during a searching process. The simulations
using such averaging model require the faster computational time
compared with that of the full topology model from the software
packages. The reported model is suitable for the work in the paper in
which the repeating calculation is needed for searching the best
solution. The results will show that the proposed design technique
can provide the better output waveforms compared with those
designed from the classical method.
	%P 1707 - 1713