%0 Journal Article
	%A H. M. A. Asghar and  S. N. Hussain and  E. P. L. Roberts and  N. W. Brown and  H. Sattar
	%D 2013
	%J International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 81, 2013
	%T GIC-Based Adsorbents for Wastewater Treatment through Adsorption and Electrochemical-Regeneration
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/16641
	%V 81
	%X Intercalation imparts interesting features to the host graphite material. Two different types of intercalated compounds called (GIC-bisulphate or Nyex 1000 and GIC-nitrate or Nyex 3000) were tested for their adsorption capacity and ability to undergo electrochemical regeneration. It was found that Nyex 3000 showed comparatively slow kinetics along with reduced adsorption capacity to one half for acid violet 17 as adsorbate. Acid violet 17 was selected as model organic pollutant for evaluating comparative performance of said adsorbents. Both adsorbent materials showed 100% regeneration efficiency as achieved by passing a charge of 36 C g-1 at a current density of 12 mA cm-2 and a treatment time of 60 min.  

	%P 603 - 605