%0 Journal Article
	%A Urszula Wachowska and  Anna Daria Stasiulewicz-Paluch and  Iwona Konopka and  Katarzyna Kucharska and  Justyna Borowska
	%D 2013
	%J International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 79, 2013
	%T Aureobasidium pullulans Used as a Biological Control Agent under Field Conditions Affects the Microbial Quality of Winter Wheat Grain
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/16430
	%V 79
	%X The biological activity of A. pullulans isolates against
species of the genus Fusarium, bacteria of the genus Azotobacter and
pseudomonads colonizing wheat kernels was evaluated. A field
experiment was carried out in 2009-2011, in north-eastern Poland.
Winter wheat (cv. Bogatka) plants were sprayed with a cell
suspension of A. pullulans at a density of 106 - 108 per cm3 water at
the stem elongation stage and the heading stage. Untreated plants
served as control. The abundance of epiphytic yeasts, bacteria of the
genus Azotobacter, pseudomonads and Fusarium pathogens on wheat
grain was estimated at harvest and after six months’ storage. The
average size of yeast communities was significantly greater on wheat
kernels treated with a cell suspension of A. pullulans, compared with
control samples. In 2010-2011, biological control reduced the
abundance of some species of the genus Fusarium.

	%P 635 - 638