%0 Journal Article
	%A M. Siddhpura and  R. Paurobally
	%D 2013
	%J International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 78, 2013
	%T Experimental Investigation of Chatter Vibrations in Facing and Turning Processes
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/11556
	%V 78
	%X This paper investigates the occurrence of regenerative
chatter vibrations in facing and turning processes. Orthogonal turning
(facing) and normal turning experiments are carried out under stable
as well as in the presence of controlled chatter vibrations. The effects
of chatter vibrations on various sensor signals are captured and
analyzed using frequency domain methods, which successfully
detected the chatter vibrations close to the dominant mode of the
machine tool system.
	%P 968 - 973