%0 Journal Article
	%A Tianlai Yu and  Zhengguo Yuan and  Sidi Shan
	%D 2010
	%J International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 37, 2010
	%T Research on Simulation Model of Collision Force between Floating Ice and Pier
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10206
	%V 37
	%X Adopting the measured constitutive relationship of
stress-strain of river ice, the finite element analysis model of
percussive force of river ice and pier is established, by the explicit
dynamical analysis software package LS-DYNA. Effects of element
types, contact method and arithmetic of ice and pier, coupled modes
between different elements, mesh density of pier, and ice sheet in
contact area on the collision force are studied. Some of measures for
the collision force analysis of river ice and pier are proposed as
follows: bridge girder can adopt beam161 element with 3-node; pier
below the line of 1.30m above ice surface and ice sheet use solid164
element with 8-node; in order to accomplish the connection of
different elements, the rigid body with 0.01-0.05m thickness is defined
between solid164 and beam161; the contact type of ice and pier adopts
penalty function algorithms; meshing size of pier below the line of
1.30m above ice surface should not less than 0.25×0.25×0.5m3. The
simulation results have the advantage of high precision by making a
comparison between measured and computed data. The research
results can be referred for collision force study between river ice and
	%P 32 - 36