%0 Journal Article
	%A Zh. Nurbekova and  Z. Zhanazarova and  A. Beissenova
	%D 2012
	%J International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 72, 2012
	%T Social Organization of Kazakhstani Business under Conditions of Customs Union and Common Free Market Zone: Empirical Study Practice
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10014
	%V 72
	%X This article is devoted to the analysis of results of
sociological researches carried out by authors directed on studying of
opinion of representatives of small, medium and big business on
formation of the Customs Union, Common Free Market Zone with
participation of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.
It-s forecasted that companies, their branches will interpenetrate
with registration and moving their businesses to regions with more
beneficial conditions. They say that in Kazakhstan there are more
profitable geo-strategic operating environment for business and lower
taxes. Russia using this opportunity will create new conditions for
expansion into other countries of Central Asia and China. Opinions
of participants of questionnaire and expert poll different in estimation
of value of these two integration mechanisms since market segments
on the one hand extend, but also on the other hand - loss of exclusive
influence in certain fields of activity.
	%P 3368 - 3371