%0 Journal Article
	%A Kepeng Li
	%D 2024
	%J International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 209, 2024
	%T Performance Shortfalls and Corporate Recidivism: A Contingency Approach
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10013657
	%V 209
	%X This paper examines the phenomenon of recidivism in the Chinese stock market, emphasizing the significance of mitigating repeat offences within the corporate domain. Using a contingency model and data from Chinese publicly listed companies (1999-2018), the study investigates the impact of underperformance, governance factors, and managerial traits on unethical conduct. The research suggests that persistently unmet economic objectives can foster problem-focused exploration, potentially leading to misconduct. Furthermore, the study considers the unique cultural context of China, where “guanxi” and corruption may influence corporate behavior. It concludes that governance mechanisms play a pivotal role in regulating corporate behavior, underscoring the necessity for enhanced oversight and enforcement of corporate governance standards.
	%P 188 - 197