%0 Journal Article
	%A Xiaowen Zhang and  Wanda Luen-Wun Siu
	%D 2021
	%J International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 174, 2021
	%T Fighting COVID-19: Lessons and Experience from the World’s Largest Economies
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10012088
	%V 174
	%X The paper reviews the insights gained in combating COVID-19 in the US, Japan, and China. After evaluation and investigation, we found that China’s and Japan’s experience of fighting COVID-19 is commendable. The Chinese government and the Japanese administration have implemented highly effective governance and public health course of action to fight COVID-19. Government-led epidemic control with a staunch belief in science can roll out effective pandemic control strategies. In contrast, the US failed to react to COVID-19 effectively. The relaxed public health measures of ending shutdowns prematurely were not working. When the US keeps business open after the spring shutdown, COVID-19 cases are soaring. Such experiences inform us effective governance and a mandatory and stricter approach can better curb a pandemic than milder measures in handling a public health emergency. And China and Japan, where collectivistic culture reins, can better maneuver a public health crisis with collective efforts.

	%P 624 - 629