%0 Journal Article
	%A Mami Sugiura and  Shinichi Arakawa and  Masayuki Murata and  Satoshi Imai and  Toru Katagiri and  Motoyoshi Sekiya
	%D 2021
	%J International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 171, 2021
	%T Utility Analysis of API Economy Based on Multi-Sided Platform Markets Model
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10011919
	%V 171
	%X API (Application Programming Interface) economy,
where many participants join/interact and form the economy, is
expected to increase collaboration between information services
through API, and thereby, it is expected to increase market value
from the service collaborations. In this paper, we introduce API
evaluators, which are the activator of API economy by reviewing
and/or evaluating APIs, and develop a multi-sided API economy
model that formulates interactions among platform provider,
API developers, consumers, and API evaluators. By obtaining
the equilibrium that maximizes utility of all participants, the
impact of API evaluators on the utility of participants in the
API economy is revealed. Numerical results show that, with
the existence of API evaluators, the number of developers
and consumers increase by 1.5% and the utility of platformer
increases by 2.3%. We also discuss the strategies of platform
provider to maximize its utility under the existence of API
	%P 51 - 56